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Emergence of overwintered larvae of eye-spotted bud moth, Spilonota ocellana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in relation to temperature and apple tree phenology at Summerland, British Columbia PDF

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Preview Emergence of overwintered larvae of eye-spotted bud moth, Spilonota ocellana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in relation to temperature and apple tree phenology at Summerland, British Columbia

J.Entomol. Soc. Brit.Columbia 101,December2004 15 Emergence of overwintered larvae of eye-spotted bud moth, Spilonota ocellana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in relation to temperature and apple tree phenology at Summerland, British Columbia HEATHER L. MCBRIEN^ ^ and GARY J.R. JUDD^ ^ ABSTRACT We recorded daily appearance ofoverwintered larvae ofeye-spottedbud moth (ESBM), & Spilonota ocellana (Denis Schiffermuller) in spring 1992, 1994, and 1996 in an un- sprayed apple orchard at Summerland, British Columbia, to relate larval emergence to degree-day (DD) accumulation and apple phenology. In all years the first larva was found between mid-March and early April, and none appeared after late April. Median emergence of larvae occurred when Mcintosh apple trees were at early, tight-cluster stage offruit-bud development. Larval head capsule measurements showed that ESBM usually overwinter as fifth and sixth instars, with a small proportion (<6%) as fourth- instar larvae. In the laboratory we monitored emergence of non-diapausing overwin- tered larvae from apple branches incubated at 8.8, 9.4, 12.9, 15.0, 18.0, and 20.9 ''C. A least-squares linear regression described emergence over this temperature range rela- tively accurately (r = 0.57, P< 0.05) and abase temperature foremergence {Tb= 1.0°C ± 0.6) was extrapolated from this regression. Regression analysis indicated median emergence should require 154.6 ± 6.7 DD above 1 ''C (DDio^). Using daily air- temperature maxima and minima and 1 March to start accumulating DD^c, the error between predicted and observed days to median emergence in the fieldwas -6.7 ±3.1 d; the regression model predictedearly in every case. Using observedlarval appearance on apples (1992, 1994, & 1996) and an iterative process, we determined that a combination of6 °C as the Tb and 1 January as a date to start accumulating DD6"c, minimized the coefficient ofvariation for the three-year mean DD6oc accumulations (82.7 ±3.5 DD6°c) required for 50% ofthe larvae to appear in the field. While this latter DD index de- scribedobserved emergence oflarvae accurately, and its use may help improve manage- ment ofESBM, it shouldbe validated using independent data before growers use it rou- tinely. Key Words: Spilonota ocellana, Tortricidae, larval development, phenology, degree days INTRODUCTION The eye-spotted bud moth (ESBM), hemisphere (Weires and Riedl 1991). Spilonota ocellana (Denis and Schiffer- ESBM is univoltine and larvae overwinter muller), is a pest of apple (Gilliatt 1932, in hibemaculae on branches ofhost plants. MacLellan 1978), blueberry (Gillespie Larvae crawl from hibemaculae in early 1985), cherry (Oatman et al. 1962), and spring to feed on leaves and blossoms. prune (Madsen and Borden 1949) through- Pupation occurs in a nest of dead leaves out fruit-growing areas in the northern and blossoms held together with silk. 'Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre, 4200 Hwy 97, Summerland, BritishColumbia, Canada VOH IZO ^Current address: Pest Management Regulatory Agency, Sir Charles Tupper Building, 2720 Riverside Dr., Ottawa,Ontario, Canada KIA0K9 ^Authortowhomcorrespondence shouldbeaddressed 16 J.Entomol. Soc.Brit.Columbia 101,December2004 Adults emerge in early summer and lay worms (Noctuidae), providing control of eggs singly on leaves (Weires and Riedl ESBM only indirectly (Madsen and Down- 1991, McBrien and Judd 1998). Summer- ing 1968, British Columbia Ministry of generation larvae arising from these eggs Agricuhure, Fisheries and Food 2004). often feed on fruit surfaces causing dam- Therefore, strategies to control ESBM spe- age and discolouration beneath leaves at- cifically needtobe