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Downloaded from orbit.dtu.dk on: Jan 17, 2023 Electronic transport in disordered graphene antidot lattice devices Power, Stephen; Jauho, Antti-Pekka Published in: Physical Review B Link to article, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.115408 Publication date: 2014 Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link back to DTU Orbit Citation (APA): Power, S., & Jauho, A-P. (2014). Electronic transport in disordered graphene antidot lattice devices. Physical Review B, 90(11), 115408. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.90.115408 General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights.  Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research.  You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain  You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. PHYSICALREVIEWB90,115408(2014) Electronictransportindisorderedgrapheneantidotlatticedevices StephenR.Power* andAntti-PekkaJauho CenterforNanostructuredGraphene(CNG),DTUNanotech,DepartmentofMicro-andNanotechnology, TechnicalUniversityofDenmark,DK-2800KongensLyngby,Denmark (Received1July2014;revisedmanuscriptreceived28August2014;published5September2014) Nanostructuring of graphene is in part motivated by the requirement to open a gap in the electronic band structure.Inparticular,aperiodicallyperforatedgraphenesheetintheformofanantidotlatticemayhavesucha gap.Suchsystemshavebeeninvestigatedwithaviewtowardsapplicationintransistororwaveguidingdevices. Thedesiredpropertieshavebeenpredictedforatomicallyprecisesystems,butfabricationmethodswillintroduce significantlevelsofdisorderintheshape,positionandedgeconfigurationsofindividualantidots.Wecalculate theelectronictransportpropertiesofawiderangeoffinitegrapheneantidotdevicestodeterminetheeffectof suchdisordersontheirperformance.Modestgeometricdisorderisseentohaveadetrimentaleffectondevices containingsmall,tightlypackedantidots,whichhaveoptimalperformanceinpristinelattices.Largerantidots displayarangeofeffectswhichstronglydependontheiredgegeometry.Antidotsystemswitharmchairedges areseentohaveafarmorerobusttransportgapthanthosecomposedfromzigzagormixededgeantidots.The role of disorder in waveguide geometries is slightly different and can enhance performance by extending the energyrangeoverwhichwaveguidingbehaviorisobserved. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.90.115408 PACSnumber(s): 72.80.Vp,73.21.Cd,73.23.−b,72.10.Fk I. INTRODUCTION suggestsapplicationinelectronwaveguiding[19],inanalogy with photonic crystals where antidot lattice geometries have Much recent effort in graphene research has focused alsobeenconsidered[44]. on attempts to introduce a band gap into the otherwise However, many of these potential device applications are semimetallic electronic band structure of graphene. Such a predicated onatomicallyprecisegraphene antidot structures, feature would allow the integration of graphene, with its whereas experimental fabrication (primarily involving block many superlative physical, electronic, thermal, and optical copolymer etching [29–32] or electron beam lithography properties, into a wide range of device applications [1,2]. In [33–38] techniques) will inevitably introduce a degree of particular, the presence of a band gap is a vital step in the imperfection and disorder into the system. It may, however, development of a graphene transistor capable of competing be possible to control the antidot edge geometries to some withstandardsemiconductor-baseddevices. extent by heat treatment [38,45] or selective etching [37,46]. Initialinvestigationsintogappedgraphenewereprimarily Much like the properties of nanoribbons were found to be basedaroundgraphenenanoribbons,withtheelectronconfine- greatly affected by disorder [47,48], recent studies suggest mentinducedbythepresenceofcrystallineedgespredictedto thattheelectronicandopticalpropertiesofGALsmayalsobe introduce a band gap similar to that found in many carbon stronglyperturbed[21,22,24,27].Weshouldthereforeexpect nanotubes [3–6]. More recent efforts have turned towards thatthetransportpropertiesanddevicefidelityofthesystems graphene superlattices, where the imposition of a periodic describedabovewilldependonthedegreeofdisorderpresent perturbation of the graphene sheet is also predicted to open intheantidotlattice. upabandgap.Theperiodicperforationofagraphenesheet,to Motivatedbythisconcernwehavesimulatedawiderange formaso-calledgrapheneantidotlattice(GAL)ornanomesh, of finite GAL devices, in both simple-barrier and waveguide is one such implementation of the latter technique [7–38]. geometries,withvariousdisordertypesandstrengths.Wefind Periodic gating [39,40] and strain [41,42] are other possible that the geometries predicted to give the largest band gaps, routesthathavebeensuggested. namelythosewithadensearrayofsmallholes,areparticularly TheoreticalstudiesofGAL-basedsystemshavesuggested susceptible to the effects of disorder and that transport gaps that the band-gap behavior in many cases follows a simple arequicklyquenchedasleakagechannelsformatenergiesin scaling law relating the period of the perturbation and the the band gap. Geometric disorder, consisting of fluctuations antidot size [7]. In other cases, more complex symmetry in the positions and sizes of the antidots, is found to have arguments involving the lattice geometry [15,16,23] or the a particularly dramatic effect. However, for larger antidots, effect of edge states [11,17,25] can be employed to predict the signatures of such disorders are found to be strongly thepresenceandmagnitudeofthebandgap.Furthermore,itis dependentontheedgegeometryoftheindividualantidots.We predictedthatonlyasmallnumberofantidotrowsarerequired observedifferentbehaviorwhentheantidotedgeatomshave to induce bulklike transport gaps [17,18,24], suggesting the armchairorzigzagconfigurations,oralternatingsequencesof useofGALsinfinitebarriersystemswhichdonotsufferfrom both. