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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL STATE AUTONOMOUS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION «NORTH-CAUCASUS FEDERAL UNIVERSITY» ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS TEXTBOOK (LABORATORY WORKSHOP) Field of training: 09.04.02 Information systems and technologies Orientation (profile) «Data management» Qualification of the graduate– master Ставрополь 2019 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» УДК 004:651.4 (075.8) Printed by decision ББК 22.18:65.052 я73 by Educational С 40 and Methodological Council of North Caucasus Federal university С 40 Electronic document management systems: textbook (laboratory workshop) / autor-contrib. M. G. Romanenko. – Stavropol: Publisher NCFU, 2019. – 103 p. The textbook (laboratory workshop) on the subject «Electronic document management systems» is made in accordance with the program of discipline for master students of the field of training: 09.04.02 Information systems and technologies, orientation (profile) «Data management». Laboratory works included in the textbook (laboratory workshop) contains: the purpose of the work; a list of knowledge skills that must be formed in the course of laboratory work in accordance with the competencies formed; necessary for the successful development of the material theoretical information; a list of equipment used; safety instructions; a detailed description of typical tasks and technology solutions; tasks to perform; the structure and content of the report on the implementation of the tasks proposed in the laboratory work; the list of control questions on the topic under study, to which the student must know the answers; a list of recommended for use in the development of the studied topics of basic and additional literature. УДК 004:651.4 (075.8) ББК 22.18:65.052 я73 Contributing author Ph.D. sciences, associate professor M. G. Romanenko Reviewers: doctor of technical sciences, Professor N. V. Kandaurova (FSBEI HE «MIREA-Russian Technological University» in Stavropol) candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor N. A. Poddubnaya (NCFU) © FSAEI HE «North-Caucasus Federal University», 2019 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» CONTENT Introduction ..........................................................................................................4 LABORATORY WORKS 1. Purpose and basic concepts of the system. Modules and main functions of the system. Main functions of the «Documents» module ..................................7 2. Registration of documents. Details of RC ......................................21 3. Work with assignments. Control over execution of orders (documents) .......................................................................43 4. Execution of orders. Removal of orders from control ..................58 5. The work in the Cabinet ...................................................................62 6. Work with draft documents. Details of the registration card of the project document ...........................................................69 7. Writing off documents in the case ..................................................83 8. Search for documents, assignments and draft documents ..........88 9. The form of reporting module ..........................................................96 Bibliography .....................................................................................................102 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» СИСТЕМЫ ЭЛЕКТРОННОГО ДОКУМЕНТООБОРОТА Introduction The purpose of the development of the discipline «electronic document management Systems/Electronic document management systems» is the formation of a future master of professional com- petences in the field of training 09.04.02 Information systems and technologies, orientation (profile) «Data Management» and the ac- quisition of knowledge, practical skills and skills for working with electronic document management system. Objectives of the discipline: to study the features: • electronic document management; • organization of search, routing and administration of elec- tronic document flow; • application of office information technology tools when working with electronic documents. Academic discipline «Electronic document management sys- tems» is included in the variable part of Block B 1 of the «Discipline on the choice» of the working curriculum and is studied in the 2nd semester. Students for the successful development of the discipline it is necessary to use knowledge, skills, formed during the study of the curriculum discipline such as: «Mathematical support of decision support systems». The development of this discipline is the necessary basis for the preparation for the protection of the final qualifying work and the protection of the final qualifying work. The theoretical knowledge, skills and practical skills obtained by master’s students in the study of this discipline can be used both in the preparation of final quali- fying work, and for solving applied problems in the field of profes- sional activity. In the course of studying the discipline students should form the following professional competences: PC-5 – the ability to organize the interaction of teams of the de- veloper and the customer, management decision-making in a vari- ety of opinions; PC-8 – ability to develop and research theoretical and experimental models of objects of professional activity in the - 4 - Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS areas of: engineering, instrumentation, science, technology, educa- tion, medicine, administrative management, law, business, business, Commerce, management, banking systems, information systems se- curity, process control, mechanics, technical physics, construction, transport, rail, communications, telecommunications, information and communication management, postal services, chemical indus- try, agriculture, textile and light industry, food industry, medical and biotechnology, security of underground enterprises and industries, Geology, oil and gas industry, geodesy and cartography, geographic information systems, ecology, service sector, media systems, design, media industry, as well as enterprises of various profiles and all ac- tivities in the information society economy. In the process of formation of these competencies should be ob- tained relevant knowledge, skills and (or) experience, characterizing the stages of formation of competencies. The planned results of training in the discipline (module), charac- terizing the stages of formation of competencies in accordance with the formed competence have the form: PC-5: To know: methods of organization of electronic document man- agement; the basic requirements of standardization and unification of documents that contribute to improving the efficiency of the organi- zation’s management system; features of modern technologies used to automate document management and records management. To be able to: organize the interaction of teams of the develop- er and the customer, to conduct a survey of enterprises in order to identify the features of office work to develop rules for setting up the system of electronic document management and office work «Delo»; to use in practice the system of electronic document management and office work. To own: skills of working with documents in the system of elec- tronic document management and record keeping «Delo». PC-8: Know: the properties of documents, as well as the types and char- acteristics of their classifications; rules of configuration and adminis- tration of systems; rules of automation of document flow and office - 5 - Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» СИСТЕМЫ ЭЛЕКТРОННОГО ДОКУМЕНТООБОРОТА management; features of setting up systems on the existing workflow scheme of the organization; and the main characteristics of document processing systems on the Russian market, and their classification. Be able to: use electronic document management and office man- agement systems to solve control automation problems. To own: basic methods, methods and means of development and