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Preview Encyclopedia of Geochemistry: A Comprehensive Reference Source on the Chemistry of the Earth

P Polonium convert Po2+ to Po4+. Polonium has a relatively high vapor pressure for a solid element as about half of a sample of MonicaVasiliuandDavidA.Dixon poloniumwillevaporatewithin3days.Poloniumhaschem- DepartmentofChemistry,TheUniversityofAlabama, icalpropertiessimilartoseleniumandtellurium.Mostofthe Tuscaloosa,USA interestinPoisduetoitsradioactivity.Thehalf-lifeof209Po, which is not observed naturally, is 105 y. The half-lives of 210Po,211Po,216Po,and218Poare138.4d,0.52s,0.15s,and 3.11m,respectively.Thus,thecommonisotope210Poisonly found in trace amounts in uranium ore as it is a daughter ElementData productfromthedecayof238U. Atomicsymbol:Po. Atomicnumber:84. Atomicweight:(209). HistoryandUse Isotopesandabundances:tracesof210Po,211Po,216Po, 218Po. After Becquerel’s discovery in 1898 of radiation from the 1atmmeltingpoint:527K. uranium ore pitchblende (uranium oxide, U O ), Marie and 1atmboilingpoint:1235K. 3 8 Commonvalences:+6,+4,+2,(cid:1)2. Pierre Curie studied pitchblende to determine the source of Ionicradii:(+IV)65,((cid:1)II)230ppm. theradiation.Theyknewthaturaniumwasonesourceofthe Paulingelectronegativity:2.0. radiation, but the amount of radiation could not come only Firstionizationpotential:8.41eV. fromtheuranium.Aftermonthsofworkofpurifyingtonsof Chondritic(CI)abundance: pitchblende, they isolated a new element, and Marie Curie SilicateEarthabundance: nameditpoloniuminhonorofherhomeland,Poland.Polo- Crustalabundance:tracesinuraniumores. nium is hundreds of times more radioactive than uranium. Seawaterabundance: TheexistenceofpoloniumhadbeenpredictedbyMendeleev Coreabundance: in 1891 on the basis of his periodic table. He realized that there should be an element following bismuth that would resembletelluriumandpredictedthatitwouldhaveanatomic weightof212. Properties Poloniumisana-emitterandisusuallyusedasathinfilm onastainlesssteelforantistaticdevices.Poloniumwasused Polonium is a reactive, silvery-gray, extremely rare radioac- in textile mills to eliminate static charges and in brushes to tive semimetal (Emsley, 1991, 2001). It dissolves in dilute remove the accumulated dust in the manufacture of photo- acids but is only slightly soluble in alkaline solutions. The graphicplates.Onegramofpoloniumreachesatemperature solution formed by dissolving polonium in acids has a pink of500(cid:3)Casaresultofa-radiationemissionandisusedasa color,thecolorofthePo2+ion,anditrapidlyturnsyellowas sourceofheatforspaceequipment.Poloniumcanbemixedor a-radiation forms oxidizing species in aqueous solution that #SpringerInternationalPublishingAG2017 W.M.White(ed.),EncyclopediaofGeochemistry, DOI10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_1-1 2 Polonium alloyedwithberylliumtoprovideasourceofneutronswhich elementjustabovepoloniumintheperiodictable.Polonium normallyonlyaccesstoanuclearreactorcanprovide. isconsideredtobemorethan1011timesmoredangerousthan hydrogen cyanide. 210Po was used to assassinate Alexander Litvinenko,aRussiandissidentresidinginLondonin2006. GeochemicalBehavior 210Po has recently been found in the tobacco used in cigarettesandotherproducts.210Poissolubleandcirculates Polonium occurs rarely in nature in uranium ores and has through the body to every tissue and cell and has been so few uses that it is extracted from natural ores only for detected in the blood and urine of smokers. The circulating research purposes. All of the commercially produced polo- 210Po causes genetic damage and early death from liver and nium in the world is from Russia. About 100 g/year of bladdercancers,stomachulcers,leukemia,cirrhosisofliver, poloniumisproducedbybombardingbismuthwithneutrons andcardiovasculardiseases. inanuclearreactor. The radioactive disequilibrium between 210Po and 210Pb hasbeenusedasachronometertodateglassyeruptionflows Cross-References inmid-oceanridges,whicharedifficulttoaccess(Rubinetal. 