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Electroosmosis with Step Changes in Zeta Potential in Microchannels Keisuke Horiuchi School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164 Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd., 832-2 Horiguchi, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki 312-0034, Japan Prashanta Dutta School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164 Cornelius F. Ivory School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164 DOI 10.1002/aic.11275 Published online August 31, 2007 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). This article presents an analytical solution for two-dimensional fluid flow in a rec- tangular microchannel in the vicinity of a step change in the zeta (f) potential. The stream function is determined from the creeping flow approximation to the Navier- Stokes equations assuming a fixed volumetric axial flow, a constant electric field, and thin symmetric double layers. The resulting biharmonic equation is solved using a dou- ble-sided Laplace transformation, which is then inverted by Heaviside expansion. The resulting series solution provides closed-form expressions for the velocity and pressure fields that help explain how the recirculating flows generated by an abrupt change in the surface potential may contribute both locally and globally to the hydrodynamic dis- persion in straight microchannels. (cid:1)2007 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J,53:2521–2533,2007 Keywords: microchannel, electroosmosis, zeta potential, biharmonic equation Introduction most popular EK phenomena because they enjoy a number of practical applications in molecular biology and medical Very high pressure gradients are needed to drive fluid science, such as the separation of deoxyribonucleic acids flows through capillaries and microchannels because of the friction caused by shear stress.1 Thus, electrokinetic (EK) (DNAs), nucleic acids, viruses, small organelles, and pro- teins. Over the last 15 years, capillaries have mainly been phenomena such as electroosmosis, streaming potential, elec- used for electrophoretic methods because of their high sepa- trophoresis, etc., have recently been receiving more attention ration efficiencies and peak capacities. More recently, micro- as effective methods of fluid and chemical transport in channels have attracted the attention of researchers because microchannels. Electroosmosis and electrophoresis are the they are less expensive, simpler to fabricate, and more ame- nable to integration than capillaries. In 1879, Helmholtz developed an analytical model for CorrespondenceconcerningthisarticleshouldbeaddressedtoP.Duttaatdutta@ electroosmotic flow (EOF); Smoluchowski expanded upon mail.wsu.edu. Helmholtz’s attempts in seeking to derive a formula for the (cid:1)2007AmericanInstituteofChemicalEngineers electroosmotic velocity in 1921. According to their analysis, AIChE Journal October 2007 Vol. 53,No.10 2521 a plug-like velocity profile is expected and its amplitude is downstream from the step, and then subtracting the upstream linearly proportional to both the zeta potential (f) and the velocity profile from the general expression for the velocity. electric field. This is true when the externally-applied electric In this study, the continuity equation is eliminated by substi- field is uniform and both the f-potential and channel cross tuting the stream function, and the pressure is eliminated by section are constant. taking the curl of the conservation equation. The resulting For electrophoresis, some researchers attempted to uni- biharmonic partial differential equation (PDE) is reduced to a formly suppress EOF2,3 while others took advantage of the fourth-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) in the EOF4,5 to improve performance. In either case, the surface transverse coordinate by application of the two-sided Laplace should be electrokinetically homogeneous in order to avoid transformation technique. The appropriate no-slip conditions convective sample dispersion, which lowers separation effi- are applied to the solution of this ODE which, in turn, is ciency. In practice, it is not easy to maintain a homogeneous inverted by using a Heaviside expansion. This solution in surface with a uniform f-potential. Therefore, a deeper and terms of the stream function is then used to predict the ve- more comprehensive understanding of the effects of the sur- locity and pressure fields near the step change. face inhomogeneities on peak broadening is required. Some experimental work has shown that polymeric materials, e.g., poly-di-methyl-siloxane (PDMS), develop inhomogeneous Analytical versus numerical solutions surface charges or f-potentials.6,7 Also, variation of the solu- Virtually any differential equation that can be solved using tion pH along the channel strongly affects the f-potential dis- analytical techniques can also be solved by numerical meth- tribution8–10 and, hence, the EOF. The first theoretical treat- ods. In fact, analytical solutions are largely limited