Empirical shape function of limit-order books in the Chinese stock market Gao-Feng Gua,b, Wei Chenc, Wei-Xing Zhoua,b,d,e, ∗ 8 0 a 0 SchoolofBusiness,EastChinaUniversityofScienceandTechnology, Shanghai 200237, 2 PRChina n b SchoolofScience, EastChinaUniversityofScienceandTechnology, Shanghai 200237, a J PRChina 4 c Shenzhen StockExchange, 5045ShennanEastRoad,Shenzhen 518010, PRChina 2 dResearchCenterforEconophysics, EastChinaUniversity ofScience andTechnology, ] R Shanghai 200237, PRChina T eResearchCenterofSystemsEngineering, EastChinaUniversity ofScience and . n Technology, Shanghai 200237, PRChina i f - q [ 1 Abstract v 2 1 We have analyzed the statistical probabilities of limit-order book (LOB) shape through 7 building the book using the ultra-high-frequency data from 23 liquid stocks traded on the 3 Shenzhen StockExchange in2003. Wefindthat the averaged LOBshape hasamaximum . 1 away from the same best price for both buy and sell LOBs. The LOB shape function has 0 8 nice exponential formintheright tail. ThebuyLOBisfound tobeabnormally thicker for 0 thepricelevelsclosetothesamebestalthoughtherearemuchmoresellordersonthebook. : v Wealso findthat the LOBshape functions for both buy andsell sides have periodic peaks i X with a period of five. The 1-min averaged volumes at fixed tick level follow lognormal distributions, except for the left tails which display power-law behaviors, and exhibit long r a memory.Academicimplications ofourempirical resultsarealsodiscussed briefly. Keywords: Econophysics; Stockmarkets;Continuous doubleaction;Limit-orderbook shape;Microstructure theory PACS:89.65.Gh,02.50.-r, 89.90.+n Corresponding address: 130 Meilong Road, P.O. Box 114, School of Business, East ∗ China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China. Tel.: +86 21 64253634; fax:+862164253152. Emailaddress:[email protected](Wei-XingZhou). PreprintsubmittedtoPhysicaA 4December2008 1 Introduction In an order-driven market, limit-order book (LOB) is a queue of orders waiting to be executed and it is the base of continuous double auction mechanism. Orders in the book are sorted according to price-time priority. The construction of LOB is a dynamic process. Effective limit orders whose prices do not penetrate the op- posite best price are stored in the book, while an effective market order with the price penetrating the opposite best immediately causes a transaction and removes the corresponding orders in the opposite book. In addition, cancelations can also removetheorders in theLOB. The price levels in the limit-order book are discrete. The difference between two adjacent price levelsis the tick size u. It is 0.01 RMB for all stocks in the Chinese market. Thepricelevel∆at anygiventimetcan bedefined as follows (p p)/u+1 forbuy orders b ∆ = − (1) (p pa)/u+1 forsell orders, − where p is an allowed price in the LOB and p and p are the best bid and best b a ask, respectively. According to the definition, ∆ = 1 stands for the position at the best bid (ask) in thebuy (sell)LOB. DenoteV (∆,t) (respectivelyV (∆,t))as the b s volume at level ∆ in the buy (respectively sell) LOB at event time t. V (∆,t) and b V (∆,t) can be viewed as the instant LOB shape functions on the buy and sell s sides,respectively. The LOB shape function is of crucial importance in the research of market mi- crostructure theory of order-driven markets. A brief discussion is in order. The shape of the LOB affects a trader’s strategy and thus influences order aggressive- ness[1].Second,theLOBshapedeterminesthevirtualpriceimpact.Thepriceim- pact I(ω)ofavirtualmarket orderofsizeω can bedeterminedas follows[2, 3,4] n I(ω) = u sup n : V(∆,t) 6 ω . (2) × ( ∆=1 ) X It is found that the virtual price impact is much strongerthan the actual impact [4] andlargepricefluctuationsarenotnecessarilycausedbylargeordersbutratherthe liquidity [5, 6]. It is rational that a large trader prefers to split his large order and submitwhentheoppositeLOBisthicksuchthatthepricedoesnotchangemuch.In contrast, an impatient small trader might submit an small order when the opposite LOB is thin for small ∆’s, since usually he does not have ensuing orders. The optimal trading strategy of a large order also depends on the average LOB shape [7, 8], which could be improved if one considers the instant LOB shape function ratherthan theaverage. 