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Preview Electronic phase diagram of LixCoO2 revisited with potentiostatically de-intercalated single crystals

Electronic phase diagram of Li CoO revisited with potentiostatically de-intercalated x 2 single crystals T. Y. Ou-Yang1,2, F. -T. Huang1, G. J. Shu1, W. L. Lee3, M. -W. Chu1, H. L. Liu2, and F. C. Chou1,4∗ 1Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan 2Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 11677, Taiwan 3Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan and 4National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu 30076, Taiwan (Dated: January 12, 2012) Electronic phase diagram of LixCoO2 has been re-examined using potentiostatically de- 2 intercalated single crystal samples. Stable phases of x ∼ 0.87, 0.72, 0.53, 0.50, 0.43, and 0.33 1 were found and isolated for physical property studies. A-type and chain-type antiferromagnetic 0 orderings have been suggested from magnetic susceptibility measurement results in x ∼ 0.87 and 2 0.50 below ∼ 10K and 200K, respectively, similar to those found in NaxCoO2 system. There is no Li vacancy superlattice ordering observed at room temperature for the electronically stable phase n a Li0.72CoO2 asrevealedbysynchrotronX-rayLauediffraction. Thepeculiarmagneticanomalynear J ∼175K as often found in powder samples of x∼0.46-0.78 cannot be isolated through this single crystal potentiostatic method, which supports the previously proposed explanation to be surface 1 stabilized phase of significant thermal hysteresis and aging character. 1 PACSnumbers: 75.25.-j,75.30.Gw,61.72.jd,63.22.Np,71.30.+h,74.62.Bf ] l e - r (a) (b) or trigonal layer symmetry with three gliding layers of t s LiO6 octahedra (O3) sandwiched in between Co-layers . per unit when drawn in hexagonal form.2 The surpris- t a ing finding of superconductivity in Na CoO yH O (x m x 2· 2 1/3 and y 4/3) has generated intense investiga- ∼ ∼ - tiononthe richelectronicphasedigramofNa CoO ,in- d x 2 cludingantiferromagneticordering,metal-insulatortran- n o sition, and superconductivity.3,4 On the other hand, de- c tailed LixCoO2 electronic phase diagram remains to be [ illusivewhilebeinghinderedbytheavailabilityofsizable high quality single crystal samples with well-controlled 1 cba v homogeneous Li content. 8 4 Na vacancy cluster ordering in layered NaxCoO2 has 2 FIG. 1. (color online) Crystal structures of (a) O3-LixCoO2 been shown to be a fascinating phenomenon since the 2 described by rhombohedral R¯3m or trigonal layer symmetry various superstructures were observed through neutron 1. and (b) P2-NaxCoO2 described by P63/mmc symmetry are and synchrotron X-ray diffraction techniques.5,6 The 0 compared. Note that LixCoO2 has threeglide layers of LiO6 strong correlationbetween vacancy cluster ordering pat- 2 octahedral per unit as drawn in hexagonal form, and there ternandthedistinctphysicalpropertiesatspecificxval- 1 are two reversed layers of NaO6 trigonal prismatic perunit. ues has been explored in detailed since.7,8 However, al- : though similar characteristic surface potential V vs. x v i behaviors have been found in the nearly isostructural X I. INTRODUCTION Li CoO throughrepeatedelectrochemicalgalvanostatic x 2 r charge/discharge scans, both in-situ and ex-situ, the a Both layered P2-Na CoO (also called γ-phase) and expected similar Li vacancy orderings from the nearly x 2 O3-Li CoO (also calledα-phase)compounds havebeen isostructural Li CoO have been implied yet never ob- x 2 x 2 investigatedintenselyasarechargeablebatteryelectrode servedwithsolidevidence.2,9 Whiletheexistenceofelec- material,andthelatter,inparticular,hasbeencommer- tronicallystablephasesrevealedbythecharacteristicsur- cialized, based on its proper application voltage, high face potential do not mean that the preferred specific energy density, and high rate capacity.1 In general, both charge levels would lead to specific Li-vacancy ordering, systems are composed of alternating layers of CoO and it is still possible that similar Li vacancy ordering does 2 alkali metal with 2D hexagonal symmetry. As illus- exist,exceptthatitissmearedatroomtemperatureasa trated in Fig. 1, the major difference lies in the oxy- result of thermal fluctuation. In fact, the first-principles gen coordinationnear the