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Element Decoupling of 7T Dipole Body Arrays by EBG Metasurface Structures: Experimental Verification PDF

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Preview Element Decoupling of 7T Dipole Body Arrays by EBG Metasurface Structures: Experimental Verification

Element Decoupling of 7T Dipole Body Arrays by EBG Metasurface Structures: Experimental Verification Anna A. Hurshkainen, Tatyana A. Derzhavskaya, Stanislav B. Glybovski, Irina V. Melchakova Department of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, ITMO University, 197101 St. Petersburg, Russia [email protected] Alexander J.E. Raaijmakers, Ingmar J. Voogt, Cornelis A.T. van den Berg 6 1 University Medical Center Utrecht, 3584 CX, Netherlands 0 [email protected] 2 n January 21, 2016 a J 0 2 Abstract on a 7T MRI machine confirm the array’s B1+ ] efficiency improvement due to reduced scattering h p Metasurfaces areartificial electromagnetic bound- losses. This study provides a tool for the decou- - aries or interfaces usually implemented as two- plingofdipoleantennasinultrahighfieldtransmit d e dimensional periodic structures with subwave- arrays, possibly resulting in denser element place- m length periodicity and engineered properties of ment and/or larger subject-element spacing. . constituent unit cells. The electromagnetic s c bandgap (EBG) effect in metasurfaces prevents i 1 Introduction s all surface modes from propagating in a certain y frequency band. While metasurfaces provide a h p number of important applications in microwave For ultrahigh field imaging, the small wavelength [ antennas and antenna arrays, their features are in tissue renders the commonly used birdcage 1 also highly suitable for MRI applications. In this bodycoilobsoleteduetodestructiveinterferences. v workwemanufactureandexperimentally studyfi- These interferences cannot be avoided but can be 4 1 nitesamplesbasedonmushroom-typeEBGmeta- controlled using a multi-transmit setup where a 3 surfaces andemploy them forsuppressionof inter- transmit coil array is being driven with a given 5 element coupling in dipole transmit coil arrays for number of independent channels, with optimized 0 . bodyimagingat7T.Weshowexperimentallythat phases and amplitudes. Toarrive at sufficient effi- 1 employment of the samples EBG leads to reduc- ciency, these transmit coil arrays are usually sur- 0 6 tion of coupling between adjacent closely-spaced facearrays,i.e. theelementsareplaceddirectlyon 1 dipole antenna elements of a 7T transmit/receive thesubject. Theminimalelement-subject spacing : v body array, which reduces scattering losses in ensures optimal efficiency of the elements, which i X neighboring channels and thereby improves the isneededbecauseofthelimited available transmit r B1+ efficiency. Thesetupconsists oftwo fraction- power. For the same reason, inter-element cou- a ated dipole antennas previously designed by the plingoftheelementsshouldpreferablybeminimal authors for body imaging at 7 Tesla. These are toavoid thatRFpowergetslostbyscatteringinto placed on top of a body-mimicking phantom and the other channels and ending up in the dummy equipped with the manufactured finite-size sam- load of the circulators. ple of the metasurface tuned to have EBG prop- Various types of transmit array elements have erties at the Larmor frequency of 298 MHz. To been presented by various institutes. Some of improve the detection range of the B1+ field dis- these coil array element types have ways to re- tribution of the top elements, four additional ele- duce or avoid coupling. For loop coils, this can mentswerepositionedalongthebottomsideofthe be achieved by overlap of neighboring elements phantom. Scattering matrix measurements show [1]; for microstrip TEM arrays, the elements can that coupling between the two top elements is in- be decoupled by capacitors between the ground deed reduced while the measurements performed planes [2]. Next to these, also dipole antennas 1 have demonstrated to be very suitable transmit surfaces and implemented by the authors using coil array elements at ultrahigh frequencies [3, 4]. PCBtechnology. For the setup having threeloops However, decoupling of dipole antennas is diffi- operating at 7T the method provides