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EMBEDDING MODULES OF FINITE HOMOLOGICAL DIMENSION 2 1 SEANSATHER-WAGSTAFF 0 2 Abstract. ThispaperbuildsonworkofHochsterandYaothatprovidesnice n embeddingsforfinitelygeneratedmodulesoffiniteG-dimension,finiteprojec- a tive dimension, or locally finite injective dimension. We extend these results J by providing similar embeddings in the relative setting, that is, for certain 4 modules offiniteGC-dimension,finitePC-projectivedimension,locallyfinite 1 GIC-injectivedimension,orlocallyfiniteIC-injectivedimensionwhereC isa semidualizingmodule. Alongthe way, weextend someresults formodules of ] finitehomologicaldimensiontomodulesoflocallyfinitehomologicaldimension C intherelativesetting. A . h t a m 1. Introduction [ Throughout this note, R is a commutative noetherian ring with identity. The purpose of this note is to extend some results of Hochster and Yao, beginning 1 v with the following, wherein z[i] =z1,...,zi and G-dimR(M) is the G-dimension of 7 Auslander and Bridger [1, 2].1 3 0 Theorem 1.1 ([14, Theorem 2.3]). Let M be a non-zero finitely generated R- 3 module. Then . 1 (1) IfG-dim (M)=r <∞,thenthereareanR-regularsequencez =z ,...,z , 0 R 1 r integers n ,n ,...,n >0 with n >1, and an exact sequence 2 0 1 r r 1 0→M →Z →N →0 : v Xi with Z =⊕ri=0(R/(z[i]))ni and G-dimR(N)6r. (2) If pd (M) = r < ∞, then there exist an R-regular sequence z = z ,...,z , R 1 r r integers n ,n ,...,n >0 with n >1, and an exact sequence a 0 1 r r 0→M →Z →N →0 with Z =⊕r (R/(z ))ni and pd (N)6r. i=0 [i] R Date:January17,2012. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 13D02,13D05,13D07. Key words and phrases. Auslanderclasses, Bass classes,canonical modules, G-dimension, G- injectivedimension,injectivedimension,projectivedimension,semidualizingmodules. This material is based on work supported by North Dakota EPSCoR and National Science FoundationGrantEPS-0814442. Theauthor wassupportedinpartbyagrantfromtheNSA. 1This is also now called “Gorenstein projective dimension” after the work of Enochs, Jenda, andothers. However, this isageneralization ofAuslanderand Bridger’soriginalnotionfornon- finitely-generatedmodules. Sincewearefocusedonfinitelygeneratedmoduleshere,wecontinue withAuslanderandBridger’sterminology. 1 2 SEANSATHER-WAGSTAFF ThepointofTheorem1.1,asHochsterandYaoindicate,isthatthegivenmodule of finite G-dimension or projective dimension embeds in a module that obviously has finite projective dimension, with some extra control on the G-dimension or projective dimension of the cokernel. The first of our results, stated next, is for modules of finite G -dimension and C modules of finite P -projective dimension, where C is a semidualizing R-module, C after Golod [12], Holm and Jørgensen [15] and White [21].2 (See Section 2 for definitions and background material.) On the one hand, this result is a corollary to Theorem1.1. On the other hand, Theorem1.1 is the specialcase C =R,so our result generalizes this one. This result is proved in Proofs 2.8 and 2.13, which are similar to the proof of [14, Theorem 4.2]. Theorem 1.2. Let M be a non-zero finitely generated R-module, and let C be a semidualizing R-module. Then (1) If G -dim (M) = r < ∞ and M is in the Bass class B (R), then there C R C exist an R-regular sequence z = z ,...,z , integers n ,n ,...,n > 0 with 1 r 0 1 r n >1, and an exact sequence r 0→M →Z →N →0 with Z =⊕r (C/(z )C)ni and G -dim (N)6r and N ∈B (R). i=0 [i] C R C (2) If P -pd (M) = r < ∞, then there