Elliptic Curve Multiset Hash JeremyMaitin-Shepard MehdiTibouchi UCBerkeley NTTSecurePlatformLaboratories [email protected] [email protected] DiegoF.Aranha InstituteofComputing,UniversityofCampinas [email protected] 6 Abstract 1 Ahomomorphic,orincremental,multisethashfunction,associatesahashvaluetoarbitrarycollec- 0 2 tions of objects (with possible repetitions) in such a way that the hash of the union of two collections is easy to compute from the hashes of the two collections themselves: it is simply their sum under a n suitablegroupoperation. Inparticular,hashvaluesoflargecollectionscanbecomputedincrementally a J and/orinparallel. Homomorphichashingisthusaveryusefulprimitivewithapplicationsrangingfrom 5 databaseintegrityverificationtostreamingset/multisetcomparisonandnetworkcoding. 2 Unfortunately, constructionsofhomomorphichashfunctionsintheliteraturearehamperedbytwo ] maindrawbacks: theytendtobemuchlongerthanusualhashfunctionsatthesamesecuritylevel(e.g. R toachieveacollisionresistanceof2128,theyareseveralthousandbitslong,asopposedto256bitsfor C usualhashfunctions),andtheyarealsoquiteslow. . s In this paper, we introduce the Elliptic Curve Multiset Hash (ECMH), which combines a usual bit c string-valuedhashfunctionlikeBLAKE2withanefficientencodingintobinaryellipticcurvestoover- [ comebothdifficulties. Ontheonehand,thesizeofECMHdigestsisessentiallyoptimal: 2m-bithash 1 valuesprovideO(2m)collisionresistance.Ontheotherhand,wedemonstrateahighly-efficientsoftware v implementationofECMH,whichourthoroughempiricalevaluationshowstobecapableofprocessing 2 0 over3millionsetelementspersecondona4GHzIntelHaswellmachineatthe128-bitsecuritylevel— 5 manytimesfasterthanpreviouspracticalmethods. 6 Whileincrementalhashingbasedonellipticcurveshasbeenconsideredpreviously[1],theproposed 0 . methodwaslessefficient, susceptibletotimingattacks, andpotentiallypatent-encumbered[2], andno 1 practicalimplementationwasdemonstrated. 0 6 1 Keywords: homomorphichashing,ellipticcurves,efficientimplementation,GLS254,PCLMULQDQ. : v i X 1 Introduction r a Homomorphichashing A multiset is a generalization of a set in which each element has an associated integer multiplicity. Given a possibly infinite set A, a set (resp. multiset) homomorphic hash function on A maps finite subsets of A (resp. finitely-supported multisets on A) to fixed-length hash values, allowing incremental updates: when newelementsareaddedtothe(multi)set,thehashvalueofthemodified(multi)setcanbecomputedintime proportionaltothedegreeofmodification. 1 The incremental update property makes homomorphic hashing a very useful and versatile primitive. It has found applications in many areas of computer security and algorithmics, including network coding [3] andverifiablepeer-to-peercontentdistribution[4],secureInternetrouting[5],Byzantinefaulttolerance[6, 7], streaming set and multiset equality comparison [8], and various aspects of database security, such as accesspatternprivacy[9]andintegrityprotection[10]. This latter use case provides a simple example of how the primitive is used in practice: one can use homomorphichashingtoverifytheintegrityofadatabasewithatransactionlog,bycomputingahashvalue foreachtransactioninsuchawaythatthehashofthecompletedatabasestateisequaltothe(appropriately- defined) sum of the hashes of all transactions. Another observation [11] is that homomorphic hashing can be used for incremental and parallel hashing of lists, arrays, strings and other similar data structures: for example,thelist(b ,...,b )canberepresentedastheset{(1,b ),...,(n,b )},anditsufficestoapplythe 1 n 1 n homomorphichashfunctiontothatset. Constructinghomomorphichashfunctions A framework for constructing provably secure homomorphic hash functions (in some suitably idealized model,suchastherandomoraclemodel)wasintroducedbyBellareandMicciancio[11],andlaterextended tothemultisethashsettingbyClarkeetal.[10],andrevisitedbyCathaloetal.