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Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics Edirors S. Axler F. W. Gehring P. R. Halmos Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics Anglin: Mathematics: A Concise History Devlin: The Joy of Sets: Fundamentals and Philosophy. of Contemporary Set Theory. Readings in Mathematics. Second edition. AnglinILambek: The Heritage of Dixmier: General Topology. Thales. Driver: Why Math? Readings in Mathematics. EbbinghauslFlumlfhomas: Apostol: Introduction to Analytic Mathematical Logic. Second edition. Number Theory. Second edition. Edgar: Measure, Topology, and Fractal Armstrong: Basic Topology. Geometry. Armstrong: Groups and Symmetry. Elaydi: Introduction to Difference AxIer: Linear Algebra Done Right. Equations. Beardon: Limits: A New Approach to Exner: An Accompaniment to Higher Real Analysis. Mathematics. BakINewman: Complex Analysis. FineJRosenberger: The Fundamental Second edition. Theory of Algebra. BanchoffIWermer: Linear Algebra Fischer: Intermediate Real Analysis. Through Geometry. Second edition. Flanigan/Kazdan: Calculus Two: Linear Berberian: A First Course in Real and Nonlinear Functions. Second Analysis. edition. Bremaud: An Introduction to Fleming: Functions of Several Variables. Probabilistic Modeling. Second edition. Bressoud: Factorization and Primality Foulds: Combinatorial Optimization for Testing. Undergraduates. Bressoud: Second Year Calculus. Foulds: Optimization Techniques: An Readings in Mathematics. Introduction. Brickman: Mathematical Introduction Franklin: Methods of Mathematical to Linear Programming and Game Economics. Theory. Gordon: Discrete Probability. Browder: Mathematical Analysis: HairerIWanner: Analysis by Its History. An Introduction. Readings in Mathematics. Buskeslvan Rooij: Topological Spaces: Halmos: Finite-Dimensional Vector From Distance to Neighborhood. Spaces. Second edition. Cederberg: A Course in Modem Halmos: Naive Set Theory. Geometries. HiimmerlinlHoffmann: Numerical Childs: A Concrete Introduction to Mathematics. Higher Algebra. Second edition. Readings in Mathematics. Chung: Elementary Probability Theory Hijab: Introduction to Calculus and with Stochastic Processes. Third Classical Analysis. edition. HiltonIHoltonIPedersen: Mathematical Cox/LittleJO'Shea: Ideals, Varieties, Reflections: In a Room with Many and Algorithms. Second edition. Mirrors. Croom: Basic Concepts of Algebraic Iooss/Joseph: Elementary Stability and Topology. Bifurcation Theory. Second edition. Curtis: Linear Algebra: An Introductory Isaac: The Pleasures of Probability. Approach. Fourth edition. Readings in Mathematics. (continued after index) Gerard Iooss Daniel D. Joseph Elementary Stability and Bifurcation Theory Second Edition With 58 Illustrations , Springer GCrard looss Daniel D. Joseph InstituI Non Lineairc, de Nicc Dcpartment of Aerospacc Enginccring 1361 roule des Lucioles and Mechanics Sophia-Antipolis Vniversily of Minnesota 06560 Valbonnc Minneapolis. MN 55455 Francc V.S.A. Editorial BOClrd S. Axler F. W. Gchring P. R. HaJmos Dcpartment of Dcpartment of Dcpartment of Mathematics Malhematics Malhematics Michigan State Vniversity University of Michigan Santa Clara University Easl Lansing, MI 48824 Ann Arbor, MI 48019 Santa Clara, CA 95053 USA U.S.A. U.S.A. Mathematics Subjcct CJassilication (l99I~ 34-01, 34, A34, 34030, 34099, 34C99 Library of Congress Cataloging_in_Publication Oala 10000, Gerard. Elementary stability and bifurcation thCQry f Gerard looss, Daniel D. Jostph. - 2nd ed. p. CJIl, - (Undergraduate tcxls in mathematics) Includcs bibliographical referern;es. 1. Oiffcrential equalions- Numcrical SOlulions. 2. Evolution cquations-NumericaI5OIutions. 3. Stabilily. 4. Bifurcation thCQry. 1. loscph. Daniel D. II. Titlc. III. Scrics. Q1\372.168 1989 o51f.Jo5- dc20 89·21765 Printcd on acid·free papcr C 1980, 1990 bySpringer.Verlag Berlin Hcidclbcrg Originally publisbed by Springer-Veriag Berlin Heidelbcrg New York in 1990 Softcover reprint of tbe hardcovcr 2nd cdition 1990 AII rights rcscrvcd. This work may nOI tic lranslatcd or copicd in whole or in pari wilhout the wriuen permission of the publi$hcr (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH). ucept for brid ucerpts in conneelion wilh leviews OI scholarly analysis. Usc in connee- tion with any fOlm of information storagc: and retrieva1. electronic adaptation. computer software, or by similar or dissimilar mcthodology now known ar hereafter devcloped is forbidden. The usc of general descriptive namcs, trade names, trademarks, etc., in this publication, even if the former are not cspecially identilied, is not 10 bc laken as a sign that such name •. as ,.mdcrstood by Ihe Trade Marks and Merchandisc Marks Act. may accordingly tic uscd rreely by anyonc. 