exist an R-regular sequence z = C R z ,...,z , integers n ,n ,...,n >0 with n >1, and an exact sequence 1 r 0 1 r r 0→M →Z →N →0 with Z =⊕r (C/(z )C)ni and P -pd (N)6r. i=0 [i] C R The next result we extend is the following: Theorem 1.3 ([14, Theorem 4.2]). Let R be a Cohen-Macaulay ring with a point- wise dualizing module ω. Then, for any non-zero finitely generated R-module M withlocallyfiniteinjectivedimension,thereexistanintegerr =pd (Hom (ω,M)), R R an R-regular sequence z = z ,...,z , non-negative integers n ,n ,...,n with 1 r 0 1 r n >1, and an exact sequence r 0→M →Z →N →0 with Z =⊕r (ω/(z )ω)ni, such that N has locally finite injective dimension and i=0 [i] pd (Hom (ω,N))6r. R R WeextendthisintwodirectionsinTheorems1.4and1.5. First,wehavethever- sionfor G-injective dimension. Second, we giveversionsrelativeto a semidualizing module. These are proved in Proofs 3.5, 3.12, and 3.16. Theorem 1.4. Let R be a Cohen-Macaulay ring with a pointwise dualizing module ω. For any non-zero finitely generated R-module M with locally finite G-injective dimension,thereexistanintegerr =G-dim (Hom (ω,M)),anR-regularsequence R R z = z ,...,z , non-negative integers n ,n ,...,n with n > 1, and an exact 1 r 0 1 r r sequence 0→M →Z →N →0 2It is worth noting that these notions appeared (more or less) implicitly in several places. However, to the best of our knowledge these are the first places where GC-dimension and PC- projectivedimensionwerestudiedexplicitly. EMBEDDING MODULES OF FINITE HOMOLOGICAL DIMENSION 3 with Z = ⊕r (ω/(z )ω)ni such that N has locally finite G-injective dimension i=0 [i] and G-dim (Hom (ω,N))6r. R R Theorem 1.5. Let R be a Cohen-Macaulay ring with a pointwise dualizing module ω. Let M a non-zero finitely generated R-module, and let C be a semidualizing R-module. Set C† =Hom (C,ω). Then R (1) If M has locally finite GI -id and M is in the Auslander class A (R), then C C there exist an integer r =G-dim(Hom (ω,C⊗ M)), an R-regular sequence R R z =z ,...,z , non-negative integers n ,n ,...,n with n >1, and an exact 1 r 0 1 r r sequence 0→M →Z →N →0 such that N has locally finite GI -id, and Z = ⊕r (C†/(z )C†)ni, N ∈ C i=0 [i] A (R) and G-dim(Hom (ω,C⊗ N))6r. C R R (2) If M has locally finite I -id, then there exist an integer C r =pd (Hom (ω,C⊗ M)) R R R an R-regular sequence z = z ,...,z , non-negative integers n ,n ,...,n 1 r 0 1 r with n >1, and an exact sequence r 0→M →Z →N →0 such that N has locally finite I -id, and Z = ⊕r (C†/(z )C†)ni and C i=0 [i] pd (Hom (ω,C⊗ N))6r. R R R We summarize the organization of this paper. Section 2 contains the proof of Theorem 1.2, along with the necessary background material. Section 3 similarly treats Theorems 1.4 and 1.5; this section also contains severallemmas about mod- ules of locally finite G-injective dimension, locally finite G -injective dimension, C and locally finite I -injective dimension where C is a semidualizing module, as C these notions have not been developed in the literature as best we know.3 Note that we do not develop the background material in the most optimal manner, fo- cusing instead on accessibility. To be specific, we present background material as it is needed in Sections 2 and 3 instead of putting it all in its own section. Also, we feel that the definition of locally finite GI -id is a bit much to swallow on the C first bite, so we first discuss the special case of G-id and work our way up. 2. Proof of Theorem 1.2 Notation2.1. Weletpd (−)andid (−)denotetheclassicalprojectivedimension