cations, i.e., P2-Na CoO can calculation predicted that most stable phases of Li va- x 2 be described by P6 /mmc space group with two oppo- cancyorderingsoccuronlybelowx=1/2.10Inthisreport, 3 siteprismaticNaO layers(P2)sandwichedbetweenCo- we haveconfirmedthatno Livacancy orderingexists for 6 layersperunit,whileLi CoO showsrhombohedralR3m x 0.72 at room temperature, based on synchrotronX- x 2 ∼ 2 ray Laue diffraction. While studies on the structure and electrochemi- cal properties of Li CoO using polycrystalline sample x 2 feorrtytheexppluorraptoisoenoufsbinagttesrinygaleppclricyasttiaoln,sapmhpylseiscalisprroapre- nit) (003) u due to its scarce availability. Most of the electronic b. pspahomratspselebdsa.i9sa,eg1d1r–ao1m3nssOimnngalptehpceerdyossttohaelfrsaarhmawpnelder,es utbhsaeesdedveeirtoyhnerfpeocwhwedrmeer-- nsity (ar (101) (104) iiltcnoioawtnelirndctgeah-leaianstctihoeoarnncvcailmnulagsetitoiphonoonstdeodsnr,r1tae4iawlelwncmhtrfiurocolhctmhi-wepmsehinaiwcsgaeilllelisgacsarrulygvesua,tennaoloinstLttaitohtCiemcofedOonel--- Inte (006)(012) (015) (009)(107) (018)(110) (113) (021)(116)(0012)(024)(0111)(205) x 2 samples prepared through ion-exchange route by P2- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 NaxCoO2.15 In fact, it is highly likely that the inclusion 2(cid:84) (degree) of O2-Li CoO , instead of the expected O3-Li CoO , x 2 x 2 may have occurred through ion-exchanged P2-Na CoO x 2 original.16 FIG. 2. (color online) Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction Detailedstudiesbasedonsinglecrystalsamplethrough pattern for the as-grown single crystal sample Li0.87CoO2 the electrochemical potentiostatic de-intercalation route whichhasbeenground inpowderform. Alldiffraction peaks have not been reported so far. The particle size dif- can beindexed correctly using space group R¯3m without ex- ference and packing density could affect the charging tra impurity phases identified. The inset shows the crystal photo and its Laue diffraction pattern of the as-grown single efficiency and surface potential readings for the study crystal sample. based on polycrystalline samples. The common prac- ticeofgalvanostaticchargingbasedonC-rateinthebat- tery study, i.e., charging rate set on a fraction of the ca- pacity, becomes impractical when there are particularly typicalsizeof 5 5 0.1mm3,withLicontentofx 0.87 stable phases existing, instead of a complete solid solu- based on indu∼ctiv×ely×coupled plasma-mass spectro∼meter tion for the ion intercalation. In order to study the elec- (ICP)analysis,whichislowerthantheexpectedx=1due tronic phase diagram of LixCoO2 accurately, we report to Li vapor loss under the cement sealing condition. Li phase studies based on single crystal samples that have content was reduced further through an electrochemical been preparedelectrochemicallyusing the potentiostatic potentiostaticde-intercalationprocessusingvariouscon- route, similar to the techniques that have been applied stant applied voltages, where Li CoO single crystal 0.87 2 successfully to the P2-NaxCoO2 study previously.17 The was used as working electrode, 1M LiClO4 in propylene potential drawback of surface-versus-bulk difference on carbonate as electrolyte, and Platinum as counter and the transientgalvanostaticscanis avoided,inparticular, reference electrodes. All Li contents of Li CoO were x 2 sincesensitivemagneticpropertyinterpretationcanonly examined by ICP method to be within error of 0.01 be addressed when homogeneous Li (Vacancy) contribu- and verified using the c-axis vs. x plot.2 Lattic±e pa- tionfor specific single phaseis perfectly isolatedwithout rameters were analyzed using Bruker D-8 diffractometer ambiguity. These findings are able to clarify the incon- andthe magnetic properties were measuredusing Quan- sistency among results obtained through different grain tum Design SQUID-VSM. The single crystal samples of sizes and de-intercalation methods so far. Li CoO and Li CoO were further examined using 0.87 2 0.5 2 Laue diffraction method with synchrotron X-ray gener- ated from 20 keV at the Taiwan-NSRRC. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS Forthe purposeofa detailedelectronicphase diagram studyonLi CoO ,lithiumcontentandhomogeneityhas x 2 A complete series of single crystal Li CoO sample beencrucialonitsreliability. Besidesthelithiumcontent x 2 with x 0.33-0.87 were prepared from electrochemical determinedandconfirmedthroughICPanalysispluslat- ∼ de-intercalationof the pristine single crystalLi CoO . ticeparametercomparisonasdescribedabove,thehomo- 0.87 2 The pristine single crystal Li CoO was grown us- geneity of lithium distribution has been examined care- 0.87 2 ing flux method starting from a mixture of LiCoO : fully using synchrotron X-ray diffraction and spin sus- 2 Li O : LiCl = 1 : 4 : 4, where LiCoO was prepared ceptibility analysis. The phase purity and crystal struc- 2 2 2 from Li CO and Co O powder with a molar ratio of ture ofthe as-grownsinglecrystalsamplehasbeen char- 2 3 3 4 ◦ Li:Co=1:1 and heated at 900 C for 24 hours. The mix- acterized fully using synchrotron X-ray Laue and pow- ture was sealedin analumina crucible using alumina ce- der diffraction as shown in Fig. 2. The as-grown crystal ◦ ment,heatedto900 C,soakedfor5hours,slowlycooled shows hexagonalmorphology which is expected for sam- ◦ ◦ to600 Catarateof2 C/hr,andfinallyfurnacecooled plepossesseshexagonalCoO symmetrywithinthebasal 2 to room temperature. The as-grown single crystal has a plane. SynchrotronLauediffractionshownintheinsetof 3 11..11 1.0 Applied voltage Oppen circuit ppotential 0.9 0.8 O22 o C 0.7 LiLx n 0.6 x i 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 V & OCP (V vs. Pt Ref.) app FIG. 3. (color online) Li content x versus applied voltage (Vapp) and open circuit potential (OCP) for LixCoO2 single crystal electrode. The Li de-intercalation is controlled using potentiostaticprocess,i.e.,aconstantVapp (vs. Ptreference) is applied to the sample electrode until the induced current falls to the background level, and OCP is recorded after the FIG. 4. (color online) Laue diffraction pattern for charging process has ended for 24 hours. Li0.72CoO2 obtained using synchrotron X-ray source of wavelength=0.6199˚A perpendicular to the CoO2 layer at room temperature. Fig.2 confirmed the R¯3m symmetry for the crystal per- pendicular to the CoO plane with correct index with- 2 outimpurityorsuperlatticespots. Lithiumhomogeneity are different between Na CoO and Li CoO , the ba- x 2 x 2 for each x content has been guaranteed through poten- sic character of the x vs. V plot for Li CoO is very x 2 tiostatic electrochemical de-intercalation method, where similar to that found for Na CoO .2,9,13 It is not sur- x 2 the final induced charge transfer current has been satu- prising to find phases with x 1/2 and 1/3 when both rated for more than 12 hours at the background level to ∼ systemshavesimilarCoO networksof2Dtriangularlat- 2 warrantcomplete conversionfor the whole crystal speci- tice. In addition, in proximity to the exact half filling, menatthedesignatedOCP.X-raydiffractionpeakwidth there are metastable phases of x 0.53 and 0.43 found (FWHM) which reflects lithium homogeneity has been ∼ for Li CoO . Similar phases have also been identified in x 2 confirmed to be maintained within 0.05±0.01 degree for NaxCoO2 nearx 0.55and0.43asreportedearlier.17,18 the whole range of crystal samples studied (not shown). ∼ AlthoughP2-Na CoO andO3-Li CoO havedifferent x 2 x 2 glidingsequencesandalkalinemetalionenvironmentsas shown in Fig. 1, it is interesting to find that Li CoO 0.72 2 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS shows particular stability similar to the fully character- ized stable phase of Na CoO . Na CoO has been 0.71 2 0.71 2 A. Electronic phase diagram identified by synchrotron Laue X-ray with a proposed simple hexagonal √12a √12a 3c superstructure model Ingeneral,opencircuitpotential(OCP)representsthe formedbyNavacancym×ultivac×ancyclustersbefore.6,19,20 chemicalpotential(relativetothereferenceelectrodepo- Na vacancy level that leads to the x=0.71 phase forma- tential) of a material when the sample acts as a working tionisaresultofperfecttri-andquadri-vacancystacking electrodeintheelectrochemicalcell. Theappliedoverpo- in the space group of P63/mmc symmetry (or P31 after tential above (or below) the current OCP would induce Na orderingis considered),i.e., closely relatedto the ne- charge transfer between the electrolyte and the working cessity of inversion symmetry between the nearest-layer electrode surfaces, and the induced current decays un- oxygen positions. While LixCoO2 has been described