isolation of cult or impossible with methods conventional for -22 dB for inter-element separation of 7 mm. The MRI. Although the applied dipole antennas have same filters have been used for decoupling of a 7T inherentlylowcoupling,thiscouplingstillimposes transceive coil array in [11]. However, despite of minimuminter-element spacingrequirementsand, suchastrongisolation, somedecreaseofthetrans- therefore, imposes a maximum on the channels mitefficiencyby16%wasobservedinthepresence that can be positioned along the body circumfer- of these filters. ence. Decoupling methods would enable the use Another approach presented inthis paperis the of a larger number of elements, to position the use of resonant metasurfaces. Metasurfaces are elements more closely together around the imag- usually periodic two-dimensional arrays of struc- ing target (e.g. heart) or to increase the element- tured inclusions with sub-wavelength dimensions subject distance with beneficial impact on the and periodicity. Metasurfaces effectively behave SAR levels. as thin continuous sheets with respect to the One approach coming from the antenna array excitation electromagnetic field. In this behav- theory is to use passive matching decoupling cir- ior metasurfaces exhibit certain required electro- cuits to feed array elements. The parameters of magnetic properties achieved through engineer- the 2N-port decoupling circuit can be synthesized ing of the inclusion microstructure. Metasurfaces based ontheknownimpedancematrix coefficients though being electrically thin provide a number of a N-port produced by N interacting antenna of advantageous functions of control over electro- array elements [5]. Since the implementation of magnetic waves [12, 13], e.g. wave focusing [14], the required matching-decoupling circuit is not polarization conversion [15] or manipulation with unique, there are approaches to help in the cir- localized surface waves [16]. cuit synthesis based on an explicit criteria of a Decoupling of various microwave antennas by maximized efficiency,e.g. the Eigen-Analysis the- means of resonant metasurfaces is a well elabo- ory [6]. The common disadvantage of matching- rated topic. For this purpose a specific type of decoupling circuits is their high insertion losses metasurfaces is usually employed called the High and mostof all they only work foronegiven phase Impedance Surfaces (HIS). One of the effects of and amplitude setting while MRI transmit arrays such structures is propagation suppression of any needdegreesoffreedominthedrivesettingstoen- type of surface modes within the so-called electro- sure constructive interference in the imaging tar- magnetic bandgap (EBG) [17] first shown in [18]. get for a wide range of subjects and imaging re- When located nearby a surface with special elec- gions. In some other techniques active feeding tromagneticpropertiesanantennacanactivelyex- networks are used to compensate the signals in- citesurfacemodesratherthanmodesoffreespace. duced in each channel due to coupling with the The EBG regime means that in a certain fre- other ones, e.g. the Cartesian feedback method quencyrangeallsurfacemodesbecomeevanescent [7]. However, this does not make the system more and cannot propagate along the structure though power efficient because scattered power needs to still being excited by the antenna. In this regime be compensated by additional forward power on thefieldcreatedbytheantennajustabovethesur- each channel. face fastly reduces with a distance as the surface One possible approach would be to use pas- mode fields decay exponentially. Therefore, the sive inter-element dipoles [8]. A similar approach EBG effect can be used to suppress the link be- with passive loops has been applied before also tween two antennas both situated close enough to for loop coil arrays [9]. Recently a novel tech- the surface. The applications of high impedance nique based on the magnetic wall distributed fil- metasurfaces in the microwave range are elimina- ters, which act as passive decoupling structures tion of strong mutual coupling between antenna has been proposed and experimentally realized in array elements [19, 20] and suppression of edge [10]. In this technique the elements of a loop coil diffraction effects on antenna ground planes [21]. head array are separated by linear periodic rows Infact,unitcellsofanymetasurfacehavefinitedi- comprising multiple magnetically polarizable and mensions,sothatitispossibletocontainalimited small resonant unitcells. Theshapeof such inclu- number of unit cells between two antennas. How- sionswasinspiredbydesignsoffrequency-selective ever, as demonstrated in [19], noticeable coupling 2 suppression can be achieved even with finite EBG the results and make a conclusion. metasurface samples having electrically small di- mensions. 