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Elementary subgroup of an isotropic reductive group is perfect 0 1 A. Luzgarev∗, A. Stavrova† 0 2 December 31, 2009 n a J 7 ] 1 Introduction G A Let R be a commutative ring with 1, and let G be an isotropic reductive algebraic group . over R. In [7] Victor Petrov and the second author introduced a notion of an elementary h t subgroup E(R) of the group of points G(R). In this note we prove that, as one might a expectfromthe split case(e.g., [10])as wellas fromthe fieldcase (e.g.,[12]), under natural m assumptions the elementary subgroup of a reductive group is perfect. [ More precisely, assume that G is isotropic in the following strong sense: it possesses a 1 parabolic subgroup that intersects properly any semisimple normal subgroup of G. Such v a parabolic subgroup P is called strictly proper. Denote by E (R) the subgroup of G(R) P 5 generated by the R-points of the unipotent radicals of P and of an opposite parabolic 0 subgroup P−. The main theorem of [7] states that E (R) does not depend on the choice 1 P 1 of P, as soon as for any maximal ideal M of R all irreducible components of the relative 1. root system of GRM (see [6, Exp. XXVI, §7] for the definition) are of rank ≥2. Under this assumption,wecall E (R)the elementary subgroupofG(R)anddenote it simply byE(R). 0 P 0 In particular, E(R) is normal in G(R). This definition of E(R) generalizes the well-known 1 definition of an elementary subgroup of a Chevalley group (or, more generally, of a split : reductive group), as well as several other definitions of an elementary subgroup of isotropic v i classical groups and simple groups over fields [2, 12, 13, 14, 3]. X By the structure constants of a root system we mean the structure constants of the r correspondingsemisimple complexLiegroup,or,inotherwords,constantsappearinginthe a Chevalley commutator formulas for the corresponding Chevalley group. They are among ±1, ±2, ±3. Theorem 1. Let G be an isotropic reductive algebraic group over a commutative ring R. Assume that for any maximal ideal M of R all irreducible components of the relative root system of G are of rank ≥2, and, if one of the irreducible components of the (usual) root RM system of G is of type B =C or G , that theresidue field R /MR is not isomorphic RM 2 2 2 M M to F . Then E(R)=[E(R),E(R)]. 2 Observethatthefirstconditionofthetheoremensuresthatthetheelementarysubgroup E(R)ofG(R)iscorrectlydefined,whilethesecondoneessentiallyeliminatesthewell-known cases where the elementary subgroup of a split reductive group is not perfect. Thus, the result is the strongest possible. One should note that, if we assume only that the rank of relative root systems of G is ≥1, the question whether individual subgroups E (R) are RM P perfect is of separate interest. ∗Theauthorissupported byRFBR09-01-00784, RFBR09-01-00878andRFBR09-01-90304. †Theauthorissupported byRFBR09-01-00878andRFBR09-01-90304. 1 The proofofTheorem1 is basedonthe notionofrelativerootsubschemes(with respect to a parabolic subgroup) of an isotropic group introduced in [7], the generalized Chevalley commutator formula [7, Lemma 9], and localization in the Quillen—Suslin style [11]. To shortenthe proof,wealsomakeuseoftheclassificationofTitsindicesofisotropicreductive groups over local rings obtained in [8]. 