R R and the classical injective dimension, respectively. The study of semidualizing modules was initiated independently (with different names) by Foxby [9], Golod [12], and Vasconcelos [20]. For example, a finitely generated projective R-module of rank 1 is semidualizing. Definition 2.2. A finitely generated R-module C is semidualizing if the natural map R → Hom (C,C) is an isomorphism, and Ext>1(C,C) = 0. An R-module R R C is pointwise dualizing if it is semidualizing and id (C ) < ∞ for all maximal Rm m ideals m⊂R.4 An R-module C is dualizing if it is semidualizing and id (C)<∞. R 3Thscanbepartiallyexplainedbythefactthat,atthetimeofthewritingofthisarticle,the localizationquestionforG-injectivedimensionisstillnotcompletelyanswered. Remark3.2. 4In[14]theterm“globalcanonical module”isusedinplaceof“pointwisedualizingmodule”. OurchoicefollowstheterminologyofGrothendieck andHartshorne[13]. 4 SEANSATHER-WAGSTAFF Fact 2.3. (a) It is straightforwardto show that the semidualizing property is local. That is, if C is a semidualizing R-module, then for each multiplicatively closed subset U ⊆ R the localization U−1C is a semidualizing U−1R-module; and conversely, if M is a finitely generated R-module such that M is a semidualizing R -module m m for each maximal ideal m ⊂ R, then M is a semidualizing R-module. Similarly, if C is a (pointwise) dualizing module for R, then for each multiplicatively closed subset U ⊆ R the localization U−1C is a (pointwise) dualizing module for U−1R; and conversely, if M is a finitely generated R-module such that M is a dualizing m module for R for each maximal ideal m ⊂ R, then M is a pointwise dualizing m module for R. Moreover, an R-module M is a dualizing module for R if and only if it is a pointwise dualizing module for R and the Krull dimension of R is finite. ∼ (b) Let C be a semidualizing R-module. The isomorphism R = HomR(C,C) impliesthatSupp (C)=Spec(R)andAss (C)=Ass(R). Thus,anelementx∈R R R isC-regularifandonlyifitisR-regular. WhenxisR-regular,thequotientC/xC is a semidualizing R/xR-module. Thus, by induction, a sequence z = z ,...,z ∈ R 1 r is R-regular if and only if it is C-regular; see [11, Theorem 4.5]. Also, from [16, Proposition 3.1] we know that, for all R-modules M 6= 0, we have C⊗ M 6= 0 6= R Hom (C,M). R The next categories were introduced by Foxby [10] when C is dualizing, and by Vasconcelos [20, §4.4] for arbitrary C, with different notation. Definition 2.4. Let C be a semidualizing R-module. The Auslander class of C is theclassA (R)ofR-modulesM suchthatTorR (C,M)=0=Ext>1(C,C⊗ M), C >1 R R and the natural map M → Hom (C,C ⊗ M) is an isomorphism. The Bass R R class of C is the class B (R) of R-modules N such that Ext>1(C,M) = 0 = C R TorR (C,Hom (C,M)), and the natural evaluation map C ⊗ Hom (C,N) →N >1 R R R is an isomorphism. Remark 2.5. It is straightforward to show that the Auslander and Bass classes for C =R are trivial: A (R) and B (R) both contain all R-modules. R R The following notion was introduced and studied by Holm and Jørgensen [15] and White [21]. Note that in the special case C = R, we recover the class of projective R-modules and the classical projective dimension. Definition2.6. LetC beasemidualizingR-module. LetP (R)denotetheclassof C modulesM ∼=P⊗RC withP projective. ModulesinPC(R)arecalledC-projective. We let P -pd (−) denote the homologicaldimension obtainedfrom resolutionsin C R P (R), with the convention that P -pd (0)=−∞.5 C C R Fact 2.7. Let C be a semidualizing R-module. The Bass