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Ele troweak s ale seesaw and heavy Dira neutrino signals at LHC F. del Aguila, J. A. Aguilar(cid:21)Saavedra Departamento de Físi a Teóri a y del Cosmos and CAFPE, Universidad de Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain Abstra t Models of type I seesaw an be implemented at the ele troweak s ale in a 9 natural way provided that the heavy neutrino singlets are quasi-Dira parti les. 0 0 In su h ase, their ontribution to light neutrino masses has the suppression of 2 a small lepton number violating parameter, so that light neutrino masses an n a arise naturally even if the seesaw s ale is low and the heavy neutrino mixing is J large. We implement the same me hanism with fermioni triplets in type III 5 1 seesaw, deriving the intera tions of the new quasi-Dira neutrinos and heavy harged leptons with the SM fermions. We then study the observability of heavy ] h Dira neutrino singlets (seesaw I) and triplets (seesaw III) at LHC. Contrarily to p - ommon wisdom, we (cid:28)nd that heavy Dira neutrino singlets with a mass around p 5σ 1 − e 100 GeV are observable at the level with a luminosity of 13 fb . Indeed, h ℓ ℓ ℓ ± ± ∓ [ in the (cid:28)nal state with three harged leptons , not previously onsidered, 3 Dira neutrino signals an be relatively large and ba kgrounds are small. In1the v − triplet ase, heavy neutrinos an be dis overed with a luminosity of 1.5 fb for 6 9 a mass of 300 GeV in the same hannel. 0 2 . 9 0 1 Introdu tion 8 0 : v The well-known seesaw me hanism provides a simple and natural way to give tiny i X masses to the three neutrinos present in the Standard Model (SM). In its initial re- r a alisation (type I seesaw) [1(cid:21)4℄ the SM is enlarged with the addition of three heavy N i = 1,2,3 i′R right-handed neutrino singlets ( ). These (cid:28)elds have Yukawa intera tions L ′iL with the SM left-handed lepton doublets as well as a Majorana mass term, 1 = Y L¯ N φ˜ M N¯ N + , LImass − ij ′iL j′R − 2 ij i′L j′R H. . (1) φ N N′c = (N )c φ˜= iτ φ τ where is the SM Higgs doublet, i′L ≡ iR i′R and 2 ∗, with i the Pauli matri es. After ele troweak symmetry breaking, these terms generate a mass matrix for neutrino (cid:28)elds and, in parti ular, an e(cid:27)e tive light neutrino mass matrix v2 M = YM 1YT , ν − − 2 (2) 1 v = 246 where GeV is the va uum expe tation value of the SM Higgs. For Yukawa Y ij ouplings of order one without any parti ular symmetry, light neutrino masses m 0.1 ν ∼ eV an be obtained if the heavy neutrino masses (whi h are approximately M m 1014 N equal to the eigenvalues of ) are of the order ∼ GeV, lose to the uni(cid:28) ation s ale. However, the drawba k of this pi ture is that these new eigenstates are too heavy to be observable, and this (cid:16)minimal(cid:17) type I seesaw me hanism annot be dire tly tested. Many attempts have been made in the literature to lower the heavy s ale while su essfully generating light neutrino masses ompatible with experimental data. One possibility is to have very small Yukawa ouplings. Indeed, in the SM only the top quark has a Yukawa oupling of order unity, while for the harged leptons they range 2.9 10 6 10 2 − − from × for the ele tron to for the tau. But heavy neutrinos are still unobservable in this ase be ause their mixing with the SM leptons, Y v lN V , lN ≃ √2m (3) N is very small and they annot be dire tly produ ed at an observable rate. For example, m v m . 