developed. tached to fruit with silk (Gilliatt 1932). The ability to predict when overwin- In North America, ESBM has a history tered larvae of ESBM appear in spring of sporadic outbreaks in apple orchards wouldbe a useful tool in designing an inte- (MacLellan 1978) because insecticides grated management programme. The applied in summer against codling moth, phenology of ESBM larval emergence in Cydiapomonella (L.) often control it indi- spring has been related to apple phenology rectly (Madsen and Downing 1968, British in other areas (Gilliatt 1932, Madsen and Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Fisher- Borden 1949, Oatman et al. 1962) but this ies and Food 2004). As non-insecticidal approach has not been validated in B.C., methods like sterile male technique (Dyck Canada, and may not provide consistent and Gardiner 1992) or pheromone-based prediction of emergence on different spe- mating disruption (Judd et al. 1996, Judd cies ofhost plant and on different varieties and Gardiner 2004) have been imple- offruit trees across different years. A tem- mented to control codling moth and lea- perature-based model to predict emergence froUers (Tortricidae) in British Columbia ofoverwintered larvae may be a more use- (B.C.), feeding damage by ESBM has in- ful approach as this technique has been creased (GJRJ unpublished data), mirror- applied successfully against other species ing reports from The Netherlands of leafroUers in the Pacific Northwest (Deventer et al. 1992). Therefore, control (Brunner 1991). We describe emergence ofESBM in spring has become more criti- of overwintered larvae of the ESBM in cal. Insecticides applied in spring are often relation to degree-day (DD) accumulations timed to control leafroUers and green fruit andapple treephenology. MATERIALS AND METHODS Collecting and Handling Prunings. ensure they had completeddiapause so that Several hundred 30-cm branch sections some portion ofdiapause development was were pruned from a mixed block of not included in any estimates of post- Mcintosh, Delicious, and Spartan apple diapause development time. Prunings col- trees in an experimental apple orchard at lected on 2 February and 1 March 1992, the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre when apple buds were still dormant, were (PARC) in Summerland, B.C. on 2 Febru- placed in a controlled-environment cham- ary 1992. No insecticides were applied to ber at 19 °C under a 13:11 h L:D photo- this orchard for at least five years preced- regime provided by Daylight fluorescent ing or during this study and it was heavily tubes. On each collection date, seventy infested with ESBM larvae in 1991. Prun- 30-cm-longprunings wereplaced in aplas- ings consisting mainly of fruit-spur wood tic basin (35 cm x 35 cm x 16 cm), cov- and excluding previous years' growth were ered with polyester organza and held in transported to the laboratory, stored in place with an elastic band that prevented cardboard boxes filled with moist sawdust, larva from escaping but permitted air cir- and held in darkness at 0.4 ± 0.5 ""C until culation. On 1 March, an equivalent required. length of pruned branch sections was re- Diapause Termination. Before as- moved from laboratory cold storage (0.4 sessing temperature-dependent emergence °C) and set up identical to other pruning ofoverwintered larvae, it was important to samples. Every 24 h, prunings were re- J. Entomol. Soc. Brit.Columbia 101,December2004 17 moved from their basin and tapped sharply 1 / days to emerge). Emergence rates for to dislodge active larvae onto a white all larvae at each temperature were re- cloth. The number of larvae collected gressed against temperature using least- daily was recorded and sampling was ter- squares linear regression analysis (Zar minated when larvae went undetected for 1984). Extrapolating this linear regression seven consecutive days after they began through the x-axis gave the theoretical appearing. lower developmental threshold base tem- Emergence at Constant Tempera- perature (Arnold 1959). The number of tures. On 7 May 1992, 66 days afterbeing DDs needed for emergence of 50% of the placed at 0.4 °C as part of the diapause larvalpopulation was determinedby taking study, ca. five hundred 30-cm sections of the reciprocal of the slope of the linear prunings were removed from cold and di- regression line (Campbell et al. 1974). vided evenly among eight basins described Standard errors for estimates ofTt and DD previously. One basin of prunings was totals were calculated as described by placed in each of seven separate con- Campbell etal. (1974). Two ESBM larvae trolled-environment chambers set at 3.8, emerged within 1 d of incubation at 20.9 8.8, 9.4, 12.9, 15.0, 18.0, or 20.9 X, re- °C. The emergence rates for these two spectively, each with a photoregime of larvae were considered outliers and ex- 13:11 h L:D. One basin of prunings was cluded from linear regression analysis in returned to 0.4 °C. Constant-temperature order to maintain homogeneity ofvariance conditions were chosen to approximate the (Zar 1984). range ofair temperatures and photoregime Phenology of Larval Emergence in normally experienced by ESBM larvae the Field. Prunings infested with overwin- during spring in the Okanagan Valley. tered ESBM larvae were collected fromthe When prunings were placed in controlled- experimental apple orchard in early March temperature chambers on 7 May 1992, 1992, 1994, and 1996. Collections were larvae in the field had completed emer- made while apple buds were dormant and gence. before ESBM larvae had started to crawl One larva emerged on day 54 from from overwintering hibemaculae. As be- prunings incubated at 0.4 ''C and three lar- fore, prunings mainly consisted of fruit- vae emerged on days 9, 18, and 46 from spur wood and did not include previous prunings incubated at 3.8 °C. Therefore, years' growth. Wood was cut into 30-cm- on 1 July, 55 d after incubation, prunings length pieces and placed in cylindrical were transferred from 0.4 and 3.8 °C to the mesh bags (length - 60 cm, diameter - 25 18 °C constant-temperature incubator to cm) made from polyester organza and tied determine if larvae would emerge at the at both ends with string. Each of eight higher temperature and if their emergence mesh bags was filled with 30 prunings and m times wouldbe shorter than those placed at suspended 1.8 above ground from an constant 18 '^C fromthe outset. apple tree in the experimental orchard. Linear Regression-based Emergence Bags were suspended from a branch on the Model. A linear DD emergence model, north side oftrees to minimize exposure to lower threshold base temperature (Tb), and direct sunlight. Each bag was hung from a the DD requirements for median (50%) separate tree in the lower half of the can- emergence oflarvae were determined ana- opy but above the lowest scaffold branch. lytically using linear regression techniques No bags were hung in the border row of (Campbell et al. 1974) applied to labora- trees. tory-derived constant-temperature emer- Each day, each pruning was removed gence data. Emergence time in days for from its bag and tapped sharply on a white each larva at each constant temperature plastic tray to dislodge active larvae. The was converted to an emergence rate by inside of each bag was checked for larvae taking the reciprocal (developmental rate = after which prunings were returned to bags 18 J.Entomol. Soc.Brit.Columbia 101,December2004 and rehung in trees. Numbers of larvae and maxima using the computer pro- collected from each bag were recorded, gramme described by Higley et al. (1986). and the total number collected from all Degree-day summations were calculated in bags was pooled each day. Bags were 1992, 1994 and 1996 using all possible checked until no larvae were counted for combinations oflower threshold base tem- seven consecutive days after the first larva peratures consisting of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or appeared. The phenology of a sample of 8 °C, and 1 January, February, or March as 20 fruit buds on Mcintosh apple trees in dates to start summation. Accumulations the study site was recorded every two to from each start date up to the Julian Day three days. Fruit-bud phenology is de- (JD) on which 50% ofthe larvae appeared scribed by British Columbia Ministry of in the phenology sampling performed Agriculture, Fisheries, andFood(2004). above were calculated. Temperatures <9 Instars of Overwintered Larvae. °C were chosen