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Preview Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology, Bioprocess, Bioseparation, and Cell Technology, 7 Volume Set (Part II)

MICROBIOLOGICALINDUCED CORROSION sulfurbacteriawereresponsibleforthecorrosionofburied AND INHIBITION ferrousmetals. The formation of deposits in waterpipes by iron PATRIZIAPEREGOand bacteria (in particular aerobic species Sphaerotilus BRUNOFABIANO natans,Caulobacter,andGallionella)wasinvestigatedby Harder(4). DIChePChemicalandProcess In 1921, Grant et al. (5) produced evidence that the EngineeringDept.‘‘G.B. rateofpittingofbrasswashighlyincreasedbyammonia, Bonino’’,Universityof whichcouldbeproducedbybacterialactivity. Genoa,Genoa,Italy In 1934, Von Wolzogen Kuhr and Van Der Vlugt (6) proposed a theory on the direct role of sulfate reducing INTRODUCTION bacteria in the corrosion mechanism, by their utiliza- tion of cathodic hydrogen and stimulation of the anodic Corrosion is a concept whose origin dates back to the dissolutionofiron. mistsoftime:Herodotus(Alicarnasso484B.C.–Thurii425 In 1953, Uhlig reported on the role of microorgan- B.C.)aGreekhistorian,suggestedtheuseoftintoprotect isms,suchasslime-formingbacteria,fungi,algaediatoms, iron,whiletheRomanphilosopherGaiusPliniusSecundus and protozoa, attributing their corrosive action to the (23–79 A.D.), well known as ‘‘Pliny the Elder’’ (author of formation and conservation of differential aeration and the encyclopedia ‘‘Natural History’’), wrote about spoiled concentrationcells(7). ironinhisessay‘‘FerrumCorrumpitar’’.Indeed,theorig- SeveralreviewsdealingwithMIChavebeenpublished inal meaning of the term corrosion, from the Latin root since 1971 (8–11), with a particular attention given to ‘‘rodere’’,whichmeans‘‘actofgnawing’’,includesbiological researchduringtheso-calledenergycrisis.Infact,marine activity. foulingonoffshore platformsand biofouling inindustrial Microbial corrosion or biodeterioraton refers, in its cooling systems, as well as the problem of oil and gas extensive meaning, to any corrosion caused by biological reservoirs’ contamination by sulfide enhanced the neces- activity. Biological corrosion is an interdisciplinary sub- sityofadeeperinsightintotheroleofandthemechanism jectinvolvingallbasicsciences,suchasphysics,chemistry, associatedwithbacterialcorrosionofmetal. microbiology,biology,aswellasalldisciplinesofengineer- Bacterialadhesionandbiofilmformationarecommonly ing, that is, civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, and encountered both in natural environments and in indus- metallurgicalengineering.Despitedifferentdefinitions,it trial processes (12). The heterogeneous biofilm and the can be observed that corrosion is basically the result of associated bacteria form complex biological systems that interactionbetweenmaterialsandtheirenvironment.Up can cause several chemical changes at the metal/biofilm tothe1960s,thetermcorrosionwasrestrictedonlytomet- interface, such as the production of gradients in pH, dis- als and their alloys and it did not incorporate ceramics, solvedoxygen,chloride,andsulfate(13,14).Underaerobic polymers, composites, and semiconductors in its regime. conditions,themicrobialcolonizationusuallyleadstothe The term corrosion now encompasses all types of natu- formationofdifferentialaerationandconcentrationcells, ral and man-made materials including biomaterials and owingtothemetabolismofthebacterialcolony.Thegen- nanomaterials,anditisnotconfinedtometalsandalloys eration of these concentration cells is widely recognized alone. Corrosion and, consequently, biocorrosion cannot to be detrimental to the integrity of the passive film and bedefinedwithoutareferencetoenvironment,evenifall to facilitate the initiation of pitting or crevice corrosion environments are corrosive to some degree, for example, (15). Hence, metals that mainly depend on the forma- soils,airandhumidity,marinewater,andsoon. tion of a stable oxide film for their corrosion resistance, Before dealing with this subject, a short review of the such as stainless steel, are particularly susceptible to milestones in its historical development seems appropri- MIC (14). MIC of stainless steel has been manifested ate.Evidenceofanaerobiccorrosionwasobservedasearly in many forms of localized corrosion, which include pit- as 1840, when Mallet noted sulfide corrosion products ting,crevice,underdepositcorrosion,andstresscorrosion typical of anaerobic process on an ancient anchor found cracking(16). at the bottom of the Seine River (1). The phenomenon of microbialinducedcorrosion(MIC)wasreportedbytheend MICROBIOLOGICALCORROSIONFEATURES of the nineteenth century by Garret (2), who postulated thatcorrosionofleadinwaterwascausedbymetabolites Severalindustrialsectors,suchasoil,gas,nuclearpower, produced by bacterial