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Encyclopedia of Bioethics (all Volumes 1-5) (3rd Ed.) - Thomson-Gale-Macmillan PDF

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Preview Encyclopedia of Bioethics (all Volumes 1-5) (3rd Ed.) - Thomson-Gale-Macmillan

Bio_HTP_V1 9/24/03 2:35 PM Page 1 EE NN CC YY CC LL OO PP EE DD II AA OO FF BBIIOOEETTHHIICCSS 3 R D E D I T I O N (cid:127) EDITORIAL BOARD EDITOR IN CHIEF Kenneth F. Schaffner Stephen G. Post George Washington University Case Western Reserve University Bonnie Steinbock State University of New York, Albany EDITORIAL BOARD Leonard J. Weber David Barnard University of Detroit Mercy University of Pittsburgh Stuart J. Youngner Dena S. Davis Case Western Reserve University Cleveland-Marshall College of Law FOUNDING EDITOR Eric T. Juengst Case Western Reserve University Warren T. Reich Loretta M. Kopelman Eastern Carolina University ASSOCIATE EDITOR Maxwell J. Mehlman Mark P. Aulisio Case Western Reserve University Case Western Reserve University (cid:127) Bio_TP_V1 9/24/03 3:08 PM Page 1 EE NN CC YY CC LL OO PP EE DD II AA OO FF BBIIOOEETTHHIICCSS 3 R D E D I T I O N EDITED BY STEPHEN G. POST VOLUME 1 A – C Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 3rd edition Stephen G. Post Editor in Chief ©2004 by Macmillan Reference USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED While every effort has been made to Macmillan Reference USA is an imprint of The No part of this work covered by the copyright ensure the reliability of the information Gale Group, Inc., a division of Thomson hereon may be reproduced or used in presented in this publication, The Gale Group, Learning, Inc. any form or by any means—graphic, Inc. does not guarantee the accuracy of electronic, or mechanical, including the data contained herein. The Gale Group, Macmillan Reference USA™ and Thomson photocopying, recording, taping, Web Inc. accepts no payment for listing; and Learning™ are trademarks used herein under distribution, or information storage retrieval inclusion in the publication of any license. systems—without the written permission of organization, agency, institution, publication, the publisher. service, or individual does not imply For more information, contact endorsement of the editors or publisher. 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ISBN 0-02-865774-8 (set : hardcover : alk. paper) — ISBN 0-02-865775-6 (vol. 1) — ISBN 0-02-865776-4 (vol. 2) — ISBN 0-02-865777-2 (vol. 3) — ISBN 0-02-865778-0 (vol. 4) — ISBN 0-02-865779-9 (vol. 5) 1. Bioethics—Encyclopedias. 2. Medical ethics—Encyclopedias. I. Post, Stephen Garrard, 1951- QH332.E52 2003 174’.957’03—dc22 2003015694 This title is also available as an e-book. ISBN 0-02-865916-3 (set) Contact your Gale sales representative for ordering information. Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Front cover photos (from left to right): Custom Medical Stock; Photo Researchers; Photodisc; Photodisc; AP/Worldwide Photos. (cid:127) CONTENTS Preface ............................. vii Introduction .......................... xi List of Articles ....................... xvii List of Contributors ................. xxxiii Topical Outline ...................... liii ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOETHICS . . . . . . . . 1 Appendices ........................ 2613 Codes, Oaths, and Directives Related to Bioethics ................ 2615 Additional Resources in Bioethics ........ 2911 Key Legal Cases in Bioethics ............ 2921 Annotated Bibliography of Literature and Medicine ............ 2927 Acknowledgments .................. 2945 Index ............................ 2947 (cid:127) v (cid:127) EDITORIAL AND PRODUCTION STAFF Monica M. Hubbard Autobookcomp and GGS, Inc. Project Editor Typesetters Nicole Watkins Mary Beth Trimper Project Associate Editor Manager, Composition Mark Drouillard, Melissa Hill, Evi Seoud Diane Sawinski Assistant Manager, Composition Editorial Support Elizabeth B. Inserra, Peter J. Rita Wimberly Jaskowiak, Christine Kelley, Buyer Eric Lowenkron, David E. Salamie Copyeditors MACMILLAN REFERENCE USA John Krol, Dorothy Bauhoff Proofreaders Frank Menchaca Vice President Laurie Andriot Indexer Hélène Potter Kate Scheible Director, New Product Art Director Development (cid:127) vi (cid:127) PREFACE At the time of the first publication of the Encyclopedia of delivery system, and the emergence of important new voices Bioethics in 1978, the then fledgling field of bioethics was in a rapidly expanding field. Although in certain respects the neither well defined nor widely recognized. Warren Thomas modern bioethics movement began in the United States, it Reich, then Senior Research Scholar in the Kennedy Institute took root in many countries around the world during the of Ethics at Georgetown University, envisioned a major 1980s, requiring the inclusion of scholarship from other reference work that would contribute significantly to the nations and cultures in order to properly reflect worldwide establishment of bioethics as a field by integrating historical growth. Professor Reich impressed all those working on the background, current issues, future