1994).Theshorthalf-lifeof210Poof138.4dmeansthatitcan ▶Metalloids only be used to determine if an event has occurred very ▶Radioactivity recently.Theuseofthischronometerisbasedonthevolatil- ▶Selenium ization of Po in volcanic emissions above 400 (cid:3)C likely as ▶Tellurium halides and its return to its equilibrium values. This method ▶UraniumDecaySeries wasusedtodeterminewhenandforhowlongtheridgeat9(cid:3) 500 NontheEastPacificRiseeruptedintheearly1990s. References BiologicalUtilizationandToxicity EmsleyJ(1991)Theelements,2ndedn.ClarendonPress,Oxford EmsleyJ(2001)Nature’sbuildingblocksanA-Zguidetotheelements. OxfordUniversityPress,Oxford Poloniumhasnobiological roleandisextremelydangerous Rubin KH, Macdougall JD, Perfit MR (1994) 210Po-210Pb dating of because of its intense radioactivity (a-emitter) which over- recentvolcaniceruptionsontheseafloor.Nature368:841–844 rides the toxicity concerns of tellurium, the noxious C Chemical Bonds dependstronglyonthedetailsoftheredistribution(Gillespie andPopelier,2001).Thesedetailswillbediscussedherewith BarryR.BickmoreandMatthewC.F.Wander reference to the electronegativity of the participating atoms. DepartmentofGeologicalSciences,BrighamYoung (Electronegativity is a single-parameter summary of the University,Provo,UT,USA electron-attractingpowerofatoms.) Ionic bonds form between atoms with widely different electronegativity values (metals with nonmetals). In these Definition bonds, molecular orbitals concentrate most of the bonding electron density around the more electronegative atoms, LinusPaulingfamouslydescribedachemicalbondas“what- resulting in some atoms with a net negative charge (anions) ever is convenient to the chemist to define as a bond” and others with a net positive charge (cations), which if (Pauling, 1960). In the simplest terms, a chemical bond is sufficientlylargecanbehaveasseparateions.Anidealionic merelyanattractionbetweenatomsinasubstancecontaining bondwouldinvolveacationandanionthatcanbetreatedas an aggregation of two or more atoms. However, while all twopointcharges,butinrealionicsystems,somesharingof bondsarebasedontheattractionbetweenpositivelycharged valenceelectronsoccurs,themolecularorbitalsarenotfully protonsandnegatively chargedelectrons, quantum mechan- sphericallysymmetricalabouttheatomiccenters,andthereis icaleffectsgoverningthespatialdistributionofelectronsgive alwayssomeorbitaloverlap,orsharing,ofelectrons.There- rise to a wide range of bond properties and a continuum of fore, even bonds between atoms with the most disparate bond types. The standard types include covalent, metallic, electronegativity values are not considered fully ionic ionic, hydrogen, and van der Waals bonds (Gillespie and (Rohrer,2001). Popelier,2001). Covalent bonds form between atoms with similar, high electronegativityvalues(nonmetals).Heremolecularorbitals distribute,orshare,thebondingelectrondensitymoreorless TraditionalValenceBonds evenlybetweentheatomsinvolved,withanaccumulationof electrondensityintheoverlapregionbetweenatomiccenters Thestrongestchemicalbonds(covalent,metallic,andionic) (Popelier, 2000). Although fully ionic bonds do not exist, are sometimes called “valence bonds,” due to the fact that fully covalent bonds do exist between atoms of the same theyareformedwhenpartiallyfilledvalenceatomicorbitals element. Given that covalent bonds involve atoms that tend combine to create molecular orbitals (Albright et al., 2013). to hold tightly to their valence electrons, the molecular The average spatial distribution of electrons (the electron orbitals form with their associated electron density concen- probability density or electron density) around a free atom tratedverylocally,aroundneighboringatoms.Thismakesthe can be described in terms of atomic orbitals, which form bondsverylocalizedanddirectional,i.e.,theanglesbetween three-dimensionalstandingwavepatternsaboutthenucleus. bonds