degradation of organic matter. He shipping, process, and civil engineering suffer potential suggestedthatbio-oxidationofnitritetonitrateenhanced pollutionproblems,health,andsafetyhazards,aswellas thecorrosiveactionofwater. substantialfinanciallosses,asaresultofbiodeterioration Beijerinckdiscoveredsulfate-reducingbacteriain1895, and biofilm development (17). The latter phenomenon is while Gainesin1910(3)indicatedthatironbacteriaand consideredtobetheresultofcomplexprocessesinvolving EncyclopediaofIndustrialBiotechnology:Bioprocess,Bioseparation,andCellTechnology,editedbyMichaelC.Flickinger Copyright©2009JohnWiley&Sons,Inc. 1 2 MICROBIOLOGICALINDUCEDCORROSIONANDINHIBITION transport of organic and inorganic molecules and micro- (cid:129) interferenceinthecathodicprocessunderanaer- bialcellstothesurfacewithinitialattachmentofcellsand obicconditionsbyobligateanaerobes; subsequentnonreversibleadhesion,facilitatedbyproduc- (cid:129) sulfuricacidproduction. tionofextracellularpolymericsubstances(EPS),referred 2. Onthebasisofthemechanisminvolved: to as glycocalyx of slime (18). MIC is a many-sided prob- (cid:129) corrosion associated with the breakdown of pro- lem occurring when the contact between microbial cells, tective films by metabolic processes of microor- or products of their metabolism, such as EPS and the ganisms; surface, is established, as documented by Gaylarde and (cid:129) corrosionbysulfate-reducingbacteria(SRB),gen- Videla (19). Microbial extracellular polymers, including erallydevelopedinanaerobicregionsbut,insome lipopolysaccharides, proteins, and nucleic acids are rec- instances,formedinaerobicbulkwater(31); ognized as playing an important role in the process of (cid:129) corrosionbyacidproducers; cell attachment to metal surfaces (20,21). In particular, (cid:129) corrosionduetoheavymicrobialgrowth,deposits, EPS released in the bulk phase of surrounding liquid and discontinuous biofilms, creating conditions can compete with bacterial cells for binding sites at the fornew/modifiedgalvaniccells.Eventhoughsuch metal surface and therefore should be considered when classifications are useful, it must be stated that, investigatingbiocorrosion(22). basically,thefeatureofMICisconnectedtothree Microbial corrosion results from the formation of factors, that is, microorganisms involved, mate- biofilms mainly consisting of water (94%w/w), car- rial,andenvironment(solutionandconditions). bohydrates, and extrapolymeric proteins (6%w/w) on steel surfaces (23,24). Under natural conditions, the Microorganisms biofilms found in pipelines appeared to be very complex In order to indicate proper defensive means against microhabitats,owingtoawidevarietyofmicrobialgenera corrosion of metal materials, an accurate study and a (25,26). The formationof abiofilm takesplace due to the deeperunderstandingoftheactionofthemicroorganisms presenceofelectrostaticandadhesiveconditions,allowing involvedareundoubtedlyofutmostimportance. onemicroorganismtobindirreversiblytoasteelsurface, Microorganisms from a wide range of genera and further followed by the production of extrapolymeric species are involved in corrosion problems. They may be substances (EPS) by means of microorganisms. Mature classified into three general groups: bacteria, fungi, and biofilms formed on steel are composed of anaerobic algae. microorganisms close to the steel/biofilm interface, fac- ultative aerobes in middle regions of the extrapolymeric Bacteria. Themaintypesofbacteriathatarestudiedin matrix, and, finally, aerobic genera in the surroundings microbialcorrosionareasfollows(32): of the biofilm/solution interface. Owing to the complexity ofthisprocess,someauthorshavefocusedtheirattention (cid:129) SRB on studying the inner layer of the biofilm, that is, the (cid:129) Sulfur/sulfide-oxidizingbacteria steel–anaerobic microorganism interface (27,28). The EPSproducedbysomebacteriawasshowntobindmetal (cid:129) Acid-producingbacteria ions and hence can promote the corrosion of metals, (cid:129) Iron-oxidizingbacteria such as copper, alloys, and steels. In addition to their (cid:129) Manganese-fixingbacteria innate aggressivity toward metals, EPS also enhance (cid:129) Acetate-oxidizingbacteria corrosion by providing a matrix for the attachment of (cid:129) Acetate-producingbacteria. microbial cells to a metal surface. Close contact between bacteria and metal was shown to be an important factor ThetaxonomyandphysiologyofMIC-involvedbacteria in determining the corrosion rate. One of the most havebeenreviewedbyPringsheim(33)andStokes(34). important groups of corrosion-causing organisms is the The most important bacteria connected with the cor- sulfate-reducing bacteria, a heterogeneous collection rosion process are the ones whose metabolism is closely of anaerobic heterotrophs, which can secrete