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Elk Hunting and Harvest Report August 11, 2000 License Year 1999 Harvest Surveys Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks Table of Contents Introduction . 1 Elk Tables . 7 Hunting Effort and Harvest Success . 8 Harvest by Sex/Age Class and Bow . 63 Harvest by Time Period . 135 Bull Harvest by Antler Point Class . 213 Appendix A: LY99 Elk Hunting Regulations Data Table . 285 Appendix B: Elk Hunting and Harvest Statistics Data File Description . 299 Enclosures 1999 Elk Hunting and Harvest Survey Questionnaire 1999 Montana Regulations - Deer and Elk 1 Introduction This report contains statistical estimates related to Montana elk hunting effort and harvest success, and the characteristics of elk harvested in Montana during license year 1999 (LY99). It is based on an analysis and summary of the LY99 statewide elk hunting and harvest survey conducted following the elk hunting seasons (see Survey Questionnaire enclosure). Montana resident elk sportspersons were surveyed primarily by phone, while non-residents were surveyed by mail. Contact labels were genera e for approximately 65% of resident elk license holders (76% of special holders), and 70 /o of non"'Qeo®lde|]t holders (98% of special holders). The overall resident rate for returning usable responses was 69 /o, while the non-resident rate was 49%. The resulting effective overall response rates for elk license holders were 45% for residents and 35% for non-residents. Statistical estimates of the number of elk hunters, number of days devoted to elk hunting and number of elk harvested are presented, as are relevant ratios such as percent success, and percent distributions of harvested elk by sex/age class, archery harvest, time period, and bull antler point class. Statistics are presented by location (Statewide, FWP Region, and Hunting District levels), by residency of hunter (Residents, and Non-residents, and Combined) and by mutually exclusive elk License/Permit Type (Lpt) population (individual Lpt, lumped groupings of Lpts, and a category lumping all Lpts together). Confidence bounds at the 80% significance level are presented for key statistics. Counts of elk license holders and expansion factors used are presented. Elk hunting and harvest statistics are grouped into four different table types: . Elk Hunting Effort and Harvest Success Table: Number issued, expansion factors used, estimated total hunters, districts hunted, hunter days, and harvest. Confidence intervals on hunters and hunter days are given. Relevant ratios based on these statistics, including percent success, are also presented. • Elk Harvest by Sex/Age Class and Bow: Estimated total harvest, harvest by sex/age class and antlered vs. antlerless, and harvest by bow vs. other means. Confidence intervals on harvest are given. Relevant percent distributions are also presented. • Elk Harvest by Time Period: Estimated total harvest, harvest by time period and percent distribution of harvest by time period are presented. . Bull Elk Harvest by Antler Point Class: Estimated bull harvest, harvest by bull antler point class, and percent distribution of bull harvest by antler point class are presented. Throughout this report, sportspersons holding a privilege to hunt elk are referred to using three different terms.9Elk sportspersons held a privilege (Lpt), or two, to hunt elk. Elk hunters took advantage of their privilege and expended effort hunting elk. Successful Elk hunters succeeded in harvesting an elk. The Location categories ‘Reg U’ and ‘XXX’ refer to elk which were harvested somewhere in Montana, but in an unknown Region or hunting District. Location 1XX...7XX refer to elk harvested somewhere within a given Region, but in an unknown District. Residency (Res) is abbreviated as R (resident), N (non-resident), or ALL (R+N combined). The license/permit types (Lie Type or Lpt) presented in the elk tables actually represent 236 mutually exclusive elk Lpt holder populations distinguished by the particular elk Lpt, or set of Lpts, they held. Elk Lpt holders were randomly sampled from these mutually exclusive populations and aH responses returned could be identified to one of these populations. Elk sportspersons holding a Special License or Perm were included in the population of the Special Lpt, whether or not they also held a General >-icense_ Those included in the General License population held only a General License, and nothing else. This is why this category is labeled in the tables as “Gen Only”. Individual Special Lpt populations are identified Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks - Wildlife Research - Harvest Surveys - 1999 Elk Hunting and Harvest Report August 11,2000 by a 5 digit code which is defined in the 1999 Elk Hunting Regulations (Appendix A shows how each Lpt was defined in the Regulations Data Table. The printed regulations are provided as an enclosure). Each elk survey respondent could be linked to a mutually exclusive sampled elk Lpt population. The