to a sub- ment of nonuniform f-potential on EOF was performed set of linear equations on domains which admit conformal within capillaries.11 The authors observed that the velocity of boundary conditions whereas numerical methods can readily the EOF depends primarily on the distribution of the f-poten- be brought to bear against nonlinear problems on complex tial along the wall which, in turn, can either cause flow sepa- geometries. The increased power and speed of new com- ration or circulation. Extensions of this work to shallow rec- puters coupled with the availability of commercial simulation tangular channels with wavy surface potential distributions12 packages when weighed against the degree of difficulty of and spot defects13 were undertaken 10 years later. In those deriving analytical solutions raises the question as to whether experimental studies, they found recirculating flows which analytical solutions should be considered obsolete. could be useful in the design of microfluidic mixers. Experi- While that day may arrive sooner than we expect, there mental work by Stroock et al.,14 verified the existence of pat- are several reasons in general why analytical solution are terning EOF in both longitudinal and transverse directions. In useful and some of these are specific to the problem at hand. that study, polyethylene glycol was utilized to reduce the First, the analytical solution in this article provides an as- local surface charge of organic polymers. Later, Qian and ymptotic benchmark against which numerical algorithms can Bau15 demonstrated a time-dependent EOF with nonuniform be tested. In particular, the discontinuity at x 5 0 gives rise f-potential. However, all of the theoretical models mentioned to deep depressions in the pressure whose centers are located above are limited to spatially periodic boundary conditions. near the velocity discontinuities on the wall. Analytical tech- Herr et al.,16 addressed the effect of step changes in f- niques can rigorously determine whether these depressions potential in capillaries for which both analytical and experi- are singularities; numerical techniques cannot. mental results indicate the presence of induced pressure Second, the positive and negative eigenvalues should be gradients and associated band broadening. Dutta et al.,17 identical in both the numerical and analytical solutions and, numerically evaluated the performance of a micropump by since the eigenvalues of the analytical solution are expected sandwiching one type of material between another type of to be exact, they provide a rigorous test of numerical algo- material with different values of f-potential. Later, Brother- rithms, albeit, only in the linear limit and only in conformal ton and Davis18 showed that sudden changes in either geometries. Finally, while analytical solutions handle infinite f-potential or cross section would cause distortion of the domains with relative ease, this can be a problem for numeri- plug-like velocity profile. In those cases they solved for the cal solutions, especially when the aspect ratio of the geomet- velocity distribution only in the hydraulically fully-developed ric axes is very large, as it is in this case. region, but did not attempt to calculate the velocity distribu- On this same note, the reader should be aware that singu- tion occurring in or near the region of step change. lar perturbation methods can provide an important comple- In addition to above theoretical studies, there are several ment to numerical solutions since the accuracy of the pertur- numerical works on nonuniform f-potential.19–23 Most of bation methods generally improves as the small perturbation these studies consider mixing phenomena in microchannel parameter vanishes while the accuracy of numerical solutions using nonuniform f-potential. This article presents an analy- generally degrades in that limit. sis of the effects of a step change in f-potential on flow in a two-dimensional straight microchannel. Such a step change might occur when an oxidative surface modification is car- Mathematical Model ried out inhomogeneously, for example, by masking parts of the surface.14 A step change may also be caused by adsorp- Consider two parallel plates confining an electrolyte solu- tion of particles to specific regions on the channel wall.16 tion as a model of our microchannel. Figure 1 defines the or- The velocity and pressure distributions near the step change igin of our coordinate system as well as the channel half are determined from the Navier-Stokes equations by first height, H, and illustrates the ‘‘far-field’’ velocity profiles, solving for the fully-developed velocities far upstream and Vx?, far upstream and downstream from the origin. The 2522 DOI 10.1002/aic Publishedonbehalf ofthe AIChE October 2007 Vol.53,No.10 AIChE Journal tion which becomes a biharm(cid:1)onic equat(cid:2)ion in terms of the stream-function vector,24 W~ ¼ 0 0 w T, as r2X~¼(cid:4)r4W~ ¼@4wþ2 @4w þ@4w @x4 @x2@y2 @y4 (cid:3) (cid:4) (cid:3) (cid:4) ¼L4 w ¼L2 L2w ¼0 (3) Figure 1. Schematic view of mixed