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. theKlein-tunnellingdrivenbarrierleakageexpectedforgated Section II introduces the geometry of the systems under systems [43]. Indeed, the potential barrier efficacy of GALs consideration,thedetailsoftheelectronicmodelandtransport calculations and the types of disorder that will be applied. SectionIIIexaminesindetailthetransportpropertiesoffinite- *[email protected] lengthbarriergeometrydevices,startingwithpristinesystems 1098-0121/2014/90(11)/115408(15) 115408-1 ©2014AmericanPhysicalSociety STEPHENR.POWERANDANTTI-PEKKAJAUHO PHYSICALREVIEWB90,115408(2014) (Sec. IIIA). Small antidot systems with edge roughness zigzag (Z), or armchair (A) geometry. The electronic band (Sec.IIIB)andgeometricdisorders(Sec.IIIC)arepresented, gap of a triangular lattice of such antidots is predicted [7] beforeweconsiderlargerantidotsystemsandedgegeometry to scale as E ∼ R. Figure 1(b) shows the atomic structure G L2 effectswithandwithoutthepresenceofdisorder(Sec.IIID). of a unit cell of the {7,3.0} antidot lattice, which will be C SectionIVconsidersdeviceswithwaveguidegeometriesand considered throughout much of this work. The geometry of with the various types of antidots and disorders discussed hexagonal antidots will be discussed later in the paper. The previously for barrier devices. Finally, Sec. V summarizes rectangularunit√cellscomposingthedeviceregionhavelength anddiscussestheimplicationsofourresultsinthecontextof 3La andwidth 3La andcontain12L2 carbonatomsinthe deviceoptimizationandrecentexperimentalprogress. absence of an antidot (R =0). L is always an integer, but R can take noninteger values. The semi-infinite leads in the system are wide zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs) and II. MODEL in the R =0 case the entire device can be considered as a A. Antidotanddevicegeometry pristine 2LWR-ZGNR, using the usual nomenclature where the integer counts the number of zigzag chains across the Thesystemsweconsiderinthisworkconsistoffinite-length ribbonwidth. device regions connected to semi-infinite leads. A schematic geometry of a GAL barrier system is presented in Fig. 1(a). Thedeviceregionisbuiltfromrectangularcells(blue-dashed B. Electronicandtransportcalculations lines) containing two possible antidot sites from a triangular The electronic structure of the graphene systems inves- GAL. This lattice geometry is selected as it is predicted to tigated is described by a single π-orbital nearest-neighbor alwaysopenanelectronicbandgap,unlikesquareandrotated tight-bindingHamiltonian triangular lattices where particular unit cell sizes may give (cid:2) rise to gapless systems [15]. The rectangular cell is exactly H = tijcˆi†cˆj, (1) twice the size of the hexagonal unit cell of such a lattice, (cid:4)ij(cid:5) which is shown by red dashed lines. The device length D L where the sum is taken over nearest-neighbor sites only. and ribbon width W shown in Fig. 1(a) are given in units R The only nonzero element, in the absence of disorder, is of the rectangular cell’s length and width, respectively. The t =−2.7eVfornearest-neighborsites.Throughoutthiswork, antidotlatticesconsideredarecharacterizedbythesize,shape, we will use |t| as the unit of energy. Carbon atoms can be and spacing of the antidots. We use the notation {L,R} , x removedfromtheantidotregionsbyremovingtheassociated where L and R are the side length of the unit cell and rows and columns from the system Hamiltonian. Carbon antidotradius,respectively,bothgiveninunitsofthegraphene atoms with only a single remaining neighboring atom are lattice parameter a =2.46A˚. x =C,Z,A specifies whether also removed from the system. Any dangling sigma bonds theantidothasacircularshape(C),orahexagonalshapewith foracarbonatomwithonlytwoneighboringcarbonatomsare assumedtobepassivatedwithHydrogenatomssothattheπ bandsareunaffected. TransportquantitiesarecalculatedusingrecursiveGreen’s function techniques. The device region is decomposed into a series of chains, which are connected from left to right tocalculatetheGreen’sfunctionsrequired.Thesemi-infinite leadsareconstructedusinganefficientdecimationprocedure, which takes advantage of system periodicity [49]. A general (a) (b) overview of these techniques applied to graphene systems is given in Ref. [50]. The zero-temperature conductance is given by the Landauer formula [51] G= 2e2T, where the h transmissioncoefficientiscalculatedusingtheCaroliformula T(E)=Tr[Gr(E)(cid:2) (E)Ga(E)(cid:2) (E)], (2) R L where(cid:2) (E)(i =L,R)arethelevelwidthmatricesdescribing i thecouplingofthedeviceregiontotheleftandrightleadsand (c) Edge roughness (d)Position (e)Radial Gr/a is the retarded/advanced Green’s function of the device regionconnectedtotheleads.TheGreen’sfunctionsrequired FIG.1.