in til OCP is tuned to the new level. The phase diagram the space group of R¯3m with CoO2 layers to glide along mapped by x vs. V as shown in Fig. 3 reveals several the[111]directionofthreeLi-CoO2perunitinthehexag- stable phases from the plateau of x vs. V, which closely onal description as shown in Fig. 1, the Li vacancy level correlate with the specific Li contents near 0.72, 0.53, that is responsible for the existence of x 0.72 stable ∼ ∼ 0.50,0.43,and0.33. Althoughthestackingsequencesbe- phase is puzzling. tween alkali metal and CoO layers and the space group To search for the possible Li vacancy ordering, Laue 2 4 pattern for Li CoO obtained using synchrotron X- 0.72 2 ray is shown in Fig. 4. While the transmission Laue is ((aa)) LLii CCooOO taken perpendicular to the CoO layer, a clear hexago- 0.87 2 2 1.2 4 field cooled H = 1 T nalsymmetrycanbeindexed. Comparingwiththe Laue pattern of Na CoO with well-defined √12a hexago- H // ab 0.71 2 nal superlattice,6 no superlattice can be identified be- HH////cc 0.9 sides the main low indexing (hk0) planes constructed by e) 2 the hexagonal Co network of a=2.8156 ˚A. Contrary to ol theNa CoO superlattice,whichisrequiredbytheNa mm 00 55 1100 1155 2200 2255 3300 0.71 2 3/ trimerformationunder P6 /mmc symmetry,Li CoO m 3 0.72 2 c 0 has no similar symmetry condition, but, on the other 3 -0 ((bb)) LLii CCooOO hand, sits close to the phase boundary of the two-phase (1 2 0.72 2 region between 0.75-0.94 as reported previously.2,9,21 H field cooled H = 1 T The phase of rel∼atively shorter c-axis of the two-phase M/ H // ab could be related to the partial O2-like gliding as sug- HH////cc gested by Carlier et al. for the P2- to O2- structural 1 transition.16 It is possible that the particular stability of Li CoO may have nothing to do with specific Li 0.72 2 vacancy ordering, but rather closely related to the re- quirement of missing O2-like gliding after the screening 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 effectisweakenedbythelowerLilevelbetweentheCoO 2 TTemperatture ((KK)) blocks. It is very difficult to obtain single phase Li CoO 0.72 2 using potentiostatic method without going through an FIG.5. (coloronline)MagneticsusceptibilitiesforLi0.87CoO2 extreme fine tuning process on applied voltage, mostly and Li0.72CoO2 single crystals. The inset reveals the because it sits between the 0.75-0.94 two-phase region anisotropicanomalynear∼10K,whichsuggeststheexistence (to be discussed in the following sections), and the steep of A-type AF ordering with spins aligned antiferromagnetic and narrow voltage range for 0.72-0.52 phase formation along thec-direction. as shown in Fig. 3. Li-Co chemical disordering has also been ruled out based on the finite-temperature calcula- tion results,22 although supporting evidence has been metastablephasesinproximitytotheexacthalf-fillingas found experimentally in the literature.23 The average a result of alternating vacancy rich/poor 1D Na zigzag diffusion coefficient at room temperature obtained from chains.26 polycrystallineLi CoO isinthe orderofD 10−12,24 x 2 Li whichisnearlyfourorderslower(D 10−8cm∼2/s)than Na that of NaxCoO2 estimated from sing∼le crystal study,18 B. Magnetic susceptibilities except that the minima of D ’s near those specifically Na stable phases of x 0.71,0.50,and 0.33 fall to the same Magnetic susceptibilities for Li CoO (x 0.87,0.72) averagelevelasDL∼i. AlthoughthereportedDLivaluesin single crystals are summarized inx Fig.25. T∼hese results the literature vary from 10−13-10−7 and the differences differ significantly from those reported previously based have been attributed to the assumption of geometrical oneitherpowder orsinglecrystalsamples preparedwith factors used in the calculation,24 it is still possible that chemical or galvanostatic de-intercalated methods.13,15 the specific Li vacancy level of LixCoO2 does not induce We find that the signal size of magnetic anomalies re- enough chemical potential reduction for potential ionic vealed by the sensitive SQUID magnetometry on single ordering mechanism, as demonstrated by the missing of crystal samples are very weak, which cannot be reliably Li vacancy ordering for Li0.72CoO2. observed in polycrystalline samples, especially when in- BasedonOCPstudiesforLi CoO sampleelectrodeas