as possible base tempera- Head capsule widths of overwintered lar- tures because the majority of larvae incu- vae were measured from prunings col- bated at constant temperatures <8.8 °C in lected on 1 March 1992 as part ofthe dia- the laboratory never emerged. No upper pause termination study, and from prun- temperature threshold was set. The coeffi- ings used to monitor larval emergence in cient of variation (CV) among these DD the field during 1994 and 1996. Each larva calculations for individual years was calcu- that emerged from prunings was preserved lated for each combination of base tem- in 70% ethanol and its head capsule width perature and starting date. The combina- was measured to determine instar (Gilliatt tion of base temperature and starting date 1932). Gilliatt (1932) did not provide esti- which gave the lowest CV (Arnold 1959) mates of variation for the head capsule was chosen to generate DD summations width of each of the seven larval instars, that best described the observed cumula- therefore, the midpoint between the mean tive larval emergence in 1992, 1994 and head capsule width for each successive 1996. Cumulative larval emergence data instar was used as the range for classifying (1992, 1994, and 1996) was plotted against each instar. these DD summations and a cumulative Temperature Measurement and DD Weibull function was fitted to this scatter Accumulation. Hourly air temperatures in plot (McBrien andJudd 1998). the PARC apple orchard were recorded Statistical Analyses. All statistical throughout the study using a DP-212 data- analyses were performed with SigmaStat® pod (Omnidata™, Logan, UT, USA) (Version 3.0.1, SYSTAT Software Inc., housed at 1-m height in a Stevenson Richmond, California, USA) and all ex- = screen. Degree-day summations were cal- periment-wise error rates were set at a culated by fitting a sine wave (Allen 1976, 0.05. case 4) to daily air-temperature minima RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Diapause Termination. The average to appearfollowing 28 d offield aging. By number ofdays required for ESBM larvae comparison, 50% ofthe 83 larvae coming to appear from prunings incubated at 19 °C from prunings collected on 2 February but following collection at various dates or stored at 0.4 °C for this 28-day period, did removal from cold storage are shown in so in 8.6 d, representing an 11% decline in Table 1. Fifty percent of the 74 larvae days to appear compared with larvae on coming from prunings collected on 2 Feb- prunings collected 2 February, but immedi- T ruary appeared in 9.7 d, whereas 50% of ately incubatedat 19 (Table 1). the 66 larvae coming from prunings col- Knowing when diapause terminates is lected on 1 March did so in 6 d. This dif- critical to construction and application of ference represents a 38.1%) decline in days any DD model because it establishes a J.Entomol. Soc. Brit.Columbia 101,December2004 19 Table 1. Time needed to emerge (days) at 19 °C for larvae of S. ocellana collected from the field or removedfromlaboratory cold storage in February andMarch 1992. Collection and Median emergencetime Mean i± SD) emergence time incubation Laboratory Field Laboratory Field dates stored* collected stored* collected 2 February - 9.7 - 10.8±2.3 1 March 8.6 6.0 9.0± 2.3 7.0±2.3 'One halfoffirst field collection (2 February) was placed in laboratory cold storage (0.4 T) andremovedat time ofsecond fieldcollection (1 March) biologically relevant time at which these complete diapause by 2 February and un- accumulations might start and it ensures dergo post-diapause development when more accurate determination of post- temperatures are above 0.4 °C as they were diapause development times. Whether in the field at this time of year. Collec- overwintering larvae of ESBM undergo tively, these data indicate larvae on prun- true obligatory diapause (Danks 1987) is ings removed from cold storage after 1 not known nor was it determined because March were suitable for studies on post- prunings were collected too late in winter diapause development and 1 February DD to investigate this aspect oflarval develop- might be a suitable time to start accu- ment. Those cues that might end diapause mulations inthe field. in ESBM are not known, but