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Employment Regulatory and Enforcement Activity Is Already Underway. Are You Ready? PDF

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ADP TOTALSOURCE® Employment Regulatory and Enforcement Activity Is Already Underway. Are You Ready? An employer’s guide to new regulations and initiatives that are currently being considered and implemented by federal agencies. Vol. II 2013/2014 Issue HR. Payroll. Benefits. Contents About the Report 1 Wages and Hours Worked 2 Immigration 6 Workplace Safety 10 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 13 Federal Contractors 17 Conclusion 23 About ADP TotalSource® 23 About Jackson Lewis 23 About the Report President Obama won the November 2012 election, Federal agencies have also openly stated their while Republicans maintained control of the House commitment to change, as part of fulfilling their of Representatives. However, with Democrats still overall mission statement. The new Secretary holding control of the Senate, Congress remains of Labor, Thomas E. Perez, who was approved by closely divided. As a result, continuing a trend the Senate in July 2013, fully supports statements that started with the 2010 midterm Congressional made by his predecessor, Hilda Solis. In January elections, there has been no new federal labor and 2013, Solis said, “We know the market alone will employment legislation passed since early 2010. not protect workers and will not guarantee a secure retirement… [DOL’s] regulatory work is crucial to The legislative stalemate, however, has not slowed protecting and strengthening the middle class.” regulatory and enforcement activity by federal agencies. Despite the Sequester — automatic The purpose of this special report is to provide federal budget cuts that kicked in March 1, 2013 — employers with information to prepare for, and many agencies, including the U.S. Department of plan for, the new regulations and initiatives and Labor (DOL), Equal Employment Opportunity those that are currently being considered by Commission (EEOC), Occupational Safety and federal agencies. Health Administration (OSHA), Office of Federal Are you ready? Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have been busy changing and updating federal labor The new Secretary of Labor, and employment regulations and enforcing Thomas E. Perez, who was those regulations. approved by the Senate in In addition, many agency initiatives come from outside the regulatory rule-making process. July 2013, fully supports These initiatives and programs are not subject statements made by his to the strict rule-making process, which would include public notice and an opportunity for the predecessor, Hilda Solis. public to comment on the proposed rules. Such initiatives and programs have the potential to shape agency policy and can have an important impact on employer operations. Employment Regulatory and Enforcement Activity Is Already Underway. Are You Ready? 1 Wages and Hours Worked The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is an agency boards.” This is not the DOL’s first attempt to put that enforces many federal labor and employment its data, regarding purported violations, on the laws discussed in this report, including laws Internet and in the public eye. regarding workplace safety and federal contracting. Employers must continue to strive for compliance One of DOL’s divisions, the Wage and Hour Division, with wage-and-hour laws, and should regularly also enforces a key wage-and-hour law called the monitor whether allegedly aggrieved individuals, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This law has attorneys or governmental entities — including received renewed attention and vigor under the the DOL through this or other initiatives — are Obama administration. In federal FY 2012, DOL publicizing any purported claims on the Web. collected more than $97 million in back wages for more than 124,000 employees. In federal FY 2012, DOL PEREz REPLACES SOLIS AS SECRETARy OF LAbOR collected more than $97 million In a move surprising to the employment in back wages for more than community, Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, 124,000 employees. submitted her resignation to President Obama in January 2013, creating a vacancy at the DOL’s highest post. D.C. CIRCuIT COuRT STRIkES DOWn 2010 DOL ADmInISTRATOR’S InTERPRETATIOn On July 18, 2013, the Senate approved President REgARDIng FLSA STATuS OF LOAn OFFICERS Obama’s nominee, Thomas E. Perez, to replace Solis and become the nation’s 26th Secretary of In 2010, the Department of Labor announced Labor. Perez has spent his entire career in public it would cease its “opinion letter” practice, service and joined the department on July 23, wherein employers could submit written after serving as the assistant attorney general questions regarding application of the FLSA for