electroosmotic and where the linear operator, L2, is defined as L2 5 q2/qx2 1 pressure driven flow with different values of q2/qy2. Equation 3 is a fourth-order PDE so it requires four the f-potential between upstream (x < 0) and boundary conditions in y and four in x. In this study, the downstream (x‡0)regions. electric field is continuous and one-dimensional, i.e., E~¼Ee^, because the channel length and width are infinitely x long relative to the channel height and because electrostatic coupling of the electrolyte ions in the bulk solution has been superscripts, ‘‘2’’ and ‘‘1’’, indicate whether the variables ignored. With this in mind, the boundary conditions for the are upstream (x \ 0) or downstream (x (cid:1) 0), respectively. stream function are: The axial step change in the f-potential occurs at the posi- (cid:5) tsitorani,ghxt s5trea0m, lainneds casauislelusstaratpedertiunrbFaitgiuorne i1n. Othuer goothaelriwsistoe Vy(cid:5)(cid:5)y¼(cid:5)H ¼(cid:4)@@wx(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5) ¼0 for all x (4a) y¼(cid:5)H find both the velocity and the pressure distribution through- (cid:5) onueatrtthheecstheapnncehla,ngfoeciunsifn-gpoetespneticailalaltyxi5n t0h.e region situated Vxþ(cid:5)(cid:5)y¼(cid:5)H ¼@@wyþ(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5) ¼(cid:4)efgþE(cid:6)uþ for x(cid:1)0 (4b) y¼(cid:5)H (cid:5) GoIvfearnuinnigfoermquealteicotnriscafinedldb,oE~u,nidsaarpyplcioedndiintiothnesaxial direc- Vx(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:5)y¼(cid:5)H ¼@@wy(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5)y¼(cid:5)H¼(cid:4)efg(cid:4)E(cid:6)u(cid:4) for x\0 (4c) tion throughout the microchannel, the electrolyte in that channel experiences an electric body force per unit volume, where, for the purposes of this article, the electroosmotic sur- q E~, because of the Lorentz force, where q is the net charge face velocities are assumed to be the same on both y-surfa- e e density. However, this electrical body force is active only ces. within the Debye layer. If the Debye layer is infinitesimal Assumptions compared to the channel depth, then it is possible to approxi- mate the steady-state Navier-Stokes equations for incompres- First of all, the influence of the conduit inlet and outlet on sible, creeping flow, i.e., Re (cid:2) 1, as the flow at x ? 6? is ignored because the channel length in our model is taken as infinite when compared with the r(cid:3)V~¼0 (1a) channel height. The far-field flow is assumed to be unidimen- sional and fixed far from the origin with a constant volumet- ric flow throughout the channel. Moreover, the ionic strength (cid:4)rPþgr2V~¼0 (1b) is assumed high enough to justify the use of an infinitesimal EDL thickness relative to the channel height. with replacement of the no-slip boundary conditions by implicit-slip boundary conditions,11 Derivation Our solution was derived in four basic steps: First, we V~¼l E~¼(cid:4)efE~ (2) solved for the velocity and pressure distributions far away eo g (x ? 6 ?) from the origin at x 5 0; we will refer to these expressions as the far-field solutions. Second, by subtracting where leo is the electroosmotic mobility, e is the dielectric out the upstream far-field solution, x\0, over the entire do- constant, f is the zeta potential, and g is constant dynamic main, we ensure that the remaining solution goes to zero as viscosity coefficient. Here the f-potential is a function of x ? 2?. Third, the remaining near-field problem is solved axial position. This implies that a step change in f-poten- by utilizing the double-sided Laplace transformation.25 tial is identical to the sudden change in EOF velocity Finally, the upstream far-field solution is added back to the along the channel wall. Note that the thin electric double resulting near-field solution in order to obtain a complete so- layer (EDL) approximation is valid if the electrolyte ionic lution across the entire domain. concentration is high enough, e.g., if univalent electrolytes Far-Field Solution. Both the pressure gradient and the have concentrations greater than ;1 mol/m3 so that the velocity lose their x-dependence far away from the origin, so EDL is significantly smaller than the typical channel depth the far-field equations of motion simplify to the ODEs of ;10 lm. Taking the curl and then the divergence of the momentum Eq. 1b to eliminate the pressure and then the velocity, we d2Vx(cid:5)1¼K(cid:5) (5) find that both velocity and pressure satisfy the Laplace equa- dy2 g AIChE Journal October 2007 Vol. 53,No.10 Publishedonbehalf ofthe AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 2523 where K6 are the far-field pressure gradients. Applying The two-sided Laplace transform25 is carried out by boundary conditions given by Eq. 4, we find (cid:6) (cid:7) (cid:10) (cid:8) (cid:9) (cid:11) Zþ1 Vx(cid:5)1 ¼u(cid:5)þ32ð Vx (cid:4)u(cid:5)Þ 1(cid:4) Hy 2 (6) /wðs;yÞ(cid:6) w(cid:7)ðx;yÞe(cid:4)sxdx (13) (cid:4)1 where hV i is the mean velocity and Eq. 6 is identical to one x which converts the biharmonic PDE Eq. 11 into a fourth- presented by other researchers.26 The stream functions associ- order ODE: ated with the far-field solutions can be found by integrating Eq. 6 with one more boundary condition, w?6 5 0 at y 5 H (cid:12) (cid:13)(cid:12) (cid:13) to obtain d4/ d2/ d2 d2 wþ2s2 wþs4/ ¼ þs2 þs2 / ¼0: (cid:6) (cid:7)(cid:10) (cid:8) (cid:9) (cid:11) (cid:10) (cid:8) (cid:9) (cid:11) (cid:6) (cid:7) dy4 dy2 w dy2 dy2 w w1(cid:5) ¼2y Vx 3(cid:4) Hy 2 (cid:4)2yu(cid:5) 1(cid:4) Hy 2 (cid:4)H Vx : (14) (7) The boundary conditions are also transformed into Laplace The difference between the upstream and downstream far- space, accordingly. From Eqs. 12 and 13, we find field stream functions is (cid:10) (cid:8) (cid:9) (cid:11) (cid:5)(cid:5) dw1 ¼w1þ(cid:4)w1(cid:4) ¼yðu(cid:4)(cid:4)uþÞ 1(cid:4) y 2 : (8) (cid:4)s/w(cid:5)y¼(cid:5)H ¼0; (15a) 2 H (cid:5) Similarly, the difference between the far-field pressures is d/w(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5) ¼uþ(cid:4)u(cid:4): (15b) dy s dP1 ¼ðKþ(cid:4)K(cid:4)Þx¼ 3gðuþ(cid:4)u(cid:4)Þx (9) y¼(cid:5)H H2 The general solution of Eq. 14 is and we will use these differences, Eqs. 8 and 9, later. Near-Field Solution. After subtracting the upstream far- / ðs;yÞ¼C cos½sy(cid:8)þC ycos½sy(cid:8)þC sin½sy(cid:8)þC ysin½sy(cid:8) field stream function from the entire domain, the near-field w 1 2 3 4 stream function becomes (16) h i W~(cid:7) (cid:6)W~(cid:4)W~1(cid:4) ¼ 0; 0; w(cid:4)w1(cid:4) T; (10) wmhineeredtbhye uCsiinagretchoensfotaunrtsbooufnindtaergyractoionndiwtiohnicsh, Ecaqns.b1e5daeatenrd- 15b. The solution to the problem in Laplace space is with the governing equation D2w(cid:7) ¼r4w(cid:7) ¼@4w(cid:7)þ2 @4w(cid:7) þ@4w(cid:7) ¼L4(cid:3)w(cid:7)(cid:4) / ðs;yÞ¼2ðuþ(cid:4)u(cid:4)ÞðHcos½Hs(cid:8)sin½sy(cid:8)(cid:4)ysin½Hs(cid:8)cos½sy(cid:8)Þ @x4 @x2@y2 @y4 w sð2Hs(cid:4)sin½2Hs(cid:8)Þ ¼L2(cid:3)L2w(cid:7)(cid:4)¼0 (11) ¼Nwðs;yÞ (17) D ðsÞ w and boundary conditions Vy(cid:7)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5)y¼(cid:5)H ¼(cid:4)@@wx(cid:7)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5)y¼(cid:5)H¼0 (12a) mcwoheser[arsetyo]r)N/swa3(nsad,yn)dd:eDnow2m(s(ui)n1a:to2r(2uoH2fs)2(tHhseinco[s2osH[lHusts]i)]o/nss2.indT[sehyne]o2teHyetsahiveni[sHniduse-] V(cid:7)þ(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5) ¼@w(cid:7)þ(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5) ¼(cid:4)eð1þ(cid:4)1(cid:4)ÞE(cid:6)uþ(cid:4)u(cid:4) (12b) espxapcaen.sion27 is now used to invert the solution from Laplace Vxx(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5)yy¼¼(cid:5)(cid:5)HH ¼@@@wyy(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5)yy¼¼(cid:5)(cid:5)HH¼(cid:4)eð1(cid:4)gg(cid:4)1(cid:4)ÞE(cid:6)u(cid:4)(cid:4)u(cid:4) ¼0 w(cid:7)þ ¼Sli!m0½s/wðs;yÞ(cid:8)þAXllSj\0@@sNDwwððssjÞ;(cid:5)(cid:5)ysÞ¼sjesjx for x>0 (18a) (12c) comItbiisnceoEnqvse.n1i2ebntatnodu1s2ect,he unit (Heaviside) step function to w(cid:7)(cid:4) ¼(cid:4) X @NDwððssjÞ;(cid:5)(cid:5)yÞ e(cid:4)sjx for x\0 (18b) AllSj>0@s w s¼sj (cid:5) Vx(cid:7)jy¼(cid:5)H ¼@@wy(cid:7)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5) ¼ðuþ(cid:4)u(cid:4)ÞHðxÞ 0whwehreichsjhaares athseimropoltesroofotthaetcsh5ara0c.teristic equation, Dw(sj) 5 y¼(cid:5)H (cid:10) Velocity and Pressure Distributions. The explicit analyti- where HðxÞ¼ 0 x\0: (12d) cal solution of the original stream function (W~) is found by 1 x(cid:1)0 adding Eqs. 7 and 18, and the local velocity can be found by 2524 DOI 10.1002/aic Publishedonbehalf ofthe AIChE October 2007 Vol.53,No.10 AIChE Journal (cid:1) (cid:2) differentiating the original stream function. Similarly, the 3g lim½P(cid:7)ðx;yÞ(cid:8)¼xlim s2/ ðs;yÞ ¼ ðuþ(cid:4)u(cid:4)Þx near-field pressure in Laplace space has the general solution, x!1 S!0 P H2 Zþ1 ¼ðKþ(cid:4)K(cid:4)Þx; (22b) / ðs;yÞ(cid:6) P(cid:7)ðx;yÞe(cid:4)Sxdx¼C cos½sy(cid:8)þC sin½sy(cid:8); (19) P 5 6 (cid:4)1 for which the results on the far right-hand side are identi- whereC andC areconstantsofintegration,andP*6:P62 5 6 cal to Eqs. 8 and 9, respectively. Eqs. 22a and 22b show 2 K x.ByrelatingpressuretothevelocityusingtheNavier-Stokes that the first term in Eq. 18a and the first term in Eq. 21a equations,wefindthenear-fieldpressuredistribution, are the difference between the upstream and downstream far-field stream functions and the difference between 4gðuþ(cid:4)u(cid:4)Þðsin½Hs(cid:8)cos½sy(cid:8)Þ N ðs;yÞ / ðs;yÞ¼ ¼ P (20) the upstream and downstream far-field pressures, respec- P 2Hs(cid:4)sin½2Hs(cid:8) DPðsÞ tively. Convergence and Continuity at x 5 0. Our analytical where NP(s,y) : 4g(u1 2 u2)(sin[Hs]cos[sy]) and DP(s) : solutions are basically trigonometric Fourier series. When 2Hs2sin[2Hs]5Dw(s).NotethatthedenominatorofEq.20 we try to reconstruct discontinuous functions with these is exactly the same as in Eq. 17. Thus, roots for the stream series solutions, many terms are needed to avoid truncation function coincide with those for the pressure because of the errors and, in this case the solutions exhibit Gibbs ring- characteristics of the momentum equation. For inversion, the ing28 