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Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2015, Article ID 457046, 12 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/457046 Research Article Stress Field Gradient Analysis Technique Using 𝐢0 Lower-Order Elements JianweiXingandGangtieZheng SchoolofAerospaceEngineering,TsinghuaUniversity,Beijing100084,China CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoGangtieZheng;[email protected] Received1September2014;Accepted30September2014 AcademicEditor:SongCen CopyrightΒ©2015J.XingandG.Zheng.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Forevaluatingthestressgradient,amathematicaltechniquebasedonthestressfieldoflower-order𝐢0elementsisdevelopedin thispaper.Withnodalstressresultsandlocationinformation,anoverdeterminedandinconsistentequationofstressgradientis establishedandtheminimumnormleastsquaressolutionisobtainedbytheMoore-Penrosepseudoinverse.Thistechniquecanbe appliedtoanyelementtypeincomparisonwiththesuperconvergentpatch(SCP)recoveryforthestressgradient,whichrequires thequadraticelementsatleastandhastoinverttheJacobiandHessianmatrices.Theaccuracyandvalidityofthepresentedmethod aredemonstratedbytwoexamples,especiallyitsmeritofachievinghighaccuracywithlower-orderlinear𝐢0elements.Thismethod canbeconvenientlyintroducedintothegeneralfiniteelementanalysisprogramsasapostprocessingmodule. 1.Introduction the𝐢0-1 enhancedpatchtestofaconvergencecondition.In addition to the reason that only a few types of 𝐢1 elements Effects and evaluations of the stress gradient have always are successful and effective, the limitation in the element been important to the design of an engineering structure. shape and the number of DOFs all impede the practical As nowadays the stress is usually calculated with a finite applications. element method (FEM), the calculation technique of the In order to circumvent problems of the 𝐢1 element, stressgradienthasbeentheeffortofmanyresearchworks. a mixed or coupled formulation using lower-order ele- The size effect on the stress/strain gradient has already ments (𝐢0) is implemented. Zhao et al. [13] proposed a beenmanifestedinmanyexperiments[1–4].Toovercomethe mixedquadrilateralelement(CQ12+RDKQ)forthecouple problem of the conventional elasticity theory in describing stress/strain gradient elasticity, in which one satisfies 𝐢0 theeffectofsize,thecouplestress[5–7]andstraingradient continuitytocomputestrainsandtheotheronesatisfiesweak plasticity [8, 9] theories have been developed and proved 𝐢1 continuitytocalculatestraingradients.Amanatidouand effectiveinintroducingstraingradienttermsintoconstitutive Aravas [14] developed an alternative mixed finite element equations and yield functions. However, according to these formulation and studied the Mindlin [15] strain gradient theories, the element should be at least 𝐢1 continuity. This elasticity theories in detail. The 𝐢1 continuous Hermitian complicates the element construction. Dasgupta and Sen- shape functions for the plastic and damage multipliers and gupta[10]developedan18-DOF(degree-of-freedom)trian- the 𝐢0 continuousinterpolation functions for displacement gular plate bending element, whose displacement function field were employed by Dorgan and Voyiadjis [16]. For is fifth-order polynomial in the area coordinates. Zervos et reasonssuchastheadditionalandinevitablecomputational al. [11] proposed a 𝐢1 continuity elastoplasticity triangular cost and only a few available element types, the mixed element with assumption that the stress increment consists elementsareinconvenienttopracticalapplications. of both the strain increment and its Laplacian. Chen and