(Coloronline) (a)Schematicofasimpleantidotbarrier forthiscalculationareacquiredfromasinglerecursivesweep deviceinagraphenenanoribbon.Thewhitecirclesrepresentregions through the device. When studying disordered systems it is where carbon atoms have been removed from the lattice. The usuallynecessarytotakeaconfigurationalaverageovermany red and blue dashed lines show the single-antidot and double- instancesofaparticularsetofdisorderparametersinorderto antidotunitcells,respectively.(b)Theatomicstructureforasingle circular{7,3.0} antidot.Schematicsof(c)antidotedgeroughness, discerntheoveralltrend. C (d)position,and(e)radialdisorders.Thedashedlinesineachcase In studying the antidot devices in this work, we will also represent the edge of the pristine antidot. The blue (red) circles in examinelocalelectronicpropertiesinordertounderstandhow (c)representcarbonatomswithanaddedpositive(negative)onsite transportthroughadeviceisaffectedbyantidotgeometryand potentialtermproportionaltothecirclesize. disorder.Inparticular,wewillmapthelocaldensityofstates 115408-2 ELECTRONICTRANSPORTINDISORDEREDGRAPHENE ... PHYSICALREVIEWB90,115408(2014) atasitei works [21,22], but here we focus entirely on the effects of 1 antidotdisorder. ρ (E )=− Im[G (E )] (3) i F ii F π andthebondcurrentflowingbetweensitesi andj III. FINITELENGTHGALBARRIERS 1 A. Cleanbarriers J (E )=− H Im[Gr(cid:2) Ga] , (4) ij F (cid:2) ij L ij We begin by examining systems built from the {7,3.0} C where H is the relevant matrix element of the Hamiltonian antidotlatticeshowninFig.1(c).Latticescomposedofsuch ij in Eq. (1). In larger systems, some spatial averaging of small, tightly-packed antidots have been the focus of recent these quantities will be performed to ease visualisation. The theoreticalinvestigationduetothelargeelectronicbandgaps, Green’s functions required for these calculations are more which follow due to the scaling law discussed earlier [7]. A computationally expensive than those for the transmission recentstudysuggeststhatonlyveryfewrowsofantidotsare calculation, and involve sweeping forward and back through required to achieve a transport gap in a finite GAL barrier thedeviceregionusingrecursivemethods[50]. whichisidenticaltothebandgapofthecorrespondinginfinite GALsystem[17].Thisbehaviorisconfirmedforribbon-based deviceswithpristineantidotsinFig.2,wherewecomparethe C. Modellingdisorder transmissionthroughinfiniteGALribbons(wheretheleadand Inthiswork,wewillconsider threetypes ofdisorderthat deviceregionsbothcontainidenticalantidotarrays)andfinite areverydifficulttoavoidduringtheexperimentalfabrication GALbarriers(whereafiniteGALribbondeviceisconnected of GAL devices. Every circular antidot i in a device is characterized by three parameters (x ,y ,r ) which, represent i i i thex andy coordinatesoftheantidotcenter,andtheantidot radius, respectively. Hexagonal antidots are parameterized slightlydifferentlyandarediscussedlater. The first type of disorder we consider is edge roughness. ThistypeofdisorderplacesAnderson-likerandompotentials onsiteswithinasmalladditionalradiusoftheantidotedgeand mimics,forexample,minoratomicrealignment,randomedge passivations[27],vacancies[24],orrandomlyadsorbedatoms nearanantidotedge.Itischaracterizedbytwoparameters,an additionalradiusδR andastrengthS.Allremainingcarbon dis sites in the ring between r and r +δR around an antidot i i dis centeraregivenarandomonsitepotentialintherange[−S,S], asillustratedinFig.1(c). We also consider more serious geometric disorder in the formoffluctuationsoftheantidotpositionandradius[21,22]. Antidotpositiondisorderischaracterizedbyδ suchthatthe xy antidotsitecoordinatesarechosenfromtheranges x0−δ <x <x0+δ , i xy i i xy y0−δ <y <y0+δ , i xy i i xy where(x0,y0)arethecoordinatesofantidotiinapristineGAL i i system.Antidotradialdisorderallowsforasimilarfluctuation intheradiusoftheantidotsothattheradiusofeachantidotis intherange R−δr <ri <R+δr. FIG.2.(Coloronline) (Top) Transmission through infinite and finite {7,3.0} GAL barriers. The black dashed curve shows the These theoretical disorders represent the deviations from C transmission for the infinite GAL ribbon of width W =10. The atomicallyprecisesystemsthataremostlikelytooccurduring R solidredcurveshowthetransmissionthroughasystemwithclean experimentalfabricationofantidots—namely,thedifficulties graphene leads and a device length D =4. The grey shaded area inkeepingantidotedgesperfectlycleanandincontrollingthe L showsthe(arbitarilyscaled)DOSofthecorrespondinginfiniteGAL position and size of each antidot with atomic precision. We sheet.TheinsetshowsthetransmissionasafunctionofD calculated L donotaccountfordisorderawayfromtheantidottedregions at different energies shown by the corresponding symbols on the and assume that the graphene sheet into which the antidots energy axis of the main plot. The transmissions in the inset have are patterned is otherwise defect free. We thus neglect, for beenaveragedoveranarrowenergywindowasdiscussedinthemain example, defects or adsorbants that may occur in rest of the text.