0.1 V . 10 6 N ν lN − for heavy neutrino masses ∼ the requirement eV implies , V 2 10 12 lN − giving a suppression fa tor of | | ∼ for heavy neutrino produ tion ross se - tions. A moreinteresting possibilityis tokeep sizeableYukawa ouplingsbut introdu e some symmetry whi h suppresses the seesaw-type ontribution in Eq. (2). In the ex- amples known in the literature [5(cid:21)11℄, this symmetry is lepton number. In this way, m µ/2 N two nearly-degenerate heavy Majorana neutrinos with masses ± and opposite CP parities form a quasi-Dira neutrino, whose ontribution to light neutrino masses µ/m N has the further suppression of the small ratio (see [12℄ and referen es there in). Then, this quasi-Dira neutrino an have a relativelylargemixingwith the SM leptons, only onstrained by ele troweak pre ision observables [13℄. The sameme hanism an be implementedwithfermioni tripletsintype IIIseesaw. Σ i In its usual realisation [14,15℄, type III seesaw introdu es three fermion triplets i = 1,2,3 N i ( )withzerohyper harge, ea hofthem onsistingofoneMajorananeutrino E i andtwoWeylspinorswhi h anformaDira hargedlepton . Fermiontriplets ouple totheSM leptondoublets throughYukawa ouplingsandhave Majorana masstermsas m Y2v2/(2m ) ν N well. Similarly to type I seesaw, light neutrino masses are of order ∼ V Yv/(√2m ) N and the mixing of the heavy states is ∼ (see next se tion). If the new parti les are near the ele troweak s ale, light neutrino masses an be kept within Y 1 experimental limits either with very small or by requiring some symmetry. In this Letter we work out in detail the se ond possibility. In full analogy with type V 1 Notethatasizeablemixing isnotne essarytoobservethenewheavystates,be ausethey anbe Y &10−6 produ edinpairsbyunsuppressedgaugeintera tionsandde aywithinthedete torfor [16℄. 2 I seesaw, if the heavy neutrinos are quasi-Dira parti les the light neutrino masses µ/m N get a further suppression , so that Yukawa ouplings of order unity are possible m N with at the ele troweak s ale. In this (cid:16)Dira (cid:17) variant of type III seesaw ea h + N E E 1− 2 heavy quasi-Dira neutrino is asso iated with two harged leptons and , the three of them with lepton number equal to one and nearly degenerate in mass, mN ≃ mE1− ≃ mE2+. Leptonnumberis onservedex eptforthelightneutrinoMajorana + N E E 1− 2 masses. We obtain the intera tions between the new states , , and the SM leptons, (cid:28)ndingsubstantial di(cid:27)eren es withthe Majorana ase, whi h a(cid:27)e ttheirde ay hannels and the possible signals at olliders. It must be remarked that the seesaw me hanism with heavy quasi-Dira neutrinos is naturally realised in models with new physi s at the ele troweak s ale, like in little Higgs models with simple groups [17℄ or in models with extra dimensions and matter in the bulk implying in(cid:28)nite Kaluza-Klein towers of Dira fermions (see for example Refs. [18,19℄). After des ribing in detail this variant of type III seesaw, we study the observability of heavy Dira neutrino singlets and triplets at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We follow the pro edure previously used in Ref. [20℄, and systemati ally study all the observable multi-lepton signals (up to six leptons) in luding all signal ontributions from the various produ tion pro esses and de ay hannels. By omparing with the (cid:16)minimal(cid:17) seesaw IandIIIs enarioswithheavy Majorananeutrinosstudied inRef.