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MEMOIRS of the American Mathematical Society Volume 223 • Number 1051 (fifth of 5 numbers) • May 2013 Elliptic Partial Differential Equations with Almost-Real Coefficients Ariel Barton ISSN 0065-9266 (print) ISSN 1947-6221 (online) American Mathematical Society Number 1051 Elliptic Partial Differential Equations with Almost-Real Coefficients Ariel Barton May2013 • Volume223 • Number1051(fifthof5numbers) • ISSN0065-9266 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Barton,Ariel,1982- Ellipticpartialdifferentialequationswithalmost-realcoefficients/ArielBarton. p.cm. —(MemoirsoftheAmericanMathematicalSociety,ISSN0065-9266;no. 1051) “May2013,volume223,number1051(fifthof5numbers).” Includesbibliographicalreferences. ISBN978-0-8218-8740-0(alk. paper) 1.Differentialequations,Elliptic. 2.Differentialequations,Partial. I.Title. QA329.42.B37 2013 515(cid:2).3533–dc23 2012051365 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Thisjournalisdevotedentirelytoresearchinpureandappliedmathematics. Publisher Item Identifier. The Publisher Item Identifier (PII) appears as a footnote on theAbstractpageofeacharticle. Thisalphanumericstringofcharactersuniquelyidentifieseach articleandcanbeusedforfuturecataloguing,searching,andelectronicretrieval. Subscription information. Beginning with the January 2010 issue, Memoirs is accessible from www.ams.org/journals. The 2013 subscription begins with volume 221 and consists of six mailings, each containing one or more numbers. Subscription prices are as follows: for paper delivery, US$795 list, US$636 institutional member; for electronic delivery, US$700 list, US$560 institutionalmember. Uponrequest,subscriberstopaperdeliveryofthisjournalarealsoentitled to receive electronic delivery. If ordering the paper version, add US$10 for delivery within the United States; US$69 for outside the United States. Subscription renewals are subject to late fees. Seewww.ams.org/help-faqformorejournalsubscriptioninformation. 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Requests for such permissionshouldbeaddressedtotheAcquisitionsDepartment,AmericanMathematicalSociety, 201 Charles Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02904-2294 USA. Requests can also be made by [email protected]. MemoirsoftheAmericanMathematicalSociety (ISSN0065-9266(print);1947-6221(online)) ispublishedbimonthly(eachvolumeconsistingusuallyofmorethanonenumber)bytheAmerican MathematicalSocietyat201CharlesStreet,Providence,RI02904-2294USA.Periodicalspostage paid at Providence, RI.Postmaster: Send address changes to Memoirs, AmericanMathematical Society,201CharlesStreet,Providence,RI02904-2294USA. (cid:2)c 2012bytheAmericanMathematicalSociety. Allrightsreserved. Copyrightofindividualarticlesmayreverttothepublicdomain28years afterpublication. ContacttheAMSforcopyrightstatusofindividualarticles. (cid:2) ThispublicationisindexedinMathematicalReviewsR,Zentralblatt MATH,ScienceCitation Index(cid:2)R,ScienceCitation IndexTM-Expanded,ISI Alerting ServicesSM,SciSearch(cid:2)R,Research (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) AlertR,CompuMathCitation IndexR,Current ContentsR/Physical, Chemical& Earth Sciences. Thispublicationisarchivedin Portico andCLOCKSS. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. (cid:2)∞ Thepaperusedinthisbookisacid-freeandfallswithintheguidelines establishedtoensurepermanenceanddurability. VisittheAMShomepageathttp://www.ams.org/ 10987654321 181716151413 Contents Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. History 3 Chapter 2. Definitions and the Main Theorem 9 2.1. Geometric definitions 9 2.2. Definitions of function spaces 11 2.3. Layer potentials 13 2.4. The main theorem 14 2.5. Additional definitions 16 Chapter 3. Useful Theorems 21 3.1. Nontangential maximal functions 21 3.2. Bounds on solutions 23 3.3. Existence results 25 3.4. Preliminary uniqueness results 27 3.5. The Neumann and regularity problems in unusual domains 28 Chapter 4. The Fundamental Solution 33 4.1. A fundamental solution exists 33 4.2. Uniqueness of the fundamental solution 35 4.3. Symmetry of the fundamental solution 36 4.4. Conjugates to the fundamental solution 38 4.5. Caldero´n-Zygmund kernels 39 4.6. Analyticity 39 Chapter 5. Properties of Layer Potentials 43 5.1. Limits of layer potentials and the adjoint formulas 44 Chapter 6. Boundedness of Layer Potentials 49 6.1. Proof for a small Lipschitz constant: preliminary remarks 49 6.2. A B for the TB theorem 51 1 6.3. Weak boundedness of operators 54 6.4. The adjoint inequalities 56 6.5. Proof for a small Lipschitz constant: final remarks 63 6.6. Buildup to arbitrary special Lipschitz domains 64 6.7. Patching: special Lipschitz domains to bounded Lipschitz domains 67 Chapter 7. Invertibility of Layer Potentials and Other Properties 69 7.1. Nontangential maximal functions of layer potentials 69 7.2. Jump relations 73 7.3. Layer potentials on H1(∂V) 76 iii iv CONTENTS 7.4. Invertibility of layer potentials on Lp(∂V) 79 Chapter 8. Uniqueness of Solutions 83 8.1. Counterexamples to uniqueness 83 8.2. Uniqueness results 84 Chapter 9. Boundary Data in H1(∂V) 89 9.1. Solutions with boundary data in H1 89 9.2. Invertibility of layer potentials on H1(∂V) 95 Chapter 10. Concluding Remarks 97 10.1. Converses 98 Bibliography 105 Abstract In this monograph we investigate divergence-form elliptic partial differential equations in two-dimensional Lipschitz domains whose coefficient matrices have small (but possibly nonzero) imaginary parts and depend only on one of the two coordinates. We show that for such operators, the Dirichlet problem with boundary data in Lq can be solved for q < ∞ large enough. We also show that the Neumann and regularity problems with boundary data in Lp can be solved for p > 1 small enough, and provide an endpoint result at p=1. ReceivedbytheeditorNovember8,2010,and,inrevisedform,February7,2012. ArticleelectronicallypublishedonOctober24,2012;S0065-9266(2012)00677-0. 2010 MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary35J25;Secondary31A25. Keywordsandphrases. Ellipticequations,complexcoefficients,Dirichletproblem,Neumann problem,regularityproblem,Lipschitzdomains,Hardyspaces,layerpotentials. Affiliationattimeofpublication: SchoolofMathematics,University ofMinnesota,Vincent Hall,206ChurchSt. SE,Minneapolis,Minnesota55455-0488,email: [email protected]. (cid:2)c2012 American Mathematical Society v CHAPTER 1 Introduction In this monograph, we consider solutions to boundary value problems for the second-order divergence form partial differential equation divA(X)∇u(X)=0. The matrix of coefficients A is taken tobe measurable; we do not assume that A is differentiable. Thus, thesolutionsulieintheSobolevspaceW1,2 offunctionswith loc one weak derivative, and the equation divA∇u=0 must be interpreted weakly. If V is an open set, we say that divA∇u=0 in V if ˆ (1.1) ∇η·A∇u=0 for all η ∈C∞(V). 