9 8 7 6 5 4 1 2 tCorrectcd second printin" 1997) ISBN 978-1-4612-6977-9 ISBN 978-1-4612-0997-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4612-0997-3 Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. ALBERT EINSTEIN Contents List of Frequently Used Symbols Xlll Introduction XVll Preface to the Second Edition XXI CHAPTER I Asymptotic Solutions of Evolution Problems I.1 One-Dimensional, Two-Dimensional, n-Dimensional, and Infinite-Dimensional Interpretations of (Ll) 1.2 Forced Solutions; Steady Forcing and T-Periodic Forcing; Autonomous and Nonautonomous Problems 3 I.3 Reduction to Local Form 4 1.4 Asymptotic Solutions 5 1.5 Asymptotic Solutions and Bifurcating Solutions 5 1.6 Bifurcating Solutions and the Linear Theory of Stability 6 I.7 Notation for the Functional Expansion of F(t, /1, U) 7 Notes 8 CHAPTER II Bifurcation and Stability of Steady Solutions of Evolution Equations in One Dimension 10 11.1 The Implicit Function Theorem 10 11.2 Classification of Points on Solution Curves 11 11.3 The Characteristic Quadratic. Double Points, Cusp Points, and Conjugate Points 12 11.4 Double-Point Bifurcation and the Implicit Function Theorem 13 U.5 Cusp-Point Bifurcation 14 VII VI11 Contents 11.6 Triple-Point Bifurcation 15 11.7 Conditional Stability Theorem IS 11.8 The Factorization Theorem in One Dimension 19 11.9 Equivalence of Strict Loss of Stability and Double-Point Bifurcation 20 II.10 Exchange of Stability at a Double Point 20 ILII Exchange of Stability at a Double Point for Problems Reduced to Local Form 22 II.12 Exchange of Stability at a Cusp Point 25 11.13 Exchange of Stability at a Triple Point 26 11.14 Global Properties of Stability of Isolated Solutions 26 CHAPTER III Imperfection Theory and Isolated Solutions Which Perturb Bifurcation 29 III. I The Structure of Problems Which Break Double-Point Bifurcation 30 I1I.2 The Implicit Function Theorem and the Saddle Surface Breaking Bifurcation 31 111.3 Examples of Isolated Solutions Which Break Bifurcation 33 IlIA Iterative Procedures for Finding Solutions 34 III.S Stability of Solutions Which Break Bifurcation 37 III.6 Isolas 39 Exercise 39 Notes 40 CHAPTER IV Stability of Steady Solutions of Evolution Equations in Two Dimensions and n Dimensions 42 IV.1 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of an n x n Matrix 43 IV.2 Algebraic and Geometric Multiplicity-The Riesz Index 43 IV.3 The Adjoint Eigenvalue Problem 44 IVA Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a 2 x 2 Matrix 45 4.1 Eigenvalues 45 4.2 Eigenvectors 46 4.3 Algebraically Simple Eigenvalues 46 4A Algebraically Double Eigenvalues 46 4A.I Riesz Index I 46 4A.2 Riesz Index 2 47 IV.S The Spectral Problem and Stability of the Solution u = 0 in ~n 48 IV.6 Nodes, Saddles, and Foci 49 IV.7 Criticality and Strict Loss of Stability 50 Appendix IV.I Biorthogonality for Generalized Eigenvectors 52 Appendix IV.2 Projections 55 Contents IX CHAPTER V Bifurcation of Steady Solutions in Two Dimensions and the Stability of the Bifurcating Solutions 59 V.l The Form of Steady Bifurcating Solutions and Their Stability 59 V.2 Necessary Conditions for the Bifurcation of Steady Solutions 62 V.3 Bifurcation at a Simple Eigenvalue 63 V.4 Stability of the Steady Solution Bifurcating at a Simple Eigenvalue 64 V.5 Bifurcation at a Double Eigenvalue of Index Two 64 V.6 Stability of the Steady Solution Bifurcating at a Double Eigenvalue of Index Two 66 V.7 Bifurcation and Stability of Steady Solutions in the Form (V.2) at a Double Eigenvalue ofIndex One (Semi-Simple) 67 V.8 Bifurcation and Stability of Steady Solutions (V.3) at a Semi-Simple Double Eigenvalue 70 V.9 Examples of Stability Analysis at a Double Semi-Simple (Index-One) Eigenvalue 72 V.lO Saddle-Node Bifurcation 77 Appendix V.I Implicit Function Theorem for a System of Two Equations in Two Unknown Functions of One Variable 80 Exercises 82 CHAPTER VI Methods of Projection for General Problems of Bifurcation into Steady Solutions 87 VI.! The Evolution Equation and the Spectral Problem 87 VI.2 Construction of Steady Bifurcating Solutions as Power Series in the Amplitude 88 VI.3 [Rl and [Rl in Projection 90 VI.4 Stability of the Bifurcating Solution 91 VI.5 The Extra Little Part for [Rl in Projection 92 VI.6 Projections of Higher-Dimensional Problems 94 VI. 7 The Spectral Problem for the Stability of u = 0 96 VI.8 The Spectral Problem and the Laplace Transform 98 VI.9 Projections into [Rl 101 VI.lO The Method of Projection for Isolated Solutions Which Perturb Bifurcation at a Simple Eigenvalue (Imperfection Theory) 102 VI.II The Method of Projection at a Double Eigenvalue of Index Two 104 VI.I2 The Method of Projection at a Double Semi-Simple Eigenvalue 107 VI.l3 Examples of the Method of Projection 111 VI.14 Symmetry and Pitchfork Bifurcation 136 x Contents CHAPTER VII Bifurcation of Periodic Solutions from Steady Ones (Hopf Bifurcation) in Two Dimensions 139 VII. I The Structure of the Two-Dimensional Problem Governing Hopf Bifurcation 139 VII.2 Amplitude Equation for Hopf Bifurcation 140 VII.3 Series Solution 141 VIl.4 Equations Governing the Taylor Coefficients 141 VII.5 Solvability Conditions (the Fredholm Alternative) 141 VII.6 Floquet Theory 142 6.1 Floquet Theory in ~ 1 143 6.2 Floquet Theory in ~2 and ~n 145 VII.7 Equations Governing the Stability of the Periodic Solutions 149 VII.8 The Factorization Theorem 149 VII.9 Interpretation of the Stability Result 150 Example 150 CHAPTER VIII Bifurcation of Periodic Solutions in the General Case 156 VIII. I Eigenprojections of the Spectral Problem 156 VIII.2 Equations Governing the Projection and the Complementary Projection 157 VIII.3 The Series Solution Using the Fredholm Alternative 159 VIII.4 Stability of the Hopf Bifurcation in the General Case 164 VIII.5 Systems with Rotational Symmetry 165 Examples 167 Notes 175 CHAPTER IX Subharmonic Bifurcation of Forced T-Periodic Solutions 177 Notation 177 IX.l Definition of the Problem of Subharmonic Bifurcation 178 IX.2 Spectral Problems and the Eigenvalues a(Jl) 180 IX.3 Biorthogonality 181 IX.4 Criticality 181 IX.5 The Fredholm Alternative for J(Jl) - a(Jl) and a Formula Expressing the Strict Crossing (IX.20) 182 IX.6 Spectral Assumptions 183 IX.7 Rational and Irrational Points of the Frequency Ratio at Criticality 183 IX.8 The Operator JI and its Eigenvectors 185 IX.9 The Adjoint Operator J1*, Biorthogonality, Strict Crossing, and the Fredholm Alternative for JI 186 IX.lO The Amplitude e and the Biorthogonal Decomposition of Bifurcating Subharmonic Solutions 187 Contents Xl IX.ll The Equations Governing the Derivatives of Bifurcating Subharmonic Solutions with Respect to [; at [; = 0 188 IX.12 Bifurcation and Stability of T-Periodic and 2 T-Perio(jic Solutions 189 IX.13 Bifurcation and Stability of nT-Periodic Solutions with n > 2 192 IX.14 Bifurcation and Stability of 3 T-Periodic Solutions 193 IX.15 Bifurcation of 4T-Periodic Solutions 196 IX.16 Stability of 4T-Periodic Solutions 199 IX.17 Nonexistence of Higher-Order Subharmonic Solutions and Weak Resonance 203 IX.18 Summary of Results About Subharmonic Bifurcation 204 IX.19 Imperfection Theory with a Periodic Imperfection 204 Exercises 205 IX.20 Saddle-Node Bifurcation of T-Periodic Solutions 206 IX.21 General Remarks About Subharmonic Bifurcations 207 CHAPTER X Bifurcation of Forced T-Periodic Solutions into Asymptotically Quasi-Periodic Solutions 208 X.I Decomposition of the Solution and Amplitude Equation 209 Exercise 209 X.2 Derivation of the Amplitude Equation 210 X.3 The Normal Equations in Polar Coordinates 214 X.4 The Torus and Trajectories on the Torus in the Irrational Case 216 X.5 The Torus and Trajectories on the Torus When Wo T/2n Is a Rational Point of Higher Order (n ;::. 5) 219 X.6 The Form of the Torus in the Case n = 5 221 X.7 Trajectorics on the Torus When n = 5 222 X.8 The Form of the Torus When n > 5 225 X.9 Trajectories on the Torus When n ;::. 5 228 X.lO Asymptotically Quasi-Periodic Solutions 231 X.II Stability of the Bifurcated Torus 232 X.12 Subharmonic Solutions on the Torus 233 X.13 Stability of Subharmonic Solutions on the Torus 236 X.14 Frequency Locking 239 Appendix X.I Direct Computation of Asymptotically Quasi-Periodic Solutions Which Bifurcate at Irrational Points Using the Method of Two Times, Power Series, and the Fredholm Alternative 243 Appendix X.2 Direct Computation of Asymptotically Quasi-Periodic Sollutions Which Bifurcate at Rational Points of Higher Order Using the Method of Two Times 247 Exercise 254 No~s 2~

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