class B (R) contains C all R-modules of finite P -pd; see [16, Lemmas 4.1 and 5.1, and Corollary 6.3]. C GivenanR-moduleM,onehasP -pd (M)=pd (Hom (C,M))andpd (M)= C R R R R P -pd (C⊗ M)by [19,Theorem2.11]. Inparticular,onehasP -pd (M)<∞ C R R C R if and only if pd (Hom (C,M)) < ∞, and one has pd (M) < ∞ if and only if R R R P -pd (C⊗ M)<∞. C R R Proof 2.8 (Proof of Theorem 1.2(2)). Assume that M is a non-zero finitely gen- erated R-module such that P -pd (M) = r < ∞. Then Fact 2.7 implies that C R 5Weobservethesameconventionforanyhomologicaldimensionofthezeromodule. EMBEDDING MODULES OF FINITE HOMOLOGICAL DIMENSION 5 pd (Hom (C,M)) = r < ∞. Since M 6= 0, we have Hom (C,M) 6= 0, by R R R Fact2.3(b), so Theorem1.1(2) providesanR-regularsequence z =z ,...,z , inte- 1 r gers n ,n ,...,n >0 with n >1, and an exact sequence 0 1 r r (2.8.1) 0→Hom (C,M)→Z′ →N′ →0 R with Z′ = ⊕r (R/(z ))ni and pd (N′)6 r. In particular, we have N′ ∈ A (R) i=0 [i] R C which implies that TorR(C,N′) = 0. Thus, an application of C ⊗ − to the 1 R sequence (2.8.1) yields the next exact sequence: (2.8.2) 0→C⊗ Hom (C,M)→C⊗ Z′ →C⊗ N′ →0. R R R R Fact2.7impliesthatM ∈BC(R),sowehaveC⊗RHomR(C,M)∼=M. Theequality Z′ =⊕r (R/(z ))ni implies that Z :=C⊗ Z′ =⊕r (C/(z )C)ni. Because of i=0 [i] R i=0 [i] Fact2.7,theconditionpd (N′)6rimpliesthatP -pd (C⊗ N′)6r. Thus,with R C R R N :=C⊗ N′, the sequence (2.8.2) satisfies the conclusionof Theorem 1.2(2). (cid:3) R The remainder of the proof of Theorem 1.2 is similar to the above proof, but it requires a bit more technology. Fact 2.9. Let C be a semidualizing R-module. (a)TheAuslanderclassA (R)containsallR-modulesoffiniteprojectivedimen- C sion,andtheBassclassB (R)containsallR-modulesoffinite injectivedimension; C see [16, Lemmas 4.1 and 5.1, and Corollary 6.3]. Moreover, it is straightforward to show that the Bass class satisfies the following local-global principal: For an R-module M, the following conditions are equivalent: (i) M ∈B (R); C (ii) U−1M ∈BU−1C(U−1R) for each multiplicatively closed subset U ⊆R; (iii) M ∈B (R ) for each p∈Spec(R); and p Cp p (iv) M ∈B (R ) for each maximal ideal m∈Supp (M). m Cm m R ItfollowsthatB (R)containseveryR-moduleoflocallyfinite injectivedimension. C The Auslander class satisfies an analogous local-global principal. (b)TheAuslanderandBassclassesalsosatisfythetwo-of-threepropertyby[16, Corollary 6.3]. That is, given a short exact sequence 0 → M′ → M → M′′ → 0 of R-module homomorphisms,if two of the modules in the sequence are in A (R), C then so is the third module, and similarly for B (R). C (c) From [19, (2.8)] we know that an R-module M is in B (R) if and only if C Hom (C,M) ∈ A (R), and that M ∈ A (R) if and only if C ⊗ M ∈ B (R). R C C R C This is known as Foxby equivalence. Definition 2.10. Let C be a semidualizing R-module. A finitely generated R- module G is totally C-reflexive if the natural map G → Hom (Hom (G,C),C) R R is an isomorphism, and Ext>1(G,C) = 0 = Ext>1(Hom (G,C),C). Let G (R) R R R C denote the class of totally C-reflexive R-modules, and set G(C)=G (R)∩B (R). C C In the case C = R we use the more common terminology “totally reflexive” and the notation G(R)=G (R)=G(R)∩B (R). We abbreviate as follows: R R G -dim (−)=the homological dimension obtained from resolutions in G (R) C R C G(C)-pd (−)=the homological dimension obtained from resolutions in G(C) R G-dim (−)=the homological dimension obtained from resolutions in G(R). R The following facts are included for perspective. 