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Preview Encyclopaedia of superstitions, folklore, and the occult sciences of the world

'2c.{ '21'2 , Z wm w bar\larb ~ollcgc 1ibra~ .. FR.O~f ~-:r~ ..... The Titans Piled Mountains Upon Mountains that They Might get into the Heavens and Battle with the Gods. Jupiter Mounted on His Eagle Came Down and Over- threw Them with His Thunderbolts. eo.. CowrIaht,1101,brJ.II.YBWD~.& 80•• Jl.u.W.&.UKDtWIL CONTENTS. SECRET VIRTUES TO BE FOUND IN THE ENMITY BETWEEN ANIMALS, 16iS OCCULT VIRTUES INHERENT IN ANIMALS IN LIFE AND DEATH, 1675 CHAPTER XXIII. THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE OCCULT. 1677 THE MORAL CONSTITUTION OF MAN, • ELEMENTS OF THE DIVINE PARACLETE AND THE FOUR CHARACTERS OF THE ABSOLUTE, I6i7 ATRIBUTESOF GODANDTHE MEANING OFSATAN, • I6j8 STAIRWAY OF THE SCIENCE OF BEING, • I6i8 FAITH HEALING AND FORMULAS FOR TREATMENT OF THE SICK, I6i9 HEALING ADMONITIONS ApPLICABLE TO ALL DISEASES, 1680 HowA MAN ltlAYTHINKHIMSELFTO DEATH ORINTO STRENGTH, • 1681 CHAPTER XXIV. GRAPHOLOGY. CHARACTER IN HANDWRITING, • 1682 DICTIONARY OF FACULTIES READABLEIN NATURAL PENMANSHIP,. • 1682 STUDY OF SIGNATURES F~OM FAMOUS POETS, NOVELISTS, ADMIRALS. ~lusl- ClANS. SURGEONS, ECCLESIASTICS,PREACHERS, ORATORS,ACTORS. STATES MEN, POLITICIANS, SCIENTISTS, PHILANTHROPISTS, RELIGIOUSAND ~IIL- ITARY COMKANDERS, • 16g1 CHAPTER XXV. DICTIONARY OF BEAUTY AND CHARACTER. DEFINITIONS OF BEAUTY, • ._ 16gB DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE DIFFERENT FEATURES OF BEAUTY IN THE FACE, 16gB SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDE~ GIVING COMPLETE IN- SIGHTINTO THE MYSTERIES OF CHARACTER READING, • 1701 CHAPTER XXVI. DICTIONARY OF ~IYTHOLOGY. THE FABULOUS AND ROMANTIC MYTHS, HEROES AND DEITIES THAT CON STITUTED THE RELIGIOUS PANTHEON OF THE ANCIENT GREEKS AND ROMANS, • 1710 CHAPTER XXVII. HYPNOTISM, CLAIRVOYANCE AND TELEPATHY. METHODS A~DEXPEBIKE~T8.STAGES OFHyp~O'I'IC Co:\"DITIO~, DEHYP~OTIZA­ TIO:S, WHO CA1Ii BE HYPNOTIZED, EXTENSIO~ OF SE:\8E PEBcEPT10~S, CRYSTAL GAZIXG. HYP~OTICTBANSFERE~CEOF SE:\8ATIO~ASDTUOl.TGHT, TIlE h,\\rILLI:\G GAME" AS AN EXPLA~ATIO~ OF TELEPATHY, K~DS 01" THOl:GHT TBAN'8nRE.~CE.DIBECTIONS FOB PRACTICE BY WHICH TO BE· COllE SKILLED I~ Cr~IRVOYANCEAND TELEPATHY, THE VAST POSSIBILI- TIES OF ME~TALSc!E::'fCE, 1721 (For Complete Alphabetical Index See End of Volume III.) Witchcraft and Magic, Good and Evil Spirits, Etc. CHAPTER XIX. ANTLER - Stap' horns are Mount Pilate, and whoever sees considered in Spain to be an omen him will die before the year is out. of the evil eye, and to be a safe When ghosts walk, the Russian guard against its malignant influ peasant is murmuringa prayer and ence. Should the evil glance be the Bedouin shepherd is muttering cast, it is believed that the hom re a curse. ceives it and instantly snaps asun InWales,ghostlyharpersappear der. They wear a tip of hom on the surface of lakes, play bode mounted in silver or gold, as a ful tunes which foretell calamity to charm. the neighbors, and then disappear. APPARITIONS,V ISIONS, If you have steel in your hand, a GHOSTS, ETC.-Shouting CRam, ghostcannot harm you. 4 Ram," drives away ghosts and all Phosphorescentlightsonlandor evil things. (Bengalese.) sea denote the presence of an evil Negroes think that sprinkling spirit. the floor with quicksilver is worry It is unlucky to see the vision of some to ghosts. an absent person, particularly if The apparition of the head of a you do not see the face plainly. It man announces death to the family is an omen of his death. of Donatis in Venice. The old Celts believed in wraiths or doubles; anyone seeing It is said that Napoleon was vis a double of himself would die soon ited by a spirit in red, that warned after. him ofcomingevents. If you see ghosts frequently and In France, the "Iittle red man of ask them what they want, they will the Tuileries" appears on the eve seldom reply, but will leave you of some great national disaster. and not appear again. The \\l1ite Lady of Avenel A ghost appearing to a bride in showed by the changing width of the fonn ofa white horse, was con hergolden girdle the changingfor sidered to be the very best omen. tunes of the family. (WalterScott, If a person is haunted by an ap "The ~Ionastery:') parition whose face he cannot see, If you wish to have the power to turning his coat will obtain for him see ghosts. go to the graveyard at the full sightofthe ghost or its dis midnight and stand on the grave appearance. of a relative, alone. Strange lights around a lonely Pontius Pilate is believed to ap dwellingmarka visitfrom thedevil pear once a >·ear on the top of to that habitation. ENCYCWPAEDIA.OF SUPERSTITIONS. The royal family of Germany has The "Ghost of the Hill" is an a "white lady," whose appearance other Scotch death-warning. always heralds