(Bottom)LDOSmaps(blueshading)andcurrentdistributions graphene sheet due to the various etching procedures. The (orangearrows)throughthefinitedeviceatE =0.1|t|(left)inthe F electronic and optical properties of graphene antidots with GALbandgapandE =0.2|t|(right)intheconductingrangeofthe F disorderinthegrapheneregionshavebeenconsideredinother GAL. 115408-3 STEPHENR.POWERANDANTTI-PEKKAJAUHO PHYSICALREVIEWB90,115408(2014) topristineGNRleads).Allthedeviceregionsinthissectionare W =10unitcellswide,whichcorrespondstoa140-ZGNR R orawidthofapproximately30nm.Thedevicelength,D ,is L anintegernumberofunitcellwidthsandforthe{7,3.0} case C eachoftheseisapproximately5nm. FortheinfiniteGALribbon,thetransmissioncurve(dashed, black line) clearly shows a gap corresponding to that in the DOS of the corresponding infinite GAL sheet, illustrated by thegreyshadedarea.Outsidethegap,thetransmissiontakes a series of integer values, as expected by the finite-width, periodicnatureofthesystem.Theseintegervaluescorrespond to the number of quasi-one-dimensional channels available at a given energy. The solid, red curve corresponds to the transmissionthroughasystemwithcleangrapheneleadsand D =4, where we note the persistence of the transport gap L observedfortheinfinitecase.Thisbehaviorisclearalsointhe LDOS and current maps presented in the bottom left panel for an energy in the band gap (E =0.1|t|). The LDOS, F shown by the blue shading, quickly vanishes when we move intotheantidotregionandtherearenochannelsavailablefor transmission. Outside the gap, we note that the transmission takesapproximatelyhalfthevalueoftheinfinitecaseandthis reduction intransmissionemerges fromscattering atthe two interfacesbetweenthedeviceandcleangrapheneleads.These interfaces are not present in the infinite GAL ribbon case. Interferenceeffectsleadtoadditionaloscillationsforthefinite FIG.3.(Coloronline) EffectofantidotedgedisorderonD =4 L width transmission and the oscillation frequency increases {7,3.0} GALbarriers.Thedashedblackcurveplotsthetransmission C with D . These are visible also in the nonuniform LDOS L through a pristine GAL barrier, whereas the red (blue) curves distributionshownforEF =0.2|t|inthebottomrightpanel. represent transmission through the same system but with δRdis= Thetransmissionthroughthebarrierisevidentfromthebond a antidot edge disorder of strength S =0.5|t| (S =|t|) applied. currentmapshownbytheorangearrows.Theinsetofthetop The lighter, dotted curves corresponds to a single configuration panelplotsthetransmissioninlogscaleasafunctionofdevice whereas the heavier curves corresponds to averages over 100 such length D for a number of different energies. In each case, configurations. The grey shading shows the rescaled DOS of the L thetransmissionisaveragedoveranarrowenergywindowof corresponding infinite GAL sheet. The insets show the effect of width0.01|t|centeredonthecorrespondingsymbolshownon alteringthedevicelengthforthesameenergyrangesconsideredin theenergyaxisofthemainplot.Weconsidertwoenergyvalues Fig.2,wherenowthebottom(top)panelcorrespondstoS =0.5|t| infirstgap(blackcircleandmagentadiamond),twovaluesin (S =|t|).ThebottompanelsagainshowLDOSandcurrentmapsat theconductingregion(redxandgreentriangle),andonevalue twoenergiesasinFig.2,butforaspecificinstanceofS =|t|edge inthesecondgap(bluesquare).Foreachenergyconsidered, disorder. wenoteaquickconvergenceofthetransmissionasthedevice lengthisincreased.However,thenumberofunitcellsrequired for convergence at band gap energies increases with energy. This suggests that higher-order gaps present in GAL band trend for this type of disorder. In this case, most of the structures may be more difficult to achieve in finite systems, transport gap has been preserved while the transmission even before consideration of the disorder effects which we in the conducting region is considerably reduced compared shalladdressnext. to the pristine system. The gap size is reduced slightly by a broadeningoftheconductingregion.Thedependenceofthese features on the device length is demonstrated in the bottom B. Antidotedgedisorder paneloftheinset,where,similartoFig.2,thetransmissions The first disorder type we consider is the Anderson-like are plotted as a function of D for the same energy ranges. L antidot edge roughness discussed in Sec. IIC. The main For the energies in the first gap (circles and diamonds) we panel in Fig. 3 shows transmissions through a D =4 GAL note the robustness of the transport gap and only extremely L barrier, where the pristine {7,3.0} antidot case is shown minor fluctuations of the miniscule transmission. For the C by the dashed black curve. The red curves correspond to energiesinthefirstconductingrange,theappearanceofalinear transmission where an edge roughness of radius δR =a decrease in transmissioninthis logarithmic plotcorresponds dis and strength S =0.5|t| has been applied. The light, dotted to an exponential decay with device length and hence the curve represents the transmission for a single configuration introductionoflocalisationfeatures.Interestingly,thistypeof and the heavier dashed curve is the average over 100 such behavior is also seen for the blue squares corresponding to configurations. The configurational averaging removes the energiesinthesecondgapofthebulkGAL.Thissuggeststhat configuration-dependent oscillations and reveals the overall theintroductionofdisorderestablishesanonzeroconductance 115408-4 ELECTRONICTRANSPORTINDISORDEREDGRAPHENE ... PHYSICALREVIEWB90,115408(2014) inthisenergyrangefornarrowbarriers,whichthendecaysdue curves corresponding to energies in the first (black circles, tolocalizationeffectsasthebarrierwidthisincreased. magenta diamonds) and second (blue squares) band gaps of ThebluecurvesinthemainpanelofFig.3correspondto the pristine system are more complex. Here the system is singleconfigurationandaveragedtransmissionsforaslightly initially insulating, but a finite transmission slowly increases stronger disorder (S =1.0|t|). We note that the features with disorder before reaching a maximum at some critical discussed