6 SEANSATHER-WAGSTAFF Fact 2.11. Let C be a semidualizing R-module, and let M be a finitely gen- erated R-module. Because of the containments P (R) ⊆ G(C) ⊆ G (R), one has C C G -dim (M)6G(C)-pd (M)6P -pd (M)withequalitytotheleftofanyfinite C R R C R quantity. In particular, the case C =R says that G-dim (M)=G(R)-pd (M)6 R R pd (M) since G(R)=G (R), with equality holding when pd (M)<∞. R R R The next lemma explains how these homologicaldimensions are connected. Lemma2.12([18,Lemma2.9]). LetC beasemidualizing R-module. Forafinitely generated R-module M, the following conditions are equivalent: (i) G(C)-pd (M)<∞; R (ii) G -dim (M)<∞ and M ∈B (R); and C R C (iii) G-dim (Hom (C,M))<∞ and M ∈B (R). R R C When these conditions are satisfied, we have G(C)-pd (M)=G -dim (M)=G-dim (Hom (C,M)). R C R R R Now we are in position to complete the proof of Theorem 1.2. Proof 2.13 (Proof of Theorem 1.2(1)). Assume that M is a non-zero finitely generated R-module such that G -dim (M) = r < ∞ and M ∈ B (R). Then C R C Lemma 2.12 implies that G-dim (Hom (C,M)) = r < ∞. Since M 6= 0, we R R have Hom (C,M) 6= 0, by Fact 2.3(b), so Theorem 1.1(1) provides an R-regular R sequence z = z ,...,z , integers n ,n ,...,n > 0 such that n > 1, and an exact 1 r 0 1 r sequence (2.13.1) 0→Hom (C,M)→Z′ →N′ →0 R with Z′ =⊕r (R/(z ))ni and G-dim (N′)6r. i=0 [i] R The condition M ∈ B (R) implies that Hom (C,M) ∈ A (R) by Fact 2.9(c), C R C and Fact 2.9(a) implies that Z′ ∈ A (R). Also from Fact 2.9(a)–(b), we conclude C that N′ ∈ A (R), which implies that TorR(C,N′) = 0. Thus, an application of C 1 C⊗ − to the sequence (2.13.1) yields the next exact sequence: R (2.13.2) 0→C⊗ Hom (C,M)→C⊗ Z′ →C⊗ N′ →0. R R R R The assumption M ∈BC(R) gives an isomorphism C⊗RHomR(C,M)∼=M. The equality Z′ =⊕r (R/(z ))ni implies that Z :=C⊗ Z′ =⊕r (C/(z )C)ni. i=0 [i] R i=0 [i] The condition N′ ∈A (R) implies that N :=C⊗ N′ ∈B (R) by Fact 2.9(c), C R C and N′ ∼= HomR(C,N) by the definition of what it means for N′ to be in AC(R). Thus, because of Lemma 2.12, we have G -dim (N)=G-dim(Hom (C,N))=G-dim (N′)6r. C R R R Thus, the sequence (2.13.2) satisfies the conclusion of Theorem 1.2(1). (cid:3) 3. Proofs of Theorems 1.4 and 1.5 We continue with a definition due to Enochs and Jenda [7]. Definition 3.1. Acomplete injective resolution is anexactcomplexY ofinjective R-modules such that Hom (J,Y) is exact for each injective R-module J. An R- R module N is G-injective if there exists a complete injective resolution Y such that N ∼=Ker(∂Y), andY isacomplete injective resolution of N. LetGI(R)denotethe 0 classofG-injective R-modules,andlet Gid (−)denote the homologicaldimension R obtained from coresolutions in GI(R). We say that an R-module M has locally EMBEDDING MODULES OF FINITE HOMOLOGICAL DIMENSION 7 finite G-injective dimension provided that Gid (M ) < ∞ for each maximal Rm m ideal m⊂R. Remark 3.2. Using existing technology, the modules of finite G-injective dimen- sion behave best when R is Cohen-Macaulay with a dualizing module.6 For in- stance, in general it is not known whether the G-injective dimension localizes; but itis knownto localizewhenR has a dualizingmodule. This is due to the following connection with Bass classes, the local case of which is from [8].7 Lemma 3.3. Assume that R is Cohen-Macaulay with a pointwise dualizing mod- ule. Let M be an R-module. Then an R-module M has locally finite G-injective dimension if and only if M ∈B (R). ω Proof. If R is local, then the result follows from [8, Proposition 1.4 and Theo- rems 