[8]. Roughlyspeaking, theframeworkofBellareandMiccianciocanbedescribedasfollows. Toconstruct a (multi)set homomorphic hash function on A, one can start with a usual hash function Hˆ from A to some additivegroupG, andextendittofinitesubsetsofA(resp. multisetsonA)bysettingH({a ,...,a }) = 1 n Hˆ(a1) + ··· + Hˆ(an) (resp. H({am1 1,...,amnn}) = m1 · Hˆ(a1) + ··· + mn · Hˆ(an), where mi is the multiplicity of a ). And in fact, it is clear that all possible homomorphic hash functions arise in that way. i Note that as in Clarke et al. [10], and unlike the original framework of Bellare and Miciancio [11], there is no block index i included in the hash Hˆ(a ) of each element a , because we are hashing unordered i i sets/multisets,ratherthanorderedsequencesofblocks. Assume that the underlying hash function Hˆ is ideal (i.e. it behaves like a random oracle). Then we can ask when the corresponding homomorphic hash function H is secure (collision resistant, say). This translates to a knapsack-like number-theoretic assumption on the group G, which Bellare and Micciancio showholds,forexample,whenthediscretelogarithmproblemishardinG. Concretely, Bellare andMicciancioand theauthorsof subsequentworkspropose anumberof possible instantiations for H which essentially amount to choosing G = Z× or G = Zn for suitable parameters p m p,m,n. These concrete instantiations yield simple implementations, but they all suffer from suboptimal output size (they require outputs of several thousand bits to achieve collision resistance at the 128 security level),andtheirefficiencyisgenerallyunsatisfactory. Essentiallyallpracticalapplicationsofhomomorphic hashinginthesecurityliteratureseemtofocusonthecaseG = Z×,calledMuHash. p Ourcontributions WithinBellareandMicciancio’sframework,constructingahomomorphichashfunctionamountstochoos- ingagroupGwheretheappropriatenumber-theoreticassumptionholds,togetherwithahashfunctiontoG whosebehavioriscloseenoughtoidealforthesecurityprooftogothrough. Inthispaper,weproposeanovelconcreteconstructionofamultisethashfunctionbychoosingGasthe groupofpointsofabinaryellipticcurves,andpickingthehashfunctionfollowingtheapproachofBrieret al.[12](whichweimproveuponslightly)appliedtothebinarycurvevariantofShallueandvandeWoesti- jne’s encoding function [13]. We also describe a software implementation of our proposal (building upon 2 the work of Aranha et al. [14] for binary curve hashing, and using BLAKE2 [15] as the actual underlying hash function) and provide extensive performance results showing that our function outperforms existing methodsbyalargemarginonmodernCPUarchitectures(especiallythosesupportingcarry-lessmultiplica- tion). Furthermore, choosinganellipticcurve(withsmallcofactor)forthegroupofhashvaluessolvesthe “outputsize”problemofhomomorphichashingoutright: O(2n)collisionsecurityisachievedwithroughly 2n-bitlongdigests. Yet,theydonotseemtohavebeenusedinconcreteimplementationsofhomomorphic hashing so far1. One can wonder why; the most likely explanation is that usual methods for hashing to el- lipticcurvesarefartooinefficienttomakecurvesattractivefromaperformancestandpoint: almostallsuch methodsrequireatleastonefullsizeexponentiationinthebasefieldofthecurve,whichwillbemuchmore costlybyitselfthanthesinglemultiplication(inamuchlargerfield)requiredbyMuHash—evenoncurves overfastprimefieldsatthe128-bitsecuritylevel[14],suchanencodingfunctionisover3timesslowerthan MuHashatequivalentsecurityonHaswell,andover20timesslowerthanourconstruction. Onlybyusing binarycurvesandrelativelysophisticatedimplementationtechniquesdoweavoidthatstumblingblockand prove that elliptic curves can be competitive. As a result, we achieve a processing speed of over 3 million setelementspersecondona4GHzIntelHaswellCPUatthe128-bitsecuritylevel. Speedupsareexpected