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Elements of Flow and Diffusion Processes in Separation Nozzles PDF

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Preview Elements of Flow and Diffusion Processes in Separation Nozzles

1. Introduction ehT separation of isotopes is a process of fundamental importance in many areas of science dna technology. Since the basic effects capable of being used for this pur- pose have different efficiencies, depending no the type of isotope or the quantity required, a multitude of isotope separation techniques exist today, which meet the broadest applications. Normally, a distinction is edam between the so-called statis- tical methods, in which the difference in the naem values of a physical quantity is used for the separation process, dna the non-statistical methods, in which the in- dividual differences in nuclear masses or nuclear volumes of isotopes directly de- termine separation /I/. ehT most widely nwonk statistical methods are based no sag kinetic transport pro- cesses, such as pressure diffusion, thermal diffusion or molecular effusion (diffu- sion methods) dna no differences in the equilibrium distribution of isotopes gnoma various phases (phase equilibrium methods) or chemical sdnuopmoc (chemical exchange methods). gnomA the non-statistical methods which, unlike the statistical methods, in principle would allow the pure material to eb produced in eno step, there is par- ticularly the separation of ionized isotopes dna isotopic sdnuopmoc in magnetic or electric fields (mass spectrometer); there is also the possibility to make esu of differences in the atomic or molecular spectra for excitation of specific isotopes dna separation of the type of isotope selectively excited by subsequent ionization, dissociation or chemical conversion (photoselective methods). ehT separation of isotopes is carried out no na industrial scale for the produc- tion of heavy water and, in particular, for the enrichment of the light uranium iso- tope U532 /~,2/. This isotopic species which is fissionable by thermal neutrons, oc- curs in natural uranium only with na abundance of 0.72 mole .% Since modern nuclear power plants are mostly equipped with light water reactors which require uranium fuel with 235U contents of 2%-4%, uranium isotope separation is obviously na essen- tial step in the peaceful esu of nuclear energy. ehT requirements of enriched uranium at present are still covered mainly by faci- lities using the gaseous diffusion method /3/. This process is based no the mass de- pendence of molecular effusion through porous senarbmem dna is carried out with gas- eous uranium hexafluoride. However, it nac work economically only in extremely large plants; this is ultimately eud to the small change of the isotopic composition in the elementary separation process at the enarbmem dna the correspondingly large flow of material, which results from the multiple repetition of the elementary separation process in a cascade. ehT most important competitor of the gaseous diffusion pro- cess at present is the sag centrifuge process /4/, in which gaseous uranium hexa- fluoride is fed into a cylinder rotating at high speed dna esu is edam of pressure diffusion for isotope separation; the process is being applied successfully no a technical scale in a number of pilot plants dna demonstration facilities. Other meth- sdo of uranium enrichment developed with great financial dna technical expenditures are the separation nozzle method /5/, the ROCU process based no the vortex tube /6/, chemical exchange processes /7/, dna photoselective separation by selective excita- tion of isotopes in uranium vapor or gaseous uranium sdnuopmoc by means of laser radiation /8/. ehT most important alternative method relative to the gaseous diffusion dna cen- trifuge processes today is the separation nozzle process developed at the Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center /9-12/. It is characterized by simple technology dna the pos- sibility of economic operation even in relatively small plants. In the separation noz- zle process, the pressure gradients dna inertia forces in a curved sag flow contain- ing uranium as FU 6 are utilized for separating the uranium isotopes. Such separation principle saw first proposed in the Second World raW by CARID for enriching .U532 However, the first tentative experiments performed no model sag mixtures at that time were not very promising, dna the premature conclusion saw drawn that aerody- namic separation methods were unsuitable for uranium enrichment no a technical scale /13/. Around the mid-fifties, REKCEB began his first studies no separating uranium isotopes in FU 6 sag jets freely expanding from a convergent nozzle dna split by a skimmer or knife edge into a core enriched in the heavy isotope dna na outer shell enriched in the light isotope /14/. ehT elementary effect of isotope separation ob- served in this case saw only very little above that of the gaseous diffusion method, even if the FU 6 saw strongly expanded, which made technical application of such ar- rangements hardly promising /15/. ehT breakthrough