INSIDE Online-exclusive news THIS ISSUE Regularly updated coupons Find us on Facebook NEWS Follow us on Twitter @impactnews_tom TOMBALL | MAGNOLIA EDITION HEALTH CARE DIRECTORY 2014–15 6 IMPACTS Volume 5, Issue 2 | Nov. 6–Dec. 3, 2014 Now Open, Coming Soon & more 8 TRANSPORTATION UPDATES News, data on local road projects Employers prep for ACA mandate 11 DEVELOPMENT Camp Strake site plans announced 12 GOVERNMENT Medicaid enrollment rises in Texas Despite hike in enrollment, many residents still uninsured 13 FROM THE WEB By Matt Stephens and Jesse Mendoza HEALTH CARE See Affordable Care Act | 18 15–32 HEALTH NEWS, FEATURES, PHYSICIAN LISTINGS AND MORE FEATURES 33 CALENDAR 35 BUSINESS Tomball Health Mart Dance Connections Jesse Mendoza 3C7ou DnItNryIN BGumpkins Cafe Pediatrician Elizabeth Bosquez examines Bryan Porter at the Cypress Health Center, one of Harris Health System’s many primary care clinics in Harris County. HEALTH CARE FEATURES MENFTUANLD HINEGALTH $New p9N6aT3taS3eiMe1AtgeaA0n8ue1enOt9tl 9t7rsnyh6FoPta tn7Mho 3olP ERelWMSF4n3tS83a -t hSNt1.lr6(cid:127)a.yCyleh4mom. IEmr EriOO68M Neoe44teoi8lXNe3lkin2ufiNel af-tsnA-yie. bSfnA tTEOPr iS lsI4PeDupnglVAua.r FMr ig re(cid:127)i4nEEe tCt3LCaees 0Fs xn4PNe5s(cid:127) peTcrD #t(cid:127)3tIInioa u(cid:127)rt17 N eCtTet7C1iwHU re2scnscGoo 4Ee-E0 noeStsoo1XS9s i.usmf sM2ht - pYW htT-9t/&&eao&sh11 tgnORe .i5C 4cSiWncH.PS- /1B D9aoNo1oDAanErrlI4olmietAraiToWI EIt.Y4ndt(cid:127) ,nY rMviKtETC ggiaeatSasUXEeel5tfldNi rfds N7rEsoy I n r7IF wDLda(cid:127)N3AaiiaSd atl5 hlblIG sS4i OlMgeneuN eTgr(cid:127)er2 s gFnd5Dm inSi(cid:127)ceo1cvFNsan Eao4itPenll t28tii wdinoEe0Y&8s s larwEptu cOgriai2SrRt3 eyayth32aiiIlpnUe l m7aa(cid:127)tcnMD n:eCtiRp 0synsDol e Po Oo2em2a 2DiVntDc44g2 FRhmBLlRe%Ecy29D.eixA..eIntuR/ExRr 3AUp1Ma GOnR.et9oSSt23DilrpeTufHteNY Rfa9yISdAseXNrI Nct7 IGrR sF T(cid:127)-BsOTptN8e d rSA. ir p(cid:127)J. 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ONLINE IMPACTNEWS.COM 2 NEWS Community Impact Newspaper • Five Furnished Model Homes Now Open W Created by Friendswood Development Company, Woodtrace is a gated, wooded master-planned community in ExxonMobil Grand Parkway nploarnthn eHdo fuosrt goenn oeffraetriionngs aonf rimespidreensstisv, eW aorroadyt oraf cset ufenantiunrge sn: ew homes and outstanding amenities. Thoughtfully Woodtrace Hardy Toll R oad - A Gated Entry - A Recreation Center with clubhouse & pool - 23-acre Woodtrace Lake - Outstanding Tomball ISD Schools - Miles of wooded greenbelt trails - Parks & nature preserves - Convenient location on SH 249, - New homes from the $300s - $700s yawkraP just north of the new Grand Parkway dn ______________ arG Ashton Woods Homes ENERGY Register to Win a $1000 CORRIDOR Galleria Drees Custom Homes Fall Shopping Spree Westpark Tollway Texas Medical J. Patrick Homes Center when you visit any builder model Trendmaker Homes home November 1 - 30, 2014. Village Builders ______________ No purchase necessary to win shopping spree. Tomball | Magnolia Edition • November 2014 NEWS 3 Helping you feel better and live better. CHI St. Luke’s Health–The Vintage Hospital offers a full Our Services: array of the medical and surgical services you and your • Emergency Care family need to get healthy and stay healthy, and we’re • Women’s Services/Neonatology right in your neighborhood. • Cardiology and Vascular Surgery • General Surgery Our compassionate, healing environment also offers • Gastroenterology private rooms for all patients and a serene • Orthopedics landscape with lakeside walking trails. • Spine To learn more about our services and to experience • Rheumatology a virtual tour of our