0 V We always assume that the coefficient matrix A is bounded and elliptic, that is, there exist some constants Λ>λ>0 such that (1.2) λ|η|2 ≤Reη¯·A(X)η, |ξ·A(X)η|≤Λ|η||ξ| for every X ∈Rn and every ξ, η ∈Cn. In this monograph, we will prove results in thespecialcaseoftwodimensions(V ⊂R2),andofcoefficientsA(x,t)independent ofoneofthetwocoordinates. Undertheseconditions,solutionsuarelocallyHo¨lder continuous and their gradients are locally bounded. We consider three boundary-value problems. If 1 < q < ∞, then we say that the Dirichlet problem with boundary data in Lq(∂V), or (D)A, holds in the q domain V with constant C, if for every f ∈Lq(∂V), there exists a unique function u∈W1,2(V) such that loc ⎧ ⎪⎨divA∇u=0 in V, (D)A u=f on ∂V, q ⎪⎩ (cid:7)Nu(cid:7) ≤C(cid:7)f(cid:7) . Lq(∂V) Lq(∂V) The bottom two lines are interpreted as follows. If X ∈∂V, let (1.3) γ (X)={Y ∈U :|X −Y|<(1+a)dist(Y,∂V)} V,a forsomefixedpositivenumbera. Wesaythatu=f on∂V iff isthenontangential limit of u; that is, limY→X,Y∈γV,a(X)u(Y)=f(X) for almost every X ∈∂V. The nontangential maximal function Nu is defined by (1.4) Nu(X)=N u(X)=esssup{|u(Y)|:Y ∈γ (X)}. U,a U,a If there exists a number C > 0 such that (D)A holds in V with constant C, we q simply say that (D)A holds in V. q Similarly, if 1<p<∞, we say that the Neumann problem (N)A or regularity p problem(R)A holdsinV withconstantC if, foreveryg ∈Lp(∂V)∩H1(∂V), there p 1 2 1. INTRODUCTION is a unique function u such that ⎧ ⎧ ⎪⎨divA∇u=0 in V, ⎪⎨divA∇u=0 in V, (N)A ν·A∇u=g on ∂V, or (R)A ∂ u=g on ∂V, p ⎪⎩ p ⎪⎩ τ (cid:7)N(∇u)(cid:7) ≤C(cid:7)g(cid:7) (cid:7)N(∇u)(cid:7) ≤C(cid:7)g(cid:7) . Lp(∂V) Lp(∂V) Lp(∂V) Lp(∂V) If VC is bounded we additionally require that lim|X|→∞u(X) exist. Here H1(∂V) denotes the atomic Hardy space of harmonic analysis, and ν and τ are the unit outwardnormalandunittangentvectorstothedomainV. Wesaythatν·A∇u=g weakly if ˆ ˆ (1.5) A∇u·∇η = gTrηdσ for all η ∈C∞(V). 0 V ∂V Iff isthenontangentiallimitofu,then∂ u=gifg isthederivativeoff along∂V. τ This monograph has two main results. The first main result is that under certain conditions, the boundary value problems above hold in V. Theorem 1.6. Suppose that A and A are bounded, elliptic matrices defined 0 on R2 which depend only on one of the two coordinates. Assume that A is real- 0 valued; A may be complex-valued. Let V be a Lipschitz domain in R2 which has connected boundary. Then there exist some constants (cid:10) > 0 and p > 1, depending only on V and 0 A0, such that if (cid:7)A−A0(cid:7)L∞ <(cid:10), 1<p≤p0, and 1/p+1/q =1, then (D)Aq, (N)Ap, and (R)A hold in V. p Our second main result is an endpoint result for the Neumann and regularity problems. We say that (N)A or (R)A holds in V with constant C if, for every 1 1 g ∈H1(∂V), there exists a unique function u defined in V such that ⎧ ⎧ ⎪⎨divA∇u=0 in V, ⎪⎨divA∇u=0 in V, (N)A ν·A∇u=g on ∂V, or (R)A ∂ u=g on ∂V, 1 ⎪⎩ 1 ⎪⎩ τ (cid:7)N(∇u)(cid:7) ≤C(cid:7)g(cid:7) , (cid:7)N(∇u)(cid:7) ≤C(cid:7)g(cid:7) . L1(∂V) H1(∂V) L1(∂V) H1(∂V) That is, we consider only boundary data g in H1(∂V)(cid:2)L1(∂V). Theorem 1.7. Let A , A, and V be as in Theorem 1.6. There is some (cid:10) > 0 0 depending only on V and A0 such that if (cid:7)A−A0(cid:7)L∞ < (cid:10), then (N)A1 and (R)A1 hold in V. Conversely, if V is simplyconnected, divA∇u=0 inV and N(∇u)∈L1(∂V), then the boundary values ν · A∇u and ∂ u exist and lie in H1(∂V). Further- τ more, there is a constant C such that (cid:7)ν ·A∇u(cid:7) ≤ C(cid:7)N(∇u)(cid:7) and H1(∂V) L1(∂V) (cid:7)∂ u(cid:7) ≤C(cid:7)N(∇u)(cid:7) . τ H1(∂V) L1(∂V) If A = A is real-valued, then the conclusions of Theorem 1.6 are known to 0 hold; the conclusion regarding (D)A0 was proven in [KKPT00] by Kenig, Koch, q Pipher and Toro, and the conclusions for (N)A0 and (R)A0 were proven in [KR09] p p and [Rul07] by Kenig and Rule. The conclusions of Theorem 1.7 were proven in [DK87] by Dahlberg and Kenig in the case of harmonic functions; the conclusions (N)A and (R)A were proven in [KP93] by Kenig and Pipher under the conditions 1 1 that A is real symmetric and (N)A and (R)A hold for some p>1. p p Theorganizationofthismonographisasfollows. Themainresultswerestated aboveinTheorem 1.6andTheorem 1.7. Wewillconcludethischapterbyreviewing 