Emergent Aquatic Insects: Assemblage Structure and Patterns of Availability in Freshwater Wetlands of the Lower Columbia River Estuary Mary Frances Ramirez A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science University of Washington 2008 Program Authorized to Offer Degree: School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences University of Washington Graduate School This is to certify that I have examined this copy of a master’s thesis by Mary Frances Ramirez and have found that it is complete and satisfactory in all respects, and that any and all revisions required by the final examining committee have been made. Committee Members: _____________________________________________ Charles Simenstad _____________________________________________ Dan Bottom _____________________________________________ Claire Horner-Devine Date _____________________________________________ In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master’s degree at the University of Washington, I agree that the Library shall make its copies freely available for inspection. I further agree that extensive copying of this thesis is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with “fair use” as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Any other reproduction for any purposes or by any means shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature______________________ Date__________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Figures.....................................................................................................................ii List of Tables.....................................................................................................................iii Chapter 1. Introduction........................................................................................................1 Study Objectives..........................................................................................7 Chapter 2. Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Insect Emergence........................................10 Introduction................................................................................................10 Methods......................................................................................................13 Results........................................................................................................16 Discussion..................................................................................................20 Chapter 3. Insect Emergence and Export...........................................................................45 Introduction................................................................................................45 Methods......................................................................................................48 Results........................................................................................................52 Discussion..................................................................................................55 Chapter 4. Final Synthesis.................................................................................................81 References..........................................................................................................................85 Appendix A. 2006 Emergent insect densities....................................................................96 Appendix B. 2006 Proportional composition by trap type................................................98 Appendix C. 2006 SIMPER results of dissimilarity between microhabitats.....................99 Appendix D. 2006 SIMPER results of similarity within microhabitats..........................100 Appendix E. 2006 Chironomid genera densities.............................................................101 Appendix F. Sample site metrics.....................................................................................103 Appendix G. 2007 Emergent insect densities..................................................................104 Appendix H. 2007 Chironomid genera denisities............................................................106 Appendix I. 2007 Export quantities standardized by site metrics...................................108 i LIST OF FIGURES Figure Number Page 1.1. The four life stages of chironomids..............................................................................9 2.1. Map of 2006 sample locations at Russian Island, Columbia River estuary................28 2.2. Emergent insect composition and daily density, Russian Island 2006.......................29 2.3. NMDS plot of emergent insect abundance data coded by sample month, 2006........30 2.4. Monthly density of insects collected by emergent and fallout traps, 2006.................31 2.5. Daily density by microhabitat, 2006...........................................................................32 2.6. Proportional occurrence by microhabitat of common emergent insects, 2006...........33 2.7. NMDS plots of emergent insect abundance data coded by microhabitat, 2006.........34 2.8. Densities of the two dominant chironomid subfamilies, 2006...................................35 2.9. Temporal distribution of daily chironomid genera densities, 2006............................36 2.10. Proportional chironomid emergence by microhabitat, 2006.....................................37 2.11. NMDS plot with dominant chironomid densities, 