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A Artificial Islands The history ofislandandland reclamationinto the seais some2,000yearsold,startingwithdwellingmoundsinflood- MarcelJ.F.Stive prone areas (cf. Kraus 1996; this reference provides historic DepartmentofHydraulicEngineering,FacultyCivil context of works in Canada, Germany, Japan, the Nether- EngineeringandGeosciences,DelftUniversityof lands, and Taiwan, described below). In the sixteenth and Technology,Delft,TheNetherlands seventeenth centuries, land reclamations were becoming commonpracticeinWesternEurope.Inthetwentiethcentury, thispracticehasevolvedworldwide.Whilethiscontinuesto Definition bethecase,theconstructionofislandsorreclamationsfurther offshoreisonlyofrecenttimes.Islandsinsupportofalarger Islands are defined as a relatively small land surface, infrastructureortemporaryislandsforpetroleumexploitation surrounded by water. The largest island, Greenland, has a are of the last decades. Many feasibility studies on artificial surface, which is still four times smaller than that of the islandswithanintrinsicpurpose(suchasindustry,urbaniza- smallestcontinent,Australia.Thetotalsurfaceoftheearth’s tion, and airports) have been undertaken all over the world islandsapproximates10millionkm2,whichiscomparableto sincethe1970s.However,itwasnotuntil1994thatthefirst Europe’stotalsurfacearea. offshore-located island was completed for the realization of Itiscommontodistinguishbetweencontinentalandoce- Kansai International Airport in the Bay of Kobe of Japan. anic islands. Continental islands are considered part of a Mostrecently,strategictensionsintheSouthChinaSeaalso continentwhentheyarelocatedontheassociatedcontinental knownastheEastSeahasledtonourishmentsincreasingthe shelf. Oceanic islands, in contrast, do not belong to a conti- surface areas of very small islands that are not necessarily nental shelf. The majorityofoceanic islands are ofvolcanic shorefaceconnected. origin. Some oceanic islands (e.g., Madagascar, Greenland, Zealandia)couldbeconsideredassubcontinents,whichhave been separated from larger continents through tectonic ConceptsandApplications processes. All realizations of artificial or man-made islands as DwellingMounds constructed so far are close to shores on relatively shallow Historically,artificialislandsandreclamationsgobackalong water eitherinintertidal zones, inbays, ontheshoreface,or way(cf.VanVeen1962).Thefirstknownhistoricrecordings onthenearbyshallowcontinentalshelf,andmostarelocated of artificial islands are by the Romans. Plinius in 47 AD in a sheltered environment. Based on the above definition, describes how the Friesians along the northern boundaries artificial islands belong to the class of continental islands. of the Roman Empire lived on artificial mounds (called Becauseoftheirgeneralclosevicinitytotheshore,artificial “terpen” in Dutch) in order to keep “their heads above the islands are very similar to land reclamations into the sea, water”duringspringtidesandstormsurges.Inalltheybuilt certainly when such reclamation is separated from the 1,260ofthesemoundsinthenortheasternpartoftheNether- existing land by a waterway or channel, which often has a lands, which still exist today, although by now situated in watermanagementpurpose. reclaimedland.Theareasofthemoundsvaryfrom2to16ha, andtheirsurfacelevelmayreachashighas10mabovemean #SpringerInternationalPublishingAG2017 C.W.Finkl,C.Makowski(eds.),EncyclopediaofCoastalScience, DOI10.1007/978-3-319-48657-4_14-2 2 ArtificialIslands sealevel.Thevolumecontentofasinglemoundmaybeupto sacrificialbeachtypeimpliedthattherelativelysteepslopeof onemillioncubicmeters(Mm3). the core was protected with a gently sloping lower beach of less dense sediment, which would be able to withstand ero- PoldertypeReclamations siveforcesbywater(insummer)andbyice(inwinter).The This period of family-based shelter against high waters sandbag-retained type resolved the issue of required resis- reverted into a more collective form of shelter by seawalls tancebyprotectingtheslopesofthecore throughgeotextile andassociatedreclamations.Thestartoftheseconstructions sandbags (with volumes of 1.5–3 m3). The issue of subsi- is expected to have been shortly after the declaration of the denceinthisareaisvirtuallyabsentbecauseofthepermafrost LexFrisonianin802.Inthesixteenthandseventeenthcentu- conditions. ries all over Western Europe, including Russia, polder-type reclamationshavebeenrealizedbothonseashores,estuaries ElevatedReclamations andrivers,andlakes.Apolderthatisusedtoreclaimpartof The strong economic development of Asian countries over the sea bottom consists of an endiked continental shelf or the last decades where the availability of land is scarce, for intertidal basin area, with its surface, being the original sea example, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea, has