Anothermotivationforthestressgradientanalysisisthe Li [12] put forward a 24-DOF quadrilateral spline element fatigue life calculation and the fatigue behavior prediction. forthecouplestress/straingradientelasticity,whichcanpass Neuber[17]developedawidelyadoptedmethodinpredicting 2 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering thenotchfatiguelife;nevertheless,themethodonlyfocuses TheMoore-Penrosepseudoinverse,whichiscomputedwith on the stress of dangerous point but without considering thesingularvaluedecomposition,isemployedtoobtainthe the influence of stress gradient and multiaxial effects. Even minimum norm least squares solution [32, 33] of the stress if the stresses of dangerous points for various structures gradient.Apopular2Dexampledemonstratesitssatisfactory are the same, the fatigue life and behavior are different accuracyincomparisonwiththeSCPrecovery.Thepresented becauseofdifferentstressgradientdistribution[18].Taking methodespeciallycanalsoachievehighaccuracywithlower- into account the stress gradient for assessing the fatigue orderlinear𝐢0elements.Another3Dexampleshowsthatthe strength [19], the stress field intensity method [20] and the method can be easily introduced into general FEAP (such advancedvolumetricmethod[21]aretwoofthemostpopular as ANSYS, PATRAN, and ABUQUS) as a postprocessing techniques. Although the stress field intensity method is module. simple, it needs experiment to provide the size of notch This paper is organized as follows. First, the super- damaged zone. The advanced volumetric method requires convergent patch recovery method is briefly introduced in theaccuratecalculationofstressgradientsnearnotchroots; Section2. Then, the stress filed gradient analysis technique however, it is usually difficult to guarantee the calculation and the error estimation are presented in Section3. In accuracy. Section4,twonumericalexamplesareemployedtoevaluate Thetechniqueoffiniteelementpostprocessingisanother theperformanceofthepresentedmethod.Thelastsectionof approach to calculating continuous stress and its gradient. thepaperistheconclusions. The superconvergent patch (SCP) recovery is known as the most effective technique [22], which can obtain higher accuracy than any other points at the Gauss integration 2.SCPStressGradientRecovery point within an element. Utilizing the patches of elements 2.1.SecondDerivativesinFEM. Takingtheisotropicnormal in FEM, Zienkiewicz and Zhu [23, 24] obtained continu- ous stress field with data at the superconvergent points. A stress 𝜎π‘₯, for example, the gradient vector G(𝜎π‘₯) can be writtenas detailed analysis of the SCP recovery technique and error estimation was presented in [25, 26]. Since then, Wiberg andAbdulwahab[27],Wibergetal.[28],andParkandShin G(𝜎π‘₯)=[𝑔π‘₯(𝜎π‘₯),𝑔𝑦(𝜎π‘₯)] [29] improved the SCP approach using the method of least square for fitting the residuals of the equilibrium equation 𝐸 𝑛 πœ•2𝑁 πœ•2𝑁 andapplyingtheprincipleofvirtualwork.Recently,theSCP = 0 [βˆ‘( 𝑖𝑒 +πœ‡ 𝑖V), technique has been extended to recover the higher-order (1βˆ’πœ‡0) 𝑖=1 πœ•π‘₯2 𝑖 0πœ•π‘₯πœ•π‘¦ 𝑖 (1) derivatives.UsingQ8(8-nodequadratic,9-pointquadrature) 𝑛 πœ•2𝑁 πœ•2𝑁 quadrilateralelement,T6(6-nodequadratic,4-pointquadra- βˆ‘( 𝑖𝑒 +πœ‡ 𝑖V)], ture) triangular element, and the mixed mesh of Q8 and πœ•π‘¦πœ•π‘₯ 𝑖 0 πœ•π‘¦2 𝑖 𝑖=1 T6, Gan and Akin [30] developed an element patch based superconvergentsecondderivativerecoverytechniquefora lower-orderstraingradientplasticitymodel.Banketal.