homogeneitycannotberuledoutinchemicalorgalvano- x 2 showninFig.3,therearetwoextraphasesinproximityto static de-intercalation processes. Besides, magnetic im- the exact half filling of x = 0.5, i.e., the two distinguish- purity of Co O may become dominant below 50K un- 3 4 ablestablephasesrevealedbythenarrowplateaunear der certain annealing conditions and the muon spin res- 0.53 and 0.43, which have also been observed under ga∼l- onance tool shows limited sensitivity in this range.27,28 vanostatic scan previously.24,25 These two specific x val- As shown in Fig. 5(a), the anisotropic magnetic uesareclosetothosefoundinNa CoO systemnearx anomaly found near 10K for the as-grown Li CoO x 2 0.87 2 ∼ ∼ 0.55 and 0.43 with distinctly different Laue superlattice clearlyindicates the existence of possible A-type antifer- patterns andmagnetic phase transitions.17 The originof romagnetic ordering, similar to that found previously in phaseswithslightdeviationfromexactx=1/2remainsto Na CoO forx 0.82-86,wherethemagnetizationisre- x 2 ∼ be explored, but preliminary electron diffraction studies duced for H c to signal antiparallel spin arrangement in for Na CoO with x near 0.5 has been attributed to the c-direction.7k,17 TheA-typeantiferromagnetic(A-AF)or- x 2 5 dering for Na0.82CoO2 has been confirmed through neu- 1144..66 tronscatteringexperimentbefore,29 wherethe interlayer AF coupling coexists with an in-plane ferromagnetism 14.4 (FM) of itinerant electron spins.6 The similar finding of A-AF behavior in the as-grown Li CoO is not sur- 0.87 2 14.2 prising, although it has not been observedthroughmag- neticsusceptibilitymeasurementbeforetothebestofour (cid:700) (cid:835)A knowledge. (cid:699) 14.0 s The magnetic susceptibilities for Li CoO shown ix 0.72 2 a in Fig. 5(b) demonstrate similar magnetic behavior to c- 13.8 This work Amatucci (cid:44)(cid:3) Motohashi Amatucci (cid:44)(cid:44) that of Na CoO also, i.e., no magnetic anomaly has 0.71 2 Hertz Amatucci Mono. been found between 1.7-300K, which is in great con- 13.6 Menetrier Reimers (cid:44)(cid:3) trast to the finding of 175K phase transition reported Reimers (cid:44)(cid:44) previously.9,15,28 Hertz et al. have examined the con- Reimers Mono. 13.4 fusing 175K anomaly carefully before and ruled out the 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 possibility of the existence of Co-O impurities. In addi- x in LiCoO tion, the observedagingeffect of 175Kanomaly strongly x 2 implies the occurrence of magnetic moment induced by local microscopic Li inhomogeneity.9 We suspect that Li inhomogeneity becomes the major problem for samples FIG.6. (coloronline)c-axesforsinglecrystalsamplesstudied preparedusingchemicalorgalvanostaticde-intercalation in this work (solid circle) are compared with those reported intheliterature(emptysymbols).2,9,13,21,32 Monoclinicstruc- methods. This can also be argued from the persistent observationofthe175Kphasetransitionwithvariousin- ture distortion has been observed for LixCoO2 close to x ∼ 0.5 and 0.2. tensities found in the whole range of x 0.78-0.46, a ∼ typical example of possible inclusion of identical impu- rity phase with strong magnetic signal contribution.9,15 On the other hand, our single crystal samples were pre- C. Crystal structures paredwithwell-controlledpotentiostaticde-intercalation methodtowarrantLihomogeneityuntiltherewasnodif- The c-axis lattice parameters from five published ference onthe potentialreadingbetweensurface andthe works plus our current results are summarized in bulk. Besides, there are two different c-axes detected in Fig.6.2,9,13,21,32 Wenotethattheas-grownsinglecrystal therangeof 0.72-1beforesinglephaseformationbelow Li CoO falls in the reported two-phase region; how- ∼ 0.87 2 0.72 as reported by various preparation methods and ever, the as-grown crystal is clearly single phase with ∼ summarizedinFig.6. Afirstordermetal-insulatorMott smaller c-axis, similar to those for x >0.95. The two- transition has also been proposed for x < 0.75 based on phasephenomenonmustbecomingfrom∼thedomain-like density function theory (DFT) calculatio∼ns,which could de-intercalationprocessbeforex<0.72isachieved,which be closely related to the two phase coexistence in the shouldoccuronlyinthede-inter∼calationprocessatroom same range as a result of gradual de-localization from temperature but not