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Elucidation of Single-Acupoint Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy PDF

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Preview Elucidation of Single-Acupoint Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy

刘 昭 周晨华 著译A Writ↑beγnD rL.i Zuh ao& ZhouC henhua- CHINESE- ENGLISH 汉 独穴| 针会疗m m 售�� 1!.也也...单 固书在版编目(CIP)数据 汉英对照独穴针灸疗法/刘昭等著译.一北京: 人民卫生出版社,2005.2 ISBN9 78-7-117-06580-1 I.汉.. . n.xr J...皿 针灸疗法一汉、英 町.R245 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核宇(2005)第002360号 汉英对照独穴针灸疗法 著 译::XiJ昭 周晨华 出版发行:人民卫生出版社(中继线010-67616688) 地 址:北京市丰台区方庄芳群园3区3号楼 邮 编:l(阳78 网 址: http:/ww/w. pmph.com - E n回J: pmph@ pmph.c om 购书热线: 010-67币。5071540-65264830 印 刷:三河市宏达印刷有限公司 经 销:新华书店 开 本:8501 16811 32 即张:12.625 x 字 鼓:308字千 版 次:2005年1月第1版 2008 年1月第l版第2次印刷 标准书号: 97-8 7 1-17-凶δ8l0I-R6581 ISBN • 定 价:25.∞元 版极所有, 侵权必究,打击盗版举报电话: 010-876133倒 (凡属印装质量问题请与本社销售部联系退换) Preface Thisb ook,n amelCyh inese-EnEgllucisihda tioonf S ingle­ acupoinAtc upunctaunrdeM oxibustioThne rapy,i san academic monograpohn s ingle-acuapcouipnutn ctaunrdme o xibus(tS iAoMn) . Iti sa ccompliosnht ehdeb asoef T CM' tsh eooryf m eridiaannds syndrome-differenctoimabtiinoinwin tgh the autho'r sc linic experieonbcteasi nferdo mt heimra nyy ears' c linipcraalc tiocfe acupunctaunrdme o xibustiitmo ani,n lnya rrattehdep rinciopfl es SAM andh owt ou sei ti nt hec oncrceltien pirca ctice. Scienocfea cupunctaunrdme o xibusitsia onin m portanptar to f all TCM,i ti swi deluys eidn them edicpalr actIinct eh.ef oltkh,e re isa populsaary itnoga ppratihseqe u alitoyfa cupunctounrege o"l ,d twos ilvaenrd t hreber on"z e (t het ruem eaninigs: t hef ewer acupoiunste, d t heb etttehre q ualiotfyt hea cupunc)t uT.rh ei s meantsh es uccessafcuulp unctturreea tmsehnotu lbde s implien performanwchei lper omineinntt h erapeeuffteiccAt s luckw ould havie,t t hea uthoarsl sroe gardesdu cvhi ewpoaisnt th es taporitn t tow ritteh ibso o,k i nw hicthh eseeff ectimveet hodosfS ingle­ acupoiAnctu punctaunrde MoxibustionStAhMa th aveb een authentiicnat theedi mra nyy ea'r csl inpirca ctiacreev eritably publictiozt ehder eadesrso a st oh avea deepedri scussaiboonu t SAM witthh er eadetrosg ether. SAM requirtehsea cupuncttuorb ies itn p ossessoifot nh e superexcealb�ieltniottw yo rko uta ccurate diaangdsn yonsdirso me­ difefrentiaAttifi orns.ti ,tr equitrheeas c upunctsuhroiuseltxd p ertly 131 Preface mastelro catainodni ndicatoifto hneas c upoianltalsr ountdh eb ody asw elals t hea cupoi'mn utlst ifaerffieocuitsnt reatmseencto;n tdh,e acupunctsuhroiusltbd e a blteo w orko uta ccuradtiea gnoasnids perfotrhme c orresponsdyinndgr ome-diffearnednt trieaattimoenn t accordtiont gh ec oncrefteea tuorfed si sea;sfi ensa lliyt' mso st importfaontrth ea cupuncttuorm iaskteh ism anipulatiaotnt hjeu st mosta pproprmieataes urweh en performing manipulation. Thus, coultdh ep ati'esnst u fferbiena gl