districts of reported unsuccessful hunting activity were checked against the regulations to determine if the hunting effort was valid using the sample Lpt in the reported district. The districts of reported successful hunting activity were checked as above, then the characteristics of the kill were checked against the regulation restrictions, to determine if the linked hunting activity and harvested elk was valid using the sample Lpt in the reported district, given the regulation restrictions for that district. Activity or kills not assignable to the Lpt population of the elk survey respondent were placed into the Other, UnknDist, or UnknKill populations. The Lpt population label “Other” indicates Special Permit holders using their General License to hunt or harvest. The Lpt label “UnknDist” indicates hunting activity or harvest which could not be linked to a Lpt held by the hunter and valid in the reported district. The Lpt label “UnknKill” indicates activity which could be linked to Lpt(s) held by the hunter and valid in the reported district, but the elk kill described could not be legally taken using the Lpt(s) held. Individual Special Lpt populations are lumped into the “Special” category at the Regional and Statewide location levels. The Lpt population ALL lumps results from all of the mutually exclusive elk Lpt populations. Expansion Factors for Elk Statistics All Elk harvest statistics presented are estimates based on the underlying response set for a particular combination of the various levels of location, hunter residency, and license/permit type. Summarized harvest results from survey responses are expanded to estimated statistics based on the ratio of number issued to responses returned within each of the mutually exclusive Lpt holder populations. Elk hunting and harvest expansion factors were computed at all levels and groupings of species, location, hunter residency, and license/permit type. The number of tags issued, and the expansion factors used to estimate the hunting and harvest statistics, are presented in the Elk Hunting Effort and Harvest Success Tables. Elk statistics presented at the higher groupings of Location, Residency, and Lpt are themselves estimates, not sums of the underlying estimates. They are based on expansion factors computed from ratios of tags issued to responses returned, given the particular grouping of location, residency, and license type. This explains why a harvest estimate for a given location, for a given residency, over all license types, may differ from the sum of the underlying license type estimates. The overall expansion factor used is the sum of the included sales divided by the sum of the included responses. The more heterogeneous the underlying populations, the more the overall estimates will vary from the sum of the underlying estimates. These “Lpt=ALL” estimates are made for the given location and residency without regard to License/permit Type. Similarly, hunting and harvest statistics at the combined residency level are estimates when residency is disregarded. They are not simple sums of the resident and non-resident estimates. Resident and non¬ resident estimates will not necessarily sum to the combined residency estimate. Separate estimates are computed at all three levels of location (District, Regional, and Statewide). Regional estimates are made without regard to reported District of activity within the Region. Statewide estimates are derived without regard to any reported District of activity. In some cases, at the most detailed summary level by Location, Residency, and License/Permit Type, no response data were returned. In these cases, the expansion factor was undefined (license holders divided by zero responses), and flagged in the tables as -0.000. All estimates of harvest statistics based on the undefined expansion factor are also undefined (-0). In other cases, response data were returned, but no sportspersons reported any hunting, or harvest. This resulted in undefined ratios. These are also flagged as -0.0. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks - Wildlife Research - Harvest Surveys - 1999 Elk Hunting and Harvest Report - August 11,2000 2 Elk Hunting Effort and Harvest Success Table The Elk Hunting Effort and Harvest Success table presents basic elk hunting and harvest information plus the factors used to expand the statistics to estimates computed by location, hunter residency, and license/permit type. • Number Issued: Number issued for the given mutually exclusive Lpt population. . Expand Factor (Expansion Factor): The ratio of the number issued to the number of responding elk hunters for the given mutually exclusive Lpt population. • Hunters: Point estimate of total number of active elk hunters. • Hunters Low Bnd: Lower bound of 80% confidence interval on hunters. • Hunters Up Bnd: Upper bound of 80% confidence interval on hunters. Districts Hunted: Point estimate of cumulative number of districts hunted by elk hunters. Hunter Days: Point estimate of cumulative number of