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Preview Emergence of a ZO Kohn anomaly in quasi-freestanding epitaxial graphene

Emergence of a ZO Kohn anomaly in quasi-freestanding epitaxial graphene Antonio Politano,1 Fernando de Juan,2,3 Gennaro Chiarello,1,4 and Herbert A. Fertig5 1Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` degli Studi della Calabria, 87036 Rende (Cs), Italy 2Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 3Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 4Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario di Scienze Fisiche della Materia, via della Vasca Navale 84, 00146, Rome, Italy 5Department of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA (Dated: August 18, 2015) In neutral graphene, two prominent cusps known as Kohn anomalies are found in the phonon 5 dispersionofthehighestopticalphononatq=Γ(LObranch)andq=K (TObranch),reflectinga 1 0 significantelectron-phononcoupling(EPC)toundopedDiracelectrons. Inthiswork,high-resolution 2 electron energy loss spectroscopy is used to measure the phonon dispersion around the Γ point in quasi-freestandinggrapheneepitaxiallygrownonPt(111). TheKohnanomalyfortheLOphononis g observedatfinitemomentumq∼2k fromΓ,withashapeinexcellentagreementwiththetheory F u andconsistentwithknownvaluesoftheEPCandtheFermilevel. Morestrikingly,wealsoobserve A a Kohn anomaly at the same momentum for the out-of-plane optical phonon (ZO) branch. This observationisthefirstdirectevidenceofthecouplingoftheZOmodewithDiracelectrons,whichis 6 forbidden for freestanding graphene but becomes allowed in the presence of a substrate. Moreover, 1 we estimate the EPC to be even greater than that of the LO mode, making graphene on Pt(111) an optimal system to explore the effects of this new coupling in the electronic properties. ] l l a h Introduction -Kohnanomaliesarekinksinthephonon nificantly lower energy than the in-plane branches with - dispersionofamaterialproducedbyabruptvariationsin strong EPC. The observation of a Kohn anomaly for s e thescreeningofatomicvibrationsbygaplesselectrons[1– the ZO phonon [21] would represent a definitive proof m 3]. The properties of these anomalies are completely de- of the existence of the EPC for this phonon branch and . terminedbytheelectron-phononcoupling(EPC)andthe would allow an estimate of it. Herein, we demonstrate t a shapeoftheFermisurface,andtheirobservationthusof- the existence of precisely this Kohn anomaly by means m fers a window to study the interplay between electronic of high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy [22] - properties and phonon dynamics. (HREELS) measurements on monolayer graphene grown d As a paradigmatic example, in graphite [4–7] and on Pt(111). In addition, we also present evidence of the n o graphene [8–15], Kohn anomalies are realized as linear expected Kohn anomaly for the E2g phonon branch. c cusps in the dispersion of the highest optical phonon Graphene on Pt(111) is an ideal playground for inves- [ branches at Γ (the E phonon) and at K (the A(cid:48) tigating the possible emergence of a ZO Kohn anomaly, 2g 1 2 phonon). The form and position of this cusp is deter- as it is characterized by the weakest graphene-substrate v minedbytheDiracfermiondispersionoftheelectronicπ interaction [23]. The graphene-Pt distance (3.31 ˚A) lies 8 bandsaroundK andtheFermilevelµ≈0. Thesetwoin- close to the c-axis spacing in graphite. Moreover, the 8 planephononbranchesarecommonlyacceptedtobethe electronic structure of graphene on Pt(111) resembles 8 onlyoneswithasignificantEPCingraphene[16]. Within that of isolated graphene [24], with the Dirac fermion 6 0 a tight-binding picture, these are the only branches that dispersion of π bands preserved. Angle-resolved pho- . modify the nearest neighbor hopping integrals, so other toemission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments [24] do 1 0 in-planephononsrequireadifferentmechanismtocouple not show any