for the S =0.5|t| case above are now even more valueofdisorderstrength.Beyondthisvalue,thetransmission prominent,withsignificantextrabroadeningandquenchingin decreasesinasimilarmannertotheconductingrangeenergies. theconductingregion.Infact,thebroadeningoftheconducting Thisnonmonotonicbehaviorrepresentsaninterplaybetween regionhasnowremovedthesecondgapcompletely,andgives two effects. Firstly, increasing the disorder strength leads risetotransmissionsatenergiesfarfromthebandedgeofthe to more overlap between the finite DOS clusters and a pristineormilderdisordercases.ThisisconfirmedbytheD largernumberofpossiblepathsthroughthebarrier.However, L dependenceplottedintheupperpaneloftheinset.Wenotethat scattering induced by the disorder also acts to reduce the the magenta diamonds, corresponding to energies in the gap transmission as the device length or scatterer strength is previously,arenowalsodisplayingsignaturesoflocalization increased.Atenergieswherethepristinesystemisconducting, effectsandsignificantnonzerotransmissionforshorterdevice showninthebottomrightpanelofFig.3forE =0.2|t|,the F lengths. Examining the LDOS map for such a disorder at introductionofdisorderdoesnotintroducenewpathsthrough E =0.1|t|(bottomleftpanel)showsthatthedensityofstates the device, and only acts to scatter electrons in the existing F nolongervanishesuniformlythroughoutthebarrierasinthe channels. pristine case. Instead, we observe that clusters of finite DOS existwithinthepanelregion.Breakingtheperfectperiodicity C. Geometricdisorders of the antidot lattice leads to the formation of defect states whose energies can lie in the band gap of the pristine GAL. Until now, we have not significantly altered the geom- The formation of such states localized at absent antidots in etry of the antidots in the device region. However, even an otherwise pristine lattice has previously been studied [7]. introducing disorder only at the antidot edges was capable Similardefectstatesoccuraroundeachdisorderedantidotin of inducing a significant deterioration in the performance thesystemunderconsiderationhere,andthecouplingbetween of the barrier device. We shall now consider the geometric suchstatesgivesrisetothelargerclusters.Theoverlapofthese disordersintroducedinSec.IIC,wherethepositionsandsizes clustersprovidespercolationpathsthroughthedeviceregion of the antidots have random fluctuations. The red curves in [52],shownbytheorangearrowsmappingtheaveragedbond the top panel of Fig. 5 show the transmission for a single currents,leadingtofinitetransmissions. instance (dotted) and a configurational average (solid) of Within the conducting energy range, increasing the edge antidot position disorder, with δ =a. The transmission for xy disorder strength for a fixed device length reduces the a single disorder instance contains many peaks, at energies transmission. This is clearly seen from a comparison of both inside and outside the gap of the pristine system. The the red and blue plots in the main panel of Fig. 3, and is bottompanelmapstheLDOSandcurrentthroughthedevice associated with a corresponding decrease in the localization regionfortheenergyhighlightedbythearrowinthetoppanel. length.Figure4plotstheaveragedtransmissions,forthesame Thispeakcorrespondstoelectronspropagatingthroughalarge energyrangesconsideredinFigs.2and3,asafunctionofthe connected cluster of finite DOS in the device region to the disorder strength S. The intuitive behavior of the conducting oppositelead. range energies is demonstrated by the monotonic decreases Theshape,size,andtransmissionenergiesofsuchclusters observed in the red (x) and green (triangle) curves. The arestronglydependentonthespecificdisorderconfiguration. This leads to a smoother curve when the configurational averageistaken,andthiscurvehasnolargepeaksbutincreases reasonablysteadilywithFermienergy.Thedefinitionofaband gapbecomesdifficult,asthelowestenergytransmissionpeak occurs at different energies for different configurations. The 1 insetofthetoppanelexaminesthelengthdependenceoverthe n o si usualaveragedenergyranges.Wenotethatallenergiesdisplay s mi 0.1 exponentialdecaybehavior,andnoneshowtheflatlineseveral ns ordersofmagnitudeslowerthatwasassociatedwithbandgap a Tr energiesforweakedgedisorder.Thissuggeststhatthebarrier 0.01 ispotentiallyleakyforallenergies,butthatreasonableon-off ratioscouldbeestablishedbytakingadvantageofthesteady 0.001 rise in average transmission with Fermi energy. This results 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 from the greater density of single-configuration transmission Disorder strength ( | t | ) peaksastheenergyisincreased.Thegeometryofthedevice, FIG.4.(Coloronline) Averaged transmissions through a and in particular the aspect ratio, may also play a significant {7,3.0}C GAL barrier as a function of antidot disorder strength role.ForagivendevicelengthDL,theprobabilityofopening S for energy ranges in the first band gap (black circles, magenta a propagating channel through the device will increase with diamonds),conductingregion(redx’s,greentriangles)andsecond thedevicewidthWR leadingtoagreaternumberofpeaksin bandgap(bluesquares)ofthepristineGAL. thetransmission. 115408-5 STEPHENR.POWERANDANTTI-PEKKAJAUHO PHYSICALREVIEWB90,115408(2014) FIG.5.(Coloronline) (Top) Single configuration (dotted) and FIG.6.