near the discontinuity at x 5 0. This problem is miti- Heavisideexpansionisagainusedtoobtain gated by using one of several available filters.29 We multi- plied a Lanczos Sigma factor,30 sin(np/(N 1 1))/(np/(N 1 P(cid:7)þ ¼xSli!m0(cid:1)s2/Pðs;yÞ(cid:2)þAlXlSj\0@@sNDPPððssjÞ;(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5)ysÞ¼sjesjx for x>0 a1pn)h)de,nNtoomisethnteohnes.enHruieemsrbe,esornloucftoiorrroneosstpsionunsdoesrddteotorthetoexpnrretehdsusecitegheetnhfifeunniGtcetiibosbens-, (21a) ries solutions. While the f-potential changes discontinuously along the P(cid:7)(cid:4) ¼(cid:4) X NPðsj;(cid:5)(cid:5)yÞ e(cid:4)sjx for x\0 (21b) wall boundary, the streamfunction, velocity, and pressure AllSj>0@@sDPðsÞ(cid:5)s¼sj snheoluflrdomalladpishpylsaiycaclopnotiinntuiotyf vaitetwh.eSjuucnhcticoonntaincruoitsys itsheclcohsaenly- approximated by increasing the number of eigenfunctions Thedownstreamfar-fieldpressureisthen addedtoobtainthe used in our series solutions. If only a few terms are consid- overallpressuredistribution.Thefirst10nondimensionalroots(sˆ ered, the solutions in upstream region (x \ 0) and down- : Hs), as determined by the Secant method in Mathematica stream region (x (cid:1) 0) do not match at the interface (x 5 0). usingamaximumof5000iterations,arelistedinTable1. On the other hand, as mentioned in the previous section, the infinite series converges very slowly near x 5 0. We are now Accuracy in a position to test continuity between the upstream and Final Value Theorem. To check the accuracy of the downstream variables at the junction by estimating the inverse Laplace transformation, we apply the final value the- stream function differences, dw 5 w1 2 w2. The filtering orem to find the difference between the far-field stream func- flattens out the wavy errors. By contrast, the filter swells the tions from the Laplace transform when compared with the error near the wall boundary. By trading off between artifi- difference in the far-field solutions determined analytically, cial errors caused by filtering near the wall and convergence i.e., Eq. 8. The theorem states that time, we used up to 200 terms with filtering in this study. (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:10) (cid:8) (cid:9) (cid:11) This allows both fast convergence and good matching at the lim½w(cid:7)ðx;yÞ(cid:8)¼lim s/ ðs;yÞ ¼yðu(cid:4)(cid:4)uþÞ 1(cid:4) y 2 junction. The maximum absolute error in discontinuity of the x!1 S!0 w 2 H stream functions between upstream and downstream is ¼wþ (cid:4)w(cid:4) (22a) ;0.1%. 1 1 Table 1. First 10Rootsfor ourAnalytical Solutions BasedonCharacteristic Equation, Dˆw(sˆj)5DˆP(sˆj) 52sˆj2 sin[2sˆj]5 0 J sˆ\0 sˆ [0 j j 1 23.74883813888861.384339141494i 3.74883813888861.384339141494i 2 26.94997985698861.676104942427i 6.94997985698861.676104942427i 3 210.119258853915a61.858383839876i 10.11925885391561.858383839876i 4 213.27727363274661.991570820170i 13.27727363274661.991570820170i 5 216.42987050253562.096625735216i 16.42987050253562.096625735216i 6 219.57940826003262.183397558835i 19.57940826003262.183397558835i 7 222.72703573217862.257320224741i 22.72703573217862.257320224741i 8 225.87338415141162.321713978526i 25.87338415141162.321713978526i 9 229.01883102954762.378757559041i 29.01883102954762.378757559041i 10 232.16361685664362.429958323949i 32.16361685664362.429958323949i AIChE Journal October 2007 Vol. 53,No.10 Publishedonbehalf ofthe AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 2525 Other surface velocity distributions other words, if sˆ is an eigenvalue, so are 2sˆ as well as the i i complex conjugates of both sˆ and 2sˆ. Care must be taken In the analytical solution represented by Eq. 18, a disconti- i i nuity in the surface velocity was introduced at x 5 0 which is to ensure that sˆ5 0 is not a repeated root and that there are also the interface between the upstream, x [ 0, and down- no nonzero repeated eigenvalues. The real parts of the roots stream, x \ 0, sections of the channel. This produces a increase approximately by (n 1 1/4)p for large n while the corresponding positive imaginary parts increase much more ‘‘clean’’ solution, in the sense that it contains the fewest num- slowly. Importantly, the near-field solutions given by Eqs. 18 ber of adjustable parameters, but at the same time this ‘‘sim- and 21 decay exponentially to zero in both axial direction, plest’’ approach does not provide an obvious way to extrapo- where the real part of each root is a spatial decay parameter. late this technique to more complex surface boundary condi- The real part of the leading eigenvalue (Re[sˆ] % 63.745 as tions. In fact, the two-sided Laplace transform presented here 1 shown in Table 1) is the most significant number among all can readily handle velocity distributions of arbitrary complex- roots since the first decay parameter, i.e. principal eigen- ity, including multiple step discontinuities, pulse and impulse value, determines the extent of the region over which the distributions, or other stepwise continuousfunctions, i.e., near-field terms vanish. The search for complex roots is typi- (cid:3) (cid:4) V(cid:4) ¼f(cid:4) x þu(cid:4); x\0 (23a) cally executed by using numerical techniques such as New- ton’s method and Secant method for higher accuracy. (cid:3) (cid:4) Although we show the eigenvalues to 12 digits to the right Vþ ¼fþ x þuþ; x[0 (23b) of the decimal point in Table 1, all the calculations are actually done with higher precision numbers (at least 20 dig- as long as their Laplace transforms exist. The main difficulty 1 its) by using the Mathematica command option: ‘‘Accura- that arises in this case is that the far-field solutions cannot cyGoal (cid:1) 20, PrecisionGoal ? 