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Electronic Structure of Charge- and Spin-controlled Sr_{1-(x+y)}La_{x+y}Ti_{1-x}Cr_{x}O_{3} PDF

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Preview Electronic Structure of Charge- and Spin-controlled Sr_{1-(x+y)}La_{x+y}Ti_{1-x}Cr_{x}O_{3}

Electronic Structure of Charge- and Spin-controlled Sr La Ti Cr O 1−(x+y) x+y 1−x x 3 H. Iwasawa,1,2 K. Yamakawa,1 T. Saitoh,1,∗ J. Inaba,3 T. Katsufuji,3,4 M. Higashiguchi,5 K. Shimada,6 H. Namatame,6 and M. Taniguchi5 1Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Science, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8601, Japan 2National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan 3Department of Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan 6 4PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, Saitama 332-0012, Japan 0 5Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan 0 6Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan 2 (Dated: February 6, 2008) n a WepresenttheelectronicstructureofSr1−(x+y)Lax+yTi1−xCrxO3investigatedbyhigh-resolution photoemissionspectroscopy. InthevicinityofFermilevel,itwasfoundthattheelectronicstructure J were composed of a Cr 3d local state with the t32g configuration and a Ti 3d itinerant state. The 1 energylevelsoftheseCrandTi3dstatesarewellinterpretedbythedifferenceofthecharge-transfer 1 energy of both ions. The spectral weight of the Cr 3d state is completely proportional to the spin concentration x irrespective of the carrier concentration y, indicating that the spin density can be ] l controlled byx asdesired. Incontrast, thespectral weight oftheTi3d state isnot proportional to e y,dependingon theamount of Cr doping. - r t PACSnumbers: 71.20.-b,79.60.-i,71.55.-i s . t a m If the charge and spin degrees of freedom of electrons tration (ns and nc), respectively. In fact, magnetic and canbecontrolledjustasonedesigned,itispossibletoen- transport measurements showed that the paramagnetic - d gineera next-generationofdevices mergingconventional Curie constant increases with x, and a semiconducting n electronics with magnetoelectronics [1]. So far, how- resistivity decreases with increasing y [6]. Judging from o ever, there is no report that has succeeded in handling thesignchangeoftheWeisstemperature,thecorrelation c [ magnetic and semiconducting properties independently. between Cr ions should vary from antiferromagnetic to Magnetic semiconductors (MSs) are one of the best can- ferromagnetic interaction with from y=0 to y>0. This 1 didates among the spin-electronic devices utilizing the ferromagetic interaction is probably caused by the ex- v both properties. Indeed, following a successful synthe- change interaction between the Cr 3d (spin) and Ti 3d 4 1 sis of the prototypical In1−xMnxAs and Ga1−xMnxAs (carrier) electrons, but the paramagnetic Curie temper- 2 [2, 3, 4], several room temperature (RT) ferromagnetic ature (T ) of this system is still low below ∼10 K unfor- c 1 MSs such as ZrTe:Cr [5] have recently been discovered, tunately. Nevertheless, it is not evident that the doped 0 leading a continuous effort to understand the electronic Cr3+ really form the local spin of S=3/2 since both Ti 6 and magnetic properties of these materials. However, and Cr t orbitals will be partially filled. In this sense, 0 2g / it is still difficult to control their magnetic and semi- despite the low Tc, SLTCO is worthy to be investigated t a conducting properties independently, and this difficulty as a prototype of next-generation MSs in which the two m stems from that the both properties depend upon only degrees of freedom can be controlled. - theone-transition-metal(1-TM)elementdopingineither d The primary focus of this Letter is to elucidate the III-V-based or RT ferromagnetic MSs. n electronic structure of SLTCO as well as a possibility o of an independent control of charge and spin degrees of Alternatively, a Cr-doped perovskite-type titanate c freedom by high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy v: Sr1−(x+y)Lax+yTi1−xCrxO3 (SLTCO) is based on a new (PES). The result demonstrates that the near-E elec- concept of independent control of the charge and spin F Xi degrees of freedom by 2-TM elements (Ti and Cr); the tronic structure consist of the Cr 3d3 local state and Ti 3d itinerant state. We will show that the relative en- r end compound SrTiO of this family is a band insula- a 3 ergy levels of these 3d states can be described by the tor with a wide band gap of 3.2 eV. It is well known difference of the effective charge-transfer energy (∆ ) that carrier doping can be realized by La3+ substitution eff of both ions, which is one of the basic parameters in for Sr2+, which introduces electrons (y) into Ti 3d con- theelectronicstructureofconventional1-TMperovskite- duction band. A further manipulation of the resulting type oxides[7]. We discuss thatanappropriatechoiceof Sr La TiO is to introduce Cr3+ by replacing SrTiO 1−y y 3 3 two TM elements can realize a new magnetic system in with LaCrO by the amount of x. Because Cr3+ (3d3) 3 which local spins and charge carriers are independently ions are usually magnetic in oxides, the above substitu- controlled. tion of Cr3+ for Ti4+ would realize a “spin doping” of S=3/2 local moment at the Ti sites. In other words, x PolycrystallinesamplesofSr La Ti Cr O 1−(x+y) x+y 1−x x 3 and y nominally represent “spin” and “carrier” concen- with (x, y)=(0.1, 0.1), (0.2, 0.1), (0.2, 0.2), and (0.2, 2 (a) 50 eV (b) 50 eV To seehow the chargeandspindegreesoffreedomare 45.6 eV 45.6 eV controlled, we have investigated a doping dependence of D PES spectra. Panel (a) of Fig. 2 presents the valence- C b. units) b. units) batan1d50speeVc.trAatofifrSstLTsiCghOt,ftohresfeovuerraslpceocmtraplosfeitaitounrsestaAke−n y (ar y (ar D identified in Fig. 1 (a) can be observed. Owing to nsit nsit the largerphotoionizationcross section of the Ti and Cr nte nte 3d states relative to one of the O 2p state, the near-EF I I B structures are much clearer and sharper than in Fig. 1 (a). An apparent doping dependence of the features B A' B A A and A can be seen easily in the near-E [panel (b)] and F -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 -3 -2 -1 0 the very near-E [panel (c)] region spectra, respectively. Binding Energy (eV) Binding Energy (eV) F Panels (d) and (e) summarize this doping dependence, where the integration windows are from -3.3 to -2.1 eV (B) and from -0.4 to 0.1 eV (A). FIG. 1: (Color online). Resonant PES spectra of (0.2, 0.15) in (a) the full valence-band and (b) the near-E region. The WecanfindtwoimportantfactsaboutCrdopingfrom F spectraare takenat 45.6 eV (dashedline) and 50.0 eV(solid thefigures. First,panels(a)and(b)clearlyshowthatthe line),whichcorrespondtotheTiandCr3p−3donresonance, feature B is located at a deep level far below E (∼2.7 F respectively. eV). This is demonstrating that the doped Cr 3d elec- trons do not participate in electric conduction. Second, it is likely that the doped Cr ions are always trivalent 0.15) were prepared by solid-state reaction [6]. We will with the t3 localconfigurationbecause the peak shift of 2g simply denote them as (0.1, 0.1), etc. All the measure- the Cr 3d and O 2p bands due to the doping of both x mentswerecarriedoutatBL-1ofHiroshimaSynchrotron and y is not observed in the spectra. This is contrary Radiation Center (HSRC), Hiroshima University using to the previous PES spectra of La Sr CrO , in which 1−x x 3 a SCIENTA ESCA200 electron analyzer [8, 9]. In or- the Cr3dpeakandO2pbandsshowsystematicchanges der to obtain clean surface, we fractured the samples in with increasing Cr4+ localized state by replacing La3+ situ in ultrahigh vacuum (better than 1×10−10 Torr) at for Sr2+ [13]. Here it may be still possible that they be- 50 K. The spectra were taken at 50 K using selected come all tetravalent, although such a situation is very photon-energies (45.6, 50.0, and 150 eV), and the over- unlikely. However, this can be ruled out from the result all experimental