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Electron–Molecule Interactions and their Applications. Volume 2 PDF

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Electron-Molecule Interactions and Their Applications VOLUME 2 EDITED BY L. G. Christophorou Atomic, Molecular and High Voltage Physics Group Health and Safety Research Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee and Department of Physics The University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee 1984 ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers) Orlando San Diego San Francisco New York London Toronto Montreal Sydney Tokyo Sâo Paulo COPYRIGHT © 1984, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Orlando, Florida 32887 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Electron-molecule interactions and their applications. Includes index. 1. Electron-molecule collisions. I. Christophorou, L.G. QC794.6.C6E374 1983 539.7,2112 83-7648 ISBN 0-12-174402-7 (v. 2) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 84 85 86 87 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contributors Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contributions begin. A. A. CHRISTODOULIDES (423), Department of Physics, University of Ioan- nina, Ioannina, Greece L. G. CHRISTOPHOROU (89, 221, 317, 423), Atomic, Molecular and High Voltage Physics Group, Health and Safety Research Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830, and Department of Physics, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 S. R. HUNTER (89, 317), Atomic, Molecular and High Voltage Physics Group, Health and Safety Research Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830, and Department of Physics, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 D. L. McCORKLE (423), Department of Physics, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 J. WM. MCGOWAN1 (65) Department of Physics and The Centre for Chemical Physics, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 3K7 Canada J. B. A. MITCHELL (65), Department of Physics and The Centre for Chemical Physics, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 3K7 Canada T. F. MORAN (1), Department of Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332 K. SIOMOS (221), Atomic, Molecular and High Voltage Physics Group, Health and Safety Research Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 'Present address: National Museum of Science and Technology, 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, Ontario Kl A OM8 Canada IX Preface In this two-volume treatise a balanced and comprehensive account is given of electron-molecule interactions in dilute and dense gases and (briefly) in liquid media. The electron—especially the slow electron—is chased patiently, and the intricate ways in which it and molecules interact in their encounters—both in very-low-pressure gases and in high- and ultra-high-pressure gases and liquids— are described. Electron-atom interactions are covered only to the extent that they balance and enhance the understanding of the interactions of electrons with simple and complex molecules. Basic recent knowledge on electron-molecule interactions illuminates, through its transdisciplinary nature, wide areas of pure and applied science and constitutes a fertile soil from which many modern technologies draw their strength, growth, and innovation. This is amply demonstrated by the discussions in this work and by the voluminous literature on electron-molecule interactions, which originates rather evenly from a wide spectrum of pure and applied science. In Volume 1 the first four chapters deal with the primary electron-molecule interactions of elastic electron scattering by molecules and rotational excitation of molecules by electrons (Chapter 1), vibrational and electronic excitation (Chapter 2), ionization (Chapter 3), and dissociation (Chapter 4) of molecules by electrons. Chapter 5 focuses on electron-molecule resonances, Chapter 6 on electron attachment processes, and Chapter 7 on electron detachment (principally collisional). With the exception of Chapter 6, the experimental information discussed in Volume 1 has been obtained at low pressures using beam techniques. In Volume 2 the first chapter deals with electron transfer reactions and the second with electron-molecular positive-ion recombination. Chapter 3 focuses on electron motion in high-pressure gases and shifts the discussion on electron- molecule interactions from single- to multiple-collision conditions, which is the domain of electron swarm studies. In Chapter 4 knowledge on electron-molecule interactions in gases is linked to that on similar processes in the liquid state. XI XII Preface Selected examples on the translation of the results of basic research on electron- molecule interactions to application are discussed in Chapter 5, and a rather exhaustive account of the electron affinity of molecules, atoms, and radicals is given in the last chapter (6). I am deeply grateful to my colleagues who contributed to this work and to my collaborators at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and The University of Tennessee for their fine