to a given atom are relatively tightly constrained Asatomsapproachoneanother,theiratomicorbitalsmixto (GillespieandHargittai,1991). create molecular orbitals, which form three-dimensional Metallic bonds form between atoms with similar, low standing wave patterns about multiple nuclei. The resulting electronegativityvalues(metals).Theseatomsholdrelatively redistribution of the bonding electron density causes a net weaklytotheirvalenceelectrons,andthemolecularorbitals attractionbetweentheatomiccenters,butthebondproperties formed spread out to encompass a very large number of #SpringerInternationalPublishingSwitzerland2016 W.M.White(ed.),EncyclopediaofGeochemistry, DOI10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_4-1 2 ChemicalBonds atoms.Thus,metallicallybondedsystemsareoftendescribed toahalf-filledorbitalontheF,creatinganionicbondwitha as positively charged atoms (nuclei + core electrons) held bondorderof1.Theordersofbondsincidenttoagivenatom together by a “sea” of valence electrons shared between all in a stable substance must sum to the atomic valence of the the atoms. When so many atomic orbitals combine, a large atom. The atomic valence is equivalent to the number of number of closely spaced (in terms of energy) molecular H atoms to which it can bond. Given that bond lengths are orbitals becomeavailable,witharelativelysmallgap(or no highly correlated with bond orders (Brown, 2002), this cre- gap) between the filled and unfilled levels. This leads to the atesstringentconstraintsregardingthecombinationsofbond highthermalandelectricalconductivityofmetals,becausea lengthsthatarepossibleinastablestructure.Althoughatomic relativelysmallexcitationofabondingelectrontakesitinto valencevaluesarenecessarilyintegers,bondorderscanhave molecular orbitals that are comparatively empty and extend non-integer values, especially in condensed phases with throughout thesubstance. The delocalization ofthebonding extendednetworksofvalencebonds.Forexample,incorun- electrons also results in considerably less directionality and dum(a-Al O )Alhasavalenceof3,whileOhasavalenceof 2 3 forceinthebonds,whichexplainsthemalleabilityofmetallic 2.TheAl-Obondshavebondordersof~0.5,sothateachAlis solids(Burdett,1997;Rohrer,2001). bondedtosixOatoms,andeachOisbondedtofourAlatoms. Thedifferenttypesofvalencebondsformacontinuum,in Non-integerordersforindividualbondsarepossiblebecause whichthedegreeofionicitycanberoughlyestimatedinterms molecularorbitals,whichmustcontainanintegralnumberof of electronegativity differences between atoms, and cova- electrons, can encompass multiple atoms (Brown, 2002; lency/metallicity can be roughly estimated in terms of the Albrightetal.,2013). average electronegativity of the bonded atoms (Rohrer, At least for covalent bonds with integer bond orders, the 2001).Figure1showsavanArkel–Ketelaartriangle, which force constants used to describe bond vibrations are propor- schematically illustrates this point. However, bonding char- tional to the bond order (Johnston, 1966). This gives rise to acter can also be affected by factors such as pressure and anotherdefiningattributeofbonds,i.e.,theinverserelation- temperature(Burdett,1997;BatsanovandBatsanov,2012). shipbetweenbondlengthandstrength. One defining attribute of valence bonds is bond order. Bonds can also profitably be characterized in terms of Bond order refers to the number of valence electron pairs bond energy (E ), which is the average energy per mole bond involvedinanindividualbond,whethersharedortransferred of bonds released when molecules are separated into their (IUPAC, 1997; Brown, 2002). (In cases where antibonding constituent atoms. A similar quantity can be obtained from electronpairsexist,thesearesubtractedfromthebondorder.) dividingtheatomizationenergiesofsolidsbythenumberof ThebondinanF molecule,forexample,hasabondorder bonds per formula unit (Sanderson, 1976). For a bond 2(g) of1,becausetheelectronsfromtwohalf-filledatomicorbitals