[31] where𝑔π‘₯ and𝑔𝑦 arethecomponentsofthestressgradient, proposedasuperconvergentderivativerecoveryschemewith 𝑁𝑖 istheshapefunction,𝑛isthenumberofelementnodes, the Lagrange triangular element and the superconvergence and(𝑒𝑖,V𝑖)isthenodaldisplacementvector;𝐸0 = 𝐸,πœ‡0 = πœ‡ estimation of the 𝑝th derivatives. Nevertheless, the higher- fortheplanestress,𝐸0 = 𝐸/(1βˆ’πœ‡2),πœ‡0 = πœ‡/(1βˆ’πœ‡)forthe order derivatives such as stress gradients also need higher- planestrain;𝐸andπœ‡areYoung’smodulusandPoisson’sratio, order element shape functions, which lead to additional respectively. DOFsandcalculationcost,especiallyforcomplexstructures Firstly,thesecondderivativesoftheshapefunctionsare orlargesystems. necessary for evaluating the stress gradient, but they are all Therefore, the effort is still required to enhance tech- equal to zero for lower-order linear 𝐢0 elements, such as niques for calculating stress gradient in such aspects as Q4(4-nodequadrilateralelement)andT3(3-nodetriangular reducingcomputationcost,developingmoreelementtypes, element). and providing codes for engineering applications. In the Assumingusingparametricelements,thefirstderivative rest of this paper, a mathematical technique based on the transformationsfromtheparametriccoordinatetothephys- stress field results of general finite element analysis pro- icalcoordinateare grams (FEAP) is proposed to calculate the stress gradient. Because it works with the stress field results, this method πœ• πœ•π‘₯ πœ•π‘¦ πœ• cttoeacnhpnhbyieqsuiccoea.nlAscisdoneororedtdirnaaanstsefaoirssmtrreaeqtsisuoinfireefdlrdo,mtghripasadrtieeacnmhten(tiSrqiFcuGeco)doaornedasilnynasotiest {{{{{{πœ•πœ•πœ‰}}}}}}=[[[[πœ•πœ•π‘₯πœ‰ πœ•πœ•π‘¦πœ‰]]]]{{{{{{πœ•πœ•π‘₯}}}}}}, (2) involve Jacobi and Hessian matrices and hence does not {πœ•πœ‚} [πœ•πœ‚ πœ•πœ‚]{πœ•π‘¦} need to calculate their inverses. With the location and stress information of the central node and its surrounding samplenodes,anoverdeterminedandinconsistentequation whereπœ‰andπœ‚aretheparametriccoordinates,andthematrix of the stress gradient at the central node is established. istheso-calledJacobimatrix. MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 3 y x Global coordinates (a) Q4 (b) Q8 Gauss quadrature points Gauss quadrature points Stress sample points Stress sample points Central points Central points (c) T3 (d) T6 Figure1:Constructionof2Dpatcheswithquadrilateralandtriangularelements. Therelationshipbetweenthesecondparametricderiva- wherethesecondsquarematrixontherighthandsideisthe tivesandthesecondphysicalderivativescanbewrittenas Hessianmatrix.From(3),thephysicalsecondderivativescan be expressed by the first and second parametric derivatives andtheinverseoftheJacobiandHessianmatrices. πœ•2 πœ•2π‘₯ πœ•2𝑦 {{{{{{{{{ πœ•πœ•πœ‰22 }}}}}}}}} [[[[ πœ•πœ•2πœ‰π‘₯2 πœ•πœ•2πœ‰π‘¦2 ]]]]{{{πœ•πœ•π‘₯}}} t2i.o2n.SpCoPinRtsecaorevearlysoanthdeEsrurpoerrEcostnimveartgieonnt.pThoinetGsafourssthinetsetgrreass- =[ ] {{{{{{{{{ πœ•πœ•πœ‚22 }}}}}}}}} [[[[ πœ•πœ•2πœ‚π‘₯2 πœ•πœ•2πœ‚π‘¦2 ]]]]{{{{πœ•πœ•π‘¦}}}} gsmhruaodswtinesnaitnt,isFafniygduqrtuehased1r(sabut)picaenracdto1nl(evdae)sr.tgTheinnettephlaeetmcSheCenPstscshatanrpesebsefugbnruacditliitoennasst {πœ•πœ‰πœ•πœ‚} [πœ•πœ‰πœ•πœ‚ πœ•πœ‰πœ•πœ‚] recoverybecauseoftherequirementontheexistenceofthe secondderivatives. [(πœ•π‘₯)2 (πœ•π‘¦)2 2πœ•π‘₯πœ•π‘¦ ] WiththeSCPrecovery,therecoveredstressgradient𝑔π‘₯βˆ—,𝑦 [[ πœ•πœ‰ πœ•πœ‰ πœ•πœ‰ πœ•πœ‰ ]] canbeexpressedas +[[[[[(πœ•πœ•π‘₯πœ‚)2 (πœ•πœ•π‘₯πœ‚)2 2πœ•πœ•π‘₯πœ‚πœ•πœ•π‘¦πœ‚ ]]]]] (3) 𝑔π‘₯βˆ—,𝑦 =Pa, (4) [πœ•π‘₯πœ•π‘₯ πœ•π‘¦πœ•π‘¦ πœ•π‘₯πœ•π‘¦ πœ•π‘₯πœ•π‘¦] + [ πœ•πœ‰ πœ•πœ‚ πœ•πœ‰πœ•πœ‚ πœ•πœ‰πœ•πœ‚ πœ•πœ‚πœ•πœ‰] where P is the polynomial vector and a is the coefficient columnvectortobedetermined. πœ•2 Γ—{{{{{{{{{ πœ•πœ•π‘₯22 }}}}}}}}}, ForquadraticPel=em[1entπ‘₯sli𝑦keπ‘₯Q28π‘₯an𝑦d𝑦T26],,Pisassumeda(s5) {{{{{{{{{ πœ•πœ•π‘¦22 }}}}}}}}} where the recovered stress gradient has the same order of {πœ•π‘₯πœ•π‘¦} displacementfiled[29],andthena=[π‘Ž1 π‘Ž2 β‹…β‹…β‹… π‘Ž6]𝑇. 4 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering The functional integral of the difference between the stressgradientcalculatedfromtheSCPrecoveryπ‘”βˆ— andthe π‘₯,𝑦 stressgradientobtainedbytheFEM𝑔̃π‘₯,𝑦canbeexpressedas y π‘š 𝐹(π‘”βˆ— ,𝑔̃ )= βˆ‘βˆ« (π‘”βˆ— βˆ’π‘”Μƒ )2𝑑𝑆 π‘₯,𝑦 π‘₯,𝑦 π‘₯,𝑦 π‘₯,𝑦 𝑒=1 𝑆𝑒 x (6) z π‘š 2 = βˆ‘βˆ« (Paβˆ’π‘”Μƒπ‘₯,𝑦) 𝑑𝑆, 𝑒=1 𝑆𝑒 whereπ‘šisthenumberofpatchelementsand𝑆𝑒istheelement area. Stress sample points The assumed coefficient vector a can be obtained by minimizingthefunctionalintegralin(6),whichyields Central points π‘š π‘š Figure2:Constructionof3Dpatchwithhexahedralelement. βˆ‘βˆ« P𝑇P𝑑𝑆a= βˆ‘βˆ« P𝑇𝑔̃π‘₯,𝑦𝑑𝑆, (7) 𝑒=1 𝑆𝑒 𝑒=1 𝑆𝑒 wheresuperscript𝑇denotesthetranspose,andbothsidesof In this section, a simple and convenient mathematical technique for calculating the stress gradient will be devel- (7)canbecalculatedbytheGaussintegral: oped.Thismethodissuitableforanyelementtypesandonly 𝑛 𝑛 needstheinformationofnodallocationandstress. βˆ‘P𝑇(π‘₯𝑖,𝑦𝑖)P(π‘₯𝑖,𝑦𝑖)𝑀𝑖a=βˆ‘P𝑇(π‘₯𝑖,𝑦𝑖)𝑔̃π‘₯,𝑦(π‘₯𝑖,𝑦𝑖)𝑀𝑖, 𝑖=1 𝑖=1 (8) 3.1.GeneralFormulation. AsshowninFigure1for2Dprob- lem, the central point 𝑃𝑐(π‘₯0,𝑦0) is surrounded by sample where 𝑛 = π‘š β‹… 𝑛𝑔, 𝑛𝑔 is the number of Gauss points per points 𝑃𝑗(π‘₯𝑗,𝑦𝑗), 𝑗 = 1,2,...,𝑛𝑠 (𝑛𝑠 is number of sample element,𝑀𝑖istheweightcoefficientofeachintegrationpoint, points).Thevectorfrom𝑃𝑐 to𝑃𝑗 isn𝑐𝑗 = (π‘₯𝑗 βˆ’π‘₯0,𝑦𝑗 βˆ’π‘¦0); and (π‘₯𝑖,𝑦𝑖) is the global coordinates of each Gauss point. thus,theunitvectorcanbewrittenasn𝑐𝑗 = (1/‖𝑃𝑐𝑃𝑗‖)(π‘₯𝑗 βˆ’ Finally,thereis π‘₯0,𝑦𝑗 βˆ’π‘¦0),where‖𝑃𝑐𝑃𝑗‖ = √2(π‘₯π‘—βˆ’π‘₯0)2+(π‘¦π‘—βˆ’π‘¦0)2 isthe a=Cβˆ’1D, (9) vectorlength. Thedirectionalderivativealongn𝑐𝑗atthecentralpoint𝑃𝑐 inwhich canbeexpressedas 𝑛 C=βˆ‘π‘–=1P𝑇(π‘₯𝑖,𝑦𝑖)P(π‘₯𝑖,𝑦𝑖)𝑀𝑖, (10) πœ•πœ•nπœŽΜƒπ‘π‘₯𝑗 (𝑃𝑐)=𝑃𝑃lβ†’i∈mnπ‘ƒπ‘πœŽΜƒσ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©π‘₯π‘ƒπ‘ƒβˆ’π‘π‘ƒπœŽΜƒσ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©π‘₯𝑃𝑐 𝑛 𝑐𝑗 D= βˆ‘P𝑇(π‘₯𝑖,𝑦𝑖)𝑔̃π‘₯,𝑦(π‘₯𝑖,𝑦𝑖)𝑀𝑖. 1 πœ•πœŽΜƒ 𝑒=1 = 󡄩󡄩󡄩󡄩󡄩𝑃𝑐𝑃𝑗󡄩󡄩󡄩󡄩󡄩[(π‘₯𝑃𝑗 βˆ’π‘₯𝑃𝑐) πœ•π‘₯π‘₯ (𝑃𝑐) (11) In[25,26],utilizingthequadraticcompletenesspolyno- mial, the SCP recovery for stress gradient has the order of +(𝑦 βˆ’π‘¦ )πœ•πœŽΜƒπ‘₯ (𝑃)], accuracy𝑂(β„Ž3)(β„Žistheelementcharacteristiclength).And 𝑃𝑗 𝑃𝑐 πœ•π‘¦ 𝑐 then, it is easy to verifythat the errorofthe stress gradient recoveryisoforder𝑂(β„Ž2)bythesameprocedure.Ithasbeen where πœŽΜƒπ‘₯ is the stress result of commercial finite element found that the recovered variable field is more accurate at software.Thelimitcanbeapproximatelywrittenas nodepoints. 3.StressFieldGradientAnalysis 𝑃𝑃lβ†’i∈mnπ‘ƒπ‘πœŽΜƒσ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©π‘₯π‘ƒπ‘ƒβˆ’π‘π‘ƒπœŽΜƒσ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©π‘₯𝑃𝑐 β‰ˆ πœŽΜƒσ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©π‘₯π‘ƒπ‘ƒπ‘—π‘βˆ’π‘ƒπ‘—πœŽΜƒσ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©π‘₯𝑃𝑐. (12) 𝑐𝑗 It is known that the SCP recovery for the stress gradient needs quadratic elements at least, and the shape functions Substituting(12)into(11)yields should be determined beforehand to compute the second derivatives of the displacement field. All of this leads to n𝑐𝑗⋅G𝑃(πœŽΜƒπ‘₯)𝑇 =πœŽΜƒπ‘₯𝑃𝑗 βˆ’πœŽΜƒπ‘₯𝑃𝑐. (13) 𝑐 an additional calculation cost and difficulty, especially to thoseengineerswhoareusedtoworkwithcommercialfinite Forallsamplepoints,thestressgradientequationcanbe elementsoftware,andprovidingthepreliminaryanalysisby writtenas lower-orderlinearelements,wheretheSCPtechniquecannot beimplementedyet. Aβ‹…G𝑃(πœŽΜƒπ‘₯)𝑇 =b, (14) 𝑐 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 5 y y C B B C P0 A P0 5r0 P0 r0 E D x A O E D x r0 10r0 (a) (b) Figure3:Aninfiniteplatewithacentralholesubjectedtoaremotelyuniformtension:(a)theorymodel,(b)finiteelementmodel. (a) Quadrilateralcoarsemesh400elements: (b) Quadrilateral fine mesh 1600 elements: (c) Quadrilateraldouble-finemesh6400ele- 441nodes(Q4),1281nodes(Q8) 1681nodes(Q4),4961nodes(Q8) ments:6561nodes(Q4),19521nodes(Q8) (d) Trianglecoarsemesh564elements:323 (e) Triangle fine mesh 2220 elements: 1191 (f) Triangle double-fine mesh 9040 ele- nodes(T3),1209nodes(T6) nodes(T3),4601nodes(T6) ments:4681nodes(T3),18401nodes(T6) Figure4:Meshesofquadrilateralandtriangularelements. where In general, 𝑛𝑠 > 2; hence, the coefficient matrix A is notsquareand(14)isoverdeterminedandinconsistent.An n𝑐1 [πœŽΜƒπ‘₯𝑃1 βˆ’πœŽΜƒπ‘₯𝑃𝑐] ePffenecrtoisveepwseauydtooinsovlevresethoefAeq𝑛𝑠uΓ—a2.tiThoneipssteoudemoipnlvoeyrstehMeM2×𝑛o𝑠ocraen- [ ] [ ] 𝑛×2 A=[[[n...𝑐2]]], b=[[[[πœŽΜƒπ‘₯𝑃2 βˆ’... πœŽΜƒπ‘₯𝑃𝑐]]]]. (15) tbheactaislc,ulated by the singular value decomposition of A 𝑠 ; [n𝑐𝑛𝑠] [πœŽΜƒπ‘₯𝑃𝑛𝑠 βˆ’πœŽΜƒπ‘₯𝑃𝑐] A=UΞ£V𝑇, (16) 6 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 200 200 250 200 150 150 150 Error (%) 10500 CoLairnsee- m45e∘sh Error (%) 10500 FLininee m-4e5s∘h Error (%) 100 D-Lfiinnee -m45e∘sh 50 0 0 0 βˆ’50 βˆ’50 βˆ’50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 r/r r/r r/r 0 0 0 (a) (b) (c) 150 75 150 100 50 100 Line-Y 50 25 %) %) %) D-fine mesh or ( or ( or ( 50 Err 0 Err 0 Err βˆ’50 Line-Y βˆ’25 Line-Y 0 Coarse mesh Fine mesh βˆ’100 βˆ’50 βˆ’50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 r/r0 r/r0 r/r0 SFG-Q4 SFG-Q4 SFG-Q4 SFG-Q8 SFG-Q8 SFG-Q8 SCP-Q8 SCP-Q8 SCP-Q8 (d) (e) (f) Figure5:Stressgradientsofsamplelineswithquadrilateralelements. whereU ∈ 𝑅𝑛𝑠×𝑛𝑠 andV ∈ 𝑅2Γ—2areorthogonalmatrices,Ξ£ ∈ 3.2. Error Estimation. The Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse 𝑅𝑛𝑠×2isadiagonalmatrixwithnonnegativerealnumbers,and M𝑛0×𝑛𝑠 (𝑛0 = 2 or 3 for 2D or 3D case) of A𝑛𝑠×𝑛0 ∈ 𝑅𝑛𝑠×𝑛0 thediagonalentriesareknownasthesingularvalues.Then, isuniqueandsatisfiesallofthefollowingfourcriteria: M=VΣ†U𝑇, (17) AMA=A, whereΣ†isthetransposeofΞ£anditsdiagonalentriesarethe MAM=M, inversesofthosenonzerodiagonalelementsofΞ£. (19) Finally,thestressgradientatthecentralpoint𝑃𝑐 canbe (AM)𝑇 =AM, expressedby (MA)𝑇 =MA, G𝑃(πœŽΜƒπ‘₯)𝑇 =Mβ‹…b. (18) 𝑐 Asthesameprocedureas2Dproblem,thestressgradient whichyields equationof3Dproblemcanalsobewrittenas(14),inwhich π‘₯th0e,𝑦d𝑗irβˆ’ec𝑦t0io,𝑧n𝑗vβˆ’ec𝑧t0o)raannddGst𝑃re(sπœŽΜƒsπ‘₯g)r=ad(iπœ•e𝜎nΜƒπ‘₯t/vπœ•eπ‘₯ct,oπœ•rπœŽΜƒaπ‘₯r/eπœ•π‘¦n,π‘π‘—πœ•πœŽ=Μƒπ‘₯(/π‘₯πœ•π‘—π‘§βˆ’), (AMA)𝑇 =A𝑇(AM)𝑇 =A𝑇AM=A𝑇, 𝑐 (20) respectively.Asanexample,the3Delementpatchisshown (MAM)𝑇 =M𝑇(MA)𝑇 =M𝑇MA=M𝑇. inFigure2with8-nodelinearhexahedralelements. MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 7 200 220000 115500 150 115500 110000 Line-45∘ %) 100 Line-45∘ %)%) 110000 Fine mesh %)%) Line-45∘ or ( Coarse mesh or (or ( or (or ( D-fine mesh Err 50 ErrErr 5500 ErrErr 5500 0 00 00 βˆ’50 βˆ’βˆ’5500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 r/r rr//rr rr//rr 0 00 00 (a) (b) (c) 150 100 50 100 50 50 %) %) %) Error ( 0 Error ( 0 Error ( 0 βˆ’50 Line-Y βˆ’50 Line-Y Line-Y D-fine mesh Coarse mesh Fine mesh βˆ’100 βˆ’100 βˆ’50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 r/r r/r r/r 0 0 0 SFG-T3 SFG-T3 SFG-T3 SFG-T6 SFG-T6 SFG-T6 SCP-T6 SCP-T6 SCP-T6 (d) (e) (f) Figure6:Stressgradientsofsamplelineswithtriangularelements. y z o x h d W=20mm H=20mmmm L = 100 1692 nodes m m 1220 elements F=1600N (a) (b) Figure7:Geometry,loadingcondition,andmeshof3Dproblem. 