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Emergency Psychiatry Emergency Psychiatry Arjun Chanmugam, MD, MBA AssociateProfessor,DepartmentofEmergencyMedicine, TheJohnsHopkinsUniversitySchoolofMedicine, Baltimore,MD,USA Patrick Triplett, MD AssistantProfessorandClinicalDirector,DepartmentofPsychiatry, TheJohnsHopkinsUniversitySchoolofMedicine, Baltimore,MD,USA Gabor Kelen, MD ProfessorandChair,DepartmentofEmergencyMedicine, TheJohnsHopkinsUniversitySchoolofMedicine, Baltimore,MD,USA CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge,NewYork,Melbourne,Madrid,CapeTown, Singapore,SãoPaulo,Delhi,MexicoCity CambridgeUniversityPress TheEdinburghBuilding,CambridgeCB28RU,UK PublishedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica byCambridgeUniversityPress,NewYork www.cambridge.org Informationonthistitle:www.cambridge.org/9780521879262 ©CambridgeUniversityPress2013 Thispublicationisincopyright.Subjecttostatutoryexception andtotheprovisionsofrelevantcollectivelicensingagreements, noreproductionofanypartmaytakeplacewithout thewrittenpermissionofCambridgeUniversityPress. Firstpublished2013 PrintedandboundintheUnitedKingdombytheMPGBooksGroup AcataloguerecordforthispublicationisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloguinginPublicationdata Emergencypsychiatry/[editedby]ArjunChanmugam,PatrickTriplett, GaborKelen. p. ; cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-0-521-87926-2(Hardback) I. Chanmugam,ArjunS. II. Triplett,Patrick. III. Kelen,GaborD. [DNLM: 1. EmergencyServices,Psychiatric–methods. 2. Mental Disorders–diagnosis. 3. MentalDisorders–therapy. WM401] 616.890025–dc23 2012029376 ISBN978-0-521-87926-2Hardback CambridgeUniversityPresshasnoresponsibilityforthepersistenceor accuracyofURLsforexternalorthird-partyinternetwebsitesreferredto inthispublication,anddoesnotguaranteethatanycontentonsuch websitesis,orwillremain,accurateorappropriate. Everyefforthasbeenmadeinpreparingthisbooktoprovideaccurate andup-to-dateinformationwhichisinaccordwithacceptedstandards andpracticeatthetimeofpublication.Althoughcasehistoriesaredrawn fromactualcases,everyefforthasbeenmadetodisguisetheidentitiesofthe individualsinvolved.Nevertheless,theauthors,editorsandpublisherscan makenowarrantiesthattheinformationcontainedhereinistotallyfreefrom error,notleastbecauseclinicalstandardsareconstantlychangingthrough researchandregulation.Theauthors,editorsandpublisherstherefore disclaimallliabilityfordirectorconsequentialdamagesresultingfromthe useofmaterialcontainedinthisbook.Readersarestronglyadvisedtopay carefulattentiontoinformationprovidedbythemanufacturerofany drugsorequipmentthattheyplantouse. Idedicatethis book to Karen,my wonderful inspiration; to Sydney, William,and Nathan, who all remind me ofwhatis important;andto Teruni and Tamara and my parents,whose support helped make this work possible. May this book serve well those who seek to reduce suffering. ArjunChanmugam For Audrey, Hallie, andAlex, andwith thanks to James and Florence for their support andkindness. Thanks too to my colleagues at Johns Hopkins for theirwisdom,guidanceandunwaveringcommitment to our shared missions. Patrick Triplett To my late parents,Andrewand Susan Kelen, who instilledin me alove for discovery. Gabor Kelen Contents List of contributors viii Preface xi Acknowledgement xii 1 Assessment and general 12 Issues inpediatric psychiatric approach 1 emergency care 185 Patrick Triplettand J. Raymond EmilyFrosch and Patrick Kelly DePaulo 13 The evaluation ofintellectual and 2 Management of agitation and developmental disabilities 200 violence 25 Lisa S. Hovermale,Theodosia Mustapha Saheed Paclawskyj, DyanneSimpson, 3 Suicideassessments 41 and Eric Samstad Holly C. Wilcox, Annette L. Beautrais, 14 Emergency management of eating and Gregory Luke Larkin disorders 219 4 Managing substanceabuse in the GrahamW.Redgrave,JamesHarrison, acute setting 57 and Angela S.Guarda Arjun Chanmugam, Dave Milzman, 15 The acutemanagement ofpatients Curtis Bone, and Hahn Soe-Lin with psychiatric complicationsof 5 Psychosis 78 chronic illness or chronic pain 235 Paul P. Rega MichaelClark and Glenn Treisman 6 The delirious patient 94 16 Deathand dying 257 Sharon Bord CatherineA.MarcoandValerieR.Lint 7 The anxious patient 112 17 The emergencymanagement of womenwith psychiatric illness 268 Ashley D.Bone and O.Joseph Bienvenu KarenSchwartz 8 Mood disorders 130 18 The impact of culture on the acute management of psychiatric Eric L.Anderson illness 280 9 Personality disorders 148 Geetha Jayaram FrederickHouts and GlennTreisman 19 Understandingthe psychology of 10 Legal issues in the careof difficultpatients 290 psychiatric patients in the RoshniI. Thakore emergency department 156 Cynthia Major-Lewis, Dennis Barton, Patrick Triplett, and Darren Mareiniss 11 Geriatricpsychiatry 165 Appendix 294 CrystalWatkinsand Patrick Triplett Index 298 vii Contributors Eric L.Anderson, MD Arjun Chanmugam, MD, MBA AssistantProfessor Associate Professor,Departmentof Department of Psychiatry Emergency Medicine The Johns Hopkins University School The Johns Hopkins University School of of Medicine Medicine Baltimore,MD, USA Baltimore,MD, USA Dennis Barton,MD MichaelClark,MD PhysicianExecutive, Dearborn Associate Professorand Vice Chairfor Advisors, LLC ClinicalAffairs The Johns Hopkins University School Department of Psychiatry of Medicine The Johns Hopkins University School of Baltimore,MD, USA Medicine Baltimore,MD, USA AnnetteL. Beautrais,PhD Department of Emergency Medicine J. RaymondDePaulo, MD Yale University School of Medicine HenryPhipps Professorand Director New Haven, CT, USA Department of Psychiatryand Behavioral Sciences O. Joseph Bienvenu, MD,PhD The Johns Hopkins University School of Associate Professor Medicine Department of Psychiatryand Behavioral Baltimore,MD, USA Sciences The Johns Hopkins University School Emily Frosch, MD of Medicine AssistantProfessor Baltimore,MD, USA Divisionof Child & AdolescentPsychiatry Ashley D.Bone, MD Department of Psychiatry& Behavioral Sciences Department of Psychiatryand Behavioral The Johns Hopkins University School of Sciences Medicine TheJohnsHopkinsBayviewMedicalCenter Baltimore,MD, USA Baltimore,MD,USA CurtisBone, MD AngelaS. Guarda,MD Department of Psychiatryand Behavioral Associate Professorof Psychiatryand Sciences Behavioral Sciences The Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical The Johns Hopkins University School of Center Medicine Baltimore,MD, USA Baltimore,MD, USA Sharon Bord, MD James Harrison, BA Emergency Department University of Pennsylvania Schoolof TheJohnsHopkinsBayviewMedicalCenter Medicine Baltimore,MD,USA Philadelphia, PA,USA viii

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