between two given elements, of a given bond order, E bond are shared in one bonding molecular orbital. The electrons values are relatively transferable. Therefore, it is possible to fromthreehalf-filledatomicorbitalsaresharedinN mol- roughly estimate enthalpies of formation by summing bond 2(g) ecules, so the bond order is 3. In a CsF molecule, an energies.Itisimportanttonotethat,forthesamebondorder, (g) electron from a half-filled atomic orbital in Cs is transferred E can vary by hundreds of kJ/mol for bonds between bond ChemicalBonds, Figure1 Avan Arkel–Ketelaartriangle, illustratingthecontinuum ofbondtypesbetweenthe ionic,covalent,andmetallic limits.Thex-axisrepresents themeanelectronegativity (w )ofthetwoatoms mean involvedinthebondsin eachofthesubstances plotted.They-axis representsthedifferencein thetwoelectronegativity values(w –w ). 1 2 ChemicalBonds 3 different elements. For example, the bond energy for the instant this may not be the case, creating a small dipole singlebondinF is158.67kJ/mol,whereasthatforCs moment. As atoms approach one another, their oscillations 2(g) 2(g) is 43.919 kJ/mol and that for CsF is 517.1 kJ/mol (Luo, synchronize to maximize attraction. This oscillation is cor- (g) 2007).However,bondenergiesarenotstrictlyproportionalto rectlyaccountedforwithelectroncorrelationcalculationsand bondorder,althoughthereisarelationshipbetweenthetwo. is in itself a type of standing wave behavior. A very weak molecularstateiscreatedinthesecases,whichexplainswhy an attraction between filled shells is possible (Housden and HydrogenBondsasValenceBonds Pyper,2007;Krapp andFrenking,2007).This iswhy noble gases, with filled valence shells, can condense into liquid at Hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) are the weaker of conjugate verylowtemperatures. bondsformedbetweenHandtwoormorehighlyelectroneg- ativeatomssuchasN,O,orFandareusuallydesignatedas X–H...X, where X represents the more electronegative BondsandtheDistributionofElements atoms, the solid line represents a strong, polar covalent bond,andthedottedlinerepresentsanH-bond.Theelectron A number of factors contribute to the distribution of the densityinvolvedinthestrongbondisshiftedtowardthemore elements in the Earth, as described by the traditional electronegative atom, creating a dipole between the two Goldschmidtclassification(Faure,1998),butonesuchfactor atoms, resulting in a relatively weak electrostatic attraction has to do with bond energies. As noted above, bonds of the betweenthepositivelychargedHandanyotherelectronega- same order can vary widely in bond energy with the bond tive atoms in the vicinity. Thus, the H isbonded strongly to character.Elementswithverylowelectronegativity(e.g.,the one comparatively electronegative atom and much more alkali and alkaliearth metals) favor highly ionic bonds with weakly to one or more others. Due to the fact that H atoms fractional bond orders (i.e., bond order < 1), so they natu- haveonlyoneelectron,alongwiththeirsmallsize,shiftingits rallybondeasilytoOinnetworksolids.Oxygenisthemost electron densitytoward theanion results inarelativelyhigh abundant element in the Earth and the second-most electro- positivechargedensity. negative, and some of the more electronegative elements, Hydrogen bonds are often treated as simple electrostatic suchasthehalogens,oftensubstituteforO.Therefore,these dipole interactions, rather than valence bonds, but in fact, it elements are classified as lithophile and are enriched in the has been shown that even weak hydrogen bonds have some crustandmantle.Someofthemoreelectronegativeelements, covalent character, so there is no reason to treat them as such as C and N, favor covalent bonds with one another, anything but weak valence bonds that may be assigned a havinghighbondorders(1orgreater).Thisresultsinfewer bond order. In fact, when H-bonds are shorter, the adjacent bonds and discrete molecules rather than network solids. stronger