energy resolution was set at 50 meV. of panels (d) and (e); panel (d) shows that the spectral The backgrounds due to the unscattered electrons were weight of Cr 3d state is completely proportional to x ir- subtracted from all the spectra. For comparison, a spec- respectiveofy,indicatingthattheCrionsdonotchange trum of Sr1−(x+y)Lax+yTi1−xVxO3 (SLTVO) with (0.2, their valence. Panel (e) also shows that spectral weight 0.2)wasalsorecordedunder the same experimentalcon- of coherent part has a linear relationship with y [except ditions as above. for (0.1, 0.1), which will be discussed later]. If the Cr In order to identify the Ti and Cr 3d states, we have ionsaretetravalent,(x,y)=(0.2,0.1)and(0.2,0.2)mean first performed a resonant PES measurement for (0.2, nc=0.2+0.1 and 0.2+0.2, respectively. This is, however, 0.15). Figure 1 shows the resonant PES spectra of (0.2, resulting in the spectral weightratio of0.4/0.3≈1.33be- 0.15) taken at 45.6 eV (dashed line) and 50.0 eV (solid tween the two samples, which is far from the observed line), corresponding to the Ti and Cr 3p−3d on reso- linear relationship. Therefore,we believe that the doped nance, respectively. In Fig. 1 (a), one can observe the CrionsformtheS=3/2(t3 )local-spinstateandxgives 2g four spectral features denoted as A to D. By compar- ns of this local spin, althougha more precise determina- ison with the reported PES spectra of La Sr TiO tion would be done using core-level PES. x 1−x 3 [10, 11, 12], the leading feature A (-0.7 eV) is attributed On the other hand, panel (e) shows that the spec- to the Ti 3d state, and the dominant features C (-5.1 tralweightof(0.1,0.1)deviatesfromthe linearrelation- eV) and D (-6.9 eV) have primarily the O 2p character. ship. This indicates that the charge carrier is not con- Consequently, the remaining feature B (-2.7 eV) is the trolled solely by y. In other words, the density of states mostlikelyCr3dstate. Theseassignmentsareconfirmed near E decreases with increasing Cr doping despite the F by the resonantenhancementof the features A andB at same carrier concentration. This is in perfectly agree- each absorption threshold as shown in Fig. 1 (b). Note ment with the electrical resistivity data [6]. Moreover, that the Ti 3d state further split into the quasiparticle thepeakpositionofthefeatureAapparentlyshiftsaway band and the remnant of the lower Hubbard band cor- from E by ∼50 meV upon Cr doping without changing F responding to the one-electron excitation from d1 to d0 y as shown in panel (c). This is, hence, not a rigid- of the insulating LaTiO , namely, the coherent (A) and band shift and what is observed is actually the shift of 3 incoherent(A′) parts,consistent with the literature [12]. the midpoint of the leading edge and a strong spectral 3 (a) h νT == 15500 K eV (b) (((000...221,,, 000...211))) (c) arb. units)32..00 (d) D C (0.2, 0.2) Bof ( a 1.0 nits) eak are (((000...221,,, 000...211))) b. u (0.2, 0.1) P 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 y (ar Spin concentration (x) Intensit B ((00..22A,, 00..12)) CrB 3d A'Ti 3dA A Aof (arb. units)32..00 (e) a 1.0 (0.1, 0.1) (0.1, 0.1) k are ((00..22,, 00..21)) ea (0.1, 0.1) P 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 -0.5-0.4-0.3-0.2-0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Binding Energy (eV) Carrier concentration (y) FIG. 2: (Color). (a) Valence-band spectra taken at 150 eV. (b) Same as (a) in the near-E region in an expanded scale. (c) F Very near-E region spectra. (d) and (e) Intensity plots of the features B and A, respectively. Spectral weight of features B F and A is set to unityat (0.1, 0.1) and (0.2, 0.1). The integration windows are given in thetext. weight suppression, both of which are signals of opening a pseudogap. However, since the lineshape of the fea- (a) Sr0.6La0.4Ti0.8M0.2O3 LaxSr1-xTiO3 (b) (M=Cr, V) Ti 3d ture A is still quasiparticle-like, the charge carriers are nvioctinciotymopflettheelymleotcaal-liinzesdulaatnodrttrhaenssiytisotnem. Uinsdveerrsyucinhcthire- units) D