JournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(cid:14)1998.33–54 Emplacement of volcanic vents and geodynamics of Central Anatolia, Turkey D. Dhont a,), J. Chorowicz a, T. Yu¨ru¨r b, J.-L. Froger c, O. Ko¨se b, N. Gu¨andogdu b De´partementdeGe´otectonique,ESA-CNRS7072,case129,Uni˝ersite´Paris6,4placeJussieu,75252Pariscedex05,France bDepartmentofGeology,HacettepeUni˝ersity,Beytepe,Ankara,Turkey c CentredeRecherchesVolcanologiques,Uni˝ersite´BlaisePascal,5rueKessler,63038ClermontFerrand,France Observations on Synthetic Aperture Radar ASbAsRtracstc(cid:14)enes .of the European Remote Sensing ERS sa(cid:14)tellite.and Digital Elevation Models (cid:14)DEMs., complementedby field structural analysis permit a new understandingof relationshipsbetween tectonics and volcanism since the late Miocene (cid:14)10 Ma. in Central Anatolia. Volcanic edifices form elongate stratovolca- noes,linearclustersandvolcanicridges.Theyindicateemplacementontensionfracturesandtail-crackorhorsetailfeatures. Forinstance,theKaraDagvolcanoisrootedonatail-crackwhichaccommodatesahorizontalleft-lateralthrowcomponent at a fault termination. Caldera complexes of Cappadocia are associated with horsetail fault patterns. The emplacement of volcanoesalsobenefitsfromlarger-scaletectonicstructures:theErciyesDagvolcanoislocalizedbytheSultanSazreleasing bendwhichopensalongthesinistralstrike-slipEcemisfault.Deformationhasbeenanalysedfromtensionfractures—which areperpendiculartothedirectionof extension—andfromfieldstructuralanalysis. Ona regionalscale, thetectonicregime responsible for the distribution of volcanic vents in this area of convergence and lateral extrusion, is not compression but extension. The Central Taurus range is the thermally uplifted shoulder of the Adana–Cilicia basin, which is related to lithospherethinning.Westwardmovementsinthenorthwesternpartofthestudiedareaareinfluencedbytheactiveback-arc Aegean extension situated to the west. Farther to the south, the direction of motion turns southwest and south, under the influenceoftheopeningoftheAdana–Ciliciabasin.WeinterpretedthatextensionintheCentralAnatolianplateauisrelated tocrustalblocksmovingabovesub-horizontaldetachmentsurfaceslocatedinthelowercrust.Thisisbasedonseveralfacts: ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ otherwise it would have been bordered by thermally uplifted shoulders; movements change trend within a small (cid:14)50 km. region. q1998ElsevierScienceB.V. All rightsreserved. Keywords:CentralAnatolia;Taurus;neotectonics;volcanism;tensionfractures;detachment;satelliteimagery;DEM;faultmechanisms 1. Introduction and types of volcanic vents provides information on the geodynamics (cid:14)e.g., Dengo et al., 1970; Stoiber Observation of geometric relationships between and Carr, 1973; Nakamura, 1977; Hamilton, 1979; volcanism and tectonics is a fruitful approach in Chotin et al., 1980; Francis, 1993.. On the other geology. On one hand, analysis of the distribution hand, tectonic analysis explains the location of vol- canic vents, related for instance to tension fractures )Corresponding author. Tel.: q33-1-44275089; Fax: q33-1- e.g., Nordlie, 1973; Opheim and Gudmundsson, 44275085;E-mail:[email protected] 1989; Takada, 1994; Koyaguchi and Takada, 1994; 0377-0273r98r$19.00q1998ElsevierScienceB.V.Allrightsreserved. PII: S0377-0273(cid:14)98.00048-1 34 D.Dhontetal.rJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)33–54 Chorowicz et al., 1997., fissures (cid:14)e.g., Macdonald, tolia and Africa–Arabia, and Eocene–early Oligo- 1972., pull-apartstructures(cid:14)e.g., Bellierand Sebrier, cene (cid:14);30 Ma. collision and emersion in the Pon- 1994., rifting (cid:14)Smith et al., 1995. or reactivation of tides (cid:14)Sengo¨r and Yilmaz, 1981.. Red Sea continen- ancient faults (cid:14)N’ni