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EMBEDDING INTO BANACH SPACES WITH FINITE DIMENSIONAL DECOMPOSITIONS E.ODELLANDTH.SCHLUMPRECHT 7 0 Abstract. This paper deals with the following types of problems: Assume a Banach space X 0 has someproperty(P). Canitbeembedded intosomeBanachspace Z withafinite dimensional 2 decompositionhavingproperty(P),ormoregenerally,havingapropertyrelatedto(P)?Secondly, n givenaclassofBanachspaces,doesthereexistaBanachspaceinthisclass,orinacloselyrelated a one,whichisuniversalforthisclass? J 1 1 1. Introduction ] A The factthat everyseparableinfinite dimensionalrealBanachspaceX embeds into C[0,1]dates F back to the early days of Banachspace theory [Ba, Th´eor`eme9, page 185]. This result has inspired . h two types of problems. First, given a space X in a certain class can it be embedded isomorphically t into a space Y of the same class with a basis or, more generally, a finite dimensional decomposition a m (FDD)? Secondly, given a class of spaces does there exist a universal space X for that class which is in the class or in a closely related one? By saying X is universal for a class C we mean that each [ Y ∈C embeds into X. As it happens these two types of problems are often related in that solving 1 a problem of the first type can lead to a solution to the analogous problem of second type. v Forexample,J.Bourgain[Bo]askedifthereexistsaseparablereflexivespaceX whichisuniversal 4 2 fortheclassofallseparablesuperreflexiveBanachspaces. Thisquestionarosefromhisresultthatif 3 X containsanisomorphofallseparablereflexivespacesthenX isuniversal,i.e.,containsanisomorph 1 of C[0,1]. This improved an earlier result of Szlenk [Sz] who showed X∗ was not separable. Work 0 by S. Prus [Pr] showed that it sufficed to prove that for a separable superreflexive space Y there 7 exists 1<q ≤p<∞, C <∞ and a space Z with an FDD E =(E ) satisfying C-(p,q)-estimates, 0 i / 1/p 1/q h C−1 kz kp ≤k z k≤C kz kq t i i i a (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) m X X X for all block sequences (z ) of Z w.r.t. (E ). Such a space Z is automatically reflexive and thus we i i : have the problem of given p,q, when does a reflexive space Y embed into such a space Z. v Anearlierversionofthis problemwasraisedby W.B.Johnson[J1]resultingfromhis workonL i p X andearlierworkwithM.Zippin[JZ1,JZ2]. Theproblemaddressedin[J1]wastocharacterizewhen r asubspaceX ofL ,1<p<2,embedsintoℓ . In[JO]itwasshownthatifasubspaceX ofL ,with a p p p 2<p<∞,embedsintoℓ ifandonlyifX doesnotcontainanisomorphofℓ (laterimprovedtoX p 2 almost isometrically embeds into ℓ [KW]). This characterization does not work in L , 1 ≤ p < 2, p p since L embeds into L if p ≤ q ≤ 2, but the p > 2 characterization is equivalent (by [KP]) to q p every normalized basic sequence in X has a subsequence 2-equivalent to the unit vector basis of ℓ . p Johnsonshowed that this criterion (with “2-equivalent” replaced by C-equivalent for some C <∞) characterizedwhenX ⊆L ,1<p<2,embedsintoℓ . HisargumentshowedthatX embeddedinto p p ( H ) for some blocking (H ) of the Haar basis into an FDD and of course ( H ) embeds n ℓp n n ℓp intoℓ . Johnsonalsoconsideredthedualproblemwhichbroughtquotientcharacterizationsintothe p P P picture. These had appeared earlier [JZ2] when it was shown that X embeds into ( E ) , where n ℓp (E ) is a sequence of finite dimensional Banach spaces iff X is a quotient of such a space. n P ResearchsupportedbytheNationalScienceFoundation. 