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Volume 1.qxd 1/25/2006 5:34 PM Page i E NHC Y C L O P E D I A O F A NT ROPOLOGY G G G G G Volume 1.qxd 1/25/2006 5:34 PM Page ii To the memory of Marvin Farber Volume 1.qxd 1/25/2006 5:34 PM Page iii E N C Y C L O P E D I A O F H A NT ROPOLOGY HH .. JJ AA MM EE SS BB II RR XX EE DD II TT OO RR Canisius College, SUNY Geneseo Volume 1.qxd 1/25/2006 5:34 PM Page iv Copyright © 2006 by Sage Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.No part ofthis book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information: Sage Publications,Inc. 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks,California 91320 E-mail:[email protected] Sage Publications Ltd. 1 Oliver’s Yard 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP United Kingdom Sage Publications India Pvt.Ltd. B-42,Panchsheel Enclave Post Box 4109 New Delhi 110 017 India Printed in China. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Library ofCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Encyclopedia ofanthropology / H.James Birx,editor. p.cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-7619-3029-9 (cloth) 1.Anthropology—Encyclopedias.I.Birx,H.James. GN11.E63 2005 301′.030—dc22 2005013953 05 06 07 08 09 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Sage Reference: RolfJanke,Sara Tauber Production: Claudia A.Hoffman Permissions and Image Research: Karen Wiley Typesetting: C&M Digitals (P) Ltd. Indexing: Will Ragsdale Cover Designers: Ravi Balasuriya and Michelle Lee Kenny Volume 1.qxd 1/25/2006 5:34 PM Page v List of Entries ix Reader’s Guide CONTENTS xvii About the Editor 1 xxix Editorial Board xxxi Advisory Board xxxiii Contributors xxxv Acknowledgments xli Foreword Biruté Mary F.Galdikas xliii Introduction H.James Birx xlvii Entries A–B 1–434 Index I-1–I-96 Volume 1.qxd 1/25/2006 5:34 PM Page vi G G G G G CHRONOLOGY Date Event Refer to 1314 BCE Born:Ramses II,pharaoh ofEgypt Abu Simbel,Pyramids,Ramses II,Rosetta Stone,Egypt 551 BCE Born:Confucius,Chinese philosopher Asia,Confucianism,Daoism,Great Wall ofChina 384 BCE Born:Aristotle,ancient Greek philosopher and author ofThe History ofAnimals Acropolis,Animals,Aristotle,Naturalism,Teleology 96 BCE Born:Titus Lucretius Carus,ancient Roman philosopher and author ofOn the Coliseum,Lucretius,Rome Nature ofThings 1735 Published:Systema Naturaeby Carolus Linnaeus Carolus Linnaeus,Pongids,Primate taxonomy 1799 Discovered:Rosetta Stone in the Nile delta,west ofAlexandria Jean-François Champollion,Egyptology 1848 Published:The Communist Manifestoby Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Friedrich Engels,Karl Marx 1859 Published:On the Origin ofSpecies by Charles Darwin Charles Darwin 1871 Published:Primitive Cultureby Edward Burnett Tylor Edward Burnett Tylor 1908 Discovered:Venus ofWillendorffigurine in Austria by archaeologist Josef Venus ofWillendorf Szombathy 1912 Discovered:Machu Picchu in Peru by Hiram Bingham Machu Picchu,Peru 1921 Published:Languageby Edward Sapir Language and Culture,Edward Sapir 1922 Published:Argonauts ofthe Western Pacificby Bronislaw Malinowski Bronislaw Malinowski 1922 Completed:Nanook ofthe North,a film by Robert J.Flaherty Eskimos,Inuit 1922 Published:The Andaman Islandersby A.R.Radcliff-Brown A.R.Radcliff-Brown 1922 Discovered:Tutankhamun’s pharaonic tomb by Howard Carter in the Valley ofthe Howard Carter,Egypt,Egyptology Kings,Egypt 1924 Discovered:Taung skull,the first Australopithecine fossil found in South Africa Raymond A.Dart,Australopithecines 1928 Published:Coming ofAge in Samoaby Margaret Mead Margaret Mead 1934 Published:Patterns ofCultureby Ruth Benedict Ruth Benedict 1940 