through the melt growth condition x > 0.95.30 Phase purity requirement for the physical athightemperatures,asadditionallyverifiedbythetwo- pro∼perty investigation becomes crucial when Li inhomo- phaseobservationinour crystalsamplesof0.72<x<0.87 geneity cannot be controlledeasily,especially when elec- obtained by following electrochemical de-inter∼cal∼ation. trochemicalprocesscanonlydetectthesurfacepotential. Themainreasonforthepersistenttwo-phaseforx 0.72- ∼ Curie-Weiss law fitting for the paramagnetic behav- 1 has been proposed theoretically to be a first order ior of the spin susceptibilities for Li CoO shows that metal-insulator transition as a Mott transition of im- 0.72 2 Curie constant is 0.011 cm3-K/mole, which is nearly purities, where high mobility of Li vacancies allows the one tenth of that∼for Na CoO reported previously.6 25% vacancy metallic phase to grow at the expense 0.71 2 The significantly lower level of localized spins suggests ∼of insulating phase of x>0.95 at room temperature.30 thatthedopedholesresultingfromLivacancyaremostly It is noted that c-axes ∼values for 0.33< x <0.72 ob- mobile. This observation is consistent with the absence tained in this study (Fig. 6) are consiste∼ntly l∼ower than of Li vacancy ordering in the synchrotron Laue photo- those widely distributed values reported previously.2,21 graph, while superlattice ordering of Na vacancy cluster Li inhomogeneity in powder samples is a reasonable as- hasbeenproposedtocreatemorelocalizedspinsnearthe sumption to explain the difference, i.e., it is highly likely vacancy cluster centers and the rest of the doped holes that the Li contents were over-estimated before as a are itinerant.6,31 The absence of magnetic ordering for result of surface-to-bulk potential difference during de- the local moment on a frustrated lattice has been sug- intercalationprocessforthepowdersample,i.e.,possibly gested to be a unique spin liquid state for Na CoO . with mixture of low x phases which are closer to x<0.5 0.71 2 Similar behavior for Li CoO deserves further investi- at the grain boundaries, especially when galvanos∼tatic 0.72 2 gation also. de-intercalation route has been applied. 6 (a) ole) 1.5 (a) Li0.50CoO2 0.6 m field cooled H = 1 T 3mm/ HH//// abb 00..55 c 1.0 -30 H // c 1 0.4 H (H 90 180 270 M/ 0.5 1.0 (b) Li CoO 0.50 2 m) -c(cid:58)(cid:58) 0.9 m (b) ( (cid:85) 0.8 0.7 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 TTeemmppeerraattuurree((KK)) FIG. 8. (color online) (a) Magnetic susceptibility for Li0.5CoO2 singlecrystalmeasuredusing1TeslaforHkaband Hkc, and the transition region near ∼200K enlarged in the inset. (b) Thein-plane resistivity for x=0.5. vacancy cluster,5 which is not a possible mechanism un- der Li CoO R3m symmetry, and an alternative Mon- x 2 oclinic distortion mechanism is chosen. In fact, mazed domain structure of monoclinic Li CoO has been re- 0.5 2 FIG.7. (coloronline)Crystalstructuresof(a)Li0.5CoO2 de- vealed through electron diffraction before, where equiv- scribedinP2/m,33 wheresolidandemptycirclesingreenrep- alent domains of in-plane Li-vacancy ordering and other resentLiandLi-vacancyrespectively,and(b)Na0.5CoO2with nm size domains of variants exist.33 Na sublattice described in space group of Pnmm35, where The magnetic susceptibility and resistivity measure- zigzag chains formed by Na1 (green) and Na2 (yellow) solids ment results for Li CoO are shown in Fig. 8. There havebeen defined in theoriginal P63/mmc symmetry. is a small dip of su0.s5ceptib2ility found near 200K for ∼ H ab only as revealed in the inset of Fig. 8(a), but no k corresponding anomaly found for H c, which is similar D. Monoclinic Li0.5CoO2 to the behavior of antiferromagnetick transition near ∼ 88K found in Na CoO . This AF spin ordering for 0.5 2 Monoclinic distortion has been observed previ- Na CoO has been proposed to be coming from the 0.5 2 ously in Li CoO close to x 0.5 and 0.2 at room alternating rows of AF ordered and nonordered Co ions x 2 temperatures.2,21 The crystal ∼structure of Li CoO withintheab-plane.36ColumnsofalternatingLi-vacancy 0.5 2 has been identified as monoclinic lattice with space for Li CoO is shown in Fig. 7(a).33,34 The anisotropic 0.5 2 group P2/m.33,34 The gliding blocks of CoO and Li anomaly near 200K for Li CoO could be coming 2 0.5 2 for Li CoO with R¯3m