1 2 E.ODELLANDTH.SCHLUMPRECHT ItturnsoutthatthecharacterizationrequiredtoensurethatareflexivespaceX embedsintoone with an FDD satisfying (p,q)-estimates is not a subsequence criterion in the general setting, i.e., if wedonotassumeX tobeasubspaceofL ,butratheronethatcanbeexpressedintermsofweakly p null trees in S , the unit sphere of X. This can be viewed as an infinite version of the notion of X asymptotic structure [MMT]. If X is a Banach space then, for n∈N, a normalizedmonotone basis is said to be in the nth-asymptotic structure of X, and we write (e )n ∈{X} , if for all ε>0 the i i=1 n following holds (cof(X) will denote the set of all closed subspaces of X having finite codimension): (1.1) ∀ X ∈cof(X)∃ x ∈S ∀ X ∈cof(X)∃ x ∈S ... ∀ X ∈cof(X)∃ x ∈S 1 1 X1 2 2 X2 n n Xn (x )n is (1+ε)-equivalent to (e )n . i i=1 i i=1 The fact that some normalized monotone basis (e )n is a member of {X} can be, maybe more i i=1 n intuitively, described by a game between two players. Player I chooses X ∈ cof(X), then Player 1 II chooses x ∈ S . This procedure is repeated until a sequence (x )n is obtained. Player II is 1 X1 i i=1 declared winner of the game if (x )n is (1+ε)-equivalent to (e )n . Condition (1.1) means that i i=1 i i=1 Player II has a winning strategy. It is not hard to show that {X} is a compact subset of M , the set of all such normalized n n monotonebases(e )n underthemetriclogd (·,·)whered ((e )n ,(f )n )isthebasisequivalence i i=1 b b i i=1 i i=1 constantbetweenthebases. Lembergs[L]proofofKrivine’stheoremshowsthatthereisa1≤p≤∞, so that the unit vector basis of ℓn is in {X} for all n ∈ N. In [MMT] it is shown that {X} is p n n alsothe smallestclosedsubset C ofM with the propertythat, for allε>0, playerI has a winning n strategyforforcingplayerIItoselect(x )n withd ((x )n ,C)<1+ε. Thisdoesnotgeneralizeto i i=1 b i i=1 producesay{X} sincewelosecompactness. HoweverwecanstillconsideraclassAofnormalized ∞ monotone bases with the property that in the infinite game player I has a winning strategy for forcing II to select (x )∞ ∈A. i i=1 These notions can be restated in terms of weakly null trees when X∗ is separable. Indeed {X} n isthe smallestclasssuchthateveryweaklynulltreeoflengthn inS admits abranch(x )n with X i i=1 d ((x )n ,{X} )<1+ε. Precise definitions of weakly null trees and other terminology appear in b i i=1 n Section 2. If A is as above for X we can also restate the winning strategy for player I in terms of weakly null trees (of infinite level) but there are some difficulties. First given plays X ,X ,... by player I 1 2 we cannot select a branch (x ) with x ∈X for all i but only that x is close to an element of S . i i i i Xi Secondly not all games are determined so we need a fattening A of A and then need to close it to ε A in the product of the discrete topology on S to obtain a determined game. This will lead to ε X the property that if every weakly null tree in X admits a branch in A then if X ⊆Z, a space with an appropriate FDD (E ), one can find a blocking (F ) of (E ) and δ¯ = (δ), δ ↓ 0, so that every i i i i (x ) ⊆ S which is a δ¯-skipped block sequence w.r.t. (F ) is in A . These will be defined precisely i X i ε in Section 2. An application will be the solution of Johnson’s problem (when does a reflexive space X embed intoanℓ -FDD?)), JohnsonandPrus’problem(whendoes areflexivespaceX embedintoonewith p anFDDsatisfying(p,q)-estimates)and,asaconsequence,Bourgain’sproblem. Thesesolutionswill be given in Sections 4 and 5. Among other characterizations we will show that if for some C < ∞ everyweakly null tree in a reflexive space X admits a branchC-dominating the unit vectorbasis of ℓ and a branch C-dominated by the unit vector basis of ℓ then X embeds into a space with an p q FDD satisfying (p,q)-estimates. ThemachinerydevelopedinSection2alsohasapplicationsinthenonreflexivesetting. InSection3 we consider and characterize spaces X of Szlenk index ω, the smallest possible. If X is a separable Banach space not containing ℓ then S (X) is an ordinal index which is less than ω iff X∗ is 1 z 1 separable. For ε>0 set K0(X,ε)=BX∗ and for α<ω1 we recursively define ∃ (x∗)⊆K (x,ε) with K (X,ε)= x∗ ∈K (X,ε): n α α+1 ( α w∗−limn→∞x∗n =x∗ and liminfn→∞kx∗n−x∗k≥ε) EMBEDDING INTO BANACH SPACES WITH FINITE DIMENSIONAL DECOMPOSITIONS 3 If α is a limit ordinal, K (X,ε)= K (X,ε) . α β β<α \ S (X,ε) is the smallest α with K (X,ε)=∅ or ω otherwise. z α 1 S (X)=sup{S (X,ε):0<ε<1} . z z (ThisdefinitionisanequivalentversionofSzlenk’soriginalindex usingRosenthal’sℓ theorem[R].) 