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TREATISE EDITOR HERBERT HERMAN Department of Materials Science and Engineering State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook, New York ADVISORY BOARD J. W. CHRISTIAN, F.R.S. P. B. HIRSCH, F.R.S. Oxford University Oxford University Oxford, England Oxford, England M. E. FINE R. I. JAFFEE Northwestern University Electric Power Research Institute Evanston, Illinois Palo Alto, California J. FRIEDEL E. I. SALKOVITZ Université de Paris U.S. Office of Naval Research Orsay, France Arlington, Virginia A. GOLAND A. SEEGER Department of Physics Max-Planck-Institut Brookhaven National Laboratory Stuttgart, Germany Upton, New York J. J. HARWOOD J. B. WACHTMAN Ford Motor Company National Bureau of Standards Dearborn, Michigan Washington, D.C. TREATISE ON MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 21 ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES EDITED BY FRANK Y. FRADIN Materials Science Division Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, Illinois 1981 ACADEMIC PRESS A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers New York London Toronto Sydney San Francisco COPYRIGHT © 1981, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Electronic structure and properties. (Treatise on materials science and technology ; v. 21) Includes bibliographies and index. Contents: Electronic structure of perfect and defective solids / A. J. Freeman—Photoelectron spectroscopy as an electronic structure probe / B. W. Veal—Electronic structure and the electron- phonon interaction / W. H. Butler—[etc.] 1. Electronic structure. 2. Free electron theory of metals. I. Fradin, Frank Y. II. Series. TA403.T74 vol. 21 [QC176.8.E4] 620.1'ls 81-2457 ISBN 0-12-341821-6 [530.4Ί] AACR2 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 81 82 83 84 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 List of Contributors Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contributions begin. W. H. BUTLER (165), Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Z. FISK (297), Institute for Pure and Applied Physical Sciences, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093 E. S. FISHER (223), Materials Science Division, Argonne National Labora­ tory, Argonne, Illinois 60439 A. J. FREEMAN (1), Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60201 P. JENA (351), Physics Department, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan 49931 S. G. STEINEMANN (223), University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland B. W. VEAL (99), Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439 G. W. WEBB (297), Institute for Pure andl Applied Physical Sciences, Uni­ versity of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093 VII Foreword Materials science has evolved to its present advanced state through contributions from numerous facets of the solid-state sciences. Physics and chemistry of materials, metallurgy, ceramics, and polymer science are all merging into more clearly defined common themes. This convergence is well exemplified by the topic to which this volume is addressed: electronic structure and properties. Electronic-related properties have always been central to the growth of materials science. In recent years, new, fresh theoretical approaches and newly developed experimental techniques have allowed more realistic de­ terminations to be made of band structure and energy states in pure systems and in a wide variety of solid solutions. Notable progress has been made in understanding and predicting phase stability, and this in turn has initiated new approaches to alloy design. Simplified interpretations of complex and cross-linked phenomena, though required and intellectually satisfying, do not necessarily lead readily to reasonable predictions of behavior. To a large extent, the evolution of alloy theory had to wait for the introduction of very sensitive and high resolution experimental probes (e.g., photoelectron spectroscopy, positron annihila­ tion), with an attendant appreciation for the theoretically based strengths and weaknesses of these techniques. This volume, which has been edited by Frank Y. Fradin, has come at a propitious time, when experimental technology and electron theory are expanding significantly in a coordinated fashion. The near future holds great promise for studies of electronic structure of materials and for those applications that are bound to result from these activities. H. HERMAN IX Prefoce There has been remarkable progress in the understanding of the electronic structure and properties of materials in the past two decades, due in large part to impressive advances in various spectroscopies for directly measuring the electronic structure, e.g., photoemission spectroscopy, as well as to advances in the theoretical methods of calculating the electronic structure of complex materials, e.g., the local density approach, supercell methods, and the coherent potential approximation. The improved understanding of the electronic structure has led to exciting new insights into a number of physical properties, e.g., superconductivity, phonon and lattice instabilities, magnetism, surface activity, energetics of point defects, and electron trans­ port in complex materials. In this volume we present these new develop­ ments in electron theory and electron spectroscopies. The approach, while pedagogical in nature, avoids becoming bogged down in computational or experimental detail. The contributing chapters are exemplary rather than comprehensive, although sufficient references are given to help the inter­ ested reader find more