various relatedtothewell-knownsulfurcyclereproducedinFig.1, organicsubstances,suchasextracellular(EPS)primarily where S in amino acid represents the reduced organic composed of polysaccharides, uronic acid sugars, and sulfurinlivingmatter(e.g.,SHgroupofcysteine). proteins, containing functional groups, which could be Aerobic bacteria of the Thiobacillus genus, known acidic and capable of binding metal ions. The metal ion as sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, operate the upper part of chelating properties of EPS have been reported as a the cycle—that is, the oxidation of sulfur to sulfuric mechanismofcorrosion(29). acid—while the central part of the cycle, that is, ThereareseveralwaystoclassifyMIC,forexample: reductionofsulfatetosulfide,iscarriedoutbyanaerobic bacteria—of Desulfovibrio and Desulfomaculatum 1. Onthebasisofthemetabolismofimplicatedmicroor- genus—indicatedasSRB. ganisms(10,11,30): Some 20% of the annual corrosion damage of metals (cid:129) absorption of nutrients by microbial growth in and nonmetalsiscaused bymicrobialactivities, ofwhich adhesiontothemetalsurface; asignificantpartisduetoanaerobiccorrosioninfluenced (cid:129) evolutionofcorrosivemetabolitesorendproducts by SRB. Their activity often causes the formation of offermentativegrowth; biofilms on iron and steel and tends to promote and MICROBIOLOGICALINDUCEDCORROSIONANDINHIBITION 3 n S (cid:129) canexistinbothmarine(saltwater)andfreshwater SulBfieCdgherg iooatximodaati,a tiuTomhi, oCbDhaelcsoilrullfouobsi viubrmio ChrBomegagtiiuamto,aS C,u Thlfhuloiror oobbxaiicduiallutios n m(3i9cI,r4roo4eg(on4)nrr,-2agvo,adaix4rsuni3odai)ntsi.lhzmmlyienesygbnaedtrsbeecaposcconootsvmeiterthmiraaitroetondonalrytohmsryoefadr-frceeriarsonrlhxleeeiddwdsettasormtaeaeiersxnttaecroalna-fuvdcsieeSriplRonloungBslmiaMtcreianlInyCngt. m Most of them generate energy for growth by oxidation Thiobacillus of ferrous ions to ferric ions, which afterward precipitate S2− SO42− as Fe(OH)3. Several types of iron bacteria may catalyze Desulfovibrio Escherichia precipitation of preoxidized soluble ferric ions (45). In aerobacter general,itisacknowledgedthatironbacteriamaysignifi- Escherichia pareoErtoesbcuahscetreicrhia AsNpeeurrgiollsupsora, Aspergillus cap(vb1aimeeenroowoitrxoulyido2ndf.ttitoBazshrekiodedoefeteitiprnrocsaoesonrorutxgfopiiexmdnptiaildarcytegusiotnsiphnntiretyveruoecasdlinltvpeieemei)rtdotgaefhy(tfleFaoarsnerermd(gqItueuIha)riaetriicmneoaamgnobn,uaieobpnnvtertiteocssrmdoyfououfnsrcicehrihgnoo(rgnr4hot6iwlmgta)i.thrumhgIes)neert, Fe(OH) depositsareusuallyinlargeramountscompared 3 S in amino acid to the bacterial biomass. This phenomenon poses sev- eral problems to consumers of the various water supply Protein systems: besides poor water quality and equipment clog- Proteolysis synthesis ging,biofoulingmayalsocauseseriouscorrosionproblems. Severalcasesofcorrosiondamagecausedbyoxidizingbac- S in protein teria were observed in different carbon steel equipment, Figure1. Thesulfurcycleandmicroorganismsinvolved. suchasheatexchangers(tubes,lids,tube-sheets,connec- tionpipes),extinguisherpipelines,andotherpartsofthe watersystem(47).Theroleofiron-oxidizingbacterialies intheformationofcondensedoxygenzonesandpartition pit them (35). By SRB, we mean any organism that of the metal surface into small anodic sites (beneath a metabolicallyreducessulfatetoH S.SRB,andespecially 2 dense deposit of iron hydroxides and biomass) and large one of its species, known as Desulfovibrio, which can surroundingcathodicarea(48).Accordingtothishypothe- grow in the pH range 5–10 and in the temperature ◦ sis,enhancementofthecorrosionprocessbyironbacteria range 5–50 C, though certain SRB grow well at high ◦ can be expected on stainless steels and other passivated temperaturesaround100 C(32)uptoapressurelimitof metalsthatarepronetocrevicecorrosion,ratherthanon about500atm(36)ormore(37). activelydissolvedcarbonsteel.Accelerationofcarbonsteel Thereasonwhyinvestigatorsandengineersareinter- corrosioninwateriscommonlyassociatedwiththeactivity ested in SRB is that they are regarded as the most of other microorganisms, such us the already-mentioned trouble-producing organisms in industry (38), although SRB or acid-producing bacteria (APB). The dense rust some researchers do doubt that SRB are worth studying depositsformedbyiron-oxidizingbacteriamayalsocreate so much and regard their unique importance in MIC as oxygen concentration zones and initiate crevice corrosion ‘‘myths of MIC’’ (39). SRB can be found everywhere; it is oncarbonsteel. knownthatSRBareresponsiblefortheblacksands,which Many of the oil refinery products on the one hand givetheBlackSeaitsname.IntheUnitedKingdom,they possess strong inhibitory characteristics and are, on the havebeenencounteredatadepthof71minclay(40). other hand, an excellent carbon source