1 We will show that S (X)=ω iff X∗ can be embedded as a w∗-closedsubspace of a space Z with z anFDD satisfying 1-(p,1)-estimates. A longlist of further equivalentconditions (Theorem3.4)will be given including that X can be renormed to be w∗-uniform Kadec Klee and X can be renormed to be asymptotically uniformly smooth (of power type q for some q >1). Asymptoticuniformlysmooth(a.u.s.) andasymptoticuniformlyconvex(a.u.c)norms,definedin Section 3, are asymptotic versions of uniformly smooth and uniformly convex due to [JLPS] based upon modulii of V.D. Milman [Mi]. Theorem 3.4, mentioned above, gives the result that X can be given an a.u.s. norm iff it can be given one of power type q for some q > 1. We obtain a similar resultfora.u.c.forreflexivespaces. RecallthatPisier[Pi]provedthatasuperreflexive(equivalently, uniformlyconvex)spacecanberenormedtobeuniformlyconvexofpowertypepforsome2≤p<∞ and similarly for uniformly smooth with 1<p≤2. InSection3wealsogiveaproofofKalton’stheorem[K]thataBanachspaceX embedsintoc if 0 forsomeC <∞everyweaklynulltreeinS admitsabranch(x )∞ satisfyingsup k nx k≤C. X i i=1 n 1 i This proof fits nicely into our Section 2 machinery. P In Section 5 we discuss applications of our results to universalproblems. In regardto Bourgain’s problem we show the space constructed is universal for the class {X :X is reflexive, S (X)=S (X∗)=ω} , z z which includes all superreflexive spaces. We also discuss the universal problem for reflexive a.u.s. (or a.u.c.) spaces. Acentralthemeoftheproblemswehavepresentediscoordinatization. Acoordinate-freeproperty isconsideredandwewishtoembedaspaceX withthispropertyintoaspaceZ withanFDDwhich realizes this property w.r.t. its “coordinates”. The tools we use, in addition to the ones mentioned above, are several. There are the blocking arguments of Johnson and Zippin [J1], [JZ1, JZ2] and some known embedding theorems which we cite now. 1.1 [DFJP]. If X∗ is separable then X is a quotient of a space with a shrinking basis. 1.2 [Z]. If X∗ is separable then X embeds into a space with a shrinking basis. 1.3 [Z]. If X is reflexive then X embeds into a reflexive space with a basis. We will often begin with X ⊆ Z, one of the spaces given by 1.2, 1.3 or with X a quotient of Z (as in 1.1) and the problem will be to put a new norm on Z which reflects the structure of X that we wish to coordinatize and maintains that X is a subspace of Z (or a quotient). All of our Banachspaces in this paper are realand separable. We will use X,Y,Z,...for infinite dimensional spaces and E,F,G,... for finite dimensional spaces or write E =(E ) for an FDD. n Most of the results we will present have appeared in a number of recent papers ([OS1], [OS2], [OSZ] [KOS], [K], [GKL], [JLPS]). As the theory has developed the proofs and results have been better understood, generalized and improved. Our aim is to give a unified presentation of these improvements and in several cases present easier proofs. New results are also included. 2. A general combinatorial result Inthissectionwestateandprovethreegeneralcombinatorialresults(Theorem2.3andCorollaries 2.6 and 2.9). These are reformulations and improvements of results in [OS1]. We will present a different more accessible proof. We first introduce some notation. 4 E.ODELLANDTH.SCHLUMPRECHT Let Z be a Banach space with an FDD E = (E ). For n ∈ N we denote the n- th coordinate n projection by PE, i.e. PE :Z →E , z 7→z . For finite A⊂N we put PE = PE. The n n n i n A n∈A n projection constant of (E ) (in Z) is defined by n P P K =K(E,Z)= sup kPE k . [m,n] m≤n Recall that K is always finite and, as in the case of bases, we call (E ) bimonotone (in Z) if n K =1. By passing to the equivalent norm |||·|||:Z →R, z 7→ sup kPE (z)k , [m,n] m≤n we can always renorm Z so that K =1. For a sequence (E ) of finite dimensional spaces we define the vector space i c (⊕∞ E )= (z ):z ∈E , for i∈N, and {i∈N:z 6=0} is finite , 00 i=1 i i i i i which is dense in each Banacnh space for which (E ) is an FDD. For A ⊂ N we de(cid:9)note by ⊕ E n i∈A i the linear subspace of c (⊕E ) generated by the elements of (E ) and we denote its closure in 00 i i i∈A Z by (⊕E ) . As usual we denote the vector space of sequences in R which are eventually zero by i Z c and its unit vector basis by (e ). 