facilities, visit • Diagnostic Imaging The Vintage Hospital 20171 Chasewood Park Dr. Houston, TX 77070 832-534-5000 4 NEWS Community Impact Newspaper • OCT 24 through NOV 16 FRI–SUN 11AM-4PM 1214489_13241 10x6.04 4c THE get smart about your credit CONVERSATION 18 CREDIT TIP No. Come in and ask a banker for your personal access code anytime before Your payment history is one of the biggest factors in your credit score. November 16, 2014. And if you like, afterwards you can set up an appointment to discuss your credit or go online to learn more credit tips. Exclusively for Wells Fargo customers. No purchase required. Wells Fargo may, at its own discretion, limit the number of personal access codes or cancel the free credit score and complimentary credit report promotion at any time. Your credit score could vary by lender depending on the type of score used. The credit score in this promotion will be the Experian® VantageScore® 3.0 and it may not be the same as the credit score obtained by a lender and is for educational purposes only. VantageScore® is a registered trademark of VantageScore Solutions, LLC. © 2014 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Materials expire 11/16/14. (1214489_13241) 1214489_13241 10x6.04 4c.indd 1 9/19/14 9:07 AM Tomball | Magnolia Edition • November 2014 NEWS 5 FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER Health care has 83rd Texas Legislature for mental health and substance become a growing use disorders. concern for Americans As our area continues to grow, the demand for today. Affordability, service coincides with that growth. One sign of the PUBLISHERS AND FOUNDERS John and Jennifer Garrett accessibility and quality demand is the increasing number of urgent care PUBLISHER–HOUSTON METRO of service are all issues centers and freestanding emergency room centers that Jason Culpepper that top the list for many have opened in Tomball and Magnolia. GENERAL MANAGER of us when it comes to Our community is not exactly “rural” anymore, but Chrissy Leggett, [email protected] the issue of health care. for some of us, such as myself, the nearest hospital is Editorial Included in this issue still at least 20 minutes away. These alternative facili- FOUNDING EDITOR Cathy Kincaid is our annual Health ties can offer a closer, more affordable and often faster EXECUTIVE EDITOR Shannon Colletti Care Directory, which alternative for emergencies that do not require ER care MANAGING EDITOR Emily Roberts provides news and and outpatient services. EDITOR David Pollan REPORTER Liza Winkler updates on local health care topics as well as compre- COPY EDITOR Richard Guerrero hensive listings and maps of area hospitals, urgent care STAFF WRITERS Shawn Arrajj, Stephen Burnett, centers and emergency rooms as well as pediatricians, Julie Butterfield, Marie Leonard, Jesse Mendoza, Matt obstetricians/gynecologists, family practice and inter- Stephens, Brian Walzel nal medicine physicians. Advertising Our cover stories this month examine the effects of ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Ashley Thompson the Affordable Care Act employer mandate and the Christine Leggett ACCOUNT COORDINATOR Amy Cope benefits and challenges regarding funding from the GENERAL MANAGER [email protected] Design CREATIVE DIRECTOR Derek Sullivan COMMUNITY FEEDBACK GRAPHIC DESIGNER Dionna Moore STAFF DESIGNERS Jackie Brunk, Shawn Epps, Michael Martinez, Melenie Yuen, Mary-Ann Zykin TAKE THE POLL LAST MONTH’S POLL RESULTS ART PRODUCTION MANAGER Jenny Tenbush One year after the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, On Nov. 4, voters decided whether to approve a constitutional the