[20℄ weshowthatthedis riminationbetweenthetwopossibilitiesisveryeasy, providedthat a positive signal is observed. In parti ular we also (cid:28)nd that, in ontrast with ommon wisdom, heavy Dira neutrino singlets ould be observed at LHC in the trilepton (cid:28)nal ℓ ℓ ℓ m = 100 ± ± ∓ N state . Forexample,a heavy neutrinowith GeV ouplingtothemuon V2 = 0.0032 5σ 1 µN − with an be seen with signi(cid:28) an e with only 13 fb of luminosity. 1 − For a 300 GeV Dira fermion triplet the dis overy is possible with only 1.5 fb . 2 Heavy Dira neutrinos in type III seesaw Here we will follow the notation in Ref. [20℄ and quote some results obtained there Σ i = 1,...,n i without proof. Fermion triplets , (we leave their number arbitrary) are omposed of three Weyl spinors of zero hyper harge, and we hoose them to be right-handed under Lorentz transformations. They ouple to the SM lepton doublets L = (ν l )T ′iL i′L i′L (we use primes for weak intera tion eigenstates when ne essary to distinguish them from mass eigenstates) and have a Majorana mass term, 1 = Y L¯ (Σ~ ~τ)φ˜ M Σ~c Σ~ + , LImIIass − ij ′iL j · − 2 ij i · j H. . (4) 3 Σ~ = (Σ1, Σ2, Σ3) j j j j where are the triplets written in Cartesian omponents. Noti e that Σ1 Σ2 Σ3 Σ M j j j j all the members , , of the triplet have the same mass, and the matrix Σ j (whi h is symmetri ) an be assumed diagonal in full generality. For ea h triplet , the harge eigenstates are related to the Cartesian omponents by 1 1 + 1 2 0 3 1 2 Σ = (Σ iΣ ), Σ = Σ , Σ = (Σ +iΣ ), j √2 j − j j j −j √2 j j (5) and from them we an build one harged Dira and one neutral Majorana fermion, E = Σ +Σ+c, N = Σ0 +Σ0c. j′ −j j j′ j j (6) Σ j With our hoi e of right-handed hirality for , we have E = Σ+c, E = Σ , N = Σ0c, N = Σ0. j′L j j′R −j j′L j j′R j (7) After spontaneous symmetry breaking, the terms in Eq. (4) yield the neutrino and harged lepton mass matri es 1 0 v Y ν = ν¯ N¯ √2 R′ +H.c., Lν,mass −2 L′ L′ √v2YT M ! NR′ ! (cid:0) (cid:1) v Yl vY l = ¯l E¯ √2 R′ +H.c., Ll,mass − L′ L′ 0 M ! ER′ ! (8) (cid:0) (cid:1) ν ν′c N N′c where we have de(cid:28)ned i′R ≡ iL, i′L ≡ iR. Note that we have not spe i(cid:28)ed the num- Y 3 n M n n ber oftriplets, so isa matrixofdimension × and is × . The masseigenstates are obtained from the diagonalisation of these mass matri es. Their intera tions with l = e,µ,τ the SM leptons (with ) are given by [20℄ = g E¯ γµN W +N¯ γµE W+ LW − i i µ− i i µ g (cid:0)V ¯lγµP N W +V N¯(cid:1)γµP l W+ − √2 lNi L i µ− l∗Ni i L µ g V(cid:0) E¯ γµP ν W +V ν¯γµP E W+(cid:1), − lNi i R l µ− l∗Ni l R i µ = gc(cid:0) E¯ γµE Z (cid:1) Z W i i µ L g + V ν¯γµP N +V N¯ γµP ν Z 2c lNi l L i lN∗i i L l µ W g + (cid:0) V ¯lγµP E +V E¯ γµP l(cid:1)Z , √2c lNi L i lN∗i i L µ W (cid:0) (cid:1) = eE¯ γµE A , γ i i µ L gm = Ni V ν¯P N +V N¯ P ν H LH 2M lNi l R i l∗Ni i L l W gm + Ei(cid:0) V ¯lP E +V E¯ P l (cid:1)H , √2M lNi R i l∗Ni i L (9) W (cid:0) (cid:1) 4 where the mixing is Y v V lNi . lNi ≃ −√2m (10) Ni E N i i In the general Majorana ase, the mass eigenstates are , . This stillholds when two Majorana neutrinos form a