levimaotsetde ffectivAellloy f. thesmee ant haitn:S AM,t hea cupunctsuhroiuslatdd roimtalsyt er thesystekmnaotwilce dogfae c upunctaunrdme o xibusitnicolnu ding theb asitch eortyh,et herapepurtiincc iapnldet hep rescriopft ion acupoianstw elals t hem anipulatteicohnn i,qf uuerst herm,ob ree gooadt u sing tihnce omn crectlien pirca ctwiicteh gfraecaitlI int y. addititohnea, c upunctsuhroisutlb de familwiiatrhs omeu nique methodosfa cupunctaunrdem oxibustsiuocnha sM idnight-noon Ebb-floawn dE ighMte thoodfsM agiTcu rt,fl oetr h eayr ea luls eful tod eawli tsho meo bstindaitsee aisneS sA M'sc linpirca ctice. Jusatc cordtiotn hgea bovree quiremtehnibtsos o,k w,i tiht tsw o partsg:e nerianlt roducotfiS oAnM andc aser ecorodfsS AM, adequatreelvye aSlAeMd' sa cademfieca turreefse rrtiotn hgeb asic theortyh,et herapepurtiincc iapnldte h ep rescriopfta icounp oianst welals t hem anipulation tmeocrhevn ailquuaebsil,tay l,s doe tailed howt ou seS AM Theraipnyc oncrceltien pirca ctIitc'eps.r ominently charactebryi zietdsm aturteh eorya nde ntircel inriec cords, especitahlelt yh �rapemuettihco dosfS AM werea lln arratveedr y detailseodt lhyai,tt i se xtremaevlayi laabnldte h er eadecrasnr eally benefiftr otmh eriera diBnegs.i d,te hsi bso okh asa nothcehra racter: iti sa bilingCuhailn ese-Ebonogkl.iS suhc hw ritiinsv ge rcyo nvenient fobro tChh ineasnedf oreirgena derresa dianngds tudyiensgp,e cially 132 Preface advantagteoos upsr eaadn dp opularSiAzMe T herapfya ra nd wideI.nf actth,i bso okp layas p romotainvdeb ridge-rloilkieen helping Chainndfe osree ign scholarsa nrdse tcuodgSyniA zMe TherapCyurr.e ntliyt, i s thef irsbti lingCuhailn ese-English monograopnSh A M int hew orld. Dr.L iuZhaanod Z houC henhutah,ea uthoorfst hibso o,kar e alelm ploybeydJ iangyHions pitoafTl C M inJ iangPsruo vinacte preseDnrtL.. i uZhwaaos b orni nT ianshui CitPyr,o vGianhncisesu, familiysa well-knoTwCnM familsyo, t hahte wass trongly influencbeyTd C M cultuwrhee nh ew as a littlbeo yM.o reovheer , startaecdq uirfiunngd ameTnCtMal k nowledfgreoh mi fsa thienrh is earlyy outMht.e rh ew ase nrolliendtN oa njiRnagi lwaMye dical Colleghee, thens yesmtaticasltluyd iewde sternm edicine knowledDguer.i nhgi sc ollege-lheid veisnigg,n aenddi nventtehde ManikoifnM idnight-Enbobo-nfl oawn dE ighMte thodosfM agic Turtlec ontrolblye SdC M.A s hist alenDtr,.L iuZhaios v ery accomplisinhT eCdM , acupunctaunrdem oxibustaisow ne lla s professtiroannasll aoftT iCoMn.La udablhye,po ssessseusp erexcellent be perceptoinoT nC M,w hiclhe dh imt o extremeexlpye rienacnedd skillifntu rle atmiannyg c ommond iseaasnedso bstindaitsee awsietsh Chineseh erbsa,c upuncturaen d moxibiuosnDt.r .Z houC henhua graduatferdo mc lindiecp artmaoefnN ta njinRga ilwaMye dical all ColleDguer.i nhge rc ollege-lsihveki enpgt,e xecllegnrta des alonSgh.e a lshoa sg oodT CM knowledagned k eeplso ng-term researcohfTe CsM , s heh asb eenp articipiantD irn.Lg i uZh'a os greaqtu antiotfmy e dicparla ctaillc ael onFgu.rt hermorseh,eh as greaatt tainmiennp trso fesstiroannasll aotfTi CoMn. T herefwoer e, cank nowt hibso oki sa ccompliaschteuda ulnldye rtghoe a utho'r s long-taecrcmu mulaotfsi toun diaensdp ractice. 