2 Design of EBG Structure Another useful feature of HIS is the artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) property [18, 17]. In In most of MRI applications including 7T sys- this regime the infinite structure behaves as a tems the distance between adjacent elements of magnetic reflector, which creates in-phase reflec- body arrays is strongly limited. For example, tion instead of out-of-phase reflection provided by the element separation of a eight-element body conventional (electric) reflectors made of metal. array at 7T falls into the range 0.01–0.1 of the Thisallows horizontal dipolestobemountedclose wavelength in free space. To realize an EBG totheAMCsurfaceproducinghighly-efficientand metasurface,whichefficientlyisolatessuchclosely- low-profile directed antennas without destructive separated dipole antennas by suppression of sur- interference. face wave propagation, one should achieve ex- ThefirstproposalofusingHISforimprovement tremely small periodicity and the unit-cell dimen- of 7T MRI coils can be found in [22], where also sions. The metasurface sample must contain at an appropriate miniaturized unit-cell design was least several unit cells on the way of the surface discussed. In [23] it was proposed to use stacked wave travelling between the dipoles [23]. On an- offset HIS as artificial substrates improving B1+ otherhandeachunitcellmustberesonantinorder efficiency of a strip-line coil at 7T instead of con- to sufficiently eliminate the effect of propagation ventional metallic groundplanes. Itwas shownby andmakeallsurfacemodeevanescent. Thesecon- numerical simulations that the B1+ field can be ditions require the unit cells to be strongly minia- enhanced all over the homogeneous phantom by turized resonators with the resonant frequency of about 47% due to suppression of destructive in- around 298 MHz and the dimensions of the order terference by a HIS sample. Also HIS substrates of 10 mm. This can be realized by introducing were proposed to improve the E/H field ratio of large capacitance and/or large inductance of the strip-line coils [24]. unit cells. In this work we experimentally realize the high- We employ the multilayer mushroom-type EBG impedance stacked metasurface of the so- called metasurface originally proposed in [18] for minia- mushroom design [18, 17] having an electromag- turization of resonantunitcells. Theadvantage of netic bandgap at nearly 298 MHz and employ it thismetasurface is its isotropy andinsensitivity of for decouplingof adjacent electric dipoleantennas the EBG properties to polarization, i.e. the struc- ofa7Tbodyarray. Bymeansofmeasurementson ture in its electromagnetic bandgap regime sup- a7Tlaboratory MRImachineweforthefirsttime presses surface waves with arbitrary polarization observe improvement of B1+ efficiency due to the traveling in any in-plane direction. In this work presence of the finite-size EBG metasurface sam- we implement the structure stacking two printed- ple in vicinity of two of six array elements (frac- circuit boards: the bottom one with FR4 sub- tionated dipole antennas [4] i.e. segmented dipole strate realizing the common ground plane of unit antennas withmeanderstoreduceSARlevels [3]). cells and the top one with I-tera substrate sup- AdditionalmeasurementsofS-parametersandnu- porting overlapping square metal patches on the merical simulations confirm that the observed ef- oppositesidesofadielectricsubstrate,asshownin ficiency improvement is explained by reduction of Figure 1. Since the upper substrate thickness h3 energy dissipation through the coupling suppres- is only 0.5 mm and the permittivity is ε3,r = 3.45, sion between the corresponding dipoles as well as the overlapping patches introduce a high