1.6 and 2.5]. By definition, the condition “M has locally finite G-injective dimension”isalocalcondition. Fact2.9(b)showsthatthecondition“M ∈B (R)” ω is also a local condition. Note that Fact 2.3(a) implies that for each maximal ideal m ⊂ R, the localization ω is a dualizing module for the Cohen-Macaulay local m ring R . Thus, the general result follows from the local case. (cid:3) m The next result shows that the G-dimension of a finitely generated module be- haves like its projective dimension. Lemma 3.4. Let M be a finitely generated R-module. The following conditions are equivalent: (i) G-dim (M)<∞; R (ii) G-dim (M )<∞ for each maximal ideal m⊂R. Rm m When R is Cohen-Macaulay with a pointwise dualizing module ω, these conditions are equivalent to the following: (iii) M ∈A (R). ω Proof. The implication (i) =⇒ (ii) follows from the inequality G-dim (M ) 6 Rm m G-dim (M), which is straightforward to verify. The implication (ii) =⇒ (i) is R from[4,Theorem3.3]. WhenRisCohen-Macaulaywithapointwisedualizingmod- uleω,theequivalence(ii) ⇐⇒(iii)followsfromthelocalresults[8,Proposition1.3 and Theorems 1.6 and 2.1] as in the proof of Lemma 3.3.8 (cid:3) 6Most good behavior is also known when R has a dualizing complex, but we restrict our attention to the Cohen-Macaulay case. For instance, the conclusion of Lemma 3.3 holds when R is only assumed to have a pointwise dualizing complex; the proof is the same, using results from[6]inplaceoftheresultsfrom[8]. 7It is worth noting that the results in [8] assume that R is local, hence with finite Krull dimension; also, the results of [6] assume implicitly that R has finite Krull dimension since the definitionofadualizingcomplexusedthereincludesanassumptionoffiniteinjectivedimension. Contrastthiswithourdefinitionofpointwisedualizingmodule,andwithGrothendieck’sdefinition ofapointwisedualizingcomplexfrom[13]. 8Note that this uses the characterization of totally reflexive modules in terms of “complete resolutions”foundin[3,(4.4.4)];seealso[5,Theorem3.1]. Specifically,anR-moduleM istotally reflexive if and only if there is an exact complex F = ··· −∂−1F→ F0 −∂−0F→ F−1 −∂−−F−→1 ··· such that HomR(F,R) is exact and M ∼= Im(∂0F). Note that the local result was also announced in [10, Corollary3.3]. 8 SEANSATHER-WAGSTAFF Proof 3.5 (Proof of Theorem 1.4). Assume that R is Cohen-Macaulay with a pointwisedualizingmoduleωandthatM isanon-zerofinitelygeneratedR-module with locallyfinite G-injective dimension. Lemma 3.3implies that M ∈B (R). Us- ω ing Foxby equivalence (from Fact 2.9(c)) we conclude that Hom (ω,M)∈A (R), R ω so Lemma 3.4 implies that r := G-dim (Hom (ω,M)) < ∞. The fact that R is R R noetherianimpliesthatHom (ω,M)isfinitely generated. (The proofconcludesas R in Proof 2.13. We include the details for the sake of thoroughness.) Since M 6= 0, we have Hom (ω,M) 6= 0, by Fact 2.3(b), so Theorem 1.1(1) R impliesthatthereareanR-regularsequencez =z ,...,z ,integersn ,n ,...,n > 1 r 0 1 r 0 with n >1, and an exact sequence r (3.5.1) 0→Hom (ω,M)→Z′ →N′ →0 R with Z′ = ⊕r (R/(z ))ni and G-dim (N′) 6 r. Fact 2.9(a) implies that Z′ ∈ i=0 [i] R A (R). From Fact 2.9(b), we conclude that N′ ∈ A (R), which implies that ω ω TorR(ω,N′)=0. Thus,anapplicationofω⊗ − to the sequence (3.5.1)yields the 1 R next exact sequence: (3.5.2) 0→ω⊗ Hom (ω,M)→ω⊗ Z′ →ω⊗ N′ →0. R R R R The assumption M ∈ Bω(R) gives an isomorphism ω⊗RHomR(ω,M) ∼= M. The equality Z′ =⊕r (R/(z ))ni implies that Z :=ω⊗ Z′ =⊕r (ω/(z )ω)ni. i=0 [i] R i=0 [i] The condition N′ ∈A (R) implies that N :=ω⊗ N′ ∈B (R) by Fact 2.9(c), ω R ω and N′ ∼= HomR(ω,N) by the definition of what it means for N′ to be in Aω(R). Thus, we have G-dim(Hom (ω,N)) = G-dim (N′) 6 r. So, the sequence (3.5.2) R R satisfies the conclusion of Theorem 1.4. (cid:3) Forournextresults,weneedabetterunderstandingoftherelationshipbetween semidualizing modules and a pointwise dualizing module. Lemma 3.6. Assumethat R is Cohen-Macaulay with a pointwise dualizing module ω. If C is a semidualizing R-module, then so is Hom (C,ω). R Proof. Inthelocalcase,thisresultisstandard;see,e.g.,[17,Facts1.18–1.19]. Since the semidualizingand(pointwise)dualizingconditionsarelocalby Fact2.3(a),the general case of the result follows. (cid:3) The next two lemmas elaborate on the local-global behavior for our invariants. Lemma 3.7. Let M be a finitely generated R-module, and let C be a semidualizing R-module. Then P -pd (M) < ∞ if and only if P -pd (M ) < ∞ for each C R Cm Rm m maximal ideal m⊂R. Proof. The forward implication follows from the inequality P -dim (M ) 6 Cm Rm m P -pd (M), which is straightforward to verify. For the converse, assume that C R P -pd (M ) < ∞ for each maximal ideal m ⊂ R. It follows that the module HCommR(CR,mM)mm∼= HomRm(Cm,Mm) has finite projective dimension over Rm for all m. Hence, the finitely generated R-module Hom (C,M) has finite projective R dimension, so Fact 2.7 implies that P -pd (M) is finite. (cid:3) C R The nextlemma is asouped-up versionof a specialcaseofa resultof Takahashi and White that is documented in [18]. Lemma 3.8. Assumethat R is Cohen-Macaulay with a pointwise dualizing module ω. For each finitely generated R-module M, one has P -pd (M)<∞ if and only ω R if M has locally finite injective dimension. EMBEDDING MODULES OF FINITE HOMOLOGICAL DIMENSION 9 Proof. Whenω isadualizingmoduleforR,i.e.,whenRhasfiniteKrulldimension, this result is from [18, Lemma 2.7]. In particular, this takes care of the local case. The general case follows from the local case, by Lemma 3.7. (cid:3) Here are some more notions from [15]. Definition 3.9. Let C be a semidualizing R-module, and let I (R) denote the C class of modules N ∼= HomR(C,I) with I injective. Modules in IC(R) are called C-injective. We let I -id (−) denote the homological dimension obtained from C R coresolutions in I (R). We say that an R-module M has locally finite I -id pro- C C vided that I -id (M )<∞ for each maximal ideal m⊂R. Cm Rm m Fact 3.10. Let C be a semidualizing R-module. The Auslander class A (R) C contains every R-module of finite I -injective dimension; see [16, Lemmas 4.1 and C 5.1]. Given an R-module M, one has I -id (M) = id (C ⊗ M) and id (M) = C R R R R I -id (Hom (C,M)) by[19, Theorem2.11]. Inparticular,one hasI -id (M)< C R R C R ∞ if and only if id (C ⊗ M) < ∞, and one has id (M) < ∞ if and only if R R R I -id (Hom (C,M))<∞. It follows that M has locally finite I -id if and only C R R C if C⊗ M has locally finite injective dimension, and M has locally finite injective R dimension if and only if Hom (C,M) has locally finite I -id. R C Lemma 3.11. Assume that R is Cohen-Macaulay with a pointwise dualizing mod- ule ω. Let C be a semidualizing R-module, and let x = x ,...,x ∈ R be an R- 1 i regular sequence. Then HomR(C,ω/(x)ω)∼=C†/(x)C† where C† =HomR(C,ω). Proof. Let K be the Koszul complex KR(x), and let K+ denote the augmented Koszul complex K+ =(0→R→···→R→ R/(x) →0). | {z } deg. −1 Since x is R-regular, K+ is an exact sequence of R-modules of finite projective