health care legislation continues to affect individuals, health amendment designed to combat a shortage of road funding Business care providers and employers locally and nationwide. With open in Texas. Proposition 1, in the first year, could increase road CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Claire Love enrollment set to begin Nov. 15 and the employer mandate funding by $1.7 billion. However, more funding will be needed. CIRCULATION SPECIALIST Cody Leitholt scheduled to go into effect Jan. 1, the law will continue to shape About us the future of health care in the Greater Houston area in 2015. What other avenues should the John and Jennifer Garrett began Community state explore to make up for the How has the Affordable Care Act Impact Newspaper in 2005 in Pflugerville, Texas. transportation funding shortfall? The company’s mission is to build communities of affected you in the last year? informed citizens and thriving businesses through Divert more funds from elsewhere in the budget the collaboration of a passionate team. Now, with 17 I now have health insurance markets in the Austin, Houston and Dallas/Fort Worth 33% metro areas, the paper is distributed to more than I no longer have health insurance Increase or index the state’s motor fuel tax 1.25 million homes and businesses. I have had to pay higher premiums, copays and deductibles Contact us 20% I have paid lower premiums, copays and deductibles 8400 N. Sam Houston Parkway W., Ste. 220 Other Houston, TX 77064 • 281-469-6181 It has affected my business or the business I work for 18% It had no effect on me PRESS RELEASES [email protected] Increase vehicle registration fees ADVERTISING [email protected] Take the poll online at COMMENTS [email protected] 11% SUBSCRIPTIONS Secure local funding options to remove burden from state Turn on FOX 26 NEWS, 11% download the MyFoxHouston app, Build more toll roads log on to for more local news with IMPACT. 7% © 2014 COMMUNITY IMPACT LICENSING LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO REPRODUCTION OF ANY PORTION OF THIS ISSUE IS ALLOWED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHER. Results from an unscientific Web survey, collected 10/2/14–10/28/14 Home Your Team KNOWN for Service, TRUSTED for Results VINTAGE Residential Mortgage Loan Originator Realtor NMLS 329195, Weststar Mortgage NMLS 93243 Michele Harmon 713.818.1330 713.825.1716 Dallis Babb Each offi ce is independently owned & operated. 6 NEWS Community Impact Newspaper • IMPACTS 1 sells an eclectic mix of vintage and artisan home furnishings, German salt glazed 1486 pottery and farmhouse furniture. The business plans to open an on-site cafe 5 Dec. 1 offering breakfast and lunch options as well as dinners on Saturday nights 17 14 with family-style servings of German 1488 traditional meals. Menu items will include 18 State Spur 149 German meatloaf sandwiches, bratwurst, Magnolia Research Forest Dr. toasted brie sandwiches and soups. The business also offers free cake and coffee each day from 3–5 p.m. LHN features mill Rd. 1774 149 Dobbin Hufsmith Rd. Woodlands Pkwy. d. ipwnlwadnowso. lrtao an indndhs taoauulslt ndao ibkoioerd rsgeeamartutiensng.c ioanrm esapsr ianngd 2 015. w R s Sa 8 dahl 4 Owners Mack and Michelle Miller Nichol B utera Rd. ai r i e R oSsteahgiellc Rodac. h R d . 2 4 9 7 H ardin StorTe oR dmball12 Elm 2978 9 13Kuyken o1tvdstaowt4rapeo o2reoLenimp5n eoeh7 etc tao yadiaFtsu nh toMsMerdeuf l r sl efap2iaeu,’sr p9ssSlse s2lyPawn-i,0obg iaeM,zneo tdzSa sduEiat.lsye .rnOhr . aTh amv,1dt nyth2 aregs 5eSsi kigrs,spn i pagTsnaggaeeo r efrOfmoa rsvpffocc,ib oictsmeaa.iuer nll1s scslot 3, hia ,annn ahnaeecto sdxl tu to t d e Pr S er W. Main St. t. other treatments. 