bonds become longer, as one would expect for a Anumberofelementswithmoderatelyhighelectronegativity valencebond(SteinerandSaenger,1994;Steiner,2002). favorcovalentbondswithsimilarelementsandlowtomod- ThetypicalasymmetryofX–H...Xbondsislikelytobea eratebondorders,sothesetendtocongregateinsulfides,and productofthesmallsizeofHatoms.SymmetricH-bonds,in areclassifiedaschalcophile.Anumberofmetalswithmod- whichthetwobondstoHhaveequalbondordersof0.5,do erately low electronegativity favor metallic bonds with one exist. However, they are quite rare because bond order falls another, with low bond orders. These tend to form metallic off exponentially with distance. Therefore, an X–H–X con- solids and are classified as siderophile, because they readily figurationwithtwo0.5orderbondsdrawstheXatomscon- bondwithFeandareenrichedinthecore. siderably closer to one another than would typically be the casefornonbondedatoms,whereasanasymmetricX–H...X configuration results in a considerably longer X–X distance SummaryandConclusions (Brown,2002).However,symmetricH-bondsbecomemore common at high pressure (Steiner, 2002), because X atoms Chemical bonds can usefully be characterized in terms of areforcedtogetherbycompression. bond order, bond energy, and bond type. Bond orders con- strainsuitablecombinationsofbondlengthsincidenttoatoms in stable configurations, and bond energies for bonds of the LondonDispersion(vanderWaals)Forces same order vary widely as a function of bond type. It is impossible to classify a given chemical bond as exclusively London dispersion (van der Waals) forces originate due to one type, however, because van der Waals interactions are oscillationsintheinstantaneouselectron distributionaround present between all neighboring atoms, and even in cases atoms. The average electron distribution is generally very where van der Waals interactions dominate (e.g., noble gas symmetrically disposed about the nucleus, but at any given dimersandcondensedphases),molecularorbitalsplaysome 4 ChemicalBonds role. This is why there isa continuum between the different Gillespie,R.J.,andHargittai,I.,1991.TheVSEPRModelofMolecular bondtypes,basedontheaffinityforelectronsofthebonded Geometry.Boston:AllynandBacon,248p. Gillespie, R. J., and Popelier, P. L. A., 2001. Chemical Bonding and atoms. The relationships between bond order and bond MolecularGeometry:FromLewisStructurestoElectronDensities. energy for different atom pairs are one of the determining Oxford:OxfordUniversityPress,268p. factorsaffectingthedistributionofelementsintheEarth. Housden,M.P.,andPyper,N.C.,2007.Thenoblegasdimersasaprobe oftheenergeticcontributionsofdispersionandshort-rangeelectron correlation in weakly-bound systems. Molecular Physics, 105, 2353–2361. Cross-References IUPAC,1997.CompendiumofChemicalTerminology.Oxford:Black- wellScientificPublications,p. ▶AbInitioCalculations Johnston,V.H.S.,1966.GasPhaseReactionRateTheory.NewYork: ▶AtmophileElements RonaldPress,372p. Krapp,A.,andFrenking,G.,2007.Isthisachemicalbond?Atheoretical ▶ChalcophileElements study of Ng @C (Ng=He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe). Chemistry 2 60 ▶Electronegativity AEuropeanJournal,13,8256–8270. ▶LithophileElements Luo,Y.-R.,2007.ComprehensiveHandbookof ChemicalBondEner- ▶SiderophileElements gies.NewYork:CRCPress,1657p. Pauling, L., 1960. The Nature of the Chemical Bond. Ithaca: Cornell UniversityPress,644p. Popelier,P.L.A.,2000.AtomsinMolecules:AnIntroduction.Essex: References PearsonEducation,164p. Rohrer, G. S., 2001. Structure and Bonding in Crystalline Materials. Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress,540p. Albright, T. A., Burdett, J. K., and Whangbo, M.