bottom,belowmeansealevelwhichismaintaineddrybythe alsoresultedthereinaseriesofreclamations.Withtheexcep- useofpumpingstations(seeentryon“▶Polders”). tionofSouthKorea,theacceptationofthepolder-typerecla- Oneoftheworld’slargestpolderreclamations(VandeVen mationinAsiahasshowntobelow.Althoughtheexecution 1993) concerns that of the Zuiderzee in the Netherlands, method initially is similar, viz., endiking the area first and which started in 1918 (with the main damming realized in thendryingbypumping,thereappearstoexistapreferencein 1932 and the principle of constructing small polders first to Asia for elevating the reclamation to above mean sea level learnbydoing)andwasfinalizedintheearly1970swhenit (seeentryon“▶Reclamation”). was decided to not reclaim the last planned polder Examplesofthispracticearetherecentrealizations(mid- (Markermeer Polder). The closing off and the partial recla- 1990s) of the industrial reclamation estates Chang Hua and mation of the Zuiderzee have resulted in the gain of Yun-Lin on the west coast of Taiwan, comprising 3,000 ha 166,000 ha of new land distributed over four polders. This and 10,000 ha, respectively. The fill of these reclamations newlandisusedforagriculture,urbandevelopment,recrea- amountedto800mm3ofsand,whichwasdredgedbytrailing tion,andnatureconservation. suction hopper dredgers in the nearby offshore area. The Although the polders in the Bay of San Francisco are – reclamation locations were primarily on diluvial substrates intriguingly–called“islands,”thesearebasicallyrealpolders formedbypre-Holoceneebb-tidaldeltas,whichimpliesthat with their ground elevation below mean sea level. These subsidenceproblemswerevirtuallyabsent. solutions are also introduced in Saemangeum, South Korea; A recent (2017) mind changer in Singapore is the Pulau inthePoDelta,Italy;andveryrecentlyinJiangsuProvince, Tekongreclamationwith810hawhichisbeingexecutedasa China. polder, whereas all earlier reclamations were executed with the ground level above mean sea level. The main reason PetroleumExplorationandExploitationIslands behindthisisthedifficultytoarrangeaccesstosandresources Inthepetroleumexplorationandexploitationindustry,there oftheneighboringcountries. exist several examples of island reclamations. One such example concerns Rincon Island off California (U.S. Army InfrastructureSupportingIslands Corps of Engineers 1984). Another important example con- Over the last decades, a number of islands have been cerns a series of artificial exploration drilling rig islands of reclaimed to support the construction of a larger infrastruc- temporary nature in the Beaufort Sea – McKenzie Delta ture.AnearlyexampleistheislandNeeltjeJansinthemouth region, Canada. Through the construction of a number of oftheEasternScheldtestuary.Thiswascreatedonasubtidal such islands in the period 1973–1986, the presence of oil flat, separating the main estuarine channels, with a twofold and gas reserves was confirmed, but exploitation in this purpose. The island served both as a working area for con- remote,arcticenvironmentwascostly.Thedeclineoftheoil structionoftheelementsthatweretoformtheEasternScheldt prices had hampered exploitation. The islands, with an StormSurgeBarrier(completedin1988)andtoformpartof expectedlifetimeof3years,wereconstructedinwaterdepths thebarrieritself. varying between 3 and 21 m, just before the frost and ice Other examples concern the construction of islands in formationwouldsetin.Atotalofeightexplorationislandsof caseswherethetwobanksofawaterwayareconnectedbya thesacrificialbeachtype andnine explorationislands ofthe combined bridge-tunnel connection. At the transition of the sandbag-retained type were constructed. In both cases, a bridge to tunnel and vice versa, the island serves as the dense sediment core was placed, which provided the explo- connectionarea.OneNorth-AmericanexampleistheChesa- rationspaceneeded(surfaceareasoftheorderof1ha).The peakeBaybridge-tunnelconnection; aEuropeanexampleis ArtificialIslands 3 theØresundbridge-tunnelconnectionbetweenDenmarkand the crest. The reclamation of the 4,700 ha required approxi- Sweden. mately180Mm3offill.Around80%ofthefillwasdredged from the sea, and the remaining 20% was quarried from AirportIslands mountainsandhillsinthearea.Thetoplayerofthereclama- It might be stated that the introduction of offshore artificial tionsite,whichislargelyanintertidalarea,iscomposedofa islands in larger depths with a ground level above mean sea soft alluvial layer of 5 m average thickness. A sand drain level was benchmarked by the construction of Kansai Inter- techniquewasappliedtoachievehighersoil-carryingcapac- national Airport, Japan (1994). Chek Lap Kok International ity.Verticalsandpipesof400mmdiameterweredriveninto Airport, Hong Kong (1998), and Inchon International Air- thesoftsoilevery2.8–3.8mtodrainporewater.Theexpected port, South Korea (2001), followed up soon. A common