work, advice, cooperation, and patience. The encouragement re- ceived from the management of Oak Ridge National Laboratory and The Uni- versity of Tennessee is acknowledged with gratitude. Special thanks are due to Mrs. Lana Melton, Mrs. Waldean Richardson, and Mrs. Amy Bliss for their invaluable assistance with the manuscripts and to the staff of Academic Press for their excellent cooperation. To my wife, Eratoula, and daughters, Penelope and Yianna, a debt of gratitude is due for their sacrifices and support. L. G. Christophorou Oak Ridge, Tennessee Contents of Volume 1 1. Elastic Scattering of Electrons by Molecules G. Csanak, D. C. Cartwright, S. K. Srivastava, and S. Trajmar 2. Excitation of Molecules by Electron Impact S. Trajmar and D. C. Cartwright 3. Ionization of Molecules by Electron Impact T D. Mark 4. Dissociation of Molecules by Electron Impact E. C. Zipf 5. Electron-Molecule Resonances J. B. Hasted and D. Mathur 6. Electron Attachment Processes L. G. Christophorou, D. L. McCorkle, and A. A. Christodoulides 7. Electron Detachment Processes R. L. Champion and L. D. Doverspike XIII 1 Electron Transfer Reactions T. F. Moran Department of Chemistry Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia I. Introduction 1 II. Positive-Ion Reactions 2 A. Atomic Systems 2 B. Molecular Systems 14 III. Negative-Ion Reactions 36 A. Atomic Systems 36 B. Molecular Systems 42 IV. Applications of Electron Transfer Reactions 47 References 58 I. Introduction This chapter presents a discussion of the transfer of a bound electron in collisions between ions and neutral atomic and molecular species. Experi- mental data and theoretical information for positive-ion reactions are given attention first. Negative-ion reactions are discussed next and several current applications of electron transfer reactions are illustrated. Electron transfer in collisions between atomic and molecular species are important from a fundamental as well as a practical standpoint. These processes have played a role in the development of collision theory, the modeling of planetary atmospheres, the control of laboratory plasmas, the development of new techniques in mass spectrometry, and have provided a method for the production of high-velocity neutral beams which have been used as a further tool for the study of ion-neutral and neutral-neutral reactions over a wide energy range. Since the products of electron transfer reactions can be electronically excited these systems are of interest as possible laser candidates. Electron transfer reactions have had influence also on the advancement and understanding of inorganic—organometallic solution chemistry. The control of solid-state electron transfer reactions in semicon- ductor materials has led to important developments in microelectronics. Electron-Molecule Interactions and Copyright © 1984 by Academic Press, Inc. Their Applications, Volume 2. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. ISBN 0-12-174402-7. 1 2 T. F. Moran An abundance of experimental and theoretical studies of gaseous electron transfer reactions have been carried out and a number of reviews reference these investigations. A partial listing of reviews and texts which document various aspects of gaseous electron transfer reactions include those of Massey and Burhop (1952), Allison and Garcia-Munoz (1962), Hasted (1962), Bates and McCarroll (1962), McDaniel (1964), Stebbings (1966), Lichten (1967), McDowell and Coleman (1970), Lindholm (1972), Mapleton (1972), Hasted (1972), Tawara and Russek (1973), Massey et al (1974), Appell (1978), Johnson and Boring (1978), Cannon (1980), Janev and Presnyakov (1981), and Smirnov (1982). Gaseous electron transfer reactions are set apart from other ion-molecule and neutral-neutral rearrangement reactions by several distinctive features: reaction cross sections can be quite large and thus classified as very fast reactions; relatively little momentum is transferred in certain large-impact- parameter collisions. As a consequence of this latter feature, an electron transfer from a slow neutral target atom/molecule to the fast reactant ion results in a fast neutral product species having approximately the same velocity as the incident ion. Target reactant molecules in such reactions end up as slow ions. Experimental investigations have had the option to monitor either the fast neutral product beams or the slow ionic products of these interactions. The advantages of using beams of ions to examine reactions are manifold: the translational energy of gaseous reactant ions can be altered without changing their internal energy by application of appropriate voltages on plates and grids, beams of ions can be formed easily, mass and energy analysis of both product and reactant ions can be accomplished readily, slow ions and fast neutral products can be detected with high efficiency using electron multiplier detectors, product angular distributions can be measured, the internal energy states of many reactant ion systems can be altered by simply varying reactant ion source conditions such as the energy of the exciting electrons or photons. Because single bimolecular collision events for reactants with