Dira fermion, but in this ase the two degenerate Ma- jorana states interfere, and further rede(cid:28)nitions are onvenient to simplifythe analysis. N N 1 2 Then, let us assume that we have two Majorana neutrinos and degenerate in mass and with opposite CP parities (the small mass di(cid:27)eren e in the quasi-Dira ase is ru ial in order to generate light neutrino masses but irrelevant for heavy lepton Y = iY intera tions). Moreover, their Yukawa ouplings satisfy lN2 lN1, so that V = iV . lN2 lN1 (11) The al ulation of quantities su h as ross se tions for heavy neutrino produ tion with N 1 subsequent de ay an be done in terms of two interfering Majorana neutrinos and N 2 (ea h with two degrees of freedom). Alternatively, it an be done in terms of a Dira neutrino with omponents 1 1 N (N +iN ), N (N +iN ), L 1L 2L R 1R 2R ≡ √2 ≡ √2 (12) whi h has four degrees of freedom. The harged se tor an also be des ribed in terms + E E E E 1 2 1− 2 of the two interfering degenerate states , or in terms of two fermions , (the latter is positively harged), whi h are de(cid:28)ned as 1 1 E (E +iE ), E (E +iE ), 1−L ≡ √2 1L 2L 1−R ≡ √2 1R 2R 1 1 E+ (Ec +iEc ), E+ (Ec +iEc ). 2L ≡ √2 1R 2R 2R ≡ √2 1L 2L (13) N These states have diagonal ouplings to the Dira neutrino and do not interfere in the pro esses analysed in this paper, so the des ription turns out to be mu h simpler. + N E E 1− 2 The intera tions of the Dira mass eigenstate fermions , and are obtained i = 1,2 from Eqs. (9) for using Eqs. (11)-(13), = g E¯ γµN N¯γµE+ W g N¯γµE E¯+γµN W+ LW − 1− − 2 µ− − 1− − 2 µ g (cid:0)V ¯lγµP N W +(cid:1)V N¯γµP(cid:0) l W+ (cid:1) − √2 lN L µ− l∗N L µ +g V(cid:0) ν¯γµP E+ W +V E¯+γµP ν W(cid:1)+ , lN l L 2 µ− lN∗ 2 L l µ = gc(cid:0) E¯ γµE E¯+γµE+ Z (cid:1) Z W 1− 1− 2 2 µ L − g + (cid:0)V ν¯γµP N +V N¯(cid:1)γµP ν Z 2c lN l L lN∗ L l µ W g + (cid:0) V ¯lγµP E +V E¯ γµP(cid:1)l Z , √2c lN L 1− l∗N 1− L µ W (cid:0) (cid:1) 5 = e E¯ γµE E¯+γµE+ A , γ 1− 1− 2 2 µ L − gm = (cid:0) N V ν¯P N +V (cid:1)N¯P ν H LH 2M lN l R lN∗ L l W gm + E1(cid:0) V ¯lP E +V E¯ P(cid:1)l H, √2M lN R 1− lN∗ 1− L (14) W (cid:0) (cid:1) with mN = mE1− = mE2+ and VlN = √2VlN1. The Feynman rules for these intera tions are olle ted in the Appendix. The main di(cid:27)eren es with the Majorana ase are: + E E 2 1− (i) the gauge ouplings with two heavy fermions have opposite sign for and ; + E E 2 1− (ii) light neutrinos only ouple to , while light harged leptons only ouple to . On the other hand, the heavy Dira neutrino ouples to light harged and neutral leptons in the same way as a heavy Majorana neutrino, ex ept that in the latter ase N = Nc ν = νc the neutral ouplings an be rewritten using , . These equations also + L = 1 N E E 1− 2 show learly that, if lepton number is assigned to , and , then it is onserved ex ept for light neutrino masses. When the two Majorana states are not m µ/2 N N degenerate but have masses ± and is quasi-Dira , lepton number violating µ/m N (LNV) e(cid:27)e ts are of order . There are several implementations of this me hanism in the heavy lepton mass matri es (see for example Refs. [5(cid:21)11℄). A parti ularly simple model an be built by assigningleptonnumbertotheheavytripletsandrequiringapproximateleptonnumber Σ Σ 1 2 onservation. Let us assume that we have two triplets and , to whi h we assign 