a death. In Fouque's beautiful story of If a seat in which a person is the Undine, the water-spirit, she sittingsuddenly appears empty, al warns the recreant knight of his though the person has not moved, approaching d\Ath, and he dies on it is a certain sign that that person the night of his second nuptials. will shortly die. Tradition says that the appear In England and Germany a ance of two spectral owls of im t "white woman" is always an au mense size on the battlements of gury of death. Wardour Castle, still warns the family of Arundel of the approach Whoever sees his shadow with of an enemy. out a head on the eve of St. Syl vester, will die withina year. Toseethespiritofanabsentper son coming toward you, is a good A namelessand voiceless specter sign. If it appears going away stalks about the royal palace at from you, the person will die. Stockholm, and was once seen by two princes, on the occasion of the German legend tells of a "Lady death of the king, who expired on of Waldeck," a water nymph~ the battlefield of Luetzen. whose appearance would foretell the death of the person who sees The Stanley family are warned by a spirit with a shriek of calam her. ity, when death is near. (Scott's Ifa phantom flame springs up in Peveri1 of the Peak.) the floor before you, one in the house who is sick may die. In Cambridgeshire, there is an apparition known as the "Shuck," It is very unlucky to meet the and in the Isle of Man it is the "love-talker." Irish.) "Manthe Dog." It is a wild and To a certain noble family living savage dog, that appears to chase in the East of England, appears a about in the air. spectral black dog as an omen of The ghost of the last person death. buried keeps watch over the In a certain noble English fam churchyard until another is buried, ily, the form of a spectral head ap to whom he delivers his charge. pears as a sign of death to any of It is notorious that in a certain the members, and notably so when noble English family, the form of the chief dies. a spectral head appears as a sign In a certain noble Scotch family~ of death to any member. The ap a female figure, dressed in brown pearance of a spectral black dog is clothes, appears as a warning of also a portent of death. death. Toseeaspectralhuge blackdog, The "hag of the mist," as she is with fiery eyes, is, among the ne called, is a warner, who, by her groes, a token of death; but the shrieks, foretells death to those warningfails ifthe dogcan beshot who see or hear her. with a silver bullet on seeing him In monaste.es, the seats of the next time. monks and nuns are occupied by A dark gray man foretells death figures without heads when they to a whole clan in Scotland. are about to die. 1306 BNCYCWPAEDIA OPSUPERSTITIONS. If you can step on the head of Wax lights are believed to at yourown shadow, itis noon. tractspecters,andthis isthe reason why churches are supposed to be Tradition says that the appear haunted. ance of two spectral owls of im mense size on the battlements of If a person wished to know Wardour Castle, Wiltshire, still whose ghost he was seeing, he warns the Arundel family of the would tum up hiscufforcollarand approach of the last enemy. thus it would expose its face and remain as long as he kept the cuff If there are paths newly-made in turned up. the morning through the grass, which do not show any footprints, In the Castle of Orlamunde, if it is a sign that a ghost has walked theservants heara little bird chirp there in the night. (Negro.) ing at night, they know that the white lady who haunts the halls or The apparition ofa headless dog ruins of at least a hundred castles is a sign of death. around, is coming to warn the The appearance of Samuel to household of some evil that ,vill Saul was a dire omen, the Bible happen. haVing accounts of many such ap In West Surrey, there is a belief pearances. that whenaninfantdies itgoes,ap He who brushes a ghost una parently in the body, to the nearest wares,"will be shot by the fairies in relative and announces its own the loins. death. The Australians consider the In New Zealand, when a person ghosts of the unburied dead to be isabouttodie,hisghostisbelieved demons. always to appear to the nearest and A reappearance of the dead is dearest, no matter how far away. supposed to happen usually nine If the "fetch-lights" are seen, days after death. theyareconsideredtheforerunners Ifyou see a ghost, it will be visi of death, in Wales. ble to your companions if you When a member of the Graham touch them. family was to die, a lady in green Among the Sioux Indians, the was always seen seated under a fear of the vengeance of their vic particular tree in the grounds of tim's ghost deters from murder. Kincardine Castle, weeping that the shadow of death hung over the The Maoris believe in ghosts, family. "kehuas," and to step on one lying