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ELEMENTS OF DYNAMIC OPTIMIZATION AlphaC .C hiang ProfeosfEs coorn omics TheU niverosfCi otnyn ecticut McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York StL.o uisS anF ranciscoA ucklandB ogota Caracas Lisbon LondonM exMiac·doMr i ilda nM ontreal NewDe lhi ParisS anJ uan SingaporSeyd neyT okyoT oronto ELEMENTS OF DYNAMIC OPTIMIZATION InternatEidointailo1 n9s9 2 Exclusriivgeh btysM cGraw-HBiololk C o-Singafpoomrra en ufactaunrde exporTth.i sb ookc annobter e-expofrrtoemdt hec ounttroyw hiciht i s consignbeyMd c Graw-Hill. Copyrig©h t1992b yM cGraw-HiIlnlc,A. l lr ighrtess ervEexdc.e pats permitutnedde trh eU niteSdt atCeosp yrigAhctto f1 976n,o p arotf t his publicamtaiyob ne r eproduocred di stribiunta endyf ormo rb ya nym eans, ors torienda datbaa soer r etriesvyaslt ewmi,t hotuhtep riowrr itten permissoifot nh ep ublisher. 5 6 7 8 9 S0W K9H L6 5 LibraorfyC ongreCsast aloging-in-PDuabtlai caton ChianAgl,p hCa. ,( date). Elemenotfsd ynamiocp timizatAilopnh Ca. C hiang. I p. em. Includbeisb liograrpehfiecraeln acnedis n dex. ISBN0 -07-010911-7 1.M athematiocpatli mizatio2n.E. c onomicMsa,t hematical. I.T itle. HB143.7.C45 1992 330'.'0511 '-dc20 91-37803 Thibso okw ass etin C entuSrcyh oolboboySk c ienTcyep ographIenrcs., Thee ditwoars S cotDt. S tratford; thep roductsiuopne rviwsaosDr e nisLe. P uryear. Thec ovewra sd esignbeydJ ohnH ite. Projescutp erviwsaisod no neb yS cienTcyep ographIenrcs., Artw asp repareelde ctronbicySa clileyn Tcyep ographIenrcs., Wheno rderitnhgit si tlues,eI SBN0 -07-112568-X. PrintiendS ingapore. CONTENTS Preface xi Part Introduction 1 1 TheN aturoef D ynamiOcp timization 3 1 1.1S alient Features of Dynamic Optimization Problems 4 1.2V ariable Endpoints and Transversality Conditions 8 1.3T he Objective Functional 12 1.4A lternative Approaches to Dynamic Optimization 17 Par2t TheC alcuolfuV sa riations 25 TheF undamentParlo bleomf t heC alculus 2 ofV ariations 27 2.1T he Euler Equation 28 2.2S ome Special Cases 37 2.3T wo Generalizations of the Euler Equation 45 2.4D ynamic Optimization of Monopolist 49 2.5T rading Off Inflation and aU nemployment 54 TransversaClointdyi tions 3 forV ariable-EndPprooibnlte ms 59 3.1T he General Transversality Condition 59 3.2S pecialized Transversality Conditions 63 3.3T hree Generalizations 72 3.4T he Optimal Adjustment of Labor Demand 75 vii viH CONTENTS 4 Second-OrCdoenrd itions 79 '· 4.1 Second-OrCdoenrd itions 79 4.2 TheC oncav;ictoyn vexSiutffiyc ieCnotn dition 81 4.3 TheL egendNreec essaCroyn dition 91 4.4 Firsatn dS econVda riations 95 5 InfiniPtlea nniHnogr izon 98 5.1 MethodoloIgsicsauolef sI nfinHiotrei zon 98 5.2 TheO ptimaIln vestmPeantth o fa Firm 103 5.3 TheO ptimal SSoacviianBlge havior 111 5.4 Phase-DiaAgnraalmy sis 117 5.5 TheC oncav/iCtoyn vexSiutffiyc ieCnotn dition 130 Again 6 ConstraiPnreodb lems 133 6.1 FourB asiTcy peosf C onstraints 134 6.2 SomeE conomAipcp licatRieofnosr mulated 144 6.3 TheE conomiocfEs x haustiRbelseo urces 148 Part OptimCaoln trTohle ory 159 3 OptimaClo ntroTlh:e M aximumP rinciple 161 7 7.1 TheS implePsrto bleomfO ptimaClon trol 162 7.2 TheM aximumP rinciple 167 7.3 TheR ationoaflt eh eM aximum Principle 177 7.4 AlternaTteirvmei nCaoln ditions 181 7.5 TheC alculoufVs a riatiaonndOs p timCaoln trol TheorCyo mpared 191 7.6 TheP olitical BCuyscilnee ss 193 7.7 EnergyU sea ndE nvironmeQnutaalli ty 200 Moreo