dimension. Thus, each module K+ is in A (R), so the induced complex j ω ω⊗ K+ =(0→ω →···→ω →ω/(x)ω →0) R | {z } deg. −1 isanexactsequenceofR-moduleslocallyoffiniteinjectivedimension. Inparticular, themodulesinthisexactsequenceareinB (R),sothenextsequenceisalsoexact: C Hom (C,ω⊗ K+) R R =(0→Hom (C,ω)→···→Hom (C,ω)→Hom (C,ω/(x)ω)→0). R R R | {z } deg. −1 Itisstraightforwardtoshowthatthedifferentialonthissequenceinpositivedegrees is the same as the differential on C†⊗ K. It follows that R HomR(C,ω/(x)ω)∼=H0(C†⊗RK)∼=C†/(x)C† as desired. (cid:3) Proof 3.12 (Proof of Theorem 1.5(2)). Assume that R is Cohen-Macaulay with a pointwise dualizing module ω and that M is a non-zero finitely generated R- module with locally finite I -id. Fact 3.10 implies that C⊗ M has locally finite C R injective dimension. Since M 6= 0, we have C ⊗ M 6= 0, by Fact 2.3(b), so R Theorem 1.3 provides an integer r =pd (Hom (ω,C⊗ M)), a proper R-regular R R R 10 SEANSATHER-WAGSTAFF sequence z = z ,...,z , non-negative integers n ,n ,...,n with n > 1, and an 1 r 0 1 r r exact sequence (3.12.1) 0→C⊗ M →Z′ →N′ →0 R with Z′ = ⊕r (ω/(z )ω)ni, where N′ has locally finite injective dimension and i=0 [i] pd (Hom (ω,N′))6r. R R As C ⊗ M has locally finite injective dimension, we have C ⊗ M ∈ B (R) R R C by Fact 2.9(b), so Ext1R(C,C ⊗RM) = 0 and HomR(C,C ⊗RM) ∼= M. Thus, an applicationofHom (C,−)to the sequence(3.12.1)yields the nextexactsequence: R (3.12.2) 0→M →Hom (C,Z′)→Hom (C,N′)→0. R R SinceN′ haslocallyfiniteinjectivedimension,Fact3.10impliesthattheR-module N := Hom (C,N′) has locally finite I -id. With Z := Hom (C,Z′), it remains R C R to show that Z ∼=⊕ri=0(C†/(z[i])C†)ni and pdR(HomR(ω,C⊗RN))6r. The first of these follows from the next sequence of isomorphisms Z ∼=HomR(C,⊕ri=0(ω/(z[i])ω)ni) ∼=⊕ri=0HomR(C,ω⊗R(R/(z[i]))ni ∼=⊕r (C†/(z )C†)ni i=0 [i] where the last isomorphism is from Lemma 3.11. To complete the proof, observe that since N′ has locally finite injective dimension, it is in B (R), so we have C N′ ∼=C⊗RN. ThisimpliesthatpdR(HomR(ω,C⊗RN))=pdR(HomR(ω,N′))6r, as desired. (cid:3) In the next definition, the special case C = R recovers the complete injective resolutions and Gorenstein injective modules. Definition 3.13. Let C be a semidualizing R-module. A complete I I-coresolu- C tion is a complex Y of R-modules such that Y is exact and Hom (U,Y) is exact R for eachU ∈I (R), Y is injective for i60, and Y is C-injective for i>0. An R- C i i module N is G -injective if there exists a complete I I-coresolution Y such that C C N ∼= Ker(∂0Y), and Y is a complete ICI-coresolution of N. Let GIC(R) denote the class of G -injective R-modules, and set G(I ) = GI (R)∩A (R). We let C C C C GI -id (−) and G(I )-id (−) denote the homologicaldimensions obtained from C R C R coresolutions in GI (R) and G(I ), respectively. C C An R-module M has locally finite G(I )-id providedthat G(I )-id (M )< C Cm Rm m ∞ for each maximal ideal m ⊂ R. An R-module M has locally finite GI -id C provided that GI -id (M )<∞ for each maximal ideal m⊂R. Cm Rm m The next lemma explains the relationbetweenthe different Gorensteininjective dimensions. Lemma 3.14 ([18, Lemma 2.10]). Let C be a semidualizing R-module. For an R-module M, the following conditions are equivalent: (i) G(I )-id (M)<∞; C R (ii) GI -id (M)<∞ and M ∈A (R); and C R C (iii) Gid (C⊗ M)<∞ and M ∈A (R). R R C When these conditions are satisfied, we have G(I )-id (M)=GI -id (M)=Gid (C⊗ M). C R C R R R

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