2 An abstract definition of relative roots Inthis sectionwerecallthe notionofan(abstract)systemofrelativerootsintroducedin[7] and prove a technical lemma. Let Φ be a reduced root system in a Euclidean space with a scalar product (−,−). Let Π = {α ,...,α} be a fixed system of simple roots of Φ; if Φ is irreducible, we assume 1 l that the numbering follows Bourbaki [5]. Let D be the Dynkin diagram of Φ. We identify nodes of D with the corresponding simple roots in Π. For a subgroup Γ ⊆ Aut(D) and a Γ-invariant subset J ⊆Π, consider the projection π =π : ZΦ−→ZΦ/hΠ\J; α−σ(α), α∈J, σ ∈Γi. J,Γ The set Φ = π(Φ)\{0} is called the system of relative roots corresponding to the pair J,Γ (J,Γ). The rank of Φ is the rank of π(ZΦ) as a free abelian group. J,Γ ItisclearthatanyrelativerootA∈Φ canberepresentedasauniquelinearcombina- J,Γ tion ofrelative roots fromπ(Π). We say that A∈Φ is a positive (resp. negative) relative J,Γ root,if it is a non-negative (respectively, a non-positive) linear combinationof the elements of π(Π). The sets of positive and negative relative roots will be denoted by Φ+ and Φ− J,Γ J,Γ respectively. By the level lev(A) of a relative root A we mean the sum of coefficients in its decomposition. Observe that Γ acts on the set of irreducible components of the root system Φ. If this action is transitive, the system of relative roots Φ is irreducible. Clearly, any system J,Γ of relative roots Φ is a disjoint union of irreducible ones; we call them the irreducible J,Γ components of Φ . J,Γ We will need the following lemma. Lemma 1. Let Φ be a root system with a fixed set of simple roots Π, Γ be a subgroup of Aut(D), andJ beaΓ-invariant subsetofΠ. Ifarelativeroot A∈Φ lies in an irreducible J,Γ component of rank ≥ 2, then there exist such non-collinear B,C ∈ Φ that A = B +C J,Γ and all relative roots iB+jC ∈ Φ , i,j > 0, (i,j) 6= (1,1), have the same sign as A and J,Γ satisfy |lev(iB+jC)|>|lev(A)|. Proof. WecanassumethattherootsystemΦisirreducible,andthatAisapositiverelative root, that is, π−1(A)⊆Φ+. Assume first that A = kπ(α ), where α ∈ Π is a simple root and k > 0 is a positive r r integer. Let α ∈ J be a simple root such that the Γ-orbits of α and α are distinct, s s r and α is at the least possible distance from α on the Dynkin diagram. It is easy to see s r that for any α ∈ π−1(A) there exists β ∈ π−1(α ) such that (α,β) < 0, and, consequently, s α+β ∈Φ. Indeed, we have m (α)=0 by definition, thus we can take for β the sum of all s simplerootsintheDynkindiagramchainbetweenα andthenearestsimplerootappearing s in the decomposition of α. Now set B = π(α+β) and C = π(−β). It is clear that any root in π−1(iB +jC), i,j > 0, contains the summand iα in its decomposition, and thus r is a positive root. Then iB +jC is a positive relative root for any i,j > 0. Moreover, one sees that lev(iB +jC) = lev(A) if and only if i = j = 1. Since π(α) = kπ(α ), and r π(−β)=−π(α ), the roots B and C are non-collinear. s Consider the case where A6=kπ(α ) for any α ∈J. For any α∈π−1(A) there exists a r r sequenceofsimplerootsβ ,...,β ∈Πsuchthatα=β +...