implications, ethical theory, second edition with his remarkable grasp of the history of and comparative cultural and religious perspectives. Professor medical ethics, of the modern bioethics movement, of Reich became the editor in chief for the first edition, a four- European thinkers, of religious ethics and moral philosophy, volume set that, as he foresaw, was immediately acknowledged and of salient clinical issues. as a landmark reference work defining the field. The revised edition included various topic areas including: professional–patient relationship; public health; ethical theory; The 1978 edition received the American Library religious ethics; bioethics and the social sciences; healthcare; Association’s 1979 Dartmouth Medal for outstanding fertility and human reproduction; biomedical and behavioral reference work of the year, as well as widespread critical research; history of medical ethics; mental health and acclaim. The eminent bioethicist Daniel Callahan, writing behavioral issues; sexuality and gender; death and dying; for Psychology Today in March of 1979, entitled his stellar genetics; population; organ and tissue transplantation and review of the Encyclopedia “From Abortion to Rejuvenation: artificial organs; welfare and treatment of animals; A Summa of Medical Ethics.” Choice declared the work “an environment; and codes, oaths, and other directives. All of outstanding achievement.” Social Science described the work these topics are retained and enhanced in the third edition. as “magnificent,” and the Hastings Center Report acknowledged it as both “an astonishing achievement” and “a major event.” The five-volume revised edition, which was carefully planned at editorial meetings in the spring and fall of 1990, Throughout the 1980s, as programs in bioethics and medical was supported by both the National Endowment for the humanities proliferated in professional schools, undergraduate Humanities and the National Science Foundation, in addition and graduate school curricula, “think tanks,” and academic to several private foundations and individual donors. The societies, the first edition of the Encyclopedia was considered Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation was a major funder of the essential reference work in the field, and contributed both the first and the revised editions. Published in 1995 by significantly to intellectual vitality. Macmillan Reference Division, it received the same high While the 1978 first edition will always be essential and level of acclaim as the first edition. fascinating reading for anyone interested in the history of bioethics, it was, by the late 1980s, in need of a revision. A Development of a Third Edition reference work at the interface of biology, technology, healthcare and ethics becomes dated due to the fast pace of Yet with the passing of the 1990s, the Encyclopedia again biotechnological development, changes in the healthcare required a thorough revision and update. Warren Reich, (cid:127) vii PREFACE (cid:127) professor emeritus at Georgetown and deeply engaged with a Eric T. Juengst, Loretta M. Kopelman, Maxwell J. Mehlman, new project on the history of “care,” decided not to prepare Kenneth F. Schaffner, Bonnie Steinbock, Leonard J. Weber, the third edition. He recommended Stephen Garrard Post— and Stuart J. Youngner. These editors were selected because who had served as his associate editor in the preparation of their particular expertise—as philosophers, ethicists, healthcare the second edition—for the position of editor in chief of the professionals, and teachers—was needed to revise and ex- third edition. Subsequently, Macmillan Reference, after pand those topic areas from the revised edition where new consulting with Georgetown University (which had spon- developments had been particularly rapid over the 1990s. sored the first edition), offered the position of editor in The Editor in Chief and the Editorial Board were responsi- chief to Post. ble for the intellectual planning of the third edition, includ- ing all decisions about contents and authorship, as well as for This invitation was accepted with the understanding reviewing and approving all manuscripts. Mark Aulisio that a third edition could only emerge from the already served as associate editor for ethical theory and clinical ethics. remarkable scope and framework of the revised edition, and would be much indebted to all those responsible for that extraordinary work, including the following area editors: CONSULTANTS. William Deal, Patricia Marshall, Carol C. Dan E. Beauchamp, Arthur L. Caplan, Christine K. Cassel, Donley, Sana Loue, Robert H. Binstock, and Barbara J. James F. Childress, Allen R. Dyer, John C. Fletcher, Stanley Daly made significant contributions to the quality of the M. Hauerwas, Albert R. Jonsen, Patricia A. King, Loretta M. overall work as editorial consultants. Carrie Zoubol assisted Kopelman, Ruth B. Purtillo, Holmes Rolston III, Robert M. with bibliographical updating. Veatch, and Donald P. Warwick. The Appendix, found in volume five of the Encyclope- There are more than 110 new article titles in the third dia, consists largely of