281-255-5000. ck 2 De 3 4 5 Miss Behavin’ Boutique opened Oct. 20 at 3600 FM 1488, Ste. 140, Conroe. 15 The retail store carries an assortment of T women’s products, including clothes, hats, e lge Holderrieth Rd. belts, purses, shoes and jewelry. C R y d 832-868-5986. Muesc press R . Boudreaux Rd. 10 hk os 6 A second Houston-area location of e e Rd. hill Rd. S pring Cypress Rd. 16 PHreowsltlayo.u 2Tr4arn9o,tp Tciochamali bnoa psleel.rn Thveedse Oh Faclnot.rd 1icd raaat- ft2b1ea4dse4, d0 6 11 Caribbean-inspired dishes, such as pollo, Map not to scale plantains, yuca, grilled tropical wings TM; © 2014 COMMUNITY IMPACT LICENSING, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. and mojo roast pork flavored with 10 Now Open 1920s. Hitchcock said she is accepting 2 Owner Kim Hoang opened Kim’s Kuts signature sauces, including curry mustard, submissions from local military couples Hair Salon in August at 28473 Hwy. 249, guava barbecue and pineapple rum. The 1 Cruisin Driving School owner to win a free weekend stay at the new Tomball, in the Four Corners Shopping restaurant also offers sandwiches, salads, Cindy Hitchcock opened a new cottage venue. The winners of the contest will Center. The location offers a full-service wraps and kids meals. 281-257-4811. bed and breakfast at 7926 S. FM be announced Veterans Day (Nov. 11). salon with haircuts, coloring and styling. 1486, Montgomery, in late October Fourteen 86 Events offers a variety of 281-881-3099. through her event company Fourteen event venues for weddings and themed 7 Serving the Greater Houston area, 86 Events. The bed and breakfast parties, including luaus, art nights 3 Owner Tracey Nikodemus opened owners Doug and Andrea Sutton offers a full modern kitchen as well as and holiday gatherings. 832-934-3000. LandHaus Nikodemus, or LHN, Nov. 1 and Gene and Kathy Stewart opened family heirloom furniture from the at 413 W. Main St., Tomball. The business Splashin’ Pool Products & Backyard Fine Jewelry ANY WATCH BATTERY RReeppaaiirr && DDeessiiggnn $6.99 EXPIRES 12/15/14 222 LLLOOOCCCAAATTTIIIOOONNNSSS THE WOODLANDS (cid:127) 281.259.1231 25% OFF FM 1488 & 2978 ALL SILVER JEWELRY IN STOCK EXPIRES 12/15/14 TOMBALL (cid:127) 281.351.1812 25% 20% CAD DESIGN SPECIAL Historic Cherry & Main St. (cid:127) 215 West Main St. $199 OFF OFF (REG. $250) W. Main St. N. Cherry St. NEW MOUNTINGS ALL REPAIRS Excluding any custom design Excluding watch repair 0% INTEREST (W.A.C.) REPAIRS ON-SITE EXPIRES 12/15/14 EXPIRES 12/15/14 FOR UP TO 12 MONTHS ON ALL CUSTOM DESIGNS AT BOTH LOCATIONS Tomball | Magnolia Edition • November 2014 NEWS 7 Compiled by Liza Winkler Accessories Oct. 23 at 31848 Hwy. 249, Houston. The Dallas-based barbecue chain Westfield Road, Ste. 102, Spring, to Pinehurst. The family-owned business offers a selection of meats slow smoked 9421 FM 2920, Ste. 23, Tomball. The has operated for more than 20 years as a on-site and a variety of sides, such as okra, business sells compressed air equipment home based business in the community macaroni and cheese and baked potato and provides maintenance services for as Hutchison Pool and Spa Services and casserole. The restaurant has another residential and commercial clients. The continues to offer repairs, renovations Tomball location at 28155 Hwy. 249, Ste. 2. expansion will relocate the operation and saltwater system installations. The from a 2,500-square-foot facility to a npmreoowtdo surtcso,tr ste,o fiyrnosc nalutn dcdai ngrrrgii elclshs ,ae mans a iwcrarelalsly, aposuf fmpreopeos l, e1x2p eJactneed a tno do pJoehnn in D loatueg Nho Bvaekmebreyr i as t 1hth0ae,v0 ec0 oa0m -csopqmrueabsrsinee-defd oa oi6rt4 ib nyuediauldrssit nroygf. . e Thxpee roiwennceer sin 5 Chrissy Leggett Owner Brandi Lunsford opened Miss Behavin’ digital water testing. 