additionalsettlementislessthan0.5m. problemtothesethreeairportislandsisformedbythefoun- dation. Being international airports demands that important loading forces (400 metric tons for future intercontinental Conclusions aircraft) need to be sustained. Since all of these islands are constructedinrelativelyshelteredareas,thelocalseabottom Although the history of artificial islands or island reclama- commonly consists of alluvial clay, which calls for special tionsislong,itmaybeexpectedthattheincreasingpressure measures. of urbanization, industry, and tourism in the densely popu- KansaiInternationalAirport,Japan:Themainconcernin lated coastal regions is yet to result in a further boom of creating the artificial island has been the foundation of the constructionofislandsandislandreclamations,eventhough island.Notonlywasthelocalwaterdepthsome18mbutalso the constructed Palm Islands (Dubai) and the World Islands an alluvial clay layer of more than 20 m covered the (Dubai) are still struggling to turn into a success. The three geotechnically stable diluvial (Pleistocene) clay substrate. main technical problems that one will generally face in the The alluvial clay layer was artificially compacted by about designandexecutionarethoseofgeotechnicalfoundation,of one million piles that were driven into the layer to drain the connectiontothemainland,andofavailabilityoffillmaterial. water out. Subsequently, a sea defense was constructed of Besides this,onefaces theimportantissueofenvironmental some11kmcircumference,withinwhich178mm3ofmate- impact, where the aspects of impact minimization, nature rialwasdumped.Becauseofthescarceavailabilityofsuitable substitution, and working in harmony with natural system sanddredgematerial,themajorityofthefillwastakenfrom forcesarethekeywords. quarriesnearOsaka.Thus,anislandwascreatedwhichhasan elevation of33mabovetheseabottom. Sincetheconstruc- tion,thesubsidencehascontinuedandisexpectedtocontinue Cross-References another30–50years.Inthenextphase,thesurfaceareaofthe islandwillbeextended. ▶DredgingofCoastalEnvironments ChekLapKokInternationalAirport,HongKong:Aquar- ▶GeotextileApplications ter of the artificial island consists of the island of Chek Lap ▶Polders Kok(350ha);threequartersconsistofseareclamation. The ▶Reclamation average local depth was some 6 m. In contrast with the ▶SmallIslands solutions for Kansai and Inchon, the alluvial clay layer of ▶StormSurge 10–15mwasremoved.Thereclamationconsistedofalower layerofrubblemoundmaterialquarriedfromChekLapKok and supplemented with sand dredged in the nearby area. To Bibliography avoidexpensivelayergradation,transitionsbetweentherub- ble mound material and the sand geotextiles were applied. KrausNC(1996)Historyandheritageofcoastalengineering:acollec- Thefillquantitiesamountedto350Mm3,ofwhichtwo-third tion of papers on the history of coastal engineering. International conferenceoncoastalengineering1950–1996.AmericanSocietyof wasdredgedsand. CivilEngineers,p601 Inchon International Airport, South Korea: This airport USArmyCorpsofEngineers(1984)Shoreprotectionmanual.Coastal site covers 5,600 ha in total, of which 4,700 ha consists of EngineeringResearchCenter,Vicksburg Van de Ven GP (ed) (1993) Man made lowlands: history and water reclaimedlandbetweentheislandsofYeongjongandYongyu managementandlandreclamationintheNetherlands.MatrijsPub- alongwith900haofexistingland.Toendiketheareabetween lishers,Utrecht the islands, three dams of a total length of 17 km were VanVeenJ(1962)Dredge,drain,reclaim:theartofanation.Nijhoff constructed, varying in crest height between 7.5 and 9.4 m. Publishers,TheHague Their widths attheirfoundations are90–120mand 20mat B Bay Beaches wave-energy continuum, other terms, such as stream bank, intertidalmarshmargin,orbaybottom,maybemoreappro- KarlF.Nordstrom1andNancyL.Jackson2 priatethanbeach. 1DepartmentofMarineandCoastalSciences,Rutgers University,NewBrunswick,NJ,USA 2DepartmentofChemistryandEnvironmentalScience,New ShoreProcesses JerseyInstituteofTechnology,UniversityHeights,Newark, NJ,USA Waves generated by local winds in bays have low heights (usually mean heights <0.2 m and storm wave heights <1.0 m) and short periods (2.0–4.5 s) (Nordstrom 1992). Definition Ocean waves entering bays play a limited role in beach change where shores do not face ocean entrances. Tidal Beaches in mostly enclosed bays subject to reworking by range affects the vertical distribution of wave energy over locallygeneratedfetch-limitedwaves. the profile, determining the width of the foreshore and the Beachesarefoundinbays,sounds,lagoons,andestuaries duration that waves break at any elevation. Bay beaches are (herealltermedbays)andcancomprisealargeproportionof usuallycharacterizedbyasteepupperforeshorefrontedbya theshoreline.ExamplesincludebeachesinChesapeakeBay, broad,relativelyflatbottom,oftencalledalow-tideterraceor PugetSound,theTagusRiver,andarmsoftheBalticSea.The