acrossthepathisanomenofdeath. In Scotland, the family of Roth murchas have "the ghost of the Ghosts were believed to be of hill" to warn them ofdeath. such delicate texture that they suf A spirit in gray always appears fered pain if exposed to the light, toa Campbell about to die. andthatiswhytheywereseenonly in dark places and in the night The house of Forbes is warned time. bya lady ingreen sleeves. Ghosts can be banished betwixt In Denmark, it is believed that door and doorpost, and ifyou slam specters may be driven away by the door, they will be so tormented smoking the room ,vith the smoke that they will leave. of a tallow candle. FOLKLORE. AND THB OCCULT SCIBNCBS. I'MYJ In 165'7, the way to conjure a Byron often received visits from ghost was to sit cross-legged, spit a specter, but said he believed it three times to east,south and west, to be a creature of his imagination. and say: "In the name of God, Newstead Abbey, the family home what art thou, whence dost thou of I....ord Byron, like most feudal come?" homesandcastles, haditsghost. The writing on the wall, "Mene, If a person at night suddenly Alene, Tekel Upbarsin,"wasa sign sees a shadowy image of himself- ' of the destruction of Babylon and "seeinghis wraith," the Scotch call the death of Belshazzar. it-he is then soon to die. In Wales, a large luminous body One day when Servius slept in which rests close to the ground, his chamber, Tanaquil saw playing frequently covering a large space, abouthis heada flame offire. This is called the "tamoed," and is was a sign that the boy would rise thought to be the token of the d~ to greatness. Servius became a mise of anyone over whose land It famous grammarian, and died hovers. about 300 B. C. To preventa visit from the spirit The family of Rothmurchan, in of the deceased a Hidatsa Indian Scotland, always had death or dis scorches with red coals a pair of aster foretold them by the appear moccasins, which are left at the ance of a specter called Bodac au doorofthelodge. Thesmellofthe Dun. burning leather keeps out the The family of 1tliddleton, in ghost. Yorkshire, are warned of death by In New Zealand, it is considered the appearance of a Benedictine very ominous to see the figure of nun. an absent friend; if the face is not To see a dead person go about visible, he will die soon; while if it in white, meant that another of the is plain to be seen, he is dead al family was to die. (Western Nor ready. wa)P.) If your house is haunted, bum Goethe states that he one day rosemary bush, cow-dung, and saw the exact counterpart of him hom, and the duppy will leave. self, coming towards him. Uarnaica.) The .l\ustralian natives are much To see a ghost or "duppy," you afraidofghostsat night. Theystand must look over your left shoulder. in greatest dread of the ghost of a Uamaica.) man who was feared in life, and To make a duppy laugh, show,it this feeling is greater after a lapse a fire stick. Oamaica.) of several years from the time of In the Turks Islands, if one his death. wishes to have the power to see To shout, whistle, or carry mut "jumbies," "duppies," or ghosts, ton at night, will cause the ghosts all that is necessary is to put in to follow the person doing so. one's e}·e the water from the eye (Madagascar.) of a piebald horse. Count Emanuel Swedenborg Mark a circle on your door with continually talked with spirits. and chalk. and DO duppy will enter. wrote great works about his visits Oamaica.) to heaven and heD. 1108 ENCYCLOPAEDIA OFSUPERSTITIONS. Pope saw an arm apparently he was induced by the reading of come right through the wall, and some pious books, intended to di made inquiries after its owner. vert the tedium of his illness, to devote hiinself to a religious life, Jumbies are, in folklore of Brit ish Guiana,ghosts pureandsimple, a resolution in which he was much strengthened by his vision on the in which the simple,but notalways pure, believe. battlefield. If three persons hang up a mos WhenJochebad,the wife ofAm quito-net together, they will see a ram, the Hebrew, in the land of specter. Uapan.) Egypt, brought forth a son, Moses, the whole house was filled with Bohemian tradition tells of a tall great light, as of the light of the womaninwhitewithlongdishevel sun and moon at the time of their ed hair, who goes about on certain shining. ("Book of Jasher.'') nights, seeking disobedient chil dren. H you want to see duppies, take the matter from a dog's eye and If you see a person whom you rub your eye with it; and if you know to be sick walking on the street,thatpersonwill surelydie. are troubled by duppies, sprinkle sand before your door at night. A soldier of 1878, a Highlander, Uamaica.) told a correspondentthat his moth er's wraith came and stood by bin, To take off a Uduppy," let the at the hour she died in Scotland, person on whom it is set, sit on a while he was on