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1,2 AND1,3 PROPANEDIOL, MICROBIAL nonfiber applications, would be 1 million t/year in 2010, PRODUCTIONMETHODS which means that the annual 1,3-PD requirement will reach 300,000 t for the production of PTT. 1,3-PD can YUAN-QUANSONG, also serve as a monomer for cyclic compounds (10), as a YUN-ZHENXU,andDE-HUA polyglycol-type lubricant, and as a solvent in the indus- LIU tryofdyesandantifreeze(11).Inaddition,1,3-PDcanbe DepartmentofChemical formulatedintoink,whichincreasesstabilityandabsorba- Engineering, bilityofink(12). TsinghuaUniversity, Beijing,China MICROORGANISMSUSEDTOPRODUCEPROPANEDIOL INTRODUCTION Because of the difference in structure between 1,2-PD and1,3-PD,themicroorganismsusedtoproducethemare Propanediol includes 1,2-propanediol (1,2-PD) and differentandhavedifferentcharacters. 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PD), both of which have potential applications in the production of chemical engineering. MicroorganismsfortheProductionof1,2-PD However, due to the difference of structure, they have There have been a few reports to produce 1,2-PD from differentcharactersandapplications. sugarbymicroorganismsusingthebiochemicalprocess.It has beendemonstrated in early studies that Clostridium CharactersandApplicationsof1,2-PD thermobutyricum (13), Clostridium sphenoides (14), 1,2-PD is a three-carbon diol with a stereogenic center yeasts (15–18), recombinant Escherichia coli (19–21), at the central carbon atom, whose structural formula is and other organisms including Bacteroides ruminicola CH CHOHCH OH.Atnormaltemperatureandpressure, (22) could format 1,2-PD with different yields and 3 2 itisacolorless,viscous,stableliquid,almostodorlessand by-products. tasteless,flammable,withlowtoxicity,andmisciblewith water,ethanol,andvariousorganicsolvents. MicroorganismsfortheProductionof1,3-PD 1,2-PD can be used as an alternative in antifreeze 1,3-PDisoneoftheoldestknownfermentationproducts. and as a deicer with less toxicity. Also, it has a valu- It was reliably identified as early as 1881, by August able use as a feedstock in the preparation of polyester Freund,inaglycerol-fermentingmixedculture obviously resinsforfilmandfibermanufacture.1,2-PDexistsintwo containingClostridiumpasteurianumastheactiveorgan- forms—(R)-1,2-PDand(S)-1,2-PD.Thecommodity1,2-PD ism (23). Microbial production of 1,3-PD is one of the isaracemicmixture.Thepurestereoisomersproducedby fast developing processes of biorefineries, attracting con- microbial fermentation would have additional value as tinuous attention all over the world. At present, it has chiral starting materials for the synthesis of specialty beenreportedthat1,3-PDcouldbeproducedwithglycerol chemicals, such as optically active propylene oxide and as a substrate by a variety of bacteria, including Kleb- polymers that are useful in the manufacture of chiral siella pneumoniae (formerly Aerobacter aerogenes) (24), pharmaceuticalproducts(1). Klebsiellaoxytoca,Klebsiellaplanticola(25),Enterobacter agglomerans (26,27), Citrobacter freundii (28), Ilyobacter CharactersandApplicationsof1,3-PD polytropus (29), Clostridium butyricum (30), C. pasteuri- 1,3-PD contains two hydroxyl groups on α and γ car- anum(31,32),Lactobacillusbrevis,Lactobacillusbuchneri bons,whosestructureformulaisCH OHCH CH OH.Like (33),andLactobacillusreuteri(34).Thesebacteriabelong 2 2 2 1,2-PD, it isa colorless, viscous liquid at normal temper- todifferentgenera,whichareshowninFig 1. ature and pressure; it is also flammable, tastes a little sweet,withquitelowtoxicity,andismisciblewithwater BIOSYNTHESISROUTESOFPROPANEDIOL andethanol. 