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Electroweak dipole moment form factors of the top quark in supersymmetry PDF

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HEPHY-PUB 669/97 UWThPh-1997-13 hep-ph / 9705245 Electroweak dipole moment form factors 8 of the top quark in supersymmetry 9 9 1 n a J 9 A. Bartl 1 Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Universit¨at Wien, 2 A-1090 Vienna, Austria v 5 4 2 5 E. Christova 0 7 Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, 9 Boul. Tzarigradsko Chaussee 72, Sofia 1784, Bulgaria / h p - p T. Gajdosik, W. Majerotto e h Institut fu¨r Hochenergiephysik der O¨sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, : v i A-1050 Vienna, Austria X r a Abstract TheCPviolatingelectric andweakdipolemomentformfactors ofthetopquark, dγ(s) and dZ(s), appear in the process e+e− tt¯. We present a complete analysis → of these dipole moment form factors within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with complex parameters. We include gluino, chargino, and neutralino ex- change in the loop of the γtt¯and Ztt¯vertex. We give the analytic expressions and present numerical results. 1 Introduction Owing to its large mass [1] the top quark decays before its polarization is diluted by hadronization effects. This implies that one can keep track of its polarization by the distribution of its decay products. This property of the top quark offers new possibilities of testing existing models. New measurable quantities are provided by the polarization and the corresponding calculations can be performed perturbatively. The large mass of the top quark also allows one to probe physics at a high energy scale, where new physics might show up. In the last years a number of papers [2, 3, 4] considered CP violating observables in top quark production as tests for new physics. In e+e− annihilation these effects are due to the weak dZ(s) and electric dγ(s) dipole moment form factors of the top. In general, the vertices including the CP violating form factors are e( t,t¯) = e 2γ i dγ(s) γ , (1) Vγ µ 3 µ ∓ mt Pµ 5! g ( t,t¯) = g γ (g g γ ) i dZ(s) γ , (2) 2cosΘW VZ µ 2cosΘW µ V ± A 5 ∓ mt Pµ 5! where = p p , g = (1/2) (4/3)sin2Θ , g = (1/2), and g = e/sinΘ with µ tµ t¯µ V W A W P − − − e the electro–magnetic coupling constant and Θ the Weinberg angle. The possibilities of W thepresent experimentalfacilitytomeasuredifferent CPviolatingobservablesinprocesses with top quarks have been studied in [5]. As all CP violating observables that can be measured depend on these dipole moment form factors, precise predictions are necessary. In the Standard Model (SM) CP violation can appear only through the phase in the CKM–matrix. The dipole moment form factors dγ(s) and dZ(s) for the quarks are at least two–loop order effects and hence very small. CP violating effects at one–loop level can arise from new interactions, and therefore may be larger. The possibility of observing CP violating effects in top physics is associated with new physics. In this paper we analyse the supersymmetric (SUSY) contributions to dγ(s) and dZ(s) of the top quark. In the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) [6] additional complex couplings can be introduced that lead to CP violation within one generation only [7]. If the masses of the SUSY particles are not very much higher than the mass of the top, one expects SUSY radiative corrections to induce larger values for dγ(s) and dZ(s). There is an essential difference between the dipole moments of the electron d (or e neutron