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Preview Employee Age as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Ambition and Work Role Affect

Cornell University ILR School DigitalCommons@ILR Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies CAHRS Working Paper Series (CAHRS) September 1994 Employee Age as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Ambition and Work Role Affect Timothy A. Judge Cornell University Amir Erez Cornell University Diane E. Johnson Cornell University David J. Kennedy Cornell University Sandra K. Washington Cornell University Follow this and additional works at:http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cahrswp Thank you for downloading an article from DigitalCommons@ILR. Support this valuable resource today! This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS) at DigitalCommons@ILR. It has been accepted for inclusion in CAHRS Working Paper Series by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@ILR. For more information, please [email protected]. Employee Age as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Ambition and Work Role Affect Abstract Past research has demonstrated a negative relationship between ambition, or the desire to get ahead, and job satisfaction. In the present paper, age was hypothesized to moderate the relationship between ambition and job satisfaction such that the relationship between ambition and satisfaction is more negative for older employees than for younger employees. Three studies, with three criterion variables (promotion satisfaction, extrinsic job satisfaction, overall job satisfaction), were used to test the hypothesis. Results indicated support for the hypothesized interaction. The discussion focuses on the implications of the results for organizational and individual career management strategies. Keywords research, relationship, ambition, job, satisfaction, older employees, younger employees, career, management, strategies, work, role, motivation Comments Suggested Citation Judge, T. A., Erez, A., Johnson, D. E., Kennedy, D. J. & Washington, S. K. (1994).Employee age as a moderator of the relationship between ambition and work role affect(CAHRS Working Paper #94-20). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies. http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cahrswp/244 This article is available at DigitalCommons@ILR:http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cahrswp/244 ytisrevi nlUlen r So/RCHAC llaH sevI 781 A1 S0U93-35 8 Y 4,N1acahtI 8539-55 270 6.leT /SRHAC/ude.llenroc.rli.www WW PP SS OO RR KK II NN GG AA PP EE RR EE RR II EE SS Employee Age as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Ambition and Work Role Affect Timothy A. Judge Amir Erez Diane E. Johnson David J. Kennedy Sandra K. Washington Working Paper 9 4 – 2 0 Advancing the World of Work Age, Ambition, and Job Satisfaction WP 94-20 Employee Age as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Ambition and Work Role Affect notgnihsaW .K ardnaS ,ydenneK .J divaD ,nosnhoJ .E enaiD ,zerE rimA ,egduJ .A yhtomiT seid uetcSruo sneaR mtfunoHemtrapeD snoitaleR robaL dna lairtsudnI fo loohcS yti slrleevnirnoUC #94-20PapeWro rking /SRHAC/ude.llenroc.rli.www//:ptth si tI .loohcS RLI eht fo ytlucaf eht fo lavorppa ro weiver lamrof enogrednu ton sah repap sihT sreht oo telbaliav astcejor pdn a,secnerefno c,hcraese rretne Cf ostluse reka mo tdednetni dn anoissucsi degaruocn