nO ptimaClo ntrol 205 8 8.1 An EconomIinct erpretoaftt hieoM na ximumP rinciple 205 8.2 TheC urrent-VHaalmuiel tonian 210 8.3 SufficieCnotn ditions 214 8.4 Problewmist She verSatla taen dC ontrVoalr iables 221 8.5 AntipolluPtoiloinc y 234 InfiniHtoer-izoPnr oblems 240 9 9.1 TransversCaolnidtiyt ions 240 9.2 SomeC ounterexamRpeleexsa mined 244 9.3 TheN eoclassTihceaolro yfO ptimaGlr owth 253 9.4 ExogenoaunsdE ndogenoTuecsh nologiPcraogresls 264 OptimaClo ntrwoilt hC onstraints 275 10 10.1 ConstraiInntvso lvCionngt rVoalr iables 275 ix PRJ:P'A.CE 10.2T he Dynamics of a Revenue-Maximizing Firm 292 10.3St ate-Space Constraints 298 10.4E conomic Examples of State-Space Constraints 307 10.5L imitations of Dynamic Optimization 313 315 Answers to Selected Exercise Problems 323 Index PREFACE Inr ecyeenatrI hs a vree cemiavneryde quteoes xtpsa mnyFd undamental MethoodfMs a tmhaetiEccooamnli tcois n cltuhdseeu bjoefdc ytn amic optimiSzianttciheoee nx .i sstiioznfetg h abto owko uilmdp oass ee vere spaccoen stIrd aeicnittdop,e r de stehtneot p oifdc y naompitci miiznaa tion sepavroaltueSm eep.a rateness tnhopetr weisvteohnlstutc maaebnn ed ing, consiadsea rc eodn tinoufaF tuinodna mMeetnhtooadfMlsa t hematical Ecomniocs. Ast htei tElelem teosnDyf n maiOcpt iamtiiizompnl tihebisos,o i ks inteansda enid n trodtuecrxtatot rthyhe raa nne ncycltoopmeWedh.ii cl e thbea soifct shc el ascsailccaoulfvl aursi aatniidot nmsso decronu sin, opticmoanltt rhoeloa ryr,ee x platihnoerdo udgiehffrleyn,gt aimaealsn d stochcaosnttairrcoe l i nnoctl uDdyenda.pm rirocag mmiinsegx plaiinn ed thdei screftroem-I;te ixmcelt uhdceeo ntinuovuesr-sbtieioucmnsa eie t needs dpiaeffrrteineatqliua alt aisao p nrse reqwuhiisciht ehw,ao vuel d takuesfn a arfi eld. Althotuhagedh v enotp toicfmo anltt rhoelho racysa utsheceda lculus ofv ariattoi oobvnreess hadIod weeedimi,t n advtiods iabslmteiht seos p ic ovfa riactaillocunFusao.lor n teh iank gn,o wloeftd hgleea titisen rd ispens­ abfloeu rn derstmaanncdyli ansgs ic ecworniotmitintec hn ce pa alpceur­s luos-f-varimaotliBdoe.ns sit dhemese ,t hiousds eedv einnr ecwernitt ings. Finaalb layc,k ngdr otuihnce a lcoufvl aursi aftcaiiolniastb aetteatsne dr fluluenrd erstoafon pdtiincmgoa nltt rhoeloT rhyer. e adwehroi so nly interienos ptteidm alt hceoomnryat yri,ofd l e sisrkeiPdpa, r 2 to ft he present Bvuotlw uoImu esl.tdr ornegcloym mreenadda itln ega st the flolowCihnag2p :(. t hEeu leeqru atSieo4cn.2. )( ,c hecckoinncg1ac voint­y vexiatnyd) ,5S .e(cm1.e dtohlooigsiscouafiel ns fi nhiotreir zeolne,av lasnot too ptimalt hceoonrtyr)o.l Certfaaeitnu orfte hsbi oso akrw eo rptohi ntiInndg e voeulto.p ing the Euleeqru atIsi uopnpm,lo yr e dtehtaani olmtsoh sbeotro iknos r dtehra t three acdaebnre tatpeprr etchibeae taeuo tfty hl eo giincv o(lSvee2.c1d).. xi xii PREFACE Inc onnectwiiotinhn finite-phroorbilzeoImn as t,t emtpotc larsiofmye commomni sconcepatbiooutnths ec onditfioocrno sn vergoefin mcper oper integ(rSael5cs.. 1 I)a .l stor tyo a rguteh atth ea llecgoeudn terexamples in optimcaoln trtohle oaryg ainisntfi nite-htorrainzsovne rcsoanldiittyi ons mayb es pecisoiunstc,h ee iyn volav fea iltuorr ee cogntihzepe r eseonfc e implificxiettd e rmisntaalt ients h oseex amp(lSese9 c..2 ). Tom aintaai sne nsoefc ontinwuiitthFy u ndamenMteatlh odosf MathematEiccoanlo miIch sa,v we ritttehniv so lume aw ciotmhp arable levoefle xpository apnadtI,ih eonpcece,l, a raintdyr eadabiTlhiedt iys.