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Introductory Review Population genomics: patterns of genetic variation within populations Greg Gibson NorthCarolinaState University,Raleigh,NC,USA 1. Polymorphism Polymorphism at the nucleotide level ranges over at least an order of magnitude within species, and average polymorphism ranges over two orders of magnitude between species. Homo sapiens is among the least polymorphic of all species, with a heterozygous single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) generally occurring once every 500 to 1000bp (International SNP Map Working Group, 2001). By contrast, marine invertebrates such as the sea squirt and echinoderms have an astonishing level of sequence diversity with a SNP every 5 to 10bp (Dehal etal., 2002). Diversity is a function of organism-level factors such as population size, generationtime,andbreedingstructure(Aquadroetal.,2001),butvariationwithin and among chromosomes signifies that recombination and mutation rates are also critical (Begun and Aquadro, 1992; Charlesworth etal., 1995). In most species, centromeric and telomeric regions are less recombinogenic, hence have smaller effectivepopulationsizes,andtendtobelesspolymorphic(Nachman,2002).Even within a locus, polymorphism can vary over an order of magnitude, according primarilytofunctionalconstraint:synonymoussubstitutionratestendtobeuniform, whereasreplacementscanbeexcludedfromhighlyconserveddomains.Noncoding gene sequences are typically more polymorphic than exons and less polymorphic thanintergenicDNA,butcoreregulatorysequencesuptoseveralhundredbasepairs in length may often be the most conserved of all sequences (Wray etal., 2003). Significant disparity betweentwo measures of polymorphism, namely, the num- ber of segregating sites and the average heterozygosity, provides evidence for departure from “neutrality” (Hudson etal.,1987; Kreitman, 2000). However, neu- trality comes in many flavors, and demographic processes are just as likely to affect the difference between these two measures as is selection (Nielsen, 2001). Heterozygosityisafunctionofallelefrequencyaswellasdensity,sounexpectedly high or low numbers of heterozygotes relative to the number of SNPs in a popula- tioncanariseasaresultofseveralprocessesthatmaybesuperimposedonrandom drift. Thus, rapid population expansion or strong purifying selection both reduce 2 GeneticVariationandEvolution heterozygosity, whereas admixture or balancing selection will increase heterozy- gosity. Tests such as Tajima’s D (Tajima, 1989) have remained useful descriptors of diversity, but have been joined by a new series of tests that are more firmly rootedincoalescenttheory(WallandHudson,2001).Ratherthanstrictlyinterpret- ingtestscoresrelativetotheoreticalexpectations,comparisonofthedistributionof testscoresacrosstensorhundredsoflociamongspeciesemphasizesthatdiversity is affected by a complex interplay of factors and that it is the location of a gene at either extreme of the continuum that marks it as a candidate target of selection, rather than a p-value per se (Hey, 1999; Bustamante etal., 2002). A trend toward empirical evaluation of significance by permutation in light of genomic data is also seen in relation to population structure. Standard F-statisticsintroducedbySewallWrightbasedondifferencesingenotypefrequen- cies among populations (Weir and Hill, 2002) have been extended into an analysis ofmolecularvariance(AMOVA)framework,onepopularimplementationofwhich is the Arlequin software (Schneider etal., 2000). Estimates of SNP, indel, hap- lotype, or microsatellite allele frequency differences are sensitive to sample size, so samples of at least 100 individuals per population are recommended. Using genomicdata,themultiplecomparisonissuealsoarises:inasetof500sites,asin- gle site with a testwise p-value of 0.0001 is not unexpected, but in a large sample this may correspond to an allele frequency difference of just 10%. Consequently, populationstructureisbestestimatedfrommultilocusdata.Forexample,Pritchard etal.