133 Preface Ther aditceanloe ftt hibso oiks t or elitehvpeea ti'e nst suffemroisentffeg c tiovnellwyyi tthh fee weasctu poainndtt h e methtohdcasat b ne e asigersats, ap netddh ecna rrfyoirwnagSr AdM Therapy. Maym orsec hoglraarSssAp M Th eratpoyg ether. MayS AMT herabpryi ntgh ep atiemnotrsbe e neafintd happiness. Rao ZhiPing Octo5b, e2004r 134 Foreword Scieonfac ceu punacntmduo rxei buwsittiihtoa snn ,c ioernitg in anldo ndge velohpamesex nits ftoemrad n tyh ousyaenadirsnos u r counitnrwy h,i cshi,n gle-aaccuuppouinnactnt dum roex ibustion (S AM,)a sa nu niqtuhee rapmeeutthitocad k,ae vse riym portant plaAcsef .o SrA M,i tm eantsom anagdiinsge oanslewy i tohn e acupoThiinsmt e.t hioncd l,i npircaaclit spi rcoem,i ncehnaatcrltye rized byt hesfee atiuresn clufdeiwenempgrl oyacedu poi,sn itmp lpeerf ormance anrda pciudra teiffevceat sw elasl l epsasi fnop ra tiTehnibtso. o k, nameClhyine se-EngElliuschi daotfiS oinn gle-acAucpuopiunntc ture andM oxibustTihoenr a,psiy bai linCghuianle se-mEonngolgirsahp h onS AM. Thearreea g remaatn rye coarbdosSu AtM i na ltlh beo ookfs acupunacntdmu orxei butshtriootunhg aehg eSse.q uentiina lly, recteneytne aorrss o s,o msec holaorsuc ro iunn ctorlyl eacl toetd ofr elative ainndpf uobrmlaittsihhobeeno d o oknsS AM.J usitn sucbha ckgrtohubinosdo ,Ck h,i nese-EEnlgulciisdha otfSi ionng le­ acupoAicnutp unctaunrdeM oxibusTthieorna piysw, o rkoeudut n der thien struocfTt CiMo' n t sh eoorfmy e ridainadns sy ndrome­ differecnotmibaitwniiiotonnhugc r l ineixcpaelr ioebntcaefisrn oemd manyye a'rc sl inpirca ctoifac ceu punacntdum roex ibu,is tt ion systemantiacrraalttlhepyesr incoifSp AlMea sn dh owt ou sieti n thceo ncrcleitpneri acc Tthiicbseo .oi kn clutwdope asr :tt shfi er st pairstg eneirnatlr odoufSc AtMai notdnh see coinscd a sree cords of SAM,t hfier spta rti nherittsr atdhiett hieoonorafilT e CsMa nd 135 Foreword detainlaerrdalStyAe Ms' st heorfeutnidcaaamlne dni tta sc ademic characttehrse;e copnad,r a td opttihnfego romf c oncrceatsee recoarddesq,u arteevleyalS eAdM' asc adefmeiact mu rseusc h aspeacstt sh eb astihce otryh,et herapperuitniccai npdtl hee prescroifap ctuipoonai swn etlas l t hmea nipulatteicohnn iques, morree mar,k iatcb lleya trellltysh ree adheorwts oc orrecutsley SAMT heraipncy o ncrceltiepn riacc tWiecr ee.a lhloyps eu ch compocsainne gffe ctihveellopyu rre admearsst SeArMT herapy systemaatnidtc haeulnsl ieyt i nt hcel ipnraicct ciocrree catnldy freely. Thbeo oikn hetrhitetr sa ditthieoonorafTil Ce MsM. e anw,h ile asf otrh ec ompossitnygol fec asree corid'ts ,as b solutely distinfcottrih vheei ,s toofiry l lnpehsyss,i ecxaalm inaantdi on diagnwoesraiellswr ittientn h