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Electronic Packaging k Production 1996 EDITORIAL INDEX ASSEMBLY pensing and Curing Surface Mount Engineers Fact File, “Screens and Sten¬ Engineer's Fact File, "Surface Mount Adhesives," March 1996, pg. 25 cils,” August 1996, pg.21 Adhesives,"January 1996, pg. 27 “Assembly Considerations for Chip Scale “Reworking Ball Grid Array Assemblies,” “Factors Affecting SMD Placement Accu¬ Packages,” Marcoux, Phil, ChipScale Mullins, Brian. Associate Editor, Elec¬ racy,” Baker, Stuart, Amistar, San Mar¬ Inc., San Jose, Calif., March 1996, pg. 35 tronic Packaging & Production, cos, Calif.,January 1996, pg. 30 “The Basics of Soldering Fume Extrac¬ August 1996, pg. 35 “MCM Test Techniques: Keeping Pace tion,” K.ihne, J.; Lee,T., Metcal, Inc., “35 Years of Progress in Electronics With Packaging Technology,” Flint, Menlo Park, Calif., March 1996, pg. 57 Technology,” Crum, Susan, Associate Andrew; Trent, James, Motorola Inc., Applied Technology, “Employee 'Teams Editor, Electronic Packaging & Pro¬ Austin,Texas, January 1996, pg. 49 Improve Production and Reduce duction, August 1996, pg. 53 “Assembling MCMs with KGD,” Brath- Defects’ Electronic Packaging & Pro¬ “Screen Printing for BGAs,” Zarrow, Phil; waite, Nicholas E.; Nguyen, Steven,Vis- duction, .March 1996, pg.63 Hall, Steve, .MPM Corp., Franklin, ithThipphavong, nCHIP Inc.,San Jose, Engineer's Fact File,“Confomial CoatingAp- .Mass..August 1996, pg. 61 Calif., January 1^6, pg. 55 plication Methods,” April 1996, pg. 36 "The Impact of BGAs on SMT Placement Applied Technology, “X-Ray Inspection “Accurate Placement of Ball Grid Array Equipment,” Drake, Bob, Philips Indus¬ System Helps Identify Shifts in Large, Packages,” Deley, M.; Ramsey, C., Quad trial Automation. Alpharetta. Ga., Thick Backplane Boards,” Electronic Systems Corp., Horsham, Penn., April Augu.st 1996, pg. 65 Packaging & Production, January 1996, pg. 36 “Advanced Reflow Soldering Applica¬ 1996, pg. 69 “Outsourcing Conformai Coating Re¬ tions,” Heller, David, Heller Industries, “NEPCON West '96 Drives Home New quirements,” Ilenn, Kevin G., Aero¬ Florham Park, N.J.,August 1996, pg. 69 Technologies,” January 1996, pg. 71 space Avionics, Bohemia, N.Y., April “Cleaning BGAs,” Cala, Frank, Church & Engineer's Fact File,“Conformal Coating 1996, pg. 53 Dwight Co., Inc., Princeton, N.J., Materials,” February 1996, pg. 33 Applied Technology, “In-Line MDAs Pro¬ August 19%, pg. ■73 “Increasing BGA Manufacturing Yields,” vide Instant Feedback for Contract “BGA Assembly and Solder Paste Verifica¬ Jones, Mark J., IBM Microelectron¬ Manufacturer,” Electronic Packaging tion,” Beck, M., View Engineering Inc., ics Div., Charlotte, N.C., February & Production, April 1996, pg. 67 Ann Arl%r, Mich , August 19%, pg. 76 1996, pg. 38 Engineer's Fact File,“Conformal Coating “Cleaning Circuit Boards with Isopropyl “Using Standard Production Equipment Curing Methods,” May 1996, pg. 27 Alcohol," Borawski, C., Spec Sciences; to Build MCMs,” Duran, Hamit; Brandli, “Ambient vs Inert Wave Soldering for PCB Lampka, J., Sierra Technologies, Buffa¬ Gerold, ETH Zurich/B^, Switzerland; Assembly,” Hurt, Lynn; DeVries, Royal, lo, N.Y., September 19%, pg. 36 and Zanetti, Daniel; Portmann, Ruedi, Sparton Electronics, Brooksville, Fla.; “Optimizing the Design of High-Density ESEC SA, Cham, Switzerland, February Jackson, Mich., May 19%, pg. 30 Systems,” Sandborn, P, Savantage, Inc., 1996, pg. 49 “Converting to No-Clean for Flip Chip Austin, Texas, September 19%, pg. 53 “The Printed Package