ELF-VLF Radio Wave Propagation NATO ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTES SERIES Proceedings of the Advanced Study Institute Programme, which aims at the dissemination of advanced knowledge and the formation of contacts among scientists from different countries The series is published by an international board of publishers in conjunction with NATO Scientific Affairs Division A Life Sciences Plenum Publishing Corporation B Physics London and New York C Mathematical and D. Reidel Publishing Company Physical Sciences Dordrecht and Boston D Behavioral and Sijthoff International Publishing Company Social Sciences Leiden E Applied Sciences Noordhoff International Publishing Leiden Series C - Mathematical and Physical Sciences Volume 10 - ELF-VLF Radio Wave Propagation ELF-VLF Radio Wave Propagation Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Spatind, Norway, April 17-27, 1974 edited by J. A. HOLTET The Norwegian Institute of Cosmic Physics, Blindern, Oslo, Norway D. Reidel Publishing Company Dordrecht-Holland / Boston-U.S.A. Published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 74-83870 lSBN-I3: 978-94-010-2267-5 e-ISBN-I3: 978-94-010-2265-1 001: 10.1007/978-94-010-2265-1 Published by D. Reidel Publishing Company P.O. Box 17, Dordrecht, Holland Sold and distributed in the U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Inc. 306 Dartmouth Street, Boston, Mass. 02116, U.S.A. All Rights Reserved Copyright © 1974 by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht Softcoverreprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1974 No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission from the publisher CONTENTS PREFACE IX Opening of NATO Advanced Study Institute on ELF-VLF Radio Wave Propagation F. LIED XI PART I: PROPERTIES OF THE LOWER IONOSPHERE The Photochemistry of the Mesosphere LS.A. ISAKSEN 3 Ionizing Radiation Affecting the Lower Ionosphere T.A. POTEMRA 21 Lower Ionosphere Ion Chemistry C.F. SECHRIST, JR. 39 Coupling between the Neutral and the Ionized Atmosphere H. VOLLAND 53 PART II: VLF PROPAGATION THEORY 67 FORTRAN Program for Obtaining Wave fields of Penetrating, Nonpenetrating, and Whistler Modes of Radio Waves in the Ionosphere G.H. SMITH and M.L.V. PITTEWAY 69 Intermode Coupling Processes in the Ionosphere in the Frequency Range 0.1 Hz to 300 kHz C. ALTMAN 87 The Coalescence of Coupling Points and "Cross Over" for Ion Cyclotron Whistlers M.S. SMITH 101 Theory of Energy Flux and Polarisation Changes of a Radio Wave with two Magnetoionic Compo nents Undergoing Self Demodulation in the Iono sphere N.M. MASLIN 107 VI CONTENTS A Numerical Method for the Integration of the Equations Governing the Propagation of E.M. Waves in a Plane Stratified Magnetoionic Medium L. BOSSY and H. CLAES I I I The Effect of Ground Conductivity on VLF Propagation S. WESTERLUND I 17 Theory of the Terrestrial Propagation of VLF Electromagnetic Waves J.R. WAIT 129 PART III: VLF WAVES AS A DIAGNOSTIC TOOL Ionospheric Variations and their Influence on the Propagation 149 The Use of VLF Propagation Results in Iono spheric Modelling w.e. BAIN 151 The Application of Inversion Techniques to Determine the Accuracy and Resolution of Electron Density Profiles Derived from VLF Propagation Data T.B. JONES and R.C. BAILEY 165 Irregular Variations in the High Latitude Ionosphere and their Effects on Propagation T.R. LARSEN 171 VLF Phase Perturbations Associated with Geomagnetic Activity T.J. ROSENBERG and F.A. SAUS 187 Determination of D-Region Electron Loss Rates and Electron Density Profiles from VLF Measurements during Solar Flare X-Ray Events G. BJ0NTEGAARD 193 The Polarization of VLF Radiowaves Re flected from the Ionosphere T.B. JONES 199 The Measurement of Electron Density below 70 km Report on a Discussion Session W.C. BAIN 201 CONTENTS VII PART IV: PROPAGATION OF ELF WAVES IN THE EARTH-IONOSPHERE DUCT Theory and Experiments 205 ELF Propagation Theory D.LL. JONES 207 Multimode Propagation in the Earth Ionosphere Waveguide