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Enabling Albertine Rift Communities Understand and Benefit from Uganda’s REDD PROCESS, a Strategy for Sustainable Natural Resource Use and Management Uganda Wildlife Society and Buliisa District Local Government Technical Series Number 1, 2013 Alex B. Muhweezi1, Joel Buyinza2 and Priscilla Nyadoi2 1Future Dialogues International, P.O. Box 4111 Kampala Uganda 2Uganda Wildlife Society, P.O. Box 7422 Kampala Uganda Waiver (Disclaimer) This REDD Training Material has been prepared with the financial assistance of IUCN NL, Wetlands International and Both ENDS, partners in the Ecosystem Alliance. The views expressed, the information and material presented and the geographical and geopolitical designations used in this product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IUCN NL, Wetlands International or Both ENDS or the institutions and organisations providing these three organisations with funds. 1 SUMMARY This REDD training material and content therein was prepared for Uganda Wildlife Society and Buliisa District Local Government by Alex Muhweezi of Future Dialogues International, Joel Buyinza and Priscilla Nyadoi both Employees of Uganda Wildlife Society. The material was solely developed for purposes of training Buliisa District Communities (including five civil society organizations, 25 individuals representing the fisher folk, pastoralists, crop farmers, wildlife resource dependent and oil affected or dependent households) and natural resource management institutions officials (Fisheries, forestry, wildlife, agriculture, livestock, water and minerals) representatives. The purpose of the REDD training detailed in this material is to equip these community and district representatives with knowledge on Uganda‟s REDD+ so as to prepare them to participate and benefit from the process. The material is structured in sections beginning from A that gives an introduction to the entire content through E where issues and opportunities for REDD+ specific to Buliisa are discussed. The last part of this material contains references detailing literature accessed and used in the content preparation. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................... 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ 3 ACRONYMS .................................................................................................................................. 5 SECTION A .................................................................................................................................... 6 INTRODUCTION TO UWS ECOSYSTEMS ALLIANCE REDD TRAINING PROGRAMME IN BULIISA .................................................................................................................................... 6 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 6 The Ecosystems Alliance Project Interventions in Buliisa by the Uganda Wildlife Society ...... 7 Specific activities under the UWS Ecosystems Alliance Project REDD Objective in Buliisa ... 8 Expected outputs ......................................................................................................................... 8 Specifics of REDD training to be conducted for change agents in Buliisa ................................. 9 The REDD Training activities ..................................................................................................... 9 Target REDD outputs ................................................................................................................ 10 SECTION B .................................................................................................................................. 12 UNDERSTANDING REDD+ ....................................................................................................... 12 Definitions/Glossary .................................................................................................................. 12 What is REDD+? ....................................................................................................................... 13 Why REDD+? ........................................................................................................................... 16 REDD+ principles ..................................................................................................................... 17 REDD+ Objectives .................................................................................................................... 17 REDD+ and Uganda‟s National Development .......................................................................... 17 REDD+ and Social economic development .............................................................................. 18 REDD+ and Forestry Policies and Plan .................................................................................... 20 REDD+ and Climate Change .................................................................................................... 21 3 Status of forestry resources REDD+ seeks to address ............................................................... 22 Forestry Resources .................................................................................................................... 22 Forestry Governance ................................................................................................................. 25 Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation ........................................................................ 26 SECTION C .................................................................................................................................. 28 REDD+ PROCESS FOR UGANDA............................................................................................. 