2 Whenwewanttoinvestigatetheaforementionedtopicsanalytically,theLOBshape function is usually treated as continuous.In the derivationof an optimalexecution strategy, many unrealistic LOB shape functions have been proposed [7, 8]. This makestheframeworklessusefulinpracticeandcallsforarealisticshapefunction. Indeed, the empirical LOB shape function has been investigated in different stock markets. Bouchaud et al. found that the LOB shape of individual liquid stocks on the Paris Bourse (February 2001) is symmetrical for buys and sells and has a maximumawayfromthecurrentbid(ask)[9].Theyalsofoundthatthedistribution of order size at the bid (or ask) can be fitted by a gamma distribution [9]. Potters and Bouchaud investigated three stocks traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market and found that all the LOB shape functions are buy/sell symmetric and only one stock reaches a maximum before relaxation [10]. Similar results on the shape function are alsoreported usingothermarket data[2, 3, 4, 11]. In this paper, we shall study in detail the LOB shape of 23 liquid stocks traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) in China. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe briefly the database we adopt. Section 3 in- troduces theaverage shapeof buy and sell LOBs. We then discussin Section 4 the probabilitydistributionsandtimedependencyofvolumesatthefirstthreebest.The lastsectionconcludes. 2 Data sets The Chinese stock market is a pure order-driven market where orders are matched resulting in transactions. Our data contain ultra-high-frequency data of 23 liquid stockslistedontheShenzhenStockExchangein2003[12].Wefindthattheresults fordifferentstocksarequalitativelysimilar.Hencewewillpresenttheresultsfora veryliquidstock.In2003,onlylimitorderswereallowedtosubmitandthemarket constitutedopeningcallauction,coolingperiodandcontinuousdoubleauction.We focus ontheLOBincontinuousdoubleauction. As an example, our presentation is based on the order flow data for a stock named Shenzhen Development Bank Co., LTD (code 000001), whose time stamps are accurate to 0.01 second includingdetails ofevery event, withthe informationcon- tainingdate,ordersize,limitprice,time,bestbid,bestask,transactionvolume,and aggressivenessidentifier(whichidentifieswhetherarecordisabuyorder,asellor- der, or a cancelation). The database totally records 3,925,832 events, including 1,718,156buyorders,1,595,961sellorders,598,750cancelationsand12,965in- validorders.Usingthisnicedatabase,werebuildtheLOBaccordingtothetrading rules [13] andstudythestatisticalprobabilitiesofLOBshape. 3 3 Averaged shape In the continuous double auction mechanism, order placement adds volume to the book, while order cancelation or transaction removes volume from the book. It is clear that these three types of events (order placement, order cancelation and transaction) can change the shape of the LOB. In what follows we use event time, not clock time. In this way, the event time t advances by 1 when an event occurs. Ateverytimet,wehaveaninstantLOBshapeV (∆,t)oneachside(buyorsell). b,s Theaveraged shapeofthebuy(sell)LOBcan becalculated as follows 1 M V (∆) = V (∆,t) , (3) b,s b,s M t=1 X whereM isthenumberoftotaleventsin2003forthestockweanalyzed. It is known that traders tend to place their orders on the same best price [9, 10, 14, 15, 16]. On the other hand, the orders placed near the same best have a higher execution probability, and impatient traders are likely to make a cancelation when these orders are not executed immediately. It is thus not clear what is the LOB shapeundertheseoppositeforces. Fig. 1showstheshapes ofbuyand sellLOBs. x 104 6 (a) Buy LOB 106 Sell LOB (b) Buy LOB 5 Sell LOB 104 4 ) ∆ ) V (3 ∆V (102 2 100 1 100 0 101 102 10−20 50 100 150 200 250 300 ∆ ∆ Fig. 1. LOB shape V(∆) as a function of relative distance ∆ for buy and sell limit-order booksinlog-linear coordinates (a)andlinear-log coordinates (b). In Fig. 1(a), we in general find that the LOB shape function has a maximum away from the same best (∆ = 1) and is roughly symmetrical to the maximum, which consistswiththeresultofBouchaudetal.