(2000)haveintroducedBayesianstatisticstoassignindividualstolikelysub- populationswithnumerousapplicationsinevolutionary,conservation,quantitative, and human genetics. It is well known that over 90% of all human polymorphism is common to all populations, but the ability to genotype hundreds of loci has led to the recognition that given sufficient data there is a detectable signature of demographic history evenin our species(Rosenberg etal., 2002). Similarly, long- held assumptions of panmixia in Drosophila melanogaster are being challenged by deeper sampling (Glinka etal., 2003), as are commonly held notions about the genetic uniformity of crops such as maize (Matsuoka etal., 2002), and in fact the power to discriminate population structure in most species will have a profound impact on quantitative biology. An important implication of the ability to detect population structure is inference of departure from neutrality, by comparison of the observed F-statistics with those obtained from a collection of assumed neutral markers (Lewontin and Krakauer, 1973; Rockman etal., 2003). The advent of new sequencing and genotyping technologies will only accel- erate the data-driven nature of evolutionary genetic research (see Article 7, Sin- gle molecule array-based sequencing, Volume 3). ABI 3730 automated DNA sequencing machines routinely generate traces with over 1kb of high-quality sequenceandhaveathroughputcapacityexceeding1Mbperday.Single-molecule sequencing methods are expected to make the sequencing of complete eukaryotic genomes for $1000 each a reality, possibly in the next decade (Meldrum, 2000), while massively parallel resequencing by hybridization to wafers of tiled oligonu- cleotides has already been used to characterize polymorphism between primate species (Frazer etal., 2003). Such studies have identified hundreds of loci that are candidatesfortheadaptiveevolutionintherecenthumanlineage,someofwhichare likelytocontributetotheetiologyofcommondisease(TishkoffandVerrilli,2003; IntroductoryReview 3 Clarketal.,2003).Molecularevolutionarystudiesofsinglegenesinsamplesof30 individuals havebeentypicalbutwillsoonbedwarfedbygenome-scalesampling, and increasingly, attention will be placed on the efficient sampling design and for- mulationofhypothesesthatutilizepatternsofvariationacrossthegenometointer- pret unusual patterns of variation at focal loci. Describingthe variance of standard population-genetic parameters at a genome-wide scale is unprecedented territory, and developing approaches to quantify this variation across these expansive con- tiguousregionsisthechallengeforthenearfuture.Thistypeofdatawillalsoallow reexaminationofsomeofthemostbasicassumptionsunderlyingmanypopulation- genetic approaches, such as the infinite sites and island migration models. 2. Recombination and linkage disequilibrium Recombination and mutation are the two biochemical processes that influence the distribution of molecular variation. Recombination can be directly measured by monitoring the coinheritance of markers transmitted from parent to offspring, but with the exception of technically demanding single sperm typing (Jeffreys etal., 2000); the resolution of this method is of the order of just centimorgans or hundreds of kilobases. Since an important consequence of recombination is its effect on linkage disequilibrium over scales from tens of bases to tens of kilo- bases, indirect methods for measuring recombination have been introduced based on population-genetic measurement of the cosegregation of markers (Hudson and Kaplan, 1985; Stumpf and McVean, 2003). Linkage disequilibrium (LD) is the nonrandom assortment of genetic markers: given two alleles each at a frequency of20%, just 4%of individualchromosomes shouldhave bothalleles ifassortment is random, but physically adjacent markers will often cosegregate more often. In this case, the maximum possible LD would have 20% of the chromosomes with both less common alleles, and 80% with both common alleles. Two commonly used statistics measure this departure from randomness, D(cid:1) and r2, only the latter ofwhichexplicitlytakesallelefrequenciesintoaccount(HillandRobertson,1966; Weir,1996).AfurthertechnicalchallengeinthemeasurementofLDisestablishing the linkage phase of double heterozygotes, which can be addressed directly by studyingtriosofparentsandtheiroffspring(whichishoweverimpracticalformany species) or computationally with EM likelihood algorithms (Fallin and Schork, 2000; Stephens etal., 2001). Quantitative geneticists have long been interested in LD because detection of association between markers and phenotypes is dependent on LD between anony- mousmarkers andthe causativediseaseorquantitative traitnucleotide(s)(Zonder- van and Cardon, 2004). This idea has given rise to the human HapMap project, which is an effort to describe the complete pattern of haplotypes in the human genome (International HapMap Consortium, 2003). Haplotypes are sets of multi- locus alleles, and because of LD they tend to be less common than chance would predict: there are 32 possible ways that five biallelic alleles can combine, but typ- ically just a handful of these will be at any appreciable frequency in a population. Standard population-genetic theory