Revolution,” Assembly,” dementi, J.; Dearing, G.; “Implementing No-Clean Technology,” Gilleo, Ken; Cinque, Tom; Lee, Chris; Zimmerman, J.; Bergeron, C., IBM Bauer. Brian. Heraeus Inc., Cermalloy Silva,Angelo,Alpha Metals,Jersey City, Microelectronics Division, Charlotte, Div., West Conshohocken, Penn., Sep¬ N.J.; and Godin. Rick; Renda.Joe. MPM, N.C.; Endicott, N.Y.; Bromont, Quebec, tember 19%, pg.63 Franklin, Mass., February 19^, pg. 81 Canada, May 1996, pg. 37 Applied Technology, “InkJet Technology “Technologies Advance Vibratory Feed¬ Applied Technology, “Dross Recycling Makes its Mark on .MCMs,” Electronic ers,” Gaines, Jeff, US Vibra, Tucson, Slashes Solder Costs,’ Electronic Pack¬ Packaging & Production, September Ariz., February 1996, pg. 103 aging & Production, May 1996, pg.89 19%, pg. 69 Applied Technology, “A Better High-Mix “The Ultimate Connections: BGA and Flip Engineer's Fact File, “Fine Pitch Solder¬ Process Test Solution,” Electronic Chip Attachment.” Heitmann, Roland. ing Options,” October 19%, pg. 19 Packaging & Production, Februarv Universal Instruments Corp., Bing¬ “Cleaning in a New Era,” Mullins, Brian. 1996, pg. 117 hamton, N.Y., May sup. 1996, pg. 68 Associate Editor, f/eefronfe Packaging Applied Technology, “Integrating Sur¬ Engineer's Fact File, “Solder Paste,” June & Production, October 19%. pg. 24 face Mount Technology into an Auto¬ 1996, pg. 27 Engineer's Fact File, “Fine Pitch Solder¬ mated Assembly Operation,” Elec¬ “Tips for Manual Soldering Performance,” ing Defects,” November 19%, pg. 19 tronic Packaging & Production, Abbagnaro, Lou, PACE Inc. Laurel, Md., “Addressing Small Form Factor Assembly February 1996, pg. 121 June 1996, pg. 30 Challenges,” Roberts, John; Trummer, “Technology Advancement Center “Laser Technology Impacts Electronics Jim, Nextek, Inc., Huntsville, Ala., Introduction,” Rua, Ray, RRA Techni¬ Manufacturing,” Crosby, Paul, Coher¬ November 19%, pg. 20 cal Services and Solutions, February ent Laser Group, Santa Clara, Calif.; Applied Technology, “Fine-Pitch Place¬ sup. 1996, pg. 8 Shiner, William. Convergent Energy, ment Capability Fuels Growth for “Line 1: PC Card Assembly,” Electronic Sturbridge, Mass.,June 1996, pg. 59 Contract Manufacturer,”£.'ecrron<c Packaging & Production, February Engineer's Fact File, “Screen Printers for Packaging & Production, November sup. 1996, pg. 12 Solder Paste,” July 1996, pg.21 19%, pg.51 “Line 2: Multichip Module Assembly,” “Technology Changes ESD Protection,” Applied Technology, “Conformal Coat¬ Electronic Packaging & Production, Koehn,Stephen C.;Swenson,David E.; ing, Applications Method Enhance February Sup. 1996. pg. 20 3M Electrical Specialties Division, Processing,”£/ecrronfc Packaging & “Line 3: Type III Assembly,” Electronic Austin,Texas,July 1996, pg. 26 Production, November 19%, pg. 53 Packaging & Production, February “Improving Screen Printing Yields,” Engineer's Fact File, “Parts Feeder sup. 1996, pg. 24 Clouthier, Richard S., AMTX Inc., Options for Through-Hole Compo¬ “Line 4: Type III Assembly,” Electronic Canandaigua, N.Y.July 1996, pg. 32 nents,” December 19%, pg. 19 Packaging & Production, February Applied Technology, “Switch to SMT “Vibration Testing of Electronic Assem¬ sup. 1996, pg. 29 Spells Success,’Electronic Packaging blies,” Schutt, Jeff, Trace Laboratories, Engineer's Fact File, “Methods of Dis¬ & Production, July 1996, pg.59 Chicago, 111., December 19%, pg. 20 JANVARY 1997/57 Electronic Packaging & Production 1996 EDITORIAL INDEX (Continued) “Assembling Fine Pitch SMT and BGA J.O.;Yost, F. G.; Sandia National Labo¬ stein, Howard W,,Western