20, WorkingPrecision ? 50, necessarily be subtracte(cid:1)d o(cid:3)ut(cid:4)(cid:2)unless the far-field velocities MaxIterations ? 5000.’’ are constant, i.e., lim f(cid:5) x !0. However, in this case, Eq. 12d becomes x!(cid:5)1 V(cid:7)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5) ¼@w(cid:7)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5) FloInwthriessuselctstioann,dwtehepirresiemntplthiceafltioownspatterns in planar micro- x y¼(cid:5)H @y y¼(cid:5)H channelsfornonuniformzetapotentialcases.Inmanyelectropho- (cid:3) (cid:4) retic separation processes, EOF is used to mobilize the sample ¼ uþ(cid:4)u(cid:4) HðxÞþfþðxÞHðxÞþf(cid:4)ðxÞHð(cid:4)xÞ (24) bands. Uniform (ideal) EOF is especially useful for this kind of applications. However, the focus band will undergo significant and, in the special case where a pair of step discontinuities changesinshapeiftheflowpatternisnotplug-like.Herewedis- with an intermediate velocity, ui, between x 5 0 and x 5 a, cuss the effects of resulting flow distribution on sample band’s this formula can be expressed as shapeoriginatedfromthenonuniformzetapotential. V(cid:7)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5) ¼@w(cid:7)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:5) ¼(cid:3)uþ(cid:4)ui(cid:4)Hðx(cid:4)aÞþ(cid:3)ui(cid:4)u(cid:4)(cid:4)HðxÞ theFicgounrdeit2ionilluwshtrearteesthtehreebisehaavsiuodrdoefntchheanstgreeaimnlifn-epsotuenntdiearl x y¼(cid:5)H @y y¼(cid:5)H (25) where the jump at x 5 0 can be removed by eliminating the last term on the right. Finally note that the two boundary conditions do not have to be symmetric. Discussion of Results This section consists of three parts. Part 1 illustrates the properties of the roots corresponding to the eigenfunctions in the series solutions. Part 2 focuses on recirculation and sepa- ration of the flow, Taylor dispersion, and band broadening effects. In Part 3, we discuss the overall dispersion in micro- channel under different conditions. All the results displayed here are arrived at under the consideration of using buffered water within a 5-lm height microchannel (i.e. g 5 1.25 3 1023 kg/(m s) and H 5 2.5 3 1026 m), although the solu- tion to the biharmonic equation is expected to apply under a wide variety of fluids and in microchannels of different geo- metrical proportions. Figure 2. Streamlines for step change in f-potential along the wall (yˆ 5 61) for u1 5 1.0 mm/s, Base solution u2 52u1, andÆVxæ5 0. From Table 1 it is obvious that all of the roots are com- In this figure both x and y are normalized as x^(cid:6)x=H and plex and that the roots appear in conjugate sets of four. In yˆ 5y/H. 2526 DOI 10.1002/aic Publishedonbehalf ofthe AIChE October 2007 Vol.53,No.10 AIChE Journal at x 5 0. Here the special case, symmetric EOFvelocity (u1 5 2u2) with no flow rate, hV i 5 0 (i.e. K(cid:5) ¼ 3gu(cid:5)), is x H2 considered. The slip velocity at the wall is utilized and its value is assumed to be constant at 1 mm/s (e.g., e 5 6.95 3 10210 F/m, f1 5 235.2 mV, g 5 1.025 3 1023 Pa s, E 5 419 V/cm). For this case, if a sample is located in the far- field region, its shape will skew like the shape of a ‘‘crescent’’ because the flow around the center of the channel is in the opposite direction to the flow in the region close to the wall. Figure 3 shows the dependence of a nonzero mean veloc- ity on the streamlines. The symmetrical step change condi- tion, u1 5 2u2, is maintained to observe how the bulk ve- locity affects flow patterns. In Figure 3a, hV i 5 0.1u1 is x applied; some of the fluid travels in the downstream direc- tion, especially at the center of the upstream channel. Thus the intersection is shifted downstream. The more the flow rate is increased, the more fluid is transported in the down- stream direction. This interaction will eventually vanish as the volumetric flow rate is increased and most of the fluid will head downstream as shown in Figure 3b. Consequently, the higher mean velocity moderates the effects of the surface 2 discontinuity. Because of the fact that u is negative, a reverse flow occurs near the wall boundary at the junction even if a relatively high flow rate is applied. In Figure 3c, almost all streamlines are situated parallel to each other in the far-field region of the downstream side. If this flow is used to mobilize a sample band, there should not be any dis- tortion of the sample in the region where longitudinal loca- tion, x, is equal to or greater than