2006...........................................38 2.12. Area curves for emergent insect and chironomid densities, 2006............................39 2.13. Shannon-Wiener diversity values, 2006...................................................................40 3.1. Map of 2007 sampling sites, Columbia River estuary................................................61 3.2. Emergent abundance trends, 2007 diel study.............................................................62 3.3. Daily emergent densities of select insects, 2007........................................................63 3.4. Daily emergent densities of major insect families, 2007............................................64 3.5. Shannon-Wiener diversity values for emergent insects, 2007....................................65 3.6. Daily emergent densities of major chironomid taxa, 2007.........................................66 3.7. Shannon-Wiener diversity values for chironomid genera, 2007................................67 3.8. Composition of export samples, 2007........................................................................68 3.9. Standardized counts of export samples, 2007.............................................................69 3.10. Correlation between total chironomid export and emergence, 2007........................70 3.11. Probability of export by sample month, 2007...........................................................71 3.12. Daily densities of major chironomid genera collected in 2006 and 2007.................72 3.13. Neuston sample composition and quantity from distributary sloughs, 2007............73 i i LIST OF TABLES Table Number Page 2.1. ANOSIM results for assemblage differences by microhabitat, 2006.........................41 2.2. SIMPER results for chironomid taxa by microhabitat, 2006......................................42 2.3. Seasonal counts of emergence integrated over sample period, 2006..........................43 2.4. Examples of annual insect emergence from wetland systems....................................44 3.1. Sum of emergent insect densities over seasonal sample events, 2007.......................74 3.2. ANOSIM results for assemblage differences by site, 2007........................................75 3.3. Sum of emergent chironomid densities over seasonal sample events, 2007..............76 3.4. SIMPER results for chironomid taxa by site, 2007....................................................77 3.5. Counts of taxa collected in export samples by site, 2007...........................................78 ii i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I offer my sincere thanks to all those who supported me throughout this process. I am very grateful for the guidance and advice from my thesis committee, Charles ‘Si’ Simenstad, Dan Bottom, and Claire Horner-Devine. I could not have completed this work without the invaluable help from the entire Wetland Ecosystem Team, especially Sarah Spilseth, Jeff Cordell, Jason Toft, Jennifer Burke, Beth Armbrust, and Claire Levy. Additionally, I offer many thanks to Lia Stamatiou for all her assistance in the field and lab. From how to pull start a dead boat to the local lore of Astoria, I have truly learned a lot working with Lia. I am also very appreciative to Susan Hinton, George McCabe, and Regan McNatt from NOAA Fisheries, for teaching me about the estuary and working in the mud. Leonard Ferrington, with the University of Minnesota Chironomid Research Group, graciously offered to verify some of my chironomid identifications and advise me in the learning stages of this difficult task. Financial support for my research and education came from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bonneville Power Administration, and the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. Finally, I am incredibly grateful for all the support and encouragement over the past few years from my family and friends. iv 1 Chapter 1. Introduction Estuarine ecosystems often are characterized by high primary and secondary productivity, allowing them to support a great diversity of fish and invertebrate species (Teal 1962, Odum 1980, Kneib 1997, Simenstad and Cordell. 2000, Beck et al. 2001). Tidal marshes in particular, produce large amounts of new plant tissue annually, which is then converted by bacterial decomposition and physical breakdown into organic detritus. In some estuarine systems marsh-derived detritus is a major food source for the majority of consumers (Teal 1962), including abundant epibenthic crustaceans and diverse insect assemblages. Wetland insects play a prominent role in the consumption and processing of primary production and associated detritus and serve as an important food source for higher trophic levels, including a large number of fish, invertebrate, and avian species (Davies 1984, Stagliano et al. 1998). Here I investigate the composition of emergent insects and their availability to juvenile salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in tidal wetlands of the Columbia River estuary. Recently, there has been an emerging recognition in the uniformity of wetland insects in the diets of juvenile Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) rearing in estuaries of the Pacific Northwest. There is, however, a lack of knowledge in the assemblage structure, particularly within the Chironomidae (Diptera) family, and fine-scale distribution of these emergent aquatic insects. Studying the patterns and processes of their spatial and temporal distribution within tidal channel environments provides important information on the availability of this essential prey resource to juvenile Chinook salmon. Additionally, changes in the composition of an insect community occur relatively quickly in time and space, making the group useful in monitoring the ecological condition of an area simply by examining the insects that live there. In this study, I focus on identifying patterns of insect emergence from tidal wetlands of the Columbia River estuary. I was interested in how assemblages were structured, with a particular emphasis on the chironomid family, and how the taxonomic composition changed over both spatial and temporal scales. Further, I address questions on the availability of these insects to juvenile Chinook salmon rearing in the estuary. 