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Preview Electronic Properties, Screening and Efficient Carrier Transport in NaSbS2

Electronic Properties, Screening and Efficient Carrier Transport in NaSbS 2 Jifeng Sun and David J. Singh Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211-7010, USA∗ (Dated: January 24, 2017) NaSbS2 is a semiconductor that was recently shown to have remarkable efficacy as a solar ab- sorber indicating efficient charge collection even in defected material. We report first principles calculations of properties that show (1) an indirect gap only slightly smaller than the direct gap, whichmayimpederecombination ofphotoexcitedcarriers, (2)highlyanisotropicelectronicandop- 7 tical properties reflecting a layered crystal structure, (3) a pushed up valence band maximum due 1 to repulsion from the Sb 5s states and (4) cross-gap hybridization between the S p derived valence 0 bands and the Sb 5p states. This latter feature leads to enhanced Born effective charges that can 2 provide local screening and therefore defect tolerance. These features are discussed in relation to n theperformance of thecompound as a semiconductor with efficient charge collection. a J 2 I. INTRODUCTION II. STRUCTURE AND METHODS 2 The present calculations were performed within den- ] i sity functional theory (DFT). The electronic structure c NaSbS is a little studied semiconductor that was re- s cently sh2own to be remarkably effective as a solar ab- and optical properties were calculated using the gen- - eral potential linearized augmented planewave (LAPW) l sorber material,1 and has also been mentioned as a po- r method,7 asimplementedinthe WIEN2kcode.8 The to- t tential thermoelectric material based on computational m talenergycalculationsandrelaxationoftheatomiccoor- screening.2 Remarkably, an efficiency of 3.18% was ob- dinateswasdoneusingthePerdew,BurkeandErnzerhof . tained in the first report using NaSbS nanparticles t 2 (PBE) generalized gradient approximation (GGA).9 For a in a dye sensitized solar cell.1 This is comparable to m this,relativitywastreatedatascalarrelativisticlevelfor the efficiency of early cells of similar type made us- thevalencestates. Thecorestatesweretreatedrelativis- - ing organometallic halide perovskites.3 Those materi- d tically. LAPW sphere radii of R=2.2 bohr were used for als have since proven to be a revolutionary advance n all elements, along with a planewave sector basis cutoff in photovoltaics, but suffer from issues with long term o determined by, RK =9 (here R is the radius of the c stability and the fact that they contain Pb, which is max smallest LAPW sphere, i.e. 2.2 bohr, and K is the [ undesirable.4,5 NaSbS contains only environmentally max 2 planewavecutoff). Localorbitalswereaddedtothebasis friendly low cost elements, and this very promising early 1 for the S s, Na s and p, and Sb d semicore states. experimental result, and the theoretical results below v Spin-orbit was included for the electronic and optical 5 suggestthatitmayaswellrepresentarevolutionarynew properties. The band gap is important for these, and 9 material for solar photovoltaic applications. accordinglythesecalculationsweredoneusingthemodi- 1 fiedBecke-Johnson(mBJ)potentialofTranandBlaha.10 6 0 From a valence point of view one might regard the This functional gives band gaps in good accord with ex- . stoichiometry as derived from PbS by splitting of the perimentforawidevarietyofsimplesemiconductorsand 1 divalent Pb site into monovalent Na and trivalent Sb. insulators and also appears to give reliable band shapes 0 7 In this way one might anticipate that NaSbS2 would be and optical properties, althoughat least in certain semi- 1 a semiconductor and that the band gap may be higher conductors the band masses are more similar to those : thanthatofPbSifnormaltrendsarefollowedduetothe obtainedinstandarddensityfunctionalcalculationsthan v splitting ofthe cationsite. However,atambienttemper- those from many body calculations.10–14 Calculation of i X ature the crystalstructure deviates stronglythe rocksalt the transport function for conductivity was done using r structure of PbS, as discussed below. More significantly, theBoltzTraPcode.15 Opticalpropertieswerecalculated a the presence of Na suggests a propensity for defects, e.g. based on electric dipole transitions in the independent Na off-stoichiometry. Good charge collection requires a particle approximation as implemented in the WIEN2k high carrier drift length, which typically occurs in high code. TheBorneffectivechargesandthedielectrictensor