-H., 2013. Orbital Sanderson,R.T.,1976.ChemicalBondsandBondEnergy.NewYork: InteractionsinChemistry.Hoboken:Wiley,819p. Academic,218p. Batsanov,S.S.,andBatsanov,A.S.,2012.IntroductiontoStructural Steiner, T., 2002. The hydrogen bond in the solid state. Angewandte Chemistry.Dordrecht:Springer,542p. ChemieInternationalEdition,41,48–76. Brown,I.D., 2002.TheChemicalBondinInorganicChemistry: The Steiner, T., and Saenger, W., 1994. Lengthening of the covalent O–H BondValenceModel.NewYork:OxfordUniversityPress,278p. bond in O–H...O hydrogen bonds re-examined from Burdett, J. K., 1997. Chemical Bonds: A Dialog. Chichester: Wiley, low-temperature neutron diffraction data of organic compounds. 166p. ActaCrystallographica,B50,348–357. Faure, G., 1998. Principles and Applications of Geochemistry. Upper SaddleRiver:PrenticeHall,600p. C Critical Points variations in pressure and temperature because the relative proportions of the two phases, liquid and vapor, fluctuate WilliamH.Casey1andPeterA.Rock2 widely. 1DepartmentofChemistry,DepartmentofEarthand To illustrate the sensitivity of fluid properties near the PlanetarySciences,UniversityofCalifornia,Davis,CA,USA critical point, considerthat thecritical point for pure CO is 2 2CollegeofMathandPhysicalSciences,Departmentof at 31.8 (cid:2)C and 72.9 atm, which are easily accessible in a Chemistry,UniversityofCalifornia,Davis,CA,USA laboratory. At these conditions a change in pressure of 1 part in 50,000 causes the CO fluid density to increase by 2 10%.ThedensityofcriticalCO is0.5g/cm3sothat1torrof 2 Definition CO corresponds to an inch-thick layer. This one-inch-thick 2 layerofCO exhibitsa10%greaterdensityatthebottomof 2 Thepointinphasespacewherethedistinctionbetweenliquid thecolumnthanatthetopsimplyduetotheweightofthegas. andvapordisappears. Likewise,theenthalpyofvaporizationgoestozeroatthe critical point, and it can be seen that the isothermal compressibility Elaboration (cid:1) (cid:3) 1 @V b(cid:3)(cid:4) (2) If you heat water in a closed volume, the temperature and V @P T pressure are initially fixed by equilibrium between a liquid andvapor.Beyondacertaintemperatureandpressure,how- becomes infinite at the critical point. Correspondingly, the ever, the meniscus that separates the two phases disappears, heatcapacity,C ,forthesubstancereacheslargevaluesnear p and they become indistinguishable. If one draws a curve in the critical point. Near-critical fluids also exhibit curious P-V space that identifies the region where both a liquid and properties, such as critical opalescence, where light scatters vaporcoexist,thecriticalpointliesatthemaximumwherethe intoadazzlingdisplayasthefluidreachesacertainmolecular slopeiszero: densitybecausethemolecularstructuresreachacharacteristic (cid:1) (cid:3) (cid:1) (cid:3) length similar to the wavelength of visible light. Stated dif- @P @2P ferently, the refractive index varies widely near the critical ¼0 and ¼0 (1) @V @V2 pointalongwiththeotherbulkproperties. T¼T T¼T c c Additionofothercomponents,suchasCO ,NaCl,orH , 2 2 Asthispointisapproached,thetwophases,gasandliquid, toH2Odramaticallyaffectsthecriticalpointofthesolution. begin to closely resemble one another on a molecular scale. Forthesesystems,acurveofcriticalpointsisdefinedinP-T-X Thecriticalpointforpurewaterisat374.2(cid:2)Cand218.3atm. space(Xisacompositionvariable)thatisgenerallynonlinear. Nearthecriticalpoint,thestructureofthesephasesisvery ThecriticalcurvefortheCO2-H2Osystem,forexample,isa sensitive to small changes in temperature and pressure, and saddlewithtwomaximanearend-membercompositionsand these changes are reflected in the macroscopic properties. a minimum at intermediate values. The critical point for a Density, for example, changes considerably with small saturated NaCl-H2O mixture is at almost 600 (cid:2)C and Prof.PeterA.Rockisdeceased #SpringerInternationalPublishingAG2016 W.M.White(ed.),EncyclopediaofGeochemistry, DOI10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_10-1 2 CriticalPoints approximately390barspressure,significantlyhigherthanthe Cross-References valueforpureH O. 2 Understanding the thermodynamic properties of mixed ▶GeochemicalThermodynamics volatilefluids(e.g.CO -H O;H -H O)isimportantforpre- ▶Hydrothermal 