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Elementary Algebra Exercise Book I PDF

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Elementary Algebra Exercise Book I Wenlong Wang; Hao Wang Download free books at Wenlong Wang and Hao Wang Elementary Algebra Exercise Book I Download free eBooks at bookboon.com 2 Elementary Algebra Exercise Book I 1st edition © 2012 Wenlong Wang and Hao Wang & bookboon.com ISBN 978-87-403-0315-5 Download free eBooks at bookboon.com 3 Elementary Algebra Exercise Book I Contents Contents Author Biographies 5 Preface 6 1 Real numbers 7 2 Equations 43 3 Inequalities 79 III jjjoooiiinnneeeddd MMMIIITTTAAASSS bbbeeecccaaauuussseee ���eee GGGrrraaaddduuuaaattteee PPPrrrooogggrrraaammmmmmeee fffooorrr EEEnnngggiiinnneeeeeerrrsss aaannnddd GGGeeeooosssccciiieeennntttiiissstttsss III wwwaaannnttteeeddd rrreeeaaalll rrreeessspppooonnnsssiiibbbiiillliii��� wwwMMM.daaaiseeecrrrosssvkkke...cccrmooommmita///MMMs.iiictttoaaamsss I joined MITAS because �e Graduate Programme for Engineers and Geoscientists I wanted real responsibili� Maersk.com/Mitas MMMooonnnttthhh 111666 IIIIII wwwwwwaaaaaassssss aaaaaa cccooonnnssstttrrruuuccctttiiiooonnn Month 16 sssuuupppeeerrrvvviiiIIsss wwooorrraa iiissnnn aa construction ttthhheee NNNooorrrttthhh SSSeeeaaa supervisor in aaadddvvviiisssiiinnnggg aaannnddd the North Sea hhhhhheeeeeelllpppiiinnnggg fffooorrreeemmmeeennn advising and RRReeeaaalll wwwooorrrkkk IIIIIInnnnnntttttteeeeeerrrrrrnnnnnnaaaaaattttttiiiiiioooooonnnnnnaaaaaaaaallllll oooppppppooorrrtttuuunnniiitttiiieeesss ssssssooolllvvveee ppprrrooobbbllleeemmmhhssseelping foremen ������rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee wwwwwwooooooooorrrrrrkkk ppplllaaaccceeemmmeeennntttsss Real work IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaaall opportunities ssolve problems ��rreeee wwooorrk placements Download free eBooks at bookboon.com 4 Click on the ad to read more Elementary Algebra Exercise Book I Author Biographies Author Biographies Mr. Wenlong Wang is a retired mathematics educator in China. He has been working on algebra and geometry problems for many years, and has taught many students in the past few years. He is an expert and a senior researcher in mathematics education. Professor Hao Wang is a faculty member in the Department of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences at the University of Alberta, an advisory board member of Centre for Mathematical Biology, an associate editor for International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling – Series B, an editor for Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory (an international journal of research and surveys), an editor for a special issue of The Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, and an associate faculty member for Faculty of 1000 Biology. Dr. Wang has strong interests in interdisciplinary research of mathematical biology. His research group is working on areas as diverse as modeling stoichiometry-based ecological