withthereleaseofIntelBroadwellprocessorsanditsimprovedimplementationofcarry-lessmultiplication. Arebinaryellipticcurvessafe? Recently,newdevelopmentshavebeenannouncedregardingtheasymptoticcomplexityofthediscretelog- arithm problem on binary elliptic curves, particularly by Semaev [16]. These results are somewhat con- troversial, since they are based on heuristic assumptions that prevailing evidence suggests are unlikely to hold[17,18],andtheirstoragerequirementsappeartomakethempurelytheoreticalanyway[19]. However,ifSemaev’sclaimsofanL[1/2]attackturnouttobecorrect,theasymptoticsecurityofbinary ellipticcurve-basedECMHwouldbereduced. Theconcretesecurityofourconstruction,ontheotherhand, wouldbecompletelyunaffectedoncurvesofupto300+bits(andinparticularatthe128-bitsecuritylevelon GLS254),sincetheclaimedattackisworsethangenericattacksonsuchcurves. Moreover,evenifactually practical L[1/2] attacks were to be found, ECMH on binary curves is likely to remain attractive, since it mainlycompetesagainstMuHash,whichisvulnerabletoanL[1/3]subexponentialattack. Forallthesereasons,webelievethatECMHonbinaryellipticcurvesisasafechoiceforsecurity-minded practitioners, and that the switch from MuHash to ECMH is entirely justified in view of the considerable performancegain(whichletsdesignerschooseahighersecuritymarginandstillcomeoutfarahead). 2 Homomorphic Multiset Hash Function Formally, we define a multiset M ∈ Z(A) as a function with finite support mapping a base set A to the integers Z. As an extension of the usual definition in which multiplicities are restricted to Z , we allow ≥0 negativemultiplicitiesaswell. WewillimplicitlyconsidersubsetsS ⊆ AtobemultisetsinZ(A). Clarke et al. [10] introduce a definition of a multiset hash function that efficiently supports incremen- tally adding (multisets of) elements. We give a simpler (but nearly equivalent2) definition that makes the connectiontohomomorphichashfunctions[20]explicit: 1OnecanmentionEECH[1]asrelevantrelatedworkthatalsousesbinarycurvesforhashing,buttheauthorsdidn’tconsider homomorphichashingatall,andtheirfunctionsseemspoorlysuitedforthatgoal.SeeSection8foramoredetaileddiscussion. 2Wegiveaproofofequivalence(underamildassumption)inappendixD. 3 Definition 1. Let A be a set and let (G,+ ) be a finite group. A function H: Z(A) → G that maps G multisets over the base set A to a point in G is said to be a homomorphic multiset hash function if H is a group homomorphism from the pointwise-additive group of functions (Z(A),+) to (G,+ ); equivalently, G H(M +M ) = H(M )+ H(M )forallM ,M ∈ Z(A). WedefineHˆ: A → GbyHˆ(a) = H({a}). 1 2 1 G 2 1 2 Thisdefinitionminimallycapturesanintuitivenotionofamultisethashfunctionthatsupportsincremen- tally adding and removing (multisets of) elements. These incremental updates are efficient assuming that additionandnegationinGcanbeperformedefficientlyandH(M)canbecomputedefficiently(e.g.intime linearintherepresentationlengthofthenon-zerovaluesofM). NotethatsincepointwiseadditioninZ(A) iscommutative,therelevantsubgroupH(Z(A)) ≤ Gisnecessarilycommutative,andthereforewithoutloss of generality we can assume that G is commutative. It may seem that it is too strong of an assumption to requireagroupstructureonG,orequivalently,that(multisetsof)elementscanberemovedaswellasadded. In fact, provided that + is lossless, in that a+ b = a+ c implies b = c, there is no loss of generality. G G G We show in appendix C that we can construct a group that supports (efficient) incremental removals based onlyon(efficient)incrementaladditions. Since the set of singleton subsets of A generates the group (Z(A),+), H can conversely be uniquely definedbyHˆ: (cid:88) H(M) = M(a)·Hˆ(a). a∈A Indeed,thisispreciselytherandomize-then-combineparadigmproposedbyBellareandMicciancio[11]for incrementalhashingofmessages,whichisreadily(infact,morenaturallythantomessagehashing)applied by Clarke et al. [10] to multiset hashing. Our goal is to minimize the computational cost for computing H