2 2 2 2 dictingphaseassemblagesinrocks,forinterpretingthecom- ▶PhaseEquilibria positionsoffluidinclusionsinminerals,andforpredictingthe effectofvolatilegasesonmagma.Establishingthesethermo- References dynamicpropertieshasbeenamajorsuccessingeochemistry during the last 50 years, and thermodynamic models have recentlybeen extended to 6.0 GPa and 1200 (cid:2)C based upon SverjenskyDA,HarrisonB,AzzoliniD(2014)Waterinthedeepearth: thedielectricconstantandthesolubilitiesofquartzandcorundumto molecular-dynamic estimates of the dielectric constant of 60kband1200(cid:2)C.GeochimCosmochimActa129:125–145 water(Sverjenskyetal.2014). G Geochemical Thermodynamics theprimarythermodynamicvariablesoftemperature,energy, heat,work,andentropy.Herewedoboth: WilliamH.Casey1andPeterA.Rock2 First law: It is impossible to construct a device that 1DepartmentofChemistry,DepartmentofEarthand operates in a cyclical manner and performs work without PlanetarySciences,UniversityofCalifornia,Davis,CA,USA puttingenergyintothedevice. 2CollegeofMathandPhysicalSciences,Departmentof Secondlaw:Entropyincreasesintheuniverse.Or,stated Chemistry,UniversityofCalifornia,Davis,CA,USA differently, it is impossible to construct a device that can transferenergyasheatfromalow-temperaturereservoirtoa higher-temperaturereservoirwithoutaddingenergyaswork. Definition Itisimpossibletoconstructadevicethatoperatesinacyclical mannerandtakesinenergyasheatfromahigh-temperature Thetransferofenergybetweenusefulworkandheat. reservoir and performs work without, in some part of the cycle, discharging energy as heat to a low-temperature reservoir. Introduction Thirdlaw:Itisimpossibletoconstructadevicecapableof decreasingthetemperatureofanymacroscopicsystemtothe Thermodynamics concerns the conversion of energy in the absolutezerooftemperature(0K). Earth.LengthscalesandtimesscalesforEarthprocessesare Statedintermsoftheprimarythermodynamicfunctionsof sovast,andthemineralassemblagesandfluidsinnatureare temperature,energy,andentropy,thelawsofthermodynam- so complicated, that equilibrium thermodynamics is usually icscanbestatedsuccinctlyasfollows: the starting point for any geochemical investigation. This First law: The total energy is conserved (i.e., remains point was established in the earliest days of modern science unchanged). by the renowned physical chemist Jacobus Van’t Hoff Secondlaw:Thetotalentropyincreases. (1852–1911), who used the then newly established Gibbs Third law: The absolute (Kelvin) temperature remains PhaseRuletoreconstructthecompositionofancientseawater above0(cid:1). fromthemineralassemblagesfoundinevaporitedeposits(see Theselawsprovidegeochemistswith(i)theconditionsfor Eugster1971). the establishment of equilibrium in a system that includes chemical reactions, heat transfer, and mechanical strain; (ii) criteria to eliminate impossible processes; (iii) equations LawsofThermodynamics to convert thermodynamic data, such as the energy and entropy changes, into an equilibrium constant; and Thelawsofthermodynamicsdifferfrommostotherscientific (iv)equationstopredicttheeffectsofchangesintemperature, lawsinthattheyareusuallystatedintermsoftheimpossibil- pressure,orcompositiononthisreactionequilibrium. ityofachievingcertaintypesofenergytransfers.Thelawscan The starting point in exploring thermodynamic laws is bestatedintermsoftheoperationofmachinesorintermsof with knowledge of the experimental and thermodynamic properties of temperature, heat, work, energy, and entropy. Understanding work and heat is not difficult, but an PeterA.Rockisdeceased. #SpringerInternationalPublishingAG2017 W.M.White(ed.),EncyclopediaofGeochemistry, DOI10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_11-1 2 GeochemicalThermodynamics understanding of temperature, energy, and entropy requires Energy,Work,andHeat moreeffort. Energyisanabstractmathematicalconceptthatisquantified intermsofanenergyfunction,U.Someotherthermodynamic Temperature functions also are