8 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering Table1:Stressgradientsatpoint𝑃withdifferentmeshesandmethods. Numericalsolution Exactsolution Error Mesh-Method-Element 𝑆π‘₯π‘₯/108 𝑆π‘₯𝑦/108 𝑆π‘₯π‘₯/108 𝑆π‘₯𝑦/108 𝑆π‘₯π‘₯ 𝑆π‘₯𝑦 Average C-SFG-Q4 βˆ’10.3667 4.0309 2.3524% 8.2482% 5.3003% C-SCP-Q8 βˆ’8.7140 3.3071 βˆ’13.9646% βˆ’11.1893% 12.5769% C-SFG-Q8 βˆ’1.0908 4.1159 βˆ’10.1284 3.7238 7.6936% 10.5311% 9.1123% C-SFG-T3 βˆ’9.2718 4.8073 βˆ’8.4575% 29.0992% 18.7783% C-SCP-T6 βˆ’10.1010 3.9277 βˆ’0.2813% 5.4765% 2.8789% C-SFG-T6 βˆ’10.2858 3.6292 1.5533% βˆ’2.5402% 2.0467% F-SFG-Q4 βˆ’10.1920 3.6648 2.2362% 0.5960% 1.4161% F-SCP-Q8 βˆ’9.54347 3.2959 βˆ’4.2689% βˆ’9.5305% 6.8997% F-SFG-Q8 βˆ’10.4925 3.8314 βˆ’9.9690 3.6431 5.2506% 5.1685% 5.2096% F-SFG-T3 βˆ’10.1635 3.7822 1.9511% 3.8174% 2.8842% F-SCP-T6 βˆ’10.2152 3.6521 2.4697% 0.2479% 1.3588% F-SFG-T6 βˆ’10.1343 3.5049 1.6575% βˆ’3.7928% 2.7251% DF-SFG-Q4 βˆ’10.1587 3.6648 2.6837% 1.6590% 2.1714% DF-SCP-Q8 βˆ’9.8485 3.3578 βˆ’0.4519% βˆ’6.8582% 3.6551% DF-SFG-Q8 βˆ’10.2297 3.5939 βˆ’9.8932 3.6050 3.4010% βˆ’0.3094% 1.8552% DF-SFG-T3 βˆ’9.9612 3.7442 0.6875% 3.8603% 2.2739% DF-SCP-T6 βˆ’10.1757 3.5357 2.8555% βˆ’1.9237% 2.3896% DF-SFG-T6 βˆ’10.1554 3.5479 2.6497% βˆ’1.5834% 2.1166% Meshes:C:coarse;F:fine;DF:double-fine. Methods:SFG:stressfieldgradient;SCP:superconvergentpatch. Forallgβˆˆπ‘…π‘›0Γ—1,thereis Apparently,theconstraintconditionsof(25)and(26)are σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©Agβˆ’bσ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©=σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©Agβˆ’b+AMbβˆ’AMbσ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„© thesameasthefourcriterialistedin(19),sothatthematrixMΜ‚ mustbetheMoore-PenrosepseudoinverseM.Inthisway,it =β€–AMbβˆ’b+Awβ€– (21) isshownthattheMoore-Penrosepseudoinversecanprovide theuniqueminimumnormleastsquaressolutionof (14). =β€–(AMβˆ’I)b+Awβ€–, The error of (14) consists of two parts, one is the where w=gβˆ’Mb ∈ 𝑅𝑛0Γ—1. With the first equation of (20), limit approximation of order 𝑂(β„Ž) in (12) and the other A𝑇(AMβˆ’I)=Oandthusthereisarelationship.Consider one is the stress field πœŽΜƒπ‘₯. The stress calculated with FEM is not continuous across elements, and the general FEAP ⟨(AMβˆ’I)b,Aw⟩=0, (22) commonlycalculatesthecontinuousstressbythemethodof nodalstressweightedaverage: in which ⟨,⟩ denotes the inner product. With this relation- ship,wecanhave β€–(AMβˆ’I)b+Awβ€–=β€–(AMβˆ’I)bβ€–+β€–Awβ€– (23) 𝑀 𝜎 +𝑀 𝜎 +β‹…β‹…β‹…+𝑀 𝜎 β‰₯β€–(AMβˆ’I)bβ€–, πœŽΜƒπ‘₯ = 1 π‘₯(1𝑀 +2𝑀π‘₯2+β‹…β‹…β‹…+𝑀 π‘š) π‘₯π‘š, (27) 1 2 π‘š or β€–AMbβˆ’b‖≀󡄩󡄩󡄩󡄩Agβˆ’bσ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©, (24) whichmeansthatMoore-Penrosepseudoinverseprovidesthe in which π‘š isthenumberofsurroundingelementsforone linearleastsquaressolution. Theleastsquaressolutionisusuallynotunique,andthe node, 𝑀𝑖 (𝑖 = 1,2,...,π‘š) is the weight (element area or generalsolutioncanbeexpressedas volume),and 𝜎π‘₯𝑖 (𝑖 = 1,2,...,π‘š)isthestresscalculatedby the node displacements of each element. The stress field πœŽΜƒπ‘₯ gΜ‚=MΜ‚b+(Iβˆ’MΜ‚A)z, βˆ€z∈R𝑛0Γ—1, MΜ‚βˆˆR𝑛0×𝑛𝑠 (25) evaluated by (27) has the order of accuracy 𝑂(β„Ž) at least. Therefore, the order of the minimum norm least squares inwhichAMΜ‚A=Aand(AMΜ‚)𝑇 =AMΜ‚. solution of (14) is of 𝑂(β„Ž) at least. Moreover, it should not Similarly,itcanbeverifiedthatifMΜ‚AMΜ‚ = MΜ‚,(MΜ‚A)𝑇 = be ignored that the least squares processing has the strong Μ‚ MA,then abilitytoimprovetheaccuracy.Thefollowingexampleshows σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©MΜ‚b󡄩󡄩󡄩󡄩󡄩≀󡄩󡄩󡄩󡄩󡄩MΜ‚b+(Iβˆ’MΜ‚A)zσ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©. (26) thattheaccuracyofthesuggestedmethod,evenemploying