dn) and the dipole moment form factors dγ(s), dZ(s) of the top: de (dn) measures the interaction of the stable electron (neutron) with almost free photons; dγ(s) and dZ(s) areformfactorsthat measure theinteractionof theshort–lived topquark withanoff–shell γ or Z. The off–shellness of γ and Z leads to strong enhancements in dγ(s), dZ(s) if the 1 particles in the loop that couple to γ, Z are near the threshold √s = m +m , with m , j k j m being the masses of these particles. According to the particle content in the loop we k distinguish the following three contributions: 1. gluino contribution dγ,Z with (t˜t˜∗g˜) in the loop, g˜ 2. chargino contribution dγ,Z with (χ˜+χ˜−˜b) and (˜b˜b∗χ˜+) in the loop, χ˜+ 3. neutralino contribution dγ,Z with (χ˜0χ˜0t˜) and (t˜t˜∗χ˜0) in the loop. χ˜0 γ,Z The gluino contribution d was considered in [3, 4]. In this article we consider the g˜ chargino and neutralino contributions. Although the gluino contribution dγ,Z is propor- g˜ γ,Z tional to α we show that the chargino contribution d , which is proportional to α , s χ˜+ w (α = g2/(4π)) can be equally important. This is due to threshold enhancements and the w large Yukawa couplings: Y = m /(√2m sinβ) and Y = m /(√2m cosβ). In general t t W b b W the neutralino contribution turns out to be smaller. However, there are cases where it is important. The mass spectra of the SUSY particles are crucial for the understanding of the electroweak dipole moment form factors. In order to obtain a non–zero dipole moment one needs both an operator changing the helicity of the top and a mixture of the interaction eigenstates of the squarks, charginos, andneutralinos,whichprovideaCPviolatingphase.IntheMSSMtheCPviolatingphases for the chargino and neutralino contribution are provided by the chargino and neutralino mass matrices and the scalar quark mass mixing matrices. The calculation requires the diagonalization of all these matrices. The chargino mass matrix with complex phases has been diagonalized analytically in [8]. In the present paper we use the singular value decomposition [9] to diagonalize the complex neutralino and chargino mass matrices. The size of the dipole moment form factors dγ(s), dZ(s) depends strongly on the phases of the SUSY parameters. There are constraints [8, 10, 11] on some phases from the mea- surement of the EDM of the neutron. Usually, one concludes [8, 12] that either the phases involved in the EDM of the neutron are very small or the masses of the first generation of squarks are in the TeV range. By using supergravity (SUGRA) with grand unification (GUT) there are attempts to constrain also the phases entering the dipole moments of the top [10, 11]. In our analysis we want to be more general and we do not make any additional assumptions about GUT except for the unification of the gauge couplings. In particular, we do not assume unification of the scalar mass parameters and the trilinear scalar coupling parameters A of the different generations. As the breaking mechanism q of SUSY is not known, a definite theoretical ansatz about the size of the complex phases involved in the weak and electric dipole moment form factors of the top quark cannot be given. An unambigous decision will be provided by experiment. Therefore, measuring the weak and electric dipole moment form factors of the top quark might be also a test 2 of the unification assumption involved and could give insight into the SUSY breaking mechanism. In this paper we present a complete analysis of the weak and electric dipole moment form factors of the top quark within the MSSM with complex parameters. We give the analytic expressions and present numerical results. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we summarize the parts of the La- grangian that are relevant, and fix the notation. Generic formulae for contributions to the dipole moment form factors are given in section 3. In section 4 we present the chargino contribution, in section 5 follows the neutralino contribution. The numerical analysis is performed in section 6. The conclusions are given in section 7. 2 The SUSY Lagrangian with complex couplings In the MSSM with complex phases, dγ(s) and dZ(s) are generated in one–loop order, irrespectively of generation mixing. The gluino contribution to the electroweak dipole moment form factors was previously studied in [4]. Here we discuss the chargino and neutralinocontributions.Thesecontributionshavetobetreatedseparatelyfromthegluino contribution not only because different couplings are involved (electroweak and strong), but also because they are sensitive to different SUSY parameters. The contributions from the different Feynman diagrams (Fig. 1a,b) depend in a distinctive way on the SUSY parameters. For the sake of clarity we discuss the chargino and neutralino contributions separately. The parts of the Lagragian that contribute to the electric and weak dipole moment form factors of the top are: Lγχ˜+j χ˜−k = −eAµδjkχ¯˜+j γµχ˜+k (3) ↔ = ieQ A δ (q˜∗ ∂µq˜ ) (4) Lγq˜mq˜n − q˜ µ mn m n LZχ˜+j χ˜−k = g/(2cosΘW)Zµχ¯˜+j γµ(OjLkPL +OjRkPR)χ˜+k (5) = g/(2cosΘ )Z χ¯˜0γµ(O′′ P O′′∗P )χ˜0 (6) LZχ¯˜0jχ˜0k W µ j jk L − jk R k ↔ = ig/(2cosΘ )Z cq˜ (q˜∗ ∂µq˜ ) (7) LZq˜mq˜n W µ mn m n = gq¯(aq˜ P +bq˜ P )χ˜0q˜ (8) Lq¯χ˜0kq˜m mk R mk L k m = gq¯′(lq˜ P +kq˜ P )χ˜+q˜ (9) Lq′χ˜+k q˜m mk R mk L k m Lq¯g˜q˜m = −gs(λbuv/√2)q¯u(e2iϕg˜(Rq˜)∗mLPR −e−2iϕg˜(Rq˜)∗mRPL)g˜bq˜mv (10) In eq. (10) λb are the Gell–Mann matricies, u,v are the color indicies, and ϕ is the phase g˜ of the gluino mass term. The couplings are defined as in [13]: OR = (cos2Θ δ +U∗ U ) OL = (cos2Θ δ +V V∗) (11) jk − W jk j1 k1 jk − W jk j1 k1 3 O′′ = 1[cos2β(N∗ N N∗ N )+sin2β(N∗ N +N∗ N )] = O′′∗ (12) jk −2 3j 3k − 4j 4k 3j 4k 4j 3k kj cq˜ = 2Q sin2Θ δ 2Iq˜( q˜) ( q˜)∗ (13) mn q˜ W mn − 3 R mL R nL at˜ = t˜∗ f + t˜∗ h bt˜ = t˜∗ h + t˜∗ f (14) mj RmL Lj RmR Rj mj RmL Lj RmR Rj ∗ ∗ ∗ h = Y (sinβN cosβN ) h = Y (sinβN cosβN ) = h Lj t 3j − 4j Rj t 3j − 4j Lj f = [2 sin2Θ N∗ +(g g )N∗ ]/(√2cosΘ ) (15) Lj − 3 W 1j V − A 2j W f = [2 sin2Θ N +(g +g )N ]/(√2cosΘ ) Rj 3 W 1j V A 2j W l˜b = ˜b∗ U + ˜b∗ Y U k˜b = ˜b∗ Y V∗ (16) mj −RmL j1 RmR b j2 mj RmL t j2 q˜ = Rq1˜L Rq1˜R = e2iϕq˜cosθq˜ e−2iϕq˜sinθq˜ , (17) R  Rq2˜L Rq2˜R   −e2iϕq˜sinθq˜ e−2iϕq˜cosθq˜      sothat q˜1 = q˜ q˜L .Q isthechargeofq˜andtanβ = v2,wherev andv arethevacuum q˜2 R q˜R q˜ v1 1 2 expecta(cid:16)tio(cid:17)ns valu(cid:16)es o(cid:17)f the Higgs fields, P are the chirality projection operators. L,R The unitary matrices U and V diagonalize the chargino mass matrix: M m √2sinβ Mχ˜+ = W , U∗ Mχ˜+V∗ = m δ . (18) αβ  m √2cosβ µ  jα αβ kβ χ˜+j jk W   For the diagonalization of the chargino mass matrix one has to use the singular value decomposition [9]. The explicit procedure to obtain U and V is given in Appendix A. N is the unitary matrix which makes the complex symmetric neutralino mass matrix αk diagonal with positive diagonal elements [14]: N Mχ˜0N = m δ . (19) αj αβ βk χ˜0 jk j In the basis H˜ = H˜0cosβ H˜0sinβ ψ = iγ˜, iZ˜,H˜ ,H˜ with 1 1 − 2 (20) α {− − 1 2}  H˜ = H˜0sinβ +H˜0cosβ  2 1 2 used in [6], the complex symmetric