+β andβ +...+β ∈Φfor 1 n 1 n 1 i 2 any 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Let i be the least possible index such that β ,...,β ∈ ∆. Then β ∈ J i+1 n i and π(β +...+β +β ) = A. Set B = π(β +...+β ) and C = π(β ). Since B and 1 i−1 i 1 i−1 i C are positive relative roots, we have lev(iB+jC) > lev(A) for any i,j > 0 distinct from i=j =1. The relative roots B and C are non-collinear since otherwise we would have had A=kπ(β ) for some k >0. i 3 Isotropic reductive groups and relative root subschemes Inthis sectionwerecallsomebasic notionspertainingto reductivegroupsoverrings;see[6, 7, 9] for more detailed exposition. Let R be a commutative ring with 1, and let G be a reductive group scheme, or reduc- tive group for short, over R (see [6] for the definition). We denote by Gad and Gsc the corresponding adjoint and simply connected semisimple groups, respectively. Any reductive algebraic group G over R is split locally in the fpqc topology on SpecR. If G is of constant type over R (that is, the root system of G is the same at any point of SpecR), then G is a twisted form of a split reductive algebraic group G over R, given 0 by a cocycle ξ ∈ H1 (R,Aut(G )). Recall that the connected component of Aut(G ) fpqc 0 0 is precisely Gad. The group G is of inner type, if ξ is in the image of the natural map 0 H1 (R,Gad)→H1 (R,Aut(G )). One can always find a finite Galois extension S of R fpqc 0 fpqc 0 such that G is of inner type. The Galois group Gal(S/R) acts on the Dynkin digram of S eachG , where k(s) is the algebraic closure of the residue field of a point s∈SpecR, via k(s) a ∗-action (see [8, 9]). Recall that G is called isotropic, if it contains a proper parabolic subgroup P over R. Recall that we call a parabolic subgroup P of G strictly proper, if it does not contain any semisimple normal subgroup of G. We set EP(R)=hUP(R),UP−(R)i, whereP− isanyparabolicsubgroupofGoppositetoP,andUP andUP− aretheunipotent radicals of P and P− respectively. The main theorem of [7] states that E (R) does not P depend on the choice ofa strictly proper parabolicsubgroup P, as soonas for any maximal ideal M in R all irreducible components of the relative root system of G are of rank RM ≥ 2. Under this assumption, we call E (R) the elementary subgroup of G(R) and denote P it simply by E(R). Let P =P+ be a parabolic subgroup of G, and P− be an opposite parabolic subgroup. LetL=P+∩P− betheircommonLevisubgroup. Itwasshownin[7]thatwecanrepresent Spec(R) as a finite disjoint union m Spec(R)= Spec(R ), a i i=1 so that the following conditions hold for i=1,...,m: • for any s∈SpecR the root system of G is the same; i k(s) • for any s∈SpecR the type of the parabolic subgroup P of G is the same; i k(s) k(s) • if S /R is a Galois extension of rings such that G is of inner type, then for any i i Si s ∈ SpecR the Galois group Gal(S /R ) acts on the Dynkin diagram D of G via the i i i i k(s) same subgroup of Aut(D ). i From here until the end of this section, assume that R = R for some i (or just extend i the base). Denote by Φ the root system of G, by Π a set of simple roots of Φ, by D the corresponding Dynkin diagram. Then the ∗-action on D is determined by a subgroup Γ of Aut D. Let J be the subset of Π such that Π\J is the type of P (that is, the set of k(s) 3 simple rootsof the Levisugroup L ). ThenJ is Γ-invariant. The systemofrelativeroots k(s) Φ is called the system of relative roots corresponding to P and denoted also by Φ . If R J,Γ P is a local ring and P is a minimal parabolic subgroup of G, then Φ can be identified with the relative root system of G in the sense of [6, Exp. XXVI §7] (see also [4] for the field case), as was shown in [7, 9]. To any relative root A∈Φ one associates a finitely generatedprojective R-module V P A and a closed embedding X :W(V )→G, A A where W(V ) is the affine group scheme over R defined by V , which is called a relative A A root subscheme of G. These subschemes possess several nice properties similar to that of elementaryrootsubgroupsofa split group,see [7,Th. 2]. In particular,they aresubjectto certain commutator relations which generalize the Chevalley commutator formula. Moreprecisely,assumethatA,B ∈Φ satisfymA6=−kB foranym,k ≥1. Thenthere P exists a polynomial map N : V ×V →V , ABij A B iA+jB homogeneous of degree i in the first variable and of degree j in the second variable, such that for any R-algebra R′ and for any for any u∈V ⊗ R′, v ∈V ⊗ R′ one has A R B R [X (u),X (v)]= X (N (u,v)) (1) A B Y iA+jB ABij i,j>0 (see [7, Lemma 9]). In a strict analogy with the split case, for any R-algebra R′ we have E(R′)=hX (V ⊗ R′), A∈Φ i A A R P (see [7, Lemma 6]). We will aslo use the following statement which is a slight extension of [7, Lemma 10]. Lemma 2. Consider A,B ∈Φ satisfying A+B ∈Φ and mA6=−kB for any m,k ≥1. P P Denote by Φ an irreducible component of Φ such that A,B ∈π(Φ ). 0 0 (1) In each of the following cases (a) structure constants of Φ are invertible in R (for example, if Φ is simply laced); 0 0 (b) A6=B and A−B 6∈Φ ; P (c) Φ is of type B , C , or F , and π−1(A+B) consists of short roots; 0 l l 4 (d) Φ is of type B , C , or F , and there exist long roots α ∈ π−1(A), β ∈ π−1(B) 0 l l 4 such that α+β is a root; the map N :V ×V →V is surjective. AB11 A B A+B (2) If A−B ∈Φ and Φ 6=G , then P 0 2 im N +im N + im(N (−,v))=V , AB11 A−B,2B,1,1 X A−B,B,1,2 A+B v∈VB where im N =0 if 2B 6∈Φ . A−B,2B,1,1 P Proof. (1) By [7, Lemma 4] any γ ∈ π−1(A+B) decomposes as γ = α+β, α ∈ π−1(A), β ∈ π−1(B). Let S be any member of an affine fpqc-covering SpecS → SpecR that τ τ ` splits G. Set Ψ={iA+jB | i,j >0, (i,j)6=(1,1), iA+jB ∈Φ }. P Then in the notation of [7, Th. 2], over S the commutator [X (e ),X (e )], computed τ A α B β modulo the subgroup hX (V ), C ∈Ψi, is of the form x (±c) = X (±ce ), where c = C C γ A+B γ ±1,±2,±3is the corresponding structure constant. If (a) holds, then c is invertible. If (b), (c) or (d) holds, then c necessarily equals ±1. Indeed, in the only dubious case (d) one 4 should note that, due to the transitive action of the Weyl group of the Levi subgroup on the rootsofthe sameshape (see [1]), any longrootγ ∈π−1(A+B) decomposesasa sumof longroots. Hencec is alwaysinvertible. Thisimplies thatim(N ) =V ⊗S . Since AB11 τ A+B τ im N is a submodule of V defined over the base ring, we have im N =V . AB11 A+B AB11 A+B (2) See [7, Lemma 10]. Lemma 3. Suppose that Φ is an irreducible component of Φ such that Φ ∼= C , l >2, P 0 0 l is a parabolic subgroup of type Π\J, where J ={α ,α }, 2i=l (α is short, α is long), so i l i l that Φ ∼=C . Denote π(α )=A and π(α )=A . Then 0,P 2 i 1 l 2 im(0,N )+ im f =V ⊕V , A1,A1+A2,1,1 X v A1+A2 2A1+A2 v∈VA where f =(N (v,−),N (v,−)): V →V ⊕V . v A1,A2,1,1 A1,A2,2,1 A2 A1+A2 2A1+A2 Proof. Let S be any member of an affine fpqc-covering SpecS →SpecR that splits G. τ τ Suppose that γ ∈ π−1(2A +A ) is a short root. We c`an find short roots α ∈ π−1(A ), 1 2 1 β ∈π−1(A +A ) such that γ =α+β. Therefore, 1 2 [X (e ),X (e )]=x (±1)=X (±e ). A1 α A1+A2 β γ 2A1+A2 γ Hence, e ∈ im(N ) . Now let γ ∈ π−1(2A +A ) be a long root. Take α ∈ γ A1,A1+A2,1,1 τ 1 2 π−1(A ), β ∈ π−1(A ) such that β 6= α and γ = 2α+β (note that α is short, β is long). 1 2 l Therefore [X (e ),X (e )]=x (±1)x (±1)=X (±e )X (±e ). A1 α A2 β α+β 2α+β A1+A2 α+β 2A1+A2 γ Finally, any γ ∈ π−1(A + A ) is a short root, so there exist short roots α ∈ π−1(A ), 1 2 1 β ∈ π−1(A ) such that α+β = γ, hence [X (e ),X (e )] = X (±e ). Combining 2 A1 α A2 β A1+A2 γ these results and noting that the modules in question are defined overthe base ring, we are done. 4 Proof of Theorem 1 Let R be a commutative ring with 1, G be a reductive groupoverR, P be a strictly proper parabolic subgroup of G. For any ideal I ⊆R we write EP(I)=hUP(I),UP−(I)i≤G(R). We denote by R[Y,Z] a ring of polynomials in two variables Z and Y over R. Lemma 4. Let G be a reductive group scheme over a commutative ring R, and let P and P′ be two strictly proper parabolic subgroups of G such that P ≤ P′ or P′ ≤ P. Then for any integer m>0 there exists an integer k >0 such that EP(ZkR[Z])≤EP′(ZmR[Z]). Proof. Without loss of generality, we can assume that over R we have two sets of relative root subschemes XA(VA), A ∈ ΦP, and XB(VB), B ∈ ΦP′, corresponding to P and P′ respectively. Then,ifP ≤P′,by[7,Lemma12]thereexistsanintegerk >0suchthatforanyA∈Φ P andanyv ∈VA one canfind relativerootsBi ∈ΦP′, elements vi ∈VBi, andintegersni >0 (1≤i≤m), such that m X (Ykv)= X (Yniv ), A Y Bi i i=1 5 and hence XA(Ykv)∈EP′(YR[Y]). Substituting R by R[Z] and Y by Zm, we obtain EP(ZkR[Z])≤EP′(ZmR[Z]). If, conversely, P′ ≤ P, we have UP ≤ UP′. Let Ψ± ⊆ Φ+ be two closed sets of roots corresponding to UP±. Then we have π(Ψ±) ⊆ Φ±P′, where π : Φ → ΦP′ is the canonical projection. By [7, Lemma 6] the map XΨ: W(cid:16) M VA(cid:17)→UP±, (vA)A 7→YXA(vA), A∈π(Ψ±) A where the product is takeninany fixedorderrespecting the levelofrelativeroots inΦP′, is an isomorphism of schemes over R. Therefore, UP±(ZmR[Z])≤UP′±(ZmR[Z]). Lemma 5. In the setting of Theorem 1, assume moreover that R is a local ring. Then for any integer m>0 there exists an integer k >0 such that for any R-algebra R′ one has E (ZkR′[Z])⊆[E (ZmR′[Z]),E (ZmR′[Z])]. P P P Proof. Letder(G)bethealgebraicderivedsubgroupofthereductivegroupschemeG(see[6, Exp. XXII, 