significant hybridization of the graphene π 5 to electrons. stateswithPtd-states,whichsimplysuperposeinenergy 1 For the case of out-of-plane phonons, the EPC is with minimal interaction between them. This is in con- : v strongly constrained by the presence of mirror symme- trast to the case of, for example, graphene on Ni(111), i try with respect to the horizontal plane which forbids a wherethehybridizationofthegrapheneπ-stateswiththe X first order coupling to electrons, at least in free-standing Ni d bands has a very strong effect on the π bands [25]. r graphene. When graphene is supported by a substrate The graphene sheet grown on Pt(111) is p-doped with a a a first order EPC becomes allowed in principle [17, 18], shift by 0.30±0.15 eV of the Fermi level from the Dirac butithasremainedunknownwhetheritsstrengthislarge point. enough to produce any significant effect. In particular, Experimental methods - Experiments were carried out for the out-of-plane optical mode (the ZO mode), it has in an ultra-high vacuum chamber operating at a base been speculated that a finite coupling could be respon- pressure of 5·10−9 Pa. The sample was a single crystal sible for a Peierls instability to a spontaneous buckling of Pt(111). The substrate was cleaned by repeated cy- of the lattice [19, 20], which has not been observed so cles of ion sputtering and annealing at 1300 K. Surface far. A coupling of the ZO mode to electrons would in- cleanliness and order were checked using Auger electron fluence many physical properties, since the ZO has sig- spectroscopy and low-energy electron diffraction mea- 2 incident angle θ were chosen so as to obtain the highest i signal-to-noise ratio. A primary beam energy of E =20 p eV provided the best compromise among surface sensi- tivity, the highest cross-section for mode excitation and momentum resolution. The angular acceptance of the apparatus was α=±0.5°, which determines the momen- tum resolution as (cid:18) (cid:113) (cid:19) (cid:112) ∆q = 2mE cosθ + 1−E /E cosθ α (2) (cid:107) p i loss p s For the investigated range of q , ∆q was found to range (cid:107) (cid:107) from 0.005 near Γ to 0.022 ˚A−1 at K. To obtain the en- ergies of loss peaks, a polynomial background was sub- tracted from each spectrum. The resulting spectra were fitted by a Voigt line shape [28]. All measurements were made at room temperature. Experimental results - The phonon spectrum in graphene is composed by six phonon branches. Four vi- FIG. 1. HREELS intensity plot for phonon dispersion of brate in-plane and are labeled transverse and longitudi- graphene/Pt(111). Phonon modes have been recorded in nalacoustic(TAandLA)andoptical(TOandLO).The HREELSspectraacquiredinoff-speculargeometrywiththe othertwoareacousticandopticalout-of-planevibrations sample oriented along the Γ−M direction. The incidence angle is θ = 80° with respect to the surface normal and the (ZA and ZO). Fig. 1 shows a map of the HREELS in- i primary electron beam energy is E = 20 eV. To put in ev- tensity as a function of energy and momentum, where p idence only inelastic losses due to phonons, the tail of the four phonon branches (ZA,ZO,LA,LO) can be clearly elastic peak is grayed out for clarity. The LO, LA, ZO and observed. Their dispersion is consistent with previous ZA branches are clearly identified, while the TO and TA are works [25, 29, 30]. The other two phonon branches (TO barely visible due to a selection rule [26]. Note the very low and TA) are practically absent because a selection rule intensity of the ZO mode close to Γ. Yellow lines are fits to that forbids the emission of odd phonons under reflec- the dispersion obtained with higher resolution data, where tions by the scattering plane [26]. This is also clearly Kohn anomalies can be appreciated (see text for details). observed in Fig. 2, where the energy loss is plotted for . a selected angle, and four peaks are clearly identified. Thedisplacementpatternforeachofthesefourmodesis