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Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items (Vol 06) PDF

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Preview Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items (Vol 06)

In honor of The Explosives and Weapons Forum We present: The Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items PATR 2700, the Encyclopedia, Federoff, the Bible of Explosives, call it what you will as it has many names. There are few enough books in existence that cover a topic such as explosives, let alone do such a good job as to be a must have reference for anyone in the field. The Encyclopedia is the single greatest work on explosives period. Get it, copy it, distribute it far and wide. A special thanks goes to megalomania for creating The Forum, to NBK2000 for keeping out the kewls, and to nhamilto40 for ripping the original of this book. http://www.roguesci.org All the knowledge “they” don’t want you to have Visit The Forum at http://www.roguesci.org/theforum/index.php Visit the Chem Lab at http://www.roguesci.org/megalomania ENCYCLOPEDIA OF EXPLOSIVES AND RELATED ITEMS PATR 2700 VOLUME 6 BY BASIL T. FEDOROFF & OLIVER E. SHEFFIELD ASSISTED BY THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE RESEARCH LABORATORIES U.S. ARMY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND TACOM, ARDEC WARHEADS, ENERGETICS AND COMBAT SUPPORT CENTER PICATINNY ARSENAL NEW JERSEY, USA 1974 ehT nilknarF etutitsnI hcraeseR seirotarobaL ,aihpledalihP ainavlysnneP 19103 lacinhceT snoitubirtnoC dedivorP :yb Mr rehtnuG ,nhoC roineS Staff ,reenignE deilppA scisyhP yrotarobaL rD drahciR ,nosaM roineS Information tsylanA ecneicS Information secivreS Mr leinaD .J ,nelluM Jr., roineS hcraeseR ,reenignE deilppA scisyhP yrotarobaL rD .J treboR ,notnrohT roineS Information ,tsylanA ecneicS Information secivr* sevisolp xfaEoidepolcycn Ee “hfstoeipoC M ODgRCnitseuq eydrbeniat ben oba”csme tdIetal edRnA mor:feht ecivreS noitamrofnI lacinhceT lanoitaN )esuohgnira eyllCremrof( ecrem mtfonoCemtra pSeUD 15 1a 2i2nigr i,VdleifgnirpS yl nA oS7U486-355-008-1 0006-506-307 CPCF/vog.sitn.www DEIFISSALC Ne Ursaemul oevse hfstotnetn oechT DETIMI LssNeiUmu leosv enfhootitubirt seihdT f oflahe bn 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selitcejorP 1G to 791G SELBAT noitisopmoC of slohoclA dednetnI for ecnandrO esU 651E lacimehC dna lacisyhP stnemeriuqeR for lyhteiD rehtE 681E ecnabrosbA stimiL for tlaboC-munitalP kcotS noituloS 781E evitcarfeR secidnI of eruP sdnuopmoC 862E evitcarfeR secidnI of erutxiM of enelyhtE locylG 962E etartiniD dna nirecylgortiN Effect of -gniyraV snoitroporP on evitcarfeR s&cidnI of 962E serutxiM of locylgenelyhtE etartiniD dna nirecylgortiN evitcarfeR secidnI of eruP dna etimanyD nirecylgortiN 962E derarfnI dohteM of gninimreteD NDGE ni serutxiM htiw GN. 072E ytivitprosbA of enezneB dna enaporportiN-2 172E seitivitprosbA of GN dna NDGE 172E yraniB citcetuE serutxiM of sevisolpxE 443E 643E yranreT citcetuE serutxiM of sevisolpxE 663E setyla~doryP 763E etarolhcreP 504E noisolpxE serutarepmeT dna semiT for suoiraV sevisolpxE 604E noitavitcA seigrenE of suoiraV sevisolpxE 924E evitaleR ecnamrofreP sretemaraP of retawrednU sevisolpxE 944E evisolpxE sehctiwS of MX 60 seireS 074E derusaeM seitreporP dna detaluclaC sretemaraP of evitatneserpeR gniretarC sevisolpxE 384E elbaT of SU snoitacificepS 984E sevisolpxE noitpmusnoC F1O hcnerF serduoP reivaF llF hcnerF sfisolpxE reivaF stseT of gnitaitininoN sevisolpxE F23 F46 s’lehciB emalF stnemerusaeM gnisU g001 selpmaS of sevisolpxE elbatroP epyT emalF srotcejorP F55 noitisopmoC of reworhtemalF serutxiM - leG epyT F59 serovimmalF naigleB( elbissimreP )sevisolpxE F62 SELBAT (Contd) ., egaP scitsiretcarahC of suoiraV gnitanimullI seralF F65 detalupinaM-dnaH langiS seciveD F66 ygrenE esaeleR stseT F101 rednilyC tseT stluseR FIO1 HNF esaB-elgniS stnalleporP F152 detaluclaC lacimehcomrehT seulaV for SU stnalleporP F157 egatnecreP stcudorP of noisolpxE for sevisolpxE F158 naigleB seticroF F161 seticroF sesuetuosirgitnA F162 Fordits F162 setirotcarF F179 hcnerF EH ecivreS sbmoB of WWII F189 hcnerF semmog-setimanyD