interactions, microbiology, infectious diseases, predator-prey interactions, habitat destruction and biodiversity, risk assessment of oil sands pollution. Mathematical models include ordinary differential equations, delay differential equations, partial differential equations, stochastic differential equations, integral differential/ difference equations. Download free eBooks at bookboon.com 5 Elementary Algebra Exercise Book I Preface Preface The series of elementary algebra exercise books is designed for undergraduate students with any background and senior high school students who like challenging problems. This series should be useful for non-math college students to prepare for GRE general test – quantitative reasoning and GRE subject test – mathematics. All the books in this series are independent and helpful for learning elementary algebra knowledge. The number of stars represents the difficulty of the problem: the least difficult problem has zero star and the most difficult problem has five stars. With this difficulty indicator, each reader can easily pick suitable problems according to his/her own level and goal. Download free eBooks at bookboon.com 6 Elementary Algebra Exercise Book I Real numbers 1 Real numbers 1 1 1 1.1 Compute 2 + 3 + + 2001 . 1+ 1 (1+ 1)(1+ 1) ··· (1+ 1)(1+ 1) (1+ 1 ) 2 2 3 2 3 ··· 2001 Solution: This quantity is equal to 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 2 22+ ++ 3 33 + +++ ++ 200122000011 + ++ 1+111++11(1+((111++)(111))+((111++) 11·))······(··1+((111++)(111))+((111++) 11))(1+((11++1 )11 )()1+((111++)(111))+((111++) 11))(1+((11++1 )11 )) 2 22 12 1122 3 33 2 22 3 ·33····1···· 11200122000011 2 22 3 ·33········ 200122000011 − (−−1+((111++)(111))+((111++) 11))(1+((11++1 )11=))1==−11(−−1+((111++)(111))+((111++) 11))(1+((11++1 )11 )) 2 22 3 1·33··1·1····· 200122000011 1 112 102201100000300·33········ 200122000011 = 1==11 = 1==11 = == . − 3−− 334 44 200122200000011222000022 − 1−−00111000011100111000011 2 ×223×××33·××···×·····2××00022200000000122000011 1 1.2 If p,q are prime numbers and satisfy 5p+3q = 19. Compute the value of . √q √p − Solution: The equation 5p+3q = 19 implies that one of p,q is even. Since p,q are prime numbers and the only even prime number is 2, we have two possibilities: if q = 2, then p = 13/5, not a prime 1 1 number, so this case is impossible; if p = 2, then q = 3, thus = = √3+√2. √q √p √3 √2 − − 1.3 Solve x +x+y = 10 and x+ y y = 12 for x,y. | | | |− Solution: It is easy to figure out that x 0 or y 0 are impossible. Thus x > 0 and y < 0 which ≤ ≥ lead to x = 32/5,y = 14/5. − (4a13.4 G1iv0e0n4 a =110+0√11)010010,1 compute the value of (4a3 1004a 1001)1001. − − 2 − − (4aS3olu=t1io0n01+:4 √a 1=00111+00√1102)01a1001 12=a √110=01√10041a2 44aa2 41a0001=0000 = 0(4a3(4a1300410a04a100110)01100)110=01 = [(−4a3 [(44a2a−23 1⇒40a2020a−)1⇒+000(4aa−)2+(44aa2⇒140a0⇒0−)10001−−)]10011−]=100(10= (⇒00 ⇒01)10−011)1=0−01 =1−. 1− − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − 1 1 1.5 If a,b,x are real numbers and (x3 + a)2 + x+ b = 0. Show b(b2 3) = a. x3 − | x − | − Proof: Since a,b,x are real numbers, the equation implies ath,abt, x3 + 1 = a aa,nbd, x +1 = b . Hence, x3 x 1 1 1 1 1 a = x3 + = (x+ )(x2 1+ ) = (x+ )[(x+ )2 3] = b(b2 3). x3 x − x2 x x − − 1.6 If the real numbers a,b,c satisfy a = 2b+√2 and +√3c2 + 1 = 0. Evaluate bc/a. 2 4 √3 1 Solution: Substitute a = 2b+√2 into ab+√3c2 + 1 = 0, then 2b2 +√2b+( c2 + ) = 0. 2 4 2 4 √3 1 Since b is a real number, ∆ = (√2)2 4 2 ( c2 + ) = 4√3c2 0, that is c2 0. On b − × × 2 4 − ≥ ≤ the other hand, c is a real number, thus c2 0. As a conclusion, c = 0, therefore bc/a = 0. ≥ 1 1 1 1 1.7 Compute + + + + +1+2+4+ +1024. 1024 512 256 ··· 2 ··· Download free eBooks at bookboon.com 7 Elementary Algebra Exercise Book I Real numbers 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 111 11 1 11 1 111 1 Solution: Since =1 , the original sum11 is equal to 1 ++ ++ + ++ +++ +++11+++22+++441+++2+++4110+02244==+1024 = 1024 − 2 − 4 − 8 −···− 1024 −−22−−44−−88−−−2···−···−4−−110082244−···55−11221024225566 512······ 25226 ··· 2 ······ ··· 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 + + + + +1+2+4+ +1024 = 11 ++11+1+22++44+++ 1+++211+0022444+. +1024 − 2 − 4 − 8 −···− 1024 512 256 ··· 2 ··· −−11002244 − 1024 ······ ··· 1 1 +1+2+4+ +1024 − 1024 Le·t ·S· = 1+2+4+ +1024 denoted as (i), then 2S = 2+4+8+ +2048 denoted as ··· 1··· 1023 (ii). (ii)-(i) S = 2048 1 = 2047. Hence, the original sum is 1 +2047=2047 . ⇒ − − 1024 1024 1.8 If the prime numbers x,y,z satisfy xyz = 5(x+y +z), find the values of x,y,z. Solution: xyz = 5(x+y +z) implies that at least one of the three prime numbers is five. Without loss of generality, let x = 5, then the equation becomes yz = 5+y +z, that is, (y 1)(z 1) = 6 . − −   Since 6 = 2 3 = 1 6, there are two possibilities (without considering the order of y and z): × × (1) y = 3,z = 4; (2) y = 2,z = 7. The case (1) is inappropriate since z = 4 is not a prime number. Therefore, the three prime numbers are 2, 5, 7. 2√6 1 1.9 Simplify − . √2+√3+√6 Solution: Let √2+√3 = a, and take square to obtain 2√6 = a2 5, thus − 2√6 1 a2 5 1 (a+√6)(a √6) − = − − = − =a √6=√2+√3 √6. √2+√3+√6 a+√6 a+√6 − − 1.10 If a > 1,b > 0 and ab +a−b = 2√2, evaluate ab a−b. − Solution: ab +a−b = 2√2 (ab +a−b)2 = 8 a2b +a−2b = 6. Thus ⇒ ⇒ (ab a−b)2 = a2b 2+a−2b = 6 2 = 4 ab a−b = 2. − − − ⇒ − ± The conditions a > 1,b > 0 imply that ab a−b > 0. As a conclusion, ab a−b = 2. − − = 11 70+12 69+13 68+ +20 61 100 1.11 Find the integer part of A × × × ··· × . 11 69+12 68+13 67+ +20 60 × × × × ··· × = 11 69+12 68+13 68+ +20 60 100 = 11 69+12 68+13 68+ +20 60 100 11×69+12×68+13×67+···+20×60 × S+=olu111t0i×0o6n19+=+1:+ ××A11111621 11=90×+×+061661821199+2++11++××××1111116336621218×+99×+++++6·61·6117·118282+3+22++++××2××·11·1106·16633337+188×++++++26·6···0·1·11··77·×···2+33+++++××6222·0·106600·387++×××+++226··000··1×··+++0×66222000000××××66001100×001.001 0+=0 1110×069++×111211×+×616829+++×11113321×+×+6··617·82++++×2··110·33+×+26··0··7×··++62·0·0·+××201×0600 ×100 × 