research of document processing systems used in various organiza- tions and enterprises in all spheres of activity. - 6 - Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 1. Purpose and basic concepts of the system. Modules and main functions of the system. Main functions of the «Documents» module Purpose and content: to get an idea of the purpose and basic concepts of the system of electronic document management and re- cord keeping «Delo». Get acquainted with the main functions of the modules of the «Delo» system. In the course of laboratory work, within the framework of the formed competencies, the student must: To know: the purpose and basic concepts of the system; modules and main functions of the electronic document management system and records management «Delo»; the main functions of the module «Documents». To be able to: install the system of electronic document manage- ment and record keeping «Delo», change the settings of the demo version of the system, run the modules of the system. To own: the terminology of the system of electronic document circu- lation and office work «Delo», the principles of the Russian office. Theoretical part The system of electronic document management and record keep- ing «Delo» is the development of the company «Electronic office systems» and is used to automate office work in organizations of dif- ferent levels. To organize the work you need to combine computers, employees involved in the document flow of the organization in the local area network. The main participant in the office – work process in the organiza- tion, as a rule, is the document management service. Its forces are: reception, creation, registration, and transfer for execution control of the execution and cancellation of the documents in the case. In case of paper document circulation, the document must be reg- istered in the registration card, and then the original or a copy of the document is transferred for execution. - 7 - Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» СИСТЕМЫ ЭЛЕКТРОННОГО ДОКУМЕНТООБОРОТА To obtain a certificate of the degree of execution of documents it is necessary to perform the following sequence of actions: • find registration cards of documents in the corresponding file Cabinet; • to study and analyze the submitted information; • to control the execution of documents based on the analysis of this information; • to make a conclusion about their performance. The document execution process is characterized by two infor- mation flows. The first is characterized by the movement of a paper document, the second characterizes the actions associated with the registration card. When moving a paper document, the following steps must be per- formed: • the registration of a document in the office; • transfer of the document from the office to the head, who appoints the executors and issues the instruction, by imposing the resolution; • newsletter performers after their appointment and issuance of orders, the document and or copies; • write-off in the case of the document after its execution. The second information flow reflects the nature of the work with the registration card (RC) of the document and is as follows: • a registration card is created during the registration of the document, the following details are entered into it: • registration number (each document is given a number); • information about the correspondents of the registered document; • a short summary and other data, for example, its composition, review, etc.; • recorded the fact of issuing orders by recorded document (specify the author of the resolution, if the document contains a resolution, the text of the order, the names of the performers, the period of execution of the order, the name of the employee supervising the execution of the document, if there is a mark that the instruction control); - 8 - Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS • reports are added to all the performers and recorded the actual date of the execution of the document in the registration card after completing all instructions in the executable document; • added to the RK numbers (names) of the cases in which is stored an original copy of the executed document and the copy of the document when the cancellation document in case. Thus, the two above-described information flows reflect the spe- cific feature of the Russian office work, the essence of which is that in which some officials directly work with documents, and others on formal grounds control the progress of execution of documents. The workflow scheme is not strictly fixed, it can be changed. Most often this happens when the organization units are independent office. In this case, each of the departments creates its own card file, and it may turn out that in the performance of one document, several duplicates of the RC are created. For the electronic document management system «Delo» as the object of automation is the second information flow, which is associ- ated with such functions as registration and control. However, when working directly with documents, you can use this system, for which it is necessary to attach a file with an electronic copy of the document to the RC. In this case, the process of working with an electronic copy of the document will consist of two stages: • search in the card file of the registration card of the document which can be carried out or on registration number of the document, or on any other detail, for example, a surname of the contractor; • view the information contained in the file attached to the RC document after the RC document is found. To do this, you need to open the file in the appropriate program, which is determined by this type of file, since it is possible to attach not only text files, but also graphics, sound or video files to the document RC. To view multimedia information, you must have the appropriate software installed on your computer. • If the scanning stage is included in the scheme of working with documents to obtain an electronic copy of a paper document when working with documents in the «Delo» system, then this system can be used as the core of paperless office technology [1]. - 9 - Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» СИСТЕМЫ ЭЛЕКТРОННОГО ДОКУМЕНТООБОРОТА It is possible to allocate the following main functions of domestic office-work, requiring automation: • registration of all documents (letters, applications of citizens, etc.) entering the organization; • sending them after registration for consideration to the management or directly to the structural units of the organization; • registration of all internal documents circulating in the organization (applications, memos, etc.), as well as documents originating from the organization; • work with draft documents: • approval (sight) of the draft document; • signing (approval) of the draft document; • the registration of a document created on the basis of the project; • organization of the process of movement within the organization of documents (document flow); • control over the execution of documents (orders), taking into account the quality and timeliness of execution; • the cancellation, in accordance with the adopted in the organization classification, documents in the case; • search for documents using different criteria; • formation of statistical reports on the organization of work with documents. To get acquainted with the main functions of the electronic doc- ument management system «Delo» use the basic concepts that are accepted in the system. The basic concepts used in the system include: the concept of «Official», this term in the system means an employee of the orga- nization who is directly involved in the work with documents. The rights of an official, which may be one or more include: the creation of resolutions; execution of orders (resolutions); coordination (sight- ing) of draft documents; signing (approval) of documents. An official may or may not work with the system. If an official works in the system, his / her mandatory registration in the system is required, in this case he / she is a user of the system. - 10 -

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