eo tmro fyranimiler pn itnemegana mecruose rnamu hn idetseretni .snoitseggus Page 1 Age, Ambition, and Job Satisfaction WP 94-20 pihsnoital eeR h ftrootared osaeMa geAeyolpmE tcef feAl okRr od Wnnaoitib mnAeewteB notgnihsaW .K ardnaS ,ydenneK .J divaD ,nosnhoJ .E enaiD ,zerE rimA ,egduJ .A yhtomiT seid uetcSruo sneaR mtfunoHemtrapeD snoitaleR robaL dna lairtsudnI fo loohcS yti slrleevnirnoUC :RSOEHTTOUNA .tpircsun asmi h otytllau qdeetubirtn oscroht urau otfs aelhT o tdesserdd ae bdluoh stpircsuna msih tgnidrage recnednopserroC fo loohcS ,seidutS ecruoseR namuH fo tnemtrapeD ,egduJ .A yhtomiT ,acahtI ,llaH sevI 393 ,ytisrevinU llenroC ,snoitaleR robaL & lairtsudnI 109 3kw-re3o N5Y841 Page 2 Age, Ambition, and Job Satisfaction WP 94-20 tcartsbA erise deh tr o,noitibm aneewte bpihsnoitale revitage n adetartsnome dsa hhcraese rtsaP eht etaredom ot dezisehtopyh saw ega ,repap tneserp eht nI .noitcafsitas boj dna ,daeha teg ot noitib mnaeewt epbihsnoital eer htta hhtc unsoitcafsit abs odj nnaoitib mnaeewt epbihsnoitaler eerhT .seeyolpme regnuoy rof naht seeyolpme redlo rof evitagen erom si noitcafsitas dna llare v,onoitcafsit abs ocjisnirt x,enoitcafsit ansoitomor ps(elbair anvoireti recer hhtt i,wseiduts eht rof troppus detacidni stluseR .sisehtopyh eht tset ot desu erew ,)noitcafsitas boj rof stluser eht fo snoitacilpmi eht no sesucof noissucsid ehT .noitcaretni dezisehtopyh .seigeta rttnsemega nraeme rlaacudivi d dnlniaanoitazinagro Page 3 Age, Ambition, and Job Satisfaction WP 94-20 pihsnoital eeR h ftrootared osaeMa geAeyolpmE tcef feAl okRr od Wnnaoitib mnAeewteB dielvie c shetagrihuohtlA a si ,daeha teg ot erised eht ro ,noitibma ,noitagitsevni detim .noitcafsitas dna noitavitom eeyolpme fo yduts eht ni ecnereffid laudividni tnatropmi yllaitnetop fo srotciderp lufrewop tsom eht fo eno sa noitibma stroppus hcraeser fo ydob gnigreme nA gnorts a saw noitibma taht dnuof )4991( zterB dna ,uaerduoB ,elbaC ,egduJ .tnemniatta reerac lufsseccus taht dnuof )9891( repooC dna xoC .sevitucexe naciremA fo ycnadnecsa fo rotciderp dnuof )8891( yarB dna drawoH .noitibma lanosrep fo eerged hgih a deyalpsid sevitucexe hsitirB teg ot serised 'slaudividni saw sreganam T&TA rof tnemecnavda fo rotciderp tsegnorts eht taht eht ,suhT .tnemniatta reerac rieht rof slaog hgih tes slaudividni suoitibma ,noitinifed yB .daeha gnittes laog fo snoitciderp eht htiw tnetsisnoc ylluf si sseccus reerac dna noitibma neewteb knil dna noitavitom fo slevel rehgih ot dael slaog hgih taht detartsnomed sah hcihw ,yroeht ton si tI .)7891 ,nerraK & ,leetS ,otneM ;1891 ,mahtaL & ,iraaS ,wahS ,ekcoL( ecnamrofrep sa dna sseccus ot yek a sa deviecrep si noitibma ,sgnittes lanoitazinagro ni taht ,neht gnisirprus .ssessop ot etubirtta evitisop a a sah osla ti ,sgnittes lanoitazinagro ni syalp noitibma taht elor evitisop eht etipseD dna era yeht erehw htiw deifsitassid yllatnemadnuf era elpoep suoitibmA .edis evitagen ,ekcoL & egduJ( yaw tnacifingis emos ni boj rieht fo snoitidnoc eht evorpmi ot tnaw yltnatsnoc a sA .noitcafsitas-fles rof sdradnats rehgih tes ot slaudividni eseht sevird noitibmA .)3991 sihT .noitibma ssel htiw esoht naht deifsitas eb ot erom eveihca tsum elpoep suoitibma ,tluser ,arudnaB( yroeht evitingoc laicos htob ,revoeroM .evorpmi dna lecxe ot meht sevird tahw si rieht esu elpoep ecnis taht tseggus )2891 ,droL & noipmaC( yroeht lortnoc dna )6891 la o,gtnatsn olcev eelcnamrofr egpnidl o,hnoitcafsitas-fl e fssodradna t ss)aslao