an exhaustive collection of historical edition, and approximately the same number of new articles and contemporary codes and oaths across all the healthcare appearing under old titles. Thus, half of the third edition is professions, as well as research ethics guidelines and regula- entirely new, while half consists of deeply revised and tions. The remarkable collection of primary documents in updated articles from the earlier edition. There isn’t a single the revised edition was thoroughly updated by Kayhan Parsi article that was not thoroughly updated, even if only at the of the Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics and Health Policy level of bibliographies. The least revision was needed in the at the Stritch School of Medicine of Loyola University. This topic areas of environmental ethics, population ethics, and was a major task because there have been so many revisions the history of medical ethics. For all necessary revisions, we of contemporary documents since the early 1990s, as well as went back to the articles’ original authors, whenever possi- the introduction of many new policy and ethical statements ble, and many accepted to undertake the revision work. In from a wide array of professional organizations. Carol C. those cases where the original authors were not available, Donley contributed an annotated bibliography on literature new authors were asked to complete the work. Both original and medicine from the Center for Literature, Medicine, and and new authors are acknowledged and their contributions the Healthcare Professions at Hiram College. Emily Peterson clearly identified in the bylines. A small but exceptional set added an annotated bibliography on law and medicine. of articles from the revised edition were designated by the Doris M. Goldstein, Director of Library and Information editorial board as classics, and are retained in the third Services at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown edition unchanged. These articles were selected because they University, thoroughly updated the section on “Additional were written by a distinguished contributor to the field and Resources in Bioethics,” which she had prepared for the were still deemed definitive. For example, Daniel Callahan’s revised edition. Volume five is the fruit of much labor and article on “Bioethics” was retained as a classic, as was Reich’s will be a definitive resource for the field over the next decade. “Care: I: History of the Notion.” Also included without revision are those articles under the title “Medical Ethics, Acknowledgments History of,” which do not pertain to the contemporary period. But all articles dealing with the contemporary period The day-to-day work of preparing the third edition entailed were significantly revised in order to be current with the close collaboration with the publisher’s team in New York many developments in bioethics over the past decade in and Michigan. None of this work would have been possible countries and regions across the world. without a publisher able to efficiently implement the intel- lectual plan. The Macmillan team commissioned all the EDITORIAL BOARD. The development of this third edition articles, maintained contact with all authors, coordinated of the Encyclopedia was facilitated by a new editorial board reviews, copy edited all manuscripts, checked revised manu- consisting of area editors David Barnard, Dena S. Davis, scripts and bibliographies, and prepared all materials for viii ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOETHICS 3rd Edition PREFACE (cid:127) production. In particular, Hélène G. Potter, Editor in Chief We wish to acknowledge support for both the revised of Macmillan Reference USA, provided vision and manage- and third editions from The Alton F. and Carrie S. Davis rial insight for the development of the third edition—as well Fund of the Cleveland Foundation. In addition, the John as many thoughtful perspectives. Similarly, Monica M. Templeton Foundation provided Stephen Post with a gen- Hubbard, Senior Editor with Macmillan Reference USA, erous grant in 2002 in support of a research institute on provided excellent leadership in implementing all the opera- altruism and compassion, “The Institute for Research on tional aspects of the project. Before the revision project Unlimited Love—Altruism, Compassion, Service,” which began in earnest, Elly Dickason, prior to her retirement from allowed him to devote additional editorial time to related Macmillan Reference USA, provided her usual thoughtful themes in the third edition, especially as these pertain to the guidance. ongoing dialogue between science and religion. The Department of Bioethics, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, provided a collegial envi- ronment for a number of those involved as editors, consult- ants, authors and reviewers. The School of Medicine has a STEPHEN G. POST long tradition of humanism in medicine that creates a EDITOR IN CHIEF welcome atmosphere for the Encyclopedia. SEPTEMBER 2, 2003 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOETHICS 3rd Edition ix

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