in the development of the separation nozzle saw achieved by REKCEB in the early sixties when, instead of pure FU 6, a mixture of FU 6 dna a light auxiliary sag in a high molar excess saw used /16/ dna free expansion saw replaced by a guided deflection of the flow along a curved wall /17/. These measures helped to attain a much higher flow velocity dna greater deflection of the flow than in the free expansion of pure FU 6. ehT elementary effect of uranium isotope separation saw raised considerably above that of the gaseous diffusion process, while simultaneous- ly reducing the expansion ratio required for economic operation of the nozzle. sA a consequence of the improvement in performance data, the technical expenditure for industrial uranium enrichment by the separation nozzle method reached economically attractive levels /18-22/. Since 1970, GAETS of Essen have participated at their nwo expense in industrial- izing the separation nozzle process /23/. In 1975, it saw agreed within the frame- work of the German-Brazilian Nuclear Energy Agreement to carry out jointly the fur- ther development dna commercialization of the process with the participation of in- dustries dna research establishments in the two countries /24/. At present, a first cascade section of a demonstration plant is being built. Its planned capacity of 003 000 a/UWS a/UWS( = gk separative work unit per year) is to ensure the supply of nuclear fuel to light water reactors with a total power output of roughly 0003 eWM /25/. Along with the technical implementation of the separation nozzle method, which is carried out jointly with industry /26/, dna testing of process components no a technical scale /27,28/, broad fundamental studies are being performed at the Karls- ruhe Nuclear Research Center no the physics of the separation nozzle method, z These studies serve to elaborate approaches towards further improvements in the perform- ance of the process dna prepare their practical implementation by laboratory scale experiments. ehT success achieved os far in this physics development work is -nomed strated by the fact that the power consumption of the separation nozzle method for uranium enrichment sah been cut to half the level of 1970 /20,23/. ehT specific pow- er consumption of na industrial separation nozzle plant is 2800 ,UWS/hWk which snaem that about %3 of the electricity generated by the enriched uranium in light water reactors is to eb expended no the enrichment process. ehT number of enrichment steps required to produce nuclear fuel sah also been reduced by some 50%, os that at pres- ent a cascade arrangement of about 002 separation stages is sufficient to convert natural uranium into enriched material with 3 mole % 235U. Also the other technical expenditures involved in uranium enrichment by the separation nozzle have been re- duced considerably as a result of improved physical performance. There is on doubt that the separation nozzle process is developing into a real alternative to the established methods for the enrichment of the light uranium isotope /25/. This monograph presents a survey of the basic physics underlying the separation nozzle method. After a short introductory description of the separation nozzle prin- ciple, emos general correlations will eb established between the operating dna per- formance data of the separation nozzle no the eno hand, dna the technical expendi- i Cf. survey articles /2,5,9,29-34/; studies of specific physical problems are cited below at the appropriate points in this monograph. ture required for uranium enrichment no the other hand. This is followed by a detail- de analysis of the separation dna flow processes in the separation nozzle, which will deal especially with the effect of the light auxiliary sag no uranium isotope sepa- ration dna with the flow anemonehp characteristic of the separation nozzle in the transition regime between continuum dna free molecular flows. This analysis, in turn, is used as a basis for explaining, in physical terms, the influences of various op- erating parameters of the separation nozzle no uranium isotope separation dna no the specific technical expenditure. Since the complicated flow dna separation processes in the separation nozzle nac only partly eb assessed theoretically and~ for this reason, experimental methods dominate in the elucidation of physics events, the measuring techniques developed for these studies will also eb described. In the fi- nal section of the study, special physics anemonehp dna emos technological aspects of the most important embodiments of the separation nozzle will eb treated. 