subtidal terrace. Spilling waves break in a broad surf zone termbayinrelationtotheopencoastissomewhatsubjective, across thegentlysloping terrace atlow water levels,butthe andbayssuchasMontereyBay,California,maybeexposed energyinthewavesislow.Duringhighwaterlevels,waves tooceanwaveswithenergylevelsthatareamongthehighest reachtheupperforeshorewithlittlelossofenergyandusually in the world. This discussion is confined to low-energy break as plunging waves. Waves frequently break on the beaches that occur in mostly enclosed bays where fetch dis- upper foreshore and convert directly to swash without an tances for local wave generation are generally less than interveningsurfzone.Thus,swashprocessesplayarelatively 50 km. Bay beaches are a subset of low-energy beaches greatroleinsedimenttransport. (Jackson et al. 2002) and share many characteristics with Longshore currents are predominantly generated by the beachesinsmalllakesandreservoirs(NordstromandJackson breaking of local wind waves, but refracted ocean waves, 2012). tidalflows,andwinddriftarelocallyimportantandmayresult The length of bays greatly exceeds the length of ocean in flows bayward of the breaking waves that are opposite shoreinmanycountries.Beachesarecommoninthesebays, flows generated by local wind waves. Tidal currents are but they are often so small and isolated that they escape importantnearchannels,projectingheadlands, andconstric- attention,exceptinpopulatedlocations.Theprincipalfactors tions in the bay, and they may be the dominant agent of affecting the morphodynamics of these beaches are locally sediment transport on the terrace bayward of the foreshore. generated waves and wave-induced currents, but Ice forms faster and has a greater influence on mid- and wind-induced and tidal currents play a role in morphologic high-latitude bay beaches than on nearby ocean beaches change. Fluvial processes may be dominant at estuarine because bay waters are colder in winter, shallower, and less shores in narrow basins or tributaries. At the low end of the saline;icelastslongerbecauselowwaveenergiesareslowto #SpringerInternationalPublishingAG2017 C.W.Finkl,C.Makowski(eds.),EncyclopediaofCoastalScience, DOI10.1007/978-3-319-48657-4_29-2 2 BayBeaches remove it. Ship and boat wakes are higher on bay beaches vegetationinbaysandthereducedabilityofthelow-energy than onoceanbeaches because vessels canpass close tothe wavestomoveit.Vegetationhelpsbindbottomsedimentand shore, but the average energyin thewakes is usually only a attenuatewaveenergies;vegetationflotsaminthebreakerand smallpercentageoftheaverageenergyofwindwavesinall surfzonesaltersthewaveandcurrentcharacteristicsandthe butthesmallestbays. likelihoodofentrainmentofbeachsediment;vegetationlitter Water level changes can be locally induced by winds inthewracklineformsbarrierstowaves,currents,andswash blowing across the bay or they can be induced by flow of uprush. waterthroughinletsfromsurgesgeneratedontheopencoast. Bay shorelines are often composed of numerous isolated Windscanincreasewaterlevelsonthedownwindsideofthe beaches with different orientations. The beaches have high bay while lowering water levels on the upwind side, but a variabilityinmorphologyandrateoferosionoversmallareas largeopeningtotheseaonthedownwindsideofthebaycan resultingfromlocaldifferencesinfetch,winddirection,stra- resultinlowerwaterlevelsdownwind. tigraphy,inheritedtopography,resistantoutcropsonthefore- shore, variations in submergence rates, and amounts of sediment in eroding formations (Phillips 1986; Rosen BeachandShoreCharacteristics 1980).Beachcompartmentsareisolated intolongshoredrift cellsdefinedbydeepcovesorheadlandsformedbyresistant The best development of beaches occurs where relatively rock,marsh,orhumanstructures. highwaveenergiesexposeabundantunconsolidatedsandor The net rate of longshore transport on estuarine beaches gravel in the eroding formations, such as moraines, glacial varies with orientation, fetch distance, and size of each drift outwash, fluvial deposits, and landward portions of barrier cellandrangesfromtensofcubicmeterstotensofthousands islands and spits (Nordstrom 1992; Freire et al. 2007). of cubic meters (Wallace 1988). Although rates of transport Beaches in small bays, with limited availability of sand and are low, the magnitude of erosion can be high because the gravel, may be highly localized or confined to ocean quantitiesofsedimentintransportrepresentasizablefraction entrances.Manybeacheshavebeencreatedbyhumanefforts of the total unconsolidated sediment in the active beach in urbanized estuaries at locations where no beach would (Jacksonetal.2017).Manybayshoresareerodingatgreater occurnaturallybecausewaveenergiesaretoolow.Artificial ratesthannearbyoceanshores. beaches are often wider than natural beaches would be in a Thenarrowbeachwidths,wrackdeposits,laggravels,and