in temperate Emergence at Constant Tempera- insects there is often a minium time re- tures. The relative frequency of days to quirement before post-diapause develop- appear for larvae incubated at constant ment begins (Danks 1987). Whatever cues temperatures between 8.8 and 20.9 °C are are necessary to break diapause in ESBM, shown in Fig. 1. The median and mean larvae clearly develop in February if tem- days to appear are similar at each tempera- peratures are appropriate. As diapause ture indicating that each overall distribu- progresses or terminates in many species, tion is approximately normal (Zar 1984). observed times for the diapausing life stage After 54 d ofincubation at 0.4 and 3.8 °C, to hatch or emerge often shortens and be- only 1 and 3 larvae had appeared on these comes more synchronous (Tauber and prunings, respectively (Fig. 1). On day 55 Tauber 1976). Thus, a decline in average these prunings were transferred to 18 °C days to appearoremerge during incubation and aftertransfer, 50% of65 and33 larvae, that begins at different times in winter is respectively, appeared within 8.7 and 6.2 often an outward manifestation ofdiapause d. These respective median times were 0.2 progression (Judd et al. 1993, 1994). Our and 2.7 d shorter than times taken for 50% observation that average time until larvae ofthe larvae incubated at constant 18.0 °C appeared on prunings incubated at 19 °C to appear (Fig. 1). Obviously, there was after storage at 0.4 °C from 2 February to 1 little or no development occurring at 0.4 March, was only 11% shorter than those °C, while a 2.7-d shorter median emer- incubated at 19 °C on2 February (Table 1), gence time indicates some development suggests most larvae were out of diapause probably occurred during 54 d of incuba- by 2 February. By comparison, larvae tion at3.8°C. stored in the field during this same period Linear Regression-based Emergence appeared sooner when placed at 19 ^'C on 2 Model. Linear regression (Fig. 2) of the March (Table 1) than on 2 February, indi- relationship between emergence rates {}') cating they had probably undergone some and temperatures {x) between 8.8 and 20.9 post-diapause development in the field. '^C Cv = 0.0066 X - 0.0067) provided a rea- Therefore, most ESBM larvae probably sonable description (r~ = 0.57, P < 0.05) of 20 J.Entomol. Soc.Brit.Columbia 101,December2004 X 8.8 °C 15.0 0.25 n = 74 n = 57 025 0.20 Median=21.2d Median= 10.9d g20 Mean=21.8+6.7d Mean = 12±3.4d 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 i 0.05 H 0.05 iiiiLi. 0.00 i 0.00 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0o) c <D X X 9.4 18.0 I 0.25 n = 55 n = 58 0.25 0 MO- 0.20 Median= 17.5d Median= 8.9d 0.20 Mean= 18.3±5.4d Mean= 10.2±3.2d c 0.15 0.15 03) _ 0.10 0.10 cr 0 0.05 0.05 0 J. .> 0.00 0.00 4—' i05 0 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 X X 12.9 20.9 0.25 n = 76 n = 62 0.25 0.20 Median= 13d Median=7.1 d 0.20 1 0.15 Mean= 14±3.7d Mean=7.4±1.9d 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 L. I 0.00 ! 0.00 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 Days to emerge Figure 1. Relative frequency histograms for daily emergence ofpost-diapause overwintered larvae of S. ocellanaheld at various constanttemperatures. the observed emergence data. regression line indicates that halfthe popu- Extrapolation of this line to the x-axis lation of ESBM larvae should appear in provides a theoretical estimate (1.0 ± 0.6 154.4 ± 6.7 DDkc. °C) for the lower developmental threshold Phenology of Larval Emergence in (7),). The reciprocal of the slope of this the Field. Fig. 3 shows relative frequency J.Entomol. Soc. Brit.Columbia 101,December2004 21 0.15 0.10 0.00 5 10 15 20 25 Incubationtemperature(°C) Figure 2. Mean (± SD) emergence rates (solid circles ) ofpost-diapause overwintered larvae ofS. ocellana at temperatures between 8.8 and 20.9 "C. A least-squares regression line (solid line) was fitted to individual larval emergence rates and extrapolated (dotted line) to thex-axis to estimate the basetemperature threshold, Tb (1.0± 0.6 ''C). curves for daily larval emergence each fourth,fifth, and sixth instars, respectively. year. The dates for first emergence ranged The distribution ofinstars in 1994 was