et al., 1986; Deruelle et al., tal rifting and individualization of Arabia began at 1987; Brousse and Lefe`vre, 1990.. the Oligocene–Miocene boundary (cid:14)Le Pichon and Recent and active tectonic and volcanic features Gaulier,1988..Inthemid-Miocene(cid:14);13Ma.,initi- have distinct geomorphic expressions. High ground ation of left-lateral motion along the Dead Sea Fault resolution (cid:14)10–30 m. satellite images and Digital zone occurred (cid:14)Joffe and Garfunkel, 1987., coeval ElevationModels(cid:14)DEMs.expressthelandformsand with collision in the Eastern Taurus and related yield synoptic views, permitting detailed mapping westward lateral extrusion of Anatolia bounded by over large surfaces. Shadowed DEM images have theNorthandEastAnatolianfaults(cid:14)McKenzie,1972; proved to be efficient in structural analysis (cid:14)Choro- Dewey et al., 1973; Sengo¨r and Kidd, 1979; Sengo¨r wicz et al., 1995a,b.. Images acquired by the Syn- and Yilmaz, 1981; Yilmaz, 1993.. Subduction in the thetic Aperture Radar (cid:14)SAR. of the European Re- Aegean region initiated during the late Miocene (cid:14)Le mote Sensing (cid:14)ERS. satellite are particularly sensi- Pichonand Angelier, 1979;Lyberis, 1985.. We shall tive to variations in ground slope. consider the late Miocene (cid:14);10 Ma. to present-day The Central Anatolian region in Turkey (cid:14)Fig. 1A. time globally and take into account only finite dis- has been subjected to deformation and volcanism placements and deformation during this interval. over the past 10 Ma (cid:14)Innocenti et al., 1982; Sengo¨r et al., 1985; Pasquare` et al., 1988; Aydar, 1992; 2.2. Regional geology Temel, 1992; Aydar et al., 1993; Le Pennec et al., 1994.. This region is part of the Anatolia block which is moving westward by lateral extrusion as a Themostprominentrecenttectonicfeaturesofthe consequence of north–south convergence between studied area are the Tuz Go¨lu¨ and Ecemis fault Africa–ArabiaandEurasia(cid:14)McKenzie,1972;Sengo¨r zones, the Central Taurus range and the Adana basin et al., 1985; Dewey et al., 1986.. The aim of this (cid:14)Fig. 1B.. They overprint crystalline and Mesozoic– paper is to analyze the emplacement of volcanic Paleogene sedimentary or metamorphic rocks de- vents and tectonics in Central Anatolia, using satel- formed in late Eocene–early Oligocene times (cid:14);30 lite and DEM images, complemented with field Ma. by folds, thrusts and transcurrent faults. structural analysis. We shall argue that regional vol- VolcanisminCentralAnatoliahasdevelopedsince canism in Central Anatolia is associated with exten- the late Miocene (cid:14)Innocenti et al., 1975, 1982; sion, not compression. Pasquare` et al., 1988.. This volcanism has been considered to be related to compression (cid:14)Pearce et al., 1990; Yilmaz, 1990. but it may also be the 2. Regional structural framework consequence of regional extension (cid:14)Temel, 1992.. It has mainly produced calc-alkaline rocks (cid:14)Innocenti 2.1. Geodynamic context et al., 1982. and has been interpreted as an arc Convergence between Africa–Arabia and Eurasia related to the north-dipping oceanic slab of the (cid:14)Fig. 1A.beganinthemid-Cretaceousataround100 African plate (cid:14)Innocenti et al., 1975, 1982. (cid:14)Fig. Ma (cid:14)Biju-Duval et al., 1977; Livermore and Smith, 1A.. The volcanics comprise late Miocene stratovol- 1984; Yazgan and Chessex, 1991., inducing Campa- canoes (cid:14)e.g., Melendiz Dag., late Miocene–Pliocene nian–Maestrichtian(cid:14);70Ma.obductionsoverAna- ignimbritic units of Cappadocia (cid:14)Le Pennec et al., Fig.1.(cid:14)a.GeodynamiccontextofCentralAnatoliasincethelateMiocene.LargearrowsshowAfrica–ArabiaandAnatoliaplatemotions relativetoEurasia.Thicklines:plateboundaries.Rectangle:locationof(cid:14)b..DSF:DeadSeaFault;EAF:EastAnatolianFault;NAF:North AnatolianFault.