detail. Emphasis in the chapters is on transition metals, alloys, and intermetallic compounds, with a number of illustrative examples from the oxides and silicates. Although the electron theory of metals and alloys was developed by Mott and others as early as the 1930s, quantitative success of the theory was restricted to the simple alkali or noble metals. Of greater interest to the materials scientist are the alloys and compounds of technological impor­ tance for their interesting physical properties. As A. J. Freeman points out in Chapter 1, it has only been within the past 20 years that abinitio energy band structures have developed to the point that confidence could be placed on their predictions for highly complex structures. In his chapter on electronic structure, Dr. Freeman introduces the local density functional approximation and then describes the modern energy band methods. He also introduces the supercell method for treating the case of reduced (i.e., surfaces) or broken (i.e., defects, impurities) translational invariance and the XI XU PREFACE coherent potential approximation for treating the disordered concentrated alloy problem. A number of illustrative examples are given in Chapter 1 that serve to relate the electronic structure calculations both to the various electron spectroscopies and to a number of physical phenomena discussed in the other chapters. Photoelectron-emission spectroscopy is perhaps the most important spec- troscopy to establish both qualitative and quantitative verification of the electron theory of solids. In Chapter 2, B. W. Veal introduces the ultraviolet and the x-ray photoemission techniques and describes the application of the techniques to study both core-electron and valence-electron structures. Dr. Veal includes illustrative examples of metals, alloys, oxides, hydrides, as well as amorphous materials. The electron-phonon interaction is the central theme of many exciting phenomena in modern studies of metallic materials. In Chapter 3, W. H. Butler introduces the theory of the electron-phonon interaction. He then discusses the ramifications of the electron-phonon interaction for the superconducting transition temperature, lifetimes of phonons, lattice ther­ mal resistivity, and interatomic force constants or phonon frequencies. Specific examples are given for the free electron metals, the transition metals, and the A-15 (e.g., VSi) type compounds. 3 The elastic properties of transition metals is the subject of Chapter 4 by S. G. Steinemann and E. S. Fisher. In this chapter emphasis is placed on the effect of deformation on the Fermi surface and the resultant systematic dependence of the elastic constants on the electronic structure. A heavy emphasis is given to the body-centered-cubic transition-metal alloys, which have received the most exhaustive theoretical and experimental attention. Other examples include the face-centered-cubic and the hexagonal- close-packed transition metals and the A-15 superconductors. A short section on the effects of interstitial hydrogen in niobium is also included. The electrical resistivity of metals and alloys is the subject of Chapter 5 by Z. Fisk and G. W. Webb. In this chapter Drs. Fisk and Webb discuss the nature of defect-dominated electron scattering, including concentrated al­ loys and liquid metals, as well as contributions to the electrical resistivity due to the electron-electron interaction, the electron-phonon interaction, and magnetic effects. A discussion of the electrical resistivity changes occurring at various types of phase transformations is also included. In the final chapter, P. Jena reviews the electronic structure of point defects in metals. In this chapter Dr. Jena surveys the various theoretical formulations for the point-defect problem. He then illustrates the theoretical results and makes contact with experimental probes such as nuclear quadrupole and nuclear magnetic resonance, impurity resistivity, muon spin rotation, and positron annihilation. Specific examples include hydrogenlike impurities in metals, including isotope effects, and vacancies in metals. J Electronic Structure of Perfect and Defective Solids A. J. FREEMAN Department of Physics and Astronomy Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois I. Introduction and Historical Perspective 1 II. Theoretical Methods 2 A. Complexities and Approximations Required for Treating the Many-Body Problem of a Solid in a Solvable, Tractable Form 3 B. Local Density and Local Spin Density Functional Theories 4 C. Energy Band Methods 6 D. LDF-Energy Band Approach 14 E. Problems of Itinerant versus Localized Electron Distributions and the Treatment of Non-Ground-State Properties 15 F. Supercell Method for Systems Having Broken or Reduced Symmetry 17 G. Coherent Potential Approximation (CPA) and KKR-CPA 22 III. Illustrative Examples 25 A. Charge and Spin Densities 25 B. Cohesive Properties of Solids 36 C. Electronic Structure of Metals 42 D. Complex Systems 52 E. Electronically Driven Phase Transitions and Phonon Anomalies 58 F. Surfaces, Surface Magnetization, and Chemisorption in Metals 67 G. Disordered Alloys 80 H. Microstructure Materials and Their Properties 87 References 90 I. Introduction and Historical Perspective The past decade has witnessed a coming of age of the energy band approach to the study of materials. During this time the energy band method has become an increasingly powerful and sophisticated tool of the solid-state physicist and materials scientist for theoretically studying the multitudinous and increasingly complex properties of matter in the con­ densed state. Thus