BiogeosciencesDiscuss.,12,3211–3243,2015 D isc BGD u doi:10.5194/bgd-12-3211-2015 s s ©Author(s)2015.CCAttribution3.0License. io 12,3211–3243,2015 n P a Thisdiscussionpaperis/hasbeenunderreviewforthejournalBiogeosciences(BG). p e Emission of amines PleaserefertothecorrespondingfinalpaperinBGifavailable. r from terrestrial | vegetation Ideas and Perspectives: On the emission D is c J.Sintermannand u of amines from terrestrial vegetation in s A.Neftel s io n the context of atmospheric new particle P a p e TitlePage formation r | Abstract Introduction J. Sintermann and A. Neftel D Conclusions References is c AgroscopeInstituteforSustainabilityScience,Reckenholzstrasse191,8046Zurich, us Tables Figures s Switzerland io n (cid:74) (cid:73) P Received:21December2014–Accepted:2February2015–Published:16February2015 a p e (cid:74) (cid:73) Correspondenceto:J.Sintermann([email protected]) r PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. | Back Close D is FullScreen/Esc c u s sio Printer-friendlyVersion n P InteractiveDiscussion a p e r 3211 | Abstract D is c BGD u Inthisarticlewesummariserecentscience,whichshowshowairborneamines,specif- s s icallymethylamines(MAs),playakeyroleinatmosphericnewparticleformation(NPF) io 12,3211–3243,2015 n by stabilising small molecule clusters. Agricultural emissions are assumed to consti- P a 5 tute the most important MA source, but given the short atmospheric residence time pe Emission of amines r of MAs, they can hardly have a direct impact on NFP events observed in remote re- from terrestrial gions. This leads us to the presentation of existing knowledge focussing on natural | vegetation vegetation-relatedMAsources.HighMAcontentsaswellasemissionsbyplantshave D is alreadybeendescribedinthe19thcentury.StrongMAemissionspredominantlyoccur c J.Sintermannand u 10 duringfloweringaspartofapollinationstrategy.Thebehaviourisspeciesspecific,but ssio A.Neftel examples of such species are common and widespread. In addition, vegetative plant n P tissue exhibiting high amounts of MAs might potentially lead to significant emissions, a p andthedecompositionoforganicmaterialcouldconstituteanothersourceforairborne e TitlePage r MAs.Thesemechanismswouldprovidesources,whichcouldbecrucialfortheamine’s | Abstract Introduction role in NPF, especially in remote regions. Knowledge about vegetation-related amine 15 emissions is, however, very limited and thus it is also an open question how Global Dis Conclusions References c Change and the intensified cycling of reactive nitrogen over the last 200years have us Tables Figures altered amine emissions from vegetation with a corresponding effect on NPF. s io n (cid:74) (cid:73) P a p 1 Introduction e (cid:74) (cid:73) r Amines comprise a vast range of nitrogenous organic compounds with aliphatic | Back Close 20 methylamines (MA; monomethylamine=MMA, dimethylamine=DMA, trimethy- D lamine=TMA) representing the most common (Ge et al., 2011a) and comparably isc FullScreen/Esc u most studied airborne species. Amines have widely been identified in aerosol particu- s late matter and wet deposition (Neff et al., 2002; Ge et al., 2011a; Healy et al., 2014; sion Printer-friendlyVersion Wang et al., 2015). P InteractiveDiscussion 25 a p e r 3212 | New aerosol particle formation (NPF) from gas-phase precursors occurs frequently D is intheatmosphere,approximatelyconstituting50to80%oftheglobalaerosolloadand c BGD u s 30to50%ofcloudcondensationnuclei(Merikantoetal.,2009).Estimatesoftheglobal s io 12,3211–3243,2015 secondary aerosol budget are highly uncertain due to uncertainties in gas-phase pre- n P 5 cursor contributions to NPF and limited mechanistic comprehension (Spracklen et al., a p 2011).WhileNPFratesobservedinthefielddonotcomplywiththeclassicalprocess- e Emission of amines r understandinginvolvingsulphuricacid(SA)andwater(Kirkbyetal.,2011;Chenetal., from terrestrial | 2012), it has recently become increasingly clear that the ternary system of SA and vegetation D water, together with neutralising compounds like ammonia (NH ) or amines, is a key 3 is