(cid:14)b.GeologicsketchmapofCentralAnatolia,compiledfromthe1r2,000,000geologicalmapofTurkey(cid:14)MTA,1989..DD: Develi Dag volcano; DF: Derinkuyu fault; ED: Erciyes Dag; HD: Hasan Dag; KD: Kara Dag; KcD: Karaca Dag; KoD: Koc¸ Dag; MD: MelendizDag. D.Dhontetal.rJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)33–54 35 36 D.Dhontetal.rJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)33–54 1994.,Quaternarystratovolcanoes(cid:14)e.g.,ErciyesDag, Ma.,depositedinthezonewheretheAfricanplateis Hasan Dag. and scattered vents of mafic or acidic subducting underneath Anatolia (cid:14)Jackson and volcanism. McKenzie, 1984; Karig and Kozlu, 1990.. These The NW-striking Tuz Go¨lu¨ fault zone forms the rocksareoverlainbyMessinian(cid:14);6Ma.evaporites northeasternboundaryoftheTuzGo¨lu¨ basin(cid:14)Arikan, and Pliocene(cid:14);5–2 Ma. marinesediments(cid:14)Kelling 1975; Go¨ru¨r et al., 1984; MTA, 1989., situated at etal.,1987..Thebasinemergedfrombelowsea-level mean elevation 1000 m. The basin forms a in the Quaternary but remains a low plain. In late northeast-dipping half-graben, infilled with 2000 m Miocene–Plio-Quaternarytime(cid:14)since ;10Ma., the of Neogene sediments and volcanics, lying above Adanabasinmayberegardedasapull-apart(cid:14)Sengo¨r several thousand meters of Eocene–Oligocene sedi- et al., 1985; Dewey et al., 1986. or a releasing bend ments.SouthwestoftheHasanDagvolcano,theTuz basin (cid:14)Chorowicz et al., 1994a,b., developed along Go¨lu¨ basin is partly overlain by volcanoes which faults which mark the prolongation of the left-lateral form a NE-trending belt that extends as far as the East Anatolian fault, related to the lateral expulsion Kara Dag stratovolcano in the SW. The Tuz Go¨lu¨ of Anatolia (cid:14)Fig. 1A.. basin is bordered to the northeast by the Nevsehir Accordingto Sengo¨r et al. (cid:14)1985., Central Anato- plateau and the Kirsehir massif, with crystalline lia presently undergoes moderate NE–SW-trending basement rocks at mean elevations up to 1200 m, compression, but Pasquare` et al. (cid:14)1988. and Toprak overlain by volcanic materials up to 2700 m at the and Go¨ncu¨oglu (cid:14)1993. have associated the Central summit of the Melendiz Dag. Anatolia grabens with a late-Miocene to early The Ecemis fault zone strikes northeasterly in the Pliocene (cid:14);10–4 Ma. east–west-trending tension. north and turns around the transtensive (cid:14)Pasquare` et Pasquare` and Ferrari (cid:14)1993. and Borgia et al. (cid:14)1994. al., 1988. Sultan Saz basin to strike NNE further have suggested that there is a N-trending, 100-km- south where it cuts the Central Taurus range. The long, buried graben in the central part of the Nevse- Ecemisfaultzonecomprisesinthesouthanarrow(cid:14)1 hir plateau and that the Tuz Go¨lu¨ and Ecemis faults km. strip of Paleocene(cid:14)?.–Lutetian marl and sand- are reverse faults formed as a result of the intrusion stone, interbedded with clastic and detrital marine of a large batholith. limestone, disconformably overlain by Oligocene to Quaternary continental detrital and evaporitic rocks (cid:14)Yetis,1984..TheEcemisfaultzonecutsthrust-units emplaced during the late Eocene–Oligocene (cid:14);30 3. Data and methodology Ma. compressive event. It may have accommodated about 80 km of left-lateral slip motion since the Eocene and is considered to be still active (cid:14)O¨zgu¨l, 3.1. Data 1976; Scott, 1981; Sengo¨r and Yilmaz, 1981.. The Central Taurus range has been raised since A DEM of the whole area has been developed the late Miocene (cid:14)O¨zgu¨l, 1976.. It is made up of using a kriging method, from the digitization of marine lower to middle Miocene sediments now at elevation contour lines (cid:14)25 to 100 m vertical contour