the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. Department and its implementing regulations, and receive of Justice. Perez is expected to continue the guidance. Replacing the opinion letter structure DOL’s tough stance on enforcement and was an “Administrator’s Interpretation,” in which regulatory initiatives. the DOL would simply issue an advisory opinion on its own volition. Contemporaneous with “APP” COmPETITIOn TO InCORPORATE announcing this new practice, the DOL issued its EmPLOyER VIOLATIOn DATA first Administrator’s Interpretation, and took the Building upon its prior efforts to leverage position that mortgage loan officers generally do contemporary technology, the DOL has announced not qualify for exemption from overtime under an “app” competition, inviting the public to create the administrative exemption. This Interpretation an app to incorporate its data regarding labor directly contradicted the DOL’s prior analysis of the investigations “with consumer ratings websites, same issue (presented in the traditional opinion geo-positioning Web tools, and other relevant data letter fashion) provided just four years previously. sets, such as those available from state health In response to this DOL action, the Mortgage 2 Employment Regulatory and Enforcement Activity Is Already Underway. Are You Ready? Bankers Association filed suit challenging the conditions may force Congress to give more DOL’s authority to change its position. The Court consideration to the proposal than in prior years. of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit DOL COnTInuES “WE CAn HELP” CAmPAIgn ruled that the DOL’s reversal violated the AImED AT InCREASIng EnFORCEmEnT Administrative Procedure Act (APA), and thus the Administrator’s Interpretation is invalid. See “We Can Help” is a campaign designed to educate Mortgage Bankers Ass’n v. Harris, 2013 U.S. App. workers about their rights under the FLSA. The LEXIS 13470 (D.C. Cir. July 2, 2013). campaign includes, among other features, a separate website with links to pages explaining COngRESSIOnAL SubCOmmITTEE DEbATES the rights of workers and Public Service ExTEnSIOn OF “COmP TImE” unDER THE FLSA Announcements — in both English and Spanish FOR PRIVATE EmPLOyERS by Hollywood stars, including Jimmy Smits Revisiting a concept for the first time since and Esai Morales. Secretary Solis and Dolores 2009, a House of Representatives Subcommittee Huerta (co-founder of the United Farm Workers of recently conducted a hearing regarding the America, AFL-CIO) also recorded PSAs in support Working Families Flexibility Act (H.R. 1406). The of the campaign. Act, proposed on April 9, 2013, seeks to amend the FLSA to permit private-sector employers to Employers must understand that compensate employees for overtime work by providing compensatory time off (e.g., “comp the burden is on them to obey time”), in lieu of cash overtime wages. Under the law, not on the DOL to catch current law, only public-sector employers are allowed to make such payments in lieu of them violating the law. overtime pay. Supporters cite the flexibility, particularly for “We Can Help” appears to be targeted toward working families, that the availability of comp time specific industries, such as construction, day provides. On the other hand, detractors claim that laborers and farm workers, and it clearly reaches permitting payment for overtime work through out to noncitizens and/or undocumented workers. time off will unfairly reduce the wages currently The campaign’s encouragement of self-action in earned by nonexempt overtime eligible workers. employee record keeping, coupled with the media blitz, will likely increase complaints filed with “In amending the FLSA to permit public-sector the DOL. To that end, the DOL added some 250 employers to provide compensatory time off, additional investigators, in large part to support Congress implicitly acknowledged the strain this campaign. on public budgets imposed by a cash overtime requirement,” observed former Wage and Hour DOL COLLAbORATIOn WITH THE AmERICAn Administrator Paul DeCamp. “The proposed bill bAR ASSOCIATIOn acknowledges that the same budgetary strain The DOL continues to partner with the American attaches to overtime work for private-sector Bar Association (ABA), which is a national employers, many of whom are small or medium- association of lawyers. Under this partnership, sized businesses regulated by the FLSA through FLSA or Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) its expansive coverage provisions.” complainants, who are informed that the DOL is declining to pursue their complaint, are provided While previous efforts to pursue such a rule a toll-free number to contact a newly created, change were unsuccessful, prevailing economic Employment Regulatory and Enforcement Activity Is Already Underway. Are You Ready? 