2 Availability may be enhanced in areas through the movement of wetland insects across aquatic boundaries, potentially serving as a subsidized resource in open water habitats away from where the insect was produced. Alternatively, their availability to juvenile Chinook may be limited through such factors as synchronized daily patterns in emergence or associations with inaccessible microhabitats. The work presented here on aquatic insect emergence and availability is nested within the larger research led by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and University of Washington on population dynamics and habitat use of juvenile Chinook salmon in the freshwater tidal marshes of the Columbia River. The importance of Northwest estuaries as nursery habitat for juvenile salmon and other nekton is well established in the literature (Healey 1982, Levy and Northcote 1982, Simenstad et al. 1982, Kneib 1997, Beck et al. 2001). In addition to providing a connection in the landscape between freshwater spawning and rearing grounds and the nutrient rich marine waters of the Pacific Ocean, estuaries reportedly offer abundant feeding opportunities, refuge from marine predators, and a physiological transition zone where juvenile fish may acclimate to saline waters (Simenstad et al. 1982, Thorpe 1994, Bottom et al. 2005). This study developed in response to questions related to this specific aspect of abundant foraging opportunities, with numerous previous reports highlighting the importance of wetland insects in the diets of juvenile Chinook salmon during their migration through and residency in many coastal estuaries (Simenstad et al. 1982) including those of the Fraser River (Levy et al. 1979, Levy and Northcote 1982), Puyallup River (Shreffler et al. 1992), Salmon River (Gray et al. 2002), and Columbia River (Lott 2004). Among wetland insects consumed by juvenile Chinook, the Chironomidae, a family of small aquatic flies, compose a large proportion, both numerically and gravimetrically, of the diets of fish caught within a variety of wetland ecosystem types (Simenstad and Cordell 2000, Lott 2004, Gray 2005). Indices of Relative Importance (IRI) were shown to reach as high as 90% in an emergent marsh of the Columbia River estuary for the chironomid family (Lott 2004). The IRI is a compound index that describes the relative contribution of stomach contents to the diet (Pinkas et al. 1971). 3 This index is often used in many diet studies and facilitates comparisons among food types (Cortes 1997). Additionally, Lott (2004) noted the significant observation of the apparent targeting by juvenile Chinook salmon of the specific ‘emergent’ life stage in chironomids from tidal marsh channels (Lott 2004). As opposed to feeding on adults floating on the water’s surface, this behavior directly links the predator to the prey’s habitat of origin. Recent studies, however, have expanded our understanding of the importance of wetland insects by demonstrating their contribution to consumers beyond their site of origin. These insects, again particularly chironomids and other dipteran flies, constitute at times the majority of prey in the diets of juvenile Chinook caught in open water habitats, for example along mainstem beaches and in large distributary sloughs of the Columbia River estuary (Bottom et al. 2008). Furthermore, an earlier study from the Fraser River estuary, found chironomids in 31% of juvenile Chinook stomachs caught up to 300 m offshore (Whitehouse et al. 1993). Such findings demonstrate the widespread significance of wetland insects throughout the broader range of these estuarine systems. Chironomidae Chironomids, commonly known as midges, contribute to the food of an extensive range of both small and large predators throughout all stages of their life cycle (Armitage 1995), and are especially important to waterfowl and waders (King and Wrubleski 1998, Einarsson and Gardarsson 2004, Smith et al. 2007) and a vast number of fish species (Mundie 1971, Jackson and Fisher 1986, Merz 2002, Lott 2004). The family is regularly reported as the dominant insect group from wetland (Wrubleski 1987, Leeper and Taylor 1998, Stagliano et al. 1998, Whiles and Goldowitz 2001, MacKenzie and Kaster 2004) and estuarine (Williams and Williams 1998a, Strayer and Smith 2000, MacKenzie 2005) systems. They are the most widespread of all aquatic insect families, occurring on all continents (Ferrington 2008). Chironomids are also exceptionally diverse, with estimates as high as 15,000 species, and select taxa within the family are identified as able to tolerate most climates and conditions, including a wide array of water quality (Cranston