thelower-orderlinearelements,isequaltoorhigherthanthe Itindicatesthissolutionhastheminimumnorm. SCPrecoveryusingquadraticelements. MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 9 areshowninFigure4,includingthenumbersofnodesand elements. Start Firstly, a checking point 𝑃 around (2.2π‘Ÿ0,2.2π‘Ÿ0) is used to compare the results of different methods as shown in Figure4. The exact locations are (2.212π‘Ÿ0,2.212π‘Ÿ0), (2.225π‘Ÿ0,2.225π‘Ÿ0),and(2.232π‘Ÿ0,2.232π‘Ÿ0)forcoarse,fine,and ANSYS APDL files input double-finemeshes,respectively.Resultsfromtheproposed (Including model, mesh, load, and solve) stress field gradient (SFG) analysis technique and the SCP recovery method with various element types and meshes are compared in Table1. The average error is the root sum square of π‘₯-direction gradient (𝑆π‘₯π‘₯) error and 𝑦-direction Output gradient (𝑆π‘₯𝑦) error. The accuracy of these methods is all improvedwiththemeshrefinementnomatterwhichelement (1) Nodes location and nodal Von-Mises stress is employed, especially for quadrilateral elements. Except (2) Elements information (types and nodes) fine mesh T6 element (F-T6) only, the presented method is always more accurate than the SCP recovery technique. For lower-order linear elements Q4, it is clear that the SFG technique can still provide a better result than the SCP Stress field gradient analysis (Matlab) methodinallthemeshtypes.Ontheotherhand,usingT3 (1) Import ANSYS output files element, results of the SFG get closer to those of the SCP (2) Confirm nodes and elements information withthemeshrefinement,andfinallyahigheraccuratestress (3) Find the surrounding elements for each node gradient can be obtained in the double-fine mesh. In the (4) Identify the sample nodes for each node stress field gradient (SFG) analysis, higher-order elements do not always correspond to higher accuracy because of (5) Solve the stress gradient equation the treatment of minimum norm least squares solution. In (6) Output the nodal location and stress gradient otherwords,alower-orderelement,whichgenerallymeans lowcomputationcost,canprovidealmostthesameaccuracy as a higher-order element. This is particularly important to practicalapplications. Contour figures (Tecplot) Furthermore, results from the two methods along two (import the Matlab output files and plot) checking lines, πœƒ = 45∘ and πœƒ = 90∘, are shown in Figures 5and6,respectively.Bothfiguresindicatethattheyhavethe uniformaccuracyinmostareas,includingtheSFGprocedure employinglinearT3andQ4elements.Althoughtheresults attheedgeoftheholehavethelowestprecisionforallcases, End the accuracy is very high once not at the edge. Specifically, at the edge of the hole, the SFG method using linear 𝐢0 Figure 8: The flowchart of postprocessing using the presented elementsprovidestheworststressgradientforlineπœƒ = 45∘ method. (Line-45∘) as well as the SCP method using quadratic Q8 element for line πœƒ = 90∘ (Line-π‘Œ). Utilizing quadrilateral elements,thetwoapproacheshavealmostidenticalstability 4.NumericalExampleandDiscussions foreachmesh.Ontheotherhand,theSCPrecoverymethod with triangular elements works better in the stability and 4.1. Example 1: 2D Problem. For existing exact solution convergencecomparingwiththeSFGmethod. andexhibitingstrongstressconcentrationphenomenon,the infiniteplatewithacenterholeunderunidirectionaltensile stress as shown in Figure3 becomes a classic and popular two-dimensionalexampleusedinpreviouspapers[13–15,24, 4.2.Example2:3DProblem. Athree-dimensionalcantilever 29]. beam with a groove under vertical end load is modeled In this case, the normal stress 𝜎π‘₯ is dominant and the