qualitydefectfreematerial,andsothe highperformance werecalculatedusingthedensityfunctionalperturbation of NaSbS as a solar absorber is surprising. However, theory(DFPT)withthePBEfunctionalasimplemented 2 several soft lattice solar materials have been discovered, in the VASP code16 (note that calculation of the dielec- most notably CH NH PbI ,4 where defects do not seem tric tensorcannotbe donewith the mBJ potential,since 3 3 3 to play the same detrimental role as in more traditional it is not an energy functional and therefore cannot be materials such as CdTe.6 Here we report first principles used to evaluate lattice response). calculationsaimedatunderstandingthepropertiesofthis ThestructureofNaSbS hasbeenrefinedintotwodif- 2 compound, especially in relation to its use as a solar ab- ferent monoclinic groups, C2/c (# 15)17 and C2/m (# sorber. 12).18 Inadditionthereisareportofatriclinicstructure 2 P¯1 (# 2).19 These are all centrosymmetric structures. NaSbS C2/c 2 The deviation from a cubic structure was discussed in terms of lone pair activity of Sb.17 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION c We did calculations for the three reported structures, ineachcaseusingthelatticeparametersfromthediffrac- Na tionexperiments,andthenrelaxingthe atomicpositions subjecttothespacegroupsymmetry. Wefindthattheen- Sb S ergyfortheC2/mstructureis0.127eVperformulaunit c a a (f.u.) above the energy of the P¯1 structure. The C2/c structure is 0.005 eV/f.u. higher than the P¯1 structure. FIG. 1. Monoclinic structure of NaSbS2, showing S as large We did further calculations to address the issue of the red spheres,Sb asgold and Naas blue. Theleft panelshows groundstate. Specifically,wedidfullrelaxations,includ- the layering, while the right panel shows a single layer (note ing both lattice parameters, angles and internal coordi- that there are two layers with opposite orientation of the S- nates. For this purpose we used the VASP code with Sb-Sunitspercell.) TheshortSb-SbondsintheS-Sb-Sunits are shown by pipes. three different density functionals, specifically the local density approximation (LDA), the PBE GGA9 and the PBEsol GGA.20 We further did full relaxations of both the C2/c and the P¯1 structures using VASP with LDA, TABLEI.Calculatedatomicpositionsandbondvalencesums PBE, and PBEsol20 functionals. These functionals dif- fbo=r6.m83o6no˚Acl,inci=c8N.2a5S2b˚AS2,,γs=p5a5c.e7g2r◦o.upTh1e5s,eCla2t/tcic,eav=ec8t.2o3rs2a˚Are, fer in equilibrium volumes for solids. Generally, at in- from experiment. “b.v.” denotes the bond-valencesum. The creased volume lattices tend to distort more strongly, as fractional atomic coordinates are in terms of the lattice vec- was noted in the case of PbTiO3, an oxide ferroelectric tors and were determined with thePBE functional. with a ground state particularly sensitive to volume.21 x y z b.v. We find that the LDA underestimates the unit cell vol- Na 0.0000 0.7500 0.1340 1.06 ume of NaSbS , yielding 175˚A3, in comparisonwith the 2 experimentalvolumeof192˚A3 at300K.ThePBEfunc- Sb 0.0000 0.7500 0.6051 2.85 tional yields 197 ˚A3, while PBEsol yields 184 ˚A3. The S 0.2239 0.7606 0.4088 2.02 LDA predicts a monoclinic ground state, while the fully relaxed triclinic structure is < 2 meV/atom lower in en- ergy for both PBE and PBEsol. Considering the very neighboring S in the same layer leading to apparent S- smallenergy,andthe limitationsofDFT calculationswe Sb-S units. These units wouldlead to a strong ferroelec- concludethatthegroundstateismonoclinicC2/corpos- tricity in plane with polarization along the c-direction, siblyP¯1withanextremelysmalltriclinicdistortionfrom except that the two layers per cell have opposite orien- this monoclinic structure. The other monoclinic struc- tation so that the polarizations of the individual sheets ture, C2/m, is, however,clearly not a feasible structure. cancel. The formation of S-Sb-S units leads to a dimer- We calculated properties for both the C2/c and P¯1 ization of the S in the layers. The near neighbor Sb-S structures, but find very little difference. For example, distance is 2.486 ˚A, while the S-Sb-S angle is 98.6◦. The the band gap for the triclinic structure is 1.21 eV com- chainsofS-Sb-Sunitsrunalongthea-direction. Thusthe pared to 1.22 eV for the monoclinic. This is not surpris- structure has anisotropic layers in the a-c plane. In the ing since the two structures are very similar, though not following discussion of optical and electronic properties identical. Internal coordinates for the two structures are we use a orthogonal coordinate system