andtherepresentationsizeforelementsofGwhileachievingagivenlevelofcollisionresistance. Collisionresistance A collision for a hash function H is a pair x,x(cid:48) such that x (cid:54)= x(cid:48) but H(x) = H(x(cid:48)). For any group- homomorphic hash function H from a group (X,+) to (G,+), a collision can equivalently be defined as a value x ∈ kerH \ {0 }. By the birthday bound that applies to any hash function, a collision can be X (cid:112) found with at most expected O( |G|) hash computations; we can hope to design a multiset hash function (cid:112) forwhichexpectedtimeΩ( |G|)isalsoalowerbound.3 Apreimageattackseekstoinvertthehashfunction,namelytofindavaluexsuchthatH(x) = y,fora randomelementyintheimageofH. Wecanhopetodesignamultisethashfunctionforwhichtheexpected timecomplexityofthebestpreimageattackisalsoequaltothegenericupperboundΩ(|G|). Notethatfor a homomorphic hash function we do not consider preimage attacks on the identity element 0 , since its G preimageisfixed. A second preimage attack seeks to find a value x(cid:48) such that H(x(cid:48)) = H(x), for some known value x. Since a second preimage implies a collision, the time complexity of a second preimage attack is (cid:112) lower bounded by the time complexity of the best collision attack, ideally Ω( |G|). For a general, non- homomorphic hash function, we can hope that the best attack has expected Ω(|G|) time complexity. For any homomorphic hash function, however, the group structure implies that a second preimage attack is no (cid:112) harderthanacollisionattack(withexpectedtimecomplexityupper-boundedbyO( |G|)). 3Inthisandtheothercollisionboundsthatfollow,itisassumedthattheexpectationsaretakenoverarandomchoiceofhash functionHandgroup(G,+ )fromsomehashfunctionfamily(distribution)H. G 4 3 Generic multiset hash families A random oracle Hˆ: A → G clearly achieves the optimal preimage resistance of Θ(|G|) and the optimal (cid:112) collision resistance of Θ( |G|), in the sense that at least this many oracle queries are needed to compute preimagesandcollisionsrespectively. It does not follow, however, that the associated multiset hash function H = H : Z(A) → G has the G same security level; for example, if we choose G = Zn, then O(n) oracle queries, instead of Ω(2n), are 2 enough to find arbitrary preimages in polynomial time by solving a simple n × n linear system over Z . 2 However, Bellare and Micciancio [11] have shown (in the set hash setting, but this generalizes naturally to multisets) how to obtain a security reduction for H based on a computational hardness assumption on G the group G. For concrete choices of G, that hardness assumption is related to standard number theoretic problems,suchasthediscretelogarithmproblemormodularknapsacks. WhenG = Z×,theresultingmultisethashfunctionH isessentiallyMSet-Mu-Hash[10],themul- p G tisetvariantofMuHash[11]. WhenG = Zn,weessentiallyobtainMSet-VAdd-Hash[10],themultiset m variant of LtHash (for n > 1) or AdHash (for n = 1) [11]. These functions all have security reductions intheframeworksketchedabove. It isrelatively easy to find plausibleconcrete instantiations of the random oracleHˆ to a grouplike Zn, 2 butformoregeneralgroups,thisisusuallymorecomplicated,andasaresultitisoftenconvenienttoreplace Hˆ byapseudo-randomoracle,i.e.aconstructionthatisindifferentiablefromarandomoracleinthesense ofMaureretal.