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Emergence of fractional statistics for tracer particles in a Laughlin liquid Douglas Lundholm1 and Nicolas Rougerie2 1KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden∗ 2Universit´e Grenoble 1 & CNRS, LPMMC (UMR 5493), B.P. 166, F-38 042 Grenoble, France† (Dated: March, 2016) We consider a thought experiment where two distinct species of 2D particles in a perpendicular magneticfieldinteractviarepulsivepotentials. Ifthemagneticfieldandtheinteractionsarestrong enough, one type of particles forms a Laughlin state and the other ones couple to Laughlin quasi- holes. We show that in this situation, the motion of the second type of particles is described by 6 an effective Hamiltonian, corresponding to the magnetic gauge picture for non-interacting anyons. 1 Theargumentisinaccordwith,butdistinctfrom,theBerryphasecalculation ofArovas-Schrieffer- 0 Wilczek. It suggests possibilities to observe the influence of effective anyon statistics in fractional 2 quantumHall systems. r p PACSnumbers: 05.30.Pr,03.75.Hh A 1 The basic explanationfor the fractionalquantum Hall mersedinanatomicgasformingaquantumHalldroplet. ] effect[1–5]istheoccurenceofstronglycorrelatedfluidsas Itthusseemstimelytorevisittheemergenceoffractional l e the ground states of 2D electron gases under strong per- statistics in this context. - pendicular magnetic fields. The elementary excitations In this letter we present a derivation of the anyonic r t (quasi-particles) of these peculiar states of matter carry nature of the Laughlin quasi-holes that does not appeal s . a fraction of an electron’s charge, leading to the quan- to the Berry phase concept, and suggest a mechanism t a tization of the Hall conductance in certain fractions of bywhichthe statisticalmechanicsinfluenceofthe anyon m e2/h. Even more fascinating is the possibility that these statistics could be directly ascertained. Our main result - quasi-particles may have fractional statistics, i.e. a be- istoderiveexplicitlyaneffective,emergent,Hamiltonian d havior under continuous exchanges that interpolates be- for the test particles, see Equation (10) below. We then n o tweenthatofbosonsandthatoffermions[6–9]. Recently, propose an ansatz (19) for its ground state in a specific c it has been proposed [10–14] that this physics could be experimental regime, and compute the associated den- [ emulatedinultra-coldatomicgasessubjectedtoartificial sity (20), a measurable quantity one could use to probe 3 magnetic fields. the emergence of fractional statistics. v The main evidence for the emergence of fractional 8 statistics concerns the quasi-hole excitations of the We consider,as in the proposals [19, 20], two different 0 Laughlin wave functions [15], which occur when the fill- species of interacting 2D particles. The Hilbert space is 5 ing factor ν of the 2D electron gas is the inverse of an 2 0 oddinteger. BasedonaBerryphasecalculation,Arovas, M+N =L2 (R2M) L2 (R2N), (1) . SchriefferandWilczek[16]arguedthatacontinuous,adi- H sym ⊗ sym 1 abatic, exchange of two such quasi-holes leads the elec- 0 where M is the number of particles of the first type 6 trons’ wave function to pick up a phase factor e−iπν. and N the number of particles of the second type. For 1 This suggeststhatif the quasi-holesaretobe considered definiteness we assume that the two types of particles v: as genuine quantum particles, they should be treated as be bosons, whence the imposed symmetry in the above i anyons with statistics parameter ν. X − Hilbert spaces. The following however applies to any While this constitutes a powerful argument, a more choice of statistics for both types of particles. r a direct derivation of the emergence of fractional statistics We write the Hamiltonian for the full system as (spin seems desirable (see e.g. the discussion in [17]). It is is neglected) indeed not entirely obvious that one should identify the change in the phase of the electrons’ wave function with M N the statistics parameter attributed