elevations of more than 2000 m, which uncon- intervals. of nine topographic maps at 1r250,000 formably overlie ophiolites and platform carbonate scale. It covers 260=320 km with 500 m horizontal rock units thrust during the Late Eocene–Early ground resolution (cid:14)Fig. 2.. Oligocene (cid:14);30 Ma. event. WehaveanalyzedfourERS-1SARimages(cid:14)Figs. The Adana basin is partly filled with turbiditic 3–6.. We applied standard processing to generate an rocks spanning from Aquitanian to Tortonian (cid:14)24–8 image from each original digital scene covering 100 Fig.2.Shadowedimage(cid:14)a.oftheDEMofthestudiedarea,at500mhorizontalgroundresolution,illuminatedfromsouth,andstructural interpretation(cid:14)b..A:Aksaray;B:Bor;DF:Derinkuyufault;ED:ErciyesDag;F1andF2:inactivefaults;FT:normalfaultsoftheCentral Taurusrange;GF:Gumuskentfault;HD:HasanDag;KD:KaraDag;MD:MelendizDag;RB:rhombshapedbasins;S:Sereflikoc¸hisar; SSB:SultanSazbasin;TGF:TuzGo¨lu¨ fault.X:theTuzGo¨lu¨ faultterminationsagainsttheEcemisfault. D.Dhontetal.rJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)33–54 37 38 D.Dhontetal.rJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)33–54 =100km,at25mgroundresolution.Illuminationis various gray tones on the slopes backing the illumi- fromtheWSW.Wehaveproducednegativeprintsin nation. order to express in black the slopes facing the radar High ground resolution (cid:14)10 m. panchromatic source. Detailed information is well revealed by SPOT images have also been processed in order to Fig. 3. SARERS-1image(cid:14)negativeview. of the Nevsehirplateauand Kirsehirmassif(cid:14)a. and structuralinterpretation(cid:14)b.. F are curved faultsinplanview,interpretedasextensionalspoonfaults.LocationonFig.2. D.Dhontetal.rJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)33–54 39 Fig.4.SARERS-1image(cid:14)negativeview.oftheTuzGo¨lu¨ fault(cid:14)TGF.area(cid:14)a.andstructuralinterpretation(cid:14)b..A:Aksaray;DF:Derinkuyu fault;F1andF2:inactivefaults;f:curvedfaultsinplanviewatsoutheasternterminationoffaultF1;GF:Gumuskentfault;HD:HasanDag; NACC:Nevsehir–Acigo¨lCalderaComplex;t1andt2:horsetailstructures.LocationonFig.2. 40 D.Dhontetal.rJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)33–54 D.Dhontetal.rJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)33–54 41 obtain detailed views of particular areas. We have tionofstriatedfaultplanes(cid:14)Fig. 10.. Specialempha- mainly used scene KJ 113–273 (cid:14)Fig. 7. and KJ sishasbeenplacedonstriationsdirectlyobservedon 114–272 to make a small mosaic (cid:14)Fig. 8.. the major mapped fault planes, on which the main partoftheregionaldisplacementsoccurred.Wehave 3.2. Methodology alsotakenintoaccountstriationsobservedonsmaller faults paralleling the nearby major fault, assuming Observations from ERS-1 SAR, SPOT and DEM that in a given local stress field parallel faults have images have been used to map the recent faults and the same mechanism, for a given tectonic phase. We locate the volcanic vents. These features have been have plotted on the trace of the main faults the consolidated onto a single map (cid:14)Fig. 9.. plunge of striations, with indications of the sense of Recent faults interpreted as active or inactive are movement (cid:14)Figs. 9 and 10.. Along the major faults determined from their distinct, poorly eroded scarp we have generally found only one set of striations orbecausetheyaffecttherecent(cid:14);10– which we assume to be related with the latest dis- We systematically have compared our images with placements. In a few sites not located along major geological maps in order to carefully separate the mappedfaults,wehaveusedstriationsonthevarious scarps formed by fault planes (cid:14)active. from those minorfaultsurfacestoestimatetheorientationofthe resulting from differential