c J.Sintermannand 10 systeminNPF(Chenetal.,2012;Almeidaetal.,2013;Kurtenetal.,2014).Aminescan u s A.Neftel also form stable molecular clusters with methanesulfonic acid (Dawson et al., 2012). s io In addition, the oxidation of organic compounds contributes to NPF (Riccobono et al., n P 2014). a p e TitlePage Despite their generally low atmospheric concentrations (Ge et al., 2011a), Almeida r 15 etal. (2013)haveshownthat aminestakean important roleinNPF. Theirmainfinding | Abstract Introduction isthatextremelysmallMAmixingratios(>3pptDMAintheircase)sufficetoefficiently D Conclusions References enhance NPF rates, and that atmospheric observations of NPF rates are only consis- is c tently explained taking amines into consideration. This is consistent with the current us Tables Figures s mechanistic understanding. The NPF enhancement by addition of MAs is most signifi- io n cantinsituationswithcleanair,essentiallywhenonlylittleNH ispresenttocontribute (cid:74) (cid:73) 20 3 P a to SA neutralisation. p e (cid:74) (cid:73) The indirect effect of anthropogenic aerosols represents the largest uncertainty on r climate radiative forcing according to IPCC (2013). Almeida et al. (2013) note how the | Back Close recent findings “show that the uncertainty is even greater than previously thought, be- D causeextremelylowamineemissions–whichhavesubstantialanthropogenicsources is FullScreen/Esc 25 c u and have not hitherto been considered by the IPCC – have a large influence on the s nucleationofsulphuricacidparticles.[...]Ifamineemissionsweretospreadintopris- sio Printer-friendlyVersion n tine regions of the boundary layer where they could switch on nucleation, substantial P InteractiveDiscussion a increases in regional and global cloud condensation nuclei could occur”. p e r 3213 | In spite of their supposedly important role for NPF, information on the atmospheric D is abundance and emission pathways of amines remains rather scarce. Further on, we c BGD u s focus on MA as a surrogate for other airborne amines. The most important identi- s io 12,3211–3243,2015 fied MA sources (Ge et al., 2011a) are agriculture (Schade and Crutzen, 1995; Kuhn n P 5 et al., 2011; Sintermann et al., 2014), biomass burning (Lobert et al., 1990; Andreae a p and Merlet, 2001), and the ocean (van Neste et al., 1987; Gorzelska and Galloway, e Emission of amines r 1990; Wang and Lee, 1994; Gibb et al., 1999b; Facchini et al., 2008). Many marine al- from terrestrial | gae produce MAs (Steiner and Hartmann, 1968; Smith, 1971, 1975) and even remote vegetation D oceanwatercontainsMA(andtheTMA-precursortrimethylamine-N-oxide)(Gibbetal., is c J.Sintermannand 10 1999b, a; Gibb and Hatton, 2004). Such marine amines might represent an important u s A.Neftel contributiontooceanicsecondaryaerosol(Myriokefalitakisetal.,2010).Asaminesare s io ubiquitous in plant and animal life (Smith, 1971; Dey et al., 1997), terrestrial vegeta- n P tion is thought to provide another, albeit very weak, source for amines, including MAs a p e TitlePage (Schade and Crutzen, 1995; Ge et al., 2011a). Towards the end of the 19th century r 15 until the 1970s, some authors have described high MA abundances associated with | Abstract Introduction tissue and the flowering of certain plant species. This kind of MA source has not yet D Conclusions References been elucidated in relation to the discovered key role of amines in NPF. is c Here,wesummarisethecurrentstateofscienceregardingtheimportanceofamines us Tables Figures s for NPF and discuss information on the source of MAs from terrestrial vegetation in io n order to reveal essential research targets and provide important perspectives on the (cid:74) (cid:73) 20 P a matter.Abetterunderstandingofamineemissionpathwayswouldhelptointerpretfield p e (cid:74) (cid:73) observationsofNPFandisultimatelyrequiredforthedescriptionofNPFinchemistry- r transport models. | Back Close D is FullScreen/Esc c 2 The role of airborne amines in new aerosol particle formation u s sio Printer-friendlyVersion Kulmala et al. (2013) describe atmospheric