to the quasi-holes. H =H 1+1 H + W (x y ), M+N M N 12 j k Furthermore,themoststrikingconsequencesofquantum ⊗ ⊗ − j=1k=1 statistics—thepresenceorabsenceofanexclusionprin- XX ciple (cf. [18]), of condensationor a degeneracy pressure where — are statistical mechanics effects that cannot be ob- served by measuring Berry phases. M 1 It has recently been proposed [19, 20] that the frac- H = (p +eA(x ))2 + W (x x ) M 2m xj j 11 i− j tionalstatistics ofquantumHallquasi-particlescouldbe j=1(cid:18) (cid:19) 1≤i<j≤M X X probed by observing the behavior of test particles im- (2) 2 is the Hamiltonian for the first type of particles and W has zerorangeandn islargeenough[21–23]. Inthe 22 context of (1), n should be even, n = 2 being the most N 1 relevant case. For 2D electron gases, the second Hilbert H = (p +A(y ))2 + W (y y ) N 2 yk k 22 i− j spaceshouldbeantisymmetricandnshouldbeodd. The k=1(cid:18) (cid:19) 1≤i<j≤N X X filling factor is then ν =1/n. (3) Next we consider the situation where the inter-species that for the second type of particles. We shall denote interaction potential W is strong enough to force the X = (x ,...,x ) and Y = (y ,...,y ) the coordi- 12 M 1 M N 1 N jointwavefunctionofthesystemtovanishwheneverpar- nates of the two types of particles and choose units so that ~ = c = 1, and the mass and charge of the second ticles of different species meet, i.e. Ψ(xj = yk) = 0 for allj,k. SinceΨmuststaywithinthelowestLandaulevel type of particles are respectively 1 and 1. We keep the − of the bath particles, this forces the form freedom that the first type of particles might have a dif- ferent mass m and a different charge e < 0. The first M N typeofparticlesshouldbethoughtofas−tracersimmersed Ψ(XM,YN)=Φ(XM,YN) (ζj zk)ΨLau(ZN), − in a large sea of the second type. We shall accordingly j=1k=1 Y Y use the terms “tracer particles” and “bath particles” in where we identify ζ C with x R2. We assume j j the sequel. that choosing such an∈ansatz cance∈ls the inter-species We have also introduced: interaction,i.e. thatthe latterissufficientlyshortrange. Then, all terms of the total Hamiltonian acting on the theusualmomentap = i andp = i . • xj − ∇xj yk − ∇yk bath particles are frozen and thus Φ depends only on a uniform magnetic field of strength B > 0. Our x ,...,x . This leads us to our final ansatz 1 M • convention is that it points downwards: Ψ(X ,Y )=Φ(X )c (X )Ψqh(X ,Y ) (6) M N M qh M M N B B A(x):= x⊥ = ( x ,x ). where Ψqh describes a Laughlinstate of the N bathpar- 2 1 −2 −2 − ticles, coupled to M quasi-holes at the locations of the tracer particles: intra-species interaction potentials, W and W . 11 22 • M N • an inter-species interaction potential W12. Ψqh(XM,YN)= (ζj zk) − The splitting between Landau levels of the one-body j=1k=1 Y Y Hamiltonian appearing in HN is proportional to B, and (zi zj)ne−BPNj=1|zj|2/4. (7) we assume that it is largeenough to force all bath parti- − 1≤i<j≤N Y cles to live in the lowest Landau level (LLL) Here we choose c (X )>0 to enforce qh M H= ψ(x)=f(z)e−B|z|2/4, f holomorphic . (4) c (X )2 Ψqh(X ,Y )2dY =1 (8) qh M M N N n o ZR2N | | Note that the splitting between Landau levels for the for any X . We thus ensure normalization of the full tracer particles is rather proportional to eB/m so if M wave function Ψ by demanding that m > e it is reasonable to allow that they occupy sev- eral Landau levels. Φ(X )2dX =1. M M If in addition the bath particles’ interaction potential ZR2M | | W22 is sufficiently repulsive, we are led to an ansatz of Wenextarguethat,forawavefunctionoftheform(6) the form and if N M, N 1, ≫ ≫ Ψ(XM,YN)=ΨLau(z1,...,zN)Φ(XM,YN) (5) Ψ,H Ψ Φ,HeffΦ + BN (9) h M+N i≃ M 2 forthejointwavefunctionofthefullsystem,whereΨLau for an effective Hamiltonian(cid:10)Heff, so(cid:11)that the physics is is a Laughlin wave function: M completely reducedto the motionof the tracerparticles. ΨLau(z1,...,zN)=cLau (zi zj)ne−BPNj=1|zj|2/4 Inthisdescription,theinteractionwiththebathparticles − boils down to the emergence of effective magnetic