C La1-xSrxCrO3 E cduommsintaanncteasn,tdhieflaonsgu-ffiracniegnetCpooutleonmtibalindtiesorardcteironexbisetcso,mthees y (arb. SLTCO E well-knownCoulombgap will appear [14, 15, 16]. In our ensit M = nt Cr B case, the Cr doping x should give rise to a strong poten- I E A SLTVO Cr 3d tialdisorderatTisiteswithasmallnumberofthecharge carriersy. Hence we believe that this pseudogapis most V B' likely the Coulomb gap. Further investigation is needed E -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 O 2p V 3d E on this issue, but it is beyond the scope of this Letter. Binding Energy (eV) F ctoerfmuFtchisin.eaalPCllrayron,-leewalnie(ndad)tVihose-cfduFeoslipsegce.htd3orowtsnihti∆aocnwesaffsttretuohsfcetSTuvrr0Mae.l6eLoneaflce0etm.-h4bTeeanin20t-d.s8TMspMpla0e.yc2sstyOrsaa3- Energy (eV)-1012 (cT)iO4+ffset by 4.0 MMM334+++ (((RRReeefff... 111887))) 8765eff (e∆ SLTCOLoCcar l3 sdpinCTair r3ider (dE) (M=Cr, V). Comparing the two spectra, one can easily ng -2 Ti3+ 4 V) SrFeMoO Mo 4d attributethefeatureB′(-1.8eV)totheV3dstate. Panel ndi V3+ 2 6 Carrier Bi-3 This work Cr3+ 3 (b) displays a schematic electronic structure of the four -4 2 E compounds deduced from our results and the literature 0 1 2 3 Fe 3d [11, 12, 13]. The distance between the Cr 3d state and Number of 3d electrons Local spin E F the O 2p band in SLTCO is virtually identical to that in La Sr CrO [13]. On the other hand, the Cr 3d 1−x x 3 FIG. 3: (Color). (a) Valence-band spectra of peak in SLTCO is located at a deeper energy level than in La Sr CrO because the E location is determined Sr0.6La0.4Ti0.8M0.2O3 (M=Cr, V) taken at 150 eV. (b) 1−x x 3 F and (d) Schematic electronic structure of SLTCO compared by Ti 3d state. In other words, the combination of (1) with the analogues and the double perovskite Sr FeMoO . 2 6 the difference of the ∆eff’s (D∆eff) of the Ti and Cr 3d (c) Bindingenergy of spectralfeatures and ∆eff’s areplotted states and (2) the E location determined by the Ti 3d against the number of 3d electrons, where ∆ for M4+ F eff staterealizesthe Cr3dlocalizedstate (andhence the lo- includes an offset by 4.0 eV. Since thecentroid of A must be calspins)inthebandgapbetweenO2pandTi3dbands above EF, the upper error bar of the Ti4+ is expected to be large. in SLTCO. 4 This is quantitatively demonstrated in panel (c), in of Sr La Ti Cr O by high-resolution pho- 1−(x+y) x+y 1−x x 3 which the binding energy of the observed spectral fea- toemission spectroscopy. Near-E electronic structures F tures is compared with ∆ ’s deduced from the analysis show two-component structure of the Cr 3d local state eff of PES spectra for M3+ [17] and from the empirical re- andTi3ditinerantstate. OwingtothelargeD∆ ofCr eff lation for M3+ and M4+ [18]. The panel revealsthat an andTiions,thedopedCr3delectronsrealizeS=3/2(t3 ) 2g appropriate offset for ∆ for M3+ or M4+ reproduces local-spin state at a deep level far below E (∼2.7 eV). eff F the relative energy of these features very well [19]. As a An appropriatechoice of 2-TMelements providesan op- consequence, the panel predicts that V ions in SLTVO portunitytocreateanewmagneticsysteminwhichlocal is not V4+ but V3+ because the B’ just locates between spins and charge carriers are independently controlled. Ti3+ and Cr3+. It should be noted that the electronic We wouldliketo thank S.Kaneyoshifor usefuldiscus- structure is not solely determined by D∆eff or ∆eff but sions. ThisworkwaspartlysupportedbyaGrant-in-Aid also by the effective O 2p-TM d hybridization (Teff) and for COE Research(13CE2002)by MEXT of Japan. The theeffectiveon-sited-dCoulombinteractionUeff [20]. In- synchrotron radiation experiments have been done un- deed, (∆eff-Ueff) is observed directly in the PES spectra der the approval of HSRC (Proposal Nos. 03-A-58 and instead of ∆eff. However, the effects of Ueff and Teff do 04-A-39). not appear in the energy difference among the features becauseU andT changesystematicallywithnumber eff eff ofdelectrons[21]. 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