NPF as a mechanism involving three- n 25 P InteractiveDiscussion regimes:(1)predominantlyneutralmolecularclusters(diameter<1.1to1.3nm)nucle- a p ate,butfurthergrowthisinhibitedbecauseofclusterre-evaporation;(2)thesmallclus- e r 3214 | ters are efficiently stabilised by combination of SA with a base (NH /amines) (1.1 to D 3 is 1.3to1.5to1.9nm);(3)theseactivatedclusters(>1.5to1.9nm)growmorerapidlyby c BGD u s condensation of other vapours and coagulation of clusters. The importance of amines s io 12,3211–3243,2015 for NPF has recently been established by field (Angelino et al., 2001; Makela et al., n P 2001;Smithetal.,2010;Zhaoetal.,2011)andlaboratoryexperiments(Murphyetal., a 5 p 2007; Berndt et al., 2010; Erupe et al., 2011; Bzdek et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2011; Yu e Emission of amines r et al., 2012; Zollner et al., 2012; Almeida et al., 2013; Jen et al., 2014; Kurten et al., from terrestrial | 2014), as well as from modelling studies (Kurten et al., 2008; Barsanti et al., 2009; vegetation D Bzdek et al., 2010; Ortega et al., 2012; Loukonen et al., 2010; Nadykto et al., 2011; is c J.Sintermannand Paasonen et al., 2012; Almeida et al., 2013; DePalma et al., 2014). On a molecular u 10 s A.Neftel level,Kurtenetal.(2014)observedhowDMAstabilisesSA,increasingthestableclus- sio n terconcentrationbyupto6ordersofmagnitude.DMA(andtheotherMAs)isastronger P base than NH which is one of the main reasons for its stabilisation efficiency (Ortega a 3 pe TitlePage etal.,2012).ComparedtotheNPFratecausedbySAand2to250pptNH alone,the r 3 15 enhancement is 3 to 4 orders of magnitude higher in conditions with 5 to 140ppt DMA | Abstract Introduction and10pptNH underSAmixingratiosuptoappt(Almeidaetal.,2013).Investigating 3 D Conclusions References higherSAmixingratios(approximately1–250ppt),Jenetal.(2014)foundanincrease is c in cluster concentration of roughly 2 orders of magnitude, caused by DMA or TMA us Tables Figures s compared to the maximum caused by NH alone. From SA and DMA, Kurten et al. io 3 n 20 (2014) detected NPF rates close to the collision rate between both molecules, which P (cid:74) (cid:73) a represents the maximum possible kinetic limit. They argue that collision rate-driven p e (cid:74) (cid:73) NPF might be observed only with a DMA concentration higher than a threshold of ap- r proximately100timestheSAconcentration,becauseofclustercoagulationandfission | Back Close (seeOrtegaetal.,2012).Accordingly,Almeidaetal.(2013)andJenetal.(2014)iden- D 25 tifiedbaseconcentrationsabovewhichtheenhancingeffectofthealkalinegasspecies isc FullScreen/Esc u becomes saturated. Then, the NPF rate may proceed at its maximum, which is char- s acteristic for each base. These base threshold concentrations were only 5 to 10ppt sio Printer-friendlyVersion n DMA in the experiments of Almeida et al. (2013), and 20ppt DMA, 30ppt TMA, 80 to P InteractiveDiscussion a 180ppt MMA, 1.1 to 1.8ppb NH3 in the Jen et al. (2014) study. With the base exceed- pe r 3215 | ing its (SA-dependent) threshold concentration, the NPF rate solely depends on the D is availability of SA (Kurten et al., 2014). c BGD u s Intheatmosphere, SAiscontinuouslyformed in-situviaoxidation ofsulphurdioxide s io 12,3211–3243,2015 (Boyetal.,2005).TypicalSAmixingratioscoverarangefrom0.005to5ppt(Eiseleand n P 5 Tanner, 1993; Petäjä et al., 2009; Almeida et al., 2013). Hence, the emissions of the a p alkaline gases determine, to a large part, the potential for NPF. In polluted air masses, e Emission of amines r for example close to intensive agricultural activities or at urban environments, usually from terrestrial | enough airborne NH and MAs exist (Ge et al., 2011a; Sintermann et al., 2014) to vegetation 3 D favourhighNPFrates.ThehighconcentrationsofexistingparticlesoftenhinderNPFby is c J.Sintermannand 10 acting as coagulation sink for newly formed clusters (Kerminen et al., 2001; Dal Maso u s A.Neftel et al., 2007; Westervelt et al., 2014). In clean pristine air, however, the addition of s io small amounts of an atmospheric base is expected