surements, respectively. Graphene was attained by dos- ing ethylene onto the clean Pt(111) substrate held at 0.04 1150 K. The completion of the first layer was reached LA LO ZA ZO upon an exposure of 3·10−8 mbar for ten minutes (24 L, 1 L = 1.33·10−6 mbars). The graphene layer was (cid:76)s characterized by Raman spectroscopy, low-energy elec- nit 0.03 LA U LO tron diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy ex- b. ZA ZO periments [27, 28]. In particular, Raman measurements Ar (cid:72) 0.02 indicate the unique presence of monolayer graphene do- sity mains. n e HREELS experiments were performed by using an Int 0.01 electron energy loss spectrometer (Delta 0.5, SPECS) with an energy resolution ranging from 1 to 3 meV. The dispersion of the peaks in the energy loss Eloss was mea- 0.00 50 100 150 200 250 sured by moving the analyzer while keeping the sample andthemonochromatorfixed. Thephononin-planemo- Eloss(cid:72)meV(cid:76) mentum was determined from (cid:126)q = (cid:126)k sinθ −(cid:126)k sinθ (cid:107) i i s s FIG. 2. Selected phonon spectrum from the dataset of Fig 1 as at θ = 48°, which corresponds to q = 0.56 ˚A−1. The TA (cid:112) (cid:18) (cid:113) (cid:19) andsTOmodesarenotobservedduet(cid:107)oaselectionrule. Inset: q = 2mE sinθ − 1−E /E sinθ (1) (cid:107) p i loss p s Phonondisplacementsforthefourphononsobserved. Crosses and circles denote displacements in and out of the plane re- where θ and θ are the incident and scattering angles, spectively. i s and we set (cid:126) = 1. The impinging energy E and the p 3 a) b) c) 112 201.0 LO ZO (i) 110 200.5 108 (ii) UnitsUnits LL(iv) wmeV 112990990...050HL wmeV 111000246 HL (iv) IntensityArb.IntensityArb. (i) HH((iiiii)) 100 (iii) 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 9900 111100113300 q fi-1 q fi-1 wwmmeeVV FIG.3. PhonondispersionsclosetotheΓpoint,showingcuspsaroundaroundqc ∼0.13˚A−1. a)DispersionoftheLOHpHhonLLon. A fit to Eq. 8 (full line) gives aHn ELPC λ =0.029, and parameters ω0 =200.6 meVH, aL =−110 meV ˚A2, b =558 meV LO LO LO LO ˚A4. b) Dispersion of the ZO phonon. A fit to Eq. 8 (full line) gives an EPC λ =0.087 and ω0 =102.3 meV, a =−810 ZO ZO ZO meV ˚A2, b =5243 meV ˚A4. c) Representative spectra used to produce b). The frequencies are marked with a dashed line. ZO Note the fits in a) and b) are also shown in Fig. 1 as yellow lines. shown as an inset to Fig. 2. thors [29], a dip for both LO and ZO at finite momen- We now focus on the dispersion of the ZO and LO tum is in fact seen but was not noticed or discussed. In modes around Γ. As usual, the ZO mode is significantly Ref. [33], the LO anomaly was incorrectly presented by softened compared to the LO mode, due to the higher shifting it to the Γ point due to a misunderstanding, but freedomforatommotionperpendiculartotheplanewith in fact occurs at finite momentum as well. To substanti- respect to the in-plane motion. The intensity of the ZO atetheclaimthatthesecuspsareinfactKohnanomalies, phononatsmallmomentahasverylowweight, asshown we now compute the self-energies of both LO and ZO in the intensity plot reportedin Fig. 1 (see also [28]). To phonons following the conventions of Refs. [14, 16, 34] enhance the signal-to-noise ratio from the ZO phonon in and compare the predictions to the experimental data. thenearnessofΓ,eachspectrumwasacquiredforseveral Theory - The dispersion of the phonons around Γ is days. While this allowed us to resolve the ZO loss peak, modified because of their coupling to electrons, which at the error bars for its frequency are still in general larger low energies can be modeled with a Dirac Hamiltonian than for other branches. A careful fitting procedure [28] (cid:90) d2k (cid:16) (cid:17) was used to extract the experimental frequencies for the H = ψ† v (cid:126)σ·(cid:126)k−µ ψ, (3) LO and ZO phonons for small momenta, which are re- (2π)2 F ported in Fig. S3. The most striking feature in these with (cid:126)σ = (σ ,σ ) are Pauli matrices, v is