00 i Thevectorspacec (⊕∞ E∗),whereE∗ isthedualspaceofE ,fori∈N,isaw∗-densesubspace 00 i=1 i i i of Z∗. (More precisely E∗ is the subspace of Z∗ generated by all elements z∗ for which z∗| = 0 i En if n6=i. E∗ is uniformly isomorphic to the dual space of E and is isometric to it if K(E,Z)=1.) i i We denote the norm closure of c (⊕∞ E∗) in Z∗ by Z(∗). Z(∗) is w∗-dense in Z∗, the unit ball 00 i=1 i BZ(∗) norms Z and (Ei∗) is an FDD of Z(∗) having a projection constantnot exceeding K(E,Z). If K(E,Z)=1 then BZ(∗) is 1-norming and Z(∗)(∗) =Z. For z ∈c (⊕E ) we define the E-support of z by 00 i supp (z)= i∈N:PE(z)6=0 . E i A non-zero sequence (finite or infinite) (z )⊂(cid:8)c (⊕E ) is called(cid:9)a block sequence of (E ) if j 00 i i maxsupp (z )<minsupp (z ), whenever n∈N (or n<length(z )), E n E n+1 j and it is called a skipped block sequence of (E ) if 1<minsupp (z ) and i E 1 maxsupp (z )<minsupp (z )−1, whenever n∈N (or n<length(z )). E n E n+1 i Letδ =(δ )⊂(0,1]. A(finiteorinfinite)sequence(z )⊂S ={z ∈Z :kzk=1}iscalledaδ-block n j Z sequence of (E ) or a δ-skipped block sequence of (E ) if there are 1≤k <ℓ <k <ℓ <··· in N n n 1 1 2 2 so that kz −PE (z )k<δ , or kz −PE (z )k<δ , respectively, n [kn,ℓn] n n n (kn,ℓn] n n foralln∈N(orn≤length(z )). Ofcourseonecouldgeneralizethe notionofδ-blockandδ-skipped j blocksequencestomoregeneralsequences,butweprefertointroducethisnotiononlyfornormalized sequences. It is important to note that in the definition of δ-skipped block sequences k ≥ 1, and 1 that therefore the E -coordinate of z is small (depending on δ ). 1 1 1 A sequence of finite-dimensional spaces (G ) is called a blocking of (E ) if there are 0 = k < n n 0 k <k <··· in N so that G =⊕kn E , for n=1,2,.... 1We2denote the sequences inn S io=fklne−n1g+t1h ni ∈ N by Sn and the infinite sequences in S by Sω. Z Z Z Z For m,n ∈ N, for x = (x ,x ,...,x ) ∈ Sm and y = (y ,y ,...,y ) ∈ Sn or y = (y ) ∈ Sω we 1 2 m Z 1 2 n Z i Z denote the concatenation of x and y by (x,y), i.e. (x,y)=(x ,x ,...,x ,y ,...,y ), or (x,y)=(x ,x ,...,x ,y ,y ,...) respectively . 1 2 m 1 m 1 2 m 1 2 We also allow the case x=∅ or y =∅ and let (∅,y)=y and (x,∅)=x. EMBEDDING INTO BANACH SPACES WITH FINITE DIMENSIONAL DECOMPOSITIONS 5 Let A ⊂ Sω be given. We denote the closure of A with respect to the product topology of the Z discrete topology on S by A. Note that if A is closed it follows that for x=(x )∈Sw, Z i Z (2.1) x∈A ⇐⇒ ∀ n∈N ∃ z ∈Sω (x ,x ,...,x ,z)∈A Z 1 2 n If ε=(ε ) is a sequence in [0,∞) we write i A = (z )∈Sω : ∃ (z˜)∈A, kz −z˜k≤ε for all i∈N ε i Z i i i i and call the set A the ε-(cid:8)fattening of A. For ℓ∈N and ε=(ε )ℓ ⊂[0,∞) we(cid:9)let A =A , where ε i i=1 ε δ δ =(δ ) and δ =ε , for i=1,2,...,ℓ and δ =0 if i>ℓ. i i i i If ℓ∈N and x ,x ,...,x ∈S we let 1 2 ℓ Z A(x ,x ,...,x )= z =(z )∈Sω :(x ,x ,...,x ,z)∈A . 1 2 ℓ i Z 1 2 ℓ Let A⊂SZω and B = ∞i=1Bi, where(cid:8)Bn ⊂SZ for n∈N. (cid:9) We consider the following (A,B)-game between two players: Assume that E = (E ) is an FDD i Q for Z. Player I chooses n ∈N , 1 Player II chooses z ∈c ⊕∞ E ∩B , 1 00 i=n1+1 i 1 Player I chooses n ∈N , 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) Player II chooses z ∈c ⊕∞ E ∩B , 2 00 i=n2+1 i 2 . . (cid:0) (cid:1) . Player I wins the (A,B)-game if the resulting sequence (z ) lies in A. If Player I has a winning n strategy(forcingthesequence(z )tobeinA)wewillwriteWI(A,B)andifPlayerIIhasawinning i strategy(beingabletochoose(z )outsideofA)wewriteWII(A,B). IfAisaBorelsetwithrespect i to the product of the discrete topology on Sω (note that B is always closed in the product of the Z discrete topology on Sω), it follows from the main theorem in [Ma] that the game is determined, Z i.e., either WI(A,B) or WII(A,B). Let us define WII(A,B) formally. We will need to introduce trees in Banach spaces. We define T = (n ,n ,...,n ):n <n <···n are in N . ∞ 1 2 ℓ 1 2 ℓ ℓ∈N [ (cid:8) (cid:9) Ifα=(m ,m ,...,m )∈T ,wecallℓthelengthofαanddenoteitby|α|,andβ =(n ,n ,...,n )∈ 1 2 ℓ ∞ 1 2 k T iscalledanextensionofα,orαiscalledarestrictionofβ,ifk ≥ℓandn =m ,fori=1,2,...,ℓ. ∞ i i We then write α≤β and with this order (T ,≤) is a tree. ∞ In this worktrees in a Banachspace X arefamilies in X indexed by T , thus they arecountable ∞ infinitely branching trees of countably infinite length. For a tree (x ) in a Banach space X, and α = (n ,n ,...,n ) ∈ T ∪{∅} we call the α α∈T∞ 1 2 ℓ ∞ sequences of the form (x ) nodes of (x ) . The sequences (y ), with y =x , (α,n) n>nℓ α α∈T∞ n i (n1,n2,...,ni) for i ∈ N, for some strictly increasing sequence (n ) ⊂ N, are called branches of (x ) . Thus, i α α∈T∞ branchesofatree(x ) aresequencesoftheform(x )where(α )isamaximallinearlyordered α α∈T∞ αn n (with respect to extension) subset of T . ∞ If (x ) is a tree in X and if T′ ⊂ T is closed under taking restrictions so that for each α α∈T∞ ∞ α∈T′∪{∅}infinitely many directsuccessorsofα arealsoin T′ then we call(xα)α∈T′ a full subtree of (xα)α∈T∞. Note that (xα)α∈T′ could then be relabeled to a family indexed by T∞ and note that thebranchesof(xα)α∈T′ arebranchesof(xα)α∈T∞ andthatthenodesof(xα)α∈T′ aresubsequences of certain nodes of (x ) . α α∈T∞ We call a tree (x ) in a Banach space X normalized if kx k=1, for all α∈T and weakly α α∈T∞ α ∞ null if every node is weakly null. More generally if T is a topology on X and a tree (x ) in a α α∈T∞ Banach space X is called T-null if every node converges to 0 with respect to T. 6 E.ODELLANDTH.SCHLUMPRECHT If (x ) is a tree in a Banachspace Z whichhas anFDD (E ) we callit a block tree of (E ) α α∈T∞ n n if every node is a block sequence of (E ). n We will also need to consider trees of finite length. For ℓ∈N we call a family (x ) in α α∈T∞,|α|≤ℓ X a tree of length ℓ. Note that the notions nodes, branches, T-null and block trees can be defined analogously for trees of finite length. Definition. Assume that Z is a Banach space with an FDD (E ), A⊂Sω and B = ∞ B , with i Z i=1 i B ⊂S for i∈N. We say that Player II has a winning strategy for the (A,B)-game if i Z Q (WII(A,B)) There exists a block tree (x ) of (E ) in S all of whose branches are in B α α∈T∞ i Z but none of its branches are in A. In case that the (A,B)-game is determined WI(A,B) can be therefore stated as follows. (WI(A,B)) Every block tree (x ) of (E ) in S , all of whose branches are in B, has a α α∈T∞ i X branch in A. The proof of the following Proposition is easy. Proposition 2.1. Let A,A ⊂ Sω, B = ∞ B , with B ⊂ S for i ∈ N. Assume that the Z i=1 i i Z (A,B)-game and the (A,B)-game are determined. Q e a) If A⊂A, then e WI(A,B)⇒WI(A,B) and WII(A,B)⇒WII(A,B) . e b) WI(A,B) ⇐⇒ ∃ n∈N ∀ x∈ ⊕∞ E ∩B WI(A(x), ∞ B ) c) If ℓ∈N, ε=(ε )ℓ ⊂[0,∞) andei=xn,+y1 ∈iB wi1thekx −y k≤εi=f2or ii=1,2,...,ℓ then i i=1 (cid:0) i i (cid:1)i i i Qi ∞ ∞ WI A(x ,x ,...,x ), B ⇒WI A (y ,y ,...,y ), B . 