using8-nodehexahedralelements,anditsgeometry,loading exactsolutionisgivenas condition,andmeshareshowninFigure7.AllDOFsonthe π‘₯=0surfacearefixed. π‘Ÿ2 3 3π‘Ÿ4 𝜎π‘₯ =𝑃0[1βˆ’ π‘Ÿ02 (2cos2πœƒ+cos4πœƒ)+ 2π‘Ÿ04 cos4πœƒ], (28) of pBoasstepdroocensstihnegswoiftthwatrheepplarotfpoormsedAmNeStYhSo,dthise sflhoowwcnhairnt Figure8. The code of the stress field gradient analysis is whereπ‘Ÿandπœƒarethepolarcoordinates. developed by Matlab language and the contour figures are Due to the symmetry in the geometry, only a quarter generatedusingsoftwareTecplot.Thegeneralfiniteelement areaismodeledusingquadrilateralandtriangularelements, analysis program (FEAP), which provides the preliminary suchasT3,Q4,T6,andQ8elements.Threedifferentmeshes analysisofthestressfield,isnotjustlimitedtoANSYS,and 10 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering y y y z x z x z x (a) (b) (c) y y y z x z x z x (d) (e) (f) Figure9:Von-Misesstressanditsgradientsof3Dproblem:(a)Von-Misesstress,(b)Von-Misesstressgradient-total,(c)stressgradient slices-total,(d)stressgradient-𝑋,(e)stressgradient-π‘Œ,and(f)stressgradient-𝑍. Table 2: Maximal Von-Mises stresses and gradients of different thewidth,andthemaximumofthestressgradientisreduced groovewidthsanddepths. from 4.15𝐸 + 10 to 2.52𝐸 + 10. The distribution of stress gradientbecomesmoreandmoreuniformandsmoothwith β„Ž/mm 𝑑/mm Max-Von-Mises/Pa Max Totalgradient thewidthincreasing,whichisbeneficialtopreventstructural 5 5 1.4339E+08 4.1542E+10 failure.Asthedepthincreases,thetotalstressgradientgoes 10 5 1.2381E+08 2.4833E+10 upfrom4.0531𝐸+10to2.3719𝐸+11andthehigh-gradient 20 5 1.1546E+08 2.5172E+10 zone in the bottom of the groove becomes more and more 4 4 1.3163E+08 4.0531E+10 concentrated.MoredetailsareshowninFigure11,inwhich 4 8 2.3143E+08 9.2233E+10 themiddlelinescrossthebottomsurfacesofthegrooveswith 4 12 4.6672E+08 2.3719E+11 differentwidthsanddepthsalongtheπ‘₯-direction. 5.Conclusions the proposed method can also be applied to other software An FEAP-based mathematical technique is developed for platformsasPATRANandABUQUS,andsoforth. accurately extracting stress gradient. Comparing with the Details of the stress gradients are shown in Figure9 for SCP recovery method, which needs the quadratic elements β„Ž = 4mm and 𝑑 = 5mm, in which the total gradient atleastandmustinverttheJacobiandHessianmatrices,this 𝐺(πœŽΜƒ) =√2(πœ•πœŽΜƒ/πœ•π‘₯)2+(πœ•πœŽΜƒ/πœ•π‘¦)2+(πœ•πœŽΜƒ/πœ•π‘§)2.Itcanbeseen methodonlyrequiresnodalstressresultsaswellaslocation Total that the stress gradient in Figure9(b) is more powerful in informationandcanbeimplementedtoanyelementtypes. characterizingandidentifyingthestressconcentrationthan The classic plane example shows that the suggested thestressitselfinFigure9(a). Thegradientslicesshowthat method can achieve more accurate stress gradient than the thestressgradientmaximumappearsaroundthesurfacesand SCPrecoverytechniquewiththesameelements.Inaddition, corners of the groove, which are the sensitive or dangerous its performance in calculating the stress gradient with the areastothefatiguefailureandtheplasticdeformation. linear 𝐢0 elements is proved better than the SCP recovery Resultsofdifferentgroovewidthsanddepthsobtainedby method.Itisalsoobservedthatwiththismethodthequadri- theSFGtechniquearecomparedinFigure10andTable2.The lateral elements can provide better stability than the trian- high-gradientzonemovestothefixedendwiththeincreaseof gularelements.Besides,basedontheproposedtechnique,a

as ANSYS, PATRAN, and ABUQUS) as a postprocessing .. ANSYS APDL files input . analysis of the stress field, is not just limited to ANSYS, and
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