symmetry of three Li-CoO lay- from a similar ∼AF ordering, and spin polarized neutron x 2 2 ers per unit must favor the monoclinic distortion when scattering should be performed to check this possibil- Li content is reduced to half. In addition, the alter- ity. For Na CoO shown in Fig. 7(b), the intricate Co 0.5 2 nating linear Li-vacancy chains for Li CoO is quite columns sandwiched between upper and lowerzigzagNa 0.5 2 different from the zigzag Na chain in Na CoO .35 Li chainsmustformtheorderedCowithAFspins,whilethe 0.5 2 in O3-Li CoO has only one site, which sits directly in-between Co columns are spinless as supported by the x 2 beneath the Co column, similar to the Na1 site in neutron scattering study results.36 Similarly, Li CoO 0.5 2 P2-Na CoO .6 But when cation vacancy is generated also possesses alternating Li-vacancy columns and the x 2 throughde-intercalation,Naioncanmovefromtheorigi- nearby Co columns must generate similar ordered AF nallyenergeticallyfavorableNa2sitetothenowenergeti- ordered spins and non-ordered spinless columns in the callymorefavorableNa1sitetoformNa-trimerormulti- hexagonal Co-plane. 7 deviation on applied potential would produce two-phase Li CoO ◦ 00.5500 22 coexistence unless post annealing at 120 C is applied. We failed to isolate the expected phase that shows sim- Li CoO de(cid:882)intercalate 0.72 2 ilar 175K anomaly after repeated careful tuning of Vapp LLLLiiii CCCCooooOOOO LLii CCooOO 00..8877 22 0.87 2 near 125 mV following the electronic phase diagram ∼ shown in Fig. 3,. Although these negative results can- not exclude the existence of a phase that shows 175K ∼ anomaly as revealed by severalexperimental techniques, whichstronglysupportsthatthispeculiarphasemustex- ist within a extremely narrow phase space to be isolated cleanly or associate with surface and grain boundaries FIG. 9. (color online) Radial model of inhomogeneous gal- closely. vanostatic or chemical de-intercalation for LixCoO2. MostearlystudiesofLi CoO phasediagramusedgal- x 2 vanostatic scans on polycrystalline samples in electro- Althoughthereisasignificantmetal-to-insulatortran- chemical battery cells, and the stable phases were iso- sition follows at 51K for Na CoO , there is only a latedusingthecharacteristicsurfacepotentialandX-ray 0.5 2 very weak increas∼e of resistivity found below 150K for diffraction. Thebatteryconstructionusingfinepolycrys- Li CoO . The metal-insulator transition bel∼ow 51K talline sample is efficient for revealing the occurrence of 0.5 2 forNa CoO hasbeenattributedtothechargelo∼caliza- stablephasesthroughsurfacepotentialwithtotalcharge 0.5 2 tionasaresultofdelicatebalancebetweenlocalCoulomb estimated using Faraday’s law. Alternatively, chemical repulsion and kinetic energy in the CoO plane when de-intercalation using oxidant under various concentra- 2 ideal interpenetrating filled (spinless) and half-filled tions can also serve the same purpose, as summarized in (with spin) orthorhombic sub-lattices are constructed.37 Table I. However, these processes are of approximation On the other hand, there is no clear metal-to-insulator for a quasi-equilibrium process at the limited time scale, transition observed down to 4.2K for Li CoO , except i.e.,unlessthechargingrateofgalvanostaticcurrentden- 0.5 2 a resistivity minimum occurs near 150K as shown in sity is lower than the Li diffusion rate, and the charg- Fig. 8(b). Unlike the maintained Na∼zigzag chain order- ing process can be stopped immediately after reaching ing along the c-direction for Na CoO , the monoclinic the targeted levels. Strictly speaking, galvanostatic de- 0.5 2 distortionforLi CoO alongc-axismustberesponsible intercalation method cannot guarantee single phase for- 0.5 2 for the missing charge ordering when 3D ordering along mationwithaccuratechargeintegration,especiallywhen c-direction is broken. multiple stable phases continue to build up on the outer layers of the particle, yet only the surface potential is recorded. RadialandMosaicmodelshavebeenproposed todescribetheintercalationproblemforthebatteryelec- E. De-intercalation and Li homogeneity trode material Li FePO with only two stable phases of x 4 x = 1 and 0,42 but there are more stable phases identi- Ithasbeenpuzzlingtofindthatthereisonepersistent fied in Li CoO as proposed in Fig. 9 following a Radial