[9].TheLOBshapesareasymmetricbe- tweenbuyordersandsellorders.TheLOBshapeV(∆)increaseswhen∆ 6 ∆max and decreases afterwards, where ∆max = 4 for buys and ∆max = 11 for sells. We notethatonlytwo(000088and000539)ofthe23stocksdonothaveclearmaxima and the values of ∆max vary from stock to stock. In addition, the total volume of sellordersisgreaterthanthatofbuyorders,whichisespeciallyvisibleforlarge∆. Thisphenomenonis also observedfor otherstocksexcept that twostocks (000088 and 000089) have comparable buy and sell volumes, which is consistent with the 4 factthattheChinesestockmarketin2003wasinthemiddleofalong-lastingbear- ishantibubblefrom2001to2005[17]andmoremarketparticipatorstendedtosell theirshares. There are two more features arise in the empirical LOB shape function. Although there are more sell limit orders in the book, the buy LOB is still thinker than sell LOBforsmall∆inFig.1(a).In2003,onlytheinformationonthefirstthreevisible levels (∆ = 1, n2, and n3 such that the instant LOB shape function V(n1) = 0, 6 V(n2) = 0andV(∆) = 0forotherrelativedistanceslessthann3)weredisposedto 6 traders. We find that, 10 stocks have thickersell books, 10 stocks have thickerbuy books,andtheotherthreehavecomparablebookthickness.Thisobservationisvery interesting since the traders faced a very strong illusionary signal that there were more buy orders while the market was bearish. Another interesting feature is the presence of periodic peaks at ∆ = 5n+1 for n = 0,1,2, , which are observed ··· in all 23 stocks. The periodic peaks are higher for sell orders than buy orders. The underlying mechanism of this universal behavior is unclear, which might be related to the trading strategy of larger traders or people’s irrational preference of somenumbers like5, 10 ortheirmultiples[18]. Thesetwo features call for further investigation,whichishoweverbeyondthescopeofthiswork. In Fig. 1(b), we show the shape functions in linear-log coordinates to study the functional form for large ∆. The volumes in both buy and sell LOBs decrease exponentially, V (∆) e−βb,s∆ . (4) b,s ∼ Using least-squares fitting method, we obtain that β = 0.044 0.0004 for buy b ± LOB and β = 0.025 0.0002 for sell LOB. The decreasing speed of buy LOB s ± is faster than that of sell LOB, which means that there is a larger proportion of more aggressive orders in the buy LOB than in the sell LOB. It seems that buyers paymoreattentiontotheexecutionprobability,whilesellersconsiderthereturn of theirinvestigationmoreimportant.Wenoticethatmostofotherstockshavesimilar exponentially decreasing shapes. In contrast, Bouchaud et al. have found that the LOBshapetailshavepower-lawbehaviorsforthethreeliquidstockstradedonthe Paris Bourse [9]. In addition, V (∆) abruptly plummet to zero at the tail ends, b,s whichiscausedbythe10%pricefluctuationlimitationcomparedtothecloseprice on theprevioustradingday. We have studied the event-time averaged volume placed at each tick levels in the LOB. However, the volume may have large fluctuations and greatly deviate from the mean. It is necessary to analyze the fluctuations of volumes at each tick levels. Here, we study the standard deviation σ as a function of the relative distance ∆, thatis, σ (∆) = V (∆)2 V (∆) 2 . (5) b,s b,s b,s h i−h i ThestandarddeviationsforbuyaqndsellLOBsarepresentedinFig.2.Wefindthat the functional form of σ(∆) is very similar to that of the shape for both buy and 5 sellLOBs.Thestandarddeviationσ(∆)increaseswith∆atthefirstfewlevelsand then decreases exponentially.When comparingthe buy and LOBs, thesell LOB is foundto bethickerwithlarger fluctuations. 6 10 Buy LOB Sell LOB 5 10 4 10 ) ∆ ( σ 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 ∆ Fig.2.Plotofthestandarddeviationsσ(∆)asafunctionoftherelativedistance∆forbuy andsellLOBs. 4 Statistical properties ofvolumes atindividual ticklevels 4.1 Probabilitydistribution Wehaveanalyzedtheaveragedvolumeabove.Herewefocusonthetimeaveraged volumeoverafixed clocktimeintervalδtat individuallevels 1 N v (∆,t) = V (∆,t ) , (6) b,s b,s i N t=1 X wheret isthetimemomentsoftheN eventsoccurintheinterval(t δt,t]andN i − is afunctionof tand δt. We useδt = 1 minto calculatethetime-averaged volume at each pricelevel. Fig.3showstheprobabilitydensityfunctions(PDFs)for∆ = 1,2,and3.InFig.3 (a), we findthat lnv in general isnormallydistributed 2 1 (lnv µ) f(lnv) = exp − , (7) √2πσ "− 2πσ2 # 6 thatis, v is log-normallydistributedwiththePDFbeing1 p(v) = f(lnv)/v (8) ThisisalsodifferentfromtheParisBoursestockswherethevolumesonthebestare distributedaccordingtoaGammadistribution[9].Withtheincreaseoftherelative distance ∆, the mean of lnv, µ, increases, which is line with the result in Fig. 1. We can also project that µ decreases for large ∆. More generally, we find that the 1-min volumes at other tick levels for different stocks are basically lognormally distributed. 