281-789-7088. 208 N. Elm St., Tomball. The bakery 281-288-4111. Boutique Oct. 20 at 3600 FM 1488, Ste. 140. sells a wide variety of seasonal sweet treats, including pies with flavors, such as 8 Tiffany’s Doggy Day Spa opened Sept. Texas Bourbon Pecan and Fresh Roasted 16 Generator Supercenter relocated 30 at 28030 FM 2978, Ste. 105, Magnolia. Pumpkin, as well as cakes, such as Apple in early November to 23123 Hwy. 249, The spa offers a full range of pet grooming Carrot and Cold Brew Chocolate Coffee. Tomball from 215 S. Persimmon St., services, including bathing and nail The establishment also offers several Tomball. The new 10,000-square-foot trimming, for all breeds of dogs and cats. gluten-free options as well as loaves of location sells a variety of generators, The business is located in a temporary Dutch oven-baked bread, German-style including natural gas, portable gas, building and is expected to move next pretzels, rolls and granola. 832-314-4443. portable propane, diesel and industrial dato tohre t oen ad p oefr mNoavneemntb setro. rThefreo nnet win s Stoter.e 2fr0o1n t pclrioendutsc. tThs foe rb ruessiindeesnst isaple acniadl iczoems imn ercial 6 Winkler will offer pet grooming and sell pet retail 13 Detroit-based pizza chain Jet’s Pizza generator repair and maintenance and Liza A second Houston-area location of Pollo Tropical products. The business is offering a 10 plans to open one of its first Houston-area offers 24-hour emergency service. opened Oct. 1 at 21440 Hwy. 249, Tomball. percent discount for new customers. locations in December 2014 or early 2015 281-251-6100. 281-356-1771. at 24225 Kuykendahl Drive, Ste. 200, Tomball. The restaurant serves a variety Anniversaries of pizzas, including its signature square 9 Owner Michelle West opened The deep-dish pie, as well as salads, wings, Hair Lodge on Oct. 18 at 25435 FM submarine sandwiches and boats, or 17 Hacienda Real Mexican Restaurant 2978, Ste. 116, Magnolia. The salon offers dough filled with cheese, meat and other is celebrating one year in business haircuts and styling for men, women and toppings. 832-545-5884. Nov. 2 at 6960 FM 1488, Magnolia. children, as well as manicures, pedicures, The restaurant serves a full menu of waxing and retail hair products. The Mexican dishes, such as chicken parilla, mpson bfours nineews sc iuss otoffmereinrsg. 2a 8210- 2p5e5r-c2e8n3t8 d.iscount J1o4h nTh’s eG fiorustr mMeatg Snaonlida wloiccahteios nis oinf J tihmem y ewnicthh isleavdearsa vl earldcoesh,o flaijci tbaesv aenradg qeu oepstoi oanlosn, g 8 Ashley Tho Tiffany’s Doggy Day Spa opened Sept. 30 and beginning stages of construction at 6402 including margaritas and other cocktails. offers pet grooming for all breeds of dogs and cats. 10 Tomball Postal & More opened in FM 1488. The shop offers a full menu 281-305-0595. mid-October at 24922 Hwy. 249, Ste. 112, of sandwiches, including plain slims, Expansions Tomball. The business offers a variety of sub sandwiches and giant clubs with a services, including professional packing, selection of toppings, such as ham, roast domestic and international shipping and beef, turkey breast, provolone, lettuce, 18 La Magnolia Trattoria Italiana U.S. Postal Service products. The location tomato and cucumber. The nationwide expanded its location with the opening also offers printing, faxing, notary service, sandwich chain operates a delivery of a new wine bar Oct. 1 at 18535 FM mailbox rental, office supplies and gift service for customers as well as catering 1488, Ste. 140, Magnolia. The back wrapping. 