Description:Within these pages, you will find more than two dozen new spells, ten new items of magic and twelve new feats to expand your summoning powers, and the details behind four prestige classes for you to strive for. There is even a selection of new summoning tables for spellcasters who focus on specific alternate planes of reality. Herein, you will also discover secrets for getting the most from the school's powerful spells and dealing with the creatures you conjure. Summon up a comfortable chair, sit back, and light a candle. Turn these pages and let them conjure images of powers beyond imagination ... Just keep the cardinal rule of the conjurer in mind. Never call up what you cannot put down. This supplement is a complete guide to conjurers for Dungeons & Dragons. Conjuration has long been a common specialization of wizards in d20 System games. This book further expands on their capabilities and powers, offering new feats, prestige classes, spells and much more, including new rules for their magic.