neutralino mass matrix has the form m m 0 0 γ˜ az Mχ˜0 =  maz mz˜ mZ 0  (21) αβ  0 m µsin2β µcos2β   Z −     0 0 µcos2β µsin2β   − −    4 where m = M sin2Θ +M′cos2Θ , γ˜ W W m = M cos2Θ +M′sin2Θ , (22) z˜ W W ′ m = sinΘ cosΘ (M M ) . az W W − HereM andM′ aretheSU(2)andU(1)gauginomasses, µ = µ eiϕµ isthemass parameter | | in front of the Higgs superfields in the Lagrangian. The procedure for obtaining N is αk described in Appendix B. Again the singular value decomposition has to be used. 3 General formula Technically there are two types of one–loop SUSY diagrams that contribute to the electric and weak dipole moments of the top quark, one with two scalars and one fermion in the loop as shown in Fig. 1a, and the other with two fermions and one scalar in the loop, Fig. 1b. Here we give generic formulae for the dipole moment form factors of the top induced by these graphs. The different combinations of Passarino–Veltman functions give different types of threshold enhancements. We use a generic Lagrangian of the form ↔ = g V f¯ γµ(OLP +ORP )f +ig V Γ (s∗ ∂µs ) L 1 µ j jk L jk R k 1 µ mn m n ¯ + gf (a P +b P )f s +h.c. (23) mk R mk L k m where f stands for a fermion field, s for a scalar field, and V for a neutral vector boson i m µ field. The couplings Γ and OL,R are hermitian. The couplings a and b are complex mn jk mk mk numbers. Fig. 1a then gives the following contribution: d = α /(8π) (f +f ) (24) ffs w 1 2 × f = 2 m Cm,jk m[a OLb∗ b ORa∗ ] 1 − j 1 ℑ mj jk mk − mj jk mk m,j,k X f = m (Cm,jk +Cm,jk Cm,jk Cm,jk) 2 t 1 11 − 2 − 22 m,j,k X m[a ORa∗ b OLb∗ ] ×ℑ mj jk mk − mj jk mk with g2 = 4πα . Fig 1b leads to w d = α /(8π) (s +s ) (25) ssf w 1 2 × s = 2 m (Ck,mn +Ck,mn +Ck,mn) m[a Γ b∗ ] 1 − k 0 1 2 ℑ mk mn nk k,m,n X s = m (Ck,mn +Ck,mn Ck,mn Ck,mn) 2 − t 1 11 − 2 − 22 k,m,n X ∗ ∗ m[a Γ a b Γ b ] ×ℑ mk mn nk − mk mn nk 5 For the Passarino–Veltman three point functions [15] C , C , and C (i = 1,2) we follow 0 i ii the convention of [16]. They are defined in Appendix C. Note that there are only three types of contributions: f and s have the same functional form. 2 2 4 Chargino contribution to dγs and dZ s ( ) ( ) Here we show the explicit dependence of the chargino contribution on the gaugino and higgsino couplings, as well as the dependence on the squark mixing angle and phase. For the electric dipole moment form factor we have: dγ α Y 2 χ˜+ = em t m (Cm,ii 1(Ci,mm +Ci,mm +Ci,mm)) (26) mt −4πsin2ΘW m,i=1 χ˜+i 1 − 6 0 1 2 × X (1−(−)mcos2θ˜b) ℑm[Ui1Vi2]+Yb(−)msin2θ˜b ℑm[Ui2Vi2eiϕ˜b] h i The chargino contribution dZ to the weak dipole moment form factor of the top quark χ˜+ is: dZ α χ˜+ em = (f +f +s +s ) (27) m 8πsin2Θ 1 2 1 2 t W 2 f = Y m Cm,jk (δ (1+2cos2Θ )+ U 2 V 2) (28) 1 − t χ˜+j 1 × jk W | k1| −| k2| · m,Xj,k=1 h ((1−(−)mcos2θ˜b) ℑm[Uj1Vj2]+Yb(−)msin2θ˜b ℑm[Uj2Vj2eiϕ˜b]) −Yb(1−δjk)(−)msin2θ˜b ℑm[Uj2Vj2eiϕ˜b] 2 i f2 = −mtYbsin2θ˜bℑm[U1∗1U12eiϕ˜b] (−)m(C1m,12 +C1m1,12 −C2m,12 −C2m2,12) (29) m=1 X 2 k,mn k,mn k,mn s = Y m (C +C +C ) (30) 1 − t χ˜+k 0 1 2 k,m,n=1 X (2 sin2Θ δ + 1(1 ( )ncos2θ )) × 3 W mn 2 − − ˜b · ((1−(−)mcos2θ˜b) ℑm[Uk1Vk2]+Yb(−)msin2θ˜b ℑm[Uk2Vk2eiϕ˜b] h 2 i s2 = −mtYbsin2θ˜b (C1k,12 +C1k1,12 −C2k,12 −C2k2,12)× ℑm[Uk∗1Uk2eiϕ˜b] (31) k=1 X We have included the terms proportional to the bottom Yukawa coupling Y which are b important for large tanβ. For small values of tanβ the terms proportionalto Y dominate. t The exchange of the lighter scalar bottom (see Fig. 1a) gives the leading contribution (cos2θ 1). Note that there are no terms proportional to Y2 or Y2. ˜b ≈ t b 6 5 Neutralino