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Elements of Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory PDF

384 Pages·1968·26.473 MB·English
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ELEMENTS OF LINEAR ALGEBRA AND MATRIX THEORY International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics William Ted Martin and E. H. Spanier, ConsultingEditors AHLFORS - ComplexAnalysis BELLMAN - StabilityTheoryof Differential Equations BUCK -Advanced Calculus BUSACKER ANDSAATY - Finite Graphsand Networks CHENEY - Introduction toApproximation Theory CODDINGTON AND LEVINSON -TheoryofOrdinary Differential Equations COHN ~ Conformal Mappingon Riemann Surfaces DENNEMEYER - Introduction to Partial Differential Equations and BoundaryValue Problems DETTMAN - Mathematical Methodsin Physicsand Engineering EPSTEIN - Partial Differential Equations GOLOMB ANDSHANKS - ElementsofOrdinary Differential Equations GRAVES ' TheTheoryof Functionsof Real Variables GREENSPAN - Introduction to Partial Differential Equations GRIFFIN - ElementaryTheoryof Numbers HAMMING - Numerical MethodsforScientistsand Engineers HILDEBRAND ~ Introduction to Numerical Analysis HOUSEHOLDER - Principlesof Numerical Analysis LASS . Elements of Pureand Applied Mathematics LASS - Vectorand TensorAnalysis , LEPAGE - ComplexVariablesandthe LaplaceTransformfor Engineers McCARTY -Topology: An Introduction with Applicationsto Topological Groups MOORE . Elementsof LinearAlgebra and MatrixTheory MOURSUNDAND DURIS . ElementaryTheoryand Application . of Numerical Analysis NEF ~ Linear Algebra t" NEHARI - Conformal Mapping NEWELL - VectorAnalysis RALSTON - A First Coursein Numerical Analysis RITGERAND ROSE - Differential EquationswithApplications ROSSER - Logicfor Mathematicians RUDIN - Principlesof Mathematical Analysis SAATYAND BRAM - Nonlinear Mathematics SIMMONS - Introduction toTopologyand Modern Analysis SNEDDON - Elementsof Partial Differential Equations SNEDDON . FourierTransforms STOLL - LinearAlgebra and MatrixTheory STRUBLE- Nonlinear Differential Equations WEINSTOCK - CalculusofVariations WEISS - Algebraic NumberTheory ZEMANIAN - Distribution Theoryand Transform Analysis ELEMENTS OF LINEAR ALGEBRA AND MATRIX THEORY JOHN [MOORE The University ofFlorida The University of ‘Western Ontario McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY New York St. Louis San Francisco Toronto London Sydney ELEMENTS OF LINEAR ALGEBRA AND MATRIX THEORY Copyright ©1968 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United StatesofAmerica. No partofthis publication may be reproduced,- stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted, in any form or byanymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, orotherwise, withoutthe priorwritten permission ofthe publisher. LibraryofCongressCatalogCardNumber68-11933 42885 1234567890 MAMM 7543210698 D. E. S. F. A. S. PREFACE This book is an outgrowth of a course in linear algebra which I first gave to a class of undergraduates several years ago. In writing it, l have been moti- vated by the desire to produce a text with the following features: It would be ofa size such thata major portion ofthecontentscould becovered in a single academic term; it would have an abundance of problems, with degree of difficulty varying from the routine and near-trivial to the challenging; it would use a notation and terminology as near-standard as possible; and it would present a level of mathematics suitable for students whose major interest is in either pure mathematics or any of the pure or applied sciences. In my desire to limit the size of the book, it is inevitable that I am exposing an “Achilles’ heel” by my choice of material for inclusion. However, it is my belief that in a first course one should avoid being encyclopedic but, rather, help to give some sense of direction to thestudent; and so I take mystand on what l have done—butwith apologiestothosewhoseopinions maydifferfrom mine. Before beginning any writing of my own, I consulted the bulletins of the Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM) and decided to make the course recommendation contained in one of them the nucleus of this book. However, i have not followed these recommendations slavishly but have included additional material and been guided by my own vii viii PREFACE preference with regard to arrangement. The book has been structured, for the most part, asa continuous study, in which each section makes a contribu- tion to the next. At the same time, there are a few sections that are not essential to the main developmentofthe text; in each