well-defined energies can be monitored, reaction cross sections rather than rate constants can be obtained. This facilitates direct comparison between theory and experiment, which has led to advances in both cases. II. Positive-Ion Reactions A. Atomic Systems 1. Symmetric Reactions Reactions between atoms are classified as being symmetric resonant when electron transfer occurs between like atoms of the type X+ +X >X + X + +Δ£ 1 Electron Transfer Reactions 3 For symmetric systems, AE = 0 when reactants and products have the same internal energy states. Reactions are termed asymmetric when transfer is between systems of the type X+ + Y >X + Y+ +Δ£ where AE is the energy defect for the reaction. When reactants are in their ground states, AE is the difference between ionization energies of X and Y. Reactions are classified as being in accidental resonance when AE for an asymmetric system is close to zero. The magnitude of AE has a profound influence on the electron transfer cross sections σ at low ion energy. Electron transfer cross sections in units of square angstroms (10"16 cm2) for the prototype reaction H+ +H >H + H + are given in Fig. 1 as a function of ion kinetic energy in kilo-electron-volts. Cross sections in this figure illustrate the general features of symmetric resonant electron transfer reactions, i.e., large reaction cross sections that decrease as the translational energy of the collision system is increased. For the sake of clarity, error limits associated with data points of various experimental investigations are not presented in the figures of this chapter. The experimental H+ + H electron transfer cross sections of Fite et al (1960, 1962), McClure (1966), Belyaev et al (1967), and Newman et al (1982) given in 50 % z o I- o Ld w 25 C/) oCO DY cr o 12 3 4 H+ ENERGY (keV) Fig. 1. Cross sections for electron transfer in H+ + H interactions as a function of proton energy. The dashed line is the calculation of Dalgarno and Yadav (1953) and the solid line is the computation of Smith (1967). Experimental data are from (O) Fite et al. (1960), (#) Fite et ai (1962), (Δ) McClure (1966), (O) Belyaev et al (1967), and (□) Newman et al. (1982). 4 T. F. Moran Fig. 1 compare reasonably well with the calculations of Dalgarno and Yadav (1953) and Smith (1967) as regards cross section magnitude and kinetic-energy dependence. Theoretical cross sections were computed using a perturbed- stationary-state method with an accurate H + interaction potential. In the 2 experimental arrangement of Fite (1960, 1962), reactant ions were produced by electron-impact ionization in a hot-cathode ion source, mass analyzed, and made to collide with a neutral H beam. Beams of H atoms were formed by thermal dissociation of hydrogen molecules in a tungsten furnace. Slow- product-ion currents from H + + H interactions were measured in a total ion collector assembly. A second analyzing mass spectrometer system could also be used to collect total product ions and this system also served to monitor the degree of dissociation of the neutral beam. McClure (1966) determined reaction cross sections by measurement of the fast-neutral H-atom product intensity from H + + H interactions with the aid of a proportional counter. Belyaev et al (1967) and Newman et al. (1982) employed merging-beam techniques to determine total cross sections. Cross sections were measured at different relative collision energies by merging beams of H and H + . This technique allows reactions to be measured for low relative velocities without the drawbacks of dealing with low-velocity incident beams. Reactant high- velocity H-atom beams are first formed by electron transfer neutralization of momentum-analyzed proton beams. This fast H beam interacts in a collision region with a collinear beam of H+ having a slightly different velocity. Electron transfer processes between reactants are determined by measuring after collision the H + product ions, which have essentially the same laboratory velocity as the fast-neutral reactant H beam. Not illustrated in Fig. 1 are the very low-energy H+ and D results of Newman et al. (1982), who determined electron transfer cross sections down to 0.1 eV collision energy. Their data for this reaction at low energies are somewhat lower than other H+ -f H measurements at comparable velocities. The very low-energy H + + D data of Newman et al. (1982) compare well with the calculations of Hunter and Kuriyan (1977), who computed electron transfer cross sections down to 10"4eV. Cross sections for electron transfer in symmetric resonant He+ + He »He + He + reactions are displayed in Fig. 2 along with several theoretical calculations. Cross sections have the same functional dependence with incident ion energy as do those in Fig. 1 but the absolute magnitudes of the helium cross sections are smaller than those for the hydrogen system. Experimental cross sections of Hegerberg et al. (1978), Eisele and Nagy (1976), Shelton and Stoycheff (1971), Nagy et al. (1969), and Hay den and Utterback (1964) are shown as individual points. These investigators used condenser-plate, beam attenuation tech-

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