6.2]). Then, clearly, E (R) ⊆ der(G)(R). Since der(G) is a semisimple group, P we can assume that G is semisimple. Moreover, since the canonical projection Gsc → G, where Gsc is the simply connected semisimple group corresponding to G, is surjective on U±(R),wecanassumethatGissimplyconnected. Anysimplyconnectedsemisimplegroup is a direct product of simply connected semisimple groups that cannot be decomposed into a productofsmaller semisimple groups. These groupsG , i=1,...,n, areWeil restrictions i ofcertainsimplereductivegroupsG′ overafinite´etaleextensionS ofR: G =R (G′)[6, i i S/R i Exp. XIV Prop. 5.10]. Note that the group of R-points G (R) is canonically isomorphic to i thegroupofS-pointsG′(S). ThisisomorphismalsorespectstheembeddingP (R)→G (R), i i i for any parabolic subgroup P of G . Then, clearly, we can assume from the very beginning i i that G is a simple reductive group, and the root system Φ of G is irreducible. Note that by Lemma 4 we can substitute P by any other strictly proper parabolic subgroup P′ of G such that P ≤ P′ or P′ ≤ P. Further, over R we have a set of relative root subschemes X (V ), A∈Φ , corresponding to P. A A P Wearegoingtoshowbyinductionon|levA|thatforanyA∈Φ thereexistsaninteger P k =k(A)>0 such that for any R-algebra R′ and any v ∈V ⊗ R′ one has A R X (Zkv)∈[E (ZR′[Z]),E (ZR′[Z])]. (2) A P P The claim of the lemma then follows by substituting Z by Zm and R′ by R[Z], and taking the final k to be the maximum of all k(A), A∈Φ . P Recall that by Lemma 1 there exist non-collinear relative roots B,C ∈ Φ such that P A = B +C and and all roots iB+jC ∈ Φ , i,j > 0, (i,j) 6= (1,1), have the same sign J,Γ as A and satisfy |lev(iB+jC)| > |lev(A)|. Assume that the map N : V ×V →V BC11 B C A is surjective. Then by the generalized Chevalley commutator formula (1) we have that for any R-algebra R′, and any v ∈V ⊗ R′[Z], A R X (Zkv)=[X (Zu ),X (Zk−1u )]· X (Zi+j(k−1)u ) A B 10 C 01 Y iB+jC ij i,j>0; (i,j)6=(1,1) for some u ∈V ⊗ R′[Z], i,j >0, (i,j)6=(1,1). Then, by the inductive hypothesis, ij iB+jC R (2) holds for k large enough. 6 Now for anyrelativerootA∈Φ (for a suitable choice ofthe parabolicsubgroupP)we P either show that for any decomposition A = B+C, where B and C are non-collinear, the map N is surjective; or provide an explicit decomposition of X (Zkv), v ∈ V ⊗ R′, BC11 A A R into a product of commutators in E (ZR′[Z]), so that (2) is satisfied for k large enough. P Assume first that all structure constants of the root system Φ of G are invertible in R; this includes the case where Φ is simply laced. Then by Lemma 2 the map N is BC11 surjective for any decomposition A=B+C, where B and C are non-collinear. Consider the case where Φ = Φ = C , so G is split. Let Π = {A ,A }, Φ+ = P 2 1 2 {A ,A ,A +A ,2A +A }. Let M be the maximal ideal of R. By the hypothesis of 1 2 1 2 1 2 Theorem1, R/M 6∼=F , hence we cantakeε∈R\M suchthat ε2−ε∈R\M =R∗. If the 2 root A∈Φ is long, we can assume that A=2A +A . Let P 1 2 g (s,t)=[X (s),X (t)]=X (st)X (s2t) 1 A1 A2 A1+A2 2A1+A2 and g (s,t,u)=[X (u),[X (s),X (t)]]=X (−stu)X (−s2t2u). 