guard in India, in Bible and jump three times over a the Indian mutiny. fire. A goat or some other ani mal's blood must be shed on the If aperson sees his or her shad fire, andthe flesh partakenofbyall ow in the water in the month of present. Oamaica.) May, he or she will die before the year isout. The "white lady" of Talks-hill, About the middle of the seventh Gloucestershire, is said to scream Chinese month, which falls during if any danger threatens a miner in our autumn, paper clothes, i chi, passingthatway;and sofirm is the are burned by many in their laun belief in that part, that none hear dries and shops, a rite said to be ingthat sound will go to work that performed for the spirit world at day, or proceed in the direction large, both Chinese and foreign they intended going. ghosts being propitiated or honor Grongers are ghosts of people ed. who have been buriedat sea. They Whoso takes home with him come to the most distant parts of some ofthe grainsofcorn which is the world to warn their friends of the food of a specter hen and her their death, and appear at twilight chicks, will find them transformed in wet clothes. into grains of gold (German.) In some parts of Northern Ignatius Loyola, the founder of Europe, when Odin, the spectral the order of the Jesuits, was until hunter, rides by with his furious his thirtieth year a worldly knight, host, the windows in every sick who, lyingwounded on the field of room are opened in order that the Pampeluna, had an apparition of soul,ifit wishesto depart, shall not theVirgin. Beingsentbyhischiv be hindered from joiningthe head alrous captors to his father's castle, longchase. 1210 ENCYCLOPAE.DIA OF SUPERSTITIONS. walkedaboutinhisshroudfromhis hurting one for a year by rising at room to the chapel, carrying his midnight and standing barefooted head under his ann. andsnappingthe fingers. A~other plan is to put black beans In the The estate of Trevi1le was given mouth, walk out into the air, throw to an old family who came with them one by one behind you,never WilliamtheConquerorto England. look back. repeating these words: For many generations the family "With these beans I ransom my has been declining, and has now self." become extinct. Throughall time. To clear a house of ghosts, the a peculiar token has ~arked the owner must clash cymbals of brass. coming death of a VIngoe, the In some houses, utensils of that owners of Treville. Above the metalwerestruck ninetimesbythe deep caverns in the Treville cliff master, repeating: "Avaunt, ye ,an rises a cairn. On this chains offire cestral manesI" were seen ascending and descend- ing,andoftenaccompan~edb!loud Wm. Sharpe, M. D., in referring and frightful noises. It IS said that to his book, "Dream Visions," thesetokens havenotfailed tofore- says: "The meagre outline which tellthe deathoftheheadofthefam- I gave of the visions can give the ily, but sincethe last male member reader no adequate idea of their diedbya violentend,theyhavenot vividness and the splendor of pres been seen. entation; I believe they far sur- pass those recorded by Anna If the Welsh mountaineers see a Kingsford. They are only a few tall man, thin and pale, in the dusk out of many far more striking, for of the evening when they go out, instance: and he hasablack dogwhosesteps Sixmonths before the tragic end are towards the marsh which is at ofthe Emperorof Russia, I saw, in the foot ofMountSt. Michael, they vision, in the northeastern heavens, will run home, lock the doors, and a great beast, like a Siberian mam fallon their knees to pray, for they moth, suspended by ropes, which believe that a tempest is coming. were suddenly cut, and the beast Soon after the winds howl, the fell to the ground, \vith a force that thunder bursts forth in terrible tore up and scattered the e~rth in peals, and the mountains shake to all directions. Other particulars the base; and it is whispered that followed which pointed to Russia.t, Merlin, the enchanter, is evoking The beast, also the sun, is the an- the souls of the dead. cient symbol for a ruler. The old "familiar," who had his In watchingin the churchyardto abode in the castle near Biggar, see the procession of ghosts of Scotland was called ··Carmoolis," those who are to die the coming ~ and supposed to visit the year,anoldwomanatScarborough houses of the dying in the village after many faces had passed that after dark; and children would she knew, saw a figure turn and never dare to repeat, after the sun gaze at her. It was herself. She went down, the old rhyme: screamed, fell senseless to the "Carmoolis, Carmoolis,come ifye~~re, ground, and did not survive the Lift up the latch and draw the barl shock. .Ghosts of one's ancestors in The old sexton at a town in Scotland, can be prevented from Yorkshire, always watched to see

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