the Fermi plots is that they both display a clear cusp at the same x y F velocity and µ is the chemical potential. This effective momentum q ∼ 0.13˚A−1. This strongly suggests that model is applicable up to energies Λ ≈ 1.5 eV or mo- E both cusps are Kohn anomalies at q =2kF, which origi- menta Λ = Λ /v = 0.25 ˚A−1, beyond which the dis- q E F natefromtheinteractionofphononswithelectrons. The persionisnolongerlinear. Therefore,ourpredictionsare Fermi wave-vector k = E /v can be estimated from F F F onlyvalidforphononmomentawithinthisrangeaswell. ARPES measurements of graphene/Pt(111) [24]. The The phonon Hamiltonian is reported values of the Fermi energy and Fermi veloc- 2itkyFa≈re0E.1F0±≈00.0.350˚A±−10,.i1n5geoVodaangdreveFme≈nt6weitVh˚At.heTphoussi-, H =(cid:88)(cid:90) (2dπ2q)2ωi(q)b†i,qbi,q, (4) i tion of the cusp found in this work. The position of the G peak in our Raman measurements [28] can be used to withcreationanddestructionoperatorsdefinedbytheef- estimate [31, 32] EF ∼0.42 eV, also in good agreement. fective displacements associated with each phonon mode While a Kohn anomaly for the LO mode is known to occur, the presenceof the cuspfor the ZOmode is unex- (cid:114) A (cid:90) d2q u = c (b eiq(cid:126)(cid:126)r+b† e−iq(cid:126)(cid:126)r), (5) pected and represents the first evidence of the coupling i 4ω M (2π)2 i,q i,q i of the ZO mode to electrons. In hindsight, by carefully √ inspecting the phonon dispersion recorded for graphene where i = LO,TO,ZO and A = 3 3a2/2 is the unit c on Pt(111) in a previous experiment by some of the au- cell area, with a = 1.42˚A the nearest neighbor distance. 4 The dispersions of the phonons ω (q) are analytic in the experiments. Forexample,theEPCisvisibleintheelec- i absence of EPC. For momenta close to the Γ point they tron dispersion, in the form of a kink at the phonon fre- can be expanded as ω (q) = ω0+a q2+b q4, where ω0, quencythatisobservablebyARPES[9]. Theexistenceof i i i i i a and b are parameters to be fitted from experimental λ would be responsible for an extra kink at ω that i i ZO ZO data. The coupling between electrons and phonons is could be resolved in future experiments. One could also described by expectafiniteλ toinducenewRamanpeaks. Apeak ZO atω fromafirstorderRamanprocess(ananalogofthe (cid:90) ZO H =F d2ru ψ†M ψ, (6) G peak) for the ZO is not allowed because the ZO trans- e−ph i i i formsasB ,whichisnotcontainedinE ×E . However, 2 1 1 withF theelectron-phononcoupling. ThematrixM for a second order process (analogous to the 2D(cid:48) peak [16]) i i the different phonons is equal to M =qˆ×(cid:126)σ, M = is in principle allowed by symmetry. This process would LO TO qˆ·(cid:126)σ, MZO =σ3. Following Ref. [16], it is customary to give a peak at roughly 2ωZO, which unfortunately may introduce a dimensionless EPC as be difficult to detect because of its overlap with the G peak. Therefore, either Raman or ARPES could provide F2A λ = i c (7) anindependentconfirmationofelectron-phononcoupling i 2MωivF2 for the ZO mode. The finding that the substrate can induce an EPC to The electron-phonon coupling induces a phonon self- the ZO may also have important implications for trans- energy Π (q) that corrects the dispersion according to i portinthehigh-fieldregime. Thephenomenonofcurrent λ saturation at high bias originates from inelastic scatter- ω =ω0+a q2+b q4+ iΠ (q/k ). (8) R,i i i i 2 i F ing with optical phonons, both intrinsic [36] or from the substrate[37]. SincetheenergyoftheZO(∼100meV)is In the static approximation, the self-energies for the dif- significantly lower than the known phonons with strong ferent phonon branches in terms of the dimensionless EPC, the effects of the ZO may already be present in variable x=q/k are given by [28] F current experiments [36–39], and its presence should be g µ(cid:18)(cid:113) (cid:19) accounted for in theory [40–42]. Π (x)= s,v 1− 4 + xarccos(2/x) θ(2−x), LO 4π x2 2 A related system where the standard (LO and TO) Kohn anomalies have been observed is graphene on (9) Ir(111) [30]. According to ARPES [43], the Fermi level Π (x)=0, (10) TO in this system is E ≈ 0.1 eV which corresponds to F Π (x)= gs,vµ(2+xarccos(2/x)θ(2−x)). (11) 2k ≈ 0.03 ˚A−1. Kohn anomalies at such small mo- ZO 4π F mentum are probably too difficult to resolve, which is These expressions can be used to fit the cusps in the ex- consistent with the observed broadened dip around Γ in- perimental curves to obtain an estimate for the different steadofacusp. Similarly,iftheZOEPCinthissystemis electron-phonon couplings. To do so, we have fitted the significant, such a feature should be observed for the ZO dispersion parameters for both curves and determined around Γ. The data in Ref. [30] are inconclusive on this the optimal Fermi level as E = v q /2 ≈ 0.401 eV, matter. Finite momentum Kohn anomalies will be more F F c which corresponds to a cusp momentum of q = 0.133 likely to be found in graphene on metals more similar to c ˚A−1. ThefitsareshowninFig.S3withtheexperimental Pt(111), withweakhybridizationbutlargechargetrans- dispersion,andtheresultfortheLOEPCisλ =0.029, fer [44]. In metallic substrates with stronger hybridiza- LO in excellent agreement with the estimates obtained from tion such as as Ni(111), Kohn anomalies are not present Raman, λ = 0.027−0.034 [16]. The fit for the ZO fortheLOandTOphonons[45–49]becausethecoupling LO gives λ =0.087, an even greater value. ofthegrapheneπbandswiththeNidorbitalscompletely ZO Discussion - Since this is the first work to observe the rearranges the electron bands. A Kohn anomaly for the effects of electron-phonon coupling to the ZO mode in ZO is therefore not expected in this type of system. graphene, there are no measurements of λ available Insummary,inthisworkwehaveshownthatthepres- ZO to compare with. Theoretically, this coupling has only ence of a substrate induces a significant electron-phonon been estimated for a SiO substrate in Ref. [19], giving coupling to ZO phonons in graphene, which is responsi- 2 a maximum value of F =7 eV˚A or λ =0.011 [35]. ble for a strong Kohn anomaly at q =2k . This finding ZO ZO F Our significantly higher value reflects the fact that the paves the way to explore the many implications of the substrate is metallic and that, while direct hybridization coupling of flexural phonons to Dirac electrons in sup- with graphene is small, the surface electric field induces ported graphene samples and graphene-metal contacts. a stronger breaking of reflection symmetry which is re- Acknowledgments We thank Davide Campi and Sinisa sponsible for the EPC. Coh for helpful discussions. A.P. and G.C. thank Fabio Our finding that λ has a significant magnitude im- Vitofortechnicalsupport. F.deJ.acknowledgessupport ZO plies that its effects should also be observable in other from the ”Programa Nacional de Movilidad de Recursos 5 Humanos” (Spanish MECD). This work was supported J. Raman Spectrosc. 44, 1393 (2013). in part by the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation. 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REVIEW OF EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES InthissectionwecomparethedifferentexperimentaltechniquestomeasurephononsandexplainwhytheZOKohn anomaly can only be observed with HREELS. There are four basic techniques to probe phonons: Neutron Inelastic Scattering,RamanscatteringofX-Rays,InelasticHeAtomScatteringandElectronEnergyLossSpectroscopy(EELS). Thefirsttwotechniquesarebettersuitedtothestudyofbulk3Dphonons. Neutronsareparticularlywellsuitedfor bulk phonon dispersion studies because of their very small cross section with matter which allows them to penetrate deeply into the crystal. X-ray photons in grazing incidence, available at synchrotron radiation sources, are also a standard probe for bulk phonons and have in fact been used to study phonon dispersion in bulk graphite [7]. But none of this methods is suitable for studying phonon