3 ABA-sanctioned Attorney Referral System. The process. The employer cannot draft a plan and DOL has also pledged to provide prompt, relevant then put it on a shelf. The plan must be fully information and documents on the referred case implemented for the employer to comply with the to complainants and the referral attorney electing “Plan/Prevent/Protect” compliance strategy. to take the case including but not limited to a list Protect: DOL will propose a requirement that the of any violations found and the amount of back employer or other regulated entity ensures that the wages owed. plan’s objectives are met on a regular basis. Just DOL’S “PLAn/PREVEnT/PROTECT” any plan will not do. The plan must actually protect REguLATORy InITIATIVE workers from violations of their workplace rights. Pursuant to the DOL’s “Plan/Prevent/Protect” Employers who fail to take these steps to address initiative, employers and others must “find and fix” comprehensively the risks, hazards, and inequities violations — that is, assure compliance — before in their workplaces will be considered out of a DOL investigator arrives at the workplace. compliance with the law and, depending upon the Employers must understand that the burden is agency and the substantive law it is enforcing, on them to obey the law, not on the DOL to catch subject to remedial action. them violating the law. This is the heart of the DOL’s new strategy. Simply put, the DOL hopes to “RIgHT TO knOW” REguLATIOn replace “catch me if you can” with “Plan/Prevent/ Protect,” if a regulation is finalized. This proposed rule (Right to Know Although the specifics would vary by law, industry under the Fair Labor Standards and regulated enterprise, this strategy would Act) has generated interest in the require (at some unknown point in the future) all regulated entities to take three steps to ensure employer community because of safe and secure workplaces and compliance with the potential burden and cost that it the law: would place on employers. Plan: DOL will propose a requirement that employers and other regulated entities create a plan for identifying and remediating risks of legal violations and other risks to workers — From an employer’s perspective, one of the most for example, a plan to review potentially unlawful difficult challenges associated with the FLSA is pay practices. The employer would provide properly classifying employees as exempt or non- their employees with opportunities to participate exempt. This is an important distinction. Exempt in the creation of the plans. In addition, the plans employees are not entitled to be paid overtime, would be made available to workers so they while nonexempt employees are. can fully understand them and help to monitor DOL has proposed a new rule, entitled the their implementation. “Right to Know under the Fair Labor Standards Prevent: DOL will propose a requirement that Act,” that would require employers to produce a employers thoroughly and completely implement written “classification analysis” to justify exempt the plan in a manner that prevents legal employee status (and/or independent contractors violations. The plan cannot be a mere paper status) for each employee. This proposed rule has 4 Employment Regulatory and Enforcement Activity Is Already Underway. Are You Ready? generated interest in the employer community capture information on types of pay not currently because of the potential burden and cost that it addressed, “such as tips, commissions, bonuses, would place on employers. deductions, holiday pay, pay for weekends, shift differentials and pay for regular days of rest.” DOL LAunCHES TImESHEET APPLICATIOn FOR SmARTPHOnES What happens when an employee is misclassified as exempt by an employer? That employee may be owed several years of overtime compensation (and additional penalties may apply). In order to determine the amount of compensation due, the DOL may ask the employee to construct a record of hours worked. This has now become an easier task for employees. The DOL launched its first application for smartphones, described as “a timesheet to help employees independently track the hours they work and determine the wages they are owed.” Users can track regular work hours, break time, and any overtime hours they work for one or more employers, according to the DOL press release on the application. The free “app” is compatible with iPhone® and iPod touch® and is available in English and Spanish. The DOL predicts that workers’ information “could prove invaluable” during an investigation of employers accused of failing to maintain accurate time records. Indeed, the app will allow workers to “email the summary of work hours and gross pay as an attachment” to DOL investigators. The app provides a “[glossary, contact information and materials about wage and hour laws through links to the Web pages of the department’s Wage and Hour Division.” According to former Secretary of Labor Solis, “This app will help empower workers to understand and stand up for their rights when employers have denied their hard-earned pay.” The DOL also is considering future updates to enable use on other smartphone platforms, such as AndroidTM and BlackBerry®, and to Employment Regulatory and Enforcement Activity Is Already Underway. Are You Ready? 