1,3-PD can be used as a monomer for polycondensa- Biosynthesisof1,2-PD tion to produce plastics with special properties, that is, polyesters,polyethers,andpolyurethanes(2–7).Thetypi- The natural biosynthesis of 1,2-PD is through two main calpolyesterwith1,3-PDasmonomerispolytrimethylene routeswithtwodifferentsubstrates. terephthalate (PTT), which is a biodegradable polyester thathasgreatpotentialforuseincarpetandtextileman- Deoxy Sugars as Substrates. The formation of 1,2-PD ufacturing(8),andisbetterintensilitythanpolyethylene from deoxy sugars is widely demonstrated in many terephthalate (PET)orpolybutylene terephthalate (PBT) bacteria. The route has been characterized in E. coli and (9).AccordingtotheforecastbyShellChemicalCompany, Salmonella typhimurium (35) and was reviewed by Lin thedemandquantityofPTTallovertheworld,including (1996) (36) and Bennett (1). As shown in Fig 2 (1), the EncyclopediaofIndustrialBiotechnology:Bioprocess,Bioseparation,andCellTechnology,editedbyMichaelC.Flickinger Copyright©2010JohnWiley&Sons,Inc. 1 2 1,2AND1,3PROPANEDIOL,MICROBIALPRODUCTIONMETHODS deoxysugarsarefirstmetabolizeduponentryintothecell reductase,andglyceroldehydrogenase(41).Thesubstrate and isomerized to L-sugar, which is then phosphorylated here is glucose or other cheaper sugars, so most studies by a kinase. Aldolases split the sugar phosphate into in the production of 1,2-PD are concentrated on the dihydroxyacetone phosphate and L-lactaldehyde. In route. the end, lactaldehyde is reduced to 1,2-PD by an NAD-oxidoreductase, fucO. While fucO can be induced Biosynthesisof1,3-PD under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, it is normally active only anaerobically (37,38). However, because of The natural substrate for the microbial production of thehighcostofdeoxysugars(fucoseandrhamnose),this 1,3-PD is glycerol up to now. The production process is routeisnotcommerciallyfeasible. generally performed under anaerobic conditions in the absenceofotherexogenousreducingequivalentacceptors Glucose as Substrate. There is another natural route (42). The main metabolic pathways of glycerol fermen- to 1,2-PD found in Clostridium thermosaccharolyticum tation include oxidative and reductive pathways. In all (currently, Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccha- bacteriaabletofermentglycerol,1,3-PDisproducedbythe rolyticum) (39), C. sphenoides (14), Clostridium reductivepathwayintwosuccessiveenzymaticreactions. acetobutylicum (40). This route is then constructed and Glyceroldehydratase(GDHt),composedofthreesubunits, applied in E. coli by Altaras and Cameron (41) and dhaB-α, dhaB-β, and dhaB-γ and requiring coenzyme SaccharomycescerevisiaebyLeeandDaSliva(18),which B12 as cofactor, catalyzes the dehydration reaction of areabletoconvertglucoseto1,2-PDviathemethylglyoxal glycerolinto3-hydroxypropionaldehyde(3-HPA),whichis pathway. The pathway is shown in Fig 3 (18). Glucose is thenreducedto1,3-PDby1,3-propanedioloxidoreductase convertedintodihydroxyacetonephosphatebyavarietyof (PDOR)encodedbythegene dhaTwith theconsumption enzymes in cells, and the intermediate methylglyoxal, is ofreducingpowerNADHgeneratedintheoxidationpath- formatted by methylglyoxal synthase (mgs). Afterwards, way (43). During the fermentation of glycerol, there are methylglyoxal is reduced to 1,2-PD by bacterial aldose, manyby-productsalongwith1,3-PD,whichareshownin Klebsiella planticola Klebsiella oxytoca Klebsiella genus Klebsiella pneumoniae Citrobacter genus Citrobacter freundii Gram-negative rods Enterobacter genus Enterobacter agglomerans Ilyobacter genus Ilyobacter polytropus Eubacterium Clostridium butyricum Clostridium genus Clostridium pasteurianum Gram-positive rods Lactobacillus brevis Lactobacillus genus Lactobacillus buchneri Lactobacillus reuteri Figure1. Generaofbacteriausedtoproduce1,3-propanediol. 1,2AND1,3PROPANEDIOL,MICROBIALPRODUCTIONMETHODS 3 L-Rhamnose L-Fucose L-Rhamnose kinase L-Fucose kinase L-Rhamnose-1-phosphate L-Fucose-1-phosphate RhaA aldolase fucA aldolase s-Lactaldehyde + Dihyroxyacetone phosphate fucO NADH Figure2. Metabolicpathwayfor1,2-propanediolsynthe- s-1,2-Propanediol sisfromdeoxysugars. Glucose Hexokinase Glucose-6-phosphate Phosphohexoisomerase Fructose-6-phosphate Phosphofructokinase Fructose-1,6-phosphate Aldolase Dihydroxyacetone Glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate phosphate Phosphotriose isomerase Methyglyoxal synthase Methyglyoxal NADH or NADPH S-Lactaldehyde Acetol