(Coloronline) ThesamebarriersetupasFig.5,butnow averaged(solid)transmissionsthroughaD =6barrierof{7,3.0} with δ =a radial disorder, with the dependence on device length L C r antidots with δ =a position disorder. Grey shading shows the in the inset. Grey shading again shows the corresponding pristine xy corresponding pristine GAL density of states. The inset shows the GAL density of states. (Bottom) LDOS (blue shading) and current dependenceondevicelengthfortheusualenergyranges.(Bottom) distribution (orange arrows) through a disordered sample, at the LDOS (blue shading) and current distribution (orange arrows) energyshownbythearrowinthetoppanel. through a disordered sample, at the energy shown by the arrow in thetoppanel. a low-energy peak, and we note that at this energy there is a finiteDOSthroughoutmuchofthedeviceregion. However, the prospects for a usable device composed of The effects of geometric disorder, and radial disorder in such antidots are dashed further when we examine the case particular, on the band gaps of these small antidot devices of radial disorder (δr =a) in Fig. 6. We note that the single suggestthatatomiclevelsofprecisionarerequired.Thisplaces instanceandconfigurationallyaveragedtransmissionsdisplay a huge constraint on experimental fabrication and poses a radically different behavior from the position disorder cases. severechallengeformassproductionofsuchdevices. A higher distribution of peaks in the single configuration transmission is noted at lower energies, and there is less D. Effectsofantidotsizeandgeometry variation in peak heights as a function of energy. This leads to an average that is reasonably flat over the energy range Intheprevioussection,wedemonstratedthedrasticeffect considered here, which is reflected in the length dependence that geometric disorder has on the transport gap in a GAL plots which mostly lie on top of each other. Exponential barrier device. We focused on the {7,3.0} system due to C decay,signifyinglocalisationbehavior,isagainseenforallthe the large band gap predicted for such a geometry. However, energyrangesconsidered.Anincreasedtransmissionatlower one drawback of such small, tightly-packed antidots is that energiesistobeexpectedinasystemwithsomedistribution even the minimum possible fluctuations in antidot radius or ofsmallerantidots,duetothebandgapscalinglinearlywith positionconstituteasignificantperturbationofthesystem.At theantidotradiusinpristinelattices.Thesystemalsocontains theatomiclevel,thepositionandradialfluctuationsconsidered acertaindistributionoflargerantidots,fromwhichwecould abovegiverisetosituationswherethetotalnumberofcarbon expect some quenching of transmissions at higher energies. atoms added or removed due to disorder constitute ∼10% Theinterplayofthesetwoeffectsmaypartiallyaccountforthe of the total number of atoms in the pristine device region. flatteningoftheaveragedtransmissionasafunctionofenergy. Furthermore, small changes in the antidot radius have a The LDOS and current are mapped in the bottom panel for dramaticeffectontherelativebandgapsofpristineGALs.For 115408-6 ELECTRONICTRANSPORTINDISORDEREDGRAPHENE ... PHYSICALREVIEWB90,115408(2014) example, the pristine GAL composed of the largest allowed The middle row panels of Fig. 7 plot the conductances antidots in Fig. 6 (R =4a) would have twice the band gap (solidredlines)throughD =10barriersofthethreedifferent L expectedforaGALcomposedofthesmallest(R =2a).We types of {21,12.0} antidots, with the barrier setup shown should thus expect the extreme behavior noted for antidot schematically in the insets. The densities of states of the latticeswithsuchadistributionofradii. correspondinginfiniteGALsystemsareshownbytheshaded Latticescomposedoflargerantidotsarethuslesslikelyto gray areas behind the transmission curves. We note that the beasdramaticallyeffectedbythesameabsolutefluctuationsin simple scaling law proposed in Ref. [7] suggests that these positionandradius,andarealsomoreexperimentallyfeasible. systems should have a band gap of approximately 0.3eV, so In this section, we shall consider the {21,12.0} family of that we should expect nonzero conductance features above antidotlattices.WhereastheR =3.0a antidotwastoosmall ∼0.05|t|. However, for the zigzag and circular cases there todisplayanysignificantedgefeatures,weseethatthecircular are conductance and DOS peaks at significantly smaller R =12.0a antidotshowninFig.7(a)displaysanalternating energies. Such features have been observed previously for sequenceofzigzagandarmchairedgesegments.Toexplorethe similarsystemsandareassociatedwithzigzagedgegeometries roleofantidotgeometryfurther,wealsoconsiderzigzagand [17,53].Theyarerelatedtothezero-energyDOSpeaksseen armchairedgedhexagonalantidotsasshownschematicallyin in zigzag nanoribbons, but here they have their degeneracy panels (b) and (c), respectively. The “R” index in {L,R} brokenandareshiftedawayfromzeroenergyduetohybridiza- A/Z referstothesidelengthforhexagonalantidots,sothatzigzag tions between edges around antidots and between the edges andarmchairedgedantidotsareofasimilarsize,butslightly of neighboring antidots. Indeed, due to alignment between smaller,thantheircircularcounterpartwiththesameindices. zigzag-edged antidots and the hexagonal unit cell of the (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) FIG.7.