[21]. Typically,wecantakeHˆ oftheformHˆ(a) = f(cid:0)h(a)(cid:1)whereh: A → X isarandom oracle to some intermediate set X (such as bit strings, so that we can plausibly instantiate it with standard hash function constructions like SHA-24) and f: X → G is an admissible encoding function [22, 12] that hasthepropertyofmappingtheuniformdistributionoverX toadistributionindistinguishablefromuniform overG. Securitybounds AdHash is appealing for its simplicity, but is far from optimal in terms of hash code size. In the set hashingsetting(i.e.M(a) ∈ {0,1}),thebestknownattackisthegeneralizedbirthdayattack[23];underthe √ assumptionthatthisattackisoptimal,thegroupZ correspondstoasecuritylevelofroughly2 nbits. In 2n the multiset hashing setting, AdHash is completely impractical due to the extremely large hash code sizes nrequiredtodefeatlatticereductionattacksdescribedinappendixB. There are reductions from computing discrete logarithms in a group G to finding collisions in the cor- responding random oracle multiset hash function H [24, 11, 10]. These reductions can be used to prove G acollisionresistancepropertyforthegenericmultisethashfamilyoveranygroupinwhichcomputingdis- crete logarithms is hard, such as Z×. However, because discrete logarithms in Z× can be solved by e.g. p p (cid:2) (cid:112) (cid:3) the Number Field Sieve with (heuristic) subexponential time complexity L 1/3, 3 64/9 [25, p. 128], it p is usually estimated that we need to choose p of around 3200 bits for 128-bit security (see for example the evaluation of the ECRYPT II report on key sizes [26]). In contrast, in a generic group, discrete logarithms (cid:112) cannotbecomputedfasterthanexpectedtimeΘ( |G|),whichisalsotheoptimalcollisionresistance. 4WewillassumethatelementsofAcanbereadilyencodedasoctetstrings. 5 4 Elliptic Curve Multiset Hash Forproperlychosenellipticcurvesoverfinitefields,therearenoknownalgorithmsforsolvingthediscrete (cid:112) logarithm problem in the elliptic curve group faster than in a generic group, i.e. expected time Θ( |G|). Therefore, there is a clear possibility for using an elliptic curve group to obtain a given level of collision resistancewithamuchlowergroupsizethanwithMSet-Mu-Hash. Applying the generic multiset hash construction to elliptic curve groups presents a problem, however: whileitiseasytodefineaveryefficientadmissibleencodingfrom{0,1}k toZ× forsufficientlylargek,an p admissible encoding to an elliptic curve group is not so easily defined. While constructions for admissible encodingfunctionshavebeendemonstrated[12],theircomputationalcostishigherthanwewouldlike. 4.1 Generalizeddiscretelogarithmsecurityreduction In fact, we can significantly relax the requirement on the encoding function f and still obtain a very tight reduction, due to random self-reducibility of the discrete logarithm problem. Our relaxed requirement is relatedtothedefinitionofα-weakencodingsbyBrieretal.[12],andissatisfiedinpracticebyalargeclass ofencodingfunctions[12]. Definition 2. A function f: S → R between finite sets is said to be an (α,β)-weak encoding, for integer α ≥ 1andrealvalueβ ≥ 1,ifitsatisfiesthefollowingproperties: 1. Samplable: thereisanefficientrandomizedalgorithmforcomputing|f−1(r)|andsamplinguniformly fromf−1(r)foranyr ∈ R. 2. |f−1(r)| ≤ αforallr ∈ R. 3. IE [|f−1(r)|/α] ≥ 1/β. r An(α,β)-weakencodingfunctionf allowsustoefficientlysamples ∈ S uniformlyatrandomusingβ uniformsamplesr ∈ Rinexpectation,withthepropertythatf(s) = r foranyacceptedsamplesobtained fromr.5 Definition3. Letf: X → Gbean(α,β)-weakencoding fromX tothe abeliangroupG. Assume thatG admitsasadirectfactoracyclicsubgroup(cid:104)g(cid:105)ofprimeorderρ,andthatwecanefficientlysamplefromthe complementgroup(cid:104)g(cid:105)inthedirectfactordecompositionH = (cid:104)g(cid:105)⊕(cid:104)g(cid:105). Givenarandomoracleh: A → X, we denote by Hˆ the function A → G given by Hˆ (a) = f(cid:0)h(a)(cid:1), and by H : Z(A) → G the associated f f f multisethashfunction. ThefollowingtheoremshowsthatfindingacollisioninH withmultiplicitiesuptoρ−1isashardas f computingdiscretelogarithmstothebaseg,uptoasmallfactorthatdependsonβ. NotethatH doesnot f depend on the choice of subgroup (cid:104)g(cid:105), but the strongest security result is obtained by choosing the largest prime-order subgroup. The requirement of efficient samplability of (cid:104)g(cid:105) is easily satisfied in practice, since efficiency concerns regarding representation size dictate that (cid:104)g(cid:105) be as small as possible (usually having at most8elements,andmostofthetimeonly1or2). 