28 The REDD Process in Uganda .................................................................................................. 28 Legal and policy issues pertaining to R-PP implementation ..................................................... 29 Stakeholder participation and engagement ................................................................................ 29 Institutional arrangements ......................................................................................................... 30 Supervision, coordination, participation, implementation and accountability .......................... 30 Roles and Mandates during R-PP implementation .................................................................... 32 SECTION D .................................................................................................................................. 33 UNDERSTANDING REDD+ PRINCIPLES AND TOOLS ........................................................ 33 Principles and tools under REDD+ ........................................................................................... 33 Table 6: Principles and tools ......................................................................................................... 33 Table 7: Sample tools of direct relevance to different districts in Uganda ................................... 34 SECTION E ................................................................................................................................... 37 ASSESSEMENT OF ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR REDD+ IN BULIISA ................ 37 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 38 4 ACRONYMS CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CFM Collaborative Forest Management CRM Collaborative Resources Management CSO Civil Society Organization FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (of UN) FCPF Forest Carbon Partnership Fund FSSP Forestry Support Services Department GHG Green House Gases MEAs Multi-lateral Environmental Agreements NFA National Forest Authority NFP National Forest Plan PFE Permanent Forest Estate REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation R-PIN REDD Project Identification Note R-PP REDD Readiness preparation proposal SESA Strategic Environment and Social Assessment THF Tropical High Forest UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UWA Uganda Wildlife Authority UWS Uganda Wildlife Society 5 SECTION A INTRODUCTION TO UWS ECOSYSTEMS ALLIANCE REDD TRAINING PROGRAMME IN BULIISA Introduction Uganda Wildlife Society (UWS) is a not for profit nongovernmental membership based organization in Uganda. The Society was established in 1998 after thirty eight years of operating as the East African Wildlife Society-Uganda Branch. The driving force behind UWS formation was the need for the EAWLS members in Uganda to get better organized in order to effectively engage with wildlife and environment issues in Uganda. The Society vision is Wildlife and People living in Harmony. And in that, the members aspire to contributing towards a harmonious co-existence between wildlife and people in Uganda and beyond. The Society mission is to promote the conservation of wildlife and environment. To realize her mission, the Society implements a range of activities in five strategic areas that include; advocacy, knowledge generation, policy dialogues and field demonstrations. The UWS goal is sustainable utilization of wildlife and other natural resources. Thus the longer term objective for all programme and activities of UWS is sustainable use of resources, a driving force behind most challenges facing conservation. To realize its goal, UWS activities are aimed towards achieving the following objectives: a. To influence policy formulation for environmental management through providing forums for addressing, advocating and debating conservation issues. b. To generate knowledge on wildlife and natural resources and to provide informed non-biased environment information to the government, private sector and other civil society organizations. c. To promote the understanding of linkage of livelihoods and sustainable use of wildlife and natural resources through raising awareness and implementing conservation projects about the environment among people. Uganda Wildlife Society Core Business includes; 6 a) Carrying out advocacy/lobbying for harmonious co-existence-Wildlife and environment. b) Generating and disseminating knowledge and information about wildlife and other natural resources (environment subsectors). c) Field demonstration projects on wildlife conservation and or environmental management. The Ecosystems Alliance Project Interventions in Buliisa by the Uganda Wildlife Society The Ecosystems Alliance Project in Buliisa is funded by the Netherland Government through a consortium involving Wetlands International, BothEnds and IUCN-NL. The goal of the UWS interventions in Buliisa under the Ecosystems Alliance Uganda Country Programme is to empower communities and institutions in the district for sustainable natural resource management. In particular UWS is equipping Buliisa communities and institutions with knowledge and technologies for appropriate land and other natural resources use and management. These interventions will help restore ecosystems, secure livelihoods and green economy of the district and also provide lessons for the entire Albertine Rift and related regions in Uganda. It is important to note that under the Ecosystems Alliance-Uganda Country Programme, UWS is partnering with African Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO) and the National Association for Professional Environmentalists (NAPE). These partners are implement similar Ecosystems Alliance Activities but in the districts of Hoima and Kasese region. Objectives of UWS – Ecosystems Alliance Project Interventions in Buliisa include: 1) At least 830 private landowners-households (composed of farmers, pastoralists, ranchers) practicing sustainable land and water resource use and management. 