capac- the constructive interference effect of the finite- itance. The dielectric loss tangent of the patch size metasurface. substrate is 0.0031 only, which minimizes dissipa- This paper is organized as follows. In Section tion losses in the regions of high electric field, i.e. 2 we characterize the employed EBG metasur- between the patches. For the bottom PCB the face design and show the results of its numeri- substrate material with the thickness of h2 = 1.5 cal optimization for the 7T MRI application, in mm does not affect the properties of unit cells, Section 3 the methods of experimental study of since the layer appears in the zero of electric field the array are described including measurements distribution (near the ground plane). To increase of S-parameters and measurements on a labora- the unit cell inductance and further reduce the tory MRI machine, while in Section 4 we discuss resonant frequency the overall structure’s thick- 3 Top patch layer s e B Bottom gre 180 0 e, d patch layer I-tera h3 hase, de 16200 −0.05 magnitud p h nt −0.1 nt Foam 2 cie 0 cie Via h oeffi −60 −0.15 oeffi FR4 c c 1 on −120 −0.2 on Ground plane ecti ecti efl−180 −0.25 efl (a) R 200 250 300 350 400 R Frequency, MHz Patches on bottom of PCB Figure 2: Magnitude and phase of the plane-wave Patches on top of PCB reflection coefficient for the infinite metasurface Metal vias composed of optimized unit cells (CST Simula- tion) c 800 TM mode, branch 1 700 TM mode, branch 2 r TE mode 2 600 Light Line z H M 500 y, b a c 400 n e u Electromagnetic Bandgap eq 300 Fr (b) 200 100 Figure 1: Unit cell of the stacked mushroom-type EBG metasurface with overlapping patches and 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 additional thick foam layer: (a) side view, (b) top β⋅a, degrees view Figure 3: Surface-wave dispersion diagram of the infinite metasurface composed of optimized unit ness is increased by adding a foam layer of the cells (CST Simulation) acceptable thickness of h2 and ε2,r = 1 between the two PCBs. All patches are then connected to thegroundplaneby metal vias, which arerealized mercial simulation software CST Microwave Stu- as vertical copper wires of radius r = 0.6 mm go- dio 2014. We employed Floquet ports together ing through holes in the foam layer, as shown in with two pairs of periodic boundary conditions to Figure 1(a). simulate a singe unit cell in an infinite array. The FortheexperimentwefabricatedtheEBGsam- reflection coefficient’s magnitude and phase of the ple with 3 unit cells in transverse direction to the the optimized metasurface calculated in the fre- dipole’s axes and 15 unit cells in the longitudinal quency range 200–400 MHz are presented in Fig- direction. The patches on the bottom layer of the ure 2. Also the dispersion diagram of the infi- upper PCB are soldered to the vias on the top in- nite EBG metasurface with optimized unit cells terface of the structure, which is possible because was computed using Eigenmode Solver. The re- of additional soldering square plates with the side sults are presented in Figure 3 for the frequency c = 3 mm shown in Figure 1(b). dependence of the propagation factors of TM- The dimensions of patches b = 19.5 mm, their and TE-polarized surface waves. From Figure 2 period a = 20 and the foam layer thickness h2 = it is seen that the resonance providing magnetic 37 mm were chosen to ensure EBG and AMC wall properties (zero reflection coefficient’s phase) properties at 298 MHz. For the optimization of takes place at about 300 MHz. That means that the unit-cell parameters we employed the com- the metasurface at least partially demonstrates 4 constructive interference with respect to a hori- of the thickness d1 = 25 mm. The EBG meta- zontal dipoleantenna located nearby the interface surface sample is located above the two antennas [18]. The reflection coefficient’s magnitude at the on top of the phantom, i.e. Dipoles 1 and 2 (see resonance reaches -0.22 dB, which confirms low Figure 5). The sample’s boundary with patches dissipation losses within the metasurface despite is directed towards the antennas. There is also ofthesmallelectricaldimensionsofunitcells(0.02 a foam layer of the thickness d3 = 45 mm sep- of the wavelength). arating the sample from Dipoles 1 and 2. This Inspecting