Discovered:Lascaux cave,with its magnificent Cro-Magnon cave murals,in France Altamira Cave,Lascaux Cave,Ochre 1940 Published:The Nuerby Sir Edward E.Evans-Pritchard Edward Evans-Pritchard 1940 Published:Race,Language,and Cultureby Franz Boas Franz Boas,Language,Culture 1949 Published:Social Structureby George Peter Murdock George Peter Murdock 1953 Proposed:DNA molecule working model by James D.Watson and Francis DNA Molecule,RNA Molecule F.H.C.Crick vi Volume 1.qxd 1/25/2006 5:34 PM Page vii CHRONOLOGY vii Date Event Refer to 1955 Published:Theory ofCulture Changeby Julian H.Steward Culture Change,Julian H.Steward 1956 Published:Language,Thought,and Realityby Benjamin Lee Whorf Sapir-WhorfHypothesis 1959 Published:The Evolution ofCultureby Leslie A.White Culture,Leslie A.White 1959 Discovered:Zinjanthropus boiseifossil skull by Mary D.Leakey at Olduvai Gorge in Mary D.Leakey,Olduvai Gorge,Zinjanthropus boisei Tanzania 1960 Published:Evolution and Cultureby Marshall D.Sahlins and Elman R.Service Marshall D.Sahlins,Elman R.Service 1961 Discovered:Homo habilisby Louis S.B.Leakey at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania Homo habilis,Louis S.B.Leakey,Olduvai Gorge 1963 Published:Anthropology:Culture Patterns and Processesby Alfred Louis Kroeber Alfred Louis Kroeber 1963 Published:Race,Science,and Humanityby Ashley Montagu Ashley Montagu 1963 Published:Structural Anthropologyby Claude Lévi-Strauss Claude Lévi-Strauss,Structuralism 1963 Published:The Mountain Gorilla:Ecology and Behaviorby George B.Schaller Dian Fossey,Gorillas 1966 Published:Religion:An Anthropological View by Anthony F.C.Wallace Anthropology ofReligion,Anthony F.C.Wallace 1968 Published:The Rise ofAnthropological Theory:A History ofTheories ofCultureby Marvin Harris,Theories Marvin Harris 1972 Discovered:Homo habilisskull #1470 by Richard E.F.Leakey at Koobi Fora in Homo habilis,Richard E.F.Leakey Kenya 1973 Published:The Interpretation ofCulturesby Clifford R.Geertz Clifford R.Geertz,Postmodernism 1974 Discovered:Australopithecus afarensis“Lucy”skeleton by Donald C.Johanson at Australopithecines,Donald C.Johanson Hadar in the Afar Triangle ofEthiopia 1975 Published:Reflections on Languageby Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky,Language 1975 Published:Sociobiology:The New Synthesisby Edward O.Wilson Sociobiology,Edward O.Wilson 1976 Discovered:Laetoli footprints ofAustralopithecus afarensisby Mary D.Leakey in Bipedal Locomotion,Mary D.Leakey Tanzania 1983 Published:Gorillas in the Mistby Dian Fossey Dian Fossey,Gorillas,Primate Conservation 1983 Published:In the Shadow ofManby Jane Goodall Chimpanzees,Jane Goodall 1983 Published:Marxism and Anthropology:The History ofa Relationshipby Maurice Karl Marx,Marxism Bloch 1997 Published:Bonobo:The Forgotten Apeby Frans B.M.de Waal Bonobos,Frans B.M.de Waal 2000 Published:Extinct Humansby Ian Tattersall and Jeffrey H.Schwartz Hominid Taxonomy,Jeffrey H.Schwartz,Ian Tattersall 2003 Completed:Human Genome Project,working draft version Human Genome Project 2005 Completed:Chimpanzee genome mapping Chimpanzees,Bonobos 2005 Published:The Great Apesby Biruté Mary F.Galdikas Apes,Pongids,Primate Conservation Volume 1.qxd 1/25/2006 5:34 PM Page viii G G G G G CONVERSION CHART Metric to Imperial Imperial to Metric Length Length mm 1 millimeter =0.04 inch (in) in 1 inch =2.54 centimeters (cm) cm 1 centimeter =0.40 inch (in) ft 1 foot =0.30 meter (m) m 1 meter =39.40 inches (in) yd 1 yard =0.91 meter (m) =3.28 feet (ft) mi 1 mile =1.61 kilometer (km) =1.09 yards (yd) km 1 kilometer =0.62 mile (mi) Area ft2 1 square foot =0.09 square meters (m2) Area yd2 1 square yard =0.84 meter (m2) cm2 1 square centimeter =0.16 square inch (in2) ac 1 acre =0.40 hectare (ha) m2 1 square meter =10.77 square feet (ft2) =1.20 square yards (yd2) Volume (Dry) km2 1 square kilometer =0.39 square mile (mi2) yd3 1 cubic yard =0.76 cubic meter (m3) ha 1 hectare =107,636 square feet (ft2) bu 1 bushel =36.37 liters (L) =2.5 acres (ac) Volume (Liquid) Volume (Dry) oz 1 fluid ounce =28.41 milliliters (mL) m3 1 cubic centimeter =0.061 cubic inch (in3) pt 1 pint =0.57 liter (L) m3 1 cubic meter =1.31 cubic yards (yd3) gal 1 gallon (U.S.) =3.79 liters (L) =35.31 cubic feet (ft3) gal 1 gallon =4.55 liters (L) hL 1 hectoliter =2.8 bushels (bu) Weight Volume (Liquid) oz 1 ounce =28.35 grams (g) mL 1 milliliter =0.035 fluid ounce (Imp) lb 1 pound =453.6 grams (g) L 1 liter =1.76 pints (Imp) ton 1 ton =0.91 ton (t) =0.88 quart (Imp) =0.26 U.S.gallon (U.S.gal) Speed =0.22 Imperial gallons (gal) ft/sec 1 foot per second =0.30 meters per second (m/sec) Weight mph 1 mile per hour =1.61 kilometers per g 1 gram =0.035 ounce (oz) hour (km/h) kg 1 kilogram =2.21 pounds (lb) t 1 ton =1.10 short tons Temperature =2,205 pounds (lb) °C degrees Celsius =(°F −32) ×5/9 Speed m/sec 1 meter per second =3.28 feet per second (ft/sec) =2.24 miles per hour (mph) km/h 1 kilometer per hour =0.62 mile per hour (mph) Temperature °F degrees Fahrenheit =(°C ×9/5) +32 viii Volume 1.qxd 1/25/2006 5:34 PM Page ix G G G G G LIST OF ENTRIES Aborigines Anthropic principle Apes,greater (cid:1) Aborigines Anthropocentrism Apes,lesser Acheulean culture Anthropology and business Apollonian Acropolis Anthropology and Aquatic ape hypothesis Action anthropology epistemology Aquinas,Thomas Adaptation,biological Anthropology and the Third Arboreal hypothesis Adaptation,cultural World Archaeology Aesthetic appreciation Anthropology ofmen Archaeology and gender Affirmative action Anthropology ofreligion studies Africa,socialist schools in Anthropology ofwomen Archaeology,biblical African American thought Anthropology,careers in Archaeology,environmental African Americans Anthropology,characteristics of Archaeology,maritime African thinkers Anthropology,clinical Archaeology,medieval Aggression Anthropology,cultural Archaeology,salvage (cid:1) Ape aggression Anthropology,economic Architectural anthropology Agricultural revolution Anthropology,history of Arctic Agriculture,intensive (cid:1) Future ofanthropology Ardrey,Robert Agriculture,origins of Anthropology,humanistic Argentina Agriculture,slash-and-burn Anthropology,philosophical Aristotle Alchemy Anthropology,practicing Arsuaga,J.L. Aleuts Anthropology,social Art,universals in ALFRED:The ALlele FREquency (cid:1) Anthropology and sociology Artificial intelligence Database (cid:1) Social anthropology (cid:1) Artificial intelligence Algonquians Anthropology,subdivisions of Asante Alienation Anthropology,theory in Assimilation (cid:1) Alienation Anthropology,Visual Atapuerca Altamira cave (cid:1) Visual anthropology Athabascan Altruism Anthropometry Auel,Jean Marie Amazonia Anthropomorphism Aurignacian culture Amish Aotearoa (New Zealand) Australia Anasazi Ape biogeography (cid:1) Australia Ancestor worship Ape cognition Australian aborigines Angkor Wat Ape language Australopithecines Animals (cid:1) Ape communication Axes,hand Animatism (cid:1) Ape intelligence Aymara Animism Apes,fossil Aztec agriculture ix

This five-volume Encyclopedia of Anthropology is a unique collection of over 1,000 entries that focuses on topics in physical anthropology, archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and applied anthropology. Also included are relevant articles on geology, paleontology, biology, evolution, soc
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