where x is along given in Tables I and II. As seen, the bond valences22 are close to their nominal values indicative of an ionic structure, Na+Sb3+S2−, although the Sb value of 2.85 2 TABLE II. Calculated atomic positions and bond valence is slightly smaller perhaps indicative of some degree of sums for triclinic NaSbS2, spacegroup 2, P¯1, a=5.825 ˚A, covalency. b=5.828 ˚A, c=6.833 ˚A, α=113.46◦, β=113.48◦, γ=90.07◦. In the following, we discuss properties of the mono- The atomic positions were determined using the PBE func- clinic C2/c structure for simplicity. The structure is de- tional and thelattice parameters are from experiment. picted in Fig. 1. As seen, it is a layered structure, with x y z b.v. two layers per unit cell. The layers have composition Na 0.3658 0.6332 0.2501 1.06 NaSbS ,withallatomscoplanarinthemonoclinicstruc- 2 Sb 0.8947 0.1049 0.2499 2.84 ture and very nearly coplanar in the triclinic structure. S 0.1330 0.3156 0.7393 2.02 A single layer is depicted in the right panel of Fig. 1. ThelayersshowdistinctshortbondsbetweenSbandtwo S 0.3154 0.1320 0.2390 2.02 3 100 xx 90 xy 80 yy zz s) 70 m b Ω 60 L 18 50 0 1 40 τ ( σ/ 30 L 20 10 FIG.2. Bandstructure(left)andcarrierpockets(right). The 0 pointbis(1/2,0,-1/2) inprimitivecellreciprocallatticeunits -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 and are shown in the zone in the right panel. The carrier n (e/f.u.) pocketsareisosurfaces 0.05eVbelowthevalencebandmaxi- mum(blue)and0.05eVabovetheconductionbandminimum FIG.3. Rigidbandconductivitytransportfunction σ/τ,cal- (red). Note that thegap is indirect. culated at 300 K, as a function of carrier concentration in electrons per formula unit. Negative valuesdenote holes. the a-axis,z is alongthe c-axisandy is perpendicular to these. The tensor properties show an xy component due 120 xx to the monoclinicity. yy The bandstructure near the bandedges is depicted in 100 zz Fig. 2,whichshowsthebandstructurealonglineswhere 80 the band extrema occur and a isosurface visualizationof m) the band edges. The valence band maximum (VBM) is 60/ 60 1 on a zone face, as shown, at the point denoted “b”. The α ( conduction band minimum (CBM) is near, but not at, 40 anotherzoneface(L).Thisindirectbandgaphasavalue, 20 E (ind)=1.22eV. The directgap, E (dir) is at“b”,and g g is only 0.02 eV (∼250 K) larger. This structure can pro- 0 videapartialexplanationforobservedgoodcollectionof 0 1 2 3 4 photoexcited carriers. Specifically, while the very small E (eV) difference between E (ind) and E (dir) is insignificant g g from the point of view of obtaining good optical absorp- FIG.4. Opticalabsorptionspectrum. ALorentzianbroaden- tion for the solar spectrum, the indirect nature of the ing of 0.025 eV was applied. gap will impede recombination of photoexcited carriers thatrelaxto the bandedges. This effectwill be stronger at room temperature if the difference between the direct These are anticipated to be small due to the small band and indirect gaps is a little larger,which is possible con- gap and resulting high electronic (clamped ion) dielec- sideringuncertaintiesinDFTcalculations. Wenotethat tric constant. The spectrum is similar for both in plane 0.02 eV is a small energy and so it will be of importance polarizations but differs strongly for the yy component, to verify whether the gap is indirect and if so the mag- which has electric field polarizationperpendicular to the nitude of the difference between the direct and indirect NaSbS sheets. Regardless of polarization, the absorp- 2 gaps by experiment. tion is relatively weak from the onset at the direct gap Fig. 3 shows the transport function σ/τ as obtained to ∼ 2.5 eV. This emphasizes the importantroleof good from the electronic structure. As seen, the transport carrier transport to realize the reported efficacy of this is highly two dimensional for both the conduction and material as a solar absorber.1 valance bands, but is more so for the conduction bands. Fig. 5showsthe calculatedelectronicdensityofstates Transport in plane is also anisotropic, with better con- along with the S p contribution. The valence bands are duction along the a (x-direction) than along c. This derivedfromSp states,so thatthe compoundshouldbe amounts to ∼35% for the valence bands and ∼20% for regardedasnominallyionic. Thetopofthevalenceband the conduction bands. Finally, if the effective scattering manifold also appears to be split off to higher energy. rates, τ−1, are similar for electrons and holes, the in- This type ofsplitting is seeninsome otherScompounds planemobility willbe higherforelectronsthanforholes. whereitarisesfromrepulsionbetweenalowerlyingmetal The calculatedopticalabsorptionspectrumis givenin stateandtheSpstates.23,24 Theresultisthatthetopof Fig. 4. Thisspectrumwascalculatedinthe independent the valence band has antibonding metal - S p character, particle approximation, i.e. neglecting excitonic effects. andoften moredispersive bands beneficialfor transport. 