11××69+12××68+·1··3×6··7·×+···+20×60 × 131 = 11+12+13+···+20 100 31 11+12+13+ +20 69 (11+12+13+ +20) 69 × Since3 11 = 11+12+13+··· +20 100 11+12+13+··· +20× 1 6=9 (11+12+13+ ·+··20) 69 × 100 < ··· 100 69 (11+111+21+2+131+3+···++2200)× 69 × 11 69+12 68+13 67+ +20 60 × < 11+12+13+······+20× 100 ×11+12+×13+ +×20 ··· ×2 . < 11 69+12 68+13 ·6·7·+ +20 60 × 100 < ··· 100=1 11 ×6191++1122+×1638++13+×2067+··· +20×260 × (11+12+13+ +20) 60 × 3 < ×11+12+×13+ ···+×20 ··1·00=1×2 ··· × (11+12+13+ +20) 60 × 3 Th<e(r1e1fo+re1 t2h+e i1n3te+ger· p···a+·r·t2 o0f) A×6 i0s ×10100+0=11=3101. ··· × a+b 1.12 If a < b < 0 and a2 +b2 = 4ab, evaluate . a b − Solution 1: a2 +b2 = 4ab (a+b)2 = 6ab. Since a < b < 0, a+b = √6ab. Similarly, we can ⇒ − obtain a b = √2ab . Hence, a+b = −√6ab =√3. − − a b √2ab − − Download free eBooks at bookboon.com 8 Elementary Algebra Exercise Book I Real numbers Solution 2: Let a+b = x, a b = y, then a=+bx+=y,xb = x−y. Substitute them into a2 +b2 = 4ab − 2 2 a+b to obtain x2 = 3y2. Since x,y < 0, then x = √3y, that is a+b = √3(a b). Thus = √3 . − a b   − 1.13 Givean, b,x = (bn+n1 ann+1)n+n1, compute the value of A = n xn + n+√1 anxn2 + n an + n+√1 xnan2 b − (cid:31) (cid:31) − A = n xn + n+√1 anxn2 + n an + n+√1 xnan2 b. − (cid:31) (cid:31) Solutiao,nb: ,x= (bn+n1 −ann+1)n+n1 ⇒ xnn+1 = bn+n1 −an+n1. ThAu=As A=n =x(cid:31)nnn+(cid:31)x2n1n(nx+x21nnn(+2n+x11(nx+n+1nn+a+1n+n+a1n)a+n+1n)+n1+n) +a(cid:31)nnn +(cid:31)a2n1n(na+a21nnn(+n+2a11(na+n+1nn+x+1nn++x1n)xn+1n)n+1b−)=−b =bn =xnnn+xn1nx+n+1nn+a+1nn++a1n(an+n1n(n+x(cid:31)1n(nn+(cid:31)x2n1nnx++21nn+2+1 + n anAnna+2A1=nn)+21=(cid:31))nb(cid:31)xn=nbnx+2=1nnn(+2x1xn(nnxn+xn+1n1nn++n++11+a+anna+nan+1n1n)+n(n+1x+1)(nx++n(cid:31)n1n+n(cid:31)a+n1nna++a21nnn(+an+2a11n()nn+an+11)nn++b1=+xbn=xn+n1nb)n+nn1−+nb)1n−b+n1=ba=n(cid:30)nan+1n(cid:30)xnn++1nxn++a1nnn++a+n11n+a(+nb1nann+(+nb1n1(nn++n(cid:31)1n1((cid:31)xannnnx+a+n211nnn++n2++11 a++(cid:31)nn+naa(cid:31)n1nn)n+a+n(cid:31)a2n11nn))n+na+2b1−−1n(cid:31))n)+=2b−b1−)b==b−nb+1=b(cid:30)=n1bnb+1b=xn(cid:30)n1n+nnb+11n+(cid:30)xn1n1+nbnx1+n+n+nb1n−1n+a+=1−nbn++ab=1bn(an+x=b1nbn−(n++nb(cid:31)x=11−(bnx++n0=1bn. a+n+=01nn++a01n)an+−1n)n+b1−)=−b (cid:30)=nb =b(cid:30)nn−+n(cid:30)bn1n−+nb1n+na−1n(cid:30)n+−a1n(cid:30)a+n+1n(cid:30)n+a+1n+n+a1n(a+nb1nn(+n+nb11n((cid:31)−+nb1n+an−1n+n−a1na++n1n+n+1 + (cid:31)(cid:31) −− −− −− −− − − − n n 1(cid:30)1(cid:30)n n (cid:30)(cid:30) ana+1n)+1) b =b =bn+b1nb+1n+b1n+1 b =b =b b b =b =0 0 −− −− −− 1.14 If x,y are positive integers and satisfy 25 xy = 25xy where 25xy is one number instead of a × multiplication, find the values of x and y. Solution: Since 25 is an even number, 25xy is even, thus y can only be 2, 4, 6, 8. When y = 2, we consider two cases: If x < 9, then 25x2 25 82 = 2048 not in the structure of 25xy; If x = 9, ≤ × we have 25 92 = 2592 within the structure of 25xy. Hence, x = 9,y = 2 satisfy all the conditions. × Similarly we can discuss the cases y = 4,6,8, and we find that no x value satisfies all the conditions. 