days or partial days spent hunting elk by e hunters. H Days Low Bnd: Lower bound of 80% confidence interval on hunter days. H Days Up Bnd: Upper bound of 80% confidence interval on hunter days. Districts Per Hunter: Ratio of Districts Hunted to Hunters. An estimate of the average number of Districts hunted for elk by elk hunters. This ratio has meaning only at the State and Regional location levels . Days Per Hunter: Ratio of Hunter Days to Hunters. An estimate of the average number of hunter days spent hunting by elk hunters. . f • Days Per District: Ratio of Hunter Days to Districts Hunted. An estimate of the average number of hunter days spent hunting per elk hunting District. This ratio has meaning only at the State and Regional location levels. • Harvest: Point estimate of total number of elk harvested. . Percent Success: Ratio of Hunters to Harvest expressed as a percent. An estimate of the percent of active hunters harvesting an elk. ,. . . Days To Harvest: Ratio of Hunter Days to Harvest. An estimate of the average number of hunter days required to harvest an elk. Please note that estimates such as number of Hunters, Hunter Days, and Harvest are presented in the tables as rounded whole numbers, though they are actually computed and stored as high precision real numbers. Sums and ratios based on these estimates are also computed as high precision reals. Any subsequent calculations performed using the rounded estimates presented in the tab'es '®cl^‘he precision possible using the actual underlying estimates. Sums and ratios computed based on the rounded whole numbers presented will be subject to round off error. Whenever possible use ‘he sums and ratios given in the tables. A data file of elk hunting and harvest statistics is available whichi retains the underlying precision of the estimates to several decimal places (see Appendix B. Elk Hunting and Harvest Data File Description). Elk Harvest by Sex/Age Class and Bow Table The Elk Harvest by Sex/Age Class and Bow table presents elk harvest estimates and confidence bounds, distribution of harvest among sex age classes, and harvest by bow and arrow versus other means, computed by location, hunter residency, and license/permit type. • Harvest: Point estimate of total number of elk harvested. . Harvest Low Bnd: Lower bound of 80% confidence interval on total harvest. . Harvest Up Bnd: Upper bound of 80% confidence interval on total harvest. 3 Research - Harvest Surveys - 1999 Elk Hunting and Harvest Report - August 11,2000 Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks — Wildlife • Harvest Unkn: Point estimate of harvest of sex age class unknown. • Harvest Calf: Point estimate of harvest of sex age class calves. • Harvest Cow: Point estimate of harvest of sex age class cows (non-calf females). • Harvest Bull: Point estimate of harvest of sex age class bulls (non-calf males). • Pent Calf: An estimate of the percent of harvest which was sex age class calves. • Pent Cow: An estimate of the percent of harvest which was sex age class cows (non-calf females). • Pent Bull: An estimate of the percent of harvest which was sex age class bulls (non-calf males). • Anti? (Harvest Antlers Unknown): Sum of Harvest Antlers Unknown and Bull Antler Point Class 0. • Anti- (Harvest Antlerless): The sum of calves and cows. An estimate of the legally antlerless elk harvest. • Antl+ (Harvest Antlered): Bulls in Antler Point Classes 1 through 9. An estimate of the legally antlered elk harvest. • Pent Anti-: Percent of harvest classified as legally antlerless elk. • BowKill No: Point estimate of harvest by a means other than bow and arrow. • Bow Kills: Point estimate of harvest by bow and arrow. • Pent Bow+: An estimate of the percent of harvest taken by bow and arrow. The sum of the totals given in the sex/age classes equals total harvest. However, the rounded estimates presented in the report may not exactly sum to this total due to round off error. Similarly, percent harvest by age class or bow calculated from the rounded estimates will not match the precision of the presented percents which were calculated using the underlying real number estimates. Elk Harvest by Time Period The Elk Harvest by Time Period table presents estimated elk harvest and the distribution of harvest among seven different time periods, plus a category where time period of kill is unknown. The time periods correspond to pre-season, the 5 weeks of the general hunting season, and post-season. Percent harvest by time period is also presented. Estimates were computed by location, hunter residency, and license/permit type. • Harvest: Point estimate of total number of elk harvested. • Time Unkn: Estimate of harvest where time period was unknown. • Before Oct 24: Estimate of harvest during 1st time period, pre-season. • Oct 24 - Oct 31: Estimate of harvest during 2nd time period, 1st week of general season. • Nov 1 - Nov 7: Estimate of harvest during 3rd time period, 2nd week. • Nov 8 - Nov 14: Estimate of harvest during 4th time period, 3rd week. • Nov 