to promote NPF. This much more n P efficiently, if that base is a MA rather than NH . Thus, MA emissions in regions with a 3 p e TitlePage clean air will have a strong impact on NPF – especially when they are not coupled to r 15 larger NH3 emissions. | Abstract Introduction In the environment, the availability of emitted MAs for NPF is constrained by their D Conclusions References removal via dry and wet deposition, gas-phase oxidation – mainly by the hydroxyl rad- is c ical – (Ge et al., 2011a; Lee and Wexler, 2013), and condensation onto pre-existing us Tables Figures particles. The latter is an efficient removal process yielding a range of MA lifetimes sio depending on the aerosol number-size distribution and the assumed uptake coeffi- n (cid:74) (cid:73) 20 P a cient (defined as the fraction of molecules being permanently removed from the gas p e (cid:74) (cid:73) phase by collision with an existing particle). Sintermann et al. (2014) roughly estimate r a condensation sink lifetime of TMA of 0.5 and 17min for a high and lower aerosol | Back Close burden, respectively, based on an uptake coefficient of 1. Using a chemistry-transport D model, approximating amine emissions by scaling with those of NH (the approach is FullScreen/Esc 25 3 c u taken by Schade and Crutzen, 1995), including oxidation, deposition, and the conden- s sation sink, Yu and Luo (2014) derive atmospheric MA lifetimes. With a maximal up- sio Printer-friendlyVersion n take coefficient of 0.03, they calculate atmospheric residence times of approximately P InteractiveDiscussion a 1h over Europe, eastern Asia, and the eastern US compared to 3 to >5h in more re- p e r 3216 | moteregions.AccordingmodelledMMA/DMA/TMAconcentrationsspanapproximately D is 5/2/10pptoverIndia,2/0.5/5to5/1/10pptoverChinaandpartsofAfricaandSouth c BGD u America, 0.2/0.1/0.5 to 2/0.5/5ppt over the major parts of the other continents to ss io 12,3211–3243,2015 0.05/0.02/0.1 to 0.5/0.2/0.5ppt in more remote regions (excluding the polar areas). n P 5 Comparing their results to existing concentration measurements they suggest, how- a p ever, that emissions further away from urban areas, and hence concentrations, might e Emission of amines r besubstantiallyunderestimated.Thiswouldbeemphasizedevenmorestronglybythe from terrestrial | finding that the estimated agricultural amine emissions do not scale with a constant vegetation D ratio throughout all NH emission stages (Kuhn et al., 2011; Sintermann et al., 2014). 3 is c J.Sintermannand 10 In conclusion, the short atmospheric residence time of MAs implies that only local to u s A.Neftel regionalemissionsarecrucialinpromotingNPF.Emissionsintocleanairwouldspread s io the MA potential for NPF further than in situations with higher aerosol burdens. n P Measurements of atmospheric MAs are challenging and reports of concentrations a p e TitlePage in regions away from potential urban, agricultural, or marine sources are rare. Si- r 15 multaneous observations of MAs and NH3 and NPF in remote areas would be es- | Abstract Introduction sential to characterise the corresponding interactions. As far as we know, the only D Conclusions References campaigns at comparably remote c ontinental regions have been carried out at the is c Finnish boreal forest site Hyytiälä (Hari and Kulmala, 2005). Sellegri et al. (2005) us Tables Figures s found 34 to 80ppt TMA (and 12ppt DMA which was below the detection limit) dur- io n ing a short period in spring 2003, whereas Kieloaho et al. (2013) determined ambient (cid:74) (cid:73) 20 P DMA+ethylamine(EA)andTMA+propylamine(PA)fromMaytoOctober2011.High- ap e (cid:74) (cid:73) est concentrations DMA+EA and TMA+PA amounted to 157±20 and 102±60ppt, r respectively, in September/October, which were thought to originate from litterfall- | Back Close emissions. DMA+EA exhibited somewhat smaller concentration peaks (>50ppt) D at the beginning of June and in July/August. Diethylamine (DEA) from unassigned is FullScreen/Esc 25 c u sources was also measured and peaked in the summer months (15.5±0.5ppt). The