predicts that LD should decay monotonically withdistance,butatleastinthehumangenomeitnowappearsthatthereare often 4 GeneticVariationandEvolution fairly discrete boundaries that define haplotype blocks that range in length from 10 to 100kb or more (Gabriel etal., 2002; see also Article 12, Haplotype map- ping,Volume3andArticle74,Findingandusinghaplotypeblocksincandidate gene association studies, Volume 4). Consequently, while there are in excess of 5 million SNPs in the human genome, there may be as few as 50 000 common haplotype blocks, and consequently it is argued that a similar number of markers will be sufficient to perform genome scans for associationwith disease (Risch and Merikangas, 1996). According to the common disease–common variant hypothe- sis, the polymorphisms that contribute tomany complexhuman diseasesare likely to have arisen early in human history, but sufficiently recently that they remain embedded in observable common haplotypes. Similarly, selected phenotypes or polymorphic traits of interest to evolutionary biologists and ecologists may be due to nucleotide variants that can be identified by LD mapping. There is considerable debate over the reasons for the detection of haplotype blocks,withexplanationsrangingfromsamplingvariancetounequalrecombination ratesand/orgeneconversionhotspotswithinloci(WallandPritchard,2003;Stumpf and Goldstein, 2003), and study of the population structure of haplotypes are in their infancy. With respect to evolutionary and agricultural genetics, measurement of haplotype structure is increasingly important. Domesticated crops and livestock are likely to have strong haplotype structure as a result of their breeding history (Flint-Garcia etal., 2003), whereas outbred and highly polymorphic species such as Drosophila melanogaster are almost devoid of haplotypes (see Article 10, LinkingDNAtoproduction:themappingofquantitativetraitlociinlivestock, Volume 3). More recent is the advent of population genetics in nonmodel systems that are important with respect to epidemiology, particularly in humans, such as HIV and Plasmodium (malaria). The frequency of outcrossing or mixing among these species may contribute to these organisms’ ability to evade host immunity (Awadalla,2003).Theabilitytodissectquantitativetraitstothenucleotidelevelin any species is ultimately dependent on the thorough characterization of haplotype diversity. 3. Mutation, gene content, and the transcriptome Populationgenomicsalsoencompassesseveralnovelaspectsofvariationthatwere beyond the technical reach of classical population genetics. For example, direct measurement of mutation rates is now possible, and will complement a large body of literature on the genetic consequencesof mutation accumulation (Keightley and Lynch,2003).Formanyspecies,ithasbeenestimatedthatnewgeneticvariancefor fitness or morphological traits is generated at a rate within an order of magnitude of 0.1% of the environmental variance per generation (Clayton and Robertson, 1955; Houle etal., 1996). Similarly, genetic evidence suggests that a typical per locusspontaneousmutationrateisapproximately10−6 pergeneration,fromwhich nucleotides are inferred to substitute in each meiosis at a rate close to 10−9. Microsatellites evolve at a much accelerated rate, but with a high variance, as directly measured by comparison of parent and offspring genotypes in several studies (Ellegren, 2000). Insertion–deletion (indel) polymorphism is prevalent, IntroductoryReview 5 particularly in studies of regulatory regions of genes, but has been relatively neglected by theoreticians because of the absence of good molecular data on the tempo and mode of indel generation (Li, 1997). Genomic sequence data from invertebrates such as the nematode Caenorhabditiselegans that canbe propagated essentially clonally (with a population size of 1) will provide measurements of mutationratesindependentofthefilterofnaturalselection(Vassilievaetal.,2000), offering a crucial comparison with standing variation in natural populations. Gene order and content is unlikely to be highly polymorphic within populations of multicellular eukaryotes, but has emerged as a challenging feature of microbial genetics. A mixture of processes including conjugation, horizontal transfer from other species, plasmid shuffling, and spontaneous deletion or duplication, result in differences among congeneric bacteria affecting 10% or more of the genome (Ochman and Jones, 2000; Daubin etal., 2003; see also Article 66, Methods for detecting horizontal transfer of genes, Volume 4). Whole-genome sequence comparisons have revealed the existence of pathogenicity and virulence