281-826-5870. for events. private room now operates as a specialty wine bar featuring Italian, Argentinian mpson Coming Soon Relocations acenndt eNra wpiat hw flinaet ss,c arse ewne lTl Vass aa nmde edviean t 9 Ashley Tho Owner Michelle West opened The Hair Lodge on 15 Owners Steve Lawson and Jim Suarez space for business presentations and Oct. 18 at 25435 FM 2978, Ste. 116, Magnolia. 11 A new Tomball-area location of are expected to relocate Advanced possible movie nights in the future. Dickey’s Barbecue Pit is slated to open Compressed Air Solutions by the end 281-259-9197. News or questions about Tomball or Magnolia? in November at 21519 Hwy. 249, Ste. 1, of February 2015 from 26014 Aldine E-mail [email protected]. $0 DOWN PAYMENT - 0% APR 72 MONTHS FOR HYUNDAI NO PAYMENTS ‘TIL APRIL 2015 1 OR NEW 2014 HYUNDAI Several To Choose NEW 2014 HYUNDAI NEW 2015 HYUNDAI SANTA FE SONATA GLS ELANTRA SPORT $17630 4DR , Sale Price $19,630 Less $2000 Factory Rebate Several To Several To Several To Choose NEW 2014 HYUNDAI Choose Choose GENESIS SEDAN 17 954 21 911 $ $288.12Mo2 $29 740 $ $199Mo 3 , , , Sale Price $22,911 Less $1000 Factory Rebate Sale Price $32,240 Less $2500 Factory Rebate Ewxit Hwwy 10w5 go .NCorth oto Wnilsorn oRd. e WeH are ylocautedn at Id-45 aNorith. acnd Woilsmon Rd. TOLL 1-888-251-8370 FREE: All prices plus TT&L Pictures and colors for illustration only. 1) w/Approved Credit, Dealer Contribution May Effect Final Negotiated Price. Payments deferred til April 2015. 2), 3) 75 Month Chase Bank Financing, 3.9% APR 20% Down and 1st Month Payment of 2) $293.41 3) 196.44, + TT&L, With Approved Credit. 8 NEWS Community Impact Newspaper • TRANSPORTATION UPDATES News or questions about these or other local transportation projects? Major projects in the area Compiled by David Pollan Email us at [email protected] 2 FM 1774 overpass 4 Medical Complex Drive extension The Texas Department of Transportation is The contractor is finalizing the installation and 1486 working to secure funding to build an testing of utilities. The excavation for detention Magnolia overpass on FM 1774 in Magnolia that will is underway and the contractor is expected 1488 elevate over the railroad tracks at the FM to begin paving in the next few weeks. Once State Spur 149 1488 intersection and provide continuous completed, Segment 3 of the Medical Complex 2 movement along FM 1774. The design phase Drive extension in Tomball will connect the d. of the project is about 85 percent complete. street from where it dead-ends near Lawrence Sawmill R 1774 149 Dobbin Hufsmith Rd. Woodlands Pkwhly Rd. . Tbhided pinrgo jienc st pwriilnl gb e2 0o1p6e.n ed for contractor STtirmeeet ltihnroeu: gPhr otoje cCth iesr reys Stimtreaette.d to be Nichols Butera Rdai.r i e S Rtaogseechoilal cRhd . R d . 2 4 H9ardin StorTe oR dmball 2978 Kuykenda TCFthPuoiamnsnrto det: w$lijein3on0gc ey. st3e: oP amurursopirl jloecidoncenctas ei:ts Te cexoxDnpOsetTcrutecdti oton btaekgei nms.o re wCFc5ouoim dns teHpd: lnieu$nit5fnegs. 