1.15 The real numbers a,b,c satisfy a2 +b2 +c2 = 9, what is the maximum of (a b)2 +(b c)2 +(c a)2? − − − Solutio(na: (ab)2b+)2(+b (bc)2c+)2(+c (ca)2a)=2 2=(a22(a+2b+2 +b2c+2)c2)(2a(b2a+b2+bc2+bc2+ca2)ca=)3=(3a(2a+2b+2 +b2 + (a b)2 +(b c)2 + (c a)2 = 2(a2 + b2 + c2) (2ab+2bc +2ca) =3( a2 +b2 +c2)c2)(−a(+−ab++bc+)2−c. )S2−ince a,b,−c a−re real numbers, (a+b+−c)−2 0. In addition, a2+b2+c2 = 9. − − − − − − ≥ c2) (a+b+c)2 Thus (a b)2 +(b c)2 +(c a)2 3(a2 +b2 +c2) = 3 9 = 27. The maximal value is 27. − − − − ≤ × 3 1 1 1 y 3 x 1.16 x,y are positive real numbers and = 0, what is the value of + ? x − y − x+y x (cid:29)y(cid:28) (cid:31) (cid:30) 1 1 1 y x 1 y x y x y x 2 yx Solution: x − y − x+y = 0 ⇒ x−y = x+y ⇒ x − y = 1, thus x + y = (cid:31)(cid:30)x − y(cid:29) +4xy =√5 xy + xy =(cid:31)(cid:30)xy −xy(cid:29)2+4xyxy =√5. Therefore, (cid:31)(cid:31)xyxy(cid:30)(cid:30)33++(cid:29)(cid:29)xyxy(cid:28)(cid:28)33==(cid:29)(cid:29)xyxy++xy(cid:28)xy(cid:28)(cid:29)x(cid:29)y22xy−22 −xyxyxy+xyxy+22(cid:28)xy22=(cid:28)(cid:29) =xy(cid:29)+xyxy+(cid:28)(cid:27)xy(cid:29)(cid:28)xy(cid:27)+(cid:29)xxyy(cid:28)+2−xy(cid:28)3xy2 −xy(cid:26)3=xy xy(cid:26) = y 3 x 3 y x y2 yx x2 y x y x 2 yx √√55((55 33))==22√√55. (cid:31)x(cid:30) +(cid:29)y(cid:28) =(cid:29)x + y(cid:28)(cid:29)x2 − xy + y2(cid:28)=(cid:29)x + y(cid:28)(cid:27)(cid:29)x + y(cid:28) −3xy(cid:26)= −− √5(5 3)=2√5 − 1.17 Let x,y,z are distinct real numbers, and x,+y1,z= y + 1 = z + 1, show x2y2z2 = 1. y z x Proof: The conditions imply xth,ayt, xz,y, =z y−z,xz = z−x,xy = x−y. Multiply them together to obtain x y y z z x − − − x2y2z2 = 1. 1.18 (cid:31) Given 2x+6y 15, x 0, y 0, find the maximum value of 4x+3y. ≤ ≥ ≥ Download free eBooks at bookboon.com 9 Elementary Algebra Exercise Book I Real numbers 5 1 15 15 5 1 Solution: 2x+6y 15 y x 4x+3y 4x+ x = 3x+ x y 0, ≤ ⇒ ≤ 2−3 ⇒ ≤ 2 − 2 ⇒ 2−3 ≥ ≥ 15 15 thus 4x+3y 3 + = 30. The maximum value is 30. ≤ × 2 2 1.19 (cid:31) Given x+y = 8, xy = z2 +16, find the value of 3x+2y +z. Solution 1: Let x = 4+t,y = 4 t, substitute into xy = z2 +16: 16 t2 = z2 +16, which leads − − to t = z = 0, then x = y = 4, thus 3x+2y +z = 12+8+0 = 20. Solution 2: Treat x,y as two roots of the equation u2 8u+z2 +16 = 0∆. ∆==6464 4z42z2 6464 00 4z42z2 00 zz==00 u2u2 8u8u++1616==00 (u(u 4)42)2==00 ∆ = 64−4z2 −64 ≥ 0 ⇒ 4z2 ≤ 0 ⇒ z = 0 ⇒ u2 −8u+16 = 0 ⇒ (u−−4)2 = 0 ⇒ u1u1==u2u2==4−,4 −i.e. x−=−y =≥≥4. ⇒⇒ ≤≤ ⇒⇒ ⇒⇒ −− ⇒⇒ −− ⇒⇒ u = u = 4 1 2 1.20 (cid:31) Given x+y +z = 0, find the valuae, obf, x(1 + 1)+y(1 + 1)+z(1 + 1). y z x z x y Soluat(i,1obn+,: x1()1++y(1)1++y1()1++z1()1++z1()1+=1x)(=1+x(11++11)+11)+y1(+1+y(11++11)+11)+1z(+1z+(11++11+) 1)1 =1 = y z y zx z x z x yx y x yx zy −z − x yx yz −z − x xy yz −z − (1 + 1(+1 +1)1(x++1)y(x++z)y+3z)= 03 =30= 33=. 3 x y x z y z − − − −− − 1.21 For a natural number n, let tn be the sum of all digits in n, for instance, t2009 =2+0+0+9= 11, evaluate t +t + +t . 1 2 2009 ··· www.job.oticon.dk Download free eBooks at bookboon.com 10 Click on the ad to read more

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