1 1 lepton numbers equal to and − , respe tively. Then, for one lepton generation the (cid:28)elds are l , l , E , E , ν , N , (L = 1) ; N , E , E (L = 1), L′ R′ 1′R 2′L L′ 1′R 2′R 1′L 2′R − (15) ν ν′c N N′c N N′c whereas the harge onjugate (cid:28)elds R′ ≡ L, 2′L ≡ 2R, 1′L ≡ 1R have opposite lepton number. If we impose lepton number onservation, for one lepton generation the neutrino mass term is [21℄ 0 vY 0 ν R′ 1 = ν¯ N¯ N¯ vY 0 M N +H.c. Lν,mass −2 L′ 1′L 2′L    1′R (16) 0 M 0 N (cid:0) (cid:1)   2′R     2 2 The × submatrix in the heavy se tor orresponds to the mass term of a heavy Dira N = N +N m = M 2′L 1′R N neutrino with mass , M M N¯ N +N¯ N = N′c N′c +N N = MN¯ N . − 2 1′L 2′R 2′L 1′R − 2 1R 2L 2′L 1′R − 2′L 1′R (17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:1) 6 This de(cid:28)nition is onsistent with Eqs. (12). A tiny light neutrino Majorana mass µv2Y2 m = ν 2M2 (18) µ M (3,3) an be introdu ed with a LNV entry ≪ in the position of this matrix, in whi h ase the heavy neutrino is quasi-Dira , being the masses of the two heavy M µ/2 Majorana (cid:28)elds ± . For three lepton generations and six fermion triplets (in order to yield three heavy Dira neutrinos) the stru ture of the neutrino mass matrix Y M 3 3 YT is the same but and are × matri es, and they have to be replated by and MT (2,1) (3,2) in the and positions of the matrix in Eq. (16), respe tively. In the harged se tor the mass term is, for one lepton generation, v Yl √2vY 0 l √2 R′ Ll,mass = − ¯lL′ E¯1′L E¯2′L  0 0 M  E1′R +H.c. (19) 0 M 0 E (cid:0) (cid:1)   2′R     2 2 By inspe tion of the mass matrix one observes that the × submatrix in the heavy E = E +E 1− 2′L 1′R se tor orresponds to the diagonal mass term of two Dira fermions , E2+ = E1′cL +E2′cR = 1 mE− = mE+ = M , both with L and 1 2 . This is onsistent with the de(cid:28)nition of (cid:28)elds in Eqs. (13). We(cid:28)nallypointoutthatfor olliderphenomenology(wheretheenergys aleismu h larger than light neutrino masses, whi h an then be negle ted), Dira and quasi-Dira neutrinos are equivalent, thus in our simulations we assume that heavy neutrinos are Dira parti les. 3 Heavy Dira neutrino signals at LHC The produ tion pro esses of heavy Dira neutrino singlets and triplets are the same as 2 for their Majorana ounterparts. Dira neutrino singlets an be produ ed at hadron olliders in the pro ess qq¯ W l N . ′ ∗ ± → → (20) qq¯ Z νN ∗ They an also be produ ed in → → but the resulting signal has at most one harged lepton, and is swamped by the ba kground. The harged and neutral members 2 The transition between the Dira and Majorana ases an be made smooth by varying ontinu- ously the ouplings and masses in Eq. (8), as it happens, for instan e, for gluinos and neutralinos in supersymmetry [22℄. 7 of a Dira triplet an be produ ed in + qq¯ Z /γ E E , → ∗ ∗ → i i− qq¯ W E N , ′ → ∗ → i± (21) + E L = 1 E E i± 1− 2 where refers here to the fermions and de(cid:28)ned in the previous se tion. The ross se tions of these pro esses are shown in Fig. 1. The de ays are di(cid:27)erent in 105 105 104 104 Ei±N + − E E b) 103 i i 2V| (plN103 σ (fb)102 σ / | 102 10 10 1 1 50 100 150 200 10-1100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 m m (GeV) N Σ Figure 1: Cross se tions for heavy Dira neutrino singlet (left) and fermion triplet E 1− produ tion (right). In the latter ase the produ tion of both harged leptons and + E2 is summed and the triplet masses are taken equal, mΣ ≡ mN = mEi±. the Dira and Majorana ases, however. Heavy Dira neutrinos de ay in the hannels N W+l N Zν N Hν N W ℓ+ − l l − → , → and → , but not in the LNV mode → , whi h l N N ± leadstolike-signdileptonsignalsin produ tion when isaMajorana fermion(for a omplete study see Ref. [23℄). The intera tions of a heavy Dira neutrino singlet an be found in Ref. [27℄, and the relevant Feynman rules are olle ted in the Appendix. N The partial widths for de ays, both in the singlet and triplet ases, are g2 m3 M2 M2 M4 Γ(N l W+) = V 2 N 1 W 1+ W 2 W , → − 64π| lN| M2 − m2 m2 − m4 W (cid:18) N (cid:19)(cid:18) N N (cid:19) g2 m3 M2 M2 M4 Γ(N ν Z) = V 2 N 1 Z 1+ Z 2 Z , → l 128πc2 | lN| M2 − m2 m2 − m4 W Z (cid:18) N(cid:19)(cid:18) N N(cid:19) g2 m3 M2 2 Γ(N ν H) = V 2 N 1 H . → l 128π| lN| M2 − m2 (22) W (cid:18) N (cid:19) + E 2 For heavy harged leptons the de ays are di(cid:27)erent in the Dira ase too. Sin e E+ ν W+ 2 l does not ouple to harged leptons, it always de ays in the → hannel. The E E l Z/H 1− 1− − opposite happens for , whi h does not de ay in this mode but in → . 8 The orresponding partial widths are g2 m3 M2 M2 M4 Γ(E+ ν W+) = V 2 E 1 W 1+ W 2 W , 2 → l 32π| lN| M2 − m2 m2 − m4 W (cid:18) E (cid:19)(cid:18) E E (cid:19) g2 m3 M2 M2 M4 Γ(E l Z) = V 2 E 1 Z 1+ Z 2 Z , 1− → − 64πc2 | lN| M2 − m2 m2 − m4 W Z (cid:18) E(cid:19)(cid:18) E E(cid:19) g2 m3 M2 2 Γ(E l H) = V 2 E 1 H . 1− → − 64π| lN| M2 − m2 (23) W (cid:18) E (cid:19) The simulation of the seesaw I and III signals with Majorana neutrinos and the SM ba kgrounds has been previously performed in Ref. [20℄. Here we generate the signals orresponding to Dira neutrinos and ompare with the former ones, taken from that study. In our simulations, the heavy Dira neutrino singlet signal in Eq. (20) is al ulated with the Alpgen extension in Ref. [23℄. The triplet signals in Eqs. (21) are al ulated implementing the pro esses for Dira neutrinos in Eqs. (21) in the generator 2 6 Triada [20℄. The matrix elements for the → pro esses are al ulated taking (cid:28)nite width andspin e(cid:27)e ts intoa ount. Allthede ay hannelsoftheheavy leptons andthe W/Z/H subsequent boson de ays are in luded, whi h is a umbersome task involving + + E E E E E N 1 1− 2 2− i± 144, 25 and 578 (cid:28)nal states for , and produ tion, respe tively. tt¯nj nj n SM ba kgrounds in lude (where stands for additional jets at partoni level), ¯ W/Znj W/Zbbnj singletop, , ,dibosonandtribosonprodu tionplusjets,andotherless important pro esses. They are all generated with Alpgen [24℄. Signal and ba kground events are passed through the parton shower Monte Carlo Pythia [25℄ and a fast simulationoftheATLASdete tor[26℄. Furtherdetailsaboutthesignalandba kground generation an be found in Ref. [20℄. As it has been done in that work, here we lassify signals by lepton multipli ity and ompare the possible (cid:28)nal states to (cid:28)nd the di(cid:27)eren es between the Dira and Majorana ases. It must be pointed out that, sin e the Dira and Majorana neutrino amplitudes are N = Nc di(cid:27)erent (although the intera tions are formally the same, in the latter ase ), one expe ts to (cid:28)nd di(cid:27)erent angular distributions, for example