Figure 3 one can conclude that for thickness d3 is chosen experimentally in order to the optimized unit-cell geometry the structure maximize B1+ field inside a phantom, i.e. to tune exhibits EBG properties in the range 290–380 the condition of the constructive interference be- MHz,whereneitherTM-norTE-polarizedsurface tweentheantenna’sfieldandthefieldscatteredby modes can propagate (there are no real solutions thesample. Thepossibilitytoreachthiscondition for the propagation factor β at these frequencies). with the manufactured sample is provided by the The EBG mode is highlighted in Figure 3. AMC effect of the corresponding infinite metasur- face around 300 MHz. On another hand, since the sample if finite and coupled to the antennas, 3 Experiment a small phase shift of the scattered field occurs, which can be compensated by the proper choice In this section we describe a proof-of-principle ex- of d3. Therefore, the sample being located close periment which shows that the presence of the to theantennas and demonstratingdecouplingca- optimized metasurface sample improves B1+ effi- pabilities also causes constructive interference. ciencyofatransceivebodyarraywithfractionated The other four antennas are located on the op- 300-mm-length dipole elements. The top layer of posite side of the phantom and only serve to im- patches of the manufactured metasurface is de- prove the receive performance for B1+ mapping. picted in Figure 4. We note that in such an arrangement Dipoles 1 and 2 are only s1 = 30 mm away from each other (s1isthedistancebetweentheaxesofthedipoles), and therefore, suffer from high mutual coupling rather than coupling to other antennas. The aim of the experiment is to study the effect of the metasurface sample, which isolates the two neigh- boringtopelements. Inthefirststepoftheexperi- mentwemeasuretheS-parametersoftwoadjacent antennas in theabsence and in thepresenceof the manufacturedmetasurfacesamplewith3×15unit cells. The aim of this step is to ensure isolation improvement of the antennas dueto the finite-size Figure 4: Photograph of the top interface of the structure with EBG properties. manufactured EBG metasurface In the second step we test the same setup in an actual MR experiment to check the B1+ field For the experimental investigation we consider distribution inside the phantom. The aim of this six-element array of identical fractionated dipoles step is to show that the presence of the metasur- [4], surrounding a homogeneous phantom (water face improves B1+ efficiency when one of the cor- solution of Ethylene-glycol-NaCl, 34 g/l with the responding decoupled antennas is active. relativepermittivityof45andconductivityof0.25 S/m). The phantom has a hole in the center woth 3.1 Measurements of S-Parameters the diameter of 34 mm to place a magnetic field probe inside. The arrangement of the dipoles is In order to study the decoupling capabilities of illustrated in Figure 5. Each dipole consists of a the manufactured sample with respect to the pair copper trace printed on a 1.5 mm FR4 substrate of top array elements we measure S-parameters having the dimensions of 30×308 mm, which is, by means of the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) in turn, located over the plexi-glass plate of the Planar TR 1300/1. The measurement setup is thickness d2 = 18 mm. The antennas are sepa- depicted in Figure 6, where Dipoles 1 and 2 are rated from the phantom’s surface by foam layers equipped with the metasurface sample. The mu- 5 EBG Sample Foamspacer EBGsample Ground Plane Patches Dipole 2 Port1 Port2 d 3 d 2 w d 1 Foamspacer Dipole 1 s 1 100 Ø34 100 195 Phantom 250 Probefeed 180 350 (a) Dipole 3 Dipole 6 Dipole 4 Dipole 5 Figure 6: Experimental setup for S-parameters measurements (two of six dipoles on top of the Figure 5: Experimental setup with six-element phantom are shown). Phantom dimensions are body array with dipole elements surrounding the given in millimeters. homogeneous phantom with the circular hole at the center. Two of six antennas on top are equipped with the metasurface sample sented in Figure 7(b), from which one can ensure that the presence of the metasurface indeed sup- presses their mutual coupling. The level of isola- tualpositionsoftheantennasandthemetasurface tion is