4 8 total TABLEIII.Calculated Borneffectivechargetensorsofmon- 7 S p oclinic NaSbS2. 6 xx xy xz yx yy yz zx zy zz Na 1.13 -0.15 0.00 -0.15 1.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.19 u. 5 E) / f. 4 SSb -32..4238 -10..5750 01..0308 -10..5618 -43..6098 00..5070 00..8000 00..0020 -21..3715 N( 3 2 1 TABLE IV. Calculated dielectric tensors of monoclinic 0 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 NaSbS2. E (eV) xx xy yy zz ǫ∞,ij 9.3 1.7 8.4 7.4 FIG. 5. Electronic density of states and S p projection onto ǫ 10.4 13.0 32.7 3.3 theLAPW sphereon a performula unit basis. ph,ij ǫij 19.7 14.7 41.1 10.7 0.6 Sb s Sb p 0.5 The mechanism is enhanced local screening due to the high Born charge,which leads to defect tolerance in soft 0.4 u. lattice materials.27,30 N(E) / f. 00..23 tΩeot∂∂TaPuhljie,powBlahorerirnzeaetΩiffoenicstitinvheedivcrhoealcurtmgioeensoiwfeatrnhedeouubntiatiisnceethdlle,aPdsiisZpisl∗iajtche=e- j 0.1 mentindirectionj. ThecalculatedBorneffectivecharges of monoclinic NaSbS are shown in Table III. It can be 0 2 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 seen that the maximum Born effective charges are 1.47 E (eV) for Na, 4.69 for Sb and -3.08 for S, respectively. These are considerably larger than the corresponding nominal FIG. 6. Sb s and p density of states by projection onto the charges, consistent with the expectation from the elec- SbLAPWsphere. NotethattheextendedSbvalenceorbitals tronic structure. The dielectric tensor contains both the lie mainly outside the 2.2 bohr LAPW spheres, so that the electronic andionic contributions as ǫij = ǫ∞,ij + ǫph,ij. plotshowsaquantityproportionaltobutconsiderablysmaller Theelectronicpartwasobtainedwithion-clampedusing than thefull Sb contributions. DFPT.33,34 The ionic contribution was based on the in- teratomic force constants calculated using DFPT.35 For monoclinicNaSbS ,there arefournon-zerocomponents, This antibonding mechanism is operative here. Fig. 6 2 as given in Table IV. The average value given by one shows s and p projections on the Sb LAPW spheres. As third ofthe trace is 23.8. For comparison,ZnO,whichis seen, there is Sb s character at the top of the valence a good oxide semiconductor that has some defect toler- bands including at the VBM. The main Sb s bands are ance at least for n-type,36,37 has a dielectric constant of at -9.5 to -7 eV relative to the VBM, and so the VBM 9.3.38 has S p - Sb 5s antibonding character. Besides this Sb 5s character at the top of the valence ThereforeNaSbS hasenhancedBorneffectivecharges 2 bands, there is considerable Sb 5p character in the va- duetothecrossgaphybridization,similartoseveralma- lence bands. The Sb 5p states are nominally unoccu- terialsthathavebeenfoundtohaveexcellentchargecol- pied in this compound and form the main conduction lection in the context of radiation detection, e.g. TlBr, bands. ThusthisSb5pcontributioninthevalencebands BiI andTl SeI .27,28,39ThisenhancedBornchargeleads 3 6 4 comes from cross-gap hybridization between the occu- to an enhanced dielectric constant, which means en- pied S p states and unoccupied Sb p states. Such cross- hancedscreening. Thisprovidesanexplanationofhowa gap hybridization is a characteristic of oxide ferroelec- materialthatpresumablycontainshighconcentrationsof tric materials where it leads to enhanced Born effective pointdefectscannonethelesshaveefficientcarriercollec- charges and thus ferroelectricity,25 and is also found in tion in an optoelectronic application. In this regard, we phase change materials.26 It is closely connected with notethatSrTiO ,whichisnearaferroelectrictransition, 3 the concept of lone pair driven distortions. Enhanced and consequently has a very high dielectric constant at Born effective chargeshave also been associatedwith ef- low temperature,also has anexceptionalelectronmobil- ficient carrier transport in a number of materials.27–32 ity that exceeds 30,000 cm2/Vs in high quality films.40 5 IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS gap hybridization between S p and Sb p states. This results in enhanced Borneffective chargesand a highdi- electric constant. 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