1 2 ℓ i ε 1 2 ℓ i (cid:16) i=Yℓ+1 (cid:17) (cid:16) i=Yℓ+1 (cid:17) Lemma 2.2. Let A, and ε=(ε ),δ =(δ )⊂[0,∞) Then i i A ⊂A . ε δ ε+δ Proof. We observe (cid:0) (cid:1) u=(u )∈ A i ε δ ⇐⇒∀ n(cid:0)∈N(cid:1)∃ v(n) ∈SZω (u1,...,un,v(n))∈ Aε δ =⇒ ∀ n∈N ∃ x1,x2,...,xn ∈SZ and w(n) ∈(cid:0)SZω (cid:1) kx −u k≤δ , for i=1,...,n, and (x ,...,x ,w(n))∈A i i i 1 n ε =⇒ ∀ n∈N ∃ x ,x ,...,x ∈S and w(n) ∈Sω ∀ m∈N ∃ y(m) ∈Sω 1 2 n Z Z Z kx −u k≤δ for i=1,2,...,n and (x ,...,x ,w(n),w(n),...,w(n),y(m))∈A i i i 1 n 1 2 m ε =⇒ ∀ n∈N ∃ x ,x ,...,x ∈S ∃ y(n) ∈Sω 1 2 n Z Z kx −u k≤δ for i=1,2,...,n and (x ,...,x ,y(n))∈A i i i 1 n ε =⇒ ∀ ℓ∈N ∃ z(ℓ) ∈A ku −z(ℓ)k≤δ +ε , for i=1,2,...,ℓ i i i i ⇐⇒u∈A . ε+δ (cid:3) Now we can state one of our main combinatorial principles. Theorem 2.3. Let Z have an FDD (E ) and let B ⊂ S , for i = 1,2,.... Put B = ∞ B and i i Z i=1 i let A⊂Sω. Z Q Assume that for all ε=(ε )⊂(0,1] we have WI(A ,B). i ε EMBEDDING INTO BANACH SPACES WITH FINITE DIMENSIONAL DECOMPOSITIONS 7 Then for all ε = (ε ) ⊂ (0,1] there exists a blocking (G ) of (E ) so that every skipped block i i i sequence (z ) of (G ), with z ∈B , for i∈N, is in A . i i i i ε Proof. Let ε=(ε )⊂(0,1] be given. For k=0,1,2,... put ε(k) =(ε(k)) with i i ε(k) =ε (1−2−k)/2 for i∈N. i i We put A=A . ε/2 For ℓ∈N we write B(ℓ) = ∞ B . i=ℓ+1 i By inducetion we choose for k ∈N numbers n ∈N so that 0= n < n <n <···, and so that k 0 1 2 for any k ∈N, if G =⊕nk Q E , k i=nk−1+1 i (2.2) WI A (σ,x),B(ℓ+1) for any 0≤ℓ<k and any normalized skipped block ε(k) (cid:0) (cid:1)ℓ σ =(ex ,x ,...,x )∈ B of (G )k−1 (σ =∅ if ℓ=0) 1 2 ℓ i i i=1 i=1 Y and x∈S⊕∞i=nk+1Ei ∩Bℓ+1 (2.3) WI A (σ),B(ℓ) for any 0≤ℓ<k and any normalized skipped block ε(k) (cid:0) (cid:1) ℓ σ =(xe,x ,...,x )∈ B of (G )k 1 2 ℓ i i i=1 i=1 Y Fork =1wededucefromProposition2.1(b),Lemma2.2andthehypothesisthatthereisann ∈N 1 so that WI Aε(1)(x),B(1) for any x∈S⊕∞i=n1+1Ei ∩Bi. This implies (2.2) and (2.3) (note that for k =1 σ can only be chosen to be ∅ in (2.2) and (2.3)). (cid:0) (cid:1) Assumen e<n <···n havebeenchosenforsomek ∈N. Wewillfirstchoosen sothat(2.2) 1 2 k k+1 issatisfied. Inthecasethatk =1wesimplychoosen =n +1andnotethat(2.2)fork =2follows 2 1 from(2.2)fork =1sinceinbothcasesσ =∅istheonlychoice. Ifk >1wecanusethecompactness of the sphere of a finite dimensional space and choose a finite set F of normalized skipped blocks (x ,x ,...,x ) ∈ ℓ B , of (G )k so that for any ℓ ≤ k and any normalized skipped block 1 2 ℓ i=1 i i i=1 with length ℓ, σ = (x ,x ,...,x ) ∈ ℓ B of (G )k , there is a σ′ = (x′,x′,...,x′) ∈ F Q 1 2 ℓ i=1 i i i=1 1 2 ℓ with kx −x′k < ε 2−k−2, for i = 1,2,...,ℓ. Then, using the induction hypothesis (2.3) for k, i i i Q and Proposition 2.1 (b), we choose n ∈ N large enough so that WI A (σ,x),B(ℓ+1) for any k+1 ε(k) σ ∈ F and x ∈ S⊕∞i=nk+1+1Ei ∩Bℓ+1. From Proposition 2.1 (c) and(cid:0)our choice of F w(cid:1)e deduce e WI A (σ,x),B(ℓ+1) for any 0≤ℓ<k, any normalized skipped block σ of (G )k of length ℓ ε(k+1) i i=1 in (cid:0)ℓi=e1Bi and any x∈S(cid:1)⊕∞i=nk+1+1Ei ∩Bℓ+1, and, thus, (using the induction hypothesis for σ =∅) we deduce (2.2) for k+1. Q In order to verify (2.3) let σ = (x ,x ,...,x ) ∈ ℓ B be a normalized skipped block of 1 2 ℓ i=1 i (G )k+1 (the case σ = ∅ follows from the induction hypothesis). Then σ′ = (x ,x ,...,x ) i i=1 Q 1 2 ℓ−1 is empty or a normalized skipped block sequence of (G )k−1 in ℓ−1B . In the second case i i=1 i=1 i WI A )(σ),B(ℓ) = WI A )(σ′,x ),B(ℓ) follows from (2.2) for k and from Proposi- ε(k+1) ε(k+1) ℓ Q tion 2.1 (a). This finishes the recursive definition of the n ’s and G ’s. k k L(cid:0)ete(z ) any norm(cid:1)alizedskip(cid:0)peed block sequence o(cid:1)f (G ) which lies in B. For any n∈N it follows n i from (2.3) for σ = (z )n that WI(A (σ),B), and, thus, A (σ) 6= ∅, which means that σ is i i=1 ε/2 ε/2 extendabletoasequenceinA (notethatlim ε(n) =ε ). Thus,anynormalizedskippedblock ε/2 n→∞ i i e e sequence which is element of B lies in A and, thus, by Lemma 2.2, in A . (cid:3) ε/2 ε e e 8 E.ODELLANDTH.SCHLUMPRECHT NowletX beaclosedsubspaceofZ havinganFDD(E )andA⊂Sω. Weconsiderthefollowing i X game Player I chooses n ∈N , 1 Player II chooses x ∈ ⊕∞ E ∩X, kx k=1 , 1 i=n1+1 i Z 1 Player I chooses n ∈N , 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) Player II chooses x ∈ ⊕∞ E ∩X, kx k=1 , 2 i=n2+1 i Z 2 . . (cid:0) (cid:1) . Asbefore,PlayerIwinsif(x )∈A. SincethegamedoesnotonlydependonAbutonthesuperspace i Z in which X is embedded and its