1.1. HISTORY 3 thehistoryofboundaryvalueproblemsinLipschitzdomainswithLp(∂V)boundary data. In Chapter 2, we define our terminology. The proof of our main results is by the classic method of layer potentials; for the reader’s convenience, we provide an outline of this method in Section 2.4. In Chapter 3, we provide a number of usefultheoremsregardingnontangentialmaximalfunctionsandsolutionstopartial differential equations. We work out the details of the method of layer potentials in Chapters 4–7. In Chapter 4, we construct a fundamental solution for the operator divA∇. In Chapter 5, we use this fundamental solution to construct layer potentials. In Chapter 6, we show that layer potentials are bounded operators. In Chapter 7, we prove some consequences of boundedness, including a perturbative invertibility result. Theresultsofthesechaptersletusprovethatsolutionsto(D)A,(N)A and q0 p0 (R)A exist. p0 We prove uniqueness of solutions in Chapter 8. In Chapter 9, we use existence and uniqueness of solutions to (N)A and (R)A to prove existence and uniqueness p0 p0 ofsolutionsto(N)A and(R)A. Wemaytheninterpolatetoprovethat(D)A,(N)A 1 1 q p and (R)A hold if 1<p<p . p 0 Most of the results of Chapters 4–9 assume that the coefficient matrices A are smooth. In Chapter 10, we pass from smooth coefficients to bounded measurable coefficients. We also prove the converses mentioned in Theorem 1.7. ThismonographisarevisionofmythesiswrittenattheUniversityofChicago. MyadvisorwasCarlosE.Kenig,towhomIwouldliketoextendmygratefulthanks; without his guidance and advice, the work here would not have been possible. 1.1. History The study of second-order elliptic boundary value problems in Lipschitz do- mains has a long and rich history. The study began with harmonic functions, that is, with solutions u to (1.1) where A≡I, the identity matrix. Many of the results of this study can be extended to more general problems under some conditions on thecoefficientsA. Thismonographconcernsoneparticular suchcondition, namely that the coefficients A be independent of some specified coordinate. In this section, we begin by discussing some known results for harmonic func- tions. We then discuss how these results have been extended under various other assumptions on A, before focusing on the study of coefficients independent of one coordinate. We conclude this section by briefly reviewing the history of boundary value problems with data in Hardy spaces. In [Dah77] and [Dah79], Dahlberg showed that if V is a Lipschitz domain, then there is some (cid:10) > 0 depending on V such that if 2−(cid:10) < q < ∞, then (D)I q holdsinV. Thisrangeissharpinthesensethatgivenq <2,thereissomeLipschitz domain V such that (D)I does not hold in V; see [FJL77]. q In [JK81b], Jerison and Kenig showed that (N)I and (R)I hold in Lipschitz p p domains in all dimensions provided p = 2. This was extended to the case 1 < p < 2+(cid:10), (cid:10) again depending on the domain, in [Ver84] (the regularity problem) and in [DK87] (the Neumann problem in three or more dimensions). It had been observed by Kenig and Fabes that (N)I holds, for p in this range, in Lipschitz p domains contained in R2. The same results hold if A is an arbitrary constant- coefficient elliptic matrix; in [She06] and [She07], Shen has proven similar results for systems of constant-coefficient elliptic operators.

In this monograph the author investigates divergence-form elliptic partial differential equations in two-dimensional Lipschitz domains whose coefficient matrices have small (but possibly nonzero) imaginary parts and depend only on one of the two coordinates. He shows that for such operators, the Dir
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