s observation of NPF events was only moderately correlated to the occurrence of the sio Printer-friendlyVersion n measured amines. As shown by Hellén et al. (2014), the amines were generally more P InteractiveDiscussion a abundant at the boreal forest site than in the urban environment of Helsinki during the p e r 3217 | same period. It appears striking that the prevailing amine concentrations at the bo- D is real forest exceed the threshold values given by Almeida et al. (2013) and Jen et al. c BGD u (2014) at which the maximum NPF rate could occur. Schade and Crutzen (1995) es- ss io 12,3211–3243,2015 timated an average MA:NH emission ratio of 0.7% from agricultural sources, which n 3 P 5 areassumedtodominatetheanthropogenicMAsourceandlikewise,Sintermannetal. a p (2014) measured a maximum TMA emission ratio o f 1%. By contrast, simultaneous e Emission of amines r measurements of MAs and NH at a coastal-rural site, with potential marine source from terrestrial 3 | influence, indicated time averaged concentration ratios DMA:NH =1.6 to 3.5% and vegetation 3 TMA:NH =0.75to3.9%(Freshouretal.,2014).Inanotherstudyattworuralforested D 3 is 10 areas,theMA:NH3 ratiodidnotexceed1%,butcorrelationwithisopreneledtospec- cus J.SinAte.rNmeaftnenl and ulationaboutavegetationsource(Youetal.,2014).Despitehighmeasurementuncer- s io tainties (Freshour et al., 2014), such elevated MA concentrations and higher ratios to n P NH in comparatively remote situation compared with agricultural environments, could a 3 p e TitlePage point towards vegetation as another source for MAs. r | Abstract Introduction 3 Vegetation as a potentially significant source for gas-phase amines D Conclusions References 15 is c Ithasbeenobservedthatadiversegroupofseveralplantspeciesexhibitsexceptionally us Tables Figures s high amounts of MAs associated (a) either generally with their vegetative tissue (e.g. io n (cid:74) (cid:73) foliage), or (b) with blossoms during flowering (Smith, 1971, 1975). These species are P a p MAreservoirsrepresentingstrongpotentialMAemitters.Wicke(1862)wasamongthe e (cid:74) (cid:73) r firsttodescribetheemissionofTMAfromplants.HeobservedtheoccurrenceofTMA 20 | Back Close incondensedtranspirationofChenopodiumvulvaria,knownforitsfish-likesmellwhich ischaracteristicofTMA.Remarkably,hesawsomekindof“fog”emergingwhenexpos- Dis FullScreen/Esc ingaHCl-coatedglassrodtotheairclosetotheplant.Hemightindeedhavebeenthe c u firstscientisttowitnesstheeffectsofNPFfromTMAneutralisingtheacid.Atthattimeit ssio Printer-friendlyVersion had been known that also pears (Pyrus communis), hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), n 25 P InteractiveDiscussion andtherowan(Sorbusaucuparia)containTMAintheirblossoms(Wicke,1862).Later, a p theextremelyhighTMAcontentofChenopodiumvulvariawasestablishedbyCromwell e r 3218 | (1950)andCromwellandRichards(1966),whofollowedtheworksofPowerandChes- D nut(1925);Vickery(1925);KleinandSteiner(1928);SteinerandLöffler(1929);Vickery isc BGD u s (1932), among others. By then, the range of higher plants with a high MA content in s io 12,3211–3243,2015 foliage or blossoms had been extended to a few more species. Further on, Stein von n P 5 Kamienski (1957a, b, 1958) and Steiner (1966) provided measurements comprising a p the identification of MAs in foliage and especially blossoms of various plants (trees, e Emission of amines r bushes, herbs), a larger number of fungi, and even some lichen and moss, demon- from terrestrial | strating that enrichment of volatile amines is widespread among some families (like vegetation D Araceae, Caprifoliaceae, Cornaceae, Rosaceae, Umbelliferae) and almost not found is c J.Sintermannand 10 in other families (Labiatae, Papilionaceae) (Smith, 1971). Volatile amine abundance u s A.Neftel is highly species-specific and may depend on phenology and site (Stein von Kamien- s io ski,1957a;Steiner,1966;Smith,1971).Smith(1971)reviewedthestateofknowledge n P aboutaminesandplantsatthattime.MMA,DMA,andTMAhavecommonlybeenfound a p e TitlePage