FDD (E ) we call this the (A,Z)-game. i Definition. Assume that X is a subspace of a space Z which has an FDD (E ) and that A⊂Sω. i X Define for n∈N X =X ∩ ⊕∞ E ={x∈X :∀ z∗ ∈⊕n E∗ z∗(x)=0} , n i=n+1 i Z i=1 i a closed subspace of finite (cid:0)codimension(cid:1)in X. (cid:1) We say that Player II has a winning strategy in the (A,Z)-game if WII(A,Z) there is a tree (x ) in S so that for any α=(n ,...,n )∈T ∪∅ x ∈ α α∈T∞ X 1 ℓ ∞ (α,n) X whenever n>n , and so that no branch lies in A. n ℓ In the case that the (A,Z)-game is determined Player I has a winning strategy in the (A,Z)-game if the negation of WII(A,Z) is true and thus WI(A,Z) foranytree(x ) inS sothatforanyα=(n ,...,n )∈T ∪∅x ∈X α α∈T∞ X 1 ℓ ∞ (α,n) n whenever n>n , there is branch in A. ℓ For A⊂Sω ⊂Sω anda sequence ε=(ε )in [0,∞) we understandby A the ε-fattening ofA as X Z i ε a subset of Sω. In case we want to restrict ourselves to S we write AX, i.e. Z X ε AX =A ∩Sω = (x )∈Sω :∃ (y )∈A kx −y k≤ε for all i∈N . ε ε X i X i i i i Since SXω is closed in SZω with(cid:8)respect to the product of the discrete topology, (cid:9)we deduce that AX =AX for A⊂Sω. X The following Proposition reduces the (A,Z)-game to a game we treated before. In order to be able to do sowe need some technicalassumptiononthe embedding ofX into Z (see condition(2.4) below). Proposition 2.4. Let X ⊂ Z, a space with an FDD (E ). Assume the following condition on X, i Z and the embedding of X into Z is satisfied: (2.4) There is a C >0 so that for all m∈N and ε>0 there is an n=n(ε,m)≥m kxk ≤C kPE (x)k+ε whenever x∈S . X/Xm [1,n] X Assume that A⊂Sω and tha(cid:2)t for all null se(cid:3)quences ε⊂(0,1] we have WI(AX,Z). X ε Then it follows for all null sequences ε = (ε ) ⊂ (0,1] that WI(A ,(Sω) ) holds, where δ = (δ ) i ε X δ i with δ = ε /28CK for i ∈ N, with C satisfying (2.4) and K being the projection constant of (E ) i i i in Z. Proof. Let A⊂Sω and assume that WI(AX,Z) is satisfied for all null sequences η =(η )⊂(0,1]. X η i Foranullsequenceε=(ε )⊂(0,1]weneedtoverifyWI(A ,(Sω) )(withδ =ε /28KC fori∈N) i ε X δ i i and so we let (z ) be a block tree of (E ) in S all of whose branches lie in (Sω) = {(z ) ∈ α α∈T∞ i Z X δ i Sω :dist(z ,S )≤δ for i=1,2,...}. Z i X i After passing to a full subtree of (z ) we can assume that for any α=(m ,...,m ) in T α 1 ℓ ∞ (2.5) z ∈⊕∞ E α j=1+n(δℓ,mℓ) j EMBEDDING INTO BANACH SPACES WITH FINITE DIMENSIONAL DECOMPOSITIONS 9 (where n(ε,m) is chosen as in (2.4)). For α=(m ,m ,...,m )∈T we choose y ∈S with ky −z k<2δ and, thus, by (2.5) 1 2 ℓ ∞ α X α α ℓ kPE (y )k=kPE (y −z )k≤2Kδ . [1,n(δℓ,mℓ)] α [1,n(δℓ,mℓ)] α α ℓ Using (2.4) we can therefore choose an x′ ∈X so that α mℓ kx′ −y k≤C(2Kδ +δ )≤3CKδ , α α ℓ ℓ ℓ and thus 1−3CKδ ≤kx′ k≤1+3CKδ . ℓ α ℓ Letting x =x′ /kx′ k we deduce that α α α ky −x k≤ky −x′ k+kx′ −x k α α α α α α ≤3CKδ +(1+3CKδ )3CKδ /(1−3CKδ )≤12CKδ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ (the last inequality follows from the fact that (1+3CKδ )/(1−3CKδ )≤3) and, thus, ℓ ℓ kz −x k≤14CKδ =ε /2 . α α ℓ ℓ Using WI(AX ,Z) and noting that x ∈ X , for α = (m ,m ,...,m ) ∈ T we can choose a ε/2 α mℓ 1 2 ℓ ∞ branch of (x ) which is in AX . Thus, the corresponding branch of (z ) lies in A . (cid:3) α ε/2 α ε From [OS1, Lemma 3.1] it follows that every separable Banach space X is a subspace of a space Z with an FDD satisfying the condition (2.4) (with n(m)=m). The following Propositionexhibits two general situations in which (2.4) is automatically satisfied. Proposition 2.5. Assume X is a subspace of a space Z having an FDD (E ). In the following two i cases (2.4) holds: a) If (E ) is a shrinking FDD for Z. In that case C in (2.4) can be chosen arbitrarily close to i 1. b) If (E ) is boundedly complete for Z (i.e., Z is the dual of Z(∗)) and the ball of X is a w∗- i closed subset of Z. In that case C can be chosen to be the projection constant K of (E ) in i Z. Proof. In order to prove (a) we will show