R-Lactaldehyde NADH or NADH or NADPH NADPH Figure3. Metabolic pathway for 1,2-propanediol syn- S-1, 2-Propanediol R-1, 2-Propanediol thesisfromglucose. Fig.4(44).Owingtothedifferentutilizationofpyruvatein E.agglomerans;butyricacidbyC.butyricum;andbutanol differentorganisms,variousby-productsareformedinthe byC.pasteurianum. Allthese by-productsare associated fermentationofglycerol.Forexample,ethanol,lacticacid, witha lossin1,3-PDrelative to acetic acid, inparticular succinic acid, and 2,3-butanediol (2,3-BD) are produced ethanol and butanol, which do not contribute to the by the enterobacteria K. pneumoniae, C. freundii and NADH poolatall(45). 2 4 1,2AND1,3PROPANEDIOL,MICROBIALPRODUCTIONMETHODS MICROBIALPRODUCTIONCAPACITYOFPROPANEDIOL of carbon and the energy substrate, and on the hydrogen ion concentration, which are both related to the culture For 1,2-PD, the productivity ranges from 9.0g/L with conditions. T. thermosaccharolyticum to 0.49 g/L with E. coli and 0.52 g/L with S. cerevisiae (46). A summary of reported Medium. Thecarbonsourceoffermentationisglycerol valuesfortheproductionof1,2-PDfromvariousorganisms as shown in Table 2. Glycerol, as the main by-product andengineeredstrainsisgiveninTable1. from the biodiesel process, is now cheaper and abundant In 1995, Shell Chemical Company announced the due to the development of the biodiesel industry. For commercializationofPTT,whichledtothechange ofthe the fermentation, the importance of glycerol availability 1,3-PD market situation. So, since then more research can be assessed easily by continuous cultures grown at has been done on the microbial production of 1,3-PD as fixed glycerol inlet concentration and variable dilution describedinTable2. rate. However, the concentration of glycerol should be controlled because of the inhibition of 3-HPA, which is CULTURECONDITIONSOFMICROBIALPRODUCTION an intermediary metabolite in the process of conversion of glycerol to 1,3-PD (Fig5). 3-HPA accumulation during The issues driving the design and change of culture con- fermentationhadbeenreportedinanaerobicfermentation ditions for the production of propanediol are much the ofE.agglomeransbyBarbirato(68),andalsoinK.pneu- same as for other microbial culture systems, namely, a moniaeandC.freundiibyHaoetal.(63).Whentheinitial requirement for appropriate definition of the conditions concentration of glycerol is higher than 430 mmol/L, the andacontinuingneedtoincreaseproductivity. highconcentrationof3-HPAwouldcausethecessationof microorganisms’growthand1,3-PDproductionduringthe CultureConditionsfor1,2-PD fermentation(68). Except the carbon source, other nutrients, such as In the production of 1,2-PD, the culture conditions are yeasts,phosphates,andnitrogensources,arealsoneeded different when different microorganisms are used, which inthefermentation.Glucosecanbeusedascosubstrateto havebeenstudieddeeplysince1,2-PDwasfound. increasetheyieldof1,3-PD(69). Before fermentation, bacteria should be cultured in a Medium. The substrate used for the production is preculturemediumandachieveenoughbiomass,andthen cheaper glucose in the second route of 1,2-PD, which is be incubated into the fermentation medium and produce economical for the industry compared with arabinose or 1,3-PD. galactose.Themediumincludesglucose,yeast,phosphate, nitrogensources,andsomekindsofinorganicsaltsforthe microorganisms except C. sphenoides. The fermentation Temperature and pH. Different researchers have used mediumforC.sphenoidesisphosphatelimited,whichhas differenttemperaturesintheirresearchonthefermenta- ◦ higherproductionthanphosphate-sufficientmedium(14). tion of 1,3-PD. In the early stage of research, 30 C was ◦ ◦ used(25,70),andthen35 C(52)and37 C(71)wereused. Temperature. The fermentation temperature is At present, for fermentation of 1,3-PD, a temperature of normally 37◦C for most microorganisms including C. 28−40◦Cwouldbeused,accordingtotherequirementof ◦ sphenoides (14), E. coli (41,47,48) and 30 C for S. microbialgrowthandmetabolism(62–67). cerevisiae (49). However, due to the growth demand and pHisaround7.