similar wave climate. Some new beaches are accidental by- beach slopes may restrict sand transport by wind, but dunes productsoflandfilloperations;somearecreatedintentionally and deposits of wind-borne sediment covering preexisting asrecreationareas(Nordstrom1992). topography are more common than perceived. Relatively Bay beaches may be unvegetated or partially vegetated largedunescanoccurasinheritedformswheretheymigrated and composed of sand, gravel, or shell. Surface sediments from ocean beaches or they formed in the bay during more areoftencoarseronbaybeachesthanonoceanbeacheswitha optimumclimaticconditionsinthedistantpastorwherethey similar source. Lag gravel is common on the beach surface, have been artificially constructed by human action formed from particles exhumed by swash or by preferential (NordstromandJackson2012). eliminationoffinesbylow-energywaves.Individualpebbles move readily over the sand surface, and swash excursions createbandsofgravelontheupperforeshore. BeachChange The depth of mobilization of sediments on the upper foreshore is shallow (e.g., <0.2 m under storm conditions), Theupperforeshoresofmostbaybeachesaremodallyreflec- andtheactivebeachmaybeonlyathinveneerofunconsol- tive. Conspicuous cyclic morphologic change is confined to idated material overlying an immobile layer of coarse sedi- the immediate vicinity of the foreshore. Sediment removed ments, clay, peat, or a shore platform. Mobilization of fromtheupperforeshoreduringhigh-wave-energyeventsis sediments on the low-tide terrace by waves may occur only depositedonthelowerforeshorewithachangetoaconcave to depths of 10–30 mm. Biologic processes can have an upwardprofileshape.Sedimentsmovedfartheroffshoreonto influenceonsedimentmobilizationandtransportofamagni- theterraceformonlyathinveneeroverthesurfaceinsteadof tudecomparabletothatofwavesandtidalcurrentsaloneand formingthebreakpointbarthatisprominentonmanyocean play a greater role than wave processes in altering the char- beaches. Landward and bayward displacement of the entire acteristicsofthesurfaceandsubsurfaceofthelow-tideterrace foreshore profile may also occur, while the profile slope is (Nordstrom1992). maintained. This parallel-slope retreat and advance is com- Vegetationplaysagreaterroleininfluencingmorphologic mon when sediment exchange is due primarily to longshore change on bay beaches than on ocean beaches (Nordstrom transportandismostpronouncedneartheendsofdriftcom- 1992; Pilkey et al. 2009) because of greater abundance of partments(Nordstrom1992). BayBeaches 3 ResourceValuesofBayBeaches structuresdeepenoughtopreventtoescourorhighenoughto preventovertopping,weakfastenings,failuretouseadequate The fronting terrace of a low-energy bay beach has a rela- sized armor stones, or failure to perform maintenance. As a tively stable substrate that allows macroscopic plants and result,thereismuchevidenceofstructuralfailure.Beachfill fauna to thrive. The upper foreshore is more energetic and is increasingly used for protection or recreation, but fill can mayhavelessspeciesdiversityandabundancebutneverthe- cover benthic habitat and eliminate shallow-water areas for less high ecological value (Dethieret al.2016). Infauna and aquatic plants. Bayside beach nourishment projects can be macroalgae provide prey to juveniles of commercially valu- inexpensivebecauseonlysmallquantitiesoffillarerequired. able fish, and the intertidal area provides habitat for Fill materials brought in from outside the region may retain recreationallyimportantclamsandnumerousspeciesofepi- their exotic appearance because of limited mixing by low- faunaandinfauna.Fishandinvertebratesarepreyforforag- energywaves. ingbirds,especiallyintheregularlyexposedintertidalzone. Beaches in short-fetch environments comprise just one Wrackfromplantlitterisinhabitedbynumerousamphipods type of shoreline, and vegetated reaches may have greater andinsects.Theswashzoneanddryupperforeshorearealso managementinterest(NordstromandJackson2012).Living foragingareasforbirds,includinguplandspecies. shoreline projects often eliminate beach environments in Baybeachesarenotasintensivelyusedasoceanbeaches favor of marsh habitat. Alternatively, managed realignment for recreation, but they have important complementary projects that involve removing or abandoning shore protec- values. They provide convenient surfaces for launching and tionstructurescancreateconditionsfornewbeachestoform. landingboatsandboardsforwindsurfing.Theyarefavored Lack of sediment is an issue facing ocean beaches and bay by parents with small children because they provide a safer beaches alike, and sediment resources are likely to be even environment than on the ocean. Many bay beaches are morerestrictedinthefuture(OrfordandPethick2006).There underutilized for beach recreation because of the unclean has been considerable government intervention in decisions appearance of