that for any m ∈ N and any 0 < ε < 1 there is an n=n(ε,m) so that kxk ≤(1+ε) kPE (x)k+ε , whenever x∈S X/Xm [1,n] X (i.e., C in (2.4) can be chosen arbitrarily(cid:2)close to 1). (cid:3) Since X/X is finite dimensional and m (X/X )∗ =X⊥ = x∗ ∈X∗ :x∗| ≡0 , m m Xm we can choose a finite set Am ⊂SX⊥ ⊂SX∗ fo(cid:8)r which (cid:9) m kxk ≤(1+ε) max |f(x)| whenever x∈X . X/Xm f∈Am By the Theoremof HahnBanachwe canextend eachf ∈Am to anelementg ∈SZ∗. Letus denote the set of all of these extensions B . Since B is finite and since (E∗) is an FDD of Z∗ we can m m i choose an n = n(ε,m) so that kPE∗ (g)−gk < ε for all g ∈ B . Since PE∗ is the adjoint [1,n(m)] m [1,n(m)] operator of PE (consider PE∗ to be an operator from Z∗ to Z∗ and PE to be an [1,n(m)] [1,n(m)] [1,n(m)] operator from Z to Z), it follows for x∈S , that X kxk ≤(1+ε) max |g(x)| X/Xm g∈Bm ≤(1+ε) max PE∗ (g)(x) +kPE∗ (g)−gk [1,n(m)] [1,n(m)] g∈Bm ≤(1+ε) max(cid:2)(cid:12)(cid:12)|g P[E1,n(m)](x) (cid:12)(cid:12)|+ε ≤(1+ε) kP[E1,n(cid:3)(m)](x)k+ε , g∈Bm (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) 10 E.ODELLANDTH.SCHLUMPRECHT which proves our claim and finishes the proof of part (a). Inordertoshow(b)weassumethatX isasubspaceofaspaceZ whichhasaboundedlycomplete FDD (E ) and the unit ball of X is a w∗-closed subset of Z, which is the dual of Z(∗). i For m ∈ N and ε > 0 we will show that the inequality in (2.4) holds for some n and C = K. Assuming that this was not true we could choose a sequence (x )⊂S so that for any n∈N n X kx k >K kPE (x )k+ε . n X/Xm [1,n] n Bythe compactnessofBX inthe w∗ topologyw(cid:2)e canchooseasu(cid:3)bsequencexnk whichconvergesw∗ to some x ∈ B . For fixed ℓ it follows that (PE (x )) converges in norm to PE (x). Secondly, X [1,ℓ] nk [1,ℓ] sinceX/X isfinitedimensionalitfollowsthatlim kx k =kxk ,and,thus,itfollows m k→∞ nk X/Xm X/Xm that kxk= lim kPE (x)k [1,ℓ] ℓ→∞ = lim lim kPE (x )k ℓ→∞k→∞ [1,ℓ] nk ≤KlimsupkPE (x )k [1,nk] nk k→∞ ≤limsupkx k −Kε=kxk −Kε , nk X/Xm X/Xm k→∞ which is a contradiction since kxk≥kxk . (cid:3) X/Xm By combining Theorem 2.3 and Proposition 2.4 we deduce Corollary 2.6. Let X beasubspace of aspace Z with an FDD(E ) andassumethat this embedding i satisfies condition (2.4). Let K ≥1 be the projection constant of (E ) in Z and let C ≥1 be chosen i so that (2.4) holds. For A⊂Sω the following conditions are equivalent X a) For all null sequences ε=(ε )⊂(0,1], WI(AX,Z) holds. n ε b) For all null sequences ε = (ε ) ⊂ (0,1] there exists a blocking (G ) of (F ) so that every n n n ε/420CK-skipped block sequence (z )⊂X of (G ) is in A . n n ε In the case that X has a separable dual (a) and (b) are equivalent to the following condition c) For all null sequences ε=(ε )⊂(0,1] every weakly null tree in S has a branch in A . n X ε In the case that (E ) is a boundedly complete FDD of Z and B is w∗-closed in Z = (Z(∗))∗ the i X conditions (a) and (b) are equivalent to d) For all null sequences ε=(ε )⊂(0,1] every w∗-null tree in S has a branch in A n X ε Proof. (a) ⇒ (b) Let ε=(ε )⊂(0,1] be a null sequence, choose η =(η ) with η =ε /3, for i∈N, i i i i and δ =(δ ) with δ =η /140CK =ε /420CK. i i i i We deduce from Proposition 2.4 that WI(A ,(Sω) ) holds. Using Theorem 2.3 we can block η X 5δ (E ) into (G ) so that every skipped block of (G ) in (Sω) (as a subset of S ) is in A (actually i i i X 5δ Z 2η we are using the quantified result given by the proof of Theorem 2.3). Assume (x )⊂ S is a δ-skipped block sequence of (G ) and let 1 ≤ k < ℓ < k < ℓ < ··· in i X i 1 1 2 2 N so that kx −PE (x )k<δ , for all n∈N . n (kn,ℓn] n n The sequence (z ) with z = PE (x )/kPE (x )k, for n ∈ N, is a skipped block sequence of n n (kn,ℓn] n (kn,ℓn] n S and we deduce that Z 1 kx −z k≤kx −PE (x )k+kPE (x )k 1− n n n (kn,ℓn] n (kn,ℓn] n kPE (x )k (cid:12) (kn,ℓn] n (cid:12) δ (cid:12) (cid:12) ≤δ +(1+δ ) n ≤5δ . (cid:12) (cid:12) n n n 1−δ n

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