8gm isn8 So ismetuphgirrl-lmciiKnoegnoes 2nh: 0Ctr 1v1it5 yil. loef RToomabda ll Pr W. Main St. The clearing activity is nearing completion and ker Medical the respective utility relocation efforts are ec Complex Dr. underway as part of the capital improvement D 2920 Telg 1 4 6 pSreogjemcet nbty 1 H oafr Hrisu fCsmouitnht-yK Porhercviinllcet R 4o taod w inid en e R Holderrieth Rd. Tomball from a two-lane asphalt roadway 99d. 3 to a four-lane concrete boulevard section. Construction is expected to commence Mueschke Rd. Rosehill Rd. Cypress BoudreaSupxri nRgd .C ypress Rd. Map5 not to scale F31, F T2h aen Gdr Gand Parkway Segments Liza Winkler NrRToooiamavded efm rnloibomnerte rh4 :2 0Ct0o0o1 Hfm4eo.e pSltllo eeswtgoiom uGnteh lein sont ef 1L xS awppneirelilcn .w tgei ddC ey1np0 rt–eh1se2s months from November 2014. Construction of the Grand Parkway is Project spotlight are placed on top of the bridge beams, Cost: $6.4 million requiring lane closures and traffic for the northbound elevated span are Funding sources: Harris County Precinct 4 diversions on some roads near the 50 percent complete and pouring of the project, including a total closure of actual concrete surface for the elevated span started the last week of October. The Boudreaux Road—both eastbound 6 Hufsmith-Kohrville Road paving between the southern intersection and westbound—from Hwy. 249 to Old widening Segment 6 with Business 249 and Alice Road is 90 Boudreaux Road nightly from 8 p.m. to Harris County Commissioners Court approved Winkler pfreormce Anlti cceo Rmopaledt eto. TFhMe 2p9a2vi0n gis oufn tdheer wtoallyw. ay 6w iall. mals. ofr obme aN toovt.a 5l ctlhorsouurgeh o Nf eoav.s 7tb. oTuhnedre twhied erens Suletsg mofe tnhte 6 s otuf dHyu pfshmasiteh -oKfo thhrev ipllreo Rjeocat dto Liza The hanging of the bridge beams at and westbound Gleannloch Forest Drive in Tomball from 500 feet south of Willow Willow Creek is 60 percent complete, and from Boudreaux Road to Northpointe Creek Estates south to Holderrieth Road 1 Tomball Tollway the hanging of the bridge beams over Drive nightly from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. from on Oct. 28. The project will move into the The paving of the Tomball Tollway from Holderrieth and Alice roads is expected to Nov. 10 through Nov. 12. In addition, the design phase, which will determine whether Spring Cypress Road to Canyon Gate begin the first week of November. Phase left lane of eastbound and westbound to upgrade the existing two-lane asphalt Pointe Drive is 95 percent complete and I of the Harris County Toll Road Authority Champion Forest Drive from Boudreaux roadway to a four-lane concrete boulevard all the retaining walls have been fully project will be a six-lane—three in each Road to 0.6 miles east of Boudreaux Road section with storm sewer system or to a five- constructed. The main lane toll gantry direction—electronically monitored tollway will be closed through March 2015. Three lane concrete pavement roadway with open has been painted and the remaining in the median between the existing Hwy. segments—F1, F2 and G—of the project ditch draining. Construction is slated to begin structural work necessary on the gantry 249 main lanes. are under simultaneous construction and in either the third or fourth quarter of 2015. will be completed in early November. will total 37 miles. Timeline: Project is estimated to be Timeline: Completion is expected nine–12 The bridge beams for the northbound complete in spring 2015. Timeline: Project is estimated to be months from start date. side of this segment—where the Tomball Cost: $170 million complete in December 2015. Cost: $7.4 million Tollway crosses the Grand Parkway— Funding sources: HCTRA Cost: $1 billion Funding sources: Harris County Precinct 4 have been hung. The deck panels, which Funding sources: TxDOT CAGE FREE DOG BOARDING WILLOW CREEK RANCH IT “SINISI” NAME TO REMEMBER! OF TOMBALL “Vinny and his assistant Shanna were amazing! We would not have the house of our dreams without them! Vinny is an amazing Realtor that treats you as if you WE ALSO OFFER: were one of his family members trying to fi nd that perfect house. He never made Cat Boarding • Horseback