modes of a single layer of graphite because of the lack of surface sensitivity. Inelasticheliumatomscatteringisamoreappropriatesurfaceprobe. However,instandardconditionstheimpinging energy is 65 meV. In order to observe modes at 100 meV it would be necessary to keep the nozzle at very high temperature, which implies a strong decrease of the signal. Inelastic helium atom scattering is more appropriate to study phonons up to 20-30 meV. The ZO phonon at around 100 meV has too high energy to be probed by inelastic helium atom scattering. HREELSmeasurements,ontheotherhand,havenolimitintheenergylossandcaneasilyaccessthehighfrequency range. They are surface sensitive measurements and have excellent resolution in both momentum and energy. This is thus the most suitable technique to study the full surface phonon spectrum, and in particular the only one capable of detecting the presence of the ZO Kohn anomaly. a) b) 1.5 s] 0.12 Unit 0.10 1.0 b. 0.08 q|| [ Å-1 ] Ar 0.06 y [ 0.5 sit 0.04 n e 0.02 nt I 0.00 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Energy Loss [meV] FIG. S1. a) Selected HREELS spectra for different values of the parallel momentum transfer q , evaluated by inserting the (cid:107) kinematicconditionsandthelossenergiesinEq. 1ofthemaintext. Theintensityofthevariousphononshasbeennormalized to that of the elastic peak. Note the poor intensity of the ZO mode near Γ. b) EELS Intensity plot for phonon dispersion of graphene/Pt(111),reproducedfromFig. 1ofthemaintext. NoteagaintheverylowintensityoftheZOmodeclosetoΓ. The fits in Fig. 3 of the main text are displayed as yellow lines. 7 -1 q (Å ) || 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 70x10-3 ZO LO 60 50 /InEL 40 o h p I 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Off-specular angle (deg) FIG. S2. Intensity of the ZO (filled squares) and the LO (empty circles) phonon modes as a function of the off-specular scattering angle, with the incidence angle fixed at 80° with respect to the sample normal. The intensity of phonon modes has been normalized to that of the elastic peak. II. FIT PROCEDURES In this section we present more details of the process employed to obtain the phonon dispersions displayed in the main text, and in particular in Fig. 3 of the main text where the Kohn anomalies are demonstrated. First, the intensity plot in Fig. 1 of the main text was produced from many different spectra acquired at fixed incidence angle (θ = 80°, all angles with respect to the sample normal) and at scattering angles varying from θ = 80° up to 15°. i s A representative subset of this series of spectra is shown in Fig. S1 as a waterfall plot, along with the intensity plot which is reproduced here for ease of comparison. It is clear that finding the location of the Kohn anomalies in an intensity plot by simple inspection is not really possible due to the low intensity near Γ. To help the reader locate the Kohn anomalies in the dispersion of the LO andZOintheintensityplot, wehavealsoincludedthefitsofFig. 3ofthemaintextasyellowlinesinFig. S1(b). To quantify the low intensity, in Fig. S2 we also present the integrated weight of the ZO and LO peaks as a function of theoff-scatteringanglewithincidenceanglekeptat80°. TheintensityoftheZOmodeincreaseswiththeoff-specular angle, and thus with the momentum q , with a continuous behavior. Instead, the LO mode show maximum intensity (cid:107) for 15°-40° off-specular angles. Near Γ, i.e., near the specular conditions θ = θ = 80°, the intensity of the LO and i s especially of the ZO mode is extremely poor. The spectra near Γ actually required several days of measurement in order to reach a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio. To quantify the dispersion of the LO and ZO around Γ accurately, we extracted the energy for each peak in each spectrumwithagivenq withthefollowingfittingprocedure,exemplifiedinFig.S3. First,anexponentialbackground (cid:107) was subtracted from the raw HREELS