2. Basic Principles of the Separation Nozzle Method sA with most separation methods applied no a technical scale, the separation nozzle method is a continuous process in which the mixture to eb separated is fed as a steady-state flow to a separating element dna split into fractions of different -moc positions. ehT components of the mixture are separated in the gaseous phase, the mixture being accelerated by expansion in a nozzle dna deflected in the process. ehT centrifugal forces occurring during deflection dna the resulting pressure gradients in the flow field cause a partial separation of the components of the mixture, as in a centrifuge. ehT heavy components are concentrated at the periphery, the lighter stnenopmoc in the inner regions of the centrifugal field generated by the curved flow. Depending no the type of separation nozzle, the curvature of the streamlines is brought about by - deflection of a sag jet at a solid wall, mutual deflection of several sag jets, - - free expansion, - partial stagnation of a flow, or a combination of these measures (Sect.8). In uranium isotope separation, the process sag used is a mixture of uranium hexa- fluoride FU( 6) dna na auxiliary sag of low molecular weight (helium or hydrogen). ehT fraction of the light auxiliary sag in the process sag mixture is around 59 to 89 mole ,% thus resulting in values between 9 dna 12 for the naem molecular weight of the mixture. Because of the low naem molecular weight, hcum higher exhaust veloc- ities are attained than in the expansion of pure FU 6 and, consequently, higher sep- arating centrifugal forces are reached in the curved flow. In addition to the acceleration of FU 6, another effect of the auxiliary sag sah a positive impact no separation of the uranium isotopes /35/. This is based no the fact that the FU 6 molecules containing the heavy isotope will migrate more quickly to the periphery of the centrifugal field than the FU 6 molecules containing the light isotope because of the higher pressure.diffusion velocity of the heavier spe- cies. sA a consequence, na isotopic distribution will eb passed before reaching equilibrium condition, at which the heavy isotope is already concentrated at the periphery of the centrifugal field, while the light isotope is still spread over a broader range. This transient state is characterized by a higher degree of iso- tope separation than the equilibrium condition, in which a steady-state Boltzmann distribution sah been established for each type of molecule. 2 ehT spatial change in the isotopic ratio in the field of the separation nozzle is determined by the ratio of the diffusive transport of the isotopes perpendicu- lar to the flow direction to the total transport of isotopes in the flow direction. This ratio of transport streams sah a finite value only in the transition regime between continuum flow dna free molecular flow, since the necessary preconditions of low throughput dna high-pressure diffusion stream nac eb met simultaneously on- ly in this regime. ehT optimum Knudsen number of the separation nozzle flow for isotope separation purposes, i.e., the ratio of the naem free path of the molecules to a characteristic dimension of the nozzle, is 01 -2 /33/. Figure 2.1 is a cross section of a slit-type separation nozzle system, which sah been the basis of most technical development work os far performed no the separation nozzle process. It will eb referred to below sa "standard separation nozzle". A sag jet containing 2 to 5 mole % of FU 6 dna 89 to 59 mole % of H 2 or eH is deflected at a fixed curved wall dna expanded to roughly half the value of the nozzle inlet pres- sure, the heavy components of the mixture being concentrated at the deflection wall dna the light ones in the inner regions of the flow. At the dne of the deflection, the Fig.2.1. Cross section of a slit-type separation nozzle system (standard se- paration nozzle) A similar mechanism is applied in emos types of flow classifiers dna separators, in which the different settling rates of particles of a mixture of solids in a liquid or a sag are used for separation. Also in this case, a higher degree of separation is achieved during sedimentation than at the dne of the sedimentation process /36/. partly separated gaseous mixture is split by a skimmer into a heavy fraction deplet- de in 6FU532 and the auxiliary gas, dna a light fraction enriched in 235UF6 dna the auxiliary gas. Under the operating conditions prevailing in practical applications of the separation nozzle method, the relative difference in isotopic ratios between the light dna the heavy fractions is about 1.5%. For this reason, the elementary sep- aration process must eb repeated several hundred times in a cascade arrangement of separation nozzle stages in order to raise the molar fraction of the light isotope from 0.0072 in natural uranium by a factor of about 4 to the level of 0.03 required for light water reactors (cf., e.g., /2,5,20,25,27/). 