one characteristic length, H, namely x^(cid:1)1 according to Figure 3c. We must point out that changing the mean velocity requires consideration of band broadening effects and Taylor dispersion. In bioanalytical separation, the theoretical plate height can be presented as31 1 HETP¼AþB þChV i (23) hV i x x where HETP is the theoretical plate height, A, B, and C are constants for a particular system. The first term indicates eddy diffusion, which is simply a constant. The B- and C- terms in the van Deemter equation represent contributions to band broadening because of the longitudinal diffusion and re- sistance to mass transfer. Both the second and third terms depend on the mean velocity, hV i. Originally, Eq. 23 was x introduced for gas chromatography,31 but the equation applies for liquid chromatography as well. In the case of microchannel electrophoresis in a straight channel, eddy dif- fusion can be ignored since the carrier fluid is a uniformly- filled single phase liquid. Nevertheless, as long as the second and third terms exist, attention needs to be paid at finite val- ues of hV i. x It is well documented that Taylor dispersion causes band broadening because the velocity profile across the channel is not plug-like in mixed electroosmotic and pressure driven Figure 3. Influence of the mean velocity on the stream- flows. The effective dispersion coefficient for Poiseuille flow lines for (a)ÆVxæ 50.1u1,(b)ÆVxæ5 0.5u1,and in a tube is D 1 hVxi2r2/(48D)32 where D is the molecular (c)ÆVxæ 50.1u1. diffusivity and r is the tube radius, while in the case of two Hereasymmetricalstepchangeinf-potentialismaintained parallel plates the coefficient33 is D 1 2hV i2H2/(105D). (e.g.u151.0mm/sandu252u1). x AIChE Journal October 2007 Vol. 53,No.10 Publishedonbehalf ofthe AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 2527 (cid:3) (cid:4) Beard’s work draws attention to the treatment of the mean V^;V^ are shown in Figure 4 for an average velocity of x y velocity in our study where, indeed, longitudinal dispersion 1 mm/s. Here no pressure gradient means that the flow was for velocity distribution presented in Figure 3c is higher than driven only under the action of the EK body force. This case that of Figure 3a. is important when either the axial velocity is low, or when In the case where there is no axial pressure gradient at the the height of the channel is small because convective-disper- downstream region (x [ 0) the normalized velocity vectors sion of sample is desired to be small. For a symmetric change in zeta potential at the interface, some of the fluid travels in the upstream direction (Figure 4a), especially very close to the wall. This local reverse flow results in circula- tion near the wall so that at the upstream region the sample shape may be a ‘‘crescent.’’ There is finite value of the ve- locity in yˆdirection around the interface (x 5 0), but not in far-field (x ? ?). Thus, the ‘‘crescent’’ shape remains almost the same in downstream region. Figure 4b depicts the case for which the driving mecha- nism of the flow is changed from pure pressure driven flow in upstream region (u2 5 0) to pure EOF in downstream region (u1 5 hV i). This case is similar to the experimental x work of Herr et al.16 One can achieve this type of channel surface by selective patterning/coating of the surface. In this case, the band deformation is relatively small compared to the case presented in Figure 4a as there is no circulation. In addition to that, since the magnitude of the velocity in yˆ direction is smaller than that in Figure 4a, the concentration of sample at the center of the channel will be a bit higher. Figure 4c introduces the case when the slip velocity is bigger in the upstream region than that in the downstream region (u2[u1). The main difference in flow pattern between Fig- ure 4c and Figures 4a,b is the direction of velocity along the yˆ axis. Based on mass conservation, the vectors near the interface (x^¼0) direct toward the center of the channel in Figure 4c whereas the vectors at the same location face to- ward the wall in Figures 4a,b. This leads to the observation of higher concentration of sample at the center of the channel when u2[u1. We next readjust the mean velocity back to zero and sepa- rately vary the EOF velocities (or f-potentials) upstream, u2, 1 and downstream, u . Figure 5 depicts the streamlines for (a) u2 5 0, (b) u2 5 20.5u1, and (c) u2 5 10.5u1, where u1 5 1.0 mm/s. Based on the streamline presented in Figure 5a, a ‘‘crescent’’ shape sample band will probably form on the downstream sidefor case-a(u2 5 0). Sincethere isalmost no velocity component in the upstream region, the bandwidth is not affected by the flow until it reaches the downstream area. Figures 5b,c show a similar trend in the far-field region of the downstream side, yet they exhibit different flow profiles as they approach the interface between the upstream and down- stream regions. The sample may take on a ‘‘semicurcular’’ shape near the junction in Figure 5b for u2 5 20.5u1. On Figure 4. The normalized velocity vectors for no pres- sure gradient flows with step change in f- potential alongthe wall(yˆ 561). Case (a) hVi 5 1 [mm/sec], u1 5 hVi, u2 5 2hVi; (b) hVi 5 1 mxm/sec, u1 5 hVi, u2 5 0x; and (c) hVix 5 1 mmx/sec, u1 5 hVi, u2 5 2xhVi. The velocity compxonents V and V are norxmalized by |xu1 2 u2|. The length of a x y normalizedunitvectorisshownineachpanel.