­ cussioofmn a themattieccahln iqiusae lsw ays reiwniftonhru cmeedr ical illustrations, ecoannodem xiecr cpeirxsoaebm lpelImensts .h, en umerical illustraptuiropnoss,pe rleys etnhtes hortest-dpirsotbalnecmse-i am ple I problweimt ahw ell-knsoowlnu tiosne-viendr iaffle raelntte rnfaotrimvue­ latioannsdu, s ei ta sa r unnitnhgr etahdr outghheb ook. Int hceh oiocfee c onoemxiacm plmeysm ,a jocrr iteirsti hoesnu itabil­ itoyf t hee conommiocd elsi llustroaftt ihoepn asr ticmualtahre matical as techniuqnudeessr t udAyl.t hourgehc eecnotn omaicp plicaatrineoa ntsu ral candidfaotiren sc lusIih oanvn,eo ts hieadw ayf rocml asasritci cSloemse. clasasritci calrneeo sto nlwyo rtsht udyiinnt gh eoiwrn r ighbtu,ta lstou rn outt ob ee xcelfloeirnl tl ustpruartpiovbseee csa utshee miord eslt ructures aruen cluttweirtsehed c ondcaorym plicaastsiunmgp tiAso an bsy.- product, thjeu xtaposoifot liadon ndn ewe conommoicd eallss por oviadnei sn terest­ inggl imposfte h dee velopomfee ncto nomtihco ugFhotri. n stafnrcoetm,h e clasRsaimcs egyr owtmho de(lS ec5.. 3t)h routghhen eoclasgsriocwatlh modeolf C as(sS ec9.. 3t)o t heR omegrr owtmho dewli tehn dogenous technolopgroigcra(elSs es9c ..4 o)n,es eeas p rogresrseifivnee meinnt th e analytfircaamle work. Sfirmoimtl haecr llays,Hs oitce llmiondgeo lf e x­ haustible reso6u.r3tc)oe t sh eF( oSresctm.eo rd elosfe nergyu sea nd pollu(tSieocn. a ndS ec8.. o5n)es, e etsh es hiifntt hef ocuosfs ocietal 7. 7 concefrrnosrm e source-exthoea nuvsitrioonnm qeunatlaiAlt cyo.m parison oft hec lasEsviacn mso deolfd ynammiocn opo(lSies2ct.. 4 w)i tthh em ore recemnotd eolfL elaonndt hed ynamiocfas r evenue-maxfiirmmi( zSiencg. 10.a2l)s iol lustornaeto efts h em anyd evelopmiennm tisc roeconomic reorientation. Inl inwei tmhy pedagogpihciallo soIp ahtyt,e mtpote xplaeianc h i· ' economic imno dsetle p-bym-asntneepfr r omi tisn itcioanls truction a throutghhei ntricoafmc aitehse mataincaallyt soii tsfs i nsaoll utEivoenn. thougthh er esullteinnggt htireera tmreenqtu ilriemsi ttihneng u mbeorf econommoicd eplrse <;enItb eedl,i evet htdehe atta iled giusdi edsainrcaeb le becauistse e rvteoms i nimitzheet repidaatnidfo rnu stroafttieoanns soci­ atewdi tthh el earnoifmn agt hematics. Int hew ritionftg h ibso okI, h avbee nefiitmemde nseflryo mt he numerocuosm menatnsds uggestoifPo rnosf esBsrourcA e.F orstoeftr h e UniverosfiW tyyo minwgh,o skee eeny ecsa ugmhatn ys inosfc ommission ando missiiontn h eo rigimnaanlu scrSiipntc.Ie d idn ota cceaplthl i s PREFACE xiii suggoenshsto,iw eIva elnroe,s hobuelhd e lrde spofnostrih rbeel mea ining impeecrtfiMoannsoy.fm ys tudoevnettrshy ee aornsw ,h oImt ritehde eardlireaorff tt hsbi oso akl,hs eol pmeewd i tthh eqiure stainordne sa c­ tioSncso.t Stt rDa.tm fyeo dridet,xo err,tt hreeid g ahmto uonfet n courage­ menatn pdr esastcu rrietm iocmaelnt tok se empeg oiAnngdt.h ceo opera­ tievffoer otsfJ oseMpuhr pahtMy c Grawa-nHSdia lrla,h Roesser, Cheryl KraannzEd,l lSiiema otSn c ieTnycpeao pghreIrnsmc,a. d,te h per oduction procsemsoso twhe lalsp leasTahnatna.kr sae l sdou teo E dwaTr.d as Dowlfirnf gre retoiunstgo mtey pohgircaeaprlr tohrsal tu rkientd h e o initpriianlot fit nhgbe o oFki.n amlylw yie,fE mialgya oiffenr emde unstianstsiinsgot nam nacneu scprrieppta. rT aota iloolftn heIm , am deegprlayut le.f AplhCa.C higa n ELEMENTSO F DYNAMIC OPTIMIZATION

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