Editor,f/ec- Circuits," Mullins, Brian, Associate Edi¬ ratories, Albuquerque, N.M., July tronic Packaging & Production, July tor, Electronic Packaging & Produc¬ 19%, pg. 54 1996, pg. 46 tion, December 1996, pg. 38 “Matching Solder Masks to Users' Needs,” “Trends in 1C Packaging,” Marrs, Robert, Applied Technology,“Success With Spray Steinmeyer, Kent; Bullock, Kathy, Amkor Electronics Inc., Chandler, Fluxing," £/ecrronjc Packaging & Pro¬ Merix, Forest Grove, Ore., August Ariz..August 1996, pg. 24 duction, December 1996, pg. 43 1996, pg. 45 “Flexible Circuitry Develops Beyond Engineer’s Fact File,“Solder Mask Materi¬ Disk Drives,”Cowburn.Tony; Medlock. FABRICATION als,” September 19%, pg. 25 Kate, ADFIex Solutions. Inc, Havant, “Improving Fine Line Yield," Carhart, “Using AOI for Process Control,” Murray, U.K., October 1996, pg. 41 Robert A.; Murray, Anita J.,Texas Instru¬ George, Gerber Systems, South Wind¬ “Ensuring Signal Integrity in Connec¬ ments, Printed Circuit Resources, sor, Conn., September 19%, pg. 28 tors, Cables and Backplanes.” Mark- Austin,Texas, January 1996, pg. 41 “Plating Choices in Sequential Buildup stein, HowardW,Western Editor,£/ec- “Flexible Circuit Design Affects Fabrica¬ Technologies,” Crum, Susan, Associate tronic Packaging & Production, tion and Assembly Costs,” McCoy, Editor. Electronic Packaging & Pro¬ October sup , pg. 61 Ellen, Sheldahl, Northfield, Minn., Feb¬ duction, October 1996, pg. 33 “Microwave Circuits Require Special ruary 1996, pg. 55 “Liquid Resist Allows Land Size Reduc¬ Packages,” Carter, Jerry; Lindner, Alan, “BGA Termination Alternatives,” Mahler, tion,” Jacob, T.; Lacher, U.; Kapp- StratEdge Corp., San Diego, Calif., Bruce,OhmegaTechnologiesInc.,Cul¬ Schwoerer, D., Ciba-Geigy, November November 1996, pg. 43 ver City, Calif., February 1996, pg. 71 19%. pg. 27 “Compatibility of PWB Coatings with “Prototyping Gains Speed,” Crum, Susan, MCMs/HYBRIDS Assembly Processes and Materials,” Associate f.ditor,Electronic Packaging “Manufacturing Power Hybrid Circuits,” DeBiase,joseph;LaCroce Stephen; Lan- & Production, December 19%, pg. 34 David. Dr. R.F., Teledyne Electronic dolt, Roger, Enthone-OMI Inc., New T;echnologies, Los Angeles, Calif., Haven, Conn., February 1996, pg. 95 PACKAGING March 1996, pg, 51 Applied Technology,“Electrotek Retrofits “Proper Shielding Controls EMI Emis¬ Applied Technology, “Diffusion Pattern¬ Drills to Drill Smaller Holes Faster," sions and Provides Immunity,” Mark- ing Improves C-MAC MCMs,”£/ecfron- Electronic Packaging & Production, stein, Howard, Electronic Packaging ic Packaging & Production, March February 1996, pg. 125 & Production, January 1996, pg. 61 1996, pg. 64 “Imaging Technology; Today, Tomorrow “Rigid-Flex; A Maturing Technology," Mark- Applied Technology, “SLC Reduces Cam¬ and Beyond,” Crum, Susan, Electronic stein, Howard, Electronic Packaging & corder Size,” Electronic Packaging & Packaging & Production, March Production, February 19%, pg. 61 Production, April 1996, pg. 71 1996, pg. 43 “Managing Heat In Electronics Enclo¬ “Reducing MCM Fabrication Costs,” “Fabrication Issues in PCB Design,” Fer¬ sures,” Ricke, Joe, Sr, Hoffman Engi¬ Green, Howard, MicroModule Systems rari, Gary, Tech Circuits, Wallingford, neering Co., Anoka, Minn., Februarv Inc., Cupertino, Calif.; Skinner, Michael Conn., March sup. 1996, pg. 6 1996, pg. 87 P., Dow Chemical, Cupertino, Calif., “Package Choice Affects Fabrication “3-D Packaging Helps Solve Computer May 1996, pg. 50 Processes,” Solberg, Vern.Tessera Inc., Memory Capacity Problems,” Cady, “Wideband Electrical Characterization