fields 1≤i<j≤N Y in Heff: M with the coordinates Z = (z ,...,z ) CN identified swpiathceyo1n,.e.m.,uysNt i∈mRpo2.seTNtohsattayΦ1winith(i5n)Ntbhee∈halolloowmeodrHphilibceirnt HMeff = M 21m pxj +eA(xj)+Ar(xj)+Aa(xj) 2 j=1 y ,...,y . We assume that tuning the integer n allows X (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 N to completely cancel the interaction W22 between par- + W11(xi−xj). (10) ticles of the second type. It is for example the case if 1≤i<j≤M X 3 Here the original potentials A and W are inherited We turn to vindicating our claim (9). Clearly, it is 11 from (2), while A and A emerge from the interaction sufficient to show that, for any j = 1...M we have es- r a withthe bathparticles. Thesubscripts standfor “renor- sentially malizing”and“anyon”vectorpotentialsrespectively. We p Ψ c Ψqh p +A (x )+A (x ) Φ. (15) have the expressions xj ≃ qh xj r j a j Indeed,insertingthis(cid:0)intheexpressionforthe(cid:1)energyand B (x y)⊥ Ar(x)= 2πnZR2 |x−−y|2 1D(0,R)(y)dy (11) rdeecdaullcieng(9()8.)wTehemcaoynisnttaengtrainte(fi9r)stisinjutshtetYhNe LvaLrLiaebnleesrgtyo of the N bath particles. for some R √N to be defined below, and ∝ We need to recall a few facts about the Laughlin and quasi-holes wave functions. Let us denote ̺ the one- M B (x y)⊥ qh A (x )= j − 1 (y)dy particle density of the quasi-holes ansatz, a j −k=1,k6=j 2πnZR2 |xj −y|2 D(xk,lB) X (12) ̺ (y)=N c 2 Ψqh(X ,y,y ,...,y )2 qh qh M 2 N with the (conveniently scaled) magnetic length | | ZR2(N−1)| | dy ...dy , (16) 2 N l = 2/B. B which implicitly depends on X . Laughlin’s plasma M Everywhere in the paper wpe denote D(x,R) the disk of analogy (see the appendix for details) provides reason- center x and radius R, and 1D(x,R) the corresponding able approximations for ̺qh and cqh in terms of an aux- indicator function (equal to 1 in the disk and 0 outside). iliary classical mean-field problem, whose density we de- Note that A correspondsto a constantmagnetic field note ̺MF. Explicitly, assuming N 1 and N M, we r ≫ ≫ supported in a large disk, approximate curlAr(x)= Bn1D(0,R)(x), N−1̺qh ≃̺MF = 2πBnN 1D(0,R)− M 1D(xj,lB) j=1 X while Aa is generated by Aharonov-Bohm-like units of  (17) flux attached to the tracer particles’ locations: withR2 =2(nN+M)/B.Wealsoassumethatthe disks D(x ,l ) in (17) do not overlap, e.g. because the tracer j B M B particles feel a hard core preventing them from getting curlA (x )= 1 (x ). a j − n D(xk,lB) j tooclosetooneanother. Onemightstillproceedwithout k=1,k6=j X theseassumptions,butweshallsticktothesimplestcase Inthisconvention,thewavefunctionΦstillhasthesym- inthisletter. ApplyingtheFeynman-Hellmannprinciple metry imposed at the outset, and the above thus de- to the effective plasma also leads to a useful approxima- scribes anyons in the magnetic gauge picture [6–9]. tionforthederivativesofcqh withrespecttothelocation We remark that the Aharonov-Bohm magnetic fluxes of the tracer particles: are naturally smeared over a certain length scale in the c y x above (extended anyons model [24–27]). However, the ∇xj qh N − j ̺MF(y)dy. (18) derivationstrictlyspeakingrequiresthatthedisksin(12) cqh ≃ ZR2 |y−xj|2 do not overlap, e.g. that the interaction potential W With these approximationsat handwe canproceedto 11 containsasufficientlyextendedhardcore. Thus,byNew- the derivation of (15) where, from now on and without ton’s theorem one may replace loss of generality, we take j =1. Clearly, M 1(x x )⊥ ∇x1Ψ=(∇x1Φ)cqhΨqh+Φ cqh∇x1Ψqh+Ψqh∇x1cqh . A (x )= j − k . (13) a j − n x x 2 A straightforwardcalculation(cid:0) shows that (cid:1) j k k=1,k6=j | − | X Ψqh =V(x )Ψqh, Finally, we shall see below that for M N, R √N ∇x1 1 ≪ ∝ N 1 is typically very large,so that one mightwant to further V(x )= (e +ie ) 1 1 2 approximate ζ1 zk! k=1 − X B N x y N (x y )⊥ A (x)= x⊥. (14) = 1− k +i 1− k r 2n x y 2 x y 2 1 k 1 k k=1| − | k=1 | − | X X The effect of this field is thus to reduce the value of the x y (x y)⊥ N external one. This charge renormalization is due to the = x1−y2 +i x1− y2 δy=yk