(Coloronline) (a)–(c) Unit cell geometries, (d)–(f) transmissions (red lines) through pristine D =10,W =6 barriers, and L R (g)–(i)zoomedLDOS(blueshading)andcurrent(orangearrows)mapsectionsforcircular,andzigzagandarmchairedgedhexagonalantidots. Theinsetsin(d)–(f)showaschematicofthebarrierdevices,withtheredboxeshighlightingtheareasshownin(g)–(i).Thearrowsshowthe energiesatwhichthemapshavebeencalculated,andtheshadedgreyareasshowthe(rescaled)densitiesofstatesforthecorrespondinginfinite GALs. 115408-7 STEPHENR.POWERANDANTTI-PEKKAJAUHO PHYSICALREVIEWB90,115408(2014) triangularlatticeusedthroughoutthiswork(andtheunderlying graphene lattice), we observe that pristine {L,R} systems Z essentiallyconsistofanetworkof2(L−R)-ZGNRsmeeting at triple junctions. The low-energy peak features are present notonlyinthe{21,12.0} system,butinthe{21,12.0} system Z C also due to the alternating sequence of zigzag and armchair edgesinthecircularantidot.Incontrast,the{21,12.0} system A shows no low-energy peaks and by construction contains no zigzagedgesegmentswiththepossibleexceptionofveryshort sectionswheretwoarmchairedgesmeet.Thearmchair-edged antidot is also misaligned with respect to the hexagonal unit celloftheGAL,sothatthelatticeisnotasimplenetworkof regular width AGNRs but a more complex system which for largeantidotsconvergestoanetworkofconnectedtriangular quantumdots. Thebottompanelsshowthedensityofstates(blueshading) and current profile (orange arrows) for a small section (red FIG.8.(Coloronline) Single instance (black, dashed lines) rectangleinmiddlepanelinsets)ofeachdevice,attheenergies and configurationally averaged (red lines) transmissions through highlighted by the arrows in the middle panels. The circular {21,12.0} barriers composed of circular (left), zigzag (center), and and zigzag antidot cases both correspond to a low-energy armchair (right) edged antidots with δ =a position disorder (top xy peak,andconfirmthattheselow-energytransportchannelsare row) or δ =a size disorder. Grey shading shows the DOS of the r mediatedbystatesprincipallylocalizednearzigzaggeometry correspondingpristineGALsheet. edge segments which are shaded dark blue in the density of states plots. The current behavior in these two cases is quite different however due to the formation of circulating current of disorder. In contrast, the {21,12.0} system has a bulk A patterns between zigzag segments of neighboring antidots in density of states and barrier transmission properties, shown the {21,12.0} case. This is in contrast to the more uniform inFig.7(f),whicharemoreconsistentwiththesimplescaling C current behavior noted for the zigzag-edged antidots. The law. There are no sharp peaks in the gap region, and the narrow band of peaks present at slightly higher energies LDOS map and current profiles corresponding to a bulk (just above (below) 0.05|t| for circular (zigzag) antidots) is conducting energy, reveal a more uniform behavior than the also quite strongly localized near zigzag edges and gives other antidot types and an absense of edge effects. In the rise, in the {21,12.0} case, to currents circulating around pristine case, at least it appears that armchair-edged antidots C individual antidots. As in the case shown here, the current have a significant advantage over zigzag or mixed edges for loopsarenotentirelyself-contained,andelectronspropagate applicationsrequiringatransportgap. between neighboring loops to provide a transport channel The panels in Fig. 8 show the effects of position and size throughthebarrier.Theselow-energychannelsthroughantidot disorderonD =6barrierdevicesforeachantidotgeometry L barriers with zigzag edge segments significantly reduce the consideredintheupperpanelsofFig.7.Wenotethatradial, effective transport gap of the devices. Furthermore, the first or size, disorder is applied slightly differently to hexagonal band gap in these devices emerges from the splitting of the antidots. In this case, the fluctuation is applied separately to zero-energypeakassociatedwithaninfinitezigzagedge.This each edge so that its perpendicular distance from the antidot is separate to the splitting of these states, which may occur centerismodifiedbyanamountintherange[−δ ,δ ].Thesize r r due to electron-electron interactions and which may lead disorder for these antidots thus removes the regularity of the to spin-polarized zigzag-edged states [25], similar to those hexagonsandresultsinzigzag/armchairsegmentsofvarying predicted for ZGNRs. A study of spin-polarized systems is lengths within the one antidot. This disorder thus mimics beyondthescopeofthecurrentwork,butitisworthnotingthat growthortreatmentmethodswhichmayfavourtheformation forantidotgeometriesconsistingoflongnarrowZGNRs(i.e., ofaparticularedgegeometry,butwithoutnecessarilyresulting largeLandRvalues)thebandgapispredictedtodependonly in perfectly regular perforations. An example of armchair- on the ribbon width [25] and the usual band gap scaling law edged GALs with such a disorder can be seen in the upper [7]nolongerholds.Itisworthnoting,however,thatdisorder panelofFig.9. is predicted to interfere significantly with the formation of TheredcurveineachpanelofFig.8showsthetransmission spin-polarizededgestates[54].Thissuggeststhatrobustband averagedover200instancesofdisorderandthedottedblack gaps as a result of spin splitting may only be a feature of line shows the transmission for a single configuration. The pristinelatticeswithparticulargeometries. grayshadingoncemoreshowstheDOSforaninfinitepristine Larger zigzag antidots, which tend to have longer zigzag GAL.Thestrengthofthedisorderisagainδ =aforposition xy segments, will have smaller band gaps within our spin- disorder and δ =a for size disorder. The behavior in these r