contribution to dγs and dZ s ( ) ( ) As neutralinos do not couple to the photon, dγ receives a non–zero contribution only χ˜0 from the diagram with t˜t˜∗χ˜0 exchanged in the loop. We have: dγ α 4 2 χ˜0 = em m (Ck,mm +Ck,mm +Ck,mm) (32) mt 12πsin2ΘW k=1m=1 χ˜+k 0 1 2 X X × (−)msin2θt˜ℑm[(h2Lk −fLkfR∗k)e−iϕt˜] h (1 ( )mcos2θ ) m[h f∗ ] (1+( )mcos2θ ) m[h f ] − − − t˜ ℑ Lk Lk − − t˜ ℑ Lk Rk i The neutralino contribution to dZ(s) is dZ α χ˜0 = em (2f +2f +s +s ) (33) m 8πsin2Θ 1 2 1 2 t W 4 2 f1 = 21 mχ˜0jC1m,jk × (−)msin2θt˜ ℑm[Oj′′k(fLjfR∗k −fLkfR∗j)e−iϕt˜] (34) jX,k=1mX=1 h (1+( )mcos2θ ) m[O′′ (h∗ f∗ h∗ f∗ )] − − t˜ ℑ jk Lj Rk − Lk Rj (1 ( )mcos2θ ) m[O′′ (h f∗ h f∗ )] − − − t˜ ℑ jk Lj Lk − Lk Lj 4 2 i f = 1m (Cm,jk +Cm,jk Cm,jk Cm,jk) (35) 2 2 t 1 11 − 2 − 22 j<km=1 X X 2( )mcos2θ m[h O′′ h∗ ] × − t˜ ℑ Lj jk Lk h−2(−)msin2θt˜ ℑm[(fL∗j −fRj)Oj′′kh∗Lkeiϕt˜] +(1 ( )mcos2θ ) m[f∗ O′′ f ] − − t˜ ℑ Lj jk Lk +(1+( )mcos2θ ) m[f O′′ f∗ ] − t˜ ℑ Rj jk Rk 4 2 i s = 1 m (Ck,mn +Ck,mn +Ck,mn) (36) 1 2 χ˜+ 0 1 2 k k=1m,n=1 X X × (−)m 83 sin2ΘWδmn −(1−(−)ncos2θt˜) ℑm[(h2Lk −fLkfR∗k)e−iϕt˜] h 8 si(cid:16)n2Θ δ (1+( )mcos2θ ) ( )m(cid:17)+nsin22θ m[h f ] − 3 W mn − t˜ − − t˜ ℑ Lk Rk (cid:16)8 sin2Θ δ (1 ( )ncos2θ ) (1 ( )mcos2(cid:17)θ ) m[h f∗ ] − 3 W mn − − − t˜ − − t˜ ℑ Lk Lk (cid:16) 4 (cid:17) i s2 = mtsin2θt˜ (C1k,12 +C1k1,12 −C2k,12 −C2k2,12)ℑm[h∗Lk(fL∗k −fRk)eiϕt˜] (37) k=1 X f , f are gaugino couplings and h are higgsino couplings that contain the large Lj Rk Lj Yukawa coupling Y . Notice that the factor of 2 in front of f and f in eq.(33) is due to t 1 2 the Majorana nature of the neutralinos. 7 6 Numerical results In this section we give numerical results for the real and imaginary parts of dγ(s) and dZ(s). Quite generally they depend on the parameters M′, M, |µ|, tanβ, mt˜k, m˜bk, cosθt˜, cosθ and the phases ϕ , ϕ , ϕ , and ϕ . The GUT relations ˜b µ t˜ ˜b g˜ m = (α /α )M 3M (38) g˜ s 2 ≈ M′ = 5 tan2Θ M (39) 3 W imply that the gaugino mass parameters have the same phase. This phase can be removed by a R–transformation [7]. We take m = 80 GeV, m = 175 GeV, m = 5 GeV, √s = 500 GeV, α = 0.1, and W t b s α = 1 . In order not to vary too many parameters we choose a reference set of param- em 123 eter values given in the following table: M = 230, 360 GeV m = 150 GeV m = 270 GeV t˜1 ˜b1 µ = 250 GeV m = 400 GeV m = 280 GeV | | t˜2 ˜b2 tanβ = 2 θ = π θ = π t˜ 9 ˜b 36 ϕ = 4π ϕ = π ϕ = π µ 3 t˜ 6 ˜b 3 For tanβ = 2 the terms proportional to Y are strongly suppressed, and as one can easily b verify from the explicit expressions (27)–(31) for dγ,Z, the result will be independent on χ˜+ the phase ϕ˜b. Thus dγ(s) and dZ(s) will depend on two phases: ϕµ and ϕt˜. Notice that the dipole moment form factors dγ(s) and dZ(s) depend on ϕµ not only through the mixing matrices U, V, and N in the couplings, but also through the chargino and neutralino mass spectra. In Fig. 2a and b we show the dependence of the chargino and neutralino masses on the phase ϕ for M = 230 GeV and the other parameters as in µ the reference set. As can be seen the values of the masses vary by about 40 percent in the whole cosϕ region. µ Next we study the dependence of dγ(s) and dZ(s) on the parameters M and µ which | | control the chargino and neutralino masses and couplings. In Fig. 3a we show the µ | | dependence of the chargino contributions to mdγ(s) and mdZ(s) keeping the other ℑ ℑ parameters fixed at the reference values. mdγ(s) and mdZ(s) are determined by the absorptive parts of the amplitudes. ℑ ℑ Therefore they vanish when no real production of charginos is possible, i.e. √s 2m ≤ χ˜+1 as can be seen from the dotted curve of Fig. 3a. Local maxima occur near the thresholds of chargino pair production and they get bigger if the gaugino and higgsino component of the chargino are approximately equal. The χ˜+χ˜−–contribution has always the opposite 1 1 sign of the χ˜+χ˜−–contribution because of the coupling m(U V ) (see eq.