dy fractional charge associated with Laughlin quasi-holes. ZR2(cid:18)| 1− | | 1− | (cid:19) k=1 ! X 4 where e and e arethe basis vectorsin R2. In the state The associated free Hamiltonian (case W = 0) is then 1 2 11 Ψ, the bath particles y ,...,y are distributed accord- essentially exactly soluble (see [8, 29] and references 1 N ingtothedensity̺ ,sothatwemaysafelyapproximate therein). InthecaseofaweakinteractionpotentialW , qh 11 it is reasonable to expect that the ground state is also N dictated by the free Hamiltonian, namely δ ̺ (y) N̺MF(y) Xk=1 y=yk ≃ qh ≃ Φ(XM)=cΦ ζi ζj 1/ne−m2ωtPMj=1|ζj|2, (19) | − | forthe purposeofcomputing(9). Insertingintheabove, 1≤iY<j≤M recalling (18), we observethat the realpartofV cancels see [8, Equations(6)and (36)to (38)]. We havedenoted with c , leading to ∇x1 qh eB∗ 2 p Ψ=c Ψqh(p +ImV(x ))Φ ω = ω2+ x1 qh x1 1 t s 2m (cid:18) (cid:19) where an effective trapping frequency and c a normalization Φ ImV(x1)≃NZR2 (|xx11−−yy)|2⊥̺MF(y)dy. ceooxfnpasetrcaetnpttuh.lastiNvteohtpiesotathennasttaitaszliniWscest(i.l1l9r)eavsaonnisahbeles ianttζhie=preζsje,nwcee 11 Inserting the expression (17) of ̺MF yields As a possible probe of the situation just discussed, we note that if the state of the full system is given by (6)- ImV(x )= B (x1−y)⊥1 (y)dy (8)-(19), the one-particle density of the tracer particles 1 2πnZR2 |x1−y|2 D(0,R) can be approximated, for large M, as − 2BπnZR2 (|xx11−−yy)|⊥2 1D(x1,lB)(y)dy ρtracer ≃ mωπtn1D(0,R′), (20) B M (x y)⊥ whereR′ = M/(mω n)isfixedbynormalization. This 1− 1 (y)dy. t − 2πn j=2ZR2 |x1−y|2 D(xj,lB) follows frompthe same kind of considerations that lead X to(17),seetheappendixfordetails. Boththedistinctive The second term is clearly 0, while the first and third flat profile and the (length and density) scales involved termsgivethecontributionsof (11)and(12)respectively. are signatures of the effective anyon Hamiltonian, and This closes the argument establishing (15), and (9) fol- thusitsemergencecanbedirectlyseeninameasurement lows because of (8). ofthedensityprofileofthetracerparticles. Indeed,both the gaussian profile one would get for free bosons in the We now discuss possible measurable consequences of LLL,andtheThomas-Fermi-likeprofileinthepresenceof the above derivation. The effective Hamiltonian (10) weak pair interactions (see e.g. [30–32]), differ markedly is notoriously hard to solve, even at the ground state from (20). level(see[6–9]forreviews). Onecanhoweverusecertain known results for comparisons with experiments. For il- Conclusions. Assuming anansatz ofthe form(6) for lustration,weshallconsideracasewherethecomparison the joint wave function of the system, we have demon- seems the mostsimple anddirect. We haveacoldatoms stratedthatthetracerparticlesfeelaneffectivemagnetic systeminmind,withbothtypesofparticlesbeingbosons Hamiltonian (10). The latter contains long-range mag- held by a harmonic confinement neticinteractionswhoseformisidenticaltothoseappear- inginthe“magneticgaugepicture”descriptionofanyons 1 V(r)= ω2r2. withstatisticsparameter 1/n. Onemaythus(formally) 2 extract from Φ a phase fa−ctor to gauge A away (singu- a lar gauge transformation). The effective Hamiltonian is The (artificial) magnetic field can be imposed by rotat- thena usualmagnetic Laplacian,with reducedmagnetic ing the trap or by more elaborate means [28]. The pre- field, but the effective wave function (formally) picks up vious discussion is unchanged if the energy scale asso- a factor of e−iπ/n upon exchanging two particles, hence ciated with the trap is smaller than those entering the describes anyons. derivation, thus the effective Hamiltonian for the tracer The assumptions we made are consistent with those particles is (10), supplemented by m times the trapping of the usual Berry phase calculation [16]. Namely, the term. Aspreviouslydiscussedweusetheexpressions(13) energy scales associated to the effective Hamiltonian we and (14) for the effective fields. If eB/m is large com- derivedshouldbe smallerthan the