for heterotrophic A list of the SRB with their main characteristics is bacteria(49).Oilrefineryplantssufferhighriskofwater giveninTable1(modifiedfromRef40). contaminationwiththeseproducts.Asanexample,inan Recent research has enlightened how a wide variety oil-refinery plant in Haifa, it was supposed that corro- of bacteria (from newly found genera) have the ability sion of the carbon steel heat exchanger of cooling water to reduce in size, as a survival strategy during starva- wasinducedthroughtheabove-proposedmechanism(50). tion; these features indicate that many types of bacteria, Referringtotheoilindustry,astudyonatropicalcountry includingSRB(41): pipelineevidencedthatB.cereus ACE4iscapableofcon- vertingtheferricandmanganeseonmetalintooxidesand (cid:129) are able to penetrate reservoirs previously thought accelerates severe pitting attack on the surface of steel tohaveverysmallporesizestoallowthepassageof API5LX,indieselenvironment(51) normal-sizedcells; The combination of SRB and IOB was shown to con- (cid:129) are not detected using the media and procedures tribute sinergically to the highest corrosion rate of 316L routinelyusedformonitoring; stainless steel; in aquatic environments, these microor- (cid:129) possiblyhave adifferent sensitivity toward biocides ganisms attach to surfaces, altering the rates of partial thannormalcells; reactions in corrosion processes and shifting corrosion 4 MICROBIOLOGICALINDUCEDCORROSIONANDINHIBITION Table1. ListofSRB(Note:fromref.40) Genus Temperature Metal ◦ orSpecies pH [ C] Conditions Influenced Mechanism Desulfovibrio H2utilizationtoreduceSO42– toS2– andH2S;promotionofsulfidefilm formation;nosporeformation Dv.africanus Dv.desulfuricans Ironandsteel, Growthonpyruvateorcholinein stainless sulfate-freemedia Dv.gigas 4–8 10–40 Anaerobic steel,aluminium, Dv.salexigens zinc,copperalloys Obligatesalt-waterspecies(Cl–) Dv.vietnamensis Dv.vulgaris Desulfotomaculum 10–40 ReductionofSO42– toS2– andH2S; sporeformation Dt.nigrificans 6–8 Optimum55 Anaerobic Ironandsteel, Hydrogenaseactivityvariable;not stainlesssteel coupledtosulfatereduction;growth onpyruvateinsulfate-freemedia Dt.orientis 10–40 Hydrogenaseactivityapparentlyabsent Dt.rumnis 10–40 Growthonpyruvateinsulfate-free media Desulfobacter 6–7 20–40 Anaerobic Iron,steel,stainless steel Desulfomonas 6–8 10–40 Anaerobic Ironandsteel ReductionofSO42– toS2– andH2S Desulfonema 7–8 10–40 Anaerobic Ironandsteel Table2. ListofOtherBacteriaRelevanttoMicrobialCorrosion Genus Temperature Metal ◦ orSpecies pH [ C] Conditions Influenced Mechanism Sphaerotilus 7–10 20–40 Aerobic Ironandsteel stainlesssteel Fe2+oxidationtoFe3+; manganousoxidationto manganic; S.natans Aluminiumalloys tuberculeformationpromotion Pseudomonas 4–9 20–40 Aerobic Ironandsteel, stainlesssteel SomestrainsreduceFe3+to Fe2+ P.aeruginosa 4–8 Aluminiumalloys Thiobacillus 0.5–8 Ironandsteel, Sulfurandsulfideoxidationto thiooxidans H2SO4; stainlesssteel protectivecoatingdamage Thiobacillus 1–7 20–40 Aerobic Ironandsteel Fe2+oxidationtoFe3+ ferrooxidans Gallionella 7–10 Ironandsteel, Fe2+oxidationtoFe3+; stainlesssteel manganousoxidationto manganic; tuberculeformationpromotion mechanism(52).Therealroleofiron-oxidizingbacteriain steel covered with sediments, as well as the role of these carbon steel corrosion is still unknown. Corrosion accel- sedimentsincorrosionacceleration. eration by iron bacteria through creation of concentrated A list of other bacteria relevant to biological corrosion oxygenzonesisapparentlyonlyoneofthepossiblescenar- isgiveninTable2. ios. It is difficult to state, owing to lack of experimental evidence,thatthesuggestedmechanismdescribesthereal Fungi. The fungi associated with corroding metal are situationofsteelcorrosioninwatercontainingironbacte- generally filamentous or yeastlike. In contrast to some ria. At present, adequate information is not available on bacteria,fungirequireoxygenforgrowth. the role of iron bacteria in corrosion initiation and prop- They obtain energy for growth through aerobic oxi- agation during the cathodic process taking place on mild dation of an organic substrate, which releases organic MICROBIOLOGICALINDUCEDCORROSIONANDINHIBITION 5 acidmetabolitesasanendproduct,orthroughanaerobic For the corrosion to continue, these electrons need to fermentation. be consumed by reduction reactions that take place on Thefungicanutilizehydrocarbonsasasourceofcarbon; the same metal on so-called ‘‘cathodic’’ sites. Generally, theymaybeactiveinhydrocarbonenvironmentsandhave theoxygenreductiontohydroxylionisthemostcommon beenprovedtobetheagentsinthecorrosionofaluminium cathodereactioninneutralenvironment: aircraftfueltanksinthepresenceofcondensedwater. O +2H O+4e−→4OH− 2 2 Algae. Algaeareaheterogeneousgroupofchlorophyll- In neutral environment, the overall reaction is