2 A2 A1+A2 −A2 A1+A2 2A1+A2 Therefore, g (Z2,−Zk−4ε(ε2−ε)−1v)·g (Z,Zε,−Zk−4(ε2−ε)−1v)=X (Zkv). 1 2 2A1+A2 If the root A∈Φ is short, we can assume that A=A +A , hence P 1 2 g (Z,Zk−1v)·X (−Zk+1v)=X (Zkv). 1 2A1+A2 A1+A2 This means that (2) holds for these roots for any k ≥5. Consider the case where Φ = Φ = G , so G is split. Let Π = {A ,A }, Φ+ = P 2 1 2 {A ,A ,A +A ,2A +A ,3A +A ,3A +2A }. BythehypothesisofTheorem1, R/M 6∼= 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 F , hence we can take ε∈R\M such that ε2−ε∈R\M =R∗. If the root A is long, we 2 can assume that A=3A +2A . Then 1 2 [X (Zv),X (Zk−1)]=X (Zkv). A2 3A1+A2 3A1+2A2 Therefore,(2) holds for long roots for any k ≥2. If the rootA is short,we can assume that A=2A +A . Then 1 2 [X (s),X (t)]=X (st)·X (s2t)·X (s3t)·X (s3t2). A1 A2 A1+A2 2A1+A2 3A1+A2 3A1+2A2 Hence, [X (Zε),X (−(ε2−ε)−1Zk−2v)]−1·[X (Z),X (−ε(ε2−ε)−1Zk−2v)]= A1 A2 A1 A2 X (Zkv)X ((ε+1)Zk+1v)X (ε(ε2−ε)−1Z2k+1v), (3) 2A1+A2 3A1+A2 3A1+2A2 and the roots 3A +A and 3A +2A are long. This means that (2) holds for short roots 1 2 1 2 for any k≥3. We areleft with the casewhere Φ is of type B ,C , or F . Recallthat by the hypothesis l l 4 ofTheorem1 Gcontainsa splittorus ofrank≥2. Hence inthe F casethe classificationof 4 Tits indices over localrings [8] says that G is a split group. Hence we can assume that P is a BorelsubgroupofG, andΦ =Φ is arootsystemoftype F . Then if the rootA∈Φ is P 4 P short, by Lemma 2 the map N is surjective for any non-collinear B,C ∈Φ such that BC11 P A=B+C. If this rootis long, then it belongs to the long rootsubsystem of F , whichhas 4 typeD . Then(forexample,byLemma1)wecanfindtwolongrootsB,C ∈Φ , suchthat 4 P B+C = A, and necessarily, iB+jC is not a root for any i,j > 0 distict from i = j = 1. Then X (Zkv)=[X (Zu ),X (Zk−1u )] A B 10 C 01 7 for some u ∈V ⊗ R′[Z] and u ∈V ⊗ R′[Z]. 10 B R 01 C R Consider the case where Φ is of type B , l≥3. By the classification of Tits indices over l local rings [8], we can assume that P is a parabolic subgroup of type Π\J, where Π is a set of simple roots of Φ and J = {α ,α }. Then Φ can be identified with a root system 1 2 P of type B . One readily sees, using the fact that l ≥ 3, that for any relative root A ∈ Φ 2 P andany pair B,C ∈Φ satisfyingA=B+C, we canfind a pair oflong roots β ∈π−1(B), P γ ∈π−1(C) such that β+γ is a root (one can assume that A is one of two simple roots of Φ , due to the lifting of the relative Weyl group [6, Exp. XXVI Th. 7.13 (ii)]). Then by P Lemma 2 the map N is surjective. BC11 It remains to consider the case where Φ is of type C , l ≥ 3. First assume that P is a l parabolic subgroup of type Π\J, where J = {α ,α } for two short simple roots α ,α of i j i j Φ. Then Φ can be identified with a root system of type BC . One readily sees that for P 2 all extra-short and short relative roots A ∈ Φ the set π−1(A) consists of short roots, and P hence by Lemma 2 the map N is surjective for any decomposition A = B+C. Let A BC11 be a long root. Let A and A be a short and an extra-short simple roots of Φ . We can 1 2 P assume without loss of generality that A = 2A +2A . Take k ≥ 4. Then by Lemma 2 1 2 (2) and by