energygapabovethe pared to the trapping energy, it makes sense to project ground state ansatz (6). thisHamiltonianontotheLLLoftheassociatedeffective The reasoning we proposed suggests a way to probe magnetic field, of strength theanyonstatistics,byadirectobservationofthecollec- eB∗ =(e n−1)B. tivebehaviorofthetracerparticles. Iftheyareoriginally − 5 bosons, they will acquire some form of exclusion princi- which can be regarded as the Hamiltonian for N 2D ple [18, 29, 33–35] whose influence could be observed. classical charged particles in a quadratic external po- We have discussed a possible set-up where simple cal- tential, interacting via repulsive Coulomb forces. The culations show measurable effects of the emergent frac- quasi-holes/tracerparticlesappearinthis representation tional statistics. The consideration of more generalsitu- asfixedrepulsivepointchargeswhoseinfluence is feltby ations will demand further studies of the trapped anyon the bath particles. gas (see however [27] and references therein for the dis- Thus, µ is characterized as the probability measure qh cussion of approximate models). This remains a topic minimizing the free energy for future investigation, as does a more mathematically rigorous derivation of the phenomenon. [µ]= Hplas(Y )µ(Y )dY + µlogµ (23) qh N N N As for possible generalizations,non-Abelian Quantum F ZR2N ZR2N Hallstatesasconsideredin[36]arenotcurrentlycovered and the minimum free energy F satisfies qh by our methods. However, if one is willing to take for granted, or argue for, appropriate replacements to (17)- F = logZ =2logc . (24) qh qh qh − (18), the approach applies to the case where the bath particlesformanotherAbelianQuantumHallstate,such Without further approximations, this rewriting is not as a composite fermions state as discussed in [19]. particularly useful, but the point is that we may use the good scaling properties of Ψqh, inherited from the fact Acknowledgments: This work is supported by the that it is of the form polynomial gaussian. Indeed, × ANR (Project Mathostaq ANR-13-JS01-0005-01) and scaling length units by a factor √N transformsthe limit the Swedish Research Council (grant no. 2013-4734). N for the effective plasma problem into a mean- → ∞ ManythankstoThierryChampel,MicheleCorreggi,Ste- field/small temperature regime. That is, it gets mapped fano Forte, St´ephane Ouvry, Gianluca Panati, Franc¸ois toyetanotherequilibriumstatisticalmechanicsproblem, D. Parmentier, Jan Philip Solovej and Jakob Yngvason butthistime withacouplingconstant N−1 andanef- ∝ for useful and stimulating discussions. fective temperature N−1. ∝ Since the minimization of (23) can be mapped to a mean-field/smalltemperatureregimebyasimplechange Appendix : The plasma analogy of scale, it is reasonable to use an ansatz of the form µ = ρ⊗N and neglect the entropy to perform the min- Hereweprovidesomesupportforourclaimsaboutthe imization. We refer to [23, 38, 39] where this approx- approximationof̺qh andcqh inEquations(17)and(18) imation is rigorously justified for related models, and respectively. As mentioned previously, we argue these to [40, 41] for numerical confirmation. Making this ma- are reasonable provided N 1, N M and nipulation leads to a classical mean-field energy func- ≫ ≫ D(x ,l ) D(x ,l )=∅ for all j =k tional j B k B ∩ 6 D(x ,l ) D(0,R) for all j =1...M. (21) j B ⊂ B M MF[ρ]= x2 2 log x x ρ(x)dx Pclhesyssihcoaulllyd,tbheetsheoausgsuhmtopftiaosnassmmeaalnlnthuamtbtehreotfraimceprupraitriteis- E ZR22| | − Xj=1 | − j|   immersed in a large sea of the bath particles. That the nN ρ(x)log x yρ(y)dxdy, (25) disks around xj and xk do not overlap assumes a hard- − ZZR2×R2 | − | core condition, that can be provided by the interaction and we should expect potential W . 11 Laughlin’splasmaanalogy,originatingin[15,37],con- ̺ N̺MF and F NEMF sists in writing qh N→≃∞ qh N→≃∞ c2 Ψqh 2 =µ = 1 exp Hplas(Y ) with EMF and ̺MF respectively the minimum and min- qh| | qh Zqh − N imizer of (25). 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