forma- containingplantsfoundinseaandfreshwaters.Theyare tion and possibly subsequent precipitation of insoluble autotrophicorganisms. products formed by the reaction of the ferrous ions with Algaearecommonlyfoundincoolingwatersystems. the hydroxyl ion (and, often, oxygen) in solution. As a They act similarly to fungi. By adhering to the metal rule,reactionsoccurevenlyoverthemetalsurface.Anode surface, they encourage the formation of differential aer- sitesmaybedeterminedeitherbyheterogeneousmaterial ationandconcentrationcellstherebyacceleratingalready (stressareas,inclusions,etc.)orbypreexisting,unevenly existing corrosion processes. The corrosive effect of algae distributed oxide films. The overall corrosion rate may attachedtometalsurfaceswasinvestigatedbyTerryand depend on quite a number of factors: anode and cathode Edyvean(53),whodemonstratedthatmicrofoulingorgan- reactions,however,mustremainbalancedintheprocessin isms attach readily to unprotected steels, cathodically ordertofullymaintainelectroneutrality.Lackingoxygen, protected steels, and painted steels, within 100 days of the cathode reaction that may replace the above-written exposure,causingalternatingpHvaluesatnightandday reactioninaqueousambient,soastosustainthecorrosion andenhancingpittingcorrosion. process,isreductionoftheionH+ asfollows: Evidence of siliceous skeletons of diatoms causing defects in electroplated coatings of metals was shown by 2H++2e−→H 2 Ebnethetal.(54). The reaction, however, is quickly checked in neutral Material solutions,sothatthecorrosionprocessisrapidlystopped. Atlower pH values, hydrogen evolution usually prevails, Thebehaviorofthematerial,particularlymetalandalloys, bothinthepresenceandintheabsenceofoxygen.Besides in the solution environment depends on the chemical these basic reactions, there are, however, other factors composition, protective film stability, metallurgical and affecting the whole process as, in particular, the metal processing parameters, and the effectiveness of possible surface microgeometric characteristics and the ambient protectivemeasures.Microorganismsrevealastrongten- oxygen concentration variation that creates differential dencytowardadsorptiononmaterialsurfaces.Themicro- aeration cells. Cathode sites are in this case the highest bialcolonizationonthesubstratumsurfacecandrastically oxygenation areas. Similar concentration cells may occur modifythecorrosionresistanceofawiderangeofmateri- on metal in case of contact with soils or solutions where als (20,55–57), even those considered for employment on theconcentrationofaggressiveionsisnonhomogeneous. theinternationalspacestation(58).Dealingwithmetals, Manyarticles(10,11,60,61)onthistopichaveoriginally microstructure andmetallurgicalfeatures,suchasdefor- assumedthat,inordertoparticipateinthecorrosionpro- mationofthegrainstructure andinclusionpresence,are cess, microorganisms ought to be in a vegetative phase reportedtoactassitesofdecreasedresistancetoMIC(59). and produce oxidizing agents through their metabolism, Metal corrosion in aqueous environment is recognized or else directly intervene in one or both the metal elec- as an electrochemical phenomenon in which the anode trochemical reactions. It has always been known that all reactiontakesplacewhenpartofthesubstratum(metal) bacterial colonies (not only the ones consisting of vegeta- isoxidizedandtransferredintosolutionandthebalancing tivecells)mayberesponsiblefordifferentialaerationcell cathodereactionconsistsinthereductionofcomponentsin formation on metal surfaces. Microhabitats generated by thecorrosiveenvironment,whichtakesplaceatthesame thesecoloniesoftencreateanaerobicconditionsthatstim- time, to fully preserve electroneutrality. Metal ions in ulate,inturn,theactivityofSRB.Examinationofprotein solution might subsequently precipitate as free insoluble profilesinextrapolymersofmarine–SRBisolatesrevealed productsorfirmlyadheretothemetalsurface,wherethey theappearance ofnewbandsinEPSharvested fromcul- can have a protective effect. In favorable circumstances tures grown on mild steel surfaces, thus confirming the and under natural conditions, these films may have a effectofsurfaceoncellmetabolism(62). protectivefunction;atypicalexampleofthisfunctionare archaeologicalfindingsconsistingofironhandwork,which Environment is well preserved even though found in corrosive ground. ItiswellknownthatMICresistanceofamaterialstrictly These well-preserved items were covered with a slightly dependsalsoonthenatureoftheenvironmentandopera- compact, tightly adherent thin black film of ferric and tiveconditions.Theseverityofmicrobialcorrosionvaries ferrousphosphate. considerablyfromoneplacetoanother.Knowledgeofthe When the metal is submersed in water, wet soil, or corrosivityoftheenvironmentandofcorrosionresistance any other aqueous system, the initial