phase that can be identified through several experimen- x 2 model description. It is demonstrated that the delithia- tal techniques near 150-175Kwithin a wide range of x ∼ tionprocesscannotbeacompleteprocessinthegalvano- 046-0.78 as summarized in Table I. In addition, the ∼ staticscan,i.e.,thereisalwaysremanentstablephasesin observed 175K phase anomaly shows a significant ther- the inner core area that cannot be reached in time gal- mal hysteresis in both resistivity and magnetic suscepti- vanostatically when the charging current is terminated bility measurements.13,15 The persistent existence ofone bytheachievedsurfacepotentialbeforediffusionprocess phase signature in a wide range of lithium content sug- is completed. gests that such phase has not been isolated completely from the co-existing phase mixture. The observation of thermalhysteresisalsostrongly suggeststhatsuchhard- to-extract phase could be closely related to a phase ex- IV. CONCLUSIONS istence within extremely narrow phase space, i.e., slight deviationdue to inhomogeneitycould createphase sepa- In summary, by using a series of potentiostatically de- ration of small miscibility gap. In fact, Hertz et al. have intercalated single crystal Li CoO , we find great sim- x 2 proposed that the detected 175K anomaly could be as- ilarity between electronic phase diagrams of Na CoO x 2 sociated with a phase that can only be stabilized at the and Li CoO . Contrary to most reports based on pow- x 2 surface or grain boundaries, as suggested by its aging der sample prepared with galvanostatic or chemical de- character and mostly found in powder samples.9 Exam- intercalation methods, current work revealed an A-type ine the electronic phase diagram mapped by the poten- antiferromagnetic signature for x 0.87 and the non- ∼ tiostatic de-intercalation method as shown in Fig. 3, we existenceofmagneticorderingdownto1.7Kforx 0.72. ∼ find that indeed there exists a sharp x vs V slope within Although Li CoO shows similar stoichiometry and 0.72 2 20mVforsamplepreparationofx 0.52-0.72,i.e.,small particular stability compared to Na CoO with well- 0.71 2 ∼ ∼ 8 TABLE I. Summary of LixCoO2 samples prepared with different de-intercalation routes Reference deintercalation method powder/crystal 175K anomaly Imanishi et al. 199938 chemical powder x∼0.76-0.61 Menetrier et al. 199932 EC galvanostatic powder N.A. Clemencon et al. 200725 EC galvanostatic powder N.A. Mukaiet al. 200711 EC galvanostatic powder x∼0.75-0.50 Hertz et al. 20089 chemical powder x∼0.78-0.51 Kawasaki et al. 200939 EC galvanostatic powder N.A. Sugiyama et al. 200928 EC galvanostatic powder x∼0.73-0.53 Motohashi et al. 200913 EC galvanostatic powder x∼0.70-0.50 Mohanty et al. 200940 chemical powder no Miyoshi et al. 201015 ion exchange+chemical single crystal x∼0.71-0.46 Ishidaet al. 201041 ion exchange+chemical thin film x∼0.66 This work EC potentiostatic single crystal no definedNavacancysuperlatticeordering,theformerdoes 175Kcould be relatedto a minor phase sitting prefer- ∼ not possess any Li vacancy ordering. Near half filling of entially on the surface or grain boundaries. Li, three phases of x 0.53, 0.50, and 0.43 have been ∼ identified and isolated to show distinct physical prop- erties. Comparing with Na CoO , no metal-insulator 0.5 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT transition has been found for Li CoO , although simi- 0.5 2 lar antiferromagnetic ordering is implied below 200K. ∼ Based on a Radial model interpretation, current poten- FCC acknowledges the support from National Science tiostatic study results based on single crystal samples Council of Taiwan under project number NSC-99-2119- support that the widely observed within x 0.75-0.50 M-002-011-MY2. ∼ buthard-to-extractphasewithamagneticanomalynear ∗ [email protected] Ansaldo, J. H. Brewer, K. H. Chow, K. Ariyoshi, and T. 1 J. B. Goodenough and Y. Kim, Chem. Mater. 22, 587 Ohzuku,Phy.Rev.Lett 99, 087601 (2007). (2010). 12 J. Sugiyama, H. Nozaki, J. H. Brewer, E. J. Ansaldo, G. 2 G.G.Amatucci,J.M.Tarascon, andL.C.Klein,J.Elec- D.Morris,andC.Delmas,Phy.Rev.B72,144424(2005). trochem. Soc. 143, 1114 (1996). 13 T. Motohashi, T. Ono, Y. Sugimoto, Y. Masubuchi, S. 3 K. Takada,H. Sakurai,E. T. Muromachi, F. Izumi,R.A. Kikkawa, R. 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