5 Immigration As noted on the website of the Department of nEW VIDEO EDuCATES EmPLOyERS AbOuT THE Homeland Security (DHS) by (then) Secretary I-9 PROCESS of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, “DHS The Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched has forged a smart and effective approach to a new educational video to assist employers enforcing our immigration laws and prioritizing in avoiding charges of discrimination in the public safety while targeting criminal aliens and employment eligibility verification Form I-9 process aggressively pursuing employers that knowingly and in the use of E-Verify. The video also aims to take advantage of illegal labor.” While at the time help educate employees about their legal rights. of writing this special report, Napolitano has resigned and has not yet been replaced, there Employers using E-Verify also is no doubt that DHS will continue to focus on businesses that hire undocumented workers, may improperly request and not the workers themselves. specific documents due to a misunderstanding of E-Verify requirements. The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration- Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC) within the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division enforces the antidiscrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). That provision prohibits employers from discriminating against This change in approach — from one that work-authorized individuals in hiring, firing, emphasized punishing the illegal foreign worker recruitment, or referral for a fee, regardless of to one that emphasizes punishing the employer their citizenship status or national origin. The law that hired the worker — is designed to reduce also prohibits discrimination during the Form I-9 the demand for illegal employment by focusing and E-Verify processes. on employers suspected of employing illegal or unauthorized workers. The OSC has developed its latest video to address issues that frequently arise from calls to its hotline It is also an approach that is being supported by and charges that are filed. The DOJ explained stepped-up regulatory enforcement. Under the that employers sometimes incorrectly believe Obama administration, DHS has conducted more they need to request more documents than are audits and debarred more employers for hiring necessary for the employment eligibility verification illegal immigrants than in the entire tenure of Form I-9. Employers using E-Verify also may the prior administration. Employers should improperly request specific documents due to a take notice. 6 Employment Regulatory and Enforcement Activity Is Already Underway. Are You Ready? misunderstanding of E-Verify requirements. The Relations Board (NLRB) that will allow both new video highlights some of the practices that are agencies to share information, to refer matters to not permissible and may lead to claims under the each other concerning potential violations of the INA’s antidiscrimination provision. laws governed by the respective agencies, and to coordinate multiagency investigations. uSCIS mAy bE COnTACTIng yOuR EmPLOyEES The MOU was designed to encourage employees On July 1, 2013, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration to seek redress for violations under the Services (USCIS) announced its latest “customer appropriate laws and through the appropriate service enhancement” to E-Verify. If an employee federal agencies, even though such a claim voluntarily provides his or her email address on may have been initially brought to the attention the Form I-9, E-Verify will notify the employee of the wrong agency. “Employers cannot avoid directly of a Tentative Non- Confirmation (TNC) at liability under the law just because an employee the same time it notifies the employer. Given that has turned to the wrong agency or is unaware of E-Verify monitors how an employer complies in additional protections available under a different a timely manner with its contractual obligations law,” said Gregory Friel, Deputy Assistant Attorney to the Government, employers must review their General for the Civil Rights Division. standard operating procedure to ensure it does not run afoul of the law. Employers must use the new Form But now that E-Verify is also “deputizing” employees — by notifying them and encouraging I-9 beginning on May 7, 2013 or they them to report alleged discrimination or unfairness will be subject to penalties… — employers must also confirm that information being transmitted via