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ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF MATHEMATICS Supplement Volume III ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF MATHEMATICS Supplement Volume III k d KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS DORDRECHT / BOSTON / LONDON Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PublicationsD ata ISBN 1-4020-0198-3 Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, RO. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 141 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, U.S.A. In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers, RO. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Printed on acid-.free paper All Rights Reserved © 2001 KluwerAcademic Publishers No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. Printed in the Netherlands. E N C Y C L O P A E D I A OF M A T H E M A T I C S Managing Editor M. Hazewinke l List of Authors S. S. Abhyankar, V. Abramov, A. Adem, L. Aizenberg, S. Albeverio, Lufs J. Alias, H. Andrdka, B. N. Apanasov, I. Assani, K. Atanassov, S. Axler, A. Bagchi, K. Balachandran, R. B. Bapat, C. Bardos, T. Bartsch, R W. Bates, E. S. Belinsky, A. Ben-Israel, R. D. Benguria, Ch. Berg, V. Bergelson, E Beukers, A. Bloch, D. L. Boley, C. de Boor, J.-E Brasselet, R. Brown W. Dale Brownawell, T. Brzezinski, M. Buhmann, A. Bultheel, D. Bump, S. Caenepeel, R. E. Caflisch. B. D. Calvert, R. Carroll, O. Chan, F. Clarke, Flfivio Ulhoa Coelho, D. J. Collins, A. K. Common S. C. Coutinho, C. Croke, G. Csordas, Ratil E. Curto, H. G. Dales, L. Debnath, M. Deistler. A. Derighetti, J. K. Deveney, U. Dieter, R Dr~ixler, V. Drensky, M. Dror, C. F. Dunkl, A. Duval. T. Ehrhardt, B. Eisenberg, S. Elaydi, E. Elizalde, K. Engel, E. Enochs, M. Eytan, Y. Fang, E. J. Farrell. A. Fernfindez L6pez, C. Foias, A. S. Fraenkel, M. Fukushima, T. Gannon, J. von zur Gathen. S. Gelbart, L. Gemignani, S. K. Ghosh, J. F. Glazebrook, R Goerss, J. E. Goodman, B. Brent Gordon S. Goto, H. Gottschalk, W. Govaerts, S. W. Graham, M. J. Grannell, T. S. Griggs, R. I. Grigorchuck, J. W. Grossman, M. H. Gutknecht, U. Hahn, D. Harbater, G. Harder, K. R Hart, R Haukkanen, D. R. Heath-Brown, G. F. Helminck, D. Hensley, N. J. Hitchin, E den Hollander, J. W. Hovenier, Y.-Z. Huang, I. D. Iliev, N. Immerman, M. Inuiguchi, G. Isac, S. V. Ivanov, W. Jaco, M. Jacobsen, K. Jarosz, Soon-M. Jung, D. Jungnickel, N. Kamiya, A. Kanamori, J. Kania-Bartoszyfiska, W. Kaup, Y. Kawamata, H. Kellay, R S. Kenderov, O. Kerner, E. Khmaladze, J. Klamka, M. Klin, M. A. Ktopotek, E. H. Knill, J. Knopfmacher, M. N. Kolountzakis, V. Komkov, J. G. Krzy2, S. H. Kulkarni, J. R S. Kung, Hui-H. Kuo, K. M. Kuperberg, M. L. Lapidus, R. D. Lazarov, J. Lepowsky, C. Heng Li, E. R. Liflyand, W. A. Light, J. Lukeg, U. Lumiste, V. Lychagin, J. X. Madarfisz, F. Marcellfin, H. Martini, J. Mawhin, R A. McCoy, W. McCune, G. McGuire, C. V. M. van der Mee, D. J. Melville, R W. Michor, M. Mihalik, C. Moro~anu, A. O. Morris, C. J. Mulvey, V. Mufioz, S. Naimpally, Wtadystaw Narkiewicz, R. B. Nelsen, I. N6meti, E Neuman, L. Newelski, G. A. Niblo, M. A. Nielsen, V. Nistor, R. Norberg, T. Nowicki, M. Oberguggenberger, D. Olivari, T. C. O'Neil, R J. Oonincx, E. L. Ortiz, G. Owen, E. Pap, V. Paulauskas, D. B. Pearson, G. K. Pedersen, R. B. Pelz, W. V. Petryshyn, A. N. Philippou, D. Pigozzi, A. Pinkus, Z. Piotrowski, R. Pollack, A. Prfistaro, Andrfis Pr6kopa, J. Przytycki, A. G. Ramm, T. M. Rassias, S. Reich, R. Reischuk, S. E. Rodabaugh, A. Rodffguez Palacios, J. Rosenberg, A. Rucifiski, J. Sfindor, R Schmid, J. M. Schumacher, S. K. Sehgal, D. Shoikhet, B. Silbermann, D. Simson, A. Sitaram, H. de Snoo, A. Softer, E Sottile, J. Spencer, H. M. Srivastava, J. D. Stegeman, D. Stegenga, R. Steinberg, R. J. Stroeker, H. Sumida, L~iszl6 A. Sz6kely, F. Todor, E. Tsekanovski]', A. Turull, N. Tzanakis, L. Unger, H. Upmeier, R. S. Varga, W. Vasconcelos, R J. Vassiliou, V. Vinnikov, M. Vuorinen, M. Waldschmidt, N. Watt, G. R Wene, J. Wiegerinck, R. A. Wijsman, R. W. Wittenberg, S. A. Wolpert, S. Xiang, L. Zalcman, A. I. Zayed, S. Zlobec, S. Zucker PREFACE TO THE THIRD SUPPLEMENT VOLUME The present volume of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF MATHEMATICS is the third of several (planned are three) supplementary volumes. In the prefaces to the original first ten volumes I wrote: 'Ideally, an encyclopaedia should be complete up to a certain more-or-less well defined level of detail. In the present case I would like to aim at a