5UnderthedefinitionofBrieretal.[12],anα-weakencodingf isan(α|S|/|R|,α2|S|/|R|)-weakencoding. Ourdefinition allowsforatighterboundtobegivenintheorem1. 6 Theorem1. LetH beamultisethashfunctionasindefinition3. GivenanalgorithmC withaccesstothe f underlyingrandomoraclehthatfindsanon-emptymultisetM ∈ kerH with|M| < ρ,inexpectedtime f ∞ t(cid:48)withprobability(cid:15)(cid:48)usingqqueriestoh,discretelogarithmstothebasegcanbecomputedwithprobability (cid:15) = (cid:15)(cid:48)/2 in expected time t+T +qT +qβT +LT , where L ≥ |M| is a bound on the length of the 1 2 3 4 0 output of C; T ,...,T denote the time required for a constant number of group operations, and are given 1 4 intheproof. Proof. SeeAppendixA. Concretely,ifG = E(F )isthegroupofF -rationalpointsonasuitableellipticcurveE chosento pm pm avoidanydiscretelogarithmweaknesses,withasubgroup(cid:104)g(cid:105)ofprimeorderρ ≥ |G|/4,andf isan(α,β)- weak encoding function with small constant β, then H has collision resistance roughly pm/2/2. Since an f element of E(F ) can be represented using (cid:100)log pm(cid:101) bits, the collision resistance of H is essentially pm 2 f optimal(towithinafewbits). 4.2 Shallue-vandeWoestijne(SW)encodingincharacteristic2 TheShallue-vandeWoestijne(SW)algorithmforcharacteristic2fields[13]canbeusedtomapanypoint w ∈ F toapair(x,y) ∈ (F )2 satisfyinganarbitraryellipticcurveequation 2m 2n E : y2+x·y = x3+a·x2+b, (1) a,b where a,b ∈ F . It constructs three values of x from w with the property that at least one necessarily 2m has a corresponding value y satisfying eq. (1). In addition to the usual arithmetic operations over F , its 2m definitiondependsonthreelinearmaps: 1. thetracefunctionTr: F → F definedbyTr(x) = (cid:80)m−1x2i;[27,p.130] 2m 2 i=0 2. aquadraticsolver functionQS: {x ∈ F |Tr(x) = 0} → F thatsatisfiesQS(x)2 +QS(x) = x 2m 2m andQS(0) = 0; 3. coeff : F → F wherecoeff (x)isthezerothcoefficientofany(fixed)polynomialrepresentation 0 2m 2 0 ofx. An optimized version of the algorithm that requires only a single field inversion [14] is shown as al- gorithm 1. The algorithm is parameterized by a value t ∈ F satisfying t4 +t (cid:54)= 0; for fields of degree 2m m > 4, we can choose t = z where z is the indeterminate in the polynomial representation of F . The 2m result(x,λ) = (x,x+y/x)isrepresentedinλ-affinecoordinates[28]forefficiency.6 Theadditiontoλof coeff (w)inline12isnotpartoftheoriginalSWalgorithm;thistrivialadditionservestohalvethenumber 0 ofcollisionsatessentiallynoextracost. It is clear from the definition that the number of preimages of any point (x,λ) under SWCHAR2 is at mostα = 3,sincec ∈ {t−1·x|j = 1,2,3}andw isuniquelydeterminedfromc,x,andλby j w ∈ {QS(c−a),QS(c−a)+1}, coeff (w) = λ+x+QS(x−2·b+x+a). 0 √ 6Thereisexactlyonepointwithx=0satisfyingeq.(1): (x=0,y = b). Whenusingλ-affinecoordinates,thisvaluemust berepresentedspecially. 7 Algorithm1.OptimizedShallue–vandeWoestijneencodingincharacteristic2[14] Require: t ∈ F suchthatt·(t+1)·(t2+t+1) = t4+t (cid:54)= 0 2m Precompute: t = t ,t = 1+t ,t = t·(1+t);t−1 = 1/t forj = 1,2,3 1 t2+t+1 2 t2+t+1 3 t2+t+1 j j 1: function SWCHAR2(w ∈ F2m ;a,b ∈ F2m) 2: c ← w2+w+a 3: ifc = 0then √ (cid:46)ThisconditionmayholdonlyifTr(a) = 0 4: return(x = 0,y = b) (cid:46)Thisisthesinglepointsatisfyingeq.(1)withx = 0 5: endif 6: c−1 ← 1/c 7: forj = 1to3do 8: x ← tj ·c 9: x−1 ← t−1·c−1 j 10: hj ← (x−1)2·b+x+a 11: ifTr(hj) = 0then (cid:46)Thisconditionnecessarilyholdsforatleastonej 12: λ ← QS(hj)+x+coeff0(w) (cid:46)cdoesnotdependoncoeff0(w) 13: return(x,λ) (cid:46)y = (λ+x)·x = QS(hj)·x 14: endif 15: endfor 16: endfunction The preimage set for any point (x,λ) can be efficiently computed by these same formulas. Furthermore, Aranha et al. [14] show that the proportion of curve points with k preimages under SWCHAR2 for k = 0,1,2,3 is 9/32, 15/32, 7/32, and 1/32, respectively, up to an error term of O(2−n/2). It follows that IEP[|SWCHAR2−1(P)|/α] = 1/3±O(2−n/2),andtherefore,SWCHAR2isan(α,β)-weakencodingwith β = 3+O(2−n/2). 