improved by approximately -3.6 dBexactly correspond to Figure 5. Also Figure 6 includes di- at 298 MHz. By means of VNA it is also possible mensions of the homogeneous phantom. Two 50- toestimateB1+efficiencybymeasuringthetrans- Ohm ports of the VNA are connected to the ter- missioncoefficientbetweenoneactiveantennaand minals of the dipoles. The other four dipoles on the flux probe located at the center of the phan- the bottom were terminated with matched loads. tom. For this purpose we measured the transmit efficiency parameter Tc, which is the magnitudeof The active dipoles were matched at 298 MHz the non-diagonal S-matrix parameter of Dipole 1 by a LC lumped-element network optimized in and the flux probe located in the phantom’s cen- CST Microwave Studio Schematic for the position tralhole (see Figure6). Thisvalueis proportional of the antennas on the phantom inside a dummy to the transverse magnetic field created by Dipole MRI bore. The design of the matching network is 1 at the center and can be used as a goal function based on the preparatory measured S-parameters for optimization of B1+ efficiency. When Tc is of the setup with non-matched antennas. The measured, the other antennas of the array includ- matchingnetworksareidenticalforbothofthetop ing Dipole 2 are terminated with matched loads. antennas and were optimized in the absence and As the flux probe we used the Faraday’s shielded in the presence of the metasurface. For example loopantennafedbyacoaxialcable. Themeasured with the metasurface each circuit contained series results are shown in Figure 7(c), from which one inductances of 10 nH and parallel capacitance of can conclude that at 298 MHz the metasurface 15 pF. sample causes an improvement of the local mag- The measured dependence of |S11| ≈ |S22| on netic field level at the phantom center by 4.8 dB. frequency with and without the EBG metasurface isshowninFigure7(a). Fromthisplotitisclearly 3.2 MRI measurements seen that the reflection loss in both of the cases is below -15 dB at 298 MHz, and therefore the To verify that reduced coupling indeed results isolation between the top dipoles 1 and 2 is com- in increased transmit efficiency, an MR experi- pletely determined by the magnitude of S21. The ment was performed using the same setup as de- corresponding plots of |S21| vs. frequency are pre- picted in Figures 5 and 6 on 7 Tesla MR system 6 Table 1: Comparison of coupling quantities mea- sured by VNA (|TVNA|) and by scanner (|SMRI| 0 12 and |SMRI|) in presence and in absence of the 21 B metasurface sample d -5 ude, CdBouplingQuantity, |TVNA| |S1M2RI| |S2M1RI| nit g -10 Without EBG -3.7 -7.3 -6.5 a m With EBG -7.2 -11.4 -10.6 1 1 S -15 Improvement 3.5 4.1 4.1 d e ur s a -20 e M WithoutSample (Achieva, Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, USA) WithSample equipped with multi-transmit functionality (8x2 -25 250 275 300 325 350 kW RF power) and bi-directional couplers on all Frequency,MHz channels. (a) B1+ measurements were performed with one of 0 thetwotopelementsactive(andallotherelements passive during transmit, but participating in re- B d -5 ceive). Before each measurement, the coupling e, ud coefficients between the channels were determined gnit -10 using the bi-directional couplers and a one-time a m calibration procedure. 1 S2 -15 The scattering parameters that were measured d e by the scanner are compared to the ones mea- ur s sured on the bench using the VNA in Table 1. a -20 e M WithoutSample The comparison contains the measured parame- WithSample ters S12 = S21 = TVNA obtained on the bench -25 250 275 300 325 350 by the two-port VNA at 298 MHz for the setup Frequency,MHz depicted in Figure 6 (located in free space) and (b) the two S-parameters of the 6-port setup as mea- - 0 sured in the scanner: |SMRI| and |SMRI|. The 12 21 difference between these values measured in dif- ferent ways is caused by slight differences in the B transmit chains that were not accounted for by d - 5 ,c the calibration. These results again confirm that d the finite-size metasurface sample indeed provides e ur better isolation between Dipoles 1 and 2 (even in s a e the presence of the scanner’s RF shield). It is im- M -50 portant to mention that the reflection coefficients in the corresponding scanner/VNA channels |S11| WithoutSample WithSample and |S22| were below -11.5 dB for both the experi- -55 ments(withandwithoutthemetasurfacesample). 