islands of genes that distinguish isolates of Bacillus, Escherichia, and several other bacterial species (Whittam and Bumbaugh, 2002; Hacker and Kaper, 2000), but more generally it has been suggested that each species is defined by a core set of definitive genes that are accompanied by hundreds of variable genes whose presence defines the metabolic capacity of each isolate (Lan and Reeves, 2001). Ourconceptionofmicrobialdiversityis underequallyprofoundchallengethrough theadventofwhole-florashotgunsequencing,anapproachdesignedtocharacterize new species that cannot be cultured in vitro (De Long, 2002; Venter etal., 2004). As many as 90% of the microbial species in water, soil, and body cavities remain to be described, and genomic arrays will also be developed for use in monitoring diversity in microbial ecosystems. Finally, the structure of transcriptional variation is emerging as a new field of enquiry (see Article 90, Microarrays: an overview, Volume 4). Almost no attention has been given to the prevalence of variation for alternative splicing, despite the fact that mutational studies indicate that a considerable fraction of sites affect splicing efficiency in a quantitative manner (Cartegni etal., 2002). Transcript abundance itself is also variable among individuals, as a result of both environmental and genetic factors (Yan and Zhou, 2004). Estimates from half a dozen species indicate that at least 10% of the transcriptome differs in abundance betweenanytwoindividuals,butalmostnothingisknownofthetissueandtemporal specificityofdifferentialtranscription(CheungandSpielman,2002;Gibson,2002). Descriptorsofthefrequenciesofqualitativelydistinctlevelsoftranscriptabundance as well as the cosegregation of these “transcriptional alleles” within and among populations,aswellastheirheritability,willbeafundamentalcomponentoffuture efforts to describe the genetic architecture of complex traits. References Aquadro CF, Bauer-DuMont V and Reed FA (2001) Genome-wide variation in the human and fruitfly:acomparison.CurrentOpinioninGeneticsandDevelopment,11,627–634. Awadalla P (2003) The evolutionary genomics of pathogen recombination. Nature Reviews Genetics,4,50–60. 6 GeneticVariationandEvolution BamshadMandWoodingSP(2003)Signaturesofnaturalselectioninthehumangenome.Nature ReviewsGenetics,4,99–111. Begun DJ and Aquadro CF (1992) Levels of naturally occurring DNA polymorphism correlate withrecombinationratesinD.melanogaster.Nature,356,519–520. BustamanteCD, NielsenR, Sawyer SA, Olsen KM, PuruggananMD andHartl DL (2002)The costofinbreedinginarabidopsis.Nature,416,531–534. Cartegni L, Chew SL and Krainer AR (2002) Listening to silence and understandingnonsense: exonicmutationsthataffectsplicing.NatureReviewsGenetics,3,285–298. ChakravatiA(1999)Populationgenetics – makingsenseoutofsequence.NatureGenetics,21, 56–60. Charlesworth B, Morgan MT and Charlesworth D (1995) The pattern of neutral molecular variationunderthebackgroundselectionmodel.Genetics,141,1619–1632. Cheung VS and Spielman RS (2002) The genetics of variation in gene expression. Nature Genetics,32(Suppl),522–525. Clark AG, Glanowski S, Nielsen R, Thomas PD, Kejariwal A, Todd MA, Tanenbaum DM, CivelloD,LuF,MurphyB,etal.(2003)Inferringnonneutralevolutionfromhuman-chimp- mouseorthologousgenetrios.Science,302,1960–1963. 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JeffreysAJ,RitchieAandNeumannR(2000)Highresolutionanalysisofhaplotypediversityand meioticcrossoverinthehumanTAP2recombinationhotspot.HumanMolecularGenetics,9, 725–733. Keightley PD and Lynch M (2003) Toward a realistic model of mutations affecting fitness. Evolution;InternationalJournalofOrganicEvolution,57,683–685. Kimura M (1983) The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. Kreitman M (2000) Methods to detect selection in populations with applications to the human. AnnualReviewsofGenomicsandHumanGenetics,1,539–559. Lan R and Reeves PR (2001) When does a clone deserve a name? A perspective on bacterial speciesbasedonpopulationgenetics.TrendsinMicrobiology,9,419–424. LewontinRCandKrakauerJ(1973)Distributionofgenefrequencyasatestofthetheoryofthe selectiveneutralityofpolymorphisms.Genetics,74,175–195. LiWH(1997)MolecularEvolution,SinauerAssociates:Sunderland,MA. Luikart G, England PR, Tallmon D, Jordan S and Taberlet P (2003) The power and promise of population genomics: from genotyping to genome typing. Nature Reviews Genetics, 4, 981–994. MatsuokaY,VigourouxY,GoodmanMM,SanchezGJ,BucklerESandDoebleyJIV(2002)A single domestication for maize shown by multilocus microsatellite genotyping. Proceedings