(64,72)forthefermentationof1,3-PD. ◦ tolerance of high temperature, 60 C was optimized and Because of the production of acids during the fermenta- demonstrated asthe besttemperature forthe production tion,alkalisshouldbeaddedtocontrolpHintheprocess. of1,2-PDbyT.thermosaccharolyticum(46). The control of pH can affect the production of 1,3-PD. Ji et al. (66) has employed three different pH control cou- pH. pH is another important factor, which has great pling fed-batch strategies to improve the productivity of influenceonthefermentationof1,2-PD.ForC.sphenoides 1,3-PD by K. pneumoniae. On the basis of the analy- and E. coli, the best pH is 6.8 (14), while it is 6.0 for sis of the product profiles under different pH values, a T. thermosaccharolyticum (46). During fermentation, pH self-protection mechanism in K. pneumoniae, that the shouldbecontrolledincertainscope. growing of K. pneumoniae cells switched the metabolic pathways responding to environmental pH change, was Miscellaneous. Besides the factors mentioned above, proposed. Thus, a new kind of feeding strategy was fur- there are many other factors affecting culture conditions therdevelopedbasedonthemechanismduringwhichpH for 1,2-PD. For example, the gas phase can affect the valuefluctuatedbetween6.3and7.3periodicallybyfeed- production,andcontinuousH couldincreasetheconcen- 2 ing glycerol–ammonia mixture and sulphuric acid. This trationof1,2-PDduringfermentation(46).Also,controlled kind of feeding strategy not only efficiently limited the speedofrotationandfeedingaccordingtothefermentation by-products’production,butalsosuccessfullyreducedthe demandcouldincreasetheproductionof1,2-PD. residual glycerol concentration in the broth. At last, the maximum concentration of 1,3-PD reached 70 g/L with CultureConditionsfor1,3-PD the by-products and residual glycerol under low concen- As in other fermentations, product formation in the fer- trations, and was better than the pH-stable condition mentation of 1,3-PD depends mainly on the availability (66). 1,2AND1,3PROPANEDIOL,MICROBIALPRODUCTIONMETHODS 5 Glycerol NAD NADH NAD 2 ATP H O NADH 2 2 ADP 3-Hydroxypropionaldehyde Dihydroxyacetone Biomass ATP NADH ADP 2 NAD Dihydroxyacetone- P 1,3-Propanediol Glycerinaldehyd-3- P NAD ADP NADH ATP 2 CO ADP ATP 2 Phosphoenolpyruvate Succinate ADP 2 NADH 2 NAD ATP 2 Lactate Pyruvate NAD NADH 2 Formate CO 2 2[H] FdH H2 Fd CO2 CO2 H2 Acetoacetyl-CoA Acetyl-CoA a-Acetolactate NADH 2 2 NADH 2 NAD CO 2 2 NAD H2O Butyryl-CoA Acetyl- P Acetaldehyde Acetoin NADH 2 ADP NADH2 NADH2 NAD ATP NAD NAD Butyrylaldehyde Butyryl- P NADH ADP 2 Acetate Ethanol 2,3-Butanediol NAD ATP n-Butanol Butyrate Figure4. Biochemicalpathwaysofglycerolfermentation(Ref.44,p.291). Fermentation Methods. As is shown in Table 2, there The glycerol fed-batch fermentation of 1,3-PD was are three methods in the fermentation of 1,3-PD: batch, first carried out under anaerobic conditions. As a more fed-batch,andcontinuouscultures. cost-effectiveprocess,microaerobicfermentationwasthen Batch fermentation can achieve high concentration of developed and extensively studied in the last decade. product,butlowproductivity;continuousculturefermen- Zheng et al. (73) studied two-stage fed-batch fermenta- tation can improve the productivity, but has low concen- tionof1,3-PDbyK.pneumoniaeunderaerobicconditions, tration of product. Batch fermentation cannot be used in and 1,3-PD concentration reached 74.07 g/L. The high industry; it can only be used in laboratory research due 1,3-PD yield and productivity of 0.62 mol/mol and 3.08 tothelowyieldsof1,3-PDandhighcosts,andcontinuous g/L/hwereobtained,respectively. culture fermentation would waste the substrate. There- Undernormalconditions,glycerolisaddedinfed-batch fore, fed-batch fermentation is more popular with high fermentation; sometimes a nitrogen source is added to yieldsandproductivities,whichcanbeconcludedfromthe increase the yield. The signals for feeding are changes datainTable2. of pH in the culture and concentration of carbon dioxide 6 