3. Characteristic Parameters of the Separation Element and Specific Expenditure In a physical analysis of the separation process dna for economic assessment of the performance of separation nozzle systems, certain parameters are used in analogy with those employed in other uranium enrichment techniques. These parameters, in a general way, take into account the fact that a given separation problem must in principle eb solved by multiple repetitions of the elementary separation process in a cascade /37-40/. They describe the concentration change achieved in a single separation element, the splitting of mass streams dna the expenditure specific to the process, dna are explained below no the basis of the flow diagram shown in Fig.3.1 for a sep- aration nozzle stage, which is the basic technical processing unit of a separation nozzle cascade. ehT sag stream L fed to the separation nozzle system is desopmoc of a partial stream flowing pu the cascade dna a partial stream flowing down the cascade, each having the same isotopic abundance. L is compressed to the feed pressure OP yb snaem of a compressor and, after removal of the compression heat in a sag cooler, split in the separation element into a light fraction ,LO which is enriched in FU532 6 dna auxiliary gas, dna a heavy fraction (I-O)L, which is enriched in 6FU832 dna FU 6. ehT shift in concentrations between the light dna the heavy fractions is character- ized, as usual, by the separation factor A or by the elementary effect c A of the separation process. In most cases, it is appropriate for physical analysis of the separation process to express these quantities by means of the partial cuts 0 i. ehT yvaeH noitcarf /~ thgiL morf rehgih egats II noitcarf fo eht edacsac p LB yvaeH thgiL noitcarf P~_ noitcarf Fig.3.1. Basic flowsheet of a sep- morf rewot egats "~ (t- L}B aration nozzle stage fo eht edacsac partial cut of a component i of the mixture is the percentage of its throughput through the separation element, which is withdrawn in the light fraction stream. If e I dna e h are the partial cuts of the FU 6 molecules containing the light dna the heavy uranium isotopes, respectively, the following relationship results for the isotope separation factor Ais dna the elementary effect A~ of isotope separa- tion: el(1-e h) el-e h (3.1) A~ =Ais-1 = ~ - I = ~ With the partial cuts e a and e u for the auxiliary sag dna the total FU 6, one correspondingly obtains for the separation factor of the mixture Oa(1-0 u) A (3.2) The definitions given in (3.1,2) are equivalent to the usual equation defining the separation factor N' (I-N") (3.3) A = ~A+I = ~ , which is based no the molar fractions N' dna "N of the component to eb enriched in the light dna the heavy fractions. In the separation nozzle method, the technical expenditure dna the corresponding costs are mainly due to the fact that large sag streams must eb expanded in the sep- aration stages dna compressed again to the feed-pressure level. This expenditure is described by means of specific parameters which establish correlations between phys- ical quantities typical of the process, e.g., the streams of material or the volume streams dna the changes in state of such streams, on the eno hand, dna the separative work production (separative power) U~ = eu(1-eu)Luran s~/2 , (3.4) no the other hand /2,21,37-40/. Luran is the uranium throughput through the separa- tion element. In the following sections, the separative work will always eb given in kilogram separative work units )UWS( dna the separative power in kilogram sepa- rative work units per year (SWU/a). ehT technical expenditure and, hence, the economics of the separation nozzle pro- cess, are characterized by the following specific parameters: 01 a) ehT speci~c energy consumption characterizes the compression work required to compress the sag expanded during the separation process dna the technical expendi- ture for the electric system driving the compressors dna for removing the compres- sion heat. b) ehT speci~c suction volume characterizes the sizes of the compressors, pipings, valves dna tanks in a separation nozzle cascade. c) ehT speci~c slit length characterizes the technical expenditure involved in manufacturing separation nozzle systems. nO the basis of the simplified assumption of na ideal isothermal compression of the mixture of auxiliary sag dna FU 6 expanded in the nozzle dna taking into account that the suction pressures p' dna p" of the light dna the heavy fractions yam differ, eno obtains for the specific energy consumption sdiE = TRmL e m In(Po/p') + (I-0 )m In(Po/p")/SU , (3.5) erehw L m = mole throughput of the mixture of auxiliary sag dna FU 6, R = universal sag constant, T = absolute temperature of the process gas, 0 m = cut of the mixture of auxiliary sag dna FU 6, dna OP = nozzle inlet pressure. ehT values attainable in practice for the specific energy consumption depend, in addition, no the efficiency of the compressors, the electrical equipment, the cas- cade circuit, the pressure losses in the pipes dna coolers, dna the power -pmusnoc tion of the auxiliary systems; they are roughly %05 above the values given by (3.5). At the present state of development, the minimum specific power consumption of a large commercial separation nozzle plant is around 2800 .UWS/hWk This value corre- sponds to emos %3 of the electricity generated with the enriched uranium in light water reactors; it is some %01 below the specific energy consumption of older gas- eous diffusion plants dna still %01 to %51 above that of the most recent gaseous diffusion plants /2,3/. If the whole process sag mixture is assumed to eb fed to the compressor at a suction pressure p' of the light fraction, the specific suction volume turns out to eb sdiV = LmRT/(p'~U) (3.6)

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