the beaches or lack of awareness of their ondevelopingbayshores,especiallyinproductiveestuaries, existence orunique attributes, butease ofaccess causes bay but this intervention is rarely conducted to maintain beach beaches close to urban areas to have relatively high rates of resources. Alternative human uses such as transportation, use(Nordstrom1992). industrialdevelopments,residences,boating,andmarshres- toration are compatible with a coastal location according to most policies, and actions to enhance these uses may elimi- ShoreProtectionandManagement nate beaches. The number and value of bay beaches can be enhancedbyimplementingbeachnourishmentprojects,alter- Erosion control strategies for bay beaches may differ from ingvegetation,constructingappropriateprotectionstructures, strategies for ocean beaches because of differences in the acquiringkeysitesforpublicuse,andenhancingaccess.The scale of erosional forces and in the value of resources. Pro- ease of constructing and maintaining bay beaches and the tection programs are facilitated because beach segments are paucity of quality recreation space in many urban areas small,isolateddriftcells,oftenunderjurisdictionofonlyone makecreationofnewbeachesassurrogatesforoceanbeaches management agency and because small-scale, low-cost pro- anattractiveoption. tection may be utilized. Low wave energies and gentle off- shore gradients make construction of fixed offshore engineering works more practical than on high-energy Summary beaches.Shore-parallelwallsareoftenconsideredsuccessful becausetheycanwithstanddirectattackoflocalwaves,they Bay beaches are characterized by short-fetch distances that takeupminimalspaceonthebeachandadjacentupland,and resultinlowwaveheightsandshortwaveperiods,although they limit the loss of biological resources on the fronting erosion rates can be high because of limited sediment avail- terrace or bay bottom. Detrimental effects of walls include ability.Biologicprocessesplayagreaterroleinbeachchange reductions in beach width, riparian vegetation, amount of than on exposed coasts, and the ecological value of bay woodydebris,andtypesofbeachwrackandassociatedinver- beaches is considerable. These beaches provide human-use tebrates(Dethieretal.2016). values alternative to those provided by beaches on exposed Protection projects funded by national or state/provincial coasts, but human alterations can come at the expense of governmentsareoftennotconsideredcost-effective,resulting naturalvalues. inafragmentedapproachtoprotectionbyindividualproperty owners. Simple engineering principles are often ignored in constructingsmall-scaleprotectionstructures,includinglack of filter cloth or weep holes in bulkheads, failure to build 4 BayBeaches Cross-References Jackson NL, Nordstrom KF, Eliot I, Masselink G (2002) Lowenergy marineandestuarinebeaches:areview.Geomorphology48:147–162 ▶BeachErosion Jackson NL, Nordstrom KF, Farrell EJ (2017) Longshore sediment transport and foreshore change in the swash zone of an estuarine ▶BeachNourishment beach.MarGeol386:88–97 ▶BeachProcesses Nordstrom KF (1992) Estuarine beaches. Elsevier Applied Science, ▶DissipativeBeaches London ▶Estuaries NordstromKF,JacksonNL(2012)Physicalprocessesandlandformson beaches in short fetch environments in estuaries, small lakes and ▶HumanImpactsonCoasts reservoirs:areview.EarthSciRev111:232–247 ▶ReflectiveBeaches OrfordJD,PethickJ(2006)Challengingassumptionsoffuturecoastal ▶SedimentTransport habitat development around the UK. Earth Surf Process Landf ▶ShoreProtectionStructures 31:1625–1642 PhillipsJD(1986)Spatialanalysisofshorelineerosion:DelawareBay, NJ.AnnAssocAmGeogr76:50–62 Pilkey OH, Cooper JAG, Lewis DA (2009) Global distribution and Bibliography geomorphology of fetch-limited barrier islands. J Coast Res 25:819–837 RosenPS(1980)ErosionsusceptibilityoftheVirginiaChesapeakeBay DethierMN,RaymondWW,McBrideAN,ToftHD,CordellJR,Ogston shoreline.MarGeol34:45–59 AS,HeerhartzSM,BerryHD(2016)Multiscaleimpactsofarmoring WallaceRS(1988)Quantificationofnetshore-driftratesinPugetSound on Salish Sea shorelines: evidence for cumulative and threshold andtheStraitofJuandeFuca,Washington.JCoastRes4:395–403 effects.EstuarCoastShelfSci175:106–117 FreireP,TabordaR,SilvaAM(2007)Sedimentarycharacterizationof TagusEstuarinebeaches(Portugal).JSoilsSediments7:296–302 C Changing Sea Levels Our only true benchmarks are the former sea-level posi- tionsinthefield.Thepresentlevelofthosedatapointsarethe Nils-AxelMörner combinedfunctionbothofpastchangesinsealevelandpast Paleogeophysics&Geodynamics,Stockholm,Sweden changes in crustal level. In opposite to all types of crustal deformations,wetermalldifferenttypesofsea-levelchanges “eustatic” (Mörner 1986). In the old concept of eustasy, all Synonyms sea-level changes were parallel over the globe (e.g., Fairbridge1961).Thisisnolongertenable;sea-levelchanges