reaction is metal ofametalinagivenenvironmentisofutmostimportance dissolutiontocation,whichinvolvesfreeingofelectrons: for its successful industrial application. The most impor- Fe→Fe+++2e− tant requirement for microbial growth is water presence 6 MICROBIOLOGICALINDUCEDCORROSIONANDINHIBITION environment, and oilfield environment. Few hours’ expo- sureofanymaterialtoseawatercausesthedevelopmentof anonlivingorganicconditioningfilmonthesurface.Inthe following days, the accumulation of bacteria, fungi, and microalgae and their secretions create a bacterial slime filmovertheconditioningfilm,knownasbiofilm.Biofilm is capable of maintaining environments at the interface that are radically different from the bulk fluid in terms of pH, dissolved oxygen, and other organic and inorganic species, thus facilitating reactions not predicted thermo- dynamicallyonthebasisofthebulkmediumchemistries (64).Anindustrialplantcansufferhazardsfrombiocorro- Figure2. Schematicmechanismoflocalizedcorrosionattackby sionandbiofoulinginseveralsections,forexample,storage pittingonametalsurfacemodifiedbybiofouling. tanks,pipelines,waterinjectionlines,wastewatertreat- mentsystem,filtrationsystem,open/closedcoolingsystem, heat exchanger system, and potable water distribution system. Differenttypesofbiofouling, enhancing localized alterations of ions, pH, and oxygen level are connected to the different environments in terms of microbiological components aswell as abiotic constituents content. Basi- cally,differentbiofoulingtypesandtheircombinationscan occur in the following ways: (i) biological fouling due to micro or macroorganisms, (ii) chemical fouling connected to chemical reactions not involving the metal structure, (iii) corrosion fouling due to the reaction of the metallic substratum with the liquid environment (iv) particulate foulingduetothetransportandsubsequentsedimentation of particulate solids sedimenting by gravity on the metal surface,and(v)precipitationfoulingresultingfromprecip- itationofdissolved substances onthe metal(65).Itmust be remarked that the interaction of biofouling and inor- ganiccorrosionproductsinfluencesthepassivebehaviorof thestructuralmaterial(66).Theextentofthispromoting effect can vary widely. Localized corrosion attack by pit- tingonametalsurfacebiologicallymodifiedbybiofouling is schematically reproduced in Fig. 2 (after Ref. 67). It mustbenoticedthatkineticgrowthisdifferentforplanck- tonicmicroorganismsandsessilemicroorganisms,thatis, those established at the metal surface. Once the biofilm is formed, MIC damage depends mainly on the sessile microorganismsratherthanontheplancktoniconesthat arenotincontactwiththemetal.Visualappearanceofa Figure3. Biofilm and corrosion products over a steel surface showingtypicaldiscontinuityinthebiofilm/corrosionproductthat biofilm and corrosion products formed on a steel sample possiblyleadstopitformation. are given in Fig. 3: a localized attack by pitting can be observedduetotheactionofmicroorganismsembeddedin thebiofilm.Theformationofabiofilminagivenenviron- mentcandetermineaninterestingandstillnotcompletely and availability, so MIC is common in aqueous environ- understood phenomenon known as ennoblement, that is, ments such as fresh water, seawater, sewage, oil, and the increase in the open-circuit potential E . Ennoble- corr humid environments. All bacteria require metal ions for ment was mainly observed for stainless steel exposed to their growth. The availability and the type of ions (type naturalseawater.Variousattemptsweremadetoaccount ofmetalspeciesandreactivity,expressedasmetaloxida- forthisphenomenon.JohnsenandBardalsuggestedthat tion state) depend on the environment and are likely to ennoblement is connected to a change in the cathodic exert a significative effect on the colonization of a metal propertiesofthestainlesssteelasaresultofmicrobiolog- surface (63). Water plays a predominant role in the cor- ical activity on the surface (68). Eashwar et al. observed rosionprocess,beinganelectrolyte,whichisanessential that ennoblement in seawater is due to the production component of a corrosion cell. In presence of salts, acids, of inhibitors by bacteria that are present in the biofilm, and dissolved gases, such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen as confirmed by the fact that E measured in natural corr sulfide, and oxygen, the degree of corrosivity of water is seawater can exceed the pitting potential E in sterile pit significantlyenhanced.ThecommonMICaggressiveenvi- seawater, without pitting occurrence (69). A special case ronments are mainly seawater environment, industrial ofennoblementwasobserved inadifferentenvironment, MICROBIOLOGICALINDUCEDCORROSIONANDINHIBITION 7 that is, natural river water by Linhardt (70). Stainless A case history with specimens from a discontinuous steel