unpolarizedmodelduetoweakercouplingwithothernearby plotscanbecomparedtothatobservedforthesamedisorder zigzag segments. This is in direct opposition to the simple types in smaller antidots shown in the upper of Figs. 5 scalingbehaviorofsmallerantidots,andsuggeststhatzigzag and 6. For all three antidot geometries, the magnitude of edge segments may be unsuitable for applications involving the transmission is significantly smaller than for the pristine sizable band gaps even before we consider the introduction cases due to localisation effects. However, the most striking 115408-8 ELECTRONICTRANSPORTINDISORDEREDGRAPHENE ... PHYSICALREVIEWB90,115408(2014) (a) InFig.9,weexaminethetransportpropertiesof{21,12.0}A barrierswithmuchstrongerlevelsofdisorder.Panel(a)shows abarriersetupwherebothapositiondisorder(δ =3a)and xy a size disorder (δ =3a) have been applied. In addition, an r edge roughness disorder (S =|t|) has been applied to atoms within δR =a of the new antidot edges. The transmission dis for this disorder realisation, shown in panel (b) by the black dottedcurve,mainlyconsistsofaseriesofpeakswhichoccur abovethebandedgeofthepristineGAL.Theconfigurationally averaged transmission (solid, red curve) suggests that the (b) transmission remains near zero throughout much of the pristinebandgapforeveryconfiguration,beforeconfiguration- dependentpeaksleadtoafiniteaveragedtransmissionabove thebandedge.Unlikethemildgeometricdisorders,considered forzigzagandcircularantidotsearlier,thereisaclearcontrast betweenthetransmissionbehavioraboveandbelowtheband edge, and this is visible in both the single and averaged transmission plots. Panels (c) and (d) show the LDOS and (c) current maps for the red-dashed region highlighted in panel (a), for the energies shown by arrows in panel (b). It is clear that the barrier is still effective at the lower energy, and that transmission through the disordered barrier can be switched on by raising the Fermi energy. In fact, this highly (d) disordered barrier proves a more robust switch than any of the circular, zigzag-edged, or {7,3.0} antidot systems with C much milder geometric disorder. These results suggest that fabricationmethods,whichfavourtheformationofarmchair edgedperforations,arekeytoproducingantidotlatticeswhose electronicfeaturesarerobustinthepresenceofmildtomedium FIG.9.(Coloronline) A barrier of {21,12.0} antidots with strengthgeometricdisorder. A strong position (δ =3a) and radial (δ =3a) disorders applied, xy r in addition to an edge roughness disorder of strength S =|t|. The IV. FINITEGALWAVEGUIDES pristine case is shown by dashed black lines in (a). The disorder We now turn our attention to the waveguide geometry, instanceshownin(a)hasthetransmissionshownbytheblackdotted where GAL regions surrounding a pristine graphene strip curvein(b),alongsideanaverage(red)over100suchconfigurations and the DOS of the pristine {21,12.0} sheet (grey shading). The are employed to confine electron propagation to quasi-one- A dimensional channels in the strip. The formation of these LDOS/currentmapsin(c)and(d),shownforthereddashedregion in(a),showthatthissystemisstillaneffectivebarrieratenergiesin propagating channels has been investigated previously for thebandgapofthepristineGAL. infinite waveguides with small, circular antidots and the band structure of such systems was calculated using both numerical and analytic, Dirac equation based approaches feature in these plots is once more the contrast between the [19]. Waveguiding in graphene has also been investigated armchair-edged hexagonal and the other antidot types. The usinggates,insteadofantidots,todefinethewaveguideedge single configuration curves for circular and zigzag antidot and induce confinement [55]. Aside from immediate device barriers contain many peaks throughout both the band gap application, graphene waveguides may provide a platform andconductingenergiesoftheirpristinecounterparts.Thisis forexploringfundamentalphysicalphenomenalikeCoulomb becausethesedisorderedsystemscontainpercolatingtransport drag[56].AschematicofafiniteGALwaveguideisshownin channels between zigzag segments, which occur at energies Fig.10,wherethedevicelengthDLisdefinedasinthebarrier nearthepristinechannelenergiesshowninFig.7.Averaging case.Thetotalribbonwidthisnow overmanyconfigurations,wecanseeeitherbroadening(asin W =2W +W , R AL G thezigzagcasewithpositiondisorder)oracompletesmearing of the pristine features. The picture is very different for the whereWAL countsthenumberofrectangularcellsofantidots armchaircase,wheredisorderinducesmerelyabroadeningof surrounding WG pristine graphene cells. We also define the thepristineconductingrange,sothatthebandgapisreduced effectivewidthofthewaveguide,fromRef.[19],as but not removed. The effect seen here is similar to that of W =W + 1. mild edge disorder in the smaller antidot systems shown in eff G 2 Fig.3.Thisisnotsurprisingasthelengthscaleofgeometric Thisparameter takesintoaccount thatthepropagation chan- disorder considered here is small compared to the antidot nels through an infinite pristine waveguide do not decay size and separation so that it behaves effectively as an edge immediatelyattheedgeoftherectangularunitcell,butsurvive perturbation. a small distance into the antidot region. It has been used to 115408-9

Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark. (Received 1 form a so-called graphene antidot lattice (GAL) or nanomesh,.
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