R. BARR 225 ELF Noise Measurements T.R. LARSEN 233 The Measurement of the E.L.F. Horizontal Electric Field Component of the Back ground Noise in the Sea G. TACCONI 239 Study of Typical Night Time Atmospheric Waveforms Observed at Poitiers (France) M. TIXIER and R. RIVAULT 245 Sanguine D.K. WILLIM 251 ELF Propagation Irregularities on Northern and Mid-Latitude Paths J.R. DAVIS 263 A Possible Explanation of the Nighttime Variations of ELF Signal Strengths in Connecticut P. R. BANNISTER 279 Preliminary Discussion of ELF and VLF Propagation Data T.R. LARSEN 285 The Ionospheric Reflection-Level and Leakage-Rate for the Earth-Ionosphere Transmission-Line at ELF H.G. BOOKER and F. LEFEUVRE 291 Some Results of Observations of IPDP- Type Pulsations at the Soviet Observatories N. MALTSEVA 293 PART V: MAGNETOSPHERIC PROPAGATION 295 Ray Tracing J.C. CERISIER 297 VIII CONTENTS Multipath Doppler Shifts in Man-Made VLF Signals H.C. KOONS, B.C. EDGAR, R.L. DOWDEN, C.G. CARRINGTON and L.E.S. AMON 311 Whistlers and Discrete ELF/VLF Emissions M.J. RYCROFT 317 Controlled VLF Experiments G.S. STILES 335 Propagation Effects Observed In ELF/VLF Signals in the Ionosphere J.A. HOLTET 351 Transmission of ELF Pulses to the GEOS Satellite D. NUNN 361 Some Spectral Peculiarities of ELF-VLF Emissions at Subauroral Ground Stations N.G. KLEIMENOVA 365 PART VI: APPLICATION OF ELF-VLF WAVES 369 ELF-VLF Applications in Navigation and Communications E.R. SWANSON 371 Timing Systems J. DE PRINS 385 The Use of Propagation Data In Earth Resource Studies K.V. PAULSON 399 Transportable VLF Transmitter H.C. KOONS and M.H. DAZEY 413 On-Line Scanning of VLF Records J-L. GUISSET and P. FRANCK. 417 PARTICIPANTS 419 SUBJECT INDEX 425 PREFACE This volume is based on lectures and discussions presented at a NATO Advanced Study Institute on ELF and VLF Radio Wave Propagation, which was held in Norway April 1974. The study of propagation of electromagnetic waves with frequen cies below 100 kHz has long traditions in ionospheric physics. To-day, this frequency range is still of great importance, both to the physicist, who uses the waves as diagnostic tools to study the earth's environment and to the engineer who exploits the characteris tics of these waves to improve communications, navigation and timing systems. In recent years the active interest in the field has led to very rapid progress in the development of propagation theory as well as in the application of this theory to the solution of practical problems. The intention of the Organizing Committee for this Conference was to bring together theoreticians and experi mentalists working on the various aspects of wave propagation, in order to stimulate a fruitful discussion and exchange of ideas. The topics covered were, besides of a general presentation of the propagation medium - the ionosphere, propagation in the earth ionosphere waveguide and in the upper atmosphere, ionospheric variations and their influence on the propagation, application of ELF and VLF waves in navigation, communication and timing systems and in earth resource studies, wave phenomena and propa gation of waves in the near space. Propagation at extremely low frequencies has recently become of current interest through the development of new transmitter facilities. An important part of the book is therefore devoted this subject. The major part of the volume consists of invited review papers, providing a basic introductory to the various aspects of wave propagation. However, in order to give the reader an up to date account of current research in the field, approximately one half of the 40 contributed papers has been included as short research reports.The material covered is by no means complete, mainly because of the wide range of the subject and the space limitations in the Conference Preceedings. The responsibility for this lies with the editor rather than with the individual contributors to this volume. Oslo, June 1974 Jan A. Holtet Part I PROPERTIES OF THE LOWER IONOSPHERE