E-Verify to the Government mirrors the documents provided by the new hire, The MOU will allow the OSC to make referrals to and that each employee is treated in a uniform the NLRB with the express authorization of the and consistent fashion. Systems may have to be complaining party when the matter investigated implemented to provide such assurance. by the OSC suggests a violation of the NLRA. In addition to providing the initial notice of a TNC, Likewise, the OSC can expect to receive referrals E-Verify will send reminder emails to employees if from the NLRB when the matter before it no action to resolve the TNC has occurred within suggests a possible unfair immigration-related four days of a decision to contest and notify them employment practice, such as demanding specific about the possible need to update a Social Security documentation for the employment authorization or Department of Homeland Security record. verification process for completion of the Form I-9 form or discrimination based on citizenship status FEDERAL AgEnCIES TO COOPERATE TO or national origin. The MOU further provides for InCREASE PROSECuTIOnS FOR ImmIgRATIOn- cross training between the two federal entities, RELATED mATTERS as well as technical assistance for identifying and The United States Department of Justice making appropriate referrals. The OSC maintains announced on July 8, 2013, that its Civil more than 50 similar agreements with other Rights Division’s Office of Special Counsel federal, state, and local agencies including the for Immigration–Related Unfair Employment Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Practices (OSC) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the National Labor Employment Regulatory and Enforcement Activity Is Already Underway. Are You Ready? 7 The NLRB, often inaccurately thought of as being interested only in collective bargaining and union organizing issues, has in recent years pursued violations by nonunion employers. Among other things, the NLRB has brought to light violations in common workplace policies at numerous, unwary, employers. nEW FORm I-9 muST bE uSED bEgInnIng mAy 7, 2013 On April 9, 2013, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published a notice in the Federal Register clarifying the date by which the new Form I-9 must be used instead of prior versions of the DHS, Immigration and Customs Enforcement form. Employers are advised that they must use the (ICE) filed a complaint alleging that Anodizing new Form I-9 beginning on May 7, 2013, or they will Industries, Inc. of Los Angeles, California, had be subject to penalties under Section 274A of the hired 26 named employees for whom it failed to Immigration and Nationalization Act (INA). timely prepare Forms I-9 within three days of their start dates. The length of time between the start dates of the employees and dates of completion An employer who failed to of their respective Form I-9 form ranged from complete a Form I-9 a matter of weeks to 22 years. The company argued that it had complied in good faith with the Employment Eligibility employment verification requirements in hiring Verification Form within the 26 employees, and that the proposed fines were excessive and should be mitigated under three days of an employee’s the statutory penalty factors. ICE sought a total of start date commits $25,525.50 in civil money penalties. a substantive violation… The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) held that a failure to prepare a Form I-9 when hiring a new employee is not a technical or procedural failure, gOOD FAITH nOT A DEFEnSE TO SubSTAnTIVE but rather is substantive in nature. Moreover, I-9 VIOLATIOnS the failure to prepare a Form I-9 in a timely An employer who failed to complete a Form I-9 fashion not only is a substantive violation, but Employment Eligibility Verification Form within also a serious one because, the ALJ explained, three days of an employee’s start date commits an employee working on the job could be a substantive violation for which the good faith unauthorized for employment during the entire defense is not available to mitigate the assessed time his or her eligibility remains unverified. fine, according to a recent ruling from the Office of Furthermore, the longer an employer delays the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer (OCAHO) in preparing a Form I-9, the more serious is of the Department of Justice’s Executive Office for the violation. Immigration Review. See United States of America v. Anodizing Industries Inc., OCAHO Case No. 12A00030, May 24, 2013. 8 Employment Regulatory and Enforcement Activity Is Already Underway. 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position that mortgage loan officers generally do In response to this DOL action, the Mortgage .. Infectious Disease, Injury and Illness Prevention.
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