Eustaticchanges;Relativesea-levelchanges can never be fully parallel over the globe and are often of compensational, even opposed, character (Mörner 1976). Therefore, we nowadays talk about “regional eustasy” (not Definition global eustasy). The old and new concepts of eustasy are illustratedinFig.1. Changing sea levels refer to variations in the level of the ocean mean sea level regardless of causation mechanism. Relative sea-level changes denote the observed changes in WaterDistributionandSea-LevelChanges sealevelascausedbythecombinationofoceanvariablesand crustalcomponents.Eustaticchangesrefertochangesinthe Thedistributionovertheglobeoftheoceanwatermassesis oceaniclevelitself(exclusiveofcrustalandcompactionfac- definedbytheEarth’srotationalellipsoid,thegeoidtopogra- tors). Nowadays, we talk about regional eustasy, because of phy, and various dynamic forces (air pressure, current beat, thespatialvariabilityof“eustasy.” coastalrunoff,etc.).Anychangesinanyofthoseparameters willinducesea-levelchangesonthelocal,regional,orglobal dimension. Characteristics Sealevelcanonlychangewithinlimitsdeterminedbyits physicalcauses(e.g.,Mörner2011).Themainsea-levelvari- The geodetic sea level – better known as the geoid – is the ablesarelistedandquantifiedinTable1. equipotential surface between the attraction and repelling The global water volumeiscontrolled by glacial eustasy, forces. The actual sea level – known as the dynamic sea evaporation/precipitation, loss/gain of water, and steric surface–closelyapproximatesthegeoidsurface.Thedevia- expansion/contraction due to changes in temperature and tionsofthedynamicsurfacefromthegeoidsurfacearecaused salinity. by different oceanographic, hydrographic, and meteorologi- The volume of the ocean basins is controlled by tectonic cal forces acting upon the distribution of the water masses. deformation (ocean floor subsidence, mid-oceanic ridge Neither the dynamic sea level nor the geoid remains growth,andcoastaltectonics). undeformedwithtime.Sea-levelchangesrefertochangesin The distribution of the waterover the globe is controlled mean sea level over time units larger than daily and annual by Earth’s rate of rotation, geoid deformation, and various cyclic changes. Longer-term cycles, like the 18.6 and dynamicforces(airpressure,currentbeat,coastalrunoff). 60years’cycles,aremeasuredassea-levelchanges. #SpringerInternationalPublishingAG2017 C.W.Finkl,C.Makowski(eds.),EncyclopediaofCoastalScience, DOI10.1007/978-3-319-48657-4_66-2 2 ChangingSeaLevels a: Old concept ChangingSeaLevels,Table1 Sea-levelvariablesandquantities(in meters)fromMörner(2013) T1 SEA LEVEL Presenttides Geoidtides 0.78 T2 Oceantides Upto~18 Presentgeoidrelief Maximumdifference 180 b: New concept Presentdynamicseasurface GEODETIC SEA LEVEL (GEOID) LMoawjohracrumrroennitcss UUppttoommaaxx~~52 Earth’sradiusdifferences T1 Equatorvspole 21,385 T2 Presentlystoredglacialvolume(cid:1)meterssealevel Antarctica ~60 ChangingSeaLevels,Fig.1 Theoldandnewconceptof“eustasy” Greenland ~6 (afterMörner1987)illustratedbythechange(arrow)fromonesea-level Allmountainglaciers 0.5–0.4 position (black dot and T1) to a new, lower, position(T2). In the old concept (a), any eustatic change in sea level was parallel all over the Glacialeustasy globe.Inthenewconcept(b),therealsea-levelsurfaceisanirregular LastIceAgeamplitude 120–130 surfacethatneverremainsparallelatachangeinsealevel Geoiddeformation Last150ka 30–90 Last20ka 30–60 Actualchangesinthesealevelrepresentanintricateinter- Last8ka 5–8 actionofmultiplefactorsrequiringunderstandingofvarious Tectono-eustasy(oceanbasinvolumechanges) Maximumannualrate <~0.00006 subjects and processes. The dominant controlling factor dif- Globalglacialisostasy ? fersthroughtimeandwiththetimescaleconsidered. Oceancirculationandrotationbeat On the million-year timescale, sea level is mainly deter- HoloceneGulfstreambeat 1.0–0.1 minedbyoceanbasinvolume,massdistribution,andrateof High–lowlatitudechanges(grandsolarpulses) ~0.5 rotation. HoloceneequatorialE–Wpulses ~1 On the thousand-year timescale, sea level varies mainly SuperENSOevents ~1 duetoglacialeustasyandrelatedglacio-isostasy,Earthrota- ElNiño–ENSOevents 0.3 tion, and geoid shape as determined by lithospheric mass Thermalexpansion change. Openocean <1.0 Onthemulti-decadaltohundred-yeartimescale,sea-level At100mwaterdepth <0.035 changes seem primarily to reflect changes in water–mass At10mwaterdepth <0.0035 distribution related to changes in the oceanic circulation Attheshore always(cid:3)0.0 (superENSOevents,PDO,NAO,etc.)caused byvariations Coastalrunoff inclimate,tidalforcesandEarth’srateofrotation, andther- Atriveroutlets 1–2 mal expansion, which differs significantly with water depth Evaporation/precipitation (Fig.2). Indianoceanevaporationlow 0.3–0.4 On a yearly scale, sea level varies locally because of Airpressure dynamic factors and