1,2AND1,3PROPANEDIOL,MICROBIALPRODUCTIONMETHODS Table1. ReportedProductionCapacityof1,2-PropanediolbyMicroorganisms Microorganisms Substrate Product Concentration(g/L) References Time(yr) C.sphenoides Glucose 1,2-Propanediol 2.0 14 1985 T.thermosaccharolyticum Glucose 1,2-Propanediol 7.9 39 1986 T.thermosaccharolyticum Glucose 1,2-Propanediol 9.0 46 1987 T.thermosaccharolyticum Glucose 1,2-Propanediol 3.95 16 1998 T.thermosaccharolyticum Glucose/galactose 1,2-Propanediol 4.14 16 1998 T.thermosaccharolyticum Arabinose 1,2-Propanediol 4.29 16 1998 T.thermosaccharolyticum Galactose 1,2-Propanediol 3.56 16 1998 E.coliAG1(pNEA30mgs) Glucose 1,2-Propanediol 0.36 41 1999 E.coliAG1(pNEA30mgs) Glucose 1,2-Propanediol 0.70(IPTGaddition) 41 1999 E.coliBL21(DE3) Fructose 1,2-Propanediol 0.3 40 1999 E.coliNLD149 Glucose 1,2-Propanediol 1.27(IPTGaddition) 47 2000 E.coliNDM18 Glucose 1,2-Propanediol 1.1 47 2000 E.coliNLD294::pNEA Glucose 1,2-Propanediol 4.5 48 2000 E.coliGJT001(pSBPD) Glucose 1,2-Propanediol 1.08 48 2003 E.coliYBS131(pSBPD) Glucose 1,2-Propanediol 1.30 48 2003 S.cerevisiae Glucose 1,2-Propanediol 0.52 17 1999 S.cerevisiaeNOY386 Glucose 1,2-Propanediol 0.24(intracellular) 18 2006 S.cerevisiaeCES1MG Glucose 1,2-Propanediol 1.11 49 2008 S.cerevisiaeYPH500 Galactose 1,2-Propanediol 0.45 50 2009 in the fermentation air. One obvious character of glyc- MetabolicEngineeringfortheMicrobialProductionof erol fermentation is that more 1,3-PD would be formed 1,2-PD when the substrate is excessive; so, fed-batch fermenta- As is shown in Table 1, a high concentration of 1,2-PD tion always keeps glycerol excessive in the culture until was produced from C. sphenoides or T. thermosaccha- theend. rolyticum,buttheirgenomeandphysiologyhavenotbeen well studied, meaning that metabolic engineering with AerationStrategies. Aerationstrategycanalsoinfluence thosestrainsisverydifferent.Meanwhile,thegenomeand the production of 1,3-PD, which has been researched by physiology of E. coli and S. cerevisiae are well-known, so Ma et al. (65). It has been demonstrated that anaerobic theyaretakenasgoodhostsinmicrobialproduction.Much conditions are more favorable than either aerobic condi- researchhasbeendoneontheirmetabolicengineeringfor tionsornoaerationconditionsfortheproductionof1,3-PD theproductionof1,2-PD(16,17,40,41,47–49). in batch fermentation (Table 2. Under the aerobic condi- Metabolic engineering for the production of 1,2-PD tion,theyieldof1,3-PDinglycerolwasthelowest,while was first studied by Cameron et al. (16). It was pro- the biomass was the highest among three conditions in posed that similar pathways as in C. sphenoides and batch fermentation. However, in fed-batch fermentation, T. thermosaccharolyticum (Fig 3) could be constructed theyieldsof1,3-PDweresimilaramongthreeconditions. in E. coli. Rat lens aldose reductase cDNA and the gene Aerobic conditions can be used in the industrial produc- for glycol dehydrogenase (gld A) were transformed into tionof1,3-PDbysavingthecostforsetupoftheanaerobic E. coli. The fermentation of reconstructive E. coli proved condition(65). that they were able to ferment sugars to 1,2-PD with a Aerobic conditions are favorable for the growth of final concentration 0.05 and 0.15 g/L respectively. Then, biomass,whileanaerobicconditionstendtotheformation genesforglyceroldehydrogenase,methyglyoxalsynthase of1,3-PD.Soananaerobic/aerobic-combinedfed-batchcul- were overexpressed in E. coli (41). Glycerol dehydroge- ture was developed by Cheng et al. (57), which reached nasegenesusedhereincludedtwokinds:gldAintheearly 70g/L1,3-PDwithatotaldiolyieldof0.7mol/molglycerol stageanddhaDinvolvedinK.pneumoniae.E.colistrains asisshowninTable2. overexpressing either gene produced 1,2-PD with similar titers, since the genes have a high level of homology. In METABOLICENGINEERINGFORTHEMICROBIAL threecasestested,coexpressionofglyceroldehydrogenase PRODUCTIONOFPROPANEDIOL and MG synthase genes gave better results (final 1,2-PD was0.70g/Lwhenisopropylbeta-D-thiogalactopyranoside Thetechnologyofgeneticengineeringhasbeenusedinthe (IPTG)wasadded)thanwhenexpressedindividually(final production as 1,2-PD and 1,3-PD were paid attention to 1,2-PDwasabout0.30g/LwhenIPTGwasadded),which byresearchersandattractedindustrialinterest.Bacteria gaveadirectionforthedevelopmentofmetabolicengineer- with metabolic changes can give more products wanted ing in the production of 1,2-PD. To improve 1,2-PD in E. andlessby-productsthanwild-typeones,whichcansave coli,manymethodshadbeentested.Eliminatingproduc- the cost in the industrial production. So metabolic engi- tionofaby-product,lactate,wasinvestigated.Strainswith neering is concerned by more and more researchers and mutations in two enzymes involved in lactated produc- lotsofrelativestudyhasbeendone. tion, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and glyoxalase were Table2. FinalConcentration,Yields,andProductivities(Q )of1,3-PropanediolbyDifferentStrainsinBatch(B),Fed-Batch(Fb),orContinuous(C)Cultures PD Microorganism Substrate FermentationMethods 1,3-Propanediol(g/L) Yields(mol/mol) Q (g/L/h) References Time(yr) PD C.butyricumDSM5431 Glycerol B 56.0 0.62 1.9 51 1992 C.butyricumVP13266 Glycerol B 35.0 0.65 0.722 52 1994 C.butyricumVP13266 Glycerol Fb 65.0 0.69 1.21 52 1994 C.butyricumDSM5431 Glycerol Fb 70.3 0.68 1.5 53 1995 K.pneumoniaeDSM2026 Glycerol B 10.7 0.648 1.07 54 1998 E.coliR18/pAH48/pKP32 Glucose Fb 129(vitaminB12addition) 0.805 1.74 55 2001 K.pneumoniaeDSM2026 Glycerol Fb 59.5 0.544 1.57 56 2003 K.pneumoniaeM5al Glycerol Fb 70 0.6 1.45 57 2004 C.butyricumVP13266 Commercialglycerol(87%w/v) C 29.7 0.62 2.98 58,59 2004,2005 C.butyricumVP13266 Rawglycerol(92%w/v) C 30.0 0.60 3.02 58,59 2004,2005 C.butyricumVP13266 Rawglycerol(65%w/v) C 31.5 0.61 3.15 58,59 2004,2005 E.coliJM109 Glycerol B 41.1 0.83 1.37 60 2006 K.pneumoniaeZJU5205 Glycerol ImmobilizedcellandC 13.6 0.43 4.49 61 2006 K.oxytocaM5al Glycerolandsucrose Fb 58.79 0.51 0.98 5 2007 K.oxytocaLDH3 Glycerolandsucrose Fb 83.56 0.62 1.61 5 2007 K.pneumoniaeDSM2026 Glycerol MicroaerobicFb(1-m3bioreactor) 75 0.61 2.2 62 2007 K.pneumoniaeDSM2026 Glycerol AnaerobicFb(1-m3bioreactor) 72 0.57 2.1 62 2007 K.pneumoniaeDSM2026 Glycerol MicroaerobicFb(10-Lbioreactor) 77 0.62 2.7 62 2007 K.pneumoniaeDSM2026 Glycerol AnaerobicFb(10-Lbioreactor) 81 0.64 3.0 62 2007 K.pneumoniaeTUAC01 Glycerol Fb 66.3 — 1.0 63 2008 K.pneumoniaeyghD Glycerol Fb 67.6 0.62 1.69 64 2009 K.pneumoniaeXJPD-L Glycerol AnaerobicB 13.44 0.73 1.12 65 2009 K.pneumoniaeXJPD-L Glycerol NoaerationB 11.55 0.62 0.96 65 2009 K.pneumoniaeXJPD-L Glycerol AerobicB 8.73 0.47 0.73 65 2009 K.pneumoniaeXJPD-L Glycerol AnaerobicFb 60.82 0.61 3.35(initial12h) 65 2009 K.pneumoniaeXJPD-L Glycerol NoaerationFb 56.43 0.53 3.13(initial12h) 65 2009 K.pneumoniaeXJPD-L Glycerol AerobicFb 65.26 0.56 3.16(initial12h) 65 2009 K.pneumoniaeME-308 Glycerol Fb 70 0.70 0.97 66 2009 K.pneumoniaeLDH526 Glycerol Fb 102 0.52 2.13 67 2009 7 8 1,2AND1,3PROPANEDIOL,MICROBIALPRODUCTIONMETHODS OH 5 O 3 2 HO 3 2 1 OH HO 6 4 O 1 3-HPA hydrate OH 3-HPA dimer +H2O × 2 3 1 2 HO O 3-HPA PDOR GDHt 3 OH1 −H2O 3 1 2 HO OH HO OH 2 Glycerol 3 1 1,3-Propanediol 2 O Figure5. Synthesis and transformation of Acrolein 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde. constructed,whichwascalledE.coliNLD149.Thestrain 1,2-PD did not increase. Sequential integration has been produced a significantly lower level of lactate and higher applied for metabolic engineering of 1,2-PD production levelof1,2-PDascomparedtotheoriginalstrainAG1(data in S. cerevisiae by Lee and DaSilva (18). The δ/UB sys- shown in Table 1). Similar to NLD149, NLD294 con- tem,whichcanbeusedtosequentiallyintegratemultiple structedfromstrainMM294wasalsoresearchedandhad copiesofthesameordifferent,waschosenforintegration parallel results (47). A complete pathway to 1,2-PD from of mgs and gldA genes, two genes encoding key enzymes the glycolytic intermediate, dihydroxyacetone phosphate, requiredformetabolicengineeringof1,2-PDsynthesisin wasfurtherconstructedinE.coli.Thecompletepathway S. cerevisiae. Cells with zero to three copies of mgs and involved the