today, information derived from energy band studies are l Copyright © 1981 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved ISBN-0-12-341821-6 2 A. J. FREEMAN increasingly attracting the interest of materials scientists for solutions and/or understanding of phenomena (including some in the more classical metal­ lurgical domain) previously thought to be too complex for theoretical treatment. The manifold successes of the band approach, which we now take for granted, are all the more remarkable when one recalls that only some 20 years ago very little confidence or physical meaning was attributed to ab initio energy band structures (i.e., eigenvalue phenomena). The status of band theory today may be viewed as a direct result of the fact that in the past decade new sophisticated experiments on both traditional materials and those having complex crystallographic structures have demanded not only theoretical descriptions of eigenvalue phenomena but also detailed and precise wave functions with which to determine the expectation values of different observable operators. Such a demanding test of the predictions of one-electron theory has the additional virtue in permitting, by their com­ parison with experiment, accurate determinations of the relative magnitude and importance of many-body effects in real solids. Thus there had devel­ oped considerable interest in the Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham (Hohenberg and Kohn, 1964; Kohn and Sham, 1965; Sham and Kohn, 1966) local density functional (LDF) formalism for investigation of various ground-state prop­ erties of solids, despite the usual difficulties of solving the associated one-particle equation characterized by a multicenter nonspherical potential. Aside from providing a rigorous basis and justification of the single-particle energy band description of the ground-state properties of materials, it has led to accurate, tractable, computational schemes for describing them from first principles. In this chapter we describe and discuss some of these developments in the local-density theory energy band approach and indicate by means of selected examples some of the richness and variety of properties and pheonomena which are and can be studied. It will also give an overview of the detailed interaction that can now be made between ab initio theoretical calculations and experiment, it being well understood that only through this close interplay will a more fundamental understanding of electronic struc­ ture and properties emerge. II. Theoretical Methods The very success of the energy band approach and its recent great popularity (as attested to by the proliferation of such approaches and the large growth in the number of its practitioners) make it imperative that we ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF PERFECT AND DEFECTIVE SOLIDS 3 discuss the basis of the method and its underlying assumptions and ap­ proximations in order to better understand the applicability (and reliability) of the results obtained and to assess their validity relative to experiment. A. Complexities and Approximations Required for Treating the Many-Body Problem of a Solid in a Solvable, Tractable Form The energy band method for calculating electronic eigenstates in crystals is based on a number of simplifying assumptions and approximations that reduce the many-body problem, involving the interactions between all the particles—electrons and nuclei—in the system, to a one-electron or in­ dependent electron model. (The reason for these approximations is clear: the many-body problem for the crystal entails the solution of Schrödinger's equation for 1023 nuclei and electrons and is a completely hopeless task.) It is important to keep these approximations in mind as they are not com­ pletely justifiable and may affect seriously some of the physical results obtained. The first of these is the zero-order Born-Oppenheimer approximation, which essentially amounts to neglecting the electron-phonon interaction and reduces the problem to that of an interacting electron system in the field of fixed nuclear potentials. Actually, as discussed at length in Chapter 3, the electron-phonon interaction plays an important role in a number of physical phenomena, the most famous being its essential role as origin of superconductivity in the Bardeen- Cooper- Schlief fer (BCS) theory. In nor­ mal metals it can cause an enhancement of measured electron masses, electron velocities, g factors, the measured oscillator strength for optical transitions, density of states at the Fermi energy as obtained from specific heat measurements, etc. In general, it does not appear to affect measured Fermi surface dimensions, which therefore may be directly compared with predictions arising from the theoretical calculations. The direct solution of the many-electron Hamiltonian with its 1023 variables is obviously not possible. Thus we must make an approximation that separates the variables to yield an effective single-particle equation that is the approximate Hamiltonian of the energy band model. There have been two "justifications" of this model: one is based on the Hartree-Fock formalism; the other arises from a more generalized many-body interacting homogeneous electron gas approach for treating the ground state of a system—the so-called local density functional theory. The most recent justification of the band model is the local density functional formalism of Hohenberg, Kohn, and Sham, which we shall describe more fully in Section ΙΙ,Β (Hohenberg and Kohn, 1964; Kohn and

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