not from JD 75 (15 March) in 1992 to JD 96 (5 significantly different {yj = 0.614, df= 2, P April) in 1996. Fifty and 100% emergence = 0.736) than the distribution of larval in- 0-14 occurred between and 25 - 35 d, stars observed in the laboratory in 1992. respectively, after the first larva was de- In 1996, 6, 43, and 51% of the 64 larvae tected each year. The first ESBM larva observed on prunings in the field were was found in the field when Mcintosh ap- fourth, fifth, and sixth instars, respectively. ple trees were at early green-tip stage of While the proportion of fourth instars in bud development. Fifty and 95% larval 1996 was similar to that in 1992 and 1994, emergence consistently occurred in early, the overall distribution of instars in 1996 tight-cluster and late, pink-bud stages, re- was significantly different from 1992 (x" = spectively (Table 2). All larvae had 11.778, df= 2, P < 0.003) and 1994 (x" = emerged shortly after bloom began. Previ- 16.677, df = 2, P < 0.001) because of a ous observations on appearance of over- greater percentage ofsixth instars in 1996. wintered ESBM larvae in spring have In 1994, 50% of fourth, fifth, and sixth noted that larvae begin to emerge soon instars appeared in the field by JD 97, 101, after buds begin to open (Gilliatt 1932, and 102, respectively; in 1996 they oc- Madsen and Borden 1949, Oatman et al. curred on JD 106, 108, and 102, respec- 1962). tively. When all larval instars are consid- Instars of Overwintered Larvae. ered together 50% appeared by JD 100 in Among the 66 larvae which appeared on 1994, andJD 106 in 1996 (Table 2, Fig. 3). prunings incubated in the laboratory after ESBM has seven larval instars, and on field collection 1 March 1992 (Table 1), 7, apple, larvae reportedly overwinter in the 70 and 23% were fourth, fifth, and sixth fifth instar (Gilliatt 1932, LeRoux and instars, respectively. Among the 178 lar- Reimer 1959, MacLellan 1978). However, vae that appeared on prunings during field Gilliatt (1932) observed that some larvae observation in 1994, 5, 70 and 25% were also overwinter in the fourth and sixth in- 22 J.Entomol. Soc.Brit.Columbia 101,December2004 0.20 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 Juliandate Figure 3. Percent ofoverwintered larvae ofS. ocellana emerging daily in 1992, 1994, and 1996. Total larvae emergedin 1992, 1994, and 1996 were 105, 178, and64, respectively. stars. Oatman et al. (1962) reported that tach complete certainty to any of these on sour cherry ESBM larvae entered hiber- results. naculae in autumn as third instars and then Validating the Linear Regression- moulted sometime before appearing in based Emergence Model. Using our lin- spring. According to Borden and Madsen ear regression model (Fig. 2), a 1 °C base (1949), on prune ESBM larvae began to temperature, and 1 March to start DD ac- construct hibemaculae as fourth instars but cumulations, 50% of ESBM larvae were moulted during this process, and overwin- predicted to appear by JD 87, 90 and 100 tered as fifth instars. While the present in 1992, 1994, and 1996, respectively. study supports the findings of Gilliatt Predicted dates for 50% emergence were 4, (1932), because no measures of variation 10, and 6 d early, respectively (Table 2). for the mean head capsule widths used to The mean (± SD) error between predicted categorize larvae have been provided by and observed dates of50% emergence was any study, it is currently impossible to at- -6.7 ±3.1 d. The number ofDDi accu- J.Entomol. Soc. Brit.Columbia 101,December2004 23 Table 2. Relationshipbetween specific observed cumulative percentiles ofemergence ofoverwintered S. ocellaXnalarvae, fruit-budphenology ofMcintosh apple trees and degree-day accumulations above 1 (DDrc) starting 1 March in 1992, 1994, and 1996. Cumulative Percentage offruit buds at Julian emergence Year DDi each development stage ^ . -c percentile Green tip Tightcluster Pink Blossom 1992 77 93.2 100 CO/ 1OQ/I on 1<1 c 1(\f\ 11QyQyAO yo 1uu 1992 91 177.0 90 10 50% 1994 100 226.8 90 10 1996 106 209.5 95 5 1992 106 287.7 100 95% 1994 111 339.0 100 1996 115 276.3 10 90 1992 110 329.4 90 10 100% 1994 114 368.3 95 5 1996 121 320.1 70 30 ^Percentage based on 20 fruit buds. Fruit-bud phenology based on B.C. Ministry ofAgricul- ture, Fisheries, andFoodTree Fruit Production Guide (1996) mulating after 1 March to various percen- only have made the errors of prediction tiles of observed emergence of larvae in greater, thus it seems a base temperature of the field were calculated and shown to be 1 °C may be incorrect for predicting larval equally variable to 50% emergence (Table activity in spring. 