Riding Lessons it feel like he was just trying to get the sell. He is very knowledgeable and taught us a lot through the whole process. His assistant Shanna is a saint. I couldn’t tell Pony Parties • Doggie Daycare you how many times I called to bug her about something. She always answered my questions and never made me feel like I was bugging her, even though I felt Open 7 days a week, 365 days a year bad for all the questions. I would recommend TeamSinisi any day to someone! Thank you TeamSinisi” - Bev & Logan Monday - Sunday 7am-7pm | Holidays 7am-7pm VINNY SINISI 10% OFF Boarding TOP PRODUCING PROFESSIONAL REALTOR or Grooming 281.507.9777 New customers only. Not valid on holidays. 11105 Mahaff ey | Tomball, TX 77375 | 832-884-6122 | TEAMSINISI.COM (cid:127) [email protected] Tomball | Magnolia Edition • November 2014 NEWS 9 TREAT YOUR JOINT PAIN AND GET BACK TO YOUR ACTIVE LIFE. FREE JOINT REPLACEMENT SEMINAR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 • 6-8 P.M. Tired of chronic joint pain slowing you down? Join Dr. Daniel Le and the Rehabilitation Services Team at Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital to learn about the newest advancements in joint replacement. Learn how an Daniel Le, MD Joint Replacement accurate diagnosis coupled with an individually customized Houston Methodist care plan will put you on the path to fast healing. Orthopedics & Sports Medicine REGISTRATION REQUIRED Call 281.737.2500 or register online at Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital Conference Center - First Floor 18220 State Highway 249 Houston, Texas 77070 Refreshments • Door Prizes HMWB_Neighbrhd_CI_Joint-sem_ad.indd 1 10/20/2014 9:45:26 AM 10 NEWS Community Impact Newspaper • Services to Benefit America’s Finest Seminar: Veterans Aid & Attendance Benefit If you’re a wartime veteran, or the surviving spouse of a veteran, the Veterans Aid & Attendance Benefit could be an ideal solution for financing your senior housing needs. Join us for a special presentation about eligibility requirements, payable benefits, how to file claims and more. 2014 BeneFits The maximum monthly pension amounts are... Tuesday, November 11 surviving spouse ..............................$1,130 single Veteran ..................................$1,759 6 - 7 p.m. Married Veteran ...............................$2,085* *Actual benefit amount is determined by the VA based on eligibility. Joseph Wehrly, Texas Benefits Coalition For reservations or more information, call (281) 320-9000 or email [email protected]. the solana® Vintage Park Assisted Living | Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care 19929 Chasewood Park Drive | Houston, Texas 77070 Facility Number:105383 ALL THE PLACES LIFE CAN GO is a Trademark of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, TN, USA ® Reg. U.S. Patent and TM Office 14-18830-1454-1014 SC SHOPPING FOR CAR INSURANCE? CALL ME FIRST. AVERAGE $$449988* ANNUAL SAVINGS: DRIVERS WHO SWITCHED FROM: Geico saved $562*on average with Allstate Progressive saved $467* on average with Allstate State Farm saved $362* on average with Allstate Save even more than before with Allstate. Drivers who switched to Allstate saved an average of $498* a year. So when you’re shopping for car insurance, call me first. You could be surprised by how much you’ll save. Travis Wiley (281) 320-0252 21133 Tomball Pkwy. Houston, TX 77070 [email protected] Annual savings based on information reported nationally by new Allstate auto customers for policies written in 2012. Actual savings will vary. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Co. © 2013 Allstate Insurance Co. 83663