gs(noitaripsa edbluo hssla ohgg ihht iswlaudivid n,is u. hnToitcafsit a osdtetal eyrlevitag e endbluo hlsevel -noitibma hgih ,nrut nI .)2991 ,nielK & ,ekcoL ,otneM( slaog wol htiw esoht naht yfsitas ot redrah .noitcafsitas wol htiw detaicossa eb dluohs--noitaripsa fo dradnats hgih a stneserper ti esuaceb- a dnuof evah seiduts tnecer lareveS .noitisoporp siht stroppus ecnedive ,deednI e&gd u;J49 9,1zer En(oitcafsit abs odj nnaoitib mnaeewt epbihsnoital eervitag e,ntnacifingis erew slaudividni nehw esora noitcafsitassid ,seiduts eseht nI .)4991 ,.la te egduJ ;3991 ,ekcoL laitnetop A .yhcrareih noitazinagro eht nihtiw slevel derised rieht woleb erew hcihw snoitisop ni .la te otneM yb detcudnoc seiduts fo seires a ni dnuof eb yam stluser eseht fo noitanalpxe detapicitna dna level laog neewteb pihsnoitaler evitagen a dnuof srotagitsevni esehT .)2991( evitag esni hdtenialp x.e l taoet n. esMlev eelcnamrofr espsor c)aecnela vn(oitcafsitas ,elpicnirp siht ot gnidroccA .noitavitom fo elpicnirp )8891( s'arudnaB gnisu noitaicossa Page 4 Age, Ambition, and Job Satisfaction WP 94-20 .slaog rieht htiw tneurgnoc era snoitca rieht litnu eusrup yeht hcihw nalp a poleved slaudividni ohw esoht ,suhT .slaog dehsilbatse gniteem nopu tnegnitnoc semoceb noitcafsitas lanosreP ro teem tsuj ohw esoht elihw ,deifsitassid eb dluohs level laog derised rieht woleb mrofrep taht ,neht sraeppa tI .deifsitas ylevitaler eb dluohs level ecnamrofrep derised rieht ssaprus neve ro trohs gnillaf rehtie naht tpecnoc-fles eht ot elbarovaf erom eb lliw slaog gnideecxe ot redro ni level rehgih a ta mrofrep tsum eno taht seilpmi siht ,revewoH .slaog s'eno gniteem eb yam slevel laog gnissapruS .noitcafsitas retaerg eveihca suht dna slaog dehsilbatse deecxe era yeht ,suhT .slaog hgih tes ot ylekil erom era yeht esuaceb slaudividni suoitibma rof tluciffid o tgnidae l,meh tdeecx eo tnah trehta rsnoitatcepx etee mtsu jo tr olia fo tyleki ltso mylbaborp .noitcaf ss ilft eoarvseewlol te bpihsnoitale revitage neh tro fnoitanalpx erehtruF snioitcafsit ab sod jnnaoitib mnaeew n inoitcafsita ssnialpx eyroeh tsi h .T)b589 1,solahciM (yroeh tycnapercsi delpitlu my bdedivorp stsiroeht "pag laedi-laer" ,elpmaxe roF .spag lanoitaripsa tnereffid yb efil fo sniamod tnereffid laudividni na tahw neewteb ycnapercsid eht nopu tnedneped si noitcafsitas boj taht deugra evah ,ekcoL ;1791 ,neglI ,.g.e( niatta ot ekil dluow yllaedi laudividni siht tahw dna sniatta yllautca yroeht "pag tnemeveihca-laog" ,ylralimiS .)3591 ,llewoL & ,kralC ,nosniktA ,dnallelCcM ;6791 senimreted eveihca ot stcepxe eno tahw dna sah eno tahw neewteb pag eht taht stciderp )a589 1s(olah c. i)Ma58 9,1solahci Me(f i flsoniam oedlpitl uhmt inwoitcafsit a fsloev etlnerruc sniamod tnereffid ot noitaler ni seiroeht eseht fo htob stroppus taht hcraeser fo laed taerg a setic nI .)0891 ,dnalgnE & notgnirrehC ;2891 ,seeR & retnaC ,.g.e( noitcafsitas boj gnidulcni ,efil fo neewteb pag eht egdirb ot gnivirts yltnatsnoc era suoitibma era ohw slaudividni ,neht tceffe ,stsixe pag a sa gnol sA .erutuf eht ni eb ot tcepxe ro eb ot tnaw yeht erehw dna era yeht erehw .noitcafsitassid stciderp yroeht ycnapercsid elpitlum eht ecneulfni ot )b5891( solahciM yb dezisehtopyh saw taht srotcaf eht fo enO slaudividni redlO .ega si sah eno tahw dna stnaw eno tahw neewteb noitpecrep ycnapercsid llew sa dah yeht tahw dna detnaw yeht tahw neewteb ycnapercsid ssel evah ot desoporp erew siht fI .erutuf eht ni evah ot detcepxe yeht