called energy functions (Gibbs energy, Helmholtzenergy)andarechosen specificallyasstatefunc- A device designed to measure temperature is called a ther- tionsthatyieldexactdifferentialsintermsofexperimentally mometer,ofwhichthere aremany types. Familiar examples convenientvariablessuchatTandP. are the liquid-in-glass capillary, thermocouples, and resis- Energy is not a thing. There are no meters capable of tance thermometers such as platinum wires and thermistors. directly measuring energy, yet there are electric-current Allofthesedeviceshaveapropertythatvariesmonotonically meters, gas-flow meters, volume meters, mass meters, pres- with temperature. The most fundamental thermometer, for sure meters, length meters, time meters, and thermometers. example, is the constant-volume, ideal-gas thermometer, These measureable properties are used to calculate energy which is based on the fact that nonassociating gases obey changes. Determination of the amount of energy transferred theideal-gasequation: fromonesystemtoanotheralwaysinvolvesmeasurementsof theappropriatephysicalparametersfollowedbycalculations PV ¼nRT (1) involvingtheappropriateenergyformulae. Themostsignificantmathematicalpropertyoftheenergy inthelimitasP!0wherePisthepressureofthegas,Vis function is that of conservation. The principle of energy thevolume,nisthenumberofmolesofthegas,andRisthe conservationamountstothestatementthat,foranyrealpro- gas constant. With a constant-volume gas thermometer, we cess,thetotalamountofenergyremainsexactlythesameat measurethetemperatureofafixedreferencepoint,suchasthe theendoftheprocessasitwasatthebeginning.Energycan meltingpointoftinmetal,asfollows: be transferred and transformed, but it cannot be created or (cid:1) (cid:3) P destroyed.Thisconservationrelatestothedefinitionofastate T ¼ð273:16KÞ lim T P273(cid:4):16K!0 P273:16K(cid:5) (2) function,whichisalsoindependentofpath. nRT=V Work and heat are the only modes of energy transfer ¼ð273:16KÞ nR273:16=V between systems. The transfer of energy as work requires the existence of an unbalanced force between a system and its surroundings. The transfer of energy as heat requires the We measure P , the pressure of n moles of the gas at T existenceofatemperaturedifferencebetweenthesystemand temperature T for progressively smaller values of n. The its surroundings. When a force F acts on a system and dis- resulting calculated values of temperature are extrapolated placesthesystembyadifferentialamountdx,thenthework to zero pressure to obtain the thermodynamic temperature. doneonthesystemisgivenbyclassicalmechanicsas ThevalueofP isthecorrespondingmeasuredpressure 273.16K ofthegaswhenthethermometerbulbisincontactwithwater dw¼(cid:3)Fdx (4) atitstriplepoint.Thetriplepointofwateristhesinglemost important accessible reference point in thermometry and is Ingeneral,theworkdoneonasystemdependsonthepath assignedatemperatureofexactly273.16Ktopreserveclose alongwhichtheprocessiscarriedoutandmustbespecified numerical agreement with older temperature scales, such as (herefromstates1!2): theCelsiusscale. ThetemperaturescaledefinedbyEquation2isanabsolute ð2 scale where zero is the lowest possible temperature and all w¼(cid:3) Fdx (5) temperatures are positive. This scale is called the absolute Kelvin temperaturescale,andtemperaturesareexpressed as 1 kelvins. Celsius temperatures are related to Kelvin tempera- inordertocalculatework:w.TheminussigninEquation5 turesviatheequation ischosentomakeworkdoneonthesystem(dx<0)apositive t=(cid:1)C¼T=K(cid:3)273:16 (3) quantity.Whenthepathmustbespecifiedbeforetheintegral in Equation 5 can be evaluated, then the integral is called a Thetemperaturesoffixedreferencepointsobtainedinthe lineintegral.Iftheworkdoneisindependentofthepath,e.g., the work done in lifting a weight in a constant gravitational manner outlined above are, in turn, used to calibrate other field moreconvenientthermometers.

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