oftheNationalAcademyofSciences(USA),99,6080–6084. MeldrumD(2000)Automationforgenomics,parttwo:sequencers,microarrays,andfuturetrends. GenomeResearch,10,1288–1303. Nachman MW (2002) Variation in recombination rate across the genome: evidence and implications.CurrentOpinioninGeneticsandDevelopment,12,657–663. Nielsen R (2001) Statistical tests of selective neutrality in the age of genomics. Heredity, 86, 641–647. OchmanHandJonesB(2000)EvolutionarydynamicsoffullgenomecontentinEscherichiacoli. TheEMBOJournal,19,6637–6643. Pritchard JK, Stephens M and Donnelly P (2000) Inference of population structure using multilocusgenotypedata.Genetics,155,945–959. Risch N and Merikangas K (1996) The future of genetic studies of complex human diseases. Science,273,1516–1517. RockmanMV,HahnMW,SoranzoM,GoldsteinDBandWrayGA(2003)Positiveselectionon ahuman-specifictranscriptionfactorbindingsiteregulatingIL4expression.CurrentBiology, 13,2118–2123. RosenbergNA,PritchardJK,WeberJL,CannHM,KiddKK,ZhivotovskyLAandFeldmanMA (2002)Geneticstructureofhumanpopulations.Science,298,2381–2385. SchneiderS,RoessliDandExcoffierL(2000)Arlequin:ASoftwareforPopulationGeneticsData Analysis. Version 2.000, Genetics and Biometry Laboratory, Department of Anthropology, UniversityofGeneva. Stephens M, Smith NJ and Donnelly P (2001) A new statistical method for haplotype reconstructionfrompopulationdata.AmericanJournalofHumanGenetics,68,978–989. StumpfMPandGoldsteinDB(2003)Demography,recombinationhotspotintensity,andtheblock structureoflinkagedisequilibrium.CurrentBiology,13,1–8. StumpfMPandMcVeanGA(2003)Estimatingrecombinationratesfrompopulation-geneticdata. 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WeirBS(1996)GeneticDataAnalysisII,SinauerAssociates:Sunderland. WeirBSandHillWG(2002)EstimatingF-statistics.AnnualReviewsofGenetics,36,721–750. Whittam TS and Bumbaugh AC (2002) Inferences from whole-genome sequences of bacterial pathogens.CurrentOpinioninGeneticsandDevelopment,12,719–725. WrayGA,HahnMW,AbouheifE,BalhoffJP,PizerM,RockmanMVandRomanoLA(2003) The evolution of transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes. MolecularBiologyandEvolution, 20,1377–1419. YanHandZhouW(2004)Allelic variationsin geneexpression.CurrentOpinioninOncology, 16,39–43. ZondervanKTandCardonLR(2004)Thecomplexinterplayamongfactorsthatinfluenceallelic association.NatureReviewsGenetics,5,89–100. Specialist Review Modeling human genetic history Loune`s Chikhi Universite´ PaulSabatier,Toulouse,France Mark A. Beaumont UniversityofReading,Reading,UK 1. Introduction The genetic patterns observed today in the human species are the result of a com- plexhistoryincludingpopulationexpansionsandcollapses,migration,colonization, extinction, and admixture events. These events have taken place in different loca- tions and times, sometimes involving populations that have been separated for centuriesormillennia.Giventhatanatomicallymodernhumansprobablyappeared some 100–200 thousand years ago (KYA) in Africa, it would certainly be ingen- uous to think that the details of that history will be fully uncovered using genetic data.However,itwouldprobablybeequallymisguidedtorefusetheuseofsimple models on those grounds. Indeed, genetic data have revolutionized the way we look at our species in many ways. They have shown that the split between human, chimpanzees, and gorillasisratherrecent,between5and8millionyearsold(Nichols,2001),instead of twice as much as was originally believed on the basis of morphological and fossil data. They have shown that the amount of genetic variation within single populationsrepresentsamajorproportion(∼85–90%)ofthediversitypresentinthe human species as a whole, indicating that despite the sometimes large phenotypic differences between some human groups, genetic diversity is not very strongly partitioned. They have contributed to the debate over recent migration patterns, the emergence of our species, or its relationships with Neanderthals. In particular, genetic data have been the major driving force in favor of a recent origin of our species, notably thanks to work done using mitochondrial DNA data in the late 1980s and early 1990s (Cann etal., 1987; see also Article 5, Studies of human genetic history using mtDNA variation, Volume 1). The modeling workperformed inthis period showeda significantgenetic signal for a demographic bottleneck followed by a demographic expansion, the dating of which was recent (i.e., less than 200 KYA, Slatkin and Hudson, 1991; Rogers and Harpending, 1992), a result found across genetic markers, including indepen- dent microsatellite loci (Goldstein etal., 1995; Reich and Goldstein, 1998). These

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