San Jose,Calif.,March sup. 1996,pg. 10 James; Bustami, Tareq, Staktek Corp., of MCM Materials,” S. Riad; W. Su; A. “(,ost Reduction in PC Card Fabrica¬ Austin.Texas, February 19%, pg 109 EIshabini-Riad; F. Barlow; I. Salama, tion,” Allen Scott, Continental Cir¬ “ Differential Signal Transmission Through Virginia Polytechnic Institute and cuits, Winter Springs, Fla., March sup. Backplanes and Connectors,” Fusi, State University, Blacksburg, Va., June 1996,pg 14 Mary Ann; Zanella, Fabrizio.Teradyne, 1996, pg. 47 “Electroless Ni/Au As an HASL Alterna¬ Connection Systems Div.,Nashua,N.H., Applied Technology, “Designing a Multi¬ tive,” Parquet, Dan; Sedacca, Spence, March 19%, pg. 27 layer Circuit For an Anti-Lock Braking Merix Corp., Forest Grove, Ore. and “Extending the Range of Copper for System,” Electronic Packaging & Pro¬ Loveland,Colo.,March sup. 19%,pg. 18 Fiber Channel Interconnects,” Foster, duction, June 1996, pg. 73 “Breaking the Fine Pitch Test Bottle¬ Christine; Duesen, Herb Van, W. L, Gore AppliedTechnology,“MCM Process Com¬ neck,” Alinson, Randy, Probot, Bran¬ & Associates, Newark, Del,, April bines Beryllia Substrate,” Electronic ford, Conn., March sup. 1996, pg. 21 1996, pg.59 Packaging & Production, August “Faster Implementation of New Tech¬ Applied Technology, “Viscoplastic Analy¬ 1996, pg. 81 nologies,” Baldridge, Robert; Berry, sis Supports DFA,” Electronic Packag¬ “Achieving Maximum MCM Reliability,” Walk; Hall, Charles; Thatcher, Steve, ing & Production, April 1996, pg. 69 Fryhoff, Dick; Linden, Rolf; Duncan, Praegitzer Industries, Inc., Dallas, “Cooling Electronic Equipment Enclo¬ Larry. Elmo Semiconductor, Burbank, Ore., March sup. 19%, pg. 24 sures,” Markstein, Howard W., Elec¬ Calif., September 1996, pg. 41 “MCM-L Substrate Choices Expand,” tronic Packaging & Production, May “Multilayer Ceramics; A Revitalization,” Crum, Susan. Electronic Packaging & 19%, pg.57 Sigliano, Richard E.; Lanzone, Robert, Production, April 19%, pg. 47 Applied Technology, “CTE Control Mate¬ Kyocera America Inc., San Diego, “Photodefined Vias Enable High Density rial Eliminates Cracking of GaAs Calif, September 1996, pg. 47 Designs,” McDermott, Brian J., Conti¬ Device,” Electronic Packaging & Pro¬ “Increasing Surge Circuit Reliability Us- nental Circuits, Winter Springs, Fla., duction, May 1996, pg.91 ingThick Film Materials,” Raesner, Den¬ May 19%, pg. 45 “Package Assembly Technology Direc¬ nis, CTS Corp,,Berne,Ind.;and Bokalo, “Process Optimization with Organic Soi- tions,” Bauer, Charles,TechLead Corp,, Peter; Robertson; J. Michael, EMCA derability Preservatives,” Crum, Susan, Evergreen, Colo., May Sup. 19%,pg.79 REMEX Products, Montgomeryville, Electronic Packaging & Production, “Rugged Enclosures for Systems Packag¬ Penn., October 19%, pg.49 June 19%, pg 40 ing,” Sabo, Dave, AP Labs, San Diego, “Hybrid Circuit Screen Printing Continues “Pre-Production Planning Improves Calif., June 1996, pg. 67 to Evolve,” Miler, Leon, Pacific Micro¬ Board Manufacturability.” Grassmann, Applied Technology, “Software Enhances electronics Corp., Portland, Ore., Nov¬ Klaus. Merix, Forest Grove, Ore., July Microprocessor-Based Systems Ther¬ ember 19%, pg. 3'7 19%,pg.41 mal Design,” Electronic Packaging & “Materials for Multichip Modules,” Ser- “Enhancing Solder Flow Using Chemical Production, ]vine 19%,pg.75 gent. Dr. Jerry E., BBS PowerMod, Vic¬ Etching,” Hosking, F.M.; Stevenson “Cold Plate Heat Sinking For PCBs,” Mark- tor, N.Y., December 1996, pg. 28 58/ELECntONIC PACKAGING A PRODUCTION

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