erosion of contrasted local paleostress pattern, using the right dihedral lithology (cid:14)ancient.. In some cases, Quaternary de- method of Angelier and Mechler (cid:14)1977.. We consid- positsoverliethefaulttracewhichisintheprolonga- ered that all measurements from any one site are tion of distinct scarps, as is the case for the Gu- related to a single finite deformation and paleostress muskent–Derinkuyu fault (cid:14)Fig. 9.. This pattern indi- pattern unchanged since 10 Ma. The fact that the cates that the fault is recent but inactive. results of our calculations are consistent from place We have speciallysearchedfor the volcanicvents to place throughout the Central Anatolian region and related volcanic cones or craters. Following justifies this hypothesis. However, when two defor- Nordlie (cid:14)1973., we have considered the outlines of mation events were supposed to have occurred, be- lowermost floors of volcanic edifices, which are cause of incompatibilities in the data or several generally horizontal. Some volcanoes and craters are striation sets on fault planes, the measurements were clearly elongate. Aligned and adjacent volcanoes sorted by relative age at each site. To characterize define what we refer to as volcanic linear clusters the paleostress at each site, we used parameter w(cid:14)s2 (cid:14)Takada, 1994; Gudmundsson, 1995.. Elongate vol- ys3.r(cid:14)s1ys3.x which ranges from 1 to 0. The canoes and volcanic linear clusters are related to stress ellipsoid has three well distinguishable axes hidden tension fractures which permit lavas to reach when values of this parameter are close to 0.5. the surface (cid:14)Chorowicz et al., 1997.. Tension frac- Values approaching 0 indicate that s3 is equal to tures are perpendicular to the direction of extension. s2. On the map of Fig. 9, we have drawn the tension fractures inferred from elongate volcanoes and vol- canic linear clusters and have indicated the direction 4. Structural observations of local extension. To complement this information relative to the 4.1. Tuz Go¨lu¨ structure strain, we have carried out structural analysis in the field, searching for local slip movements along the 4.1.1. Tuz Go¨lu¨ fault zone main faults and for local strain or paleostress pat- The main Tuz Go¨lu¨ fault trace (cid:14)Fig. 9., well terns.Ourobservationsconsistedofmeasurementsof expressed on the DEM (cid:14)Fig. 2. and SAR or SPOT tension fractures and orientations and sense-of-mo- images (cid:14)Figs. 4 and 7. cuts the Quaternary Hasan Fig. 5. SAR ERS-1 image (cid:14)negative view. (cid:14)a. and structural interpretation (cid:14)b. of the Sultan Saz basin (cid:14)SS. and part of the Cappadocia region, including the Gumuskent and Derinkuyu faults (cid:14)GF and DF.. h: NNE-striking faults south of Nevsehir (cid:14)N. forming a horsetail pattern.l:NW-SEstructurallinesaffectingtheErciyesDag(cid:14)ED..LocationonFig.2. 42 D.Dhontetal.rJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)33–54 Fig.6.SARERS-1image(cid:14)negativeview.ofpartoftheCentralTaurus(cid:14)a.andstructuralinterpretation(cid:14)b..B:Bor;C:linearclustersof volcanoes;CTR:CentralTaurusrange;EF:Ecemisfault;F:normalfault;X:terminationoftheTuzGo¨lu¨ faultagainsttheEcemisfault;V: elongatevolcanoes.LocationonFig.2. Dag stratovolcano, attesting to recent movements ward, up to the point where it ends against the (cid:14)Aydar, 1992; Toprak and Go¨ncu¨oglu, 1993.. The Ecemis fault (cid:14)X on Figs. 2 and 6.. The Tuz Go¨lu¨ main crater of Hasan Dag is not on the fault but 8 fault dips ;SW 658 in sites 1 and 4 (cid:14)Fig. 10.. km away (cid:14)Fig. 2.. Both DEM and SAR imageries Striations on the main fault plane are indicative of clearlyindicatetheTuzGo¨lu¨ faultextendssoutheast- W-oriented oblique-slip dextral transtensive dis-