tahw dna dah yeht tahw neewteb ycnapercsid ssel sa sse ler aslaudividn iredl otah ttseggu sdluo wt i,slao greera cf osmre tn ieur tere wnoitisoporp .yhcrarei hlanoitazinagr oeh tn ier ayeh tereh whti wdeifsita sero merofereh tdn asuoitibma eht ot noitaler ni ,tcaf nI .noitisoporp siht rof troppus dnif ton did )b5891( solahciM ,revewoH eh tdn apa gsah-tna weh tn oeg af osecneulfn ieh t,tnemyolpm edia phti wnoitcafsita sf oniamod ton seod ega taht tseggus stluser esehT .tnacifingisnon eb ot dnuof erew pag sah-tcepxe enhith tliew vdeelri s degndnaits inxeeew tsenboitpec ryecpnaperc seicdneul fynliirassecen .yhcra rleainhoitazinagro Page 5 Age, Ambition, and Job Satisfaction WP 94-20 suoitibma yb detcane roivaheb a tneserper yam snoitomorp gnikees ,revoeroM dna sreerac rieht ni era yltnerruc yeht erehw neewteb pag eht egdirb ot yaw a sa slaudividni kees dluohs yeht suoitibma ssel era seeyolpme redlo fi ,suhT .erutuf ni eb ot tcepxe yeht erehw og seeyolpme redlo taht detseggus )8791( notlimaH dna thgirW ,tcaf nI .snoitomorp rewef d nmae h otetlbalia v satia hhwt iswmr e otetm oyce hetre hewga t"snw ogdnidnir gha"guorht eht no ecnedive laciripme eht ,revewoH .krow gniyfsitas rof snoitatcepxe rieht nessel ta hstetacid nhicraes elracirip me.em doeSx isnmioitib md ane agnaeewt epbihsnoitaler ,yonihC( sreerac rieht ni emit retal a ta snoitomorp fo snoitatcepxe rieht niatniam slaudividni dn aeg aneewte bpihsnoitale revitage nadnuo feva hseidut sreht oelih w,)079 1,refo S;5591 eseht rof noitanalpxe enO .)3991 ,ekcoL & egduJ ;3991 ,.la te egduJ ;4991 ,zerE( noitibma lanoitomorp ecnis taht noitseggus )3891( 'sedohR ni dnuof eb thgim stluser tnetsisnocni eht ,)7791 ,nameneH & bawhcS( snoitazinagro fo lortnoc eht rednu era seitinutroppo redlo ,suhT .snoitibma 'seeyolpme tceffe yam tnemecnavda gnidrager seicilop lanoitazinagro ni noitibma hgih tibihxe ot elba eb yam ylno tub ,es rep suoitibma ssel eb ton yam seeyolpme .snoitomorp egaruocne taht snoitazinagro tnereffid gnoma noitibma ni ecnereffid a troppus ot ecnedive raelc fo kcal siht etipseD o ttneila sero me bya me bo tstna wen oereh wdn as ien oereh wneewte bpa geh t,spuor gega .snosaer lareves rof srekrow redlo ot tnerappa erom eb ot ylekil si pag sihT .slaudividni redlo yam hcihw slaudividni redlo fo snoitatcepxe tnereffid evah snoitazinagro dna yteicos ,tsriF slao gderise drieh teveihc ao tytiliban irieh tf osnoitpecre p'srekro wredl oo tetubirtnoc detimil dna snoitazinagro fo erutan ladimaryp eht ot eud ,eromrehtruF .)3891 ,kcywnatS( eht pu sevom eno sa elbaliava slevel rewef era ereht ,edaced tsal eht nihtiw htworg etaroproc evah slaudividni redlo taht gnimussA .)3991 ,erohS & ,ztiwobieL ,egdirettuG( reddal reerac rewef era ereht ,sega eno sa ,sreerac rieht gnirud snoitomorp gniniatta yllaudarg neeb sA .snoitomorp eseht niatta ot sraey rewef sa llew sa ,meht ot elbaliava slevel lacihcrareih htiw slaog hgih( tcilfnoc laog ot eud seeyolpme redlo ot gnitartsurf erom eb yam noitibma ,hcus .)sseccus fo ycnatcepxe wol a slaog citsilaer erom tes yeht ,ega slaudividni sa taht deugra )3891( kcywnatS ,dnoceS eh tylirassece nto ns islao gcitsilae rero mgnitte s,revewo H.srae yreilra erieh tf oesoh tmorf tes ohw slaudividni hguohtla taht detressa )7791( xonK ,deednI .noitibma no pu gnivig sa emas ",]s[mae rtdnecselod ar"ie hetveih c oaetl bta oen ryae htta hetgdelwonk cya asmla ocgitsilaer yam noitartsurf siht fo traP .gnisserped sa llew sa gnitartsurf eb nac noisulcnoc