feo romfc urraednmti srseicoonr d, whiTlCeM ' tsr eatbmaesneotdn s yndrome-diffwearse ntiation emphaswihzeeandn alytshiceno gn crceatsfeeu ,rt hermore, these featoufrS eAsM r efertroti hnbeg a stihce otryh,et herapeutic princitphlepe r,e scroifpa tciuopno ainndtt hem anipulation technwieqruseet sr ipcetrmleya ttherdo utghhpeor uotc oefws hso le treatWmeec notn.s tihdnieesrwc ompoissni onotgn layd vantageous tof ormS AM'usn iqsuyes toeftm h e,oubrtay l sveory s ignificfaotri ve TCMt oa dvatnocweat rhwdeo rlandd t owarmdo dernizaBteisoi,nd .e s thibso oiks a bilinCghuianle se-bEonogkli,it is shv ery advanttaogs eporueasan dpd opulSaArMiTh zeer afpayar n dw i,d e furtheirtpm loaraye ps,r omoatnidbv rei dger-olliienhk eel ping Chinaensfdeo resicghno rleacrosg annisdzt euS dAyM T herapy. SAMr equitrheeas c upuncttoua rdirosittm lays ttehre systemkantoiwclaoelfda gceu punacntdmu orxei buisntcilound,i ng somaed vanacceudp untcetcuhrnei squuceahss M, i dnight-noon 136 Foreword Ebb-flEoiwg,Mh ett hoodfMs a giTcu rtalnedS wift-Efliygihntg MethoedtAscl,.t hoiu'tgs dh i fficfuolurts t ou nderstaanndud s e the(mof re xampiltme'u,sc mho rdei ffictuocl atl cutlhoaept een ing acupoiinNn atjm ieat hoorYd a ngmzeit hoofMd i dnighetb-bn­oon flow). w ,e s tislell ecstoemcdea sree cotr�adtcs a nb ee asily undersbtyto horede adientr hsib so o(kf oerx am,pw lese e lected somcea sree corredfse rritnoNg a zmie thoofMd i dnighetb-bn­oon flow.)T hrourgeha dtihnegcs aes ree co,or udrrse adcearnks n ow abosuotm ree laktniovwel eNdegvee.r thas efloetrsh sde,e tailed contaebnottusht e ksneo wlewdeag dev,it shreee adteorr esao dt her monogronat phhe ksneo wlseoda gste o i mprtohveemi erd iacratl moraen dm orIen.a ddittihoasnth, o ublede xplaii:sni enod u r coun,mt aryn ayc upunchtauvritesh teosiw rnc onsumsmkaitilenl s SAMH.o wevtehre,ss eel ecctaesrdee coirndt sh ibso oakr teh e integrcaansrtee coorfSd AsM c olleacntdse udm marbiyzu esid n oucrl ipnriacc tthiecayera ,el sla faen dsi mpilnpe e rforamnadn ce canb ee asiglrya sApsef do.sr o msep ecSiAaMlT heratphye,y wer'etin n cluidnte hdbi oso fko,tr h eayra el rli saknycd o mplicated inp erform(af noecrxe a mptlree,aa tpihnagos rhi eap awtiittShiA sM Theraopriy' t)sr eadlilffiyc fuoltrth ree adteogr rsa tshpe (mf or examptlree,a dtiianbge otrhe ysp erpolfap srioas twaittSheA M Therya)p.W er eahlolpyoe u rre adcearunsn dersotusare nlde ction. Writtihnibgso oskp eanltm otsetyn e arbse,c aiutss'er eally diffictuocl otl ltehecent t irelya-nsvdua rvleuycaeabdsl ieenas c tual clipnriacc ittia'clsew ,ad yiss tubrysb oemdoe b jecotrsi uvbej ective factEosrpse.c iinat lhrleey c yeenat,wr istt hhf er eqcuheanntg oifn g thaeu thowrosre'kn vironomuerwn rti,tw iansig n terrfuoprt ed sevetrialm Aelst.h otuhgewhre erm ea ndyi fficiunlt thpiere osc oefs s ouwrr itsionmgke,i nd-hpeearotpehldee l pueswd h ewne w ere in 137

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