the forward-ba kward W A asymmetry in the rest frame FB [27℄. Nevertheless, measuring this asymmetry is M2 /m2 W N very di(cid:30) ult. Its value isproportionalto , and fora 300GeV Dira neutrino it A = 0.094 isalready very small, FB , and measuringitrequires highstatisti s. Moreover, its measurement requires either to distinguish between the two quarks produ ed in the W W hadroni de ay, or, in leptoni de ays, to distinguish between the harged lepton W ℓν produ ed in → and the other leptons present in the event. For harged heavy E i± leptons the de ay matrix elements are the same in the Dira and Majorana ases, + E 2 so that asymmetries are equal. This happens even in the harged urrent de ay of , 9 where the hiralityof the ouplinginvolved isdi(cid:27)erent inthe Dira and Majorana ases but the harge of the heavy lepton too, with the net result that the amplitudes are the same. As we will (cid:28)nd, the dis rimination between Dira and Majorana neutrinos in terms of harged lepton multipli ities is mu h more interesting. 3.1 Neutrino singlets ForDira andMajorana neutrinosingletswe examine(cid:28)nalstates with(a)three leptons ℓ ℓ ℓ X ℓ ℓ X ℓ = e,µ X ± ± ∓ ± ± and (b) two like-sign leptons , where and denotes possible additional jets. We take the same heavy neutrino parameters used in Ref. [20℄ for m = 100 N N Majorana neutrinos, that is, GeV and two s enarios: oupling only to the V2 = 0.0030 V2 = 0.0032 eN µN ele tron with (S1) or, alternatively, only to the muon with (S2). We also use the same pre-sele tion and sele tion riteria and re onstru tion uts, summarised below for ompleteness. Further details, in parti ular regarding the mass re onstru tion, an be found in Ref. [20℄. ℓ ℓ ℓ 1 ± ± ∓ (a) Three leptons . Pre-sele tion: three leptons with total harge ± , the two p > 30 T like-sign ones having transverse momentum GeV. Two event samples 2e are onsidered, one with two or more ele trons ( ) and the other one with two 2µ or more muons ( ). Sele tion and re onstru tion: the opposite pairs annot M b Z have an invariant mass loser to than 10 GeV; no jets an be present; the φℓℓ π/2 T transverse angle between the like-sign pair must be larger than ; missing p < 100 m < 125 energy 6 T GeV; re onstru ted mass of the heavy neutrino rNe GeV. ℓ ℓ p > 30 ± ± T (b) Two like-sign leptons . Pre-sele tion: two like-sign leptons with GeV. Two di(cid:27)erent event samples are onsidered: with two ele trons and with p > 20 T two muons. Sele tion and re onstru tion: at least two jets with GeV, b p < 30 φℓℓ < π/2 m < 180 with no -tagged jets; 6 T GeV; T ; rNe GeV. 1 − The number of events for30 fb withthese riteriais olle tedinTable 1 forthe heavy neutrino signalins enarios S1 and S2, in ase that the heavy neutrino has Majorana or Dira hara ter. The SM ba kground is also in luded. It is very interesting to observe that heavy Dira neutrinos ould be observed at LHC in the trilepton (cid:28)nal state. This fa t ontradi ts previous ommon wisdom that heavy Dira neutrino signals are overwhelmed by the SM ba kground (whi h isa tuallyhuge for the (cid:28)nal state with two ℓ+ℓ m = 100 − N opposite sign leptons ). For a Dira neutrino with GeV the trilepton signal is a tually larger than for a Majorana neutrino. This is easily understood from 10

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