intheamine-enrichedvegetation.TableA1(Appendix)summarisesspeciesassociated r 15 with MAs found in the literature. Some examples of higher plant species, which are | Abstract Introduction widespread in Europe, include: Castanea sativa, Cornus sanguinea, Crataegos laevi- D Conclusions References gata,Crataegusmonogyna,Mercurialisannua,Mercurialisperennis,Pyruscommunis, is c Sorbus aucuparia, among others. us Tables Figures s ItisnotentirelyclearwhichpathwaysleadtoMAcreationwithinsuchplants(Steiner, io n 1966; Smith, 1971). In principle, formation pathways are the decarboxylation of amino (cid:74) (cid:73) 20 P a acids and transamination from aldehydes (Cromwell and Richards, 1966; Steiner, p e (cid:74) (cid:73) 1966; Steiner et al., 1967; Smith, 1971, 1975; Wink and Hartmann, 1981; Dey et al., r 1997; Farquhar et al., 1983; Bagni and Tassoni, 2001; Dudareva et al., 2013). Most | Back Close measurementsaddressedtheMAcontentwithinthetissueofvegetationpartssuchas D fruiting bodies, foliage, and especially blossoms. However, the MAs are also released is FullScreen/Esc 25 c u intothegasphase.Oftenthecharacteristicsmellwasobserved,indicatingthatamines s were also being emitted from the living plant. In fact, many plants use the chemical sio Printer-friendlyVersion n mimicryeffectofaminoidfragrances,resemblingexcrementsanddecay,inordertoat- P InteractiveDiscussion a tract dung and carrion insects, such as flies and beetles, for pollination. The scents in- p e r 3219 | volveacomplexcompositionofmanydifferentvolatileswithvariousnitrogen-containing D is compounds (Dobson, 2006; Abrol, 2012; Woodcock et al., 2014). It has been recog- c BGD u s nised that MA volatilisation from blossoms plays an important role in that pollination s io 12,3211–3243,2015 mechanism (Smith, 1971). It might also be that amines serve as antioxidants (Larson, n P 5 1988). a p At least 15 different amines have been identified as floral scent compounds, and e Emission of amines r generally the quality and quantity of scents varies spatially and temporally, from plant from terrestrial | toplant,andbetweenspecies(DudarevaandPichersky,2006;KnudsenandGershen- vegetation D zon,2006).Theblossomsareusually,butnotnecessarily,ofwhite,green,orred-brown is c J.Sintermannand 10 colour and often exhibit the characteristic amine odour (Stein von Kamienski, 1957a). u s A.Neftel One example of plants using MAs as part of a pollination strategy is the hawthorn s io (here: Crataegus monogyna and Crataegus laevigata). Hawthorn shows the charac- n P teristic scent of TMA (El-Sayed, 2014). It is striking that already in medieval times a p e TitlePage hawthorn branches were a symbol of the Black Death, since the hawthorn’s fragrance r 15 mimics decay (Vickery, 1995). | Abstract Introduction Our own dynamic chamber measurements using Chemical Ionisation Mass Spec- D Conclusions References trometry (CIMS) highlight strong TMA emissions from freshly cut twigs with blossoms is c ofCrataeguslaevigataandCornussanguinea(Fig.1).Thesemeasurementsoriginally us Tables Figures s hadanexplorativeintention,butwetentativelyderiveemissionestimates.HighestTMA io n emissions from the approximately 45 Crataegus laevigata blossoms were in the range (cid:74) (cid:73) 20 P −1 −1 a 0.019–0.038nmols and peaked between 0.011 and 0.022nmols for Cornus san- p e (cid:74) (cid:73) guinea (5 umbels). 1000 (as an arbitrary number) blossoms or 100 umbels, respec- r −1 tively, would thus have emitted up to 0.84 and 0.44nmols . As a comparison, the | Back Close TMA emissions from 1 square meter covered with a mix of farm animal excrements, D as a very strong TMA source, have been determined to be of the order of 10nmols−1 is FullScreen/Esc 25 c u (Sintermann et al., 2014). It is striking that the NH volatilisation from the blossoms s is much lower than that of TMA, implying that in th3e absence of another significant sio Printer-friendlyVersion n NH source (like agriculture), vegetation-related MA emissions might be an important P InteractiveDiscussion 3 a pathway providing atmospheric bases available for NPF. p e r 3220 |