completeness level whereby every theorem, concept, definition, lemma, construction, which has a more-or-less constant and accepted name by which it is referred to by a recognizable group of mathematicians occurs somewhere and can be found via the index.' With these three supplementary volumes we go some steps further in this direction. I will try to say a few words about how much further. The first source of (titles of) articles was the collective of users of the original 10 volume ENCY- CLOPAEDIA OF MATHEMATICS. Many users transmitted suggestions for additional material to be covered. These suggestions were taken seriously and checked against the 3.5M keyword list of the FIZ/STN database MATH in Karlsruhe. If the hit rate was 10 or better, the suggestion was usually accepted. For the second source I checked the index of volumes 1-9 against that same key phrase list (normal- ized). Everything with a hit frequency in the normalized list of 40 or better was checked and, if not really present- -a casual mention did not suffice--resulted in an invitation to an expert to contribute something on it. This 'top 40' supplementary list already involves more articles than would fit in a single volume alone and the simple expedient was followed of processing first what came in first (while being carefull about groups of articles that refer heavily to each other and other matters such as timelyness). However, the three supplementary volumes together will surely cover the whole 'top 40' and actually go one step deeper, roughly to the level of the 'top 20'. For the final (as far as I can see at the moment only electronic) version of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF MATHEMATICS (WEB and CDROM both) I hope and expect to go as far as the 'top 6'. This means an estimated 32000 articles and an 120K standard key phrase list, a four-fold increase over the printed 13-volume version. It should be noted that if one actually checks one of these 'top 6' standard key phrases in the database MATH, the number of hits is likely to be quite a bit higher; such a search will also pick mentions in title and abstract (and not only those in the key-phrase field). The present volume has its own index. This index is structured exactly like Volume 10, the index to Volumes 1-9. For details I refer to the Introduction to that index volume. The number of authors involved in this volume is substantial and in a sense this ENCYCLOPAEDIA is more and more a community effort of the whole mathematical world. These authors are listed collectively on one of the preliminary pages, and individually below their contributions in the main body vii PREFACE TO THE SUPPLEMENT VOLUME of this volume. I thank all of them most cordially for their considerable efforts. The final responsability for what to include and what not, etc., however, is mine. As is clear f rom the above, I have made heavy use of that invaluable resource the FIZ/STN MATH database in Karlsruhe. I thank that institution, in particular Dr. Olaf Ninnemann and the 'MATH group' , for their assistance and the facilities put at my disposal. As in the case of the original 10 volumes, this one would not have existed without the very considerable efforts of Rob Hoksbergen, who took care of all coordination and administration, and an awful lot of other detail work besides. Bussum, October 1999 PROE DR. MICHIEL HAZEWINKEL email: A *-AUTONOMOUS CATEGORY - Let C be a sym- with a mapping T : X ~ X or a family of mappings T, metric c losed m o n o i d a l c a t e g o r y (cf. also C a t e - may have a Iarge number of invariant measures (cf. also gory) . A f u n c t o r ( - )* : C° p --+ C is a duality functor I n v a r i a n t m e a s u r e ) . Among them there are invariant if there exists an isomorphism d(A, t3) : B A ~ A ' B * , measures that are absolutely continuous with respect natural in A and B, such that for all objects A, B, C C C to some canonical measure on X (cf. also A b s o l u t e l y the following diagram commutes: c o n t i n u o u s m e a s u r e s ) , such as L e b e s g u e m e a s u r e for X C R ~, H a a r m e a s u r e when X is a t o p o l o g i - (B A ® c B ) c(A,BfC) c A cal g roup , or a product m e a s u r e when X is a shift space (cf. Shif t d y n a m i c a l sy s t em) . The importance .k d( A,B )@d( B,C ) .