2) Five communities (Private land owners/farmers, Fishery, Forest, National Parks and Wildlife resources dependent communities) empowered to claim/demand for their rights to the natural resources and using appropriate established strategies to do this. 3) About 750 hectares of privately owned land brought under sustainable use and management. 7 4) Mining companies effectively implement existing Policies and NEMA and UWA guidelines regulating the impact of mining in protected areas and, the communities and institutions in the district holding the miners accountable; i.e. empowered to monitor and actually monitoring the mining companies‟ compliance to the guidelines. 5) At least 3 CSOs network strengthened and actively engaged in defending the communities‟ rights and interest against mining /extractive industries. 6) A report on REDD Potential Opportunities, risks and issues in Buliisa District and at least 3 CSOs from Buliisa supported to participate in the National REDD strategy and working with the five communities in Buliisa as change agents, to connect and help the communities benefit from the National REDD Strategy. 7) National level/North–South Policy formulation processes informed on lessons, experiences/knowledge from Ecosystems Alliance project in Buliisa. Activities under UWS Ecosystems Alliance Project REDD Objective in Buliisa In Buliisa the Society aims to train change agents (including 25 representative of the resource user groups – fisher folk, crop farmers, pastoralists, wildlife resource dependent communities and oil affected/dependent households and district local government representatives) on REDD. The change agents will in turn work with their respective communities, training them and enabling them participate and benefit from Uganda‟s REDD processes. To realize the training outputs, the Society will: a. Develop REDD training materials: contents include: Uganda REDD+ process, approaches to carrying out Consultations, participation, grievances/conflicts management, assessing drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and identification of strategies for addressing it, process for undertaking SESA, identifying and describing institutional arrangements, benefit sharing, Reference Scenario, MRV and others). b. Train change agents-CSOs, communities/institution representatives, UWS personnel and selected district departments in Buliisa. c. Design strategies for change agents‟ participation in National REDD processes. Expected outputs The expected outputs under the REDD training activities thus include: 8 a. Developed- training materials on REDD for future use by UWS for trainings/campaigns. b. Trained on REDD-change agents (CSOs, representatives of communities and district government officials UWS is working with, UWS Staff). The agents in turn capable of training others (CSOs, communities and stakeholders in Buliisa). c. Designed-strategies/mechanisms for change agents‟ participation in Uganda REDD processes. With respect to training the change agents on REDD+, UWS aims to achieve the following: a. The change agents in Buliisa district trained and acquire knowledge about REDD+ and are able to actively promoting the Uganda REDD+ processes among communities they are assigned to work with (farmers, wildlife resource dependent households, fisher folk, oil affected and or dependent households and pastoralists). b. Information on potential opportunities, risks and benefits of implementing Uganda's REDD+ strategies in Buliisa District generated and disseminated. Specifics of REDD training to be conducted for change agents in Buliisa The objective is to train change agents in Buliisa in REDD+ and prepare them to serve as Change Agents (REDD+ training and implementation agents) in Buliisa district. However, in order for the targeted CSOs to gain from the training and be able to apply knowledge gained, training will extend to benefit the following key players who will be collaborating with or supporting the CSOs: District technical staff (environment, forestry, agriculture, fisheries), Sector players (Forestry-NFA, Wildlife (UWA), Oil (Environment Officers for Oil Companies) and , UWS Project Staff. The REDD Training activities The REDD training Buliisa shall involve building knowledge base about REDD+ and focus on: a. Unpacking REDD+ (Global concepts as well as Uganda‟s REDD+ scenarios). b. Sharing information on REDD+ Process for Uganda. 9 c. Understanding REDD+ principles and tools for conducting Consultations and Participation, managing Grievances and Conflicts Management, Identifying drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation, Identifying Strategies for addressing Deforestation and forest Degradation, conducting Strategic Environment and Social Impact Assessment (SESA), designing institutional arrangements for REDD+ Strategy implementation, Benefit sharing, Establishing Reference Scenario, and , Measuring, Reporting and Verifying REDD+ impacts. d. Identifying opportunities and issues for REDD+ for Buliisa. e. Identifying interventions areas for strengthening capacity to deliver REDD+ in district. Target REDD outputs  Trained change agents capable of training others (CSOs, Communities, stakeholders on REDD+)  Knowledge and awareness of REDD+ process among Trainees.  REDD+ Training materials and information for use by UWS.  Strategies and mechanisms for enhancing engagement of CSOs in Buliisa with national REDD+ process. 10

2 SUMMARY This REDD training material and content therein was prepared for Uganda Wildlife Society and Buliisa District Local Government by Alex Muhweezi of
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