1 100 (a) ∆ = 1 (b) ∆ = 1 ∆ = 2 ∆ = 2 0.8 ∆ = 3 10−1 ∆ = 3 ) ) v00.6 v010−2 1 1 g g (lo 0.4 (lo 10−3 f f 0.2 10−4 0 10−5 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 log v log v 10 10 Fig.3.Probability density functions f(lnv)of1-minaveraged logarithmic volumes atthe firstthreeticklevelsonthebuyLOBinalinear-linearscale(a)andlinear-logscale(b).The curvescorresponding to∆ = 2and∆ = 3in(b)havebeenverticallytranslateddownward forclarity. Theresultsaresimilaronthesellside. When v is small, we find that the empirical curves deviate from the lognormal distribution f(lnv). We plot the probability density functions f(lnv) of lnv in a linear-log scale, which is presented in Fig. 3 (b). It is clear that the small volumes v deviate from the corresponding lognormal distributions and exhibit power-law behaviors f(lnv) vβ∆ or p(v) vβ∆−1 . (9) ∼ ∼ Using least-squares fitting, we obtain that β1 = 4.19 0.09 (2.2 < log10v < 3.5) ± for∆ = 1,β2 = 2.61 0.03(2.1 < log10v < 4.2)for∆ = 2,andβ3 = 2.67 0.05 ± ± (2.1 < log v < 4.2)for∆ = 3. 10 4.2 Long memory Temporal dependency can be quantitatively assessed by the autocorrelation func- tion C(ℓ), which describes the average correlation between two points with time lag ℓ. Many processes have the autocorrelation function decaying exponentially 1 Denoteg(y)andh(x)thePDFsofy andx,respectively. Ify isafunction ofx,wehave g(y)dy = h(x)dx.Itfollowsimmediatelythath(x) = g(y)dy/dx = g(lnx)/x. 7 (C(ℓ) e−ℓ/ℓ0 for ℓ ), which means these processes exhibit short mem- ∼ → ∞ ory with a characteristic timescaleℓ0. On the other hand, when the autocorrelation function is not integrable, for example, C(ℓ) decaying as a power-law behavior (C(ℓ) ℓ−γ), the process has long memory without any characteristic timescale, ∼ which means that the values in the past have potential predictive power for the future. The property of temporal dependency is equivalently characterized by the Hurst index H, and the relationship between the autocorrelation exponent γ (assuming C(ℓ) ℓ−γ) and the Hurst index H can be expressed by γ = 2 2H [19, 20]. ∼ − Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) is a popular method to estimate the Hurst index [19, 21, 22]. We perform DFA on the 1-min averaged volumes at the first three tick levels on the buy LOB. The detrended fluctuation functions F(ℓ) are presented in Fig. 4. Sound power-law relations are observed in the three curves and the Hurst indexes are H1 = 0.76 0.01 for ∆ = 1, H2 = 0.83 0.01 for ± ± ∆ = 2, and H3 = 0.81 0.01 for ∆ = 3, respectively. With the Hurst indexes H ± significantly larger than 0.5, we argue that the 1-min averaged volumes at the first three tick levels exhibit long memory. Quantitatively similar results are observed forthesellLOBandforotherstocks.Thisagreeswellwiththefactthatordersigns havelongmemory[23, 24]. 7 10 ∆ = 1 ∆ = 2 6 ∆ = 3 10 ) s 5 (10 F 4 10 3 10 1 2 3 4 10 10 10 10 s Fig. 4. Plot of the detrended fluctuation functions F(ℓ) of 1-min averaged volumes at the firstthreetick levelsonthebuy limit-order book. Theresults corresponding to∆ = 2and ∆ = 3havebeenverticallytranslated downwardsforclarity. 5 Conclusion We have investigatedthe limit-orderbook shapes of 23 stocks traded on the Shen- zhen Stock Exchangein thewholeyear 2003.Forbrevity,wepresented theresults of a very liquidstock (Shenzhen DevelopmentBank Co., LTD, 000001). For most of the stocks, the averaged shape has a maximum away from the same best and 8 the volumes in the LOBs decrease exponentially. The LOB shapes are asymmet- ric between buy and sell orders and the sell LOB shape relaxes much slower. The probability density functions of 1-min averaged volumes at the first three tick lev- els follow lognormal distributions with a power-law behavior for small volumes in the left tails. Using detrended fluctuation analysis, we confirmed that the 1-min averagedvolumesatafixedticklevelontheLOBexhibitlongmemory.Whencom- pared with theParisBourse stocks[9], we find thattheLOB shapesare qualitative similarbutquantitativelydifferent. Several problems arise that need to be addressed: why the buy LOB is abnormally thickerforthepricelevelsclosetothesamebestand whytherearerelativelylarge volume on the tick levels of ∆ = 5n+1? It is also noteworthy that our results on the empirical LOB shape functions can be used to develop more realistic optimal tradingstrategyforlargetraders. 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