2). Clearly our laboratory-derived linear Observed DD Accumulations. The development model predicted median lar- CV associated with each observed DD val emergence about 20% too early. This summation calculated using all possible deviance may arise because development combinations of three starting dates (1 of ESBM larvae in spring may not be January, February or March) and (\ - 8 solely related to temperature in the same °C) to describe observed 50%) emergence way life stages like eggs or pupae appear in the field is shown in Fig. 4. The lowest to be (McBrien and Judd 1998). Alterna- CV for this one event was obtained with a tively, overwintering larvae may have tem- starting date of 1 January and Tb of 6 °C perature thresholds for movement or feed- (Fig. 4). This Tt is not unlike that oftwo ing activity higher than the Tb we calcu- sympatric species of leafroUer in the Pa- lated from regression analysis (Fig. 2). If cific Northwest, Pandemispyrusana Kear- this were the case, overwintering larvae foot and Choristoneura rosaceana Walker, may have completed diapause or post- that have a Tt of~5 °C (Brunner 1991) and diapause development by the dates pre- emerge in spring after overwintering as dicted by the regression model, but iftem- second- or third-instar larvae. The empiri- peratures were too low forthem to move or cally-derived CV-based approach gave a feed they may not have appeared on prun- mean of 82.7 ± 3.5 DD6"c from 1 January ings until temperatures were suitable. Ac- to 50%o emergence, with a CV of4.3 (Fig. cumulating DD before 1 March, when dia- 4), whereas the mean number of DD]"c pause was likely over (Table 1), would from 1 March to 50% emergence was 24 J.Entomol. Soc. Brit.Columbia 101,December2004 15 10 1January 1February 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lowerdevelopmental basetemperature (X) Figure 4. Coefficients ofvariation associated with three-yearaverage (1992, 1994, and 1996) degree-day summations from various starting dates (1 January, 1 February, and 1 March) to 50% observed emergence ofoverwintered larvae ofS. ocellanausing different lowerbase tem- peraturesbetween 1 and 8 °C. 204.4 ± 25.3 and more variable with a CV explained partly by the difference in han- of 12.4 (Fig. 4). To provide a methodol- dling of the prunings used to monitor lar- ogy for calculating DD6»c indices associ- val emergence in the laboratory at constant ated with any percentile ofobserved emer- temperatures and to monitor emergence in gence in the field we plotted observed cu- the field. In the laboratory, prunings were mulative larval emergence against DD6°c stored at 0.4 °C in total darkness for ca. 3 accumulations after 1 January and a cumu- mo while prunings used to monitor emer- lative WeibuU fiinction accurately de- gence in the field were removed from trees scribed {R~ = 0.89, P < 0.05) this relation- ca. 10 d before larval emergence began ship (Fig. 5). It should be noted that, al- naturally. Factors besides thermal summa- though this Weibull function described tions, such as light, chill units, or moisture observed emergence with less variation which trigger flower bud development, than the laboratory-derived linear regres- may also determine when overwintering sion and 1 °C lb (Table 2), the accuracy ESBM larvae emerge. Any potentially with which this empirically-derived unknown factors that affect emergence are nonlinear equation can predict future inherently incorporated within any empiri- events needs to be validated with inde- cal model even ifthey are not understood. pendent data. The difference between a Tb For whatever reason, our data suggest a derived using this empirical approach and developmental model generated from labo- the laboratory-derived DD model may be ratory data only, may not be suitable for

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