coexpression of mgs, gldA, and ether yeast gld A were created. The highest level of 1,2-PD produc- alcoholdehydrogenase(adh)orE.coli1,2-PDoxidoreduc- tionwasreachedbythecombinedS.cerevisiaewiththree tase(fucO).Theconstructedstrainhadanobviousincrease copiesoftwogenes,althoughaclearcorrelationwithcopy of 1,2-PD, especially the strain involving fucO. Further- number was not apparent in the experiment. Introduc- more, the strain lacking LDH and expressing a complete tion of mgs and gldA gave a high production of 1,2-PD. pathway to 1,2-PD (expressing mgs, gldA and fucO) was However, to optimize the synthesis of 1,2-PD in S. cere- combined. The fed-batch fermentation of the strain was visiae, additional enzyme activities would likely need to carried out and a final titer of 4.5 g/L of (R)-1,2-PD was be altered (for endogenous enzymes) or introduced from produced,withafinalyieldof0.19gof1,2-PDpergramof other microorganisms. Further study has been done in glucoseconsumed. metabolicengineeringof1,2-PDproductioninS.cerevisiae Someengineeredyeaststrainshavealsogivenencour- byJungetal.(49).BesidesoverexpressionofmgsandgldA aging results. In recombinant yeast strains, the incorpo- genes,deletionoftpil(triosephosphateisomerase),which rationofaplasmidencodingbothmgsandglyceroldehy- playsaroleininterconversionbetweendihydroxyacetone drogenase lead to higher production than the wild-type phosphateandglyceraldehydes-3-phosphate,wasdonein strain. S. cerevisiae. Compared to wild type with production of Thesynthesisof1,2-PDusingacetolasasubstrate by 8.12 g/L glycerol and no 1,2-PD production from glucose, S.cerevisiaehasbeenreported(73–76).A pureR-isomer the strain with tpildeletedgave 1.5-fold glycerol produc- can be achieved by using ethanol as a cosubstrate with tion, proving that tpil deletion shifted the carbon flux to acetol (50). Moreover, S. cerevisiae has also been shown the dihydroxyacetone phosphate side. The increase car- to be capable of converting methylglyoxal to both ace- bon flux was redirected to methylglyoxal by introduction tolands-lactaldehyde,which canbefurther converted to of the mgs gene into the tpil mutant, producing 0.42 g/L s-1,2-PD. Owing to the previous research and its advan- methylglyoxal. When both the mgs and gldA genes were tage,S.cerevisiaehasattractedmoreattention.Cameron introduced to the mutant, 0.24 g/L methylglyoxal and etal.investigatedthepossibilityofproducing1,2-PDfrom 1.11g/L1,2-PDwereproduced,whichwashigherthanthe glucose by genetic and metabolic engineering in S. cere- previous report on the production in engineered S. cere- visiae(17).ByexpressingtheE.colimgsinS.cerevisiae, visiae (18), meaning that the tpil mutation contributed about0.24g/Lof1,2-PDfromglucosewasachieved.Coex- quite a lot to the productivity. Recently, Jeon et al. (77) pressing the E. coli gld A gave a further increase in developedaS.cerevisiaemutantthatcouldproduce1,2-PD 1,2-PD production to approximately 0.52 g/L from 20 g/L bytransformingthemgsgeneofE.coli-K12MG1655and glucose. Also, by deletion of the glycerol synthesis path- thedhaDgeneofC.freundiiintowildtypeofS.cerevisiae, way, a competing pathway was created, and it increased which can not produce 1,2-PD. The extracellular concen- the 1,2-PD yield by about 50%, but the concentration of tration of 1,2-PD was detectable with a maximum yield 1,2AND1,3PROPANEDIOL,MICROBIALPRODUCTIONMETHODS 9 of 1,2-PDat 0.45g/L, which also was better than similar 2. glpTQ encodes glycerol-3-phosphate permease and metabolicengineeringdonebefore(18). phosphatediglyceridekinase; Besides the above, the removal of glyoxalase pathway 3. glpABC encodes anaerobic glycerol-3-phosphate wouldreducepotentialcompetitionwiththemethylglyoxal dehydrogenase; reduction pathway and perhaps force the new pathway 4. glpDencodesaerobicglycerol-3-phosphatedehydro- to be retained. Reduction of ethanol and lactate produc- genase; tion would also probably have favorable consequences on 5. glpEencodesrhodanese; propanediolproductionandwouldretainahigherpropor- tionofreducingpowerforthispathway. 