4.3 Hashfunctiondefinition Basedonthisencodingfunction,wedefinetheellipticcurvemultisethash(ECMH):givenabinaryelliptic curvegroupE (F )andan intermediatehashfunctionh: A → Z (modeledas arandomoracle), we a,b 2m 2m define ECMHa,b,h(x) = SWCHAR2(h(x);a,b). Commonly used elliptic curves over F2m, including the NIST-recommendedones,haveageneratorofprimeorderρ > 2m−2withaneasilydeterminedcomplement groupofsizeh = |(cid:104)g(cid:105)| ≤ 4. Thus,thesamplabilityrequirementon(cid:104)g(cid:105)iseasilysatisfiedinpractice. Hence, by theorem 1, finding a collision in ECMH is as hard (up to a small constant factor) as computing discrete logarithmstothebaseg,whichweassumetobeO(2m/2). Similarsuitableencodingalgorithmsexistforellipticcurvesoverfieldsofcharacteristicp > 2[13,12], andcouldalsobeusedtodefineanellipticcurvemultisethash. However,theuseofacharacteristic2field eliminatestheneedforanexpensivefieldexponentiationinordertosolveaquadraticequation,whichwould otherwisedominatethecomputationtime, andonmodernCPUsthatsupportfastcarry-lessmultiplication, fastimplementationsofallotherrequiredfieldoperationsarealsopossibleforcharacteristic2[29]. 4.4 Compressedrepresentationofcurvepoints The group of F -rational points on an elliptic curve E has order |E (F )| ≈ 2m. Each point is 2m a,b a,b 2m naturally represented as a pair (x,y) ∈ F2 (or (x,λ) ∈ F2 ), but there is a well-known method for 2m 2m 8 encodingapointusingjustm+1bits: givenxthereareatmosttwopossiblevaluesfory(orλ)if(x,y)(or (x,λ))satisfyE ,andtheycanberecoveredefficientlyusingasmallnumberoffieldoperations. Thus,a a,b pointcanbeencodedbyitsxvalueandasingleadditionalbittodisambiguatethetwopossiblepoints. The elliptic curve group identity element (the point at infinity) can be encoded specially without increasing the representationsize,byusingabitsequencethatwouldnototherwiseencodeavalidpoint. 5 Implementation Wedevelopedanoptimizedimplementationofellipticcurvemultisethash(ECMH)asanopen-sourceC++ library [30], with support for all NIST-recommended binary elliptic curves [31] and the record-breaking GLS254curve[28],aswellasseveralotherSEC2-recommendedcurves[32]. UsingacombinationofC++ templatesandcodegeneration,wewereabletowritegenericcodetosupportmanydifferentconfigurations withoutsacrificingruntimeperformance;onlyformodularreductionwasacustomimplementationrequired foreachsupportedfield. Weincorporatedexistingfastx86/x86-64polynomialmultiplication,squaring,and modularreductionroutinesforF ,F ,F ,F ,F ,F ,F [33]andforF [28]. 2163 2193 2233 2239 2283 2409 2571 2127 We implemented field inversion using a polynomial-basis Itoh–Tsujii inversion method making use of multi-squaring tables [34, 29, 28, 14]. We generated field inversion routines for each field degree auto- maticallybasedonanA* searchprocedureforcomputingtheoptimalItoh–Tsujiiadditionchainandsetof multi-squaring tables, based on a machine-specific cost model estimated from field operation performance measurements[35]. We also developed optimized implementations of the MSet-Mu-Hash and MSet-Add-Hash hash functions,basedonthemodulararithmeticfunctionsintheOpenSSLlibraryversion1.0.1i,forthepurpose ofcomparison. 