spectrum. Then, the obtained spectrum was fitted with Voigt line-shapes. TheVoigtline-shapeisaconvolutionofLorentzianandGaussianline-shapes. TheLorentzianparttakesintoaccount the intrinsic line-shape of phonon modes, while the Gaussian line-shape is necessary to account for the experimental broadening due to the energy resolution of spectrometer. The extracted set of pairs (E,q ) was then fitted with the (cid:107) model dispersion relations discussed in the text. Both the data and the fits are presented in Fig. 3 of the main text. III. SAMPLE CHARACTERIZATION Scanning electron microscopy investigation In Fig. S4(a) we report a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the graphene/Pt(111) sample, also reported elsewhere[27]. Thesurfacemorphologyappearstobehomogeneousacrossallthesample(1x1cm2). TheSEMimage 8 a) b) FIG.S3. a)SelectedHREELSspectrum. Thefittoanexponentialbackgroundisreportedwithadashedline. b)Fitprocedures for TO+LO (left panel) and ZO modes (right panel) with the exponential background in a) substracted. shows a full coverage of the substrate surface by the graphene which forms a network of wrinkles (darker horizontal and vertical lines in Fig. S4(a)). The wrinkles network develops on a micrometric length scale. Its morphology matches that obtained by low-energy electron microscopy measurements for graphene grown on Pt(111) by carbon segregation from the Pt(111) substrate and other metallic substrates [24]. Raman investigation The sample has been also analyzed ex-situ by Raman spectroscopy. Such experiments indicate that the surface of the Pt(111) substrate is well coated with monolayer graphene, which is more ordered and homogeneous than for similar preparations previously reported in literature. A compressive strain is found for the graphene as the effect of the growth process. For more details on Raman investigation, see Ref. [27]. In Fig. S4(b) we report a comparison between the Raman signal from the G peak in graphite and graphene/Pt(111). Graphite shows a single peak (data takenfromRef.[31]), whichcanbefittedbyasingleVoigtline-shape. Bycontrast, graphene/Pt(111)showsaclearly asymmetric G peak, located at ω = 1603 cm−1. The position of the G peak can be used to estimate the Fermi level. A peak at 1603 cm−1 corresponds to a hole concentration [32] of n = 1.5·1013 cm−2, which corresponds to µ = v (nπ)1/2 ∼ 0.42 eV, in very good agreement with the estimate obtained from the position of the cusp, and F within the error of the ARPES estimate µ=0.3±0.15 eV. ItisinterestingtonotethattheasymmetryoftheRamanGpeakcouldbeoriginatedintheemergenceofasecond order process with a peak around 2ω , activated by the linear electron-phonon coupling. However, since this type ZO of second order peak can probe a range of energies because momentum is not restricted to(cid:126)k =0, further theoretical modeling is required to determine unambiguously that this peak indeed originates from the ZO. IV. THEORY: PHONON SELF-ENERGY AllcalculationsareperformedatT =0. Roomtemperature(300K)correspondsto25meV,whichismuchsmaller than E or the optical phonon frequencies. With the definitions given in Eqs. 4-7 in the main text, the phonon F propagator is written as 2ω (q) G (ω,q)= i , (S1) i ω2−ω (q)2−2ω (q)Σ (ω,q) i i i where Σi(ω,q) = λ2iΠi(ω,q) is the self-energy, and i = LO,TO,ZO as in the text. The dispersion relation for the phonon can be obtained by solving for the pole in Eq. (S1) for small λ , so that the renormalized phonon dispersion i relation is given by λ ω (q)≈ω (q)+ iΠ (ω ,q). (S2) R,i i 2 i i 9 a) b) graphite s] nit U b. Ar y [ sit n e nt I MLG/Pt(111) 154015601580160016201640 Wavenumber [cm-1] FIG. S4. a) SEM image of a region of the graphene layer on a Pt(111) substrate. Taken from Ref. [27]. b) Raman spectrum of graphite (data taken from Ref. [31]) and MLG/Pt(111) (data taken from Ref. [27]) which yields Eq. 8 in the text. The response function Π for a particular phonon is given by i (cid:90) dωd2k Π (E,(cid:126)q)=g i trM G(ω,(cid:126)k)M G(ω+E,(cid:126)k+(cid:126)q), (S3) i s,v (2π)3 i i where g =4 accounts for spin and valley degeneracy, M is the electron-phonon coupling matrix as defined in the s,v i text, and ω+µ+(cid:126)σ·(cid:126)k G(ω,(cid:126)k)= , (S4) (ω(1+i(cid:15))+µ)2−k2 is the electron propagator, where we set v =1. Evaluating the trace in Eq. S3 we obtain F (cid:90) dωd2k N Π (E,(cid:126)q)=g i i , (S5) i s,v (2π)3 [(ω(1+i(cid:15))+µ)2−k2][((ω+E)(1+i(cid:15))+µ)2−|(cid:126)k+(cid:126)q|2] where the numerators N for the different phonons are given by i N =2[ω(ω+E)−(cid:126)k·((cid:126)k+(cid:126)q)+2((cid:126)k·(cid:126)q)2/q2+2(cid:126)k·(cid:126)q], (S6) LO N =2[ω(ω+E)−(cid:126)k·((cid:126)k+(cid:126)q)+2((cid:126)k×(cid:126)q)2/q2], (S7) TO N =2[ω(ω+E)−(cid:126)k·((cid:126)k+(cid:126)q)], (S8) ZO The frequency integral is performed with the residue method, giving Π (E,(cid:126)q)=g (cid:90) d2k (cid:34) θ(k−µ)Ni|ω=k−µ + θ(|(cid:126)k+(cid:126)q|−µ)Ni|ω=−E+|(cid:126)k+q(cid:126)|−µ (cid:35), (S9) i s,v (2π)2 2|(cid:126)k|[(k+E(1+i(cid:15)))2−|(cid:126)k+(cid:126)q|2] 2|(cid:126)k+(cid:126)q|[(|(cid:126)k+(cid:126)q|+E(1+i(cid:15)))2−|(cid:126)k|2] Since these integrals are ultraviolet divergent as power counting reveals, it is customary to split them into the contribution coming from the undoped Dirac cone plus a finite correction induced by finite chemical potential. This is done by replacing θ(k−µ)=1−θ(µ−k) in the integrals, giving Π (E,(cid:126)q)=Πµ=0(E,(cid:126)q)−∆Π (E,(cid:126)q), (S10) i i i 10 ZO LO 201.5 112 201.0 Μ(cid:61)0.4eV 110 Μ(cid:61)0.4eV (cid:76)meV 200.5 Μ(cid:61)0.3eV (cid:76)meV 108 Μ(cid:61)0.3eV Ω(cid:72) 200.0 Μ(cid:61)0.2eV Ω(cid:72) 106 Μ(cid:61)0.2eV Μ(cid:61)0.1eV 104 Μ(cid:61)0.1eV 199.5 Μ(cid:61)0.eV Μ(cid:61)0.eV 102 199.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 q(cid:72)(cid:222)(cid:45)1(cid:76) q(cid:72)(cid:222)(cid:45)1(cid:76) FIG. S5. Left: ω (q) for different values of µ. Right: ω (q) for different values of µ. In both cases the coeficients of the LO ZO analytic part of the dispersion are those obtained from the experimental fits in the main text. with ∆Π (E,(cid:126)q)=g (cid:90) d2k (cid:34) θ(µ−k)Ni|ω=k−µ + θ(µ−|(cid:126)k+(cid:126)q|)Ni|ω=−E+|(cid:126)k+q(cid:126)|−µ (cid:35). (S11) i s,v (2π)2 2|(cid:126)k|[(k+E(1+i(cid:15)))2−|(cid:126)k+(cid:126)q|2] 2|(cid:126)k+(cid:126)q|[(|(cid:126)k+(cid:126)q|+E(1+i(cid:15)))2−|(cid:126)k|2] Πµ=0(E,(cid:126)q) can then be computed with dimensional regularization methods giving [5, 16] i Πµ=0 =gs,v(cid:112)−E2+q2, (S12) LO 16 g E2 Πµ=0 =− s,v , (S13) TO 16 (cid:112)−E2+q2 Πµ=0 =gs,v(cid:112)−E2+q2. (S14) ZO 8 The correction terms become complicated expressions but can be computed analytically in the static approximation (E =0) giving [10] (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) ∆Π =gs,v qπ − q arccos(2µ)+ µ(cid:112)q2−4µ2 θ(q−2µ) , (S15) LO 4π 4 2 q q ∆Π =0, (S16) TO g (cid:104)qπ (cid:105) ∆Π = s,v −2µ−qarccos(2µ)θ(q−2µ) . (S17) ZO 4π 2 q Combining the two contributions, Eq. S10, we finally get (cid:20) (cid:21) Π (E =0)=gs,v q arccos(2µ)+ µ(cid:112)q2−4µ2 θ(q−2µ), (S18) LO 4π 2 q q Π (E =0)=0, (S19) TO g (cid:104) (cid:105) Π (E =0)= s,v 2µ+qarccos(2µ)θ(q−2µ) . (S20) ZO 4π q The results in the main text are obtained by recovering v and setting x = q/(v µ)). Note that the functional F F dependenceoftheµ=0partfortheZOwasanticipatedinRef. [21], andbysymmetryarguments[15], itisthesame as that of the TO phonon at the K point [18]. Theseself-energiescanbethenfedintoEq.S2todeterminethephononenergies. Asanexample,inFig.S5wehave plotted ω and ω for different values of µ, with the coeficients of the analytic part as obtained from the fits to LO ZO the experiment. This plots emphasize the dependence of the cusp position on the chemical potential, or equivalently, on k . F V. LIST OF ACRONYMS USED • EPC - Electron-phonon coupling

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