components of a turbine in a hydroelectric plant reactor employed for yeast biomass industrial produc- were severely corroded by pitting caused by biomineral- tion, showing uniform generalized corrosion, is depicted izedMnoxide,asrevealedbythelargeamountsofMnO 2 in Fig. 6. Microbiological corrosion on a reactor made of andMnOOHfoundoncorrodedsurfaces(consideringthat steel, with no addition of particular alloy element and MnO is characterized by an E close to the observed 2 o belongingtoFE33commercialcategory,canbesomarked ennobled E of stainless steel). In relation to the envi- corr ronment,thosematerialsthataresusceptibletocreviceor underaerobicconditionstobedetectablebysimpleoptical underdeposit corrosion appear to be more susceptible to microscope.Apictureofbiofilmandcorrosionproductsis microbialcorrosion. showninFig.7,wherethedarkregionsaremainlyformed by inorganic corrosion products (with high content of Fe) TYPESOFMICANDCASEHISTORIES andthelightareas(inthepresenceofNandC)aremainly formed by bacteria and exopolymers. The corroded sur- In view of industrial application, the mechanism of MIC face, examined under scanning electron microscope and and the ways of its recognition are discussed in the fol- reproduced in Fig. 8, shows how the difference in molar lowing,makingreferencetoapracticalclassification into volumes existing between oxide flakes and metal causes aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Some case histories are theprocessofspalling. alsoreportedinordertoprovidethereaderwiththevisual appearance of different MIC phenomena and practical Spalling of the corrosion products and superficial pit- waysofidentification. tingduetotheactionoflocalizedcellulardepositsisshown inFig.9. BacterialCorrosionunderAerobicConditions Aparticulartypeofaerobiccorrosionisduetomicroor- Alarge numberofaerobicmicroorganisms arecapable of ganismsbelongingtotheThiobacillusgenus.Thesechemi- affectingthecorrosionprocess.Somemicroorganismsare olithotrophicmicroorganismsdrawtheenergyneededfor responsible for surface cell-deposit formation (bioscaling their vital processes from oxidation of inorganic sub- phenomena). In marine environment, the biofouling phe- stances. The nutrition functioning of these microorgan- nomenonismostlyduetocirripeds,mussels,andsoon.The isms, in particular the Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, was corrosionprocess,insuchcases,consistsintheformation ofadifferential-aerationcellduetooxygenassumptionby investigated; various models have been proposed among the microbial colonies tending to exhaust oxygen concen- which one of the most feasible is that iron as a com- tration under such mass. Poorly aerated surfaces behave plex is absorbed through the microorganism’s cell wall asanode,whilebetter-aeratedsurfaces—fartherfromthe and gives the electron away to the respiratory tract. The deposit—provide the cathode balancing of the reaction. energythat is liberated during the subsequent metabolic Thesimplemechanismofaerobiccorrosionisschematized phasesisemployedtoformATP,whiletheferricironand inFig.4(Ref10). waterformedduringtheprocessareexpelledfromthecell Formationofoccludedareasonmetalsurfaceisamech- anism potentially involved in MIC. It is based on the and colloidal ferric hydroxide is formed (71). The energy observation that, when microorganisms form colonies on made available through the ferrous iron oxidation reac- the surface of a metal, they do not constitute uniform tion(about6.6kCalpergram-atom)is so scarce thatthe layersbutlocal‘‘colonizationsites,’’relatedtosuchmetal- organismiscompelledtooxidizevastquantitiesofironto lurgicalfeaturesasroughness,inclusions,surfacecharge, obtainwhatisneededforgrowing. orsuperficialdefects.Thedevelopmentofanoccludedcell Another type of microorganism, such as Thiobacillus formedbystickypolymersisreproducedinFig.5;biolog- thiooxidans, is capable of producing sulfuric acid. The ical and nonbiological (e.g., metals and chloride) species relevant mechanism has been studied in detail by Booth tend to aggregate to the colony site, as evidenced in the specimentakenafter12monthsofexercise,fromacarbon (72)andPurkiss(73):thegenerallyacceptedpathinvolves steelpipe,inanenvironmentwithhighchloridecontent. thefollowingreactionsthatmaydependonthesubstrate Water solution Tubercle O2 4Fe(OH)2 O2 2H2O + O2 + 4e− 4OH− 4OH− 4e− + O2 + 2H2O Biofilm 4Fe++ Cathode Cathode Pit 4e− Fe 4e− Metal Figure4. Aerobiccorrosionmechanismbydif- Anode ferentialaerationcell[afterRef.10]). 8 MICROBIOLOGICALINDUCEDCORROSIONANDINHIBITION Figure5. AISI 304 (500X). Development of occluded cell under Figure7. InorganiccorrosionproductsandbiofilmovertheFE33 aerobicconditions. surface(300X). Figure6. FE33 (120X). Uniform generalized aerobic corrosion phenomena. andtheenvironment: 2H S+2O →H S O +H O 2 2 2 2 3 2 Figure8. FE33(500X).Morphologyofaerobiccorrosionproducts, 5Na2S2O3+4O2+H2O→5Na2SO4+H2 SO4+4S showingspallingphenomenon. 