El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) 1millibar 0.01 MonsoonalrangeatBangladesh 0.15 effects. Rotationrateandsealevel ~15msrotation(LOD) 1 TheSea-LevelDebate In the 1960s the debate was intensive whether sea level, Sea-level changes wererecorded and debatedfrom the early after the last glaciation maximum, rose with oscillations in eighteenth century(Mörner 1987). The effectsof changesin mid-Holocene time reaching even above the present level rotation,inoceanbasinsubsidence,indeflectionoftheplumb (Fairbridge 1961) or as a smooth line continually rising to line,andinglaciationwereadvocated.Withtherecordingof its present level (Shepard 1963). The curves of Jelgersma multipleIceAges,itbecamenaturaltoconsidercyclicchanges (1961), Scholl (1964), Mörner (1969), and Tooley (1974) inglacialeustaticvolumeoftheoceans(e.g.,Daly1934). added detailed records from single regions backed up by numerous dates ruling out the occurrence of high-amplitude ChangingSeaLevels 3 ChangingSeaLevels,Fig. 2 Variationsofmainfactors affectingrelativesea-level changesinaprofilefromlandto theabyssaloftheoceans.Atpoint 2,theshoreorland/seainteraction, thereisacomplicatedinterplay betweencrustalmovements, sedimentcompaction,and differentoceanicvariables.The thermalexpansionfactoriszeroat theshore,however.Intheopen oceans,allthemainoceanic variablesareactivelyinoperation sea-leveloscillations.Assumingthateustaticsealevelcould themainoceaniccurrentsystemsinresponsetotheinterchange be expressed in one globally valid eustatic curve, all differ- of angular momentum between the “solid” Earth and the ences in observed levels had to be explained in terms of hydrosphere(e.g.,Mörner1995).Thisincludesamulti-decadal changes in the crustal or sedimentary level. In 1971 Mörner E–W swash of oceanic water masses in the Equatorial plane calledattentiontothefactthatmostsea-levelcurves,despite andaN–Sinterchangeofwatermassesbetweenhighandlow very large differences in level in mid-Holocene time, con- latitudesduringsolarmaximaandminima(Mörner2017). vergedfairlycloselyatabout8000radiocarbonyearsBP.This ThisimpliesthattheEarthwasinatotallydifferentmode seemedtoindicateamajorcyclicredistributionoftheocean in the last 5000 years as compared with the previous masses in Holocene time. Later, the explanation became 15,000 years with different dominant driving forces for the obvious;thegeoidreliefissubjectedtodeformation(Mörner changesinsealevel. 1976). Consequently, each region has to define its own regionaleustaticcurve(aglobalcurvebecameanillusion). Clark (1980) and Peltier (1998) presented their global ToReconstructPastSea-LevelChanges glacial isostatic loadingmodels,which calledfor major sea- levelirregularitiesovertheglobe. Field observations of past sea-level positions are the only The “World Atlas of Holocene Sea-Level Changes” meansofreconstructingsea-levelchangesinpre-instrumental (Pirazzoli 1991) gives a good and comprehensive view of time.Theobservationalobjectmaybeastratigraphiclayer,a thechangesinsealevel.Besidesglobaldifferentiationinthe morphologic feature, or single objects referring to sea-level eustatic ocean components, the recorded relative sea-level changes.Thisobjectmustbefixedinaltitudewithrespectto changes are strongly affected by differential tectonics and presentsealevel(thismayrangefromanabsoluteleveltoa sedimentary compaction. Despite this complexity, one may relativelevel).Thenextstepistointerprettheobservedfield distinguishsomegeneralregularities:allcurvesshowagen- object with respect to the sea level at the time offormation. eral rise up to about 5000–6000 radiocarbon years BP Thisimpliesthestudyofsea-levelrelation,sedimentarychar- followedbyanoutofphasetoopposedoscillatorytrendfor acteristics, paleoecological inference, paleoenvironmental the last 5000–6000 years around the present zero level interpretation, and coastal dynamics. Finally, the object (Mörner1995).Thefirstpartrecordsageneralglacialeustatic needs proper dating. After all these steps, we have a past riseinsealevelpriorto5000–6000BPplusalocaltoregional sea-level datum or a paleo-sea-level indicator, which can be differentiationduetotectonics,geoiddeformation,andglobal used in sea-level curves and sea-level reconstructions. The isostatic compensation. The second part (the last qualityofthisdatumpointdependsuponthequalityofeach 5000–6000years)lacksanysignificantglacialeustaticcom- individualstepinitsestablishment.Thedatingofacontinu- ponentandisinsteaddominatedbytheredistributionofwater ouscatching-upcoralreefgrowthmayprovideanexception- massesaroundthepresentmeansealevel. allycontinuousrecord(e.g.,Fairbanks1989). The redistribution of water masses during the last Wehavetounderstandthatthereisalongchainofuncer- 5000 years seems primarily to be the function of changes in tainties concerning sea-level changes as they are interpreted

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