F192 hcnerF se~nita16g-setimanyD F192 hcnerF setimanyD sesuetuosirg F193 hcnerF snopaeW of WWH F200 hcnerF WWII seniM F201 noitcirF snoitisopmoC for noitcirF srotanoteD F202 leuF saG secruoS F21O gnimirP snoitisopmoC gniniatnoC yrucreM etanimluF F230 e&gimuF snoitisopmoC F239 seitreporP of recnepS lacimehC ynapmoC NA llirP sevisolpxE 41G noitisopmoC of sesaG decudorP on noitanoteD of sevisolpxE 22G noitisopmoC of sesaG decudorP on noitanoteD of enahtemortinarteT 22G noisserpmoC seulaV of sselsaG sevisolpxE 62G detaluclaC latoT noitanoteD serusserP of se&C decudorP 13G yb sevisolpxE detaluclaC latoT noitanoteD serusserP detropeR yb tsroG 23G latnemirepxE noitanoteD serusserP detropeR yb sivaD 23G latnemirepxE saG semuloV decudorP on noitanoteD of sevisolpxE 73G elpmaS noitaluclaC of saG erusserP tseT ataD 14G noitisopmoC of sesaG ni sutarappA retfa tseT 14G noitisopmoC of retaW saG detropeR yb legeiR 14G tinobraC-enitaleG setimanyD 64G tinemhaD-enitaleG setimanyD 74G enitaleG, setimanyD 84G stinirhtneP-enitaleG dna stinirhtneP 25G enitaleG stirepsorP 25G enitaleG stinomerT 35G ,senita14G 4greV 35G esoD-elgniS larO seiticixoT of suoiraV slocylG dna detaleR sdnuopmoC 311G seitreporP of etihparG desU ni noitinummA 821G ytilibuloV of enidinaugortiN ni suoeuqA Sulfuric dicA 551G noitacificepS stnemeriuqeR for enidinaugortiN 261G scitsiretcarahC of 2V tekcoR 481G tsiL of SU yrellitrA snopaeW IG 88 nuG ,stnalleporP decnavdA 491G v TSIL FO SERUGIF DNA SNOITARTSULLI egaP noitartiT ksalF ylbmessA 951E 161E lacipyT yhpargotamorhC of SU lairtsudnI mehC ,oC ,YN xemliF C saG cihpargotamorhC nacS of a laniF deirD esaB-elgniS redwoP elpmaS 561E noituloS ebuT 661E muucaV eniL ylbmessA 661E Wire neercS yarT 661E evitcetorP gniyrD ebuT 761E noituloS ebuT redloH 761E esiopretnuoC 761E kcolB margaiD of citylortcelE retemorgyH 071E noitallitsiD semiT for erutsioM noitanimreteD ni stnalleporP dna 271E sevisolpxE sutarappA for noitamitsE of lonahtE dna rehtE ni stnalleporP 571E lreB ettepiP 791E ppiK rotareneG dna egarotS metsyS 212E noitartiT ksalF 212E yxohtE sutarappA 122E derarfnI evruC rbt lonaporp-2-ortiN-l 472E derarfnI evruC for locylgenelyhtE etartiniD htiw %52.0 APN-2 572E derarfnI evruC for tnalleporP 672E noitaitinI or noisolpxE erutarepmeT noitanimreteD 772E elttoB dna lateM reirraC rbi enelyhtE edixO noitanimreteD 682E enelyhtE edixo tnalleporP relpmaS 982E noisolpxE noisserppuS metsyS 783E rewoP gnicudorP evisolpxE ylbmessA 493E margaiD of deifidoM noisolpxE erutarepmeT sutarappA 404E evisolpxE edoiD 604E tnatsnI evisolpxE noitavacxE nrettaP 904E evisolpxE telluB rebilaC .50, 1T 114E evisolpxE telluB rebilaC .30, lT 214E evisolpxE yraidnecnI telluB rebilaC .50, AF 1T 314E evisolpxE yraidnecnI telluB rebilaC .50, AF 2T 414E lanoitnevnoC sv evisolpxE ssertS setaR 614E IV \ TSIL FO SERUGIF DNA SNOITARTSULLI (Contd) egaP ylevisolpxE demroF rotoM-teJ gnisuoH 614E cisaB evisolpxE gnimroF dohteM 714E A elpmiS tnemegnarrA for evisolpxE gnimroF 714E evisolpxE gniziS of senoC or srednilyC , 124E raeniL yarrA of tohS dna egaG seloH for niartS stnemerusaeM 624E liateD of raeniL yarrA tseT 724E retawrednU tseT puteS 824E evisolpxE epiP erusolC metsyS 034E lanoitceS-ssorC weiV of a notsiP-elgniS sserP 134E lanoitceS-ssorC weiV of a notsiP-elbuoD sserP 134E evisolpxE teviR 344E evisolpxE hctiwS tlih 66 Mod O 944E tcatnoC tnemegnarrA of MX 61 hctiwS 944E evisolpxE hctiwS kM 46 Mod O 054E evisolpxE rotautcA kM 3 Mod O 054E poT noitaitinI b evisolpxE gnidleW 254E detacruF or ”T“ noitarugifnoC nortolpxE 294E C ”Y‘ noitarugifnoC nortolpxE 294E nairulleT )dnuorgrednU( nortolpxE 494E devorpmI egasuaS enihcaM 105E inoracaM dna gnikcolB sesserP 205E noisurtxE sserP 305E enorcaptsuaF F9 dleiF Proof nuG F22 SU dradnatS gniriF niP rbt batS srotaitinI F36 batS ,rotanoteD M55 F36 noissucreP ,remirP 1A92M F37 noissucreP niP for bmoB ,ezuF M904, to etaitinI M9 yaleD tnemelE F37 gnitatoR murD sutarappA for gnirusaeM emalF scitsiretcarahC F48 decudorP on noisolpxE gnitatoR murD sutarappA dna noitoM erutciP dohteM F49 namreG egnalF elitcejorP 36G tfarcriA etuhcaraP ,eralF 5kM F68 langiS ,eralF llM F69

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