4S+6O +4H O→4H SO 2 2 2 4 oxygen-deficient environment, because, under these con- ditions,neitherofthetwocommoncathodereactionscan BacterialCorrosionunderAnaerobicConditions takeplaceatasustainedrate.This,however,isnotalways Accordingtotheabove-mentionedconsiderationsconcern- true and, when a corrosion phenomenon takes place in ingelectrochemicalreactions,acorrosionprocessinvolving suchconditions,itismuchmoreseverethanunderaerobic ferrousmetalswouldseemunlikelyinanear-pH-neutral, conditions. MICROBIOLOGICALINDUCEDCORROSIONANDINHIBITION 9 Several research works carried out in recent years (74,75)seemtosupporttheassumptionofhydrogeninac- tivationandsubsequentsulfatereduction.Morerecently, somestudiespointtoanalternativeprocessinvolvingsul- fide and the iron sulfide film (76,77). It is interesting to note that laboratory studies employing cultures of SRB are unlikely to produce heavy pitted corrosion and that normal iron oxide and hydroxide corrosion products are nearly always absent. A similar phenomenon also occurs in the presence of elementary sulfur, which often forms undernaturalconditionsintheperipheryofpittedareas, whileitveryseldomdoessounderlaboratoryconditions. Acombinationoftheseandotherobservationsrelatedby KingandMiller(77)hasledtoamorecriticalapproachto theclassictheory. Inviewoftheparticularlycomplexproblemsinvolved, we deemed it advisable to analyze the different mecha- nismsseparately: 1. Classic Model: The classic theory is based on the factthatsomeSRBstrainspossessthehydrogenase enzyme, which is capable of catalysing both the reversiblereactionsinvolvinghydrogen,thatis: Figure9. FE33 (300X). Spalling of aerobic corrosion products andsuperficialpittingduetolocalizedcellulardeposit. H↔2H↔2H++2e as well as sulfide reduction by means of molecular hydrogenaccordingtothefollowing: The main factor responsible for this problem is the activity of SRB as well as their sulfured metabolic prod- SO2−+4H →S2−+4H O 4 2 2 ucts. Buried metals corroded by this sort of process are an example of the heavy economical losses and damages Hydrogenase-positive strains of alophile, ther- causedbythistypeofcorrosion. mophile, and mesophile bacteria were shown by The process of anaerobic corrosion is characterized by Booth and Tiller (78) to be capable of cathode acoatingoncorrodingsteelconsistingofstronglyreduced depolarizing, while hydrogenase-negative bacteria black-sulfide-containing corrosion products. Graphitiza- proved completely inactive in this process. Thus, tiontakesplaceincastironandlittlesuperficialevidence strains such as Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and of corrosion can be noticed; the iron migrates from the Desulfovibriovulgaris,hydrogenase-positive,utilize materialleavingasoftresidue,mainlycarbonmade. thecathodehydrogenforsubstratereduction,while In connection with bacterial involvement in the corro- hydrogenase-negativestrainssuchasDesulfomacu- sionprocess,theexplanationproposedbyWolzogenKuhr latum orientis, were found to play no role at all in thismechanism. and Van der Vlugt (6) is based on the assumption that Among other hypotheses, a relation, sustained by cathode hydrogen may be utilized for sulfate reduction. evidences in a limited field of experimental condi- Theequationsdescribingtheprocessareasfollows: tions, was supposed to exist between hydrogenase 4Fe→4Fe2+8e−-anodicreaction activityinthemicroorganismandcorrosionrate. 8H O→8H++8OH−-dissociationofwater However, subsequent experiments employing 2 active cell cultures of several different strains 8H++8e−→8H-cathodicreaction(*) of SRB indicated that the corrosion rate did not SO24++8H→S2−+4H2O-cathodicdeplorization(*) depend on the hydrogenase activity. And further, Fe2++S2− →FeS-corrosionproduct hydrogenase-negativebacteriaprovedtobeatleast 3Fe2++6OH→3Fe(OH) -corrosionproduct as aggressive as the Desulfovibrio species. This 2 clearlyindicatesthatotherfactorsmustbeinvolved. Theoverallreactioncanbewrittenas 2. AlternativeTheories:Studiesoncathodedepolariza- tion always refer to the acknowledged property of 4Fe+SO24H O→3Fe(OH) +FeS+2OH− sulfides, both in solution and in solid state, as, for 4 2 2 instance,elementalsulfur,toactascorrosiveagents. Throughthereactionsmarkedby(*),abiologicalaction Further,itmightbenotedthatmildsteelcorrosion develops,bringingabouthydrogenactivationthat,inturn, rate increases by up to 230% when in contact with causessulfatereduction. ironsulfide.Seriouscorrosionsinacidenvironments, However, there is disagreement between the workers likewise,werefoundtobeimputabletothepresence onthemechanismdeterminingthecorrosionprocess. ofsulfuredcompoundsandofelementalsulfur,with

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