the generalized Chevalley commutator formula, for any R-algebra R′, and any v ∈V ⊗ R′[Z], we have A R X (Zkv)=[X (Zu ),X (Zk−2u )]·X (Zk−1u ) A A1 1 2A2 2 A1+2A2 3 for some u ∈V ⊗ R′[Z], u ∈V ⊗ R′[Z], and u ∈V ⊗ R′[Z]. Further, by 1 A1 R 2 2A2 R 3 A1+2A2 R Lemma 2 (1) and by the generalized Chevalley commutator formula, since π−1(A +2A ) 1 2 consists of short roots, we have X (Zk−1u )=[X (Zu ),X (Zk−3u )] A1+2A2 3 A1+A2 4 A2 5 forsomeu ∈V ⊗ R′[Z]andu ∈V ⊗ R′[Z]. Hence(2)holdsforAforanyk ≥4. 4 A1+A2 R 5 A2 R By the classification of Tits indices over local rings [8], the only remaining case is when P is a parabolic subgroup of type Π\J for J ={α ,α}, where l =2i. Now α is short, α i l i l is long, and Φ can be identified with a root system of type B = C . As in Lemma 3, we P 2 2 put A =π(α ), A =π(α ). Then if the root A∈Φ is short, by the lifting of the relative 1 i 2 l P Weyl group [6, Exp. XXVI Th. 7.13 (ii)]), we can assume that A=A +A . By Lemma 3 1 2 for any R-algebra R′, and any v ∈V ⊗ R′[Z], we have A R X (Zkv)= [X (Zv ),X (Zk−1u )] A Y A1 i A2 1 i for some u ∈V ⊗ R′[Z], v ∈V ⊗ R′[Z]. If the root A∈Φ is long, we can assume 1 A2 R i A1 R P that C =2A +A . By Lemma 3 for any R-algebraR′, and any v ∈V ⊗ R′[Z], we 1 2 2A1+A2 R have X (Zkv)=[X (Zu ),X (Zk−1u )]· [X (Zv ),X (Zk−2u )] A A1 1 A1+A2 2 Y A1 i A2 3 i for some u ∈V ⊗ R′[Z], u ∈V ⊗ R′[Z], u ∈V ⊗ R′[Z], v ∈V ⊗ R′[Z]. 1 A1 R 2 A1+A2 R 3 A2 R i A1 R Hence (2) holds for A for any k ≥3. Proof of Theorem 1. RecallthatwecanrepresentSpec(R)asafinitedisjointunionSpec(R)= n n Spec(R ), so that E(R)= E(R ) and for any 1≤i≤n we have i i ` Q i=1 i=1 E(R )= X (V ), A∈Φ , i (cid:10) A A PRi(cid:11) for a set of root subschemes X , A∈Φ , over R . Hence we can assume that A PRi i E(R)=hX (V ), A∈Φ i A A P 8 from the very beginning. We show that [E(R),E(R)] contains any X (v), A ∈ Φ , v ∈ V , by induction on A P A |levA|. Take I ={s∈R | X (tsv)∈[E(R),E(R)] ∀ t∈R}. A By [7, Th. 2] for any u,u′ ∈V we have A X (u+u′)=X (u)X (u′) X (u ) A A A Y iA i i>0 for some u ∈ V . Hence by the inductive hypothesis I is an ideal of R. If I 6= R, let M i iA be a maximal ideal of R containing I. Let F denote both the localizationhomomorphism M R →R and the induced homomorphism G(R[Y,Z])→G(R [Y,Z]). By Lemma 5 there M M is an m > 0 such that we can represent the element F (X (ZmYv)) of G(R [Y,Z]) as a M A M product n F (X (ZmYv))= [h (Y,Z),g (Y,Z)], M A Y i i i=1 for some h (Y,Z),g (Y,Z)∈E(ZR [Y,Z]), 1≤i≤n. By [7, Lemma 15] there exist i i M h′(Y,Z), g′(Y,Z)∈E (R[Y,Z],ZR[Y,Z])≤E (R[Y,Z])=E(R[Y,Z]) i i P P and s ∈ R\M such that F (h′(Y,Z)) = h (Y,sZ) and F (g′(Y,Z)) = g (Y,sZ) for all i. M i i M i i Hence n F X ((sZ)mYv) =F [h′(Y,Z),g′(Y,Z)] . M(cid:0) A (cid:1) M(cid:16)Y i i (cid:17) i=1 Then by [7, Lemma 14] there exists t∈R\M such that n X ((tsZ)mYv)= [h′(Y,tZ),g′(Y,tZ)]. A Y i i i=1 Substituting Z by 1 and Y by an arbitrary element of R, we see that (ts)m ∈ I. But (ts)m ∈R\M, a contradiction. TheauthorsaresincerelygratefultoVictorPetrovandNikolaiVavilovfortheirinspiring comments on the subject of this paper. 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