(27)). 2 2 i1 i2 ℑ 8 InFig.4aweshowtheneutralinocontributionto ℑmdγ(s) and ℑmdZ(s). ℑmdγχ˜0 isone order of magnitude smaller than the chargino contribution because the photon does not coupletotheneutralinosandonlyFig.1bcontributes.Theneutralinocontribution mdZ ℑ χ˜0 is smaller than the chargino contribution because the couplings are smaller. It shows the same qualitative behaviour as the chargino contributions, but it is more complicated because of the richer particle spectrum. Note that the two neutralinos in Fig. 1a have to be different. In Fig. 3b we show the chargino contribution to edγ(s) and edZ(s) as a function ℜ ℜ of µ for M = 230, 360 GeV and the other parameters as given in the reference set. The | | behaviour of edγ and edZ can be understood by the dispersion relations by which ℜ χ˜+ ℜ χ˜+ edγ(s) and edZ(s) are related to the absorptive parts of dγ(s) and dZ(s). In Fig. 4b we ℜ ℜ show the neutralino contribution edZ . As one can see it has an analogous behaviour as ℜ χ˜0 the chargino contribution (Fig. 3b), but it is smaller. In Fig. 5a we show the dependence of the chargino contribution mdγ and mdZ ℑ χ˜+ ℑ χ˜+ on the phase ϕ . Note that for M = 360 GeV mdγ and mdZ vanish in the intervall µ ℑ χ˜+ ℑ χ˜+ 0.82π < ϕ < 1.18π. This reflects the dependence of the chargino masses on the phase µ | | ϕ (Fig. 2a): m decreases with cosϕ , and for 0.82π < ϕ < 1.18π we are below the µ χ˜+1 µ | µ| threshold:√s ≤ 2mχ˜+1.The maxima of ℑmdγ(s), ℑmdZ(s) fortheparameters usedappear at ϕ = 0.65π, and ϕ = 0.40π, and not at ϕ = 0.5π as one would naively expect. µ µ µ In Fig. 5c one can clearly see the difference between the two types of diagrams Fig. 1a γ and Fig. 1b: as the photon couples only to the stops, md has a smooth dependence on ℑ χ˜0 ϕ , whereas mdZ depends on ϕ through the masses of the neutralinos. The thresholds µ ℑ χ˜0 µ of neutralino production are clearly visible at ϕ = 0.6π and ϕ = 0.77π. Fig. 5d and µ µ Fig. 5c are connected via the dispersion relations for dγ(s) and dZ(s). The chargino contribution exhibits only a very small dependence on θ and ϕ for the ˜b ˜b parameter region chosen. For mdγ(s) it turns out that one can neglect the neutralino ℑ contributions, so the dependence on the mixing angle θ and the phase ϕ is irrelevant. t˜ t˜ However for mdZ(s) the neutralino contributions are quite big. The main contributions ℑ come from the second and the third part of eq.(35) which are proportional to cos2θ . As t˜ ϕ does not appear in these contributions, the dependence of dZ on ϕ is small. t˜ χ˜0 t˜ There is a smooth dependence on m : mdγ and mdZ increase from 0.0014 at ˜b ℑ χ˜+ ℑ χ˜+ − γ m = 100 GeV to 0.0004 at m = 400 GeV. The dependence of d on m is already ˜b1 − ˜b1 g˜ t˜ shown in [4]. dZ exhibits a smooth dependence on m : mdZ decreases from 0.0007 at χ˜0 t˜1 ℑ χ˜0 m = 100 GeV to 0.0003 at m = 250 GeV. t˜1 t˜1 In Fig. 6a we show dγ(s) and dZ(s) as functions of √s where all contributions (gluino, chargino, and neutralino) are summed up. The threshold effects can be seen very clearly. There is a big enhancement in dγ(s) and dZ(s) because the threshold for χ˜+1χ˜−1 production 9

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