[Colorfigure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.interscience.wiley.com.] 2528 DOI 10.1002/aic Publishedonbehalf ofthe AIChE October 2007 Vol.53,No.10 AIChE Journal the other hand, for u2 5 0.5u1, a shape between a The pressure gradient is also important in the prediction of ‘‘crescent’’ and a ‘‘trapezoid’’ may be obtained near the junc- sample dispersion. We present nondimensional pressure dis- tion as shown in Figure 5c. tribution (Pˆ6 : P6/{(u1 2 u2)g/H}) in Figure 6. The pres- sure distribution presented in Figure 6a corresponds to the velocity distribution presented in Figure 2 (u2 5 2u1 and hV i 5 0). The pressure distributions for other conditions are x also shown in Figure 6b (u2 5 0 and hVi 5 0) and Figure 6c x (u2 5 0 and hVi 5 1.0u1) for u1 5 1.0 mm/s. Except for x the special condition (u2 5 2u1 and hVi 5 0) in Figure 6a, x Figures 6b,c indicate bulk flow direction by induced pressure gradient. In Figures 6a–c, holes near the wall on the interface between upstream and downstream indicate that there are flows toward these holes. This suggests that the velocity in cross- stream direction cannot be ignored in contrast to the hypothesis made by Ren and Li.34 This is why band distortion happens especially near the wall where the discontinuous f-potential is applied. The normalized, streamwise velocity component, Vˆ (: x V /|u1 2 u2|) is presented in Figure 7 for the same flow pa- x rameters used in Figure 6 and is repeated for the nondimen- sional cross-stream component, Vˆ , in Figure 8. From these y we can see how the velocity develops under the step f-poten- tial boundary condition. The parabolic velocity profiles in Figures 7a,c suggest the existence of a pressure gradient which corresponds to the pressure distribution in Figure 6. In other words, there is no axial velocity in upstream region in the case of Figure 7b as expected from Figure 6b. Moreover, the maximum velocity coincides with the magnitude of the mean velocity. On the other hand, it is evident that the veloc- ity in y-direction occurs surrounding the junction for all cases as shown in Figure 8. Overall dispersion It turns out that, for zone electrophoresis where solutes electromigrate at a constant velocity that is proportional to the electric field, most of the dispersion that occurs in a long slit with discontinuous surface velocities happens outside the neighborhood of the velocity jump. The most important effect of the discontinuity is not dispersion near the disturb- ance, but the fact that the discontinuity in surface velocities must give rise to a parabolic flow in either the upstream or downstream or both sections of the channel and it is the par- abolic portion of these flows which gives rise to Taylor dis- persion. As noted in the solution, and particularly in the smallest positive and negative eigenvalues, the jump disturbance occupies less than one slit width upstream and downstream of the discontinuity. Since most capillaries and microchips used for zone electrophoresis have aspect ratios, length-to- Figure 5. Influence of the relationship between the upstream EOF velocity (u2) and the down- stream EOF velocity (u1) on the streamlines for (a) u2 5 0, (b) u2 5 20.5u1, and (c) u2 5 10.5u1. Here, the volumetric flow rate is zero, i.e., hVi 5 0, and u151.0mm/s.Slightchangesintherelationsxhipbetween u2 and u1 significantly affect the flow pattern and the sampleshape. AIChE Journal October 2007 Vol. 53,No.10 Publishedonbehalf ofthe AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 2529 Figure 7. Thenondimensionalstreamwisevelocitydistri- bution that occurs near a step change in f- Figure 6. The pressure distribution due to a step change in the f-potential along the wall (yˆ 5 potential along the wall (yˆ 5 61) for (a) u2 5 061a)nfdorÆV(xaæ)5u20,5(c2)uu12a5nd0aÆVnxdæÆ5Vx0æ,5(b1).u0u215. 25u01aannddÆVÆVxæxæ5510.0,u(b1)wu2he5re0ua1n5dÆ1V.0x5mm0æ/,s(.c)u2 Here u1 5 1.0 mm/s. Singularities near the wall in the There is no axial velocityin the upstreamregion in case b. neighborhoodoftheorigin(x^¼0; y^(cid:9)(cid:5)1)areindicative Theothercasesshowaparabolicvelocityprofile.[Colorfig- ure can beviewedin theonlineissue, whichis availableat ofrecirculating flows.[Colorfigurecan beviewedinthe www.interscience.wiley.com.] online issue, which is available at www.interscience. wiley.com.] 2530 DOI 10.1002/aic Publishedonbehalf ofthe AIChE October 2007 Vol.53,No.10 AIChE Journal

fourth-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) in the transverse coordinate by The axial step change in the f-potential occurs at the posi- tion, x 5 0, and causes Arfken G. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 3rd ed. Orlando,.
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