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SeT UP yOUr WileyPLUS cOUrSe In MInUT eS! Selected WileyPLUS courses with QuickStart contain pre-loaded assignments & presentations created by subject matter experts who are also experienced WileyPLUS users. Interested? See and try WileyPLUS in action! Details and Demo: WP_FM_GEN_8x10_2c.indd 4 9/8/08 3:00:09 PM September11,2008 11:18 boyce-9e-bvp Sheetnumber3 Pagenumberiii cyanblack Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems September11,2008 11:18 boyce-9e-bvp Sheetnumber4 Pagenumberiv cyanblack September11,2008 11:18 boyce-9e-bvp Sheetnumber5 Pagenumberv cyanblack N I N T H EDITION Elementar y Differential Equations and Boundar y Value Problems William E. Boyce EdwardP.HamiltonProfessorEmeritus Richard C. DiPrima formerlyElizaRickettsFoundationProfessor DepartmentofMathematicalSciences RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute John Wiley & Sons, Inc. September11,2008 11:18 boyce-9e-bvp Sheetnumber6 Pagenumbervi cyanblack PUBLISHER LaurieRosatone ACQUISITIONSEDITOR DavidDietz MARKETINGMANAGER JaclynElkins ASSOCIATEEDITOR MichaelShroff/WillArt EDITORIALASSISTANT PamelaLashbrook SENIORPRODUCTIONEDITOR KenSantor SENIORDESIGNER KevinMurphy COVERDESIGN NormChristiansen ThisbookwassetinTimesTenbyTechsetters,Inc.,andprintedandboundbyR.R.Donnelley/Willard. ThecoverwasprintedbyR.R.Donnelley/Willard. Thisbookisprintedonacidfreepaper.∞ Thepaperinthisbookwasmanufacturedbyamillwhoseforestmanagementprogramsinclude sustainedyieldharvestingofitstimberlands.Sustainedyieldharvestingprinciplesensurethatthe numbersoftreescuteachyeardoesnotexceedtheamountofnewgrowth. Copyright© 2009JohnWiley&Sons,Inc.Allrightsreserved. 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ISBN978-0-470-38334-6 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 September11,2008 11:18 boyce-9e-bvp Sheetnumber7 Pagenumbervii cyanblack ToElsaandMaureen ToSiobhan,James,Richard,Jr.,Carolyn,andAnn Andtothenextgeneration: Charles,Aidan,Stephanie,Veronica,andDeirdre September11,2008 11:18 boyce-9e-bvp Sheetnumber8 Pagenumberviii cyanblack The Authors William E. Boyce received his B.A. degree in Mathematics from Rhodes College, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics from Carnegie-Mellon University. He is a member of theAmerican Mathematical Society,the MathematicalAssoci- ation ofAmerica, and the Society for Industrial andApplied Mathematics. He is currentlytheEdwardP.HamiltonDistinguishedProfessorEmeritusofScienceEd- ucation (Department of Mathematical Sciences) at Rensselaer. He is the author ofnumeroustechnicalpapersinboundaryvalueproblemsandrandomdifferential equations and their applications. He is the author of several textbooks including twodifferentialequationstexts,andisthecoauthor(withM.H.Holmes,J.G.Ecker, andW.L.Siegmann)ofatextonusingMapletoexploreCalculus. Heisalsocoau- thor (with R.L. Borrelli and C.S. Coleman) of Differential Equations Laboratory Workbook(Wiley1992),whichreceivedtheEDUCOMBestMathematicsCurricu- larInnovationAwardin1993. ProfessorBoycewasamemberoftheNSF-sponsored CODEE(ConsortiumforOrdinaryDifferentialEquationsExperiments)thatledto the widely-acclaimed ODEArchitect. He has also been active in curriculum inno- vation and reform. Among other things,he was the initiator of the“Computers in Calculus”projectatRensselaer,partiallysupportedbytheNSF.In1991hereceived theWilliamH.WileyDistinguishedFacultyAwardgivenbyRensselaer. RichardC.DiPrima(deceased)receivedhisB.S.,M.S.,andPh.D.degreesinMathe- maticsfromCarnegie-MellonUniversity. HejoinedthefacultyofRensselaerPoly- technicInstituteafterholdingresearchpositionsatMIT,Harvard,andHughesAir- craft. HeheldtheElizaRickettsFoundationProfessorshipofMathematicsatRens- selaer,wasafellowoftheAmericanSocietyofMechanicalEngineers,theAmerican AcademyofMechanics,andtheAmericanPhysicalSociety. Hewasalsoamember of theAmerican Mathematical Society,the MathematicalAssociation ofAmerica, and the Society for Industrial andApplied Mathematics. He served as the Chair- manoftheDepartmentofMathematicalSciencesatRensselaer,asPresidentofthe SocietyforIndustrialandAppliedMathematics,andasChairmanoftheExecutive CommitteeoftheAppliedMechanicsDivisionofASME.In1980,hewastherecip- ientoftheWilliamH.WileyDistinguishedFacultyAwardgivenbyRensselaer. He receivedFulbrightfellowshipsin1964–65and1983andaGuggenheimfellowshipin 1982–83. Hewastheauthorofnumeroustechnicalpapersinhydrodynamicstability andlubricationtheoryandtwotextsondifferentialequationsandboundaryvalue problems. ProfessorDiPrimadiedonSeptember10,1984.