such case this fact has been made clear by an introductory remark. In order to emphasize the key purpose ofa section, I have limited the numberof results included in any one of them to a bare minimum. As was stated above, I have tried to use standard symbolism and termi- nology, and so I have madefree useofthefamiliarsymbolsofsettheory. To be precise, the followingsymbols occur without explanation: E for set mem- bership; U forset-theoretic union; (N forset-theoretic intersection; C and D for the two kinds of set inclusion; X for the cartesian product of sets. In addition, it has been convenientto referto the cardinality or cardinalnumber of a set in an intuitive sortof way, and I have used [a,b] to denote the interval of real numbers between aand b, inclusive. Although the book isconsidered to be self-contained, itisassumed thatthe readerisfamiliarwith thefollowing basic notions: the division and gcd processes as they arise in the theory of polynomials; the partitioningof a set effected by an equivalence relation, each equivalence class being representable by a single element ofthe set; and the two methods of proof bymathematicalinduction. Ifthe readeris notfamiliar with these several concepts, he is urged to acquaint himself with the unfamiliar ones by referring to any book on abstract algebra. The problem sets have been arranged into three groupings, physically separated from one another by spaces. The problems in the first groupings are basic but quite simple, and some instructors may find them unnecessary fortheirclasses. However, although this may betruein some instances, itis myjudgmentthatastudentisoftenlostata pointwherehefailstocomprehend something simple—and almost trivial—but also very important. It is the purposeofthe early problemsto bringto lightand, hopefully, to eliminateany such difficulties. The second groupings of problems are complementary to the material in the text, and all of them should be worked out in detail. In this way, students may feel more personally involved with the proofs of the theorems than if these proofs were all presented in final polished form. In thefinal groupings, l have included other problems of a more general nature, relevanttothe particularsection understudy. Otherwise, the problems have not been arranged according to difficulty. Inasmuch as the first groupings involve problems ofsuch a basic nature, answers or hints have been provided for most of them at the back of the book. The student is thus given an opportunity to work these problems—if he feels the need of doing do—quite independently of whether this is suggested by his instructor and so develop an early confidence in his ability to grasp the concepts being presented. PREFACE ix There are many people to whom I am indebted in the writing of this book. l was first given much encouragement by a number of reviewers of an early portion of the manuscript, all of whom were anonymous except for Prof. George Simmons of Colorado College. To them all i extend my most sincere thanks. At a later stage, much of the manuscript was read by three people who provided many helpful suggestions for its improvement. Theyare Prof. C. Desoer of the University of California, Berkeley; Prof. D. J. Lewis of the Universityof Michigan; and Prof.T. L. Wade of Florida State University. I am sincerely grateful tothemforthisassistance. Themanuscriptin itsnear-final form was read by Prof. D. J. Sterlingof Bowdoin College, and lwishtoexpress my gratitude to him for his very useful suggestions; I am confident that the book is better because of his pertinent commentary. It is understood, of course, that even though these people have seen part or all of the manu- script, their reading of it does not imply any sort of endorsement; any errors or shortcomings in the bookare mine alone. My longtime friend, Prof. W. S. Cannon of Presbyterian College, was of very considerable help in collecting Readings from the American Mathematical Monthly. My colleague, Prof. Anne Bode, has been a mostgraciousconsultanton matterswhich havearisen from time to time, and her generous assistance continued throughout the final stagesofthe manuscript. Twoverygood graduate students, EddySmet and Jawaid Rizvi, came to my aid at a very busy time and used a portion of a vacation period to supply mewith answersforthefirstgroupingsof problems. Theirfurtherhelpin readingthegalleyswasinestimable,andthe bookismuch closer to being free of errors than it would otherwise have been. I offer my mostwarm and cordial thanks to them all. JOHN T. MOORE

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