15 - Nov 21: Estimate of harvest during 5th time period, 4th week. • Nov 22 - Nov 28: Estimate of harvest during 6th time period, 5th week. • After Nov 28: Estimate of harvest during 7th time period, post-season. • Pent Unkn: Estimate of percent of harvest where time period was unknown. • Pent Pre: Estimate of percent of harvest during pre-season. • Pent Wk 1: Estimate of percent of harvest during 1st week of general season. • Pent Wk 2: Estimate of percent of harvest during 2nd week. • Pent Wk 3: Estimate of percent of harvest during 3rd week. • Pent Wk 4: Estimate of percent of harvest during 4th week. • Pent Wk 5: Estimate of percent of harvest during 5th week. • Pent Post: Estimate of percent of harvest during post-season. The sum of the totals given in the unknown and the 7 known time periods equals total harvest. However, the whole number estimates presented in the report may not exactly sum to this total due to round off error. Similarly, percents by time period calculated from the rounded estimates will not match the precision of the presented percents which were calculated using the underlying real number estimates. 4 Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks - Wildlife Research - Harvest Surveys - 1999 Elk Hunting and Harvest Report August 11,2000 Bull Elk Harvest by Antler Point Class Table The Bull Elk Harvest by Antler Point Class table presents estimated bull elk harvest and the distribution of Mhawe^among nine different antler point classes. Percent harvest by bull antler point class is also presented. Estimates are computed by location, hunter residency, and license/permit type. • Harvest Bull: Point estimate of harvest of sex age class bulls (non-calf males). . Ant Pt CIs 0: Estimate of bulls harvested with maximum one side antler point count unknown o This class collects bull kill descriptions with incomplete and unknown antler information. Ant Pt CIs 1: Estimate of bulls harvested with maximum one side antler point count of one. Ant Pt CIs 2: Estimate of bulls harvested with maximum one side antler point count of two. Ant Pt CIs 3: Estimate of bulls harvested with maximum one side antler point count of three. Ant Pt CIs 4: Estimate of bulls harvested with maximum one side antler point count of four. Ant Pt CIs 5: Estimate of bulls harvested with maximum one side antler point count of five. Ant Pt CIs 6: Estimate of bulls harvested with maximum one side antler point count of six. Ant Pt CIs 7: Estimate of bulls harvested with maximum one side antler point count of seven. Ant Pt CIs 8: Estimate of bulls harvested with maximum one side antler point coun of eight. Ant Pt CIs 9: Estimate of bulls harvested with maximum one side antler point count of nine or greater. . Pent CIs 0: Percent bulls harvested in Antler Point Class 0. Pent CIs 1: Percent bulls harvested in Antler Point Class 1. Pent CIs 2: Percent bulls harvested in Antler Point Class 2. Pent CIs 3: Percent bulls harvested in Antler Point Class 3. Pent CIs 4: Percent bulls harvested in Antler Point Class 4. Pent CIs 5: Percent bulls harvested in Antler Point Class 5. Pent CIs 6: Percent bulls harvested in Antler Point Class 6. Pent CIs 7: Percent bulls harvested in Antler Point Class 7. Pent CIs 8: Percent bulls harvested in Antler Point Class 8. Pent CIs 9: Percent bulls harvested in Antler Point Class 9. To estimate the percent of bulls harvested with a one side antler point count of 6 or better sum the Jerce Js for mer point classes 6. 7, 8, and 9. The estimate given for Antlered Elk Harvest ,s Bull Harvest minus Bulls in Antler Point Class 0 (unknowns). The sum of the estimates for Antler Point Classes 0 through 9 equals Bull Harvest. However, the whole number estimates presented in thei taes mav not exactlysum to this total due to round off error. Similarly, percents by antler point class from the roundld estimates will not match the precision of the presented percents which were ealeu using the underlying real number estimates. The 1999 Elk Hunting Regulations Table (###-##). For each hunting District, valid usage of each license/permit type is defined by the following variables: • Date_Bgn: The date the season opened. 1999 Elk Hunting and Harvest Report - August 11,2000 5 Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks - Wildlife Research - Harvest Surveys - • Date_End: The date the season closed. • Means of Take: Some combination of Rifle, Archery, Muzzleloader, and/or Shotgun. • Sex-Age: The legal sex/age/antler class of elk allowed by the license or permit. • Regulation Description: Descriptive information. • Regulation Comment: Further information. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks - Wildlife Research - Harvest Surveys - 1999 Elk Hunting and Harvest Report August 11,2000 6 r- 0 0 0 2 1, 1 st u g u A - rt o p e R st e v r a H d an s g n e nti l Hu b k El a 9 9 T 9 1 s - k ey v l ur E S st ve r 9 a H 9 h - 9 rc a e 1 s e R e dlif Wil - s k r a P d n a e dlif Wil sli Fi a n a nt o M

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