5.1 Intermediatehashfunction ECMHrequiresanintermediatehashfunctionh: A → Z . UnderourassumptionthatthebasesetAisthe 2m setofoctetstrings,wesimplyrequireastandardcryptographichashfunction(modeledasarandomoracle) with output size m. Given the inherent property of any homomorphic hash function that a single collision leadstoarbitrarysecondpreimages,weadviseusingakeyedhashfunctionwhenpossibletominimizerisk. Any standard hash function with fixed output size greater than m bits can simply be truncated to m bits. Standard expansion techniques can be used to efficiently generate an arbitrary length m output from a hash function with fixed output size b < m. Sponge constructions, such as Keccak [36], are particularly convenientsincetheysupportarbitraryoutputsizes. BothAdHashandMuHashsimilarlyrequireintermediatehashfunctions,butwithmuchlargeroutput sizesmforequivalentsecuritylevels. Wedesignedourimplementationtosupportarbitraryhashfunctions,butforourperformanceevaluation, weselectedBLAKE2[15]becauseofitsstate-of-the-artperformance. Form ≤ 256,weusedtheBLAKE2s variant(256-bitoutput),truncatingtheoutputtombits. For256 < m ≤ 512,weusedtheBLAKE2bvariant (512-bitoutput)withtruncation. Form > 512,weusedBLAKE2brepeatedlytogeneratesufficientoutput, insuchawaythattheunderlyingcompressionfunctioniscalledaminimumnumberoftimes. 5.2 Linearfieldoperations SeveralkeyoperationsforF ,suchassquaring,multi-squaring(x (cid:55)→ x2i),squareroot,andhalf-trace,are 2m linearinthecoefficients. Formulti-squaring(usefulforinversion)andhalf-trace,animplementationbased 9 on a lookup table can be significantly faster than direct computation [37, 29, 28, 14]. The coefficients are splitinto(cid:100)m/β(cid:101)blocksofβ bits,andaseparatetableof2β entriesisprecomputedforeachblockposition, using a total of s = (cid:100)m/β(cid:101)·2β ·(cid:100)m/W(cid:101)·W/8 bytes of memory, where W is the word size in bits. m,β Thelineartransformcanthenbecomputedfromtheprecomputedtableswithk = (cid:100)m/β·(cid:100)m/W(cid:101)memory accessesandk−1XORoperations. 5.3 Blindingforside-channelresistance The fastest implementation of ECMH is susceptible to timing and cache side-channel attacks, due to the use of lookup tables (for inversion and QS), and the use of branching (for SWCHAR2). A branch-free implementation of SWCHAR2 adds only a few additional multiplications and squarings. Lookup tables are unavoidable for good performance, but we can blind inversion at a cost of just two multiplications and generationofonerandomfieldelement. WelikewisecanblindQSatacostof1squaring,2additions,and generation of one random field element, as well as a few bit operations to ensure the random element is in the image of QS. In this way we can fully protect against timing and cache side-channel attacks at only a smalladditionalcost. 5.4 Quadraticextensionfield Forevenm,representingF asaquadraticextensionofF resultsinsignificantlyfasterfieldoperations 2m 2m/2 relative to an odd-degree field of roughly the same size: inversion in the extension field requires only one inversion in the base field (effectively reducing the memory and computation costs by nearly a factor of 4 foratable-basedmulti-squaringimplementation),andhalf-tracerequiresonly2half-tracecomputationsin the base field (reducing, for a table-based implementation, the computation cost by a factor of 2 and the memoryrequirementbyafactorof4)[28]. WeusethisrepresentationtosupporttheGLS254ellipticcurve overF [28]. 2254 5.5 In-memoryrepresentationofellipticcurvepoints Although an element in the elliptic curve group of points E (F ) can be represented directly using the a,b 2m standard affine (x,y)-representation or the λ-affine (x,λ) representation, and more compactly using just m + 1 bits as described in section 4.4, we can more efficiently perform group operations using the λ- projective representation (x˜,λ˜,z) corresponding to the λ-affine representation (x = x˜/z,λ = λ˜/z): This representationallowspointadditionandpointdoublingtobeperformedwithoutanyfieldinversions[28]. 5.6 Batch SWCHAR2 computation Alargefractionofthecomputationalcostofourellipticcurvemultisethashconstructionisduetothesingle field inversion required by the SWCHAR2 encoding function. Using Montgomery’s trick, n independent elements can be inverted simultaneously at the cost of just 1 field inversion and 3(n−1) field multiplica- tions[38]. Sincefieldinversionismuchmorethan3timesasexpensiveasfieldmultiplication,thisprovides significantcomputationalsavings. 10