siht gnitpecca laog ot drager ni tsniaga sevlesmeht erapmoc slaudividni taht rehto tnerefer eht morf emoc sseldrager ,rehto tnerefer a kcip ot ylekil erom era ylbaborp slaudividni regnuoY .stnemeveihca Page 6 Age, Ambition, and Job Satisfaction WP 94-20 ,dnah rehto eht nO .erutuf eht ni eb ot stnaw nosrep regnuoy taht erehw stneserper ohw ,ega fo edice do tpuor geg aema srieh tnihti wtnerefe raenife do tyleki lero me bya mslaudividn iredlo slaudividni regnuoy ,drager siht nI .rehto tnerefer taht ot erapmoc sesseccus lanosrep rieht woh redlo saerehw laog rieht eveihca ot regnol evah yeht esuaceb detartsurf eb ot ylekil ssel era rieht nihtiw ,srehto tnerefer rieht taht dnif yeht fi ylralucitrap detartsurf yrev eb yam slaudividni efildim ,elpmaxe roF .ega emas eht ta evah yeht naht erom deveihca evah ,puorg ega ot sevlesmeht erapmoc ot gnitartsurf ti dnif yam sevitucexe level-hgih eb ot gnivirts sreganam ,sreganam regnuoy ,ylesrevnoC .laog siht deveihca ydaerla evah ohw trohoc rieht fo srebmem emas eht ecneirepxe ot ylekil ssel era ,srehto tnerefer emas 'sreganam redlo eht esu osla ohw llits yeht wonk slaudividni regnuoy eseht esuaceb ,sreganam efildim eht sa noitartsurf fo level o trotca fgnitubirtno c ae bya msesooh cen ostnerefe reh t,suh T.dn esih teveihc ao temi tevah .srekrow redlo yb decneirepxe noitartsurf fo level eht si slaudividni redlo rof noitibma fo tceffe gniyfsitassid erom a rof noitanalpxe rehtruf enO n iseeyolpm etah tdeugr a)9791 (muabnes o .Rsseccu sreera cf osmro nnacirem Ao tdetaler na nihtiw snoitisop rieht evorpmi nac yeht taht eveileb ot del era netfo yteicos naciremA feo seu htta hstetacid neicnedi v,ereve w. osHreer arcie httuohguor hythcrare ilhanoitazinagro tsa leh tn iylbaredisno cdewol ssa hrotavito meeyolpm eroja mas aseitinutropp olanoitomorp tsap taht stseggus sihT .)6891 ,nilbiG( egnar ega 05 ot 03 eht ni slaudividni rof neve ,edaced yhcrareih lanoitazinagro eht fo gninettalf eht dna gnizisnwoD .eromyna dilav eb ton yam smron seeyolpme redlO .)9891 ,draddoG( tnemecnavda drawpu rof secnahc 'seeyolpme ecuder yam evah yeht ,dnah eno eht no esuaceb smron gnignahc eseht ot elbarenluv yllaicepse eb yam meht ot elbaliava eb syawla dluow tnemecnavda taht gniveileb sreerac rieht hguorht devom As opportunities. promotional prospective fewer with faced are they hand, other the on while, yam hcihw slaudividni redlo rof sepoh eslaf tneserp ytilibom reerac fo snoitatcepxe tsap ,hcus .srekrow redlo eseht fo noitibma eht yb desuac noitcafsitassid retaerg otni etalsnart ile bo tnosae rs iereh telih w,yrammu snI redlo ot gniyfsitassid erom si noitibma taht eve -noitibma eht no ega fo ecneulfni gnitaredom eht detset sah hcraeser suoiverp on ,seeyolpme :sisehtopyh gniwollof eht ecnavda ew ,suhT .pihsnoitaler noitcafsitas tah thcu snoitcafsita sbo jdn anoitibm aneewte bpihsnoitale reh tsetaredo megA regnuoy rof naht srekrow redlo rof gniyfsitassid erom era noitibma fo slevel hgih si noitcafsitas boj dna noitibma neewteb pihsnoitaler eht ,yldetaleR .srekrow .srekrow regnuoy rof naht srekrow redlo rof evitagen erom detaler morf noitibma hsiugnitsid ot tnatropmi si ti ,sisehtopyh evoba eht gnireffo nI reerac s'eno niatta ot dedeen evird eht stcelfer noitibma esuaceB .scitsiretcarahc laudividni Page 7

Timothy A. Judge, Amir Erez, Diane E. Johnson, David J. Kennedy, Sandra K. association using Bandura's (1988) principle of motivation. According
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