6. glpGencodesrhomboid. The regulation of the glp operon is complex. Three MetabolicEngineeringfortheMicrobialProductionof mechanismshavebeenfound:glpR-encodedrepressorreg- 1,3-PD ulation, metabolite repress regulation, and respiratory 1,3-PDisavaluablechemical.Currently,muchattention depression from outside electron acceptor. glpR-encoded hasbeenpaidtoitsmicrobialproductionbecausechemical repressorhasdifferentaffinitytodifferentgenesoftheglp synthesisrequiresexpensivecatalysts,hightemperature, operon. Among them, glpD is most sensitive, glpT is less high pressure, and a high level of safety conditions (78). sensitive,andglpKisleastsensitive.Glycerol-3-phosphate However,beforethemicrobialproductionof1,3-PDplaysa can combine the repressor, which reduces the affinity of significantcommercialrole,thecostmustbeconsiderably the repressor to the operon and guide glp. Moreover, the reduced.Forthisimportantfactor,metabolicengineering glp operon is sensitive to glucose suppression. glpD and hasbeendevelopedgreatlyfortheproductionof1,3-PD. glpABCarealsoaffectedbyaerobicandanaerobicregula- tionloop(87,88). TheGenefortheMetabolismofGlycerolinBacteria. The MetabolicEngineeringtoIncreasetheSubstrateChoices metabolismofglycerolinbacteriaiscontrolledbydhaand fortheProductionof1,3-PD glpoperons(79). The dha system includes two branches, the reductive Thewildbacteriafoundtoproduce1,3-PDalltakeglycerol branchandtheoxidativebranch.1,3-PDisproducedinthe asa carbon source. Glycerol is once more expensive than reductivebranch.Theoxidativebranchformatsdihydrox- glucose,soithasbeentriedtoproduce1,3-PDwithglucose. yacetonephosphate(80,81).Thedhaoperoncontainsfive Metabolicengineeringcanbeusedtocombinesynthesisof genes.ThefunctionandparametersareshowninTable3. glycerol and production of 1,3-PD to one microorganism, The sequence structure of the dha operon in K. pneumo- which will gain a strain to produce 1,3-PD with glucose. niae,C.freundii,C.butyricum,andC.pasteurianumhas Forthepurpose,threemethodscanbeemployed: been measured (82,83). The dha operon is regulated by many factors. Control protein encoded by dhaR has reg- 1. Express genes for the synthesis pathway of 1,3-PD ulation to dha operon in bacteria here, which is same to in glycerol produced bacteria. Laffend et al. (89) most other prokaryotic organisms. Oxygen has negative expressedgenesofGDHtand1,3-PDoxidoreductase regulation to dha operon, which can make irreversibly in Pichia pastoris. Inducted by methanol, 0.1–0.2 inactivation ofglyceroldehydrogenaseand 1,3-PDreduc- mmol/L 1,3-PD was produced anaerobically on the tase. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is also a medium containing vitamin B and 1% glucose. 12 factor,whichcaneliminatephenoldegradation. Cameron et al. (16) conducted the same study in Another pathway for the glycerol metabolism is regu- S. cerevisiae. However, because of no vitamin B , 12 latedbyglpoperon.Catalyzedbyglycerolkinase,glycerol GDHtcouldnotcatalyzethebiosynthesisandthere forms glycerol-3-phosphate. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate wasno1,3-PDgained. isthenformedinthepresentationofglycerol-3-phosphate 2. Expressgenesforthesynthesispathwayofglycerol dehydrogenase. The two enzymes here, are both encoded in 1,3-PD produced bacteria. In the glycerol byglpoperon.glpoperoncombinedbysixgeneshasbeen produced microorganisms, glycerol-3-phosphatase clonedandidentified(84–86). catalyzes glycerol-3-phosphate into glycerol. Nor- becketal.(90)haveclonedGPP1andGPP2,which 1. glpFKXencodesglycerolfacilitationprotein,glycerol encode two isoenzymes of the glycerol-3-phosphate, kinase,andfructose-1,6-phosphateesterase; from S. cerevisiae. Overexpression of the Table3. FunctionandParametersofFiveGenesindhaOperon Genes EnzymeEncoded MolecularWeight(KD) ApparentKm DhaB Glyceroldehydratase 188−240 1.5−1.8μmol/L DhaT 1,3-Propanedioloxidoreductase 328±15 18mmol/L DhaD Glyceroldehydrogenase 160 20−40mmol/L DhaK Dihydroxyacetonekinase 93∼95 4−5μmol/L DhaR Controlprotein 71.3 —

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