~d( A,C ) of absolutely continuous invariant measures is due to a heuristic belief that canonical measures are the ones (A*)('*) ® (B*)(c*) c(C*,B*,A*)os (A*)(c*) which represent physical objects. where in the bot tom arrow s = s((A*) (B*), (B*)(c*)). There is a natural procedure for finding an absolutely A category is *-autonomous if it is a symmetric continuous invariant measure, by iterating the canoni- monoidal closed category with a given duality functor. cal measure #. First construct the images of # under It so happens that *-autonomous categories have real- the mapping #~ = # o T -'~, then take the averages life applications: they are models of (at least the finite ~ = ~k=0 # k / n and take some weak* a c c u m u l a t i o n part of) linear logic [2] and have uses in modelling pro- po in t . Special properties of the mapping (e.g. its uni- cesses. form expansion) may be reflected in the properties of An example of a . -autonomous category is the cat- the limit measure (absolute continuity). An alternative egory 7~¢g of sets and relations; duality is given by (dual) way is to iterate the density function with the S* = S. In fact, B A -~ (A* ® t3). transfer operator, and use the properties of T to prove From a given symmetric monoidal closed category a c o m p a c t n e s s property of a resulting sequence. The and an object in it (that serves as a dualizing object) one existence of an absolutely continuous invariant measure can construct a *-autonomous category (the so-called is not granted and is due in many cases to hyperbolic Uhu construction, [3]). It can be viewed as a kind of properties of the mapping, such as large derivatives on generalized topology. big sets of points. Once found, the absolutely continu- R e f e r e n c e s ous invariant measure serves via the e rgod ic t h e o r e m [1] BARa, M.: *-Autonomous categories, Vol. 752 of Lecture to pronounce statements about typical (with respect to Notes in Mathematics, Springer, 1979. the canonical measure) behaviour of the system. [2] BARR, M., AND WELLS, C.: Category theory for computing science, Publ. CRM, 1990. The ergodic theorem says that the long-time be- [3] CHU, P.-H.: 'Constructing *-autonomous categories', in haviour of the system is asymptotically described by M. BARI~ (ed.): *-Autonomous categories, Vol. 752 of Lec- ture Notes in Mathematics, Springer, 1979, p. Appendix. the behaviour on ergodic components of the space. The Michel Eytan time averages of observables (measurable functions) are MSC1991: 18D10, 18D15 then equal to their space averages (integrals). An in- variant measure is ergodic if there are no non-trivial A B S O L U T E L Y C O N T I N U O U S I N V A R I A N T M E A - invariant sets - - if T - 1 A = A then either #(A) = 0 S U R E - A d y n a m i c a l s y s t e m , treated as a space X or # (X \ A) = 0. One can say, imprecisely, that any ABSOLUTELY CONTINUOUS INVARIANT MEASURE invariant measure is a combination of invariant ergodic where (q~)~>_l is the sequence of all rational numbers in measures. this interval. One calls an invariant measure a Sinai-Bowen-Ruelle The measure is a-finite if X is the union of a count- measure, or SBR measure, when it is a limit point of the able family of sets with finite measure. averages of Dirac measures (cf. also D i r a c d i s t r i b u - Given a reference measure p on (X, 34), any measure t ion) on the trajectories of points from a set of positive may be decomposed into a sum of uc and us with ~'c << # Lebesgue measure: and Ys _1_ #, i.e. an absolutely continuous and a singular part. This is called the Lebesgue decomposition. = lim E ldT~z A set of non-zero measure that has no subsets of n k=0 smaller, but still positive, measure is called an atom of the measure. It is a common mistake to claim that for any x E A with positive measure. When an SBR the singular part of a measure must be concentrated measure is absolutely continuous with respect to some on points which are atoms. A singular measure may be natural measure on the space (most often the Lebesgue atomless, as is shown by the measure concentrated on or Haar measure), then it is said that the system is the standard C a n t o r set which puts zero on each gap chaotic or stochastic. When, on the other hand, the SBR of the set and 2 -n on the intersection of the set with measure is concentrated on a finite number of points, the interval of generation n. then the system is called deterministic (with a peri- When some canonical measure p on X is fixed (as the odic attractor). All other systems are commonly called L e b e s g u e m e a s u r e on R n or its subsets or, more gen- strange or wild. It is widely believed that typically the erally, the H a a r m e a s u r e on a t o p o l o g i c a l g