250 275 300 325 350 Frequency,MHz The measured B1+ distribution patterns, cre- ated by Dipole 1 in the absence (a) and in the (c) presence (b) of the EBG metasurface are given in Figure 7: (a–b) Measured S-parameters of the Figure 8. Both patterns are given in the central dipoles 1 and 2 over the phantom in the presence transverse plane. The dimensions of the field of (dashed line) and in the absence (solid line) of the view are 376.5 × 210 mm in both cases. For both metasurface sample; (c) measured scattering coef- the cases, AFI B1+ maps were acquired [25] with ficient Tc for the Dipole 1 and the magnetic probe TR=40/200 ms. antenna at the phantom’s center In Figure 9 the values of B1+ magnitude cre- ated by Dipole 1 measured in the absence and in the presence of the EBG sample are compared as 7 18 18 WithoutSample B1+ magnitude, μT 16 16 WithSample (without metasurface sample) 14 14 12 e, 12 ud 10 nit 10 ag 8 m 6 8 1 B 4 6 2 4 0 0 20 40 60 80 epth,mm 2 Figure 9: Measured B1+ magnitude created by (a) Dipole 1 vs. depth of the observation point in- 18 side the phantom: with and without metasurface B1+ magnitude, μT 16 sample (with metasurface sample) 14 while not affecting the penetration depth. The 12 setup studied in this work can lead to a multi- element body array design, in which each pair of 10 adjacent dipoleantennas is equippedwith ameta- surfacesample. Inthisdesigntherelativeposition 8 of the antennas and the sample within each sec- 6 tion of thearray shouldremain thesameas shown in Figure 6. 4 2 4 Conclusion In this work we first experimentally confirmed de- (b) couplingandB1+efficiencyimprovementbyusing Figure 8: Measured B1+ patterns created by finite-size metasurface samples in multi-element Dipole 1: (a) without metasurface sample; (b) dipole body arrays for 7T MRI. The effect was with metasurface sample. Air regions (outside of verified byvector network analyzer andfluxprobe phantom and inside the hole) are not shown. measurements as well as on a 7T MR system. It was shown that the presence of the manufactured sample based on the miniaturized stacked meta- functions of the coordinate along the segment de- surface with overlapping square patches (so called picted in Figure 8 with a white dashed line. This mushroom surface) at a certain electrically small comparison plot illustrates the effect of the meta- distance from a pair of dipole elements homoge- surfacesampleontheB1+magnitudeprofilefrom neously increases the B1+ magnitude inside a wa- the surface to the center of the phantom (depth ter phantom. We observed an isolation improve- from 0 to 85 mm), whenDipole 1 is active. Figure ment of 3.5 dB for two adjacent dipoles of a six- 9 shows that thepresence of the metasurface sam- element array (coupling change from -3.7 to -7.2 ple at a height of d3 = 45 mm above Dipole 1 and dB) outside of the MRI bore and 4.1 dB improve- Dipole2indeedimprovestheB1+efficiencyofthe ment (coupling worst-case change from -6.5 to - antennas demonstrating uniformly increased B1+ 10.6 dB) measured directly by the MRI machine. magnitude by up to 24% without distortion of the These results were obtained for the dipoles over initial field distribution. Therefore it is possible a phantom with separation of only 3 cm (0.03 of to find a location of the EBG sample above a pair the wavelength in air) at 298 MHz. By MRI B1+ of antennas, which provides better isolation and measurements on the scanner it was shown that higher magnitude of the field inside the phantom the B1+ efficiency is improved due to the meta- 8 surface by up to 24%, which can be explained by [4] Alexander J.E. Raaijmakers, Michel Italiaan- bothofthefollowingtwoeffects. Firstisreduction der, Ingmar J. Voogt, Peter R. Luijten, Jo- of scattering losses due to suppression of mutual hannes M. Hoogduin, Dennis W.J. Klomp, coupling between adjacent dipoles, while the sec- and Cornelis A.T. van den Berg. The frac- ond is the constructive interference between the tionated dipole antenna: A new antenna for dipole field and the field scattered by the sample. body imaging at 7 Tesla. 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