roup) , systems are either stochastic or deterministic (or a com- one says that L, is absolutely continuous on X, meaning bination of them), but there are known examples of that ~, << #. strange limit behaviour. Two measures which are mutually absolutely contin- See also S t r a n g e a t t r a c t o r ; Chaos . uous are called equivalent. R e f e r e n c e s See also A b s o l u t e c o n t i n u i t y . [1] CORNFELD, I.P., FOMIN, S.V., AND SINAL YA.G.: Ergodic theory, Springer, 1982. R e f e r e n c e s [2] DEVANEY, R.L.: An introduction to chaotic dynamical sys- [1] HEWITT, E., AND STROMBERG, K.: Real and abstract analysis, tems, Benjamin/Cummings, 1986. Springer, 1965. [3] KaENCEL, U.: Ergodic theorems, de Gruyter, 1985. [2] ROYDEN, H.L.: Real analysis, Macmillan, 1968. [4] NErMARK, YU.I., AND LANDA, P.S.: Stochastic and chaotic T. Nowicki oscillations, Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1992, p. Chap. 2. MSC 1991: 28-XX [5] VRmS, J. DE: Elements of topological dynamics, Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1993. T. Nowicki A B S T R A C T A L G E B R A I C L O G I C - The study of MSC 1991: 28Dxx, 58Fl l , 58F13, 54H20 logical equivalence, more precisely, the study of the re- lationship between logical equivalence and logical truth. A B S O L U T E L Y C O N T I N U O U S M E A S U R E S - Meta-logical investigations take on a different character S u p p o s e that on the m e a s u r a b l e space (X, 34) there when the emphasis is placed on logical equivalence, one are given two measures # and y (of. also Measu re ) . that is very algebraic in character. But, in contrast to One says that ~ is absolutely continuous with respect traditional algebraic logic, abstract algebraic logic fo- to # ( d e n o t e d , << #) if It(A) = 0 implies ~(A) = 0 for cuses on the process by which a class of algebras is any set A E 34. One also says that # dominates y. If associated with a logical system rather than the alge- the measure ~ is finite (i.e. ~,(X) < ec), then , << # if bras that are obtained in the process. The strength of and only if for any .c > 0 there exists a 5 > 0 such that the connection between logical equivalence and logical , (A) < 5 whenever #(A) < e. truth can vary greatly depending on the particular log- The R a d o n - N i k o d : ~ m t h e o r e m says that if # and ical system under consideration. One of the main tasks are a-finite measures and u << #, then there exists a of abstract algebraic logic is the classification of logical #-integrable non-negative function f (a density, cf. also systems based on the strength of this connection. It is I n t e g r a b l e func t ion) , called the Radon-Nikod~m de- very strong in classical logic and this gives classical logic rivative, such that ~(A) = fA f d#. Two such densities its distinctly algebraic character. f and g may differ only on a null set (see Measu re ) , i.e. The way in which the algebras arise from logic has #({x: f ( x ) ~ g(x)}) = 0. An example of a density (with traditionally followed two distinct paths. The first is respect to the L e b e s g u e m e a s u r e on the interval, i.e. based on semantical considerations. In this approach the length) is the function f ( x ) = ~ Ix - q~1-1/2 .2 -~, the algebras are abstracted directly from a primitive ABSTRACT ALGEBRAIC LOGIC intuitive notion of logical equivalence, and the asset- • F F-~ 9~ for all %D E F; tional aspect of the logic (the notion of logical t ruth) • F ~-D %o and A ~-~ ¢ for every ¢ E F imply is expressed in its terms. The development of classical A ~-~ ~; propositional logic (cf. also P r o p o s i t i o n a l ca lculus) • F ~-D 9~ implies F ~ ~-~ %o for some finite F ~ C F followed this path with Boolean algebras coming before (finiteness); the classical propositional calculus (cf. also B o o l e a n al- • F ~-~) ~ implies or(F) ~-~ a(~) for every substitu- gebra) . Relation algebras and the way they arose from tion a (substitution invariance). the calculus of relations is the modern paradigm for Substitution invariance is the technical counterpart of the semantics-based method. In the logistic approach, the idea that logical consequence depends on form and or rule-based approach, the process is inverted. The as- not substance. It plays a key role in abstract algebraic sertional part comes first and logical equivalence and logic because it is an essential feature of e q u a t i o n a l the associated algebras are then defined by means of the logic. so-called Lindenbaum-Tarski process. The paradigm for A formula ~ is a theorem of • if F-~ ~ (i.e., it is a the logistic method is the intuitionistic propositional cal- consequence of the empty set of formulas). The set of culus, where the class of Heyting algebras is constructed theorems, which may be empty, is denoted by Thm:D. from Heyting's formalization of Brouwer's intuitionism A set T of formulas is a theory of a deductive system by the Lindenbaum-Tarski process (cf. also H e y t i n g if it is closed under consequence, i.e., ~ C T whenever f o r m a l s y s t e m ) . Cylindric and polyadic algebras were F _C T and F F-~ p. Thin T~ is the smallest theory. The obtained by applying the semantics-based method to set of all theories of D is denoted by ThT). The theory first-order predicate logic, but, at least in the case of axiomatized by an arbitrary set F of formulas is the set cylindric algebras, the influence of the logistic approach of all formulas ~ such that F ~-z~ ~. is strongly evident. Deductive systems in this sense include all the famil- The basis of the abstract form of logical equivalence iar sentential logics (cf. also P r o p o s i t i o n a l ca lculus) is Frege's principle that sentences, like proper names, together with their various fragments and refinements have a denotation and that this denotation is their t ru th - - for example, the classical and intuitionistic propo- value. Two sentences are logically equivalent if they have sitional calculi CPC and IPC, the intermediate logics the same denotation in every possible situation. Thus, (cf. also I n t e r m e d i a t e logic), the various modal log- according to Frege's principle, they are logically equiva- ics, including $4 and $5 (cf. also M o d a l logic), and lent if they are true in exactly the same interpretations the multiple-valued logics of J. Lukasiewicz and E. Post of the underlying uninterpreted logic. For logistic sys- (cf. also M a n y - v a l u e d logic). The substructural logics, tems this principle has the following technical ramifica- such as BCK logic, relevance logic and linear logic can tions. also be formulated as deductive systems, although they By a language type one means a set A of connectives are often formulated as Gentzen-type systems (cf. also or operation symbols (cf. also P r o p o s i t i o n a l connec - G e n t z e n f o r m a l sy s t e m) . Even first-order predicate t ive), depending on whether one views them from a Iog- logic can be formalized as a deductive system, although ical or algebraic perspective. Each connective has asso- in its usual formulation it is not substitution-invariant. ciated with it a natural number, called its rank or arity. A (logical) matrix is a structure of the form 92 = The set Fm of formulas (terms in an algebraic context) (A, F}, where A is an algebra (of the same language is constructed from the connectives and a fixed, denu- type as :D), the underlying algebra of 92, and F C_ A, the merable set of (formula) variable symbols in the usual designated set of 92. An interpretation of ~ is a matrix way. The corresponding formula algebra is denoted by 92 together with a homomorphism h : F m --+ A from the Fm. This is the 'absolutely free' algebra of type A with algebra of formulas F m into the underlying algebra of an n-ary operation /~Fm: Fm n _+ Fm for each A E A 92. h(~) is to be thought of as the 'sense' or 'meaning' of of arity n such that AFro(p0, . . . , p~ - l ) is the formula the formula ~ under the interpretation, and ~ is ' true' A ~ 0 , . . . , p ~ - l , in prefix notation, or (~0)~ ~1) when or 'false' depending on whether or not h(~) E F. By n = 2 and infix notation is used. The operation of si- the Frege principle, this t ru th value is the denotation multaneously substituting fixed but arbitrary formulas of p under the interpretation. Truth must be preserved for variables is identified with the unique endomorphism under consequence in the sense that, if F F-~ ~ and each of F m it determines. A